Physics PG SSLC Minutes 06/03/09 UNIVERSTY OF WARWICK Physics PG-SSLC Minutes of Meeting held on 18th September 2009 1. Welcome and Apologies Present: Stephanie Liggins (Chair), Jo Higgs (Secretary), Geetha Balakrishnan, Ben Parkinson, Helen Ireland, Tim Sansom, Valery Nakariakov, James Cook, Dan Baker, Liam Fishwick, Lieke van Spaandonk, Phil Petcher, Ulrika D’Haenens-Johansson, Ruth Nicol, David Duncan, Aoife O’Brien and Alberto Marmodoro. Apologies: Malcolm Cooper, David Leadley, Oleg Petrenko, Peter Wheatley, Gavin Bell and Kathrin Wuensch. 2. Minutes of the Last Meeting (a) Agreement of Minutes The minutes from the meeting on 5th June 2009 were agreed. (b) Matters Arising No matters arose from the previous minutes. 3. Academic Matters i. New PG Students The new PG students start at the beginning of term on 5th October. There will be around 50 new students with approximately half being former Warwick undergraduates. There will be an induction on the first day and the SSLC will give a small welcome presentation at around 3pm. Stephanie will introduce the SSLC to new students. As international representative Kathrin will introduce herself to international students as a contact should they require advice or help settling. Helen Ireland will talk about library training announcing its availability and gauging interest for a Physics bespoke library training. There will be drinks on the concourse from 4pm, to which all current PG students will be invited. A welcome social event will be organised to take place after the first post graduate seminar on 15th October; probably a social at the union. ii. Deadlines 1 Physics PG SSLC Minutes 06/03/09 • • • Year 1: project outline due on 26th October Years 2 and 3: progress report and research plan due on 26th October Year 4: progress report due on 26th October iii. Transferable Skills Certificate Students would find a review of this useful. Some students are uncertain what the certificate involves and it is confused with the Research Student Skills sessions offered by the Graduate School. It would be beneficial to students if supervisors could be informed about the certificate and their role in signing off the tasks as they are expected to support the students. It was suggested that a questions or discussion session should be arranged and include the new first years, possibly to be held in the 2nd or 3rd week of term. 4. Social Events i. Social events A successful trip to Stratford has been held and another is being planned. 5. Any Other Business i. Elections Elections for the PG SSLC committee positions for the coming year will be held at the next meeting on 23rd October. The positions were reviewed. Currently four groups are not represented: Theory, CSC, Complexity and Particle Physics; these groups will be asked whether they would like a rep. Descriptions of the roles will be posted on the SSLC website. Group reps have been asked to tell the new students about the elections and to encourage as many people as possible to come to the next meeting. ii. Car Parking Due to the University changing car parking regulations, only staff will be able to get parking permits from October. Students, including PG students will have to pay £3 each day to park their car on campus, including during the vacations. PG students want to be considered as staff regarding this issue and want more support from the department in getting this change to be made. They feel that this affects science PhD students the most and that they are classified as staff for email and are on the university payroll. Car parking representatives were invited to the meeting but did not respond to emails. 2 Physics PG SSLC Minutes 06/03/09 Alison Rodger of MOAC has created a petition for PG students and this has been circulated around the department. Tim Sansom will take the issue up with the Students Union. Stephanie and Dan will be petitioning the University contacting the head of campus services and the union and rallying support from staff and students across the faculty. The issue will also be raised at the forthcoming staff meeting. iii. New Admissions Tutor Gavin Bell has taken over from Geetha Balakrishnan as the Physics admissions tutor. Geetha thanked all the students who have helped her during her time in the role and Stephanie thanked her for all that she has done for the department. iv. Library Helen will talk about training at the PG induction. iv. Staff Representatives The number of staff representatives at the meeting was poor. It is hoped that more staff members will be able to attend the next meeting. 6. Next Meeting The next meeting will be on Friday 23rd October 2009 at 13:00 3