Document 13223601

Water for Texas Edited by
Jim Norwine John R. Giardino and Sushma Krishnamurthy FOREWORD BY LEO SAYAVEDRA
Texas A&M University Press College Station 2vr)j
CONTENTS Foreword, by Leo Sayavedra, vii Acknowledgments, ix Introduction, by Jim Norwine, John R. Giardino, and Sushma Krishnamurthy, xi Part 1. Texas Water in the Past, Present, and Future, 3 1. A Half Century of Water Resource Planning and Policy, 1950-2000, by Joe G. Moore, Jr., 5
2. 3. 4. Texas Water at the Century's Turn: Perspectives, Reflections, and a Comfort Bag, by George H. Ward, Jr., 17 Administration and Modeling of the Water Rights System, by Ralph A. Wurbs, 44 Water Use Patterns and Trends: The Future in Texas, by Rima Petrossian, 52 Part II. Regional Assessment, 63 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Water Resources of the Panhandle and Upper Colorado Regions of Texas, by Lloyd V. Urban and A. Wayne Wyatt, 65 Major Water Issues Facing South-Central Texas, by Richard A. Earl and Todd H. Vottder, 75 The Present and Future Status of Water in the Coastal Bend Area, by C. Alan Berkebile, Karen K. Dodson, Rick Hay, and James A. Dodson, 89 Houston Water Issues, by Philip B. Bedient, Hanadi S. Rifai, Monica P. Suarez, Rik M. Hovinga, and Burke Nixon, 107 Status and Trends of North-Central Texas Water Resources: The Integrity of the Trinity River, by Glenn C. Clingenpeel, 122 Part III. Climate and Water Quantity, 135 10.
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Will We Have Enough Water? An Overview, by Jurgen Schmandt, 137 Water and Climate Change in the Twenty-first Century, by Gerald R. North, 144 Climate and Water: Precipitation, Evapotranspiration, and Hydroclimatological Aspects, by David R. Legates, 149 The El Nino/Southern Oscillation and Impacts on Climate Anomalies in Texas, by Kent M. McGregor, 153 Influence of Climatic Variability on Texas Reservoirs, by Alan W. Groeger, Bruce G. Kelley, and Joe Martin, 159 Landscape Water Conservation through Xeriscape, by Douglas F. Welsh, 164 Changes in Flow Regime following Dam Construction, Yegua Creek, South-Central Texas, by Anne Chin and Jean Ann Bowman, 166 Part IV. Water Quality, 179 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Using a Geographic Information System to Identify Impacts from 4,200 Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, by Robert D. Larsen and Ronald J. Stephenson, 181 Nonpoint-Source Pollution from Silviculture in Texas, by Michael G. Messina and R. Scott Beasley, 185 Long-Term Trends in the Water Quality of Barton Springs, Austin, Texas, by Martha A. Turner and David A. Johns, 200 Educating the Public about Water Resources Research at Texas Universities, by Ric Jensen, 210 Reuse as a Viable Option in Water Resource Development: A Discussion of the Legal Framework Governing Reuse Projects, by Edmond R. McCarthy, Jr., and Michael A. Gershon, 218 Part V. International Issues in the Rio Grande Valley,
22. ~23. 227 Water Resources of Far West Texas: El Paso-Ciudad Juarez, by Robert H. Schmidt, 229
Geographical Hydrology of the EI Paso-Ciudad Juarez Border Region, by Richard A. Marston and William J. Lloyd, 242 Instream Salinity Modeling of Mid-Rio Grande and Wichita Basins, by R. S. Muttiah, S. Miyamoto, M. Borah, and C. H. Walker, 249 Water in the Lower Rio Grande Border Region: A Binational Perspective, by Mitchell 1. Mathis, 273 vi
23 Geographical Hydrology ofthe EI Paso-Ciudad Juarez Border Region Richard A. Marston School ofGeology Oklahoma State University William f. Lloyd Department ofGeography California State University Abstract
Water resources in the EI Paso--Ciudad Juarez border re­
gion are shared between three states (Chihuahua, Texas,
The purpose ofthis chapter is to describe and ex­
New Mexico) and two countries (Mexico, United States).
