Fall 2008 Comparative & International Race Relations Courses SIS-341 Intercultural Communication 001 Weaver SIS-496 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Nationalism & Ethnic Conflict 015 Rudolph SIS-511 Kurds: Social, Cultural, Pol Iden Middle East Int’l Relations 001 TBD ANTH-210 Roots of Racism 001 Watkins 001 002 Gill TBA SOCY-210 Inequality: Class, Race, Ethnicity 001 TBD *HNRS-300 Honors Collqm in Arts & Hum Oral History of Civil Rights Movement Voices From the Caribbean Diaspora 002H** 004H** Bond Findlay *HNRS 302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Legal Issues in Globalization Demographics of Public Policy 001H** 005H** Mass Quainton ANTH-215 Sex, Gender & Culture ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 1 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 International Communication Courses SIS-308 Intro to Peace & Conflict Resolut 001 002 TBA TBA SIS-340 Foundations of International Comm. 001 002 Novotny Novotny SIS-341 Intercultural Communication 001 Weaver SIS-349 Sel Topics in Int’l Communication: News Media & Foreign Policy Principles & Practice of Peace International Propaganda 001 002 003 Malek McCarthy Weimann 003H Levinson 002 Venturelli Weimann SIS-400 Senior Seminar in Int’l Relations Innovating Int’l: Social Entrepreneurship SIS-496 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Global Knowledge Economy Theater of Terror: Modern Terrorism & Mass Media 010 *COMM-280 Contemp Media Global Soc 001 Simpson *IBUS-401 Cultural Environ of Int’l Business 001 Koser 005H** 008H** Quainton Levinson *HNRS 302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc The New Demographics of Public Policy Innov Locally & Globally: Social Entrepreneuring ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 2 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 International Development Courses CORE ONLY SIS-210 Intro to Human Geography 001 Gallaher ECON-110 Global Majority 001 Winters GOVT-235 Dynamics of Political Change 001 002 Glover Olsson LIT-150 Third World Literature 001 Larson SOCY-110 Views from the 3rd World 001 002 003 TBA TBA TBA SIS-322 Intro to Human Rights 001 002 Guernsey Call SIS-325 International Organizations 001 Bosco SIS-337 International Development 001 TBD SIS-338 Environment and Development 001 Broad SIS-388 International Environmental Politics 001 002 Nicholson Nicholson SIS-536 Selected Topics Complex Emergencies 001 Hansch SIS-540 Conflict and Development 001 Quast CORE OR FUNCTIONAL FIELD ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 3 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 International Development Courses continued SIS-496 Selected Topic: Non-Recurring Climate Change Global Knowledge Economy Transnat’l Crime and Terrorism Human Rights in Latin America Peacemaking/Intractable Conflict US Experiments in Peacebuilding Africa in Comparative Perspective U.S. Foreign Aid Int’l Economic Orgs: Public/Private Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict Third World Cities India After Gandhi 001 002 004 005 006 007 008 013 014 015 017 019 Musil Venturelli Stoecker Call Fisher Smith, Dane Levan, A Rosenthal Porzecanski Rudolph Kogul Mansingh SIS-596 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Post-Saddam Iraq Global Poverty and Peace 001 002 O’Leary Chong, D. HNRS-300 Honors Collqm in Arts & Hum Voices From the Caribbean Diaspora 004H** Findlay 001H** 008H** 009H** 010H** Mass Levinson Taylor Solis *HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Legal Issues in Globalization Social Entrepreneuring Pol of Tropical & Southern Africa Division in World Economy& Future of WTO ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 4 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 International Economic Relations Courses CORE ONLY IBUS-200 The Global Marketplace 001 002 003 004 TBA TBA TBA TBA SIS-325 International Organizations 001 Bosco SIS-331 Overview of European Union 001 Egan SIS-338 Environment and Development 001 Broad *SIS-385 International Economic Policy 001 002 003 Tsereteli Henning Tsereteli *SIS-388 Int’l Environmental Politics 001 002 Nicholson Nicholson *SIS-465 Int’l Trade & Investment Relations 001 TBS CORE OR FUNCTIONAL FIELD *SIS-466 Int’l Monetary & Financial Relations 001 Henning SIS-496 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Global Knowledge Economy Rethinking U.S. Foreign Aid Int’l Economic Orgs: Public/Private 002 013 014 Venturelli Rosenthal Porzecanski 001 002 Mittelman Mittelman 001 O’Leary SIS-589 Global Political Economy SIS-596 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Global Poverty and Peace ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 5 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 International Economic Relations Courses continued ECON-361 Economic Development 001 TBA *ECON-370 International Economics 001 Muller IBUS-200 The Global Marketplace 001 002 003 004 TBA TBA TBA Chidamber *IBUS-300 Fundamentals of Int’l Business 001 002 003 004 006 DuBois Oetzel Oetzel Mroczkowski TBA *IBUS-401 Cultural Envir of Int Business 001 Koser MGMT-201 Global Corporate Citizenship 001 002 003 004 005 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 001H** 003H** 005H** 008H** 010H** Mass Sicina Quainton Levinson Solis *HNRS 302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Legal Issues in Globalization Failure & Folly in Strategic Decision Making The New Demographics of Public Policy Innov Locally & Globally: Social Entrepreneuring Division in World Economy& Future of WTO ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 6 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 International Politics Courses SIS-308 Intro Peace & Conflict Resolut 001 002 TBA TBA SIS-322 Intro. To Human Rights 001 002 Guernsey Call SIS-325 International Organizations 001 Bosco SIS-338 Environment and Development 001 TBD SIS-340 Foundations of International Comm. 001 002 Novotny Novotny 001 003 Malek Weimann *SIS-385 International Economic Policy 001 002 003 Tsereteli Henning Tsereteli *SIS-388 International Environmental Politics 001 002 Nicholson Nicholson SIS-389 Sel Topics in Policy Analysis Diplomatic Practice 001 Quainton SIS-396 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Political Ecology of Food and Agriculture Energy Politics Intro to International Security Intro to International Political Economy 006 007 008 009 Nicholson TBA Weiner Rudolph SIS-349 Sel Topics in Int’l Communication News Media & Foreign Policy International Propaganda ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 7 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 International Politics Courses continued SIS-496 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Climate Change Transnat’l Crime and Terrorism Peacemaking/Intractable Conflict US Experiments in Peacebuilding Israeli Politics U.S. Foreign Aid Int’l Economic Orgs: Public/Private Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict 001 004 006 007 011 013 014 015 TBA Stoecker Fisher Smith, Dane Peri, Y Rosenthal Porzecanski Rudolph SIS-511 Kurds: Social, Cultural, Pol Iden Middle East Int’l Relations 001 TBD SIS-542 Human & Global Security 001 Persaud SIS-589 Global Political Economy 001 002 Mittelman Mittelman GOVT-231 Third World Politics 001 002 Glover Glover GOVT-526 U.S. Intelligence Community 001 Beyoghlow *GOVT-529 Homeland Security 001 Beyoghlow *HNRS-300 Honors Collqm in Arts & Hum Voices From the Caribbean Diaspora 004H** Findlay 001H** Parsons 001H** 003H** 004H** 005H** 008H** 009H** Mass Sicina Gallaher Quainton Levinson Taylor *HNRS-301 Honors Collqm Nat & Math Sc Going Nuclear: The Sci & Pol of Nuclear Energy *HNRS 302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Legal Issues in Globalization Failure & Folly in Strategic Decision Making Guerillas, Insurgents & Paramilitaries The New Demographics of Public Policy Innov Locally & Globally: Social Entrepreneuring Politics of Tropics & Southern Africa ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 8 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 Islamic Studies Courses *SIS-245 World of Islam 001 TBD SIS-264 Contemporary Middle East 001 Diwan SIS-364 Contemporary Islam and IR 001 TBD SIS-511 Kurds: Social, Cultural, Pol Iden Middle East Int’l Relations 001 TBD SIS-515 Islamic Peace Paradigms 001 Said *SOCY-225 Contemporary Arab World 001 002 TBA TBA ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 9 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 Peace & Conflict Resolution Courses CORE ONLY *SIS-220 Diff/Sim in Conflict Resolution 001 Smith, M SIS-308 Intro Peace & Conflict Resolut 001 002 TBA TBA SIS-322 Intro. To Human Rights 001 002 Guernsey Call SIS-340 Foundations of International Comm. 001 002 Novotny Novotny SIS-341 Intercultural Communication 001 Weaver SIS-349 Sel Topics in Intl Communicatn Principles/Practice of Peace 002 McCarthy SIS-396 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Human Rights & Media Intro to International Security 001 008 Mertus Weiner CORE OR FUNCTIONAL FIELD SIS-496 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Transnat’l Crime and Terrorism Human Rights in Latin America Peacemaking/Intractable Conflict US Experiments in Peacebuilding 004 005 006 007 Theater of Terror: Modern Terrorism & Mass Media 010 Israeli Politics 011 Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict 015 Stoecker Call Fisher Smith, Dane Weimann Peri, Y Rudolph SIS-511 Kurds: Soc, Cultural, Pol Iden Middle East Int’l Politics 001 TBD SIS-515 Islamic Peace Paradigms 001 Said ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 10 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 Peace & Conflict Resolution Courses continued SIS-516 Peacebuilding in Divided Societies 001 Abu-Nimer SIS-542 Human & Global Security 001 Persaud 003H** 004H** Sicina Gallaher 002 Greenberg *HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Science Failure & Folly in Strategic Decision Making Guerillas, Insurg & Paramil RELG-386 Topics in Religion Peace & Religion ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 11 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 United States Foreign Policy SIS-349 Sel. Topics in Int’l Communication: News, Media & Foreign Policy 001 TBD SIS-382 Analysis of US Foreign Policy 001 002 003 004 005H** Quainton Weiner Housenick Murray Cohn *SIS-385 International Economic Policy 001 002 003 Tsereteli Henning Tsereteli SIS-389 Selected Topics in Policy Analysis Diplomatic Practice 001 Quainton SIS-396 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Intro to International Security 008 Weiner SIS-400 Senior Sem in Int’l Relations Hegemony & U.S. Foreign Policy 001 Howard *SIS-466 Intl Monetary & Financial Relations 001 Henning SIS-496 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Domestic Sources of USFP US Experiments in Peacebuilding Politics of Nat’l Security Budgeting Rethinking U.S. Foreign Aid 003 007 009 013 Cohn Smith, Dane Adams Rosenthal GOVT-526 U.S. Intelligence Community 001 Beyoghlow *GOVT-529 Homeland Security 001 Beyoghlow ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 12 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 United States Foreign Policy continued *HNRS-301 Honors Collqm Nat & Math Sc Going Nuclear: The Sci & Pol of Nuclear Energy 001H** Parsons 003H Sicina *HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Science Failure & Folly in Strategic Decision Making ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 13 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 Africa Area Courses *SIS-250 Civilizations of Africa 001 LeVan SIS-496 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Africa in Comparative Perspective 008 LeVan LIT-150 Third World Literature 001 Larson *LIT-225 The African Writer 001 Larson PERF-504 African Dance 001 Howard, M *RELG-210 Non-Western Religious Traditions 001 TBA *HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Science Guerillas, Insurgents & Paramilitaries Pol of Tropic/Southern Africa Gallaher Taylor 004H** 009H** ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 14 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 Americas Area Courses SIS-276 Contemporary Latin America 001 Cohn SIS-496 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Human Rights in Latin America 005 Call ANTH-339 Culture Area Analysis African American Cultures Caribbean-American Narratives 001 003 Prince Kerrigan HIST-241 Colonial Latin America 001 TBA HIST-350 Colonial America 001 Haulmann HIST-356 Twentieth Century America 001 Lichtman LFS-210 Latin America: Hist, Art, Lit *Taught in English *Taught in Spanish *Taught in English 001H** 002 003 Child Pineiro McCabe 001 003 Oliver Pascal 001 Hernandez SPAN-559 Colloquium on Latin America Latin American Short Stories Gender Outlaws in Latin America 001 002 Oliver Rivera *HNRS-300 Honors Collqm in Arts & Hum Voices From the Caribbean Diaspora 004H** Findlay 004H** 005H** 008H** 010H** Gallaher Quainton Levinson Solis *SPAN-356 Spanish Topics US-Mexico Border U.S.-Latin American Relations *Taught in Spanish SPAN-357 Intro to Latin American Lit *HNRS 302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Guerillas, Insurgents & Paramilitaries The New Demographics of Public Policy Innov Locally & Globally: Social Entrepreneuring Division in World Economy& Future of WTO ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 15 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 Asia/Australia Area Courses SIS-161 Civilizations of Asia 001 Bong SIS-255 China, Japan & the United States 001H** 002 004 Solis Heng Zdanovich SIS-496 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring India After Gandhi 019 Mansingh HIST-120 Imperialism & Revolution 001 Aksakal RELG-185 Forms of the Sacred 001 002 003 Greenberg TBA TBA RELG-210 Non-Western Religious Traditions 001 TBA 010H** Solis *HNRS 302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Division in World Economy& Future of WTO ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 16 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 Europe Area Courses SIS-331 Overview of European Union 001 Egan SIS-551 European Pol, Econ & Society 001 Egan HIST-110 Renaiss & Rev: Eur 1400-1815 001 002 TBA TBA HIST-221 History of Britain I 001 Stern HIST-312 Studies in European History 001 Norris HIST-319 Holocaust 001 Nadell HIST-327 Twentieth Century Europe 001 Breitman LIT-346 Topics in Film French Cinema 002 Pike 004H** 005H** 008H** 010H** Gallaher Quainton Levinson Solis *HNRS 302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Guerillas, Insurgents & Paramilitaries The New Demographics of Public Policy Innov Locally & Globally: Social Entrepreneuring Division in World Economy& Future of WTO ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 17 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 Middle East Area Courses SIS-245 The World of Islam 001 TBD SIS-264 Contemporary Middle East 001 Diwan SIS-364 Contemporary Islam & IR 001 TBD SIS-511 Kurds: Soc, Cultural, Pol Iden Middle East Int’l Relations 001 Ghareeb SIS-596 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Post-Saddam Iraq US-Iran Relations 001 003 O’Leary Simone 001 002 TBA TBA SOCY-225 Contemporary Arab World ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 18 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 Russia & Central Eurasia Area Courses SIS-258 Contemporary Russia 001 Aslund, A HIST-232 Twentieth Century Russia 001 Lohr *LFS-200 Russia and the US 001 TBA 004H** 005H** 008H** 010H** Gallaher Quainton Levinson Solis *HNRS 302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Guerillas, Insurgents & Paramilitaries The New Demographics of Public Policy Innov Locally & Globally: Social Entrepreneuring Division in World Economy& Future of WTO ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 19 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 Global Environmental Politics *SIS-210 Into to Human Geography 001 Gallaher SIS-338 Environment and Development 001 Broad SIS-388 Int'l Environmental Politics 001 002 Nicholson Nicholson SIS-396 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Political Ecology of Food and Agriculture Energy Politics 006 007 Nicholson TBA SIS-400 Environmental Politics 001 Shapiro SIS-496 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Climate Change 001 TBA ANTH-334 Environmental Justice 001 TBA 001H** Parsons *HNRS-301 Honors Collqm Nat & Math Sc Going Nuclear: The Sci & Pol of Nuclear Energy ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 20 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 International Business Relations Courses Concentration Requires 3 credits (1 course) from the following: *Note: SIS 385 & IBUS 200/300 overlap; students should not take both courses *SIS-385 International Economic Policy 001 002 003 Tsereteli Henning Tsereteli IBUS-200 The Global Marketplace 001 002 003 004 TBA TBA TBA Chidamber 001 Sicina *IBUS-300 Fundamentals of Int’l Business 001 002 003 004 006 DuBois Oetzel Oetzel Mroczkowski TBA *IBUS-301 International Marketing 001 TBA *IBUS-302 International Finance 001 TBA *IBUS-401 Cultural Envir of Int Business 001 TBA IBUS-296 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Chile: Int’l Management Practices 6 ADDITIONAL CREDITS (2 COURSES) FROM THE FOLLOWING 4 SETS OF COURSES: No more than 3 credits (1 course) from the following: SIS-331 Overview of the European Union 001 Egan 001 Henning 001 Gallaher No more than 3 credits (1 course) from the following: *SIS-466 Int'l Monetary & Financial Rel Other courses (no credit limit): SIS-210 Intro to Human Geography ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 21 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08 Fall 2008 International Business Relations Courses continued MGMT-201 Global Corporate Citizenship *HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Science Legal Issues in Globalization Failure & Folly in Strategic Decision Making Innov Locally & Globally: Social Entrepreneuring 001 002 003 004 005 Nelson Nelson Nelson Weitzner Weitzner 001H** 003H** 008H** Mass Sicina Levinson ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 22 of 22 Updated: 03/31/08