JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 105, NO. B4, PAGES 8147-8172, APRIL 10, 2000 Transpression between two warm mafic plates: The Queen Charlotte Fault revisited Kristin M. M. Rohr • Geological Surveyof Canada, Ottawa Maren Scheidhauer 2 and Anne M. Trehu College of Oceanography,Oregon State University,Corvallis Abstract. The Queen CharlotteFault is a transpressive transformplate boundary betweenthe Pacificand North AmericanplatesoffshorewesternCanada.Previousmodels for the accommodation of transpression includeinternal deformationof both plates adjacentto the plate boundaryor obliquesubductionof the oceanicplate; the latter has been the preferredmodel.Both platesare warm and mafic and have similarmechanical structures. New multichannel seismic reflection data show a near-vertical Queen Charlotte Fault downto the first water bottom multiple, significantsubsidence east of the Queen CharlotteFault, a large melangewhere the fault is in a compressive left step,and faulting which involvesoceanicbasement.Gravity modelingof profilesindicatesthat Moho varies fairly smoothlyacrossthe plate boundary.Isostaticanomaliesindicatethat the Pacific plate is flexeddownwardadjacentto the Queen Charlotte Fault. Upward flexure of North America alongwith crustthickenedrelative to crustin the adjacentbasincreates topographyknown as the Queen Charlotte Islands.Combinedwith other regionalstudies, theseobservationssuggestthat the plate boundaryis a vertical strike-slipfault and that transpression is taken up within eachplate. 1. Introduction Atwater,1989;Furlong,1993].In comparison,the QCF hashad a relatively simple plate historyfor the last 20 Myr or more [Rohrand Currie,1997] and providesa goodlocationto study the poorlyunderstoodgeologiceffectsof transpression in both oceanicand continentalplates. Two mainmodelshavebeenpresentedfor plateinteractions on the QCF: one in which transformfaulting alternateswith subductionthrusting [Hyndmanand Ellis, 1981] and one in Ideason accommodation of transpression havebeenheavily influencedby studiesof oblique subductionzones [e.g., McCaffrey, 1996; Burbidgeand Braun, 1998]. How a transform plate boundarywith a near-verticaldip changesinto a shallow dippingsubductionzone is not obvious.At the onsetof and duringtranspression the relativemechanicalpropertiesof the platesand geometryof the plate boundaryare criticalto un- which transform motion is accommodated on the QCF and derstandingsubsequentdeformation.In the casestudiedhere, compressionby deformation of the oceanic plate and the the initial conditions are that of a well-established transform Queen Charlotte Islands[Mackieet al., 1989]. The latter was fault separatingplateswith similarmechanicalstructures: thin, consideredan unlikely solution because they believed that warm, and mafic. hundredsof kilometersof compressionhad to be accommoThe QueenCharlotteFault (QCF) separatesa youngPacific dated (Figure 1) [Yorathand Hyndman, 1983;Mackie et al., plate from an anomalouslymaficand recentlythinnedsection 1989]. Their tectonicreconstructions of the Queen Charlotte of the North American plate in westernCanada (Figure 1). region and the Explorer plate placed the commencementof Reconstructions of global plate motionsindicatea smallbut transpression just north of VancouverIsland.The lack of comsignificantcomponentof compression duringthe Pliocene(5 pressivestructuresin Queen Charlotte Sound and abundant Ma) [Engebretson,1985; Norton, 1995; Stock and Molnar, compressivestructuresin Hecate Strait [Rohr and Dietrich, 1988], which may have begun at 8 Ma [Atwaterand Stock, 1992] indicate that significantongoingtranspressionbegins 1998].A more southerlysectionof the Pacific-NorthAmerica north of the Tuzo Wilson Seamounts.Since then, Hyndman plate boundary,the central San Andreas Fault, is thoughtto andHamilton[1993]usedthe polesof StockandMolnar [1988] absorb 14-72 km of estimated transpressionsolely by in- and Engebretson [1985]for a simplecalculationthat 80 km of traplate deformation[Crouchet al., 1984; Wallace,1990]. In compression had occurredacrossthe QCF, althoughthe tecCalifornia,studyinggeologiceffectsof relativeplate motionsis tonic model of a subductedslab [Hyndmanand Ellis, 1981; complicatedby migrationof triple junctionswhich produces Hyndman et al., 1982; Yorath and Hyndman, 1983] was not significant variationsin mechanicalpropertieswith time [e.g., revised.Primset al. [1997] placedthe relativeplate motions' vectoron a map to showthat the averagenet predictedoverlap 1Nowat RohrGeophysics, NorthSaanich, BritishColumbia, Canada. of the plates is only tens of kilometers;the value gradually 2Nowat Institutde Geophysique, Universit6de Lausanne, Lau- increases from zero at the Tuzo Wilson Seamounts to a maxsanne, Switzerland. Copyright2000 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number1999JB900403. 0148-0227/00/1999JB900403 $12.00 imum of 80 km over a lateral distance of 350 km. Large amountsof compression mightwellneeda subduction zoneto be accommodated; tensof kilometersmaynot [Crouchet al., 1984]. Other studiesin the last 10 years such as microseismicity, 8147 8148 ROHR 134 ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION 132 130 128 North Dixon American plate .54 Pacific plate 52. 52 Tuzo Wilson Seamounts /•/ XExporer • - - 1•4 0 50 ß 132 100 150 130 128 200 km Figure 1. The Queen Charlotteregion,westernCanada.Stippledarea indicatesthe amountof compression that wasthoughtto haveoccurredin the last 5 Myr [afterMackieet al., 1989]and darker stipplingshowsthe amountof overlapif transpression startsat the Tuzo Wilson Seamountsat 5 Ma. If relativeplate motions beganto changeat 8 Ma [AtwaterandStock,1998],thenthe easternboundaryof the predictedoverlapsimply projectslinearlyacrossDixon Entranceand Alaska.Whenevertranspression began,net predictedtranspres- sionreaches a maximum at GrahamIsland;the instantaneous angleof transpression decreases to the north asthe QueenCharlotteFault (QCF) trendsmorenortherly.Insetshowslocationof figurein regionalcontext. Graham and MoresbyIslandsare the principalislandsof the Queen Charlottegroup.Theseislands,a region of thickercrust,lie eastof the QCF in the regionof predictedplate overlap.Their easternshoreis subparallel to the azimuthof relativeplatemotionasshownby arrow.The relativeplatemotionvectorwascalculated from NUVEL-1 [DeMetset al., 1990].Box in northwestcornershowsapproximatearea of Figure2. refraction, and heat flow data, geologicmapping and paleomagneticstudyof the Queen Charlotte Islands,modelingof gravityanomaliesand flexure of the Pacificplate, and reconstructionsof sealevel duringthe lastglacialretreat suggestthat a rethinkingof lithosphericinteractionsalong the QCF is in order. The regional implicationsof this work are combined with newmultichannelseismicreflectiondata and gravitymodels acrossthe northernQCF to infer that compression is mostlikely accommodated by deformationwithin both platesand that the QCF continuesto accommodatemostof the strike-slipmotion. 2. Overview of Regional Tectonics 2.1. Queen Charlotte Fault Between the Tuzo Wilson Seamounts and the Alaska border the QCF is clearly imaged by GLORIA side-scandata as a distinctline in the seafloor[Brunset al., 1992];the QCF between 54ø and 55øN is shown in Figure 2. In the northern region,wherethe multichanneldata were collected,two linear segmentscan be observed;the northern segmentstrikes338ø, and the southernsegmentstrikes328ø. The differencein angle ROHR 135•001N ET AL.' TRANSPRESSION 8149 134030'W 134(•00• Kilometers . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Figure 2. GLORIA data [Brunset al., 1992].The QCF is evidentas a linear feature on the seafloor.The northernsegment trends337øandthesouthern 328ø.The NUVEL-1 vectortrendsabout345øhere.Theymeet in a compressive left stepimagedby line 1250.Fine white lines showlocationof seismicdata. and left stepbetweenthem createsa compresslye bend. Striationsconsistent with compresslye structures formedby north- strikethe terracechangesfrom a singleblockdefinedby one main scarpinto severalblocksdefinedby scarpswhichappear west directed shear are observed in the bend. In other locato splayoff the QCF [Scheidhauer, 1997];this changein mortions,canyonsand striationsappearto be offsetrightlaterally phologymaybe relatedto decreasedobliquityof transpression by a few kilometers. to the north (A.M. Trehu and M. Scheidhauer, manuscriptin preparation,2000). The trough, of probableflexural origin 2.2. Plate Morphology This oceanic-continental transformfault is characterized by [Hyndmanet al., 1982;Primset al., 1997],is severalhundred plainandbegins90 km northof an abrupt transitionbetweenthe two plates(Figure 3). The metersdeeperthanthe abyssal the inception of the QCF at the Tuzo Wilson Seamounts. continentalshelf under Hecate Strait is fairly flat with two main incised channels. West of the Queen Charlotte Islands North of the Alaskaborder the