plain the spatial disconformities that exist in water
With approximately two million inhabitants, the EI Paso-­
supply, water demand, and jurisdiction over water
Ciudad Juarez urban region comprises the largest adjoin­
resources for the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez border re­
ing border community in the world. The rapidly growing
gion. Population growth and increasing per capita
population in an area of sparse rainfall creates some sig­
consumption ofwater have led to increasing de­
nificant challenges for water management. Water is scarce
mands for water, especially for municipal and in­
for physical reasons but also because of legal, political,
dustrial uses. Adequate supplies to meet this de­
and economic factors. Many earlier studies, principally
those by state and federal water management agencies,
mand exist in the Hueco and Mesilla bolsons, but
have ignored the hydrologic interdependencies between
supplies are not shared between the portions ofNew
Mexico, El Paso, and Juarez that comprise the bor­
El Paso and Juarez, resulting in incomplete understand­
der region. As a consequence, groundwater is being
ing of the impending water crisis. The regional disconfor­
mined and groundwater quality is being degraded.
mities are the basis of predictions we present on water
Supplies offresh water will soon be depleted in Ciu­
availability through the twenty-first century within the El
dad Juarez and the City ofEI Paso. Federal inter­
Paso-Juarez border region. We begin by describing the
vention will be required to renegotiate interstate
water demand and use in the region. This is followed by
and international agreements that govern water
an outline of the available water supplied by the Rio
allocation in the border region. Other alternatives,
Grande and alluvial-filled grabens known as bolsons. We
such as desalination and importation, are too ex­
conclude with a discussion of water management con­
cerns and predictions on the degree to which water de­
mand can be met by available supplies in the future. The
political units in this study are the City and County ofEl
Paso in Texas, Dona Ana County in New Mexico (in
which Las Cruces is the largest city), and Ciudad Juarez
and the Juarez Valley in Chihuahua, Mexico. This chapter
comprises an updated and abbreviated version of previ­
ously unpublished consultants' reports by the authors
that provided an exhaustive review on the status ofborder
region water resources (Lloyd and Marston 1984; Marston
1981, 1985, 1986a, 1986b, 1986c; Marston and Lloyd 1984;
Marston, Lloyd, and Dupuy 1985; Marston, Lloyd, and
Peeples 1983; Marston, Peeples, and Raksaskulwong 1985).
both El Paso and Juarez. However, M&I activities account
for 60 percent of the income and employment.
Irrigation agriculture comprises 75 percent of the total
demand for water in the border region. This water is used
to grow cotton, alfalfa, chiles, and pecans. Urban water
needs compete directly with agricultural demands. The
City of EI Paso purchases water rights from farmers for
conversion to M&I uses. Agriculture accounts for 75 per­
cent of the total water demand but provides only about 5
percent of the income and employment. The public de­
bate over this issue hinges on the much greater financial
return for M&I uses compared to agricultural uses.
Water Demand and Use
Water Supply
The estimated populations ofEl Paso County and Ciudad
Juarez in the year 2000 are 730,000 and 1.3 million, re­
spectively (table 1). The population of Ciudad Juarez has
grown from 500,000 in 1970, largely due to the creation of
more than 70,000 new assembly plant jobs under Mex­
ico's Border Industrialization Program. The per capita
municipal and industrial (M&I) use of water in EI Paso
has been reduced from a peak of 757 liters per day (lpd)
between 1980 and 1990 to a current 620 lpd. This has been
achieved largely through voluntary water conservation
measures, including xeriscaping of residential and com­
mercial property. Over the same period, per capita M&I
water use in Ciudad Juarez increased 40 percent to 378
lpd. This increase reflects efforts of the Junta Municipal
de Aguas y Saneamiento, the agency responsible for pro­
viding water service in Ciudad Juarez, to (I) increase the
percentage of homes that have inside plumbing; (2) in­
crease the level of commercial and industrial demand;
(3) improve the efficiency ofthe water distribution system;
and (4) expand the production and distribution system
(Lloyd 1982). The M&I demand in Juarez was greatly un­
derestimated in early models developed by the Texas De­
partment of Water Resources. The M&I demand for wa­
ter accounts for about one-fourth of the total water use in
Water supplies are derived from the Rio Grande, shallow
groundwater in alluvium of the Rio Grande Valley, and
deep groundwater reserves in two large bolsons (fig. 1;
White 1983). The Rio Grande is fully appropriated under
the current set of complex international and interstate
agreements (Day 1975). An average of 72,000 cubic meters
per year are provided to the City of El Paso and about
74,000 cubic meters per year are diverted to the Juarez
Valley. The allotment for Mexico is restricted for agricul­
tural uses. In the El Paso-Juarez border region, approxi­
mately 95 percent of river water is used for agriculture.
The Hueco Bolson is a north-south-trending tectonic
trough with basin fill deposits up to 2,700 meters thick,
extending from southern New Mexico through western­
most Texas into Chihuahua, Mexico. Groundwater re­
serves are deep, with important vertical and horizontal
patterns to water quality. The largest portion of fresh wa­
ter is on the west side of the Hueco Bolson within the up­
per 430 meters of fluvial sands and gravels of the Camp
Rice Formation. Total dissolved solids increase to the east
and south. The total estimated storage of fresh water is
27.1 billion cubic meters, with 37 percent in New Mexico,
45 percent in Texas, and 18 percent in Mexico. With­
drawals from the Hueco Bolson in Ciudad Juarez and the
Table 1. Water demand along the EI Paso-Juarez border
Est. 2000 population
Per capita M&I use (liters/day)
Total M&I use (MCM/year)
Agricultural use (million cU3/year)
City & County
ofEI Paso, Tex.
Cd. Juarez &
Juarez Valley
Regional Total
Geographical Hydrology ofEl Paso-Ciudad Juarez Region
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... Figure 1. Location ofthe Mesilla and Hueco bolsom among major physiographic features and urbanized area within the El Paso-Juarez border region. Juarez Valley exceed those in EI Paso County. Since the
1920S, the rate of pumping has exceeded the rate of
recharge; currently, the former exceeds the latter by a fac­
tor of twenty-five. Very little is withdrawn in the New
Mexico portion of the Hueco Bolson. The annual precip­
itation in the border region is only 210 millimeters, and
most of this is evaporated. Insignificant recharge occurs
at the margin ofbolsons from the mountain runoff of ar­
royos. Additional recharge occurs in the Texas portion of
the Hueco Bolson from seepage out ofthe Rio Grande and
from injection wells used to store treated effluent from
the sewage treatment plant in northeast EI Paso.
The total estimated storage in the Mesilla Bolson is
42.9 billion cubic meters, but 97.7 percent of this is stored
in New Mexico and the remainder in Texas. The portion
of the Mesilla Bolson in the Rio Grande Valley has been
developed for agricultural use, although urban growth in
this direction has led to increasing withdrawals for M&I
use. Exploration has failed to find measurable fresh water
stored in the Mexican extension of the Mesilla Bolson,
known as the Bolson de los Muertos, where fluvial sands
and gravels are replaced by lacustrine clays. This portion
is largely undeveloped.
Water Management Concerns
Groundwater Mining
Measurements of groundwater elevations in the Hueco
Bolson early in the twentieth century demonstrated that
Marston and Lloyd
groundwater was moving in a gentle hydraulic gradient
toward the Rio Grande Valley from both sides of the bor­
der. Once this groundwater reached the Rio Grande Val­
ley, it turned southeast and moved down the valley. The
development of major urban well fields in east EI Paso has
created major cones of depression, diverting the deep
bolson water away from rural communities. In Ciudad
Juarez, water is supplied from individual wells to the im­
mediate neighborhoods; wells are not linked together in
an integrated water distribution system. Thus, the Junta
Municipal de Aguas y Saneamiento does not have the abil­
ity to spread out the groundwater demand on the aquifer,
nor is it able to move water from one part ofthe city to an­
other. Hence, the drawdown on the aquifer has been
greatest in the central business district of Ciudad Juarez,
where population density and per capita consumption are
highest (Lloyd 1982). EI Paso and Juarez place demands on
the same deep Hueco Bolson water. Cones of depression
have intersected across the border, causing up to thirty­
five meters of drawdown in the last fifty years. The gradi­
ent of the piezometric surface has been altered, causing
4,000 cubic meters per day to flow from Texas into Mex­
ico and, where the groundwater is flowing northward, 750
cubic meters per day from Mexico into Texas. The net flow
into Mexico amounts to 1 percent of the M&I demand in
El Paso. Groundwater mining is encouraged by the rule of
capture that dominates Texas groundwater law; land own­
ers can pump as much groundwater as possible from be­
neath the land they own, irrespective of impacts on adja­
cent landowners, unless it can be proven that pumping
is undertaken with malicious intent against adjacent
landowners. The malicious action clause has not yet been
successfully employed in the Texas courts.
