Unit title: Level: Credit value: GLH: OCNWMR unit code: QCF unit reference number:
Building a Professional Online Presence Two 1 8 CR1/2/MR/002 This unit has 4 learning outcomes.
LEARNING OUTCOMES The learner will: ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The learner can:
1. Understand the different types of online presence. 2. Understand e-safety considerations for an online presence. 3. Understand tools for online professional presence. 4. Be able to use appropriate content for a professional online presence. 1.1. Describe the differences between a social and professional presence online. 1.2. Describe the benefits to online professional marketing. 2.1. Describe e-safety considerations for an online presence. 3.1. Describe the benefits of a range of tools for building an online professional presence. 4.1. Assess appropriate digital media assets that will enhance a professional online presence. 4.2. Build a professional online presence combining a range of media assets. © OCNWMR 20 11 OCNWMR unit template, Sept 2011, v3
Unit title: Level: Credit value: GLH: OCNWMR unit code: QCF unit reference number:
Building a Professional Online Presence Two 1 8 CR1/2/MR/002
Assessment information Guidance:
This grid gives details of the assessment activities to be used with the unit attached.
Please refer to the OCNWMR Assessment Definitions document for definitions of each activity and the expectations for assessment practice and evidence for verification.
The assessment activities for this unit are indicated in the table below: Key: P = Prescribed
– this assessment method
be used to assess the unit.
O = Optional
– this assessment method
be used to assess the unit.
Case study Written question & answer/test/exam Essay O N/A N/A Project Role play/simulation Practical demonstration O N/A P Report Oral question and answer Written description Reflective log/diary O O O O Group discussion Performance/exhibition Production of artefact Practice file O N/A N/A O
OCNWMR unit template, Sept 2011, v3
Unit title: Level: Credit value: GLH: OCNWMR unit code: QCF unit reference number:
Building a Professional Online Presence Two 1 8 CR1/2/MR/002 Purpose and aim of the unit Unit review date (17/04/2017) Details of relationship between the unit and the relevant NOS or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate) Specific requirements about the way the unit must be assessed (if appropriate) Guidance for developing assessment arrangements for the unit (if appropriate) Support for the unit from a SSC or other appropriate body (if required) Sector Subject Area (SSA) Owning body Date from which unit will be available for learners Availability for use This unit aims to support learners in distinguishing between a social and professional online presence. It will provide skills to build an online professional presence.
This will be five years from implementation of the unit unless specified by the Sector Skills Council.
N/A See Assessment Grid N/A N/A
OCNWMR 18/04/2012 Restricted – open to a defined group of AOs to award credit OCNWMR unit template, Sept 2011, v3