terraceis lessdistinct[Bruns the shelfis <10 km wide,and the continentalslopeconsists of and Carlson,1987], and there is little obviouscontemporary a terrace,roughly30 km wideand 1500-2000m deepboundby deformationin the North Americanplate [e.g.,Gehrelset al., two scarps.The outerscarpof the terracestepsdownto water 1987].Southof the Tuzo WilsonSeamounts the oceanicplate depthsof 2500-3000 m, the Queen CharlotteTrough.Along isveryyoungandbroadlydeformed[RohrandFurlong,1995], 8150 ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION Figure 3. Regionalmorphologywith locationof new multichannelseismicreflectiondata:lines 1250, 1262, 1263,and 1264.T is the QueenCharlotteterrace.Arrow showsdirectionof relativeplate motioncalculated from NUVEL-1 [DeMetset al., 1990].Locationof QCF waspickedfrom GLORIA data (Figure2). Light shadedline is locationof crosssectionshownin Figure4. Shortline segments showlocationsof multichannel seismicreflectionlines5, 6, and 7 displayedin Figure 6. and south of the Queen Charlotte Islands the North American Curtie, 1997]with a componentof transpression in the last 5 plate is simply subsidingin responseto Miocene extension Myr. Prior to 45 Ma the plate boundarywasa subductionzone, [Rohrand Dietrich, 1992]. but its configurationand historyare poorly known.A single The age of the Pacificplate increasesfrom 7 Ma at the fault, the QueenCharlotteFault, is thoughtto takeup mostof southern end of the Queen Charlotte Islands to 15 Ma off the past transcurrentmotion; distributeddeformationmay northernDixon Entrance.Magnetic anomaliesof the Pacific have occurredduring Miocene extension[Rohrand Dietrich, plate strikeapproximatelynorth-southand fade out under the 1992]. Pliocene inversion of Miocene basins indicates that outer scarpof the terrace[Atwater,1989]. compressionwas distributed acrossthe continentalmargin over a width of at least 150 km [Rohrand Dietrich,1992]. 2.3. Plate History The amountof predictedcompression changesalongstrike The tectonicsof western Canada are dominated by the becauseof the angleof relative motion and changesin strike boundarybetweenthe PacificandNorth Americanplates(Fig- direction of the QCF. The difference between the strike of the ure 1). Relativemotionbetweenthe two plateshasbeendom- QueenCharlotteFault off MoresbyIsland(320ø,Figure1) and inantly.strikeslip for at least20 Myr, if not 45 Myr [Rohrand the directionof relativemotionof platesis ---26ø in the south ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION t O0 8151 ...... = 50 E -50 f• -100 ................................... o ?, •,, observed gravity / 2•20 • ½½?*. ':..-:-:.•..:,..:..?•::• '.•.... .. . ..... ........ ......... 50 .............. •.................................................. ;m •*• • '•' •d•"•/•:; "'•*•........ m'•• • 0 50 100 40 150 200 80 120 • •1 300 160 2÷0 350 200 VE 4:1 Velocity (km/s); Gradient (km/slkm) [• ,[• I• • 1.49;0,001 2.20;0.530 2.35;0.700 3.80;0.350 3.80;0.350 3.40;0.500 4.10' 0.400 5.00ß0.180 • 6.70'0.012 5.30;0.200 6.50' 0.030 6.10-0.095 7.90' 0.005 Figure 4. (bottom)Refractionresultsof Dehlerand Clowes[1988];notethickeningof materialwith velocitiesgreaterthan5.3 km/sin terrace.(top) Gravityinterpretationof thisrefractionline combinedwith line 6 [afterSpence andLong,1995].Locationof profileis shownin Figure3. The whitelayercorresponds to crust with velocitiesgreaterthan 5.3 km/s (crystallinebasement);light shadingcorresponds to water, medium shadingcorresponds to velocities2.2-4.7 km/s (sedimentsand upper oceaniccrust);and darker shading corresponds to velocities of 7.9-8.1km/s(mantle).Numbers aredensity values modeled (kg/m3). Triangle markslocationof OCF. Dottedline is drawnfromthe top of layer3 in oceaniccrustacrossthe terraceto show howmuchof the terracewouldbe occupiedby a simpleundeformedslab.The volumeabovethe dashedline must then be deformed oceanic crust and sediments. and decreasesnorthward to 7ø off Dixon Entrance. Average velocitiesare north-northwest4.7-4.8 cm/yrwest of Graham Island and Dixon Entrance.The amountof predictedoverlap of the Pacificand North Americanplates(Figure 1) wascalculatedassumingno internal deformationof either plate and usingthe NUVEL-1 vector [DeMetset al., 1990] over 5 Myr. Predictedoverlapacrossthe OCF increasesfrom zero at the Tuzo Wilson Seamounts to a maximum of 80 km at northern- currentto transpressive beginningat 8 Ma. Thiswouldincrease the amountof overlappredictedin Dixon Entranceto 100 km but doesnot affect the rest of the map shown. 2.4. Structure A multichannelsurveyin 1977 imagedfolded sedimentsin the terrace and inverted basins of northern Dixon Entrance [Snavely et al., 1981].The terrace'sdeeperstructurewasstudmostGraham Islandand then rapidlydecreasesagain.Atwater ied in two refractiontransectsat about52øN[Hornet al., 1984] andStock[1998]haverecentlysuggested that the PacificNorth and53øN[Dehlerand Clowes,1988](Figure4, bottom);interAmericarelativeplate motionschangedgraduallyfrom trans- pretationsfeaturedcrustin the terracewhichis lowerin seis- 8152 ROHR W-E ' TRANSPRESSION QCF ß ' ' ' i '' "' .....•"' ' .......... •'--.• •i'L . .• _•'-.._• ß -5 -to -15 ........ Present bathymetry ..... -20 -25 Te= ! 5 km(25kmofunderthrusting) -- --. - Te = 15 km (No underthrusting) 15'0 'Z previouslypostulatedtime of transtension is no longerthought to haveoccurred[Norton,1995;Atwaterand Stock,1998].The mode and causeof extensionremain enigmatic,but coincident accelerationof uplift of the Coast Mountains led Rohr and Currie[1997]to proposethat extensionwasaccommodated on a large low-angledetachment. Transpressionhas invertedsubbasins inboardof the Queen CharlotteIslands(Figure 6) [Rohrand Dietrich,1992]but not in Queen Charlotte Sound.Compressiondeformedsomeupper Miocenesediments(e.g.,shotpoints(SP) 600-800, Figure 6a) andwasfollowedbybroadfoldingandtiltingup to thewest which included Pliocenepostrift sediments.Strike-slipfaults and flower structurescut the folds. Glacial scouringand fast tidal currentshaveplanedoff the upthrustsediments(Figures 6b and 6c); onlythe northernmost basins(e.g.,Figure6c) are seismicallyactive [Bird, 1997]. No quantitativework has been done to assessthe uplift historyof the Queen Charlotte Islands,yet their topography and geologyindicate uplift which increasessouthwardalong Trough Terrace • Islands _ - ET AL.' , Observed top of plate loo 5o o Distance (km) Figure 5. Flexuralmodelingby Primset al. [1997]showsthat the weight of the terrace alone is sufficientto match observed flexureassuming a densityof 2000kg/m3. Under the QCF, heavybar representstop of putative plate in gravitymodels (see Figure 15). Thrustingof a slab under North America predictsa greater amount of downwarpthan is allowed by strike. Mountains on the western Queen Charlotte Islands gravitymodels.Downwarpis taken from a reflectionprofile exceedelevationsof 1000m. In MoresbyIsland,upper crustal west of Graham Island [Rohret al., 1992]. Paleogenebatholithsare exposed[Andersonand Reichenbach, 1991], but on Graham Island, Neogene rocksformed at sea level are just above current sea level. Yorath and Hyndman mic velocitiesthan cruston either side.Velocitiesgradedfrom [1983]suggested that the Queen CharlotteIslandswere flexed 5.3 to >7 km/s above Moho and crust thickened from 7 to abovesealevel in the last 6 Myr by underthrusting;they did not 18-20 km towardthe continent.Most of the rayswhichdefined consideralong-strikevariationsin flexure. Moho under the terrace also traversed the Queen Charlotte Quaternaryhistoryincludesperiodicglacialloadingoverthe Islands, where crustal structure was not constrained. Several last 2 Myr accompaniedby rapid sea level changescausedby gravity modelsbased on these refraction studiesas well as eustaticvariations as well as significantregional flexural efrefractioninterpretationsin the Queen Charlotte Basininter- fects.A glacier in Dixon Entrance came within 12 km of the preted that Moho dips eastwardunder the terrace and then QCF only 11,000 years ago; as it retreated, sea level rose by flattensunder the islands(Figure 4, top) [Horn et al., 1984; 100 m in only 1000years[Barrieand Conway,1996].This rapid Mackie et al., 1989; Sweeneyand Seemann,1991; Spenceand risehasbeendocumentedasa regionalphenomenon[Barrieet Asudeh,1993;Spenceand Long, 1995]. al., 1991;Josenhans et al., 1995]and suggests a viscoelastic time High velocities(6.5-7.3 km/s) in the lower continentalcrust constantof a few 100 yearsor less(T. James,personalcom[Spenceand Asudeh, 1993] indicate that its compositionis munication,1998),whichis significantly smallerthantime condominantlymafic.This is consistent with the surfacegeologyof stantsusedfor mostof North America.The rapid regionalsea the Queen Charlotte Islands, which includes 7-10 km of Karlevel changesmay onlybe possiblegiventhe warm stateof the mutsen basalt flows and shows that they are part of the continentallithosphereand if the QCF is a free edge (T. Wrangellia terrane [P. D. Lewis, et al., 1991], which was ac- James,personalcommunication,1998). creted in the Cretaceous[Gabrielseand Yorath, 1991]. 