A whistle-stop tutorial on observational turbulence studies Background and motivation for a statistical treatment Khurom Kiyani motivation motivation $ 3 %#! ()*&'8)9-,340:%56!&7 % &#! & '#! ' !'#! !& !&#! !% 3 !! !"#! !" !$#! !$ ()*&'+,-./-01234567 !%#! !% !&#! outline What do you think? outline Why, energy transfer & scaling of course, you silly man! outline •Equations of motion and phenomenology of energy transfer in r and k-space for iHI turbulence. •Richardson energy cascade and the 5/3rd energy spectrum (power spectral density) •Measurement and ensembles •Higher order two-point statistics •Some real data from the solar wind •4/5th (third order) law •fractal models (if time permits) outline •Equations of motion and phenomenology of energy transfer in r and k-space for iHI turbulence. •Richardson energy cascade and the 5/3rd energy spectrum (power spectral density) •Measurement and ensembles •Higher order two-point statistics •Some real data from the solar wind •4/5th (third order) law •fractal models (if time permits) statistical theory of turbulence ∂u 1 2 + u · ∇u = − ∇p + ν∇ u ∂t ρ ∇·u=0 Incompressible fluid Navier-Stokes equations statistical theory of turbulence ∂u 1 1 � � � � �2 � + u · ∇ u = − ∇p + ∇ u ∂t� ρ Re � ∇ ·u =0 � � LV Re = ν Reynolds number Dimensionless Navier-Stokes equations the turbulence problem (amongst others) To understand better the phenomenology, and thus dynamics, of turbulence statistical theory of turbulence ∂u 1 2 + u · ∇u = − ∇p + ν∇ u ∂t ρ u = Ūi + ũi ∇·u=0 Reynolds decomposition statistical theory of turbulence (RANS) ∂ Ūi ∂ 1 2 + Ūi Ūj = − ∂i P̄ + ν∂ Ūi ∂t ∂xj ρ ∂ �ũi ũj � + ∂xj Reynolds stress tensor (two point spatial correlation/covariance) (will stay with 2-point statistics) statistical theory of turbulence FT �ũi ũj � ←→ P (k) Wiener-Khinchin theorem ∂ E(t) = εw (t) − εd(t), ∂t energy transfer in real space (Karman-Howarth eq) εw = εd = εT � ∂ � �� ∂ � ∂ � � �� ui uk + � ui uj uk + � ui uj uk ∂t ∂xj ∂xj � � 1 � � ∂p ∂p� � �2 � � 2 = − uk + ν ui ∇ uk + uk ∇ ui + ui ρ ∂xi ∂xk 2 ∂ E(t) = εw (t) − εd(t), ∂t energy transfer in real space (Karman-Howarth eq) εw = εd = εT � ∂ � �� ∂ � ∂ � � �� ui uk + � ui uj uk + � ui uj uk ∂t ∂xj ∂xj � � 1 � � ∂p ∂p� � �2 � � 2 = − uk + ν ui ∇ uk + uk ∇ ui + ui ρ ∂xi ∂xk 2 2 ∂E 2 1 ∂S2 1 ∂ 4 ν ∂ 4 ∂S2 =− ε= + 4 (r S3) − 4 r 3 ∂t 3 2 ∂t 6r ∂r r ∂r ∂r ∂ 4 4 −4εr � (r S3) ∂r 4 S3(r) � − εr 5 ∂ E(t) = εw (t) − εd(t), ∂t energy transfer in real space (Karman-Howarth eq) εw = εd = εT � ∂ � �� ∂ � ∂ � � �� ui uk + � ui uj uk + � ui uj uk ∂t ∂xj ∂xj � � 1 � � ∂p ∂p� � �2 � � 2 = − uk + ν ui ∇ uk + uk ∇ ui + ui ρ ∂xi ∂xk 2 2 ∂E 2 1 ∂S2 1 ∂ 4 ν ∂ 4 ∂S2 =− ε= + 4 (r S3) − 4 r 3 ∂t 3 2 ∂t 6r ∂r r ∂r ∂r ∂ 4 4 −4εr � (r S3) the closure∂rproblem 4 S3(r) � − εr 5 Fourier (k-space) -- mode-coupling � ∂ 2 + νk uα(k, t) = Mαβγ (k) d3juβ (j, t)uγ (k − j, t) + fα(k, t) ∂t kαuα(k, t) = 0 ∂ 1 2 u(x, t) − ν∇ u(x, t) = −u(x, t) · ∇u(x, t) − ∇p(x, t) + f (x, t) ∂t ρ ∇ · u(x, t) = 0 energy transfer in Fourier space (Lin equation) � � ∂ 2 + 2νk �u−k uk � = Mk u−k uj uk−j ∂t � � +M−k uk u−j u−k+j + �u−k fk � + �f−k uk � ∂ 2 + 2νk E(k, t) = T (k, t) + W (k, t) ∂t �� � � T (k, t) = Mk u−k uj uk−j − uk u−j u−k+j 1 �� � � ∂ 2 + 2νk �u−k uk � = Mk u−k uj uk−j ∂t � � +M−k uk u−j u−k+j + �u−k fk � + �f−k uk � energy transfer in Fourier space (Lin equation) � � ∂ 2 + 2νk ∂ �u−k uk � = Mk u−k uj uk−j 2 �u u � = M u u u ∂t + 2νk ∂ j k−j k ∂t� t) = kT� (k,−k t) + W (k, t) + 2νk 2−kE(k, ∂t u u u u−k+j ++ �u−k fk−k � + �f � �f−k uk � +M−k u+M �u f−k k −k−jk u−j−k+j k �uk+ � � � � �� � � T (k, t) = Mk u−k uj uk−j − uk u−j u−k+j �� ∂ 2 + 2νk E(k, t) = T (k, t) + W (k, t) ∂t ∂ 2 E(k, t) = T (k, t) + W (k, t) + 2νk T (k, t) = Mk u−k uj uk−j − uk u−j u−k+j ∂t �� � � �� 1 �� � � T (k, t) = Mk u−k uj uk−j − uk u−j u−k+j 1 �� ∂t � −k k −k j k−j k � +M−k uk u−j u−k+j + �u−k fk � + �f−k uk � energy transfer in Fourier space (Lin equation) ∂ 2 + 2νk E(k, t) = T (k, t) + W (k, t) ∂t E(k) �� -5/3 � � T (k, t) = Mk u−k~ukj uk−j − uk u−j u−k+j �� Energy Spectrum of Turbulence Velocity Fluctuations k 1 outline •Equations of motion and phenomenology of energy transfer in r and k-space for iHI turbulence. •Richardson energy cascade and the 5/3rd energy spectrum (power spectral density) •Measurement and ensembles •Higher order two-point statistics •Some real data from the solar wind •4/5th (third order) law •fractal models (if time permits) Kolmogorov scaling and Richardson cascade Energy input at rate εw l bl Energy transferred through scales Energy dissipated at rate εd kd-1 Kolmogorov scaling and Richardson cascade ε m2s3 E(k) Energy input at rate εw m3s2 k m-1 Energy transferred through scales Energy dissipated at rate εd Kolmogorov scaling and Richardson cascade ε m2s3 E(k) Energy input at rate εw m3s2 k m-1 Energy transferred through scales E(k) ∼ ε 2/3 −5/3 k Energy dissipated at rate εd more dimensionless numbers � ε �1/4 kd = 3 ν ld = 1/kd Re = (L/ld ) 4/3 Kolmogorov scaling and Richardson cascade outline •Equations of motion and phenomenology of energy transfer in r and k-space for iHI turbulence. •Richardson energy cascade and the 5/3rd energy spectrum (power spectral density) •Measurement and ensembles •Higher order two-point statistics •Some real data from the solar wind •4/5th (third order) law •fractal models (if time permits) NBR NBR HBR HBR overflow overflow 40 40 35 35 -1/2 dB above 10-7 Vrms.Hz-1/2 dB above 10-7 Vrms .Hz Frequency (kHz) (kHz) Frequency 30 30 30 30 ensembles, ergodicity & statistical stationarity 25 25 20 20 20 20 15 15 10 10 10 10 22 00:10:00 00:10:00 00:25:00 00:25:00 00:40:00 00:40:00 00:55:00 00:55:00 01:10:00 01:10:00 R(Re) R(Re) 20.20 20.20 20.21 20.21 20.22 20.22 20.22 20.22 20.23 20.23 at_gse(deg) Lat_gse(deg) -25.39 -25.39 -25.71 -25.71 -26.03 -26.03 -26.35 -26.35 -26.66 -26.66 LT_gse(h) LT_gse(h) 13.92 13.92 13.91 13.91 13.89 13.89 13.88 13.88 13.86 13.86 E !J !I H* !D* ,* —Bx —By —Bz —|B| !DD -* !DE G* !DF F* !DG !D- E* !D, —Vx —Vy —Vz D* !DH % D*** E*** F*** G*** !"#$%&'$(%)*+,-. -*** ,*** 0 6 5 ne ~ 4 cm-3 VA ~ 50 km s-1 Tiㅗ ~ 24 eV βp ~ 1 |B|~4 nT Te ~ 22 eV ρi ~ 111 km ρe ~ 2 km Tp ~ 15 eV 5.5 10 5 15 4.5 20 4 25 3.5 100 stationary plasma parameters 200 300 400 500 time (secs x 4) 600 700 !D ;:K%&LE0#'%# %67 . % V-GSE (km/s) 869:;<=%<>$(!0"(%/"$>?