COURSE SYLLABUS ARCH 3355 Architectural Construction III Texas Tech University at El Paso College of Architecture El Paso, Texas, Campus EPCC Administrative Center Spring 2013 INSTRUCTOR Name: Contact Info: email: Phone: Geoffrey Wright +1 915 533-3777 (o) +1 915 637-3777 (m) NOTE: Please copy my personal address with any email correspondence. I may not get your message at my TTU email. Instructor will be available to meet with students from 9:20 to 10:00 am Tuesdays or by appointment. Students should take the initiative to meet with instructor to resolve any course issues prior to their becoming critical. COURSE INFORMATION Course Title: ARCH 3355 – Architectural Construction III 3 Credits Meeting Days / Times Spring 2012, January 19 – May 8, 2013 Spring Break - Mar 9 – 17, 2013 Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:00 to 9:20 Location: Texas Tech College of Architecture at El Paso Required Texts: Building Structures Illustrated; FDK Ching, BS Onouye, D Zuberbuhler Building Codes Illustrated; FDK Ching, S Winkel Required Supplies Quadrille-ruled notebook 3-ring binder, pencils, erasers, etc. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course furthers the student’s understanding of structural systems and as used in the practice of architecture. Topics explored include horizontal spans in concrete, steel, and wood; vertical elements such as columns and walls; lateral forces; long spans, including cable structures and domes; and high-rise structures. Emphasis will be placed on the architect’s role during the course of the construction of a project. The class will visit at least one construction site during the course of the semester. A field report will be required for each visit. CLASS FORMAT This class meets twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:00. It is our intention to follow the attached class schedule. Students are expected to read the assigned chapters in advance of the lecture. Class attendance is mandatory. EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to 1) Develop a clearer understanding of structures and structural systems for use in architecture. 2) Have a basic understanding of the role of the architect in the construction process. 3) Have an initial understanding of the role of the building code in the design and construction process. 4) Understand the appropriate times to use concrete, steel, wood or other materials when selecting a structural system. 5) Be familiar with common industry standards and regulatory bodies such as ASTM, UL, ACI, AISC, etc. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 1. Quiz 15% 2. Field Report(s) 5% 3. Mid term Exam 15% 4. Quiz 15% 5. Projects 20% 6. Final Exam 20% 7. Class Participation 10% Note that up to 15% of a class grade may be substituted by additional project(s).