Physics PG-SSLC Minutes of Meeting held on 27 November 2009

Physics PG SSLC Minutes November 2009
Physics PG-SSLC
Minutes of Meeting held on 27th November 2009
1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Liam Fishwick (Chair), Jo Higgs (Secretary), Ben Parkinson,
Gavin Bell, David Leadley, Dan Baker, Stephanie Liggins, David Duncan,
Natalie Ellis, Joao Bento, Kathrin Wuensch, Tung Fai Yu, Matt Williams,
Valery Nakariakov, Jennifer Harris and Chris Wrench.
Apologies: Malcolm Cooper, Geetha Balakrishnan, Helen Ireland, James
Cook and Aoife O’Brien.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
(a) Agreement of Minutes
The minutes from the meeting held on 23rd October 2009 were agreed.
(b) Matters Arising
i. Car Parking
Stephanie Liggins is now a member of the Transport Strategy Group and
reported back to the committee on the car parking issue.
The situation with regards to permits will now not change before the next
academic year although a second round of applications for the essential users
permit will open in January.
At the first round of applications for the essential users’ certificate
approximately 40 PGR students applied and the general uptake was less than
The Transport Strategy Group is currently reviewing both public and
private transport provision to the University, reporting to the University in
December and will be implementing a set of new guidelines for September
2010. Stephanie will continue to feedback to the committee.
ii. Problems Group Tutor Support
A new Ogden Teaching Fellow has been appointed by the department and
has been conducting teaching observations. Training for the tutors of both
physics and maths classes, identified as required, are being planned for next
Physics PG SSLC Minutes November 2009
The physics tutors had a meeting with the lecturer and are happy with the
The maths for scientists tutors still want a meeting with the lecturers and
more guidelines of learning outcomes. They will arrange this themselves.
iii. Elections
Chris Wrench was elected as the group rep for CFSA.
3. Academic Matters
i. Undergraduate Project Students
The issue was raised that some final year project students have lectures
during the time allocated for working on their projects. David Leadley told the
committee that it is the department’s policy not to put lectures during this time
but students taking modules in other departments may be affected.
The issue also arose that some PG students are having to allocate large
amounts of their time to supervising the project students. The Department’s
policy is that final year project students are not the responsibility of PhD
students. It may be that in the initial weeks, training by PhD students on
equipment is required but full time supervision is not expected. In situations
where the work being completed is of relevance to the PhD project, then a
greater involvement may be necessary. Primary responsibility for project
students should be with the academic supervisor and/or post-doc staff. It was
requested that academic supervisors of final year project students be
reminded of this.
4. Social Events
i. Social events
There are plans for a social event after the last PG seminar of the term
and also before the Physics Christmas meal. Details to follow.
5. Any Other Business
i. Staff Representation on the PG SSLC Committee
The staff mailing list for PG SSLC emails will be updated. New members
of the progress committee who have a position on the SSLC were identified
as Rachel Edwards and Tom Hase.
Physics PG SSLC Minutes November 2009
The next MPAGS workshop at the end of term will be held at Warwick in
the Ramphal Building.
Some students were concerned about not being able to attend and it was
commented that should this be the case, alternative arrangements can be
made if David Leadley is notified.
iii. PG Admissions Website
Gavin Bell thanked the students who helped review the website. Available
projects will now be put on the group web-pages and linked to the main page.
Further reviews and amendments to the PG admissions website will follow.
6. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Friday 15th January 2010 at 13:00