In 1965, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), El Paso
Water Utilities, and Texas Water Development Board
compiled an electrical analogue model of the Hueco Bol­
son in order to predict effects of water demand on the
aquifer. This model was made obsolete by the realign­
ment and cement lining of the Rio Grande through the El
Paso-Ciudad Juarez urban area. In 1976, the USGS devel­
oped a two-dimensional digital model of the aquifer
(Meyer 1976), but this greatly underestimated the de­
mand in the City and County of El Paso. The Texas De­
partment ofWater Resources updated the USGS model in
1979, with new projections as a result (Knowles and Al­
varez 1979). However, this model vastly underestimated
the demand for water in Juarez and did not account for
the distribution of drawdown and directions of urban
growth in Juarez.
Lee Wilson and Associates (1981) projected water de­
mand in the border region for the hundred-year period
1980-2079. Their model assumed that agricultural use
would remain steady. M&I use in El Paso and Juarez
would increase 2 percent per year from 1980 to 2019, slow­
ing to 1.2 percent from 2020 to 2079. Their model further
assumed that M&I would increase only 1 percent per year
in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, consistent with esti­
mates used in more recent modeling efforts. We have ap­
plied these assumptions ofwater demand to our estimates
of water supply derived from published sources and our
own finite difference models (Lloyd and Marston 1985). If
freshwater supplies are fully shared, water should be suffi­
cient beyond 2079 in EI Paso County, Dona Ana County,
and in Ciudad Juarez and the Juarez Valley. Without full
sharing of freshwater, however, political boundaries will
place a constraint on optimal spacing of wells in EI Paso
and Juarez (Day 1978). As a result, Dona Ana County will
enjoy sufficient fresh water far beyond the year 2079, but
EI Paso County will exhaust fresh water by the year 2060.
Seventy-one percent of the freshwater storage will be de­
pleted in the Juarez Valley between 1972 and 2010, and
fresh water will be exhausted by the year 2020. Further
shifts can be expected in the rates and directions of
groundwater flow, with even more diversion toward ma­
jor cones of depression in urban well fields.
This scenario is particularly bleak for M&I users in EI
Paso and Ciudad Juarez. El Paso Water Utilities has con­
sidered a number of alternatives to extend the supply. We
have already mentioned the water saved through conser­
vation and wastewater recycling. Emphasis is currently
being given to proposals for increasing supplies of water
from the Rio Grande. This would be accomplished by
constructing lined (and perhaps covered) canals that
would divert the Texas allocation of Rio Grande water
from as far upstream as Caballo Dam in New Mexico. The
prospect of renegotiating the Rio Grande Compact has
also been considered, but little incentive exists for either
Colorado or New Mexico to consider this alternative. Col­
orado's allocation is fully appropriated, and New Mexico
wishes to reserve its portion of Rio Grande water to pro­
mote future development of the Mesilla Valley, to reserve
the water for irrigated agriculture, or to sell at a higher
price to El Paso. Litigation was brought by El Paso in the
1970S against the State of New Mexico claiming infringe­
ment of interstate commerce through New Mexico's re­
fusal to sell groundwater to El Paso from the Mesilla and
Hueco bolsons. EI Paso submitted sixty well permit appli­
cations in the New Mexico portion of the Hueco Bolson
Geographical Hydrology ofEl Paso-Ciudad Juarez Region
and 266 well permit applications in the New Mexico por­
tion of the Mesilla Bolson. New Mexico's position has
been upheld, so state officials can afford to wait and,
should they wish, sell water to El Paso at a later date. No
incentive exists for Texas to renegotiate the 1944 treaty
with Mexico that governs allocation of Rio Grande water
(Day 1975).