2.6. 2.5. Flexure and Vertical Motions Bathymetry and isostasyindicate that the Pacific plate is beingflexed [Harrisand Chapman,1994].In three dimensions the wavelengthand amplitudeof flexurevarywith the strength of the plate as it increaseswith age. A flexural trough is not evidentin the southernmost90 km of the fault, indicatingthat until this point the load of the terrace or the compressive stresses are insufficientto flex the plate. Calculationsof flexure (Figure 5) [Primse! al., 1997] found that a model of underthrustingpredictedtoo much downwarpof the Pacificplate. Instead, a clean break at the QCF matched downwarpobservedin a reflectionprofile and a depth of 12 km to the top of a putativeundeformedoceanicplate at the QCF. In the Miocene, extensional faults and subsidencewere ac- tive in Queen Charlotte Soundand Hecate Strait formingthe Queen CharlotteBasin[RohrandDietrich,1992;Hyndmanand Hamilton, 1993; Lowe and Dehler, 1995; Dehler et al., 1997; Rohr and Currie,1997].The basinconsists of a networkof half grabensand grabensacrossa 200-km-wideregion. Plate motions have been fairly constantbetween 40 and 5-8 Ma; a Seismicity The QueenCharlotteFault is seismically active(Figure7); Canada'slargest recordedearthquake,a magnitude8.1, occurred on it in 1949. For that event,Bostwick[1984] found a rupturelengthof-490 km (300 km northand 190km southof the epicenter)with an averagecoseismic displacement of 4-7.5 m. The azimuthof the verticalfault planecorresponds with the strike of the Queen Charlotte Fault, implyingthat no convergencewas taken up by this event.A short oceanbottom seismometer(OBS) surveydefineda near-verticalzoneof seismicity to depthsof 20 km under the QCF cuttingdown to Moho [Hyndmanand Ellis, 1981].A studyof regionalseismicitybetween 1982 and 1996 [Bird, 1997] alsofound that eventsclustered around the QCF lie in a near-verticalband. This study onlyhad arrivalsrecordedfrom the easternsideof the QCF for each event,but eventslocatedon the QCF along the middle outer edge of the array did not significantlychangelocation solutionswhen different depthswere used to locate a given event.This impliesthat the earthquakesare distributedvertically.This studycouldnot, however,determinethe maximum depth of faulting. ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION c) Figure 6. Inversion of basinsformed in the Miocene; see Figure 3 for location [after Rohr and Dietrich, 1992].P, Pliocenesediments; uM, upperMiocene;and1M, lowerMiocenesedimentsasdeterminedfromwell ties.B indicatesprobablebasementrocks.(a) Line 5 showingbasementfaultsbelowfoldingin sedimentary section.(b) Line 6 imagingverticalfaults,foldingof Mioceneand Pliocenesedimentsas well as tilting of basement,and Miocene/Pliocenesectionup to the west.Note strike-slipfault underneathshotpointlocation 420. (c) Line 7 showingfoldingof sedimentary sectionand strike-slipfault whichis activetoday(shotpoint (SP) 1445).A magnitude5.3 strike-slipearthquakeoccurred--•20km belowthisbasinin 1990. 8153 8154 ROHR 135øW 133øW ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION 129øW 131øW z............................ o .............. ø :-:.:o.. :. ' •ø ii-• ...... - ....... ii7..:• ...... •........... ....:...•.•..::•.,,/•.•....... __• ...• .. .•,•.•. •: •!!::•-: ''"•': '...... ..•'•'. 135øW 133ow . ."4'- • 131ow ;..-• .__________________•:.•... 12Sow Figure 7. Microseismicityfrom Bird [1997] plotted on bathymetry;magnitude8.1 event is shownas large openstar.Seismicityoccursalongthe QCF; eastof the QCF microseismicity is concentratedundernorthern GrahamIslandand Hecate Strait.White squaredenoteslocationofM - 5.3 eventin 1990.Nine stationsused to locate the eventswere on the Queen Charlotte Islands(QCI); three were acrossHecate Strait on the mainland. Focal mechanismsolutionsof groupsof microearthquakes, 3. New Seismic Reflection Data and individualevents[B•rub•et al., 1989;Bird, 1997]showthat pure strike-slip as well as oblique, thrust, and extensional 3.1. Acquisition and Processing events occur near the QCF, beneath the terrace and northern Data collectedin 1994 as part of the Accreteprogram[AnGraham Island. The axis of maximum compressionstrikes dronicoset al., 1999] crossthe QCF in two places;tie lines north to north-northeast.Events in Figure 7 were locatedas- imagemildlydeformedPacificplate and the terrace(Figures2 et al., 1999].The source,an arrayof 20 air suminga depth of 20 km. Eventslocatednorth of the station and 3) [Scheidhauer array are slightlyeast of the QCF probablybecausethe as- guns,had a total volume of 138 L (8400 cubicinches).The sumeddepth is too deep. Nevertheless,the spreadof activity streamerhad 224 channelswith a groupspacingof 12.5 m for over the physiographic terraceand the varietyof mechanisms a total length of 2800 m. The data were recorded with a suggestthat the terrace is seismicallyactive. Treated as a samplingrate of 4 ms for 16.5s.An anti-aliasinghigh-cutfilter group,90% of the eventsunderGrahamIslandoccurat depths of 125 Hz was appliedin the field prior to digitization.Using <16 km, and 90% of the events under Hecate Strait occur at Global PositioningSystem(GPS) navigation,the shotpoint dataweresortedinto commonmidpoint(CMP) formatwith a depths <20 km. ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION 8155 show that subsidencewas faster than the rate of deposition sincelayersonlap the substrate.Above U2, layersdownlap;the sedimentaryunits are buildingoutwardindicatinga faster rate of deposition.Suchvariationsin sedimentaryrate are expected to occur during glacial cyclesand may have occurredduring the last major glacialcycle(0.125 Ma). This would imply that 3.2. Line 1262 the Pacificplate was<6 km to the southwestduringdeposition Line 1262(Figure 8) crosses the QCF at latitude54.5øNoff of the layers on the North America plate. Plate flexure, sea Dixon Entrance.The Pacificplate is --•15 Myr old here, and the level, and sedimentationrate changesare regional in effect, westernedge of the terrace is a ridge which runs north-south, and onewould expectthem to be coherentover distancescales parallel to the magneticanomalies(Figure 2). Sedimentary of 5 km. Yet thoseeffectsare not evidenton the Pacificplate. unit B thins to the west and onlapsunit A, implyingthat the 3.3. Line 1263 oceanicplate was alreadyflexed before depositionof unit B. We have no independentestimateof age of sediments,but it Line 1263 (Figure 11) showsmild, apparentlyinactivedeseemslikely that, similarto the Cascadiabasin,the bulk of the formationof the Pacificplate westof the terrace.This line was sediments are Pleistocene. shot at a low angle to the strike of the terrace and crossesthe The outer ridge of the terraceis so deformedthat only short outer terrace fault imaged by line 1262 where it has plunged segmentsof coherent reflectionsare visible (CMP 10200- belowthe seafloor(CMP 2300-2500). In this area,whichhas 10700);the standardprocessing usedwasunableto resolveits undergone less deformation, the internal structure is more internal structure. The terrace is •--45 km wide; two turbidite evident; a small anticline is curved up south of a fault. Dip channelswhich carry sedimentsfrom Alaska and the Coast moveoutprocessing showsthat it dipsat an angleof at least52ø Mountains have been focusedhere into one channel by the and that it cuts basement.Compressionhas tilted both sediouter ridgesof the terrace.Broadlyfolded sedimentsunderlie ments and basementas opposedto just thickeningthe sedithe seafloor;the intensityof folding increasestoward the outer ments,indicatingthat basementis involvedin the deformation. ridgeandwith depth.An incoherentunit, F, abutsthe QCF; its An angularunconformityis associatedwith the crest of this incoherenceand associationwith a major fault suggestthat it anticline. On either side of this structure, reflectors dip is a melange. Farther to the west, sedimentarylayers are smoothlytoward the terrace. SteepfaultsbetweenCMPs 4300 folded, and their contact with the melange is not defined. and 4500 are also currentlyinactive. Whether theselayershavebeen caughtup in the melangeor if 3.4. Line 1250 they onlap an older melangecannotbe distinguishedhere. The data show strikingdifferencesin structureand stratigLine 1250(Figure 12) wascollectedacrossthe terrace30 km raphyacrossthe QCF; markedtilting on the North American southof line 1262.The trough sectionshowslayerssimilar to plate does not occur on the Pacific (Figures 8-10). On the thoseseenin line 1262; althoughthe lower layersare thicker, North American side the top 1.0 s of sedimentarylayersdip they still showunit B onlappingunit A. In the terracea set of down toward the fault and are underlainby a nearly flat event fault-bendfoldsis cut by nearlyverticalfaults.The geometryof that a compressive fault has cut up at 4.5 s (Figure9). West of