%'@$(!0AB0C# /0$12$3(4%&567. B-GSE (nT) UT UT 55 Ion energy KeV C4 C4 Frequency (kHz) 40 40 800 Frozen turbulence & Taylor’s hypothesis ∂u = −V · ∇u ∂t ∼k·V angles of measurement w.r.t. B 2πfsc k= VSW Taylor frozen-in approx, for low-frequency phenomena -VSW VA <1 MHD V SW else Vφ <1 VSW MHD inertial range (spectral) scaling exponents ! 2 :52;<=23%>2?,06 222'@/,A+ '()%&7(8,+23/9$45!%6 " # $ % & !% )+AB@,/CD!!E# !$ !# 2 !! !" !# !$ '()%&*+,-.,/0123456 !% MHD inertial range (spectral) scaling exponents ! 2 :52;<=23%>2?,06 222'@/,A+ '()%&7(8,+23/9$45!%6 " # $ % & !% )+AB@,/CD!!E# !$ !# 2 !! !" !# !$ '()%&*+,-.,/0123456 !% MHD inertial range (spectral) scaling exponents ! 2 :52;<=23%>2?,06 222'@/,A+ '()%&7(8,+23/9$45!%6 " # $ % & !% )+AB@,/CD!!E# !$ !# 2 !! !" !# !$ '()%&*+,-.,/0123456 !% MHD inertial range (spectral) scaling exponents ! 2 :52;<=23%>2?,06 222'@/,A+ '()%&7(8,+23/9$45!%6 " # Re = (L/ld ) $ % 4/3 5 Re~10 & !% )+AB@,/CD!!E# !$ !# 2 !! !" !# !$ '()%&*+,-.,/0123456 !% MHD inertial range (spectral) scaling exponents ! 2 :52;<=23%>2?,06 222'@/,A+ '()%&7(8,+23/9$45!%6 " # $ % & no phase no coherence no structure !% )+AB@,/CD!!E# !$ !# 2 !! !" !# !$ '()%&*+,-.,/0123456 !% outline •Equations of motion and phenomenology of energy transfer in r and k-space for iHI turbulence. •Richardson energy cascade and the 5/3rd energy spectrum (power spectral density) •Measurement and ensembles •Higher order two-point statistics •Some real data from the solar wind •4/5th (third order) law •fractal models (if time permits) Scaling (beyond spectra) scaling, fractals and all that jazz ... &! Change scale from t to bt AND scale x to bHx ! !&! x !"!! !"&! !#!! !#&! !$!! !$&! ! " # $ t % & ' ' ()"! #) ) !#) bHx !()) !(#) !,)) !,#) !+)) !+#) !"# $ $"# bt % %"# * &'() scaling, fractals and all that jazz ... &! Change scale from t to bt AND scale x to bHx ! !&! x !"!! !"&! !#!! !#&! !$!! !$&! ! " # $ t % & ' ' ()"! #) ) !#) bHx !()) If the statistics of bHx is the same as x then process is statistically self-similar !(#) !,)) !,#) !+)) Hurst exponent H !+#) !"# $ $"# bt % %"# * &'() self-similarity increments y(t, τ ) = x(t + τ ) − x(t) )!! '!! %!! τ 12-3 #!! ! !#!! !%!! !'!! ! " # $ % & -./0 ' ( ) * "! & +,"! self-similarity increments y(t, τ ) = x(t + τ ) − x(t) )!! '!! %!! τ 12-3 #!! ! !#!! !%!! !'!! ! " # $ % & -./0 ' ( ) * "! & +,"! ' % +1-2!3 # ! !# !% !' ! " # $ % & -./0 ' ( ) * "! & +,"! self-similarity )!! '!! %!! τ 12-3 #!! ! !#!! probability density function !%!! !'!! ! " # $ % & -./0 ' ( ) * "! & +,"! ' "'#! % "'# # "'$! "'$ )*(+ ! !# !% !' ! "'%! "'% "'&! " # $ % & -./0 ' ( ) * "! & +,"! "'& "'"! " !!" !#" !$" !%" !&" " ( &" %" $" #" !" pdf scaling P (y, τ ) = τ −H Ps (yτ −H &" %" ) "'#! "'# "'$! )*(+ "'$ "'%! "'% "'&! "'& "'"! " !!" !#" !$" !%" !&" " ( $" #" !" pdf scaling P (y, τ ) = τ −H Ps (yτ −H ) $%"& $%" $%(& !*+),!- $%( $%#& $%# $%'& $%' $%$& $ !! !" !# $ )!!' # " ! Test statistic and its scaling increments y(t, τ ) = x(t + τ ) − x(t) )!! '!! %!! τ 12-3 #!! ! !#!! !%!! !'!! ! " # $ % & -./0 ' ( ) * "! & +,"! " # $ % & -./0 ' ( ) * "! & +,"! ' % +1-2!3 # ! !# !