PCR Amplification [This protocol is a general guide to PCR design and set-up; each polymerase will have a slightly different set-up of ingredients, temperature preferences, extension times, etc.] PCR using “KOD Hot Start Polymerase” 1. Standard PCR (no tails). For oligos that do not have over-hanging “tails,” or for a standard diagnostic PCR (to visualize only, and not used further), the following protocol should be used for KOD. 2. Set up PCR components as follows. Can set up at room temp. Shown is for 50 uL reaction: (i) 5 uL of 10x Buffer* (ii) 5 uL of dNTP mix (iii) 3 uL of Mg2+** (iv) 5 uL of Forward primer (working dilution) (v) 5 uL of Reverse primer (working dilution) (vi) 0.5-1.0 uL of KOD enzyme*** (vii) DNA template**** (viii) water to final volume *Thaw supplied components and primers and vortex to mix. Buffers can sometimes have precipitates, vortex to mix well. Store at -20°C. (Primers may be stored at 4°C fridge, but longterm storage should be in freezer at -20°C). **Some PCR kits already have Mg2+ added in the buffer. KOD has it separate. ***The amount of enzyme should vary depending on needs. For standard PCR, 1 uL is recommended per 50 uL reaction. For diagnostic, lower the overall volume of the reaction to save costs (15-25 uL reaction will require less components and less KOD). For IVLs, or for integration PCRs where 50 uL is needed, then use 0.9-1.0 uL KOD/50 uL reaction. Keep frozen until needed and use cold block to keep enzyme cold (replace to freezer once done!). [Note: A “Master Mix” is often very useful depending on the needs of the experiment. In general, a Master Mix includes water + dNTPs + buffer + Mg2+. For experiments that all use the SAME primers, the F and R primers can also be included in the Master Mix (this saves a lot of time and pipette tips!). In the case of a master mix, combine all components (NEVER KOD and NEVER DNA!) into a tube, vortex to mix, then aliquot the total combined volume to each PCR tube. ****DNA template amount varies depending on the source. For Genomic Preps (chromosomal DNA) from yeast, use 2.0-2.3 uL of DNA per 50 uL reaction. For DNA Plasmid Minipreps, use 0.1-1.0 uL. For use in in vivo ligation (IVL) protocols, and if the template DNA is from a yeast plasmid (e.g. pRS315 series or other CEN-based vector), then a 1:10 dilution of the plasmid miniprep can be made in water, first, and then 0.5 uL can be added to the PCR reaction). 3. The final steps of setting up the PCR should be addition of the template DNA, and then addition of the KOD polymerase to each tube. [Note: the KOD, or any polymerase, will be in a glycerol containing solution and will be viscous; pipette with great care to transfer the exact amount with the appropriate pipette size/type.] 4. To ensure all the volume is at the bottom of the PCR tube, centrifuge very briefly at low speed (5,000 rpms for 5 seconds) and carefully handle tubes. 5. Set up PCR program (example shown; this varies depending on the experiment): 1. 95°C for 2 minutes 2. 95°C for 15 seconds 3. 53.5°C* for 30 seconds 4. 72°C for 40 seconds** 5. Go to Step 2, 29x*** 6. 72°C for 10 minutes 7. Hold at 10°C forever *The Annealing temperature can be altered depending on the F and R primer. In general, a very rough estimate of annealing temp can be the average of the Tm of the F and R primers minus 5. In general, run at between 51-54°C for annealing. **The extension time is 30-40 seconds per 1,000 bps for standard PCRs for plasmid template. For genomic template, use 1 minute per 1,000 bps. For small fragments, use 30 seconds total extension time. ***25-30 total cycles is sufficient for diagnostic PCRs. 6. PCRs can be stored at 4°C (fridge) until needed. Long-term storage is not recommended. 