the fault, reflectionsare subparallel thesesedimentssuggests possiblyon a setof rampsand flats[e.g., to the seafloorand are higher in amplitudethan to the east. throughthe sediments The configurationof reflectionsat the present seafloorsug- Shaw and Suppe,1994], reachingthe surfaceat the westerngeststhat tilting the North American plate relative to the most edge of the terrace. Subsequenttilting of the ramps Pacificcreatesa depressionwhichwould be filled by the next suggeststhat later faulting was deeper, perhapsbecausethe sedimentarydeposit.Dips exceedthosetypicallyobservedon brittle layer thickenedover time. Much of the recentsedimencontinentalslopes.The dip of the seaflooris 5ø, and dips of tationwasdepositedduringformationof the foldssincelayering reflectionsbelow that are as much as 12ø and 20ø assumingan onlaps the fold crest (CMPs 3500-3650). The near-vertical interval velocity of 2.0 km/s. In contrast,sedimentsimmedi- faults could be the result of later strike-slipdeformation. On this line the plate boundaryis visible,not as a distinct ately seawardof the shelf break on passivemarginstypically dip 3øto 5øon today'sAtlantic continentalslopeand up to 7.5ø fault, but as an incoherent,apparentlyuplifted unit (CMPs on Miocene progradingclinoformsoff New Jersey[Fulthorpe 4900-5100). The lack of coherentreflectionenergyand weak returnsfrom this regionsuggestthat the sedimentshave been andAustin, 1998]. On the North American plate the sedimentaryrecord shows deformedenoughto destroyoriginalbedding,i.e., constitutea two different processesat work: tectonicsubsidenceand flex- melange.This profile crosseda restrainingbend in the QCF ure from glacioisostatic forces.The latter entailsrapid changes which is ---3 km wide and 30 km long. Northwest trending whichare superimposedon the former, a longer-term,presum- high-amplitudereflectionsin the GLORIA data lie between ably steadierprocess.Dips which exceedeven thoseobserved overlappingtracesof the fault (Figure 2); they are mostlikely during massivesedimentbuildup suggestthat subsidenceis uplifted melange. ongoing.Subsidencecould be causedby local thinning of 3.5. Line 1264 North America or simple flexure. Counterclockwiserotation between two active right-lateral strike-slipfaults can create On line 1264 (Figure 13) the melangecan be traced from extensionin one sectionand compressionin another. Dixon line 1250 to line 1262, but it is not as extensive in the shallow Entrance is broken by a seriesof northwesterlytrending en sectionof line 1262 as in line 1250. The melange could have echelonfaults[RohrandDietrich,1992];sheardistributedfrom formed locallyon the QCF or at the restrainingbend and been the QCF onto one of thesefaults could easilyinduce rotation draggednorth 30 km. This would imply an age of 0.64 Ma for the top of melangein line 1262usingan along-strikevelocityof adjacentto the QCF. The angularrelationsaboveunconformityU3 (Figure 10) 47 km/Myr. Foldingof the sedimentsat the northernmostend bin sizeof 12.5m resultingin CMPs with an averagefold of 60. Processingfollowed the basic steps of editing shot points, band-passfiltering, analyzingvelocities,and stacking[Scheidhauer,1997].The datawere migratedusinga finite difference technique. 8156 ROHR ET AL.' TRANSPRESSION 1 _-IOO o o (0es) em!l leAmlAeM-OM/ ROHR o ET AL.' TRANSPRESSION 8159 • o o o o o o o 00 o o JJJ o o • (O•S)•W!l.I•A•JI./•eM-OMI 8160 ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION ,, .., c• z (oes) ew!t IOAeJ1 •eM-OM/ ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION / (005) OW!l.IOAeJI. AeM-OM/ 8161 8162 ROHR ET AL.' TRANSPRESSION 80 • 75 70 65 60 õ0 415 40 35 30 115 -15 .-•:• -20 -ao -40 -45 ' -50 ': -55" -60 •'"' -65 ' -70 ': .. -75 -OO -90 129 .. -95 -iO0 0 50 { 0'0 t 50 200 2'50 millilals Figure 14. Free-air gravityanomalydata. A strongnegative-positiveanomalypair coincideswith the QCF; otherwise,the anomalyfield is relativelysmooth.In the basinmost anomaliescan be explainedby known sedimentthicknesses [Loweand Dehler,1995].Seismicprofilesmodeledin other studiesand here are marked: line EX1 [Horn et al., 1984];lines5 and 6 (Figure 4) [Spenceand Long, 1995] and line 1262. plate boundaries,namely, the northern San Andreas Fault [Henstocket al., 1997]and the Alpine Fault [SternandMcBride, 1998].Kilometersof relief on the Moho causedby a subducted slab would create a significantincreasein the gravity field, unlessits anomalyis exactlyoffsetby lateral densitychangesin the continentalcrust.That kind of coincidencealong400 km of plate boundary seemsimplausible.Therefore it seemsmost likely that if an oceanicslab existseast of the QCF, it cannot createmore than a few kilometersof topographyon the Moho. 4.3. Isostasy Immediately adjacent to the QCF, both plates are out of localisostaticequilibrium.Isostasywascalculatedto a depthof 40 km at 20-km intervalsalongboth modelsfor lines 1262,EX1 [Horn et al., 1984],5, and 6 [Spenceand Long, 1995] (Figure 16). Isostaticanomalieswere calculatedrelativeto a reference column which was 90 km east of the QCF for models 6, 1262s (the subductionmodel of 1262), and EX1. Calculationsfor models5 and 1262t (the analogoustransformmodel of line 1262) usedthe samereferencevalue as model 6. The location of the reference column is an arbitrary choice based on the lengthof the modeledprofiles.Both platesare probablyflexed to some small degree over distancesof severalhundred kilometerseithersideof the plateboundary[e.g.,Harrisand Chapman, 1994]. A consistentpattern betweenthe modelscomputedby three different studiesallowssomegeneralizationsto be made. The ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION Table 1. DensitiesUsed for Sedimentsin Gravity Models Unit Interval Density, Velocity,m/s kg/m3 AB CD E F 4700 3300 2100 4880 2500 2300 2100 2550 G H III 3960 2300 2450 2150 2700 as one would expectfor constantforce along strike flexingan oceanicplate which is aging and increasingin strengthalong strike.Thicknessof the brittle regiongrowsfrom - 13 to 20 km (seebelow) over the lengthof the QCF. EX1 wasshotacross the southernmostportion of the terraceand coincideswith an area with no bathymetrictrough. Its profile has <20 km width of negativevalues,all of which are directlyunder the terrace. The isostatic anomalies under the Queen Charlotte Islands are From Scheidhauer[1997] magnitudeof the peak to trough valueson these profiles is similar: 3.4%, 2.2%, 3.6%, 2.9%, and 5.1% from south to north. The positivedeviationon North America indicatesmore mass,and the negative deviation over the Pacific plate indicates less mass than the reference 8163 column. The isostatic anom- aly over the Pacificplate becomeswider from southto north, of similarwidths,implyingthat the North Americanplate does not significantlychange mechanicalproperties along strike, assuminga constant force along strike. This rules out the possibilitythat the Queen Charlotte Islandsare createdpurely by flexuralforces.If theywere, theywould havethe samewidth along strike instead of widening to the north. The isostatic profile of the transform model 1262t is interestingin that it seemsto imply that most of Dixon Entrance is out of isostatic equilibrium. The isostatic profile of the subductionmodel 1262s,however,is similar to that of profile EX1, which is the basisfor its densityvalues. A. 1262t o 5 • lO "= 15 C• 20' 25 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 B. 1262s > o -100--...- .. :'- observed ............. _......................... :-: ..........:....... calculated ....__ ß .-ß ---:..... . -•.-._-..•: ..... _•-._.:.:----•:-r.•.•: •- -:__:.:-===================== .:_: ::- :.:._:_--: .-_-:::..-...,._..,_. o 5 • m lO 15 0 V.E.= 1,-• 20 • 60 80 100 120 140 160 Distance (kin) Figure 15. Gravity modelsfor line 1262. (a) Transformplate boundaryusingdensitiessimilarto thoseof Spenceand Long [1995] (Figure 4). (b) Subductedslab.Densitiesin the terraceare basedon refractiondata and assumedfor the continent[Horn et al., 1984]. Densitiesfor unitsA-H are listedin Table 1. 8164 ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION -2% 200 150 1 O0 50 0 -3% kilometers Figure 16. Isostaticanomalieswere calculatedrelative to a column90 km eastof the QCF basedon gravity modelsof lines EX1 [Horn et al., 1984], 5, 6 [Spenceand Long, 1995], and 1262. Model 1262srefers to a subductiongeometryfor the plate boundaryand model 1262t refersto a transformgeometry,as in Figure 15. The negativevalueswest of the QCF indicatea massdeficitin the Pacificplate, and the positivevalueseast of the QCF indicate a mass excess. well as resistanceto changingthe plate boundary.When the plate directionsbegan to changeto transpression,the QCF continuedto accommodatestrike-slipmotion (43-46.6 km/ A better understandingof regionaldeformationaswell as a Myr). Sincethe plateson either sideof the fault are warm and numberof data setsacquiredin the lastfew yearssuggestthat thin, compression (6-20 km/Myr) was more easilyaccommothe QCF is a vertical throughgoingplate boundarywhich sepdated within each plate rather than forcingthe oceanicplate aratestwo elasticallyindependentplates(Figure 17). Placing into the continentalplate in a subductionzone geometry. the initiation of transpression just north of the Tuzo Wilson Seamountsresultsin <80 km of predictednet plate overlap 5.2. Mechanical Structure and Deformation between52øNand 54øNin the last5-8 Myr. Each of the plates From the Tuzo Wilson Seamountsto Alaska the two plates absorbstranspressionindependently;brittle compressiveand strike-slipdeformationare observedin both plates.The three- are similar in mechanicalproperties,and they are both dedimensionalinteractionsof the plate boundaryand the relative forminginternally.Both platesare maficsothere is no strength motion vector resultsin North America absorbingmore com- discontinuityat the mantle; the depth to the brittle-ductile pressionthan the Pacificplate. By implicationthe ductilepor- transition is a key feature in mafic plates. Microseismicity tionsof eachplate thickenand/orare deflecteddownwardinto [Bird,1997]showsthat the brittle-ductiletransition(the depth abovewhich 90% of the eventsoccur [Sibson,1982]) begins the asthenosphereto accommodatetranspression. between16 and 20 km depth under Graham Island and north5.1. Vertical Fault ern Hecate Strait. For the rest of the region we use thermal Seismicityrecorded by OBSs indicatesthat the QCF is a modelsand heat flow data to assessthe depth to the brittleverticalfault whichcutsdownto Moho at 21 km [Hyndmanand ductile transition.Whether that transitionbeginsat 650øCor Ellis, 1981;Horn et al., 1984].A magnitude8.1 earthquakeon 750øCin mafic plates is not strictlyknown, but the high heat the QCF was a pure strike-slip event; no compressionwas flow in both platesmeansthat the verticalseparationbetween accommodatedduring the event. Studies of microseismicity the 650øCand 750øCisothermsis only -3 km. We will arbialso showhigh levelsof activityon the QCF in a vertical zone trarily use the number 700øC since the relative differences [Bird, 1997]. The combinationof the flexural study of the between the two plates is more important than peggingthe Pacificplate [Primset al., 1997] and regional rapid sea level transition to the nearest kilometer. Heatflowvaluesaverage 70mW/m2in theQueenCharlotte changesduring glaciation[Barrieet al., 1991] further indicate that the two platesare elasticallyindependent.In otherwords, Islandsand northernHecate Strait,indicatinga depthof 22 km the QCF is a clean break between the plates, and there is no to the 700øCisotherm [T. J. Lewis et al., 1991]. Values of underthrustingof the Pacificplate under the North American 87-112 mW/m2 which have been measured in Hecate Strait plate. [T. J. Lewiset al., 1991]indicatea depthto the 700øCisotherm The QCF has a long historyof strike-slipmotion; the fact of 17-21 km againassuminga linear gradient.In North Amerthat much of it is still parallel to the directionof relative plate ica, depthsto the brittle-ductiletransitionpredictedfrom heat motionbetween40 and 8 Ma (320ø) off MoresbyIsland[Rohr flow data are in broad agreementwith the 16-20 km depths and Curtie, 1997] impliesa continuoushistoryof the fault, as inferred from microseismicity. 5. Model of Accommodation of Transpression ROHR ET AL.' TRANSPRESSION o :: ... .. ('tu•)qi'd...'e(] 8165 8166 ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION A thermalmodelof youngoceanicplates[ChenandMorgan, 1990]showsthat the depthof the 700øCisothermchangesfrom 13 to 20 km depthin the Pacificplate asit agesalongthe QCF. The youngestoceanicplate iswarmer than North America,but simplethermal modelsindicatethat the mechanicalstructure of both platesis broadlysimilar.There is no reasonto suppose that one plate would deform exclusively leavingthe other untouched. When transpressionbegan, the Queen Charlotte basin would have been warmer than it is now and the brittle-ductile transitionwould have been closerto that of the youngestoceanic plate along the QCF. As deformation proceeded,the thermal field would be disturbed;bulk strainheatingmight be important in highly deformed regions.Motion on the fault might be an additionalimportantsourceof heat tens of kilometers from the fault itself [Chen, 1988]. Nevertheless,the generalizationthat the two plateshavesimilarmechanicalbehavior is supportedby current observations. Transformplate boundarieshave been imagedas near vertical zones of lowered velocities in reflection and refraction 1984;Dehler and Clowes,1988; Spenceand Long, 1995] interpreted crustalvelocityand densitymaterial (>5.3 km/s and 2800kg/m3) 3-4 kmbelowtheterraceseafloor fortotalthicknessesof 5.5-15 km. These valuesare interpretedas arising from highly deformed crystalline material. Volumetrically there is room for ---30 km of 5.5-km-thickgabbroicoceanic crustto be incorporatedinto the terracealongline 1262,20 km on lines5 and 6, and 9 km on EX1. A simpletwo-component system of 25%sediments (2500kg/m3) and75%oceanic crust (2900kg/m3) canproduce themodeled density of 2800kg/m3. Oceaniccrust or mantle altered to serpentinite(2550-2600 kg/m3)couldalsobea constituent of theterrace. If 75%of the volumeof the deepestlayerin the terraceis oceaniccrust,then 6-20 km of compression could be accommodated by duplexing. Becausethe mechanicalpropertiesof the oceanicplate vary along strike, the amount of compressionabsorbedwithin the plate may not be linearly correlatedwith the amount of predictedoverlap. 5.2.3. Brittle deformation: North America. The rest of the compression mustbe accommodated within the continenexperimentsas summarizedby Stem and McBride [1998] and tal plate. The amountvariesgraduallyalongstrikefrom 0 to 60 Detricket al. [1993].Fault gougeand enhancedpore pressures km. Early interpretationsconcludedthat little deformationof are thoughtto occupyregions5-10 km wide and up to 10-20 North Americaoccurredin the Pliocene[Hornet al., 1984],but km deep. Experimentsshowthat once formed sucha region imagesof folding and uplift of the basinsunder Hecate Strait tendsto carrymostof the ongoingstrike-slipdeformation[e.g., givedirectevidenceof widespreadPliocenedeformation(FigWilcox et al., 1973]. Some deformation can be distributed ure 6), and microseismicity providesampleevidenceof recent below sugwithin the platesespeciallyin relativelyweak plates,as here, deformationin Graham Island. Evidencediscussed and/orwhenthe relativeplate motionschange.Nevertheless,a geststhat the compression is orientednorth-southand is permagnitude8.1 strike-slipevent is more likely to occuron the vasive within the islands. The islands, then, are the result of main fault strand than at some random location within either crustalthickeninganduplift duringtranspression. Possible mechanismsresponsiblefor the deformationare also discussed. plate. 5.2.1. Deformation adjacent to the QCF. Structures on Complex and multistagecompressivedeformation affects the QCF varyfrom subsidence in North America(line 1262)to manyof the Miocene basinsinboardof the Queen Charlotte foldingon the Pacificplatejust 10 km to the north (line 1264). Islandsbut not Queen Charlotte Sound [Rohr and Dietrich, Rapid subsidence eastof the QCF on line 1262 may indicate 1992](Figure6). In mostcases,the senseof motionon normal that extensionis occurring.Thinner crustunder the subsiding faultshas been invertedto create uplift. The intensityof deportion of line 1262 is one of severalmodelswhich can fit the formation increases toward the islands. There are several kigravitydata.Althoughapparentlycontradictoryto the regional lometersof verticalrelief betweenbasementrocksexposedon stressregime,extensioncouldoccurwith counterclockwise ro- Moresby Island and basementrocks imaged under western tation of a segmentof North America between two right- Hecate Strait, a distanceof only 20 km, indicatingthat a major lateral faults.Rotation simultaneously createsregionsof local structureis probablyresponsiblefor this relief. Two-dimensionalline length calculationscan estimatethe extension and compression.The east-west oriented folds crogsedby line 1264 are in the right location to be the com- amountof compression absorbedin the basinbut mustbe used pressionalcounterpartto the apparentextension;foldsfarther with caution becausethe structuresvary significantlyin all west in the terrace are oriented northwesterly.Shearingmust three dimensions,coverageof the region is sparse,and the be distributedinto the North Americanplate and is not carried linesare not orientedoptimallywith respectto eachstructure. solely by the QCF; any one of the northwesterlyMiocene In addition, there were difficultiesin correlating reflections extensionalfaults in Dixon Entrance couldbe active,although acrossstrike-slipfaultsand basementhighs;strike-slipmotion little seismicityhasbeen detectedon them in the last50 years. rendersthe two-dimensionalassumptioninvalid.Nevertheless, An alternateexplanationfor the subsidence observedeastof line length compressionwas computed for the Miocene/ the QCF on line 1262is that it is causedby flexureanddoesnot Pliocenereflectoras a roughindicationof the amountof comentail plate thinning.The apexof the uplift in North America pression.Two kilometersof shorteningwere accommodated is 20 km east of the QCF on the continental shelf which would along63 km of line 5 (3%), 7-9 km of shortening along118km create a westwarddip on the plate under the slope.However, of line 4 (6-7%), and 9 km of shorteningalong70 km of line whichis the magnitudeof the dip seemstoo large for this processand 7 (13%). Theseestimatesdo not includecompression, such dips have not been observedon the availableseismic evident immediatelyprior to depositionof the reflector or reflectionprofiles. compression taken up in basementstructures whichthe reflec5.2.2. Brittle deformation:Pacificplate. The Pacificplate tor does not overlie. Line 5 is roughlyperpendicularto the is being deformed and duplexedin the terrace. Reflection QCF, and lines 4 and 7 are subparallelto the QCF. Higher profilesacrossthe terrace image folded and compressedsed- percentagesof shorteningare evidentin the directionof maximentswhich are presumablyriding a substrateof compressed imum compressive stress(north-south)predictedin a northbasement; line 1263 shows that the outer terrace fault cuts west shear stressregime. The amount of recent deformation in the islands is hard to upper basement.This studyand severalothers [Horn et al., ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION estimatebecausefew Neogenerocksare exposedon Moresby Island and exposureof rocks on Graham Island is only 3% [Hickson,1991].SteepTertiary blockfaultsare common,but senseand age of motion on the faults are difficult to quantify [e.g.,Thompsonet al., 1991;P. D. Lewiset al., 1991].Vigorous microearthquakeactivityin northernGraham Island indicates that present-daydeformationis occurring. The shapeof the islandssuggests that they were formed by the northward push of transpressionand consequentbrittle and/or ductile thickeningof the crust over the last 5-8 Myr. Their westernedgeis determinedby the OCF, and the eastern edgeis subparallelto the currentrelativeplate motion vector. Their northern edge runs east-westwhich is the predicted strike direction of compressivestructuresin a northwestern directedshear stressregime.The shapeof the islandsis also coincidentwith the net predicted overlap. If simple underthrustingwas occurring,the region of uplift shouldcontinue north into Dixon Entrance insteadof terminating in an eastwest edge which is seismicallyactive. Shallow sedimentsjust north of Graham Islandare not compressively deformed[Rohr and Dietrich,1992].The coincidenceof seismicactivityand the coastlineindicatesthat the deformation creating the seismic activity has been active for some time and has uplifted the Miocenebasaltsand sediments whichcompriseGrahamIsland. 8167 Charlotte Soundto 7 km over a distanceof 75 km [Spenceand Long, 1995].If suchcrustwere presentalongthe QCF at the onset of transpression,it would easilydeform and could have absorbedsignificantcompressionto reach the islands'current thickness of 27 km. Compressionaldeformationactiveover periodsof time has a tendencyto expandlaterally[e.g.,Masekand Duncan, 1998]; new faults and folds carry deformationout from the region of maximumuplift. The apparentgreater uplift of the southern islandssuggests that deformationof North America began in Moresby Island and progressednorthward creating Graham Island. This mechanismexplainsvigorousseismicactivity in northernGraham Island and Hecate Strait and relativequiescence elsewhere. Paleomagneticdata indicate that mid-Tertiary dikes in the Queen Charlotte Islands have been tilted down to the north If the Queen Charlotte Islands were an intact fault-bound 9ø-16ø (and allow tensof kilometersor even 100 km of northward motionof the islandssincethe dikesformed(13-54 Ma). As noted by Primset al. [1997], the directionof tilt coincides with the currentplates'relativemotion.More recentwork (E. Irving, personalcommunication,1999) revealsthat locations just north of the seismogeniczone in Graham Island are not tilted. This substantiatesour idea that the seismogenic zone is a deformationfront advancingnorthward.Irving et al. [1992] interpretedthe tilting to occuron pervasiveeast-westMiocene block [Rohrand Dietrich, 1992]which has been squeezedupward and northwardbetweenthe QCF and a fault whichsplays off the QCF, then pervasiveearthquake activity under the islands'easternand northernshoresshouldbe occurring.The splaycouldbe blind but approachthe surfacenear the eastern shoreof the islandscreatingthe structuralrelief betweenthe islandsand the basin.The LouscouneInlet and SandspitFaults are subparallelto the easternshoreof the islands,but mapping mappedbut not dated [Lewis,1991]. Nor has the tilting been independentlydated. The amount of tilting is sufficientlyuniform that it must occur on numerousfaults; otherwise,very deeprockswouldbe exposedalongstrike.This uniformityis at oddswith the variety of focal mechanismsand fault planes interpretedby Bird [1997] but could be explainedif, over the long term, reverse or one-sidedflower structuresdominated has not identified deformation. evidence for recent motion on these faults [P. D. Lewiset al., 1991].If 50 yearsof earthquakerecordingis representativeof long-term deformation,then the idea of an intactblockis not viablebecauselittle microearthquakeactivity occurson the eastcoastof the islands[Bentbeet al., 1989; Bird, 1997]. North American crustadjacentto the QCF may have been quite thin and been pervasivelyand progressivelythickened duringthe Plioceneon compressive or flower structureswhich are blind. Compressionalflower structurescan consistof many faultswhich flatten toward the surfacebut do not necessarily break the surface.Suchstructureshavethe potentialto create regionaltilting and crustalthickeningwith few visiblesurface faults. Microseismicitysuggeststhat current deformationoccurs on pervasivefaults from 3 to 20 km depth; mechanisms can be oblique,extensional,thrust,or strike-slip,but pressure axes are generally consistentwith the north-northeastcompressiondirection 'which occurs in a north-northwestshear [Bird, 1997]. No surfacefaults on Graham Islandwhich might be causedby microearthquakes have been reported [Hickson, 1991], but the exposureof the surficial geology above the seismogenicregion is only 3%. In Hecate Strait the largest strike-slipevent(M = 5.3) is associated with a strike-slipfault whichcutsfolded Miocene sediments(Figure 6c). Evidencethat North American crust adjacentto the QCF may have been quite thin can be found in a reflection/ refractionprofile that runs just southof Moresby Island and the Tuzo Wilson Seamounts,line 3. The sedimentarybasins showno compressivedeformation [Rohr and Dietrich, 1992], and crystallinecrust thins seawardfrom 23 km under Queen extensional faults; in one location, such faults have been Compressionmay alsobe accommodated within the Coast Mountains which border the basin on the east. Inboard of Queen Charlotte Sound and northern Vancouver Island, sin- gle-crystalfissiontrack data detectedan accelerationof uplift rates in the Coast Mountainsafter 5 Ma [O'Sullivanand Parrish, 1995].No compressive deformationis observedin Queen Charlotte Sound, but GPS data indicate that northern Van- couver Island is moving at a rate of about 3 mm/yr to the northwest[Drageftand Hyndman,1995;Hentonet al., 1998], implyingthat a smallamountof Pacific-NorthAmericanrelative plate motion is distributedacrossthe margin here. Uplift of the mountainsin responseto compression is easilyunderstood if the mountains are a weak and warm zone as discussed by Rohr and Curtie [1997].This styleof deformationmight be occurringinboard of Hecate Strait; single-crystal fissiontrack measurementscould easilytest this idea. 5.2.4. Ductile deformation. Intraplate compressionis probably accommodatedby flow and thickeningwithin the ductileportionsof the plates.The biggestdifferencebetween the two platesmechanicallyis that the ductile region consists purelyof mantlematerialin the Pacificplate but includessome crustin North America. Thickeningof the crustalductileportion under the islands could result in some uplift, whereas thickeningof the densermantle ductile portion will tend to cause subsidence. In Figure 17 we have schematicallydrawn the deformation of the ductile portions of the plates as occurringmostly in North America deformation based on the inference occurs within North that most of the brittle America. We have no direct 8168 ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION measurementsto indicatethat suchthickeningis occurringor 6. Discussion how that deformationis arrangedat depth; seismicmeasureThe hypothesisfavored in this paper is that the QCF is a