% !' ! Test statistic and its scaling increments y(t, τ ) = x(t + τ ) − x(t) )!! '!! %!! τ 12-3 #!! ! !#!! !%!! !'!! ! " # $ % & -./0 ' ( ) * "! & +,"! " # $ % & -./0 ' ( ) * "! & +,"! ' % +1-2!3 # ! !# !% !' ! pth order moment N � 1 p p M (τ ) = yj N j=1 Test statistic and its scaling increments y(t, τ ) = x(t + τ ) − x(t) )!! '!! %!! τ 12-3 #!! ! !#!! !%!! !'!! ! " # $ % & -./0 ' ( ) * "! & +,"! ' % +1-2!3 # pth order moment N � 1 p p M (τ ) = yj N j=1 moment scaling ! !# M (τ ) = M (1)τ p !% !' ! " # $ % & -./0 ' ( ) * p ζ(p) "! & +,"! log M (τ ) = log M (1) + ζ(p) log τ p p via ordinary least-squares regression Heavy-tails and intermittency probability density N � 1 p p S (τ ) = |yi | N i=1 S1 S2 S3 Sn Test statistic and its scaling log M (τ ) = log M (1) + ζ(p) log τ log10Mp(τ) p ζ(p) = pH single exponent scaling p Test statistic and its scaling log M (τ ) = log M (1) + ζ(p) log τ p log10Mp(τ) p ζ(p) = pH single exponent scaling if ζ(p) non − linear then multi exponent scaling Limit theorems and the origin of scaling ‘All epistemological value of the theory of probability is based on this: that large scale random phenomena in their collective action create strict, non-random regularity.’ (Gnedenko and Kolmogorov, Limit Distributions for Sums of Independent Random Variables) Limit theorems Central Limit Theorem (De Moivre, Laplace, Lyapunov) SN N � 1 yi =√ N i=1 lim SN → Gaussian N →∞ Limit theorems Central Limit Theorem (De Moivre, Laplace, Lyapunov) SN N � 1 yi =√ N i=1 lim SN → Gaussian N →∞ Generalized Central Limit Theorem (Lévy) SN = 1 N 1/α N � i=1 yi lim SN → Lévy N →∞ Limit theorems Central Limit Theorem (De Moivre, Laplace, Lyapunov) SN N � 1 yi =√ N i=1 lim SN → Gaussian N →∞ Generalized Central Limit Theorem (Lévy) SN = 1 N 1/α N � yi i=1 and many others! lim SN → Lévy N →∞ Stable processes Limit theorems and self-similar processes SN N � 1 yi =√ N i=1 SN = 1 N 1/α N � i=1 yi Coarse-graining/averaging Scaling study of limit theorems and stable processes have a very profound link to self-similar processes outline •Equations of motion and phenomenology of energy transfer in r and k-space for iHI turbulence. •Richardson energy cascade and the 5/3rd energy spectrum (power spectral density) •Measurement and ensembles •Higher order two-point statistics •Some real data from the solar wind •4/5th (third order) law •fractal models (if time permits) Test statistic and its scaling log M (τ ) = log M (1) + ζ(p) log τ p p ")% 1 ")! " !324 #)* #)' #)% #)! #1 !! ζ(p) = pH monoscaling !" # " ! $ +,-./012 % & ' ζ(p) non − linear multiscaling ( moment scaling moment scaling 1.2 Inertial range 1 !(m) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 Moment m 4 5 non-Gaussian pdfs log10 (l) PDF(z+,l) 0 a.) case A −1 −4 −5 −6 0 DF(z+,l) 0 l= 0.0208 L0 l= 0.0052 L0 −3 −2 l= 0.0104 L0 −2 −1 l = 0.0417 L b.) case B outline •Equations of motion and phenomenology of energy transfer in r and k-space for iHI turbulence. •Richardson energy cascade and the 5/3rd energy spectrum (power spectral density) •Measurement and ensembles •Higher order two-point statistics •Some real data from the solar wind •4/5th (third order) law •fractal models (if time permits) 