Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating disturbances D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov Email: Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics Department of Physics, University of Warwick Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK See paper Yuan & Nakariakov 2012 A&A (submitted) D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion 1 Introduction 2 Observation 3 Data noise AIA image flux noise Uncertainties in the enhance time-distance plot 4 Methods Cross-fitting technique 2D coupled fitting Best similarity match 5 Conclusion D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion Introduction D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion AIA observation (b) (a) 27-Oct-11 04:30:01 Time (min) 100 Y (arcsec) (c) 25 50 0 -50 20 15 10 5 -100 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 X (arcsec) 0 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Distance (Mm) p q p q p q p q N {° 21 C psm , tk h q{N with N 50. D psm , tk q rC psm , tk q B psm , tk qs{B psm , tk q, where B psm , tk q Figure: a) AIA 171 Å image on AR 11330. A cut was taken C sm , tk as indicated with black bar. b) Running difference R1 (R2 ): R sm , tk C sm , tk C sm , tk l with l 9. c) D1 (D2 ): h D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov N {2 The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion AIA image flux noise Uncertainties in the enhance time-distance plot AIA image flux noise 2 p q σphoton pF q 2 σnoise F 2 σdark 2 σreadout 2 σsubtract 2 σdigit p q 2 σcompress 2 σspikes F F 1.152 p1 0.252 q 17.7 ? 2.3 0.06F p DNq a σphoton pF q F {Gλ σcompress 0.25σphoton σreadout 1.15 DN σdigit 0.5 DN σdark 0.5 DN a σsubtract 2 0.52 0.7 DN σspike pF q 0.006 0.15F 0.0009F 4 0.52 p0.0009F q2 ref.: Yuan & Nakariakov 2012, Aschwanden et al 2001, Boerner et al 2011 D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion AIA image flux noise Uncertainties in the enhance time-distance plot Data noise σnoise(F) (DN) AIA image flux noise 12 10 Figure: 8 σtotal σphoton σcompress σdespike σothers 6 4 2 0 10 100 1000 Flux value (DN) pq The data noise σnoise F (+) as a function of pixel flux F in AIA 171 Å images D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion AIA image flux noise Uncertainties in the enhance time-distance plot Uncertainties in enhance time-distance plot Running difference a plot: σ pR psm , tk qq σ 2 pC psm , tk qq σ 2 pC psm , tk 9 qq Background-removed time-distance plot: σ pD psm , tk qq σ pC psm , tk qq{B psm , tk q D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion Cross-fitting technique 2D coupled fitting Best similarity match CFT method For X psm , tk q, either R1 (R2 ) or D1 (D2 ) At each pixel, X psm , q is fitted with As cospωs t At each image (time), X p, tk q is fitted with At cospkt x φt q δt Vp φs q δs ω{k is obtained combining the average of the above fits. D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion Cross-fitting technique 2D coupled fitting Best similarity match Distance (Mm) CFT method and its application 15 15 10 10 5 5 k (Mm-1) 0 1.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1.5 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 vp=ω/k 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 Time (min) 25 0.0 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 ω (rad/s) CFT application to R1 : ω 0.0347 0.00002 rad{s, k 0.738 0.002 Mm1 , 181.2 0.1 s, Vp 47.0 0.1 km{s Figure: P D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion Cross-fitting technique 2D coupled fitting Best similarity match DCF method and its application Distance (Mm) 15 10 5 0 0 Figure: 5 10 DCF application to R1 : P D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov 15 20 Time (min) 25 240.7 0.7 s,Vp 48.8 0.2 km{s. The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion Cross-fitting technique 2D coupled fitting Best similarity match BSM methods A parametric model ? image is generated with MVp ,P,φ psm , tk q 2RMS pX psm , tk qq cospωtk ksm The similarity is quantified as Lp pM, R q m° N k °N φq. 1{2 |M psm , tk q X psm , tk q| . For each combination of Vp P r20, 120s km{s, P P r150, 200s s and φ P r0, 2π s, Lp pM, R q is calcualted. s t 2 m 1 k 1 Locating Lmin in the parametric space, and selecting a set of p 1% above minimum, We are able to get the mean values and their uncertainies. D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion Cross-fitting technique 2D coupled fitting Best similarity match BSM method and its application Distance (Mm) 15 10 5 0 0 Figure: 5 10 BSM application to R1 , P D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov 15 20 Time (min) 25 180.0 1.8 s,Vp 47.0 2.6 km{s. The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion Cross-fitting technique 2D coupled fitting Best similarity match BSM method and its application to regularised image Distance (Mm) 15 10 5 0 0 Figure: 5 10 BSM application to R1σ , P D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov 15 20 Time (min) 25 180.0 1.0 s,Vp 48.0 1.3 km{s. The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion Cross-fitting technique 2D coupled fitting Best similarity match Comparison of the measurements Table: A comparison of the measured results of CFT, DCF and BSM methods R1 R2 R1σ R2σ D1 D2 D1σ D2σ P (s) Vp (km/s) P (s) Vp km/s P (s) Vp km/s P (s) Vp (km/s) P (s) Vp (km/s) P (s) Vp km/s P (s) Vp km/s P (s) Vp (km/s) 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 CFT 181.2 47.0 179.7 48.1 ... ... ... ... 180.0 45.8 180.0 48.6 ... ... ... ... 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov 0.7 0.2 0.9 0.3 DCF 240.7 48.8 177.2 65.8 ... ... ... ... 198.9 44.5 250.5 51.4 ... ... ... ... 0.7 0.2 2.2 0.5 1.8 2.6 2.0 4.5 1.0 1.3 1.0 2.6 1.0 1.4 1.0 2.8 1.31.0 2.30.9 BSM 180.0 47.0 178.0 49.0 180.0 48.0 180.0 50.0 180.0 47.0 178.0 49.0 180.0 48.0 180.0 50.0 The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion Cross-fitting technique 2D coupled fitting Best similarity match Comparison of the measurement Vp (km/s) 60 55 R1 R2 45 40 200 Period (s) D1 D2 50 190 R1 R2 CFT DCF BSM BSM(σ) CFT DCF BSM BSM(σ) D1 D2 CFT DCF BSM BSM(σ) CFT DCF BSM BSM(σ) 180 170 160 Figure: A Comparison of the measurement CFT, DCF, BSM and its application to regularised images BSM(σ). D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion Cross-fitting technique 2D coupled fitting Best similarity match 55 50 50 Vp (km/s) 55 45 40 45 40 35 200 35 200 190 190 Period (s) Period (s) Vp (km/s) Comparison of the measurement 180 170 160 0 50 100 150 200 Lag Time (s) 0 10 20 30 40 Detrending Time (min) Figure: 180 170 160 0 50 100 150 200 Lag Time (s) 0 10 20 30 40 Detrending Time (min) The meaurement of R1 and D1 as functions of lag time and detrending time respectively (left panels), and those of R2 and D2 (right panels). The measurements of CFT, BSM and BSM (σ) are plotted with , and respectively. D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis Introduction Observation Data noise Methods Conclusion Conclusion CFT, DCF and BSM are valid and robust methods to meaurement the phase speed of propagating disturbances. CFT, DCF and BSM are in general more robust in measuring background removed samples than running differences. Samples with longer valid detection lengh are more suitable for the above methods. They sustain more variability of lag time and detrending time. D. Yuan and V. M. Nakariakov The measurement of the apparent phase speed of propagating dis