mentsof plate thicknesscould test the idea. If an asymmetry verticalplate boundaryand that transpression hasbeenaccomarisessuch that one plate is deeper than another, it might modated by significantdeformationwithin both the oceanic initiate a subduction-type geometry. and the continentalplates.In this model the Queen Charlotte Islandsare the direct result of pervasivetranspressive defor5.3. Plate Flexure mation.Previousmodelshavefavoreda geometryin whichthe 5.3.1. Pacific plate. Flexure of the Pacificplate doesnot oceanicplate is being subducted,the plate boundaryswitches beginuntil 90 km north of the inceptionof the QCF. Modeling betweenthrustand strike-slipgeometries[Hyndmanand Ellis, by Prims et al. [1997] showedthat the load of the terrace is 1981;Yorathand Hyndman,1983], and the islandsare a comore than sufficientto causethe degreeof flexure observed herentblock.A modelin whichboth plateswere deformedhas further north in the Pacificplate (Figure5). Densitiesusedto beenpresentedbyHorn et al. [1984]but wasdismissed because load the terrace above assumed basement were lower than evidenceof deformationwithin North America waslackingat those found in gravity models;increasingthem above 2000 the time. kg/m3 increased thepredicted downward flexureto unrealistic values. Usinga density of 2800kg/m3 in theterraceto createa load of similar mass indicates that a smaller volume of the terrace(---70%) is loadingthe plate. This in turn impliesthat the plate is broken west of the QCF, probablyby the fault systemwhich definesthe outer edge of the terrace. 5.3.2. North American plate. The relatively consistent patternof isostaticanomaliesassociated with the Queen Charlotte Islandson the North Americanplate showsthat the plate is flexedupwardalongthe QCF and, assumingthat the forces along the fault are relativelyuniform, that the plate has relativelyconstantmechanicalpropertiesalongthe QCF. The profilescrossedthe fault wherepredictedamountsof convergence vary from ---20 to 50 km and where basementis above and below sea level. Some short-wavelength variationsexist and maybe relatedto the short-wavelength heterogeneities in plate thicknesspredictedby Dehleret al. [1997] and/orvariationsin the thermal field. The lack of anyunconformityin the uppersedimentswestof the QCF on line 1262(Figure 10) arguesthat the Pacificplate did not experiencethe sameflexuralresponseto glacioeustatic loading that North America did. If the two sedimentarysections overly the same subductingslab which intrudes North America,then glacialloadingof North Americaaffectsthe slab dip and consequently the dip of all sedimentsdepositedon it. This is readily seen east of the QCF. If there is no slab and North America is completelydecoupledfrom Pacificby a vertical fault, then the Pacificplate would experienceno flexure duringglacialcycles.Glacial tilting in continentalcrustwhere the depth to the brittle-ductiletransitionis 30 km deep is typically1 m/km [Thorson,1989]. In thinner platesand if the QCF is free edge,then the amountof flexuremay be significantly greater than this value. Loading of this margin by a glacieraffordsan interestingtest of the mechanicalnature of a transformplate boundary. The possiblepositiveflexurein Dixon Entranceindicatedby the isostaticanomaliesof profile 1262t is reinforcedby the observation that crust of similar thickness in Hecate Strait has subsidedand carriesup to 1 km of postriftsediments.In Dixon Entrance, no such subsidenceor postrift sequenceis visible [Rohrand Dietrich, 1992]. Lateral heat lossduring stretching may havecooledit enoughthat there was little postriftsubsidence,or it couldbe activelyheld up by the compressive forces developedby the northern push of the Queen Charlotte Islands into the more competent Alexander terrane of the Alaskapanhandle.Foldingin the northernendsof the subbasinsof Dixon Entrance corroboratethe notion of significant north-southdirectedcompression within North America [Rohr and Dietrich,1992]. 6.1. Comparison to Previous Models A plate geometrysimilar to that found in zonesof oblique subductionis at first glancea possiblesolutionto the geometry of obliquetranscurrentmotion.In Sumatra,strike-slipmotion is accommodatedby a strike-slipfault in the upper plate 300 km eastof the trench[Fitch,1972].The OBS surveyof Hyndman and Ellis [1981],althoughshort,did locateseveralearthquakes underneath the surface expressionof the QCF and near Moho at depthsof 18-21 km. Most eventlocationswere within the OBS array and are probably reliable; a velocity modelsimilarto that of a coincidentrefractionsurvey[Hornet al., 1984]wasused.No eventmechanisms couldbe computed, but the overwhelming probabilityis that earthquakes underthe QCF are the resultof strike-slipmotion on the QCF. If this is acceptedas the most likely explanation,then a Sumatra-type model is not possiblehere. Flexuremodelsand refractiondata further argueagainstthe existenceof an undeformedsubducting slab. Previous models tended to assume that all deformation oc- curredcloseto the QCF. Mackie et al. [1989]consideredthe possibilitiesof distributeddeformationin the islandsbut rejected thisprocessbecausethe crustis thinnerthan the global average.We prefer to take the perspectivethat crustunderthe islandsis thickerthan adjacentcrustin the mildlycompressed continental shelf. On the basisof regional structuraltrends, Rohr and Dietrich[1992]first proposedthat distributeddeformation from the plate boundarywas an importantprocessin Queen Charlotte Basinand that increasedcompressive deformation toward the northern end of the basin argued for a three-dimensionaldistribution of stress,not a simple twodimensionalorthogonal partitioning of compression.Compressivedeformationof North America in the Pliocenewas recognizedbyHyndmanandHamilton[1993],but theyconsidered the amount of compressionabsorbedby North America to be negligible. The model, which proposesa subductingslab, includesa plate boundarywhich changesdip by 60ø or more at some unspecifiedtime interval [Hyndmanet al., 1982; Yorathand Hyndman,1983].Suchchangeswould createlargechangesin the flexuralresponseof the plates [Primset al., 1997] if they occurredon timescaleslonger than the viscoelastictime constant, a few hundredyears.If the oceanicplate is only 10 km under North America, its surface under the terrace would be depressedby 6 km; unloadingit by rupture alonga strike-slip fault would releasethis depression.A processwhichinvolves cyclicloadingand unloadingshouldcreate a recognizablecyclic pattern of angularunconformitieson the oceanicplate. ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION Two angular unconformitiesare recognizablein the seismic data;one appearsto be associated with onsetof flexuralbending or heavysedimentationbeginningin the Pleistoceneand anotheris associatedwith deformationon a fault definingthe outer edge of the terrace. A cyclicpattern is not currently recognized.If the major fault plane switcheddip at ratesof less than a few hundredyears,we would not necessarilyexpectto see a flexuralresponsein either plate. Creating a new transformboundaryeveryso often through the entire Pacificplate seemsmechanicallyinefficientand implausible.Laboratoryexperimentson rupturingnew strike-slip faults in transpressive stressregimes[e.g., Wilcoxet al., 1973] showthat the new faultsform in smallirregularto en echelon segments.The currentsurfaceexpressionof the QCF as seen in GLORIA data is of segmentsnearly100km long;the southern segmentsare parallel to the directionof the pre-Pliocene plates' relative motion [Hyndmanand Hamilton, 1993;Rohr and Currie,1997].Thusthe large-scalemorphologyof the QCF arguesagainstthis major fault beingrecreateddownto 20 km every now and then. The three-dimensional consequencesof flipping plate boundariesby 60ø have not been explored.The 1949 magnitude 8.1 event ruptured roughly500 km of the Fairweather/ QCF, but not the entire QCF, implyingthat segmentsof the fault would be out of synchwith regard to transcurrentor subductionfaulting. Geologicconsequences of this phenome- 8169 vide no independentinformationon whether or not a subduction slab exists.Such a geometryis permissibleif the slab mergessmoothlywith a flat continentalMoho alongall 400 km of the plate boundary;a verticalfault separatingthe two plates is equallypermissible. A plate boundarymodelin whicha subductionslabtakesup most of the compressionpredictsthat the westernside of the Queen Charlotte Islandsis substantiallyuplifted and eroded [Yorathand Hyndman,1983],deepeningthe level of exposure of crustalrocksto the west.This is not observed[Thompsonet al., 1991;P. D. Lewiset al., 1991];instead,the exposuredeepensto the south.Coupledwith the up-to-the-southpaleomagnetictilts and focalmechanisms showingnorth to northeasterly compression, the casefor historicaland present-daynortherly compressivedeformationof the islandsis clear. 6.2. Strength of Plate Boundary and Seismicity On manytransformplate boundaries,deformationappears to be partitionedbetweenpure strike-slipand pure compressivemotion, indicatingthat the main fault itself isweak relative to the plate [Mountand Suppe,1987].In the Queen Charlotte region,fault mechanismsfrom the Pacificand North American plates have oblique slip as well as pure thrust, extension,and strike-slipmotion. The evidencegiven abovethat the Queen CharlotteIslandsare beingpushednorth into Dixon Entrance non should be observable. whichis beingpushedinto the Alaskapanhandlesuggests that The structuraland mechanicalconditionsof the plates exa simple two-dimensionalpartitioningof motion is not occuristingat commencementof transpression are extremelyimporring in this portion of North America. tant. A subductionzone with a well-developedslabwhich unSeismicitycan also indicate the relative strengthof a fault. dergoesa changein relativemotionto obliqueunderthrusting Bird [1997] has calculatedthat between 1951 and 1981 the will probably retain its subductiongeometry. Transcurrent ratewasabout4 x 1028N m/yr.If seismicity faultingin the upperplate is a commonlyobservedmechanical momentrelease solutionto this stressregime.A transcurrentplate boundary, takesup all of the relativeplate motion, then the QCF from to the Alaskaborder(400km) has however,will not instantaneously transmogrifyinto a subduc- the Tuzo WilsonSeamounts a shear modulus of 10 GPa for a 20-km-deep seismogenic tion zonebecausethe relativemotionvectorchangesgradually zone, which is quite weak. If the shearmodulushasvaluesof by 70-25ø.Initiation of subductionis not a trivial matter especially in youngbuoyantoceanicplates.The age of the Pacific 20-30 GPa, a value consideredtypical for hot mafic plates et al., 1998],thenthe amountof strainaccommodated plate adjacentto the Queen Charlotte Basin at 5 Ma was not [Kreemer significantlydifferent than it is now. In the caseof the QCF in by earthquakesis 30-50%. It may be that the differencebewhich both plates adjacentto the fault are warm and weak, it tween the strengthof North America and the main fault zone seemslogicalthat deformationwithin both of theseplateswill is not great enoughto producestrainpartitioning. take up the compression, as is observed.Large amountsof net The conceptthat strain partitioning(or lack thereof) is a compressionmay well initiate subduction,but tens of kilome- unique indicatorof fault strengthmay be oversimplified.Preters do not seem to be large enough. If the brittle-ductile existinggeometryof the plate boundaryand heterogeneities transitionin North Americawassignificantly shallowerthan it within the platesmayoverridesucheffectsduringdeformation. is now when transpressionbegan, then it is conceivablethat The fact that compressionwithin Hecate Strait occursmost brittle Pacific plate may have intruded the North American visiblyby inversionof Mioceneextensionalfaultsindicatesthat ductile zone. Once started,that processwould probablyconpreexistingstructureshave stronglyinfluencedregionaldefortinue. However, current seismicityand flexural studiesargue mation. againstthere now being a subductedslab. The model proposedhere arguesthat a "megathrust"event Refraction studiesof the Queen Charlotte Basin mapped betweenunderthrustoceanicand overridingcontinentalplates thinned continentalcrustand relativelyflat Moho. Basement under the easternportionsof the islandsis -4 km thickerthan as predictedby Yorathand Hyndman [1983] and modeledby under the basin; there was no direct evidence for a subducted Smithet al. [1998]is highlyunlikely.The modelproposedhere slabof Pacificcrustin the work of SpenceandAsudeh[1993] can explaincurrent seismicityin Graham Island and adjacent and Hole et al. [1993].In the roughly30 km betweenthe QCF Hecate Strait as deformationwhich is propagatingnorthward and the westernmostlimit of thesestudiesthe authorspostu- from the hinterland,GrahamIsland.To date,intraplateearthlated that a subductedslabmightexist,but it wouldhaveto dip quakesare typicallysmaller than magnitude5. It shouldbe noted,however,that blind thrustsin the "bigbend" of the San at angles>20ø-26ø. Gravity modelsacrossthe QCF concurwith refractiondata Andreas Fault systemhave producedearthquakesof magnithat Moho is nearly flat under the islands.However, similar tude 6.7 [SouthernCaliforniaEarthquakeCommitteeand U.S. crustaldensitiesin both platesmeansthat gravitymodelspro- GeologicalSurveyStaff, 1994]. 8170 ROHR ET AL.: TRANSPRESSION 6.3. Comparisonto Other Regions changes in relativeplatemotions [Pockalny et al., 1997];the adjacent veryyoungplatewill deformeasily,andthe oldest The Pacific-North Americaplateboundary to the southof the regionthatwe considered liesentirelywithinyounger, platealongthe transformwill be moreresistantto deformation The OCF strikesat a lowangleto the weakeroceanic material. Adjustment to thechange in relative duringtranspression. anomalies resulting in a slowchange inplate motionsfrom 8 to 5 Ma hasoccurred by ridgemigration, trendofmagnetic jumps,and,currently, deformation in a wideshearzone[Rohr age alongstrike,and the flexuralanomaliesof North America thatlittlechange in mechanical behavior occurs along and Furlong,1995;Kreemeret al., 1998].To the norththe suggest strike. amountof transpression is smaller;the terraceis lessdistinct [Brunsand Carlson,1987],andthereis little obviousdeforma- tionin NorthAmerica[Gehrels etal., 1987].ThePacific plate 7. isolderandstronger, andin NorthAmerica thecrustchanges Conclusions Transpression acrossthe Pacific-NorthAmericaplate boundary ofwestern Canada ismostlikelyaccommodated by strike-slip motionalongtheOCFandbothstrike-slip andcomdeformation withineachplate.The QCFis a longRegions of transpression whicharecurrently beingstudied pressive from the Wrangellto the Alexanderterrane,whichdid not experience the samedegreeof warmingandextension in the Miocene[Gabrielse andYorath,1991]. plateboundaryseparating two warmmafic withmodernseismic techniques areNewZealandandCalifor- livedtransform nia.Net compression alongthe centralSanAndreasFaulthas plates.The oceanicplateis 7-15 Myr old andNorthAmerica of the maficWrangellterranethat washeatedby beenestimated to be 28-72km,andall of it isthought to be consists extension. Thebrittle-ductile transition inbothplates accommodated by intraplatedeformationon both sidesof the Miocene SanAndreasFault[Crouch etal., 1984]aswellasdelamination is currentlybetween13 and 21 km depth. The threeinteraction of theplateboundary andtherelative [Wallace,1990], althoughthe exact structuresare not well dimensional known. Inversion structuressimilar to those in Hecate Strait are observed east of the San Andreas Fault in the Kettleman motionvectorputsmostof the deformationin North America. A smallamountof transpression in theoceanic plateisaccomregionof duHillsandCoalinga Anticline[Namson andDavis,1988].In the modatedwithinthe terrace,an ---30-km-wide Transverse Ranges a largehigh-velocity anomaly in themantle plexedoceanicplate and folded sediments;loweredcrustal [Humphreys etal., 1984;Kohler,1999]hasbeeninterpreted to velocities attest to the deformation of basement material. In of Mioceneextenbe ductilecontinentalplate bowedinto the mantleby North America,uplift and compression basins attestto distributed deformation. Theportionof transpression. In New Zealand,interpretations haveincluded sional overlapeastof the theideathata platecanbe delaminated [Walcott, 1998];its theplatelyingin theregionof predicted andits crustis upperbrittlepart is peeledoff andforcedupward,whilethe OCF is undernortherlydirectedcompression being thickenedto form the Queen Charlotte Islands. lowersection sinksunderthe adjacent plate.Morerecently, extensive seismic measurements show both extensive anisot- ropy[Klosko etal., 1999]anda high-speed velocity anomaly in Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the tirelessefforts of themantlebeneath NewZealand[Molnar etal., 1999].These MasterIan Youngandthecrewof theR/l/MauriceEwingforthedata acquisition andJohnDiebold andLincHollister fortheirgenerosity in sharing the data. Support for this work has been provided by NSF, deforming in a wideshearzoneandnotin a subduction ge- EAR-95-27001 EAR-92-19002 and EAR-92-19870. Interpretations ometry.It shouldbe notedthatbothregions are dominantly owemuchtodiscussions withKevinFurlong andTomJames. Helpful silicicin thecrustal domainandtheplatemayhavea layerof reviews of themanuscript havebeenprovided byRonClowes, Ralph TomJames, andan veryweak crustalmaterialabovestrongermantle.This me- Currie,SonyaDehler,KevinFurlong,RobGovers, Editor.ThisisGeological Survey of Canada paper1999079. chanical profile,ascontrasted withthesimpler profileof mafic Associate resultshave been interpretedto indicatethat the mantle is plateswouldaffect the plates'responseto transpressive stresses. References Oceanictransforms are the mostabundant examples of Anderson,R. G., and I. 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