4/5ths law (Kolmogorov 1941) 2 ∂E 2 1 ∂S2 1 ∂ 4 ν ∂ 4 ∂S2 =− ε= + 4 (r S3) − 4 r 3 ∂t 3 2 ∂t 6r ∂r r ∂r ∂r ∂ 4 4 −4εr � (r S3) ∂r 4 S3(r) � − εr 5 3 4/5ths law (Kolmogorov 1941) 2 ∂E 2 1 ∂S2 1 ∂ 4 ν ∂ 4 ∂S2 =− ε= + 4 (r S3) − 4 r 3 ∂t 3 2 ∂t 6r ∂r r ∂r ∂r ∂ 4 4 −4εr � (r S3) ∂r 4 S3(r) � − εr 5 3 4/5ths law (Kolmogorov 1941) 2 ∂E 2 1 ∂S2 1 ∂ 4 ν ∂ 4 ∂S2 =− ε= + 4 (r S3) − 4 r 3 ∂t 3 2 ∂t 6r ∂r r ∂r ∂r ∂ 4 4 −4εr � (r S3) ∂r 4 S3(r) � − εr 5 3 4/5ths law (Kolmogorov 1941) 2 ∂E 2 1 ∂S2 1 ∂ 4 ν ∂ 4 ∂S2 =− ε= + 4 (r S3) − 4 r 3 ∂t 3 2 ∂t 6r ∂r r ∂r ∂r ∂ 4 4 −4εr � (r S3) ∂r 4 S3(r) � − εr 5 3 3 2 ∂t 6r ∂r r ∂r 4/5ths law (Kolmogorov 1941) ∂ 4 4 −4εr � (r S3) ∂r 2 ∂E 2 1 ∂S2 1 ∂ 4 ν ∂ 4 ∂S2 =− ε= + 4 (r S3) − 4 r 3 ∂t 3 2 ∂t 6r ∂r r ∂r ∂r ∂ 4 4 −4εr � (r S3) ∂r 4 4 S3(r) � − εr 5 why is the 4/5th law important? • One of the few exact results from Navier Stokes Equations -- de facto exact closure of Karman Howarth equations • Make a direct measurement of the energy transfer rate from simple structure functions i.e. ‘straight-forward’ moment calculations • Energy in = Energy out => direct measurement of total energy going into dissipation and heating (thermodynamics of the system) • Can be shown valid for each realisation – not dependent on an ensemble average • Free from intermittency corrections outline •Equations of motion and phenomenology of energy transfer in r and k-space for iHI turbulence. •Richardson energy cascade and the 5/3rd energy spectrum (power spectral density) •Measurement and ensembles •Higher order two-point statistics •Some real data from the solar wind •4/5th (third order) law •Fractal models (if time permits) what does all of this mean and why does it matter? So what? Power-laws, exponents -- why should we care? • Many theories and models ‣ main prediction is scaling behaviour and thus scaling exponents ‣ directly measurable from observations • Information on the scaling of statistical quantities and thus help in prediction of bulk properties of turbulent flows e.g. ability to calculate Reynolds stresses in Reynolds averaged equations (RANS). Power-laws, exponents -- why should we care? • Many theories and models ‣ main prediction is scaling behaviour and thus scaling exponents ‣ directly measurable from observations • Information on the scaling of statistical quantities and thus help in prediction of bulk properties of turbulent flows e.g. ability to calculate Reynolds stresses in Reynolds averaged equations (RANS). However • Need to take a sober attitude to such things -- avoid the temptation to just fit straight lines to log-log plots. Statistics and errors need to be handled well. fractal dissipation Single exponent H living on a fractal set of dimension D where dissipation occurs Global Scale Invariance Cantor ‘dust’ courtesy of Andrew Top: http://www.andrewtop.com/IFS3d/ IFS3d.html Multifractal dissipation Courtesy of R. Roemer (Warwick): multifractal electronic wavefunction at metal insulator transition in 3D Anderson model Multifractal dissipation multiple exponents h living on a fractal sets of dimension D(h) where dissipation occurs Local Scale Invariance the end Questions?