7. Run a small portion (or the entire reaction if diagnostic) by DNA gel electrophoresis to visualize band. 8. PCR with Tails (2-step): For PCRs where one or both oligos contain extended “tails” of any length which are NOT present on the template DNA, a modified PCR reaction set-up should be used. Because the initial primers will anneal via their “base” sequence matching the template (and thus, the overhanging tails match NOTHING initially), a 2-step reaction should be used. [Note: it is recommended that in primer design, the “base” portion (matching the template) of each primer should shoot for a Tm of roughly 60°C still regardless of the length.] 9. The PCR reaction should be set up exactly the same as a “standard” reaction. 10. The program for a 2-step PCR should be as follows: 1. 95°C for 2 minutes 2. 95°C for 15 seconds 3. 53.5°C* for 30 seconds 4. 72°C for 40 seconds 5. Go to Step 2, 5x 6. 95°C for 15 seconds 7. 58.5°C** for 30 seconds 8. 72°C for 40 seconds 9. Go to Step 6, 24x 10. 72°C for 10 minutes 11. Hold at 10°C forever *The initial annealing temperature should be the “standard” one used to pair with the “base” portion of the oligos (assuming Tm of 60°C). This is repeated for 5 or 6 initial cycles to allow for “priming”. **The second step is the same with the annealing temperature increased by 5°C (regardless of the actual Tms of the primers + tails). I always go with 53.5°C and 58.5°C for 2-steps. These temperatures may be varied slightly given different templates/needs. 11. Quikchange PCR mutagenesis: This is a special case where a mutation (or two or three) is needed and, the entire template is PCR amplified. Please see the protocol on Quikchange mutagenesis PCR. 12. Inverse PCR: This is a second, similar special case PCR reaction where several bases or a stretch of bases can be incorporated into position by PCR amplifying the entire vector. Pros, can introduce several codons, or tags at once. Cons, requires standard ligation protocol, requires T4 PNK treatment of the primers (to add phosphates), not as reliable as IVL in yeast. See protocol on Inverse PCR. [Notes: Failed PCRs: The major sources of difficulty for PCR are (i) choice of template and (ii) primer design. Today, most polymerases and thermocyclers are so advanced that the issue is rarely the temperature, buffers, or conditions. The DNA template and/or the primer design account for the majority of errors or difficulties. Trouble-shooting the PCR reaction should not (initially) involve other temperatures or times on the machine or conditions (Mg2+, DMSO), rather, a closer look at the primers and template should be done first.] [Notes: Genomic DNA: PCRs of genomic DNA are more “difficult” than from purified plasmid DNA. It is not recommended that PCRs contain long extended “tails” (2-step) using genomic DNA as a template. Instead, a standard PCR can be used to clone the fragment/gene into a vector (e.g. TOPO II), and then subsequent PCRs can modify or prime fragments from this vector (which can also be preserved in the collection). Additionally, some loci and some genes are just inherently difficult to PCR. The position of the locus matters greatly (as compared to the sequence of the primer). For instance, for the CDC10 gene, a F primer at +800 upstream of the START is difficult to prime with; rather, a +698 F primer is used. Similarly, positions upstream of 406 5’ UTR for the CDC11 gene are difficult to PCR amplify, this +300 and +400 primers are used to interrogate that locus. If an initial (and new) locus is being amplified, it is recommended that several primers around the promoter/terminator be tested. Some loci are just notoriously hard to amplify.] [Notes: Plasmid DNA for use in IVL or integration: If the template DNA happens to be (or has to be) from a yeast CEN-based plasmid (e.g. pRS315 or another IVL vector from the collection), several modifications to the protocol should be done to minimize background: (i) dilute the initial plasmid miniprep DNA 1:10 or 1:20 in water prior to adding a small amount to the reaction, (ii) Dpn1-treatment (straight into the PCR tube) overnight to digest the plasmid DNA template, (iii) screening subsequent colonies for sensitivity to the original template DNA plasmid’s selection marker (N/A if this is the same as the newly designed vector).]