2010 Grant Awards Schuylkill River Watershed Restoration Program

2010 Grant Awards
Schuylkill River Watershed Restoration Program
Berks County Conservancy - $52,500
Project Description: Martin Farm Agricultural Improvements. This project will
address and remediate dairy farm manure and best management practices issues on a
top ranked NRCS Berks County farm. The farm is located on the High Quality
classified Saucony Creek, a tributary of Maiden Creek. Project implementation will
include construction of a 90’ diameter manure storage facility, heavy use area for
manure storage reception, and barnyard runoff control.
Lower Providence Township--$40,000
Project Description: Five storm water basin retrofits. The township will implement
Best Management Strategies on five township-owned storm water basins in the
Perkiomen Creek watershed. The process of naturalizing these basins will include the
removal of low flow concrete channels, removal of invasive species, and the planting
of native trees, bushes and grasses.
Schuylkill Headwaters Association - $80,000
Project Description: Glendower Breach Abandoned Mine Drainage (AMD) Project.
This project will repair and restore a breach of the Glendower Pond, which is
allowing non-point source AMD pollution to enter the West Branch of the Schuylkill
River. The project will enable the water from the pond to return to the pre-existing
stream channel and avoid contact with the coal sediment that is currently entering the
Greening Greenfield - $50,000
Project Description: Schoolyard storm water project. Storm water improvements
will be made to the south play yard of the Albert M. Greenfield School, located on
Chestnut St. in Philadelphia. Work will include the removal of impervious asphalt
surfaces, installation of infiltration beds, porous paving areas, and the construction of
a demonstration storm water bio-retention area.