Britain has a long history of protecting human rights at home and standing up for those values
abroad. From Magna Carta in 1215, to the Bill of Rights and the Claim of Right in 1689, and over the
centuries through our Common Law tradition, the UK’s protection of human rights has always been
grounded in real circumstance, rather than simply being a matter of abstract principle.
The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was signed in Rome in 1950, as part of the
post-war efforts by the Allies to ensure that the horrors of the 1940s could never be repeated. It was
agreed in the shadow of Nazism, at a time when Stalin was still in power in the Soviet Union and
when people were still being sent to the gulags without trial.
It sets out certain absolute rights, which include the right not to be tortured, the right not to be
enslaved and the right to a fair trial. The Convention also contains rights which can only be limited in
the restricted circumstances it sets out, such as the right to life and the right to liberty. The substance
of these rights lies at the very heart of the Convention’s text.
In addition, the Convention contains a third category of ‘qualified’ rights, which can be restricted in a
range of scenarios. For example, Article 8, the right to respect for private and family life, is qualified
with the following: “There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right
except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests
of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention
of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and
freedoms of others.”
The Convention is an entirely sensible statement of the principles which should underpin any modern
democratic nation. Indeed, the UK had a great influence on the drafting of the Convention, and was
the first nation to ratify it.
In today’s uncertain world, our commitment to fundamental human rights is as important as ever.
That is why we must put Britain first, taking action to reform the human rights laws in the UK, so they
are credible, just and command public support. We are today outlining our key objectives to do just
that, and we will shortly publish a draft British Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for consultation, so
we deliver a coherent and comprehensive human rights regime in Britain.
Over the past 20 years, there have been significant developments which have undermined public
confidence in the human rights framework in the UK, and which make change necessary today.
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Strasbourg has long been established as a means
of enforcing the Convention’s terms. It was not until 1998, however, that the binding jurisdiction of
the Court, and the right of individuals to take a case to Strasbourg, became necessary for countries
signed up to the Convention. These developments happened at the same time as the Labour
Government in the UK brought forward the Human Rights Act (HRA). Both the recent practice of the
Court and the domestic legislation passed by Labour has damaged the credibility of human rights at
• The European Court of Human Rights has developed ‘mission creep’. Strasbourg adopts a
principle of interpretation that regards the Convention as a ‘living instrument’. Even allowing
for necessary changes over the decades, the ECtHR has used its ‘living instrument doctrine’
to expand Convention rights into new areas, and certainly beyond what the framers of the
Convention had in mind when they signed up to it. There is mounting concern at Strasbourg’s
attempts to overrule decisions of our democratically elected Parliament and overturn the UK
courts’ careful applications of Convention rights.
For instance:
• The current dispute between the Court and the United Kingdom over voting
rights for prisoners is one clear example. The issue of the franchise in elections
was deliberately excluded from the text of the Convention. The Strasbourg Court
has, however, now decided that it falls within the Convention’s ambit.
• Another clear example of ‘mission creep’ came in a 2007 ruling by the Court
that required the UK Government to allow many more prisoners the right to go
through artificial insemination with their partners, in order to uphold their rights
under Article 8. This is not what the originators of the Convention had in mind
when they framed that article.
• There have also been cases involving foreign nationals who have committed
very serious crimes in the United Kingdom, but who have been able to use the
qualified rights in the Convention, as interpreted by the rulings of the ECtHR, to
justify remaining in the UK. These judgments have apparently overlooked the
very clear qualifications in the Convention relevant to the legitimate exercise of
such rights.
• In 2013 the Strasbourg Court ruled that murderers cannot be sentenced to
prison for life, as to do so was contrary to Article 3 of the Convention. This
Article is designed to prohibit “torture” and “inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment.” For the Strasbourg Court, this entails banning whole life sentences
even for the gravest crimes.
• Labour’s Human Rights Act undermines the role of UK courts in deciding on human rights
issues in this country. Section 2 of the HRA requires UK courts to “take into account” rulings
of the Strasbourg Court when they are interpreting Convention rights. This means problematic
Strasbourg jurisprudence is often being applied in UK law. Strasbourg jurisprudence includes
the doctrine of ‘proportionality’, and the application of this doctrine has led judges to question
whether provisions of legislation and decisions of public authorities are ‘proportionate’ to
their objectives, which can amount to an essentially political evaluation of different policy
considerations. We also believe that in many areas the interpretation given to Convention rights
has not struck the appropriate balance between individual rights and responsibilities to others.
• Labour’s Human Rights Act undermines the sovereignty of Parliament, and democratic
accountability to the public. Although, the HRA affirms the sovereignty of the UK Parliament
over human rights matters, Section 3(1) undermines Parliamentary sovereignty in practice.
This provision requires UK courts to read and to give effect to legislation in a way which is
compatible with Convention rights, “so far as it is possible to do so”. There are cases in which,
due to this rule, UK courts have gone to artificial lengths to change the meaning of legislation so
that it complies with their interpretation of Convention rights, most often following Strasbourg’s
interpretation, even if this is inconsistent with Parliament’s intention when enacting the relevant
For instance:
• The Misuse of Drugs Act makes it a criminal act to possess an illegal drug, but
provides the defence for the defendant to prove, on the balance of probabilities,
that they did not know, suspect or have reason to suspect that what they had
was an illegal drug. However in 2001 the House of Lords ruled, under section
3(1) HRA that the Act must be read as only requiring the defendant to submit
evidence supporting their claim that they did not know or suspect that what they
had was an illegal drug, after which it fell to the prosecution to prove beyond
reasonable doubt that they did not know or suspect this. This was done under
Article 6 of the Convention, the right to a fair trial.
• Labour’s Human Rights Act goes far beyond the UK’s obligations under the Convention. Whilst
the Convention imposes on states the requirement to secure the rights and freedoms in the
convention for its citizens, it does not mandate any particular legal mechanism for doing so.
It does not require the direct incorporation given effect by the Human Rights Act, nor does it
require the jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court to be directly binding on domestic courts. The
German Constitutional Court for example ruled that if there is a conflict between the German
Basic Law and the ECHR, then the Basic Law prevails over the Convention. The Human Rights
Act provides no such domestic protection in the UK.
Protecting fundamental human rights is a hallmark of a democratic society, and it is central to the
values of the Conservative Party. However, the present position under the European Court of Human
Rights and the Human Rights Act is not acceptable. The next Conservative Government will make
fundamental changes to the way human rights laws work in the United Kingdom, to restore common
sense and put Britain first. Our reforms will mean that:
• The European Court of Human Rights is no longer binding over the UK Supreme Court.
• The European Court of Human Rights is no longer able to order a change in UK law and
becomes an advisory body only.
• There is a proper balance between rights and responsibilities in UK law.
Our proposals are grounded in two basic legal facts.
• There is no formal requirement for our Courts to treat the Strasbourg Court as creating legal
precedent for the UK. Such a requirement was introduced in the Human Rights Act, and it is
for Parliament to decide whether or not it should continue. Many European countries, including
Germany, do not place such a requirement on their national courts.
• In all matters related to our international commitments, Parliament is sovereign. This principle
has been clearly established in judgements by the House of Lords and in public statements by
Government law officers.
At the heart of our plan is a new British Bill of Rights and Responsibilities. It will ensure that
Parliament is the ultimate source of legal authority, and that the Supreme Court is indeed supreme
in the interpretation of the law. We will shortly be publishing a draft of this Bill, to begin a process of
engagement and consultation on the best way to achieve our aims. This will ensure we deliver our
reforms in a comprehensive and credible way.
The key objectives of our new Bill are:
• Repeal Labour’s Human Rights Act.
• Put the text of the original Human Rights Convention into primary legislation. There is nothing
wrong with that original document, which contains a sensible mix of checks and balances
alongside the rights it sets out, and is a laudable statement of the principles for a modern
democratic nation. We will not introduce new basic rights through this reform; our aim is restore
common sense, and to tackle the misuse of the rights contained in the Convention.
• Clarify the Convention rights, to reflect a proper balance between rights and responsibilities.
This will ensure that they are applied in accordance with the original intentions for the
Convention and the mainstream understanding of these rights.
For instance:
• We will set out a clearer test in how some of the inalienable rights apply to cases
of deportation and other removal of persons from the United Kingdom. The
ECtHR has ruled that if there is any ‘real risk’ (by no means even a likelihood)
of a person being treated in a way contrary to these rights in the destination
country, there is a bar on them being sent there, giving them in substance an
absolute right to stay in the UK. Our new Bill will clarify what the test should be,
in line with our commitment to prevent torture and in keeping with the approach
taken by other developed nations.
• The Convention recognises that people have civic responsibilities, and allows
some of its rights to be restricted to uphold the rights and interests of other
people. Our new Bill will clarify these limitations on individual rights in certain
circumstances. So for example a foreign national who takes the life of another
person will not be able to use a defence based on Article 8 to prevent the state
deporting them after they have served their sentence.
• Some terms used in the Convention rights would benefit from a more precise
definition, such as ‘degrading treatment or punishment’, which has arguably
been given an excessively broad meaning by the ECtHR in some rulings. For
example in one case, the simple fact that an individual would have to live
in a particular city in Somalia was deemed put him at real risk of degrading
• It will not necessarily be possible to clarify every potential application of
Convention rights in the new law. Parliament will consider the Convention rights
set out in the law in all the legislation it passes.
• Break the formal link between British courts and the European Court of Human Rights. In
future Britain’s courts will no longer be required to take into account rulings from the Court in
Strasbourg. The UK Courts, not Strasbourg, will have the final say in interpreting Convention
Rights, as clarified by Parliament.
• End the ability of the European Court of Human Rights to force the UK to change the law. Every
judgement that UK law is incompatible with the Convention will be treated as advisory and we
will introduce a new Parliamentary procedure to formally consider the judgement. It will only be
binding in UK law if Parliament agrees that it should be enacted as such.
• Prevent our laws from being effectively re-written through ‘interpretation’. In future, the UK
courts will interpret legislation based upon its normal meaning and the clear intention of
Parliament, rather than having to stretch its meaning to comply with Strasbourg case-law.
• Limit the use of human rights laws to the most serious cases. The use of the new law will be
limited to cases that involve criminal law and the liberty of an individual, the right to property
and similar serious matters. There will be a threshold below which Convention rights will
not be engaged, ensuring UK courts strike out trivial cases. We will work with the devolved
administrations and legislatures as necessary to make sure there is an effective new settlement
across the UK.
• Limit the reach of human rights cases to the UK, so that British Armed forces overseas are not
subject to persistent human rights claims that undermine their ability to do their job and keep
us safe.
• We will amend the Ministerial Code to remove any ambiguity in the current rules about the
duty of Ministers to follow the will of Parliament in the UK.
Our plan will restore public confidence in the Human Rights framework in this country. Nevertheless,
we are aware that, under the terms of the current treaty it will remain open to individuals to take the
UK to the Strasbourg Court claiming a breach of their Convention rights, and resultant judgments of
the Court will be seen to be binding on the UK as a treaty obligation.
The UK stands by the commitments made when we signed the Convention, and it is only the
subsequent approach of the Court and Labour’s Human Rights Act that have eroded public
confidence in our human rights framework. It would be wrong to renounce the Convention unilaterally
when it is not our principled commitment to fundamental human rights that has changed. We would
like the UK to remain a party to the Convention, as part of our membership of the Council of Europe.
We hope, therefore, that the Council will recognise these changes to our Human Rights laws.
• During the passage of the British Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, we will engage with the
Council of Europe, and seek recognition that our approach is a legitimate way of applying the
• In the event that we are unable to reach that agreement, the UK would be left with no
alternative but to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights, at the point
at which our Bill comes into effect. We would do so safe in the knowledge that the text of the
Convention itself is enshrined in our own statutes, protecting human rights in line with the will of
the British Parliament and the rulings of British Courts.
In addition to, and separate from, the European Convention on Human Rights, the UK is a member
of the European Union (EU). The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights was given force in EU Law by the
Lisbon Treaty. The Charter contains a range of rights, drawing upon the ECHR. The Court of Justice of
the European Union is responsible for the interpretation and application of the Charter, but its force is
limited to matters within the scope of EU law.
The Lisbon Treaty also enabled the EU to sign up to the Convention in its own right. Negotiations are
ongoing over the terms of the EU’s accession to the ECHR, which will have to be agreed by all EU
Member States and all ECHR countries. We are mindful that there may be legal implications for our
approach once the EU accedes to the ECHR. We will therefore ensure this is reflected in the rules that
will govern the EU’s interaction with the Court. The EU’s application to join the Convention requires
the unanimous agreement of all member states, which will allow us to ensure that the UK's new
human rights framework is respected.
Finally, the Conservatives are clear that our relationship with the EU will be renegotiated in the next
parliament, and if there is anything in that relationship which encroaches upon our new human rights
framework, then that is something it will be open for us to address as part of the renegotiation.
Promoted by Alan Mabbutt on behalf of the Conservative Party both of 4 Matthew Parker Street, London SW1H 9HQ.