Projected effects of increasing water demand in the
Mesilla Bolson have been modeled for the Rio Grande al­
luvium in one layer and, in a second layer, the upper 300
meters of the Santa Fe Group, which contains deeper,
fresh bolson water. A third dimension was added to the
model to simulate downward leakage of groundwater
from the alluvial groundwater to the deeper bolson
aquifer. Modeling was constrained by the lack of data on
hydraulic head and aquifer coefficients (transmissivity,
storativity). When the withdrawals from El Paso's 266
proposed wells were included, drawdown of up to 30 me­
ters was predicted in one simulation and up to 122 meters
in a second simulation, with differences between the two
simulations attributed to the aquifer coefficients that
were applied. Either simulation would trigger a change in
direction of groundwater flow away from the Mesilla Val­
ley, but seepage out of the Rio Grande would not be sig­
nificantly increased. This is because the river is hydrauli­
cally disconnected from groundwater in the alluvium in
the Mesilla Valley of New Mexico.
Seepage from the Rio Grande
The present-day EI Paso-Juarez Valley is entrenched 60­
80 meters into the Hueco Bolson. The Rio Grande ex­
changes water with the alluvium, which is up to 60 meters
thick over the Hueco Bolson deposits. The unconfined
groundwater in the Rio Grande alluvium lies only 3-5 me­
ters below the surface and may be hydraulically connected
to the river in places. The Rio Grande alluvium contains
dissolved solids in concentrations that fluctuate accord­
ing to the amount of fresh water that enters the alluvium
from the river.
We examined the changing importance of seepage in
the Rio Grande since 1889 for the reach between gauges at
EI Paso and Fort Quitman, 133 km downstream (Marston
and Lloyd 1985). The proportion of streamflow between
EI Paso and Fort Quitman that was lost to seepage and
evaporation was reduced dramatically by river manage­
ment. Channel rectification was completed in 1938 to sta­
bilize the border between Texas and Mexico along this
reach. The rectification program, conducted by the Bu­
reau of Reclamation under the authority of the Interna­
tional Boundary and Water Commission, also served to
decrease river losses in the following five ways:
(1) The length of the channel between EI Paso and
Fort Quitman was reduced 45 percent, from
240 to 133 km.
(2) Overbank ponding areas were eliminated by
reducing the floodplain width between new
artificial levees.
(3) The wetted perimeter of the channel was re­
duced so that a lower portion of the flow was
in contact with the bed and banks ofthe chan­
nel where seepage could occur.
(4) The channel bed elevation was lowered, allow­
ing greater opportunity for the river to inter­
cept shallow subsurface flow and irrigation re­
turn flow and to receive arroyo runoff.
(5) Transpiration losses were reduced through control of streamside phreatophytes (salt cedar) on the U.S. side of the floodplain. The seven-kilometer-long Chamizal segment of the Rio
Grande through urbanized EI Paso and Ciudad Juarez
was paved with concrete in 1968. The net effect of the
channel rectification program and Chamizal Project was
to reduce the amount of water supplied to the Rio Grande
alluvium. In the EI Paso urban area, problems of subsi­
dence have been reported as the water table was lowered
and clays were dewatered. Farther down valley, the water
table has not been lowered, but the dilution of total dis­
solved solids (TDS) in the alluvial groundwater has been
reduced, and TDS levels are on the increase. TDS in­
creases progressively as one moves down valley, from
about 1,000 mg!l in alluvial groundwater near EI Paso to
3,700 mg!l near Fort Quitman. A minimum annual
runoff of 360 million cubic meters is needed at El Paso to
provide sufficient water for leaching of salts from farm
soils and to dilute river water for later application. This
threshold runoff value has been attained in only two out
of every five years since 1950. To augment river flow fur­
ther, it will be necessary to undertake the following: (1)
store more water in reservoirs of northern New Mexico to
avoid the high evapotranspiration loss downstream; (2)
add a cement lining to irrigation canals and to the Rio
Grande channel; and (3) level irrigation fields, coordinate
irrigation schedules, and improve phreatophyte control
in the irrigation canals and on the Mexican side of the
Marston and Lloyd
Increased TDS in Surface Water and Groundwater
Unconfined groundwater in the Rio Grande alluvium is
hydraulically connected to leaky confined groundwater
in the Hueco Bolson deposits that lie beneath the Rio
Grande alluvium. Prior to heavy development of the
deeper Hueco Bolson aquifer, the piezometric surface for
the bolson aquifer was at a higher elevation than the wa­
ter table for the Rio Grande alluvial groundwater. This
meant that seepage through the discontinuous clays sep­
arating the two was in the upward direction. The fresh
bolson water was diluting the alluvial groundwater
charged with dissolved solids from centuries ofirrigation
agriculture. Excess pumping from the Hueco Bolson
aquifer has lowered the piezometric surface to an eleva­
tion below the constant water table elevation. As a conse­
quence, the direction of seepage has been reversed; the
low quality alluvial groundwater leaks downward into the
bolson aquifer. The alluvial aquifer is becoming more
brackish, as is the deeper bolson aquifer. We suggest that
one mechanism responsible for this increase in TDS is up­
coning. A well that penetrates the freshwater zone pulls
water horizontally and vertically toward the screened sec­
tions. The interface between fresh water and salt water
cones up toward the bottom ofthe well. Ifa critical pump­
ing rate is exceeded, the freshwater-saltwater interface
will reach the screened section of the well. Our modeling
suggests that the 1,000 mg/l isochlor in the Hueco Bolson
underlying Ciudad Juarez moved upward more than 200
meters just between 1972 and 1979 (Lloyd and Marston
1985). Some have also suggested that brackish groundwa­
ter is moving through El Paso del Norte from the Mesilla
Valley into the EI Paso-Juarez Valley (Phillip Goodell,
pers. comm., 1999). Some combination ofaquifer leakage,
upconing, and lateral migration of brackish groundwater
is causing an annual increase of 10 mg!l in wells ofEI Paso
and 30 mg/l in twelve wells of Ciudad Juarez for which
data are available.
We have pointed out that water supplies in the EI Paso­
Juarez border region are not located where the demand is
greatest. Moreover, water supplies are divided among
different political jurisdictions, each with its own eco­
nomic, legal, and political mandates to protect and de­
velop its water for the best interests of its citizens, regard­
less of impacts on neighbors. Sufficient supplies of water
exist in the Mesilla Bolson, Hueco Bolson, and Rio
Grande to supply all the needs in the twenty-first century
ofDofia Ana County, the City and County ofEI Paso, Ciu­
dad Juarez, and the Juarez Valley. However, these supplies
must be shared or Ciudad Juarez and EI Paso County will
run out of fresh water, perhaps as soon as the years 2020
and 2060, respectively. Under present water law, New
Mexico is not compelled to share groundwater from its
portion of the Hueco and Mesilla bolsons with EI Paso,
nor is New Mexico obligated to share its allotment of
Rio Grande water with EI Paso. Moreover, international
treaties between the United States and Mexico allow little
flexibility to reallocate groundwater or Rio Grande water.
Conjunctive management ofthe Rio Grande and ground­
water is not possible under the current water laws of
Texas. For legal and political reasons, as much as for phys­
ical reasons, the EI Paso-Ciudad Juarez border region
finds itself in a crisis regarding future water demand and
supply. Groundwater mining and the related increase in
dissolved solids will render much of the current supply
unusable in the next few decades. Intervention by the
highest levels of federal government would provide the
level of attention needed to address the crisis; parochial
state government and antiquated laws will not serve the
best interests of all citizens living in this large and grow­
ing border community.
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Geographical Hydrology ofEl Paso--Ciudad Juarez Region
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- - - . "Environmental Planning Maps for the City and
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