2003 Grant Proposals -- Ordered by App ID 0 2003 Project Title: Comments: Project Location Utilization 1 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Port Madison Indian Reserv 360 394 5338 The Suquamish Tribe Suquamish Fire Prevention Project Proj Coord Name: Carryover 2002 grants included Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $0 $84,016 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist W1 David Mills, Forest Resource Manager No Costs given -- I entered $84,016.00 based on cost sheet at the end. Ken Snell Description: 38% of the Port Madison Indian Reservation constitutes of forestland. Forest roads have been opened in 1977 to ease logging. These roads have become barely accessible, some of them turning into trails. The Forest Program of the Suquamish Tribe is proposing to open the existing forest roads as well as new fire roads for purposes of prevention and suppression of fire incidents. The objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of the Tribe to develop a fire prevention plan and implement it in the Port Madison Indian Reservation. The plan will constitute of opening fire roads;chipping, clearing and mulching brush and branches; making a firewood reserve for community elders; educating the community on fire prevention and suppression. The proposed life of the project is six months with a long-term perspective of implementing and maintaining a fire prevention plan. The project requires the purchase of Bob Cat, Trailer, Wood Chipper, Chainsaw, fire fighting tools and a water tank to be handy during fuel burning in case of fire accident. Amount Funded By: 2 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Glide Rural Fire Protection District FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Glide Rural Fire Protection 541 496 0224 Community and Fire Department Education of Wildland/Urban Interface Problem Total Funded: $0 3/13/2002 Proj Coord Name: $6,000 $5,000 FS ODF 0 O4 Andy Hatfield, Assistant Chief Comments: Description: Our goal is to provide members of the Glide Rural Fire Protection District community with education and information regarding safeguarding their homes from wildland/urban interface problems. Almost all of the fire district is surrounded by forested lands and is at risk of fire. This project will provide the volunteer members of Glide Rural Fire Protection District with training in regards to fighting wildland/urban interface fires as well as how to educate the public while out on other types of calls or during open houses and other public education activities.This will be done by using up-to-date training. This training includes the use of an In-Focus projector and a laptop computer. Glide Rural Fire Protection District does not have either of these items which would allow us to take this educational program on the road to different parts of our rural fire district. Amount Funded By: 2 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Crescent Gilchrist Community Action Team FWS: $0 Crescent , Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 541 433 2619 Emergency Shelter Rennovation Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $89,346 $98,346 0 O2 0 W7 Dave Crider No Funds requested I entered the cost from the cost sheet. Ken Snell Description: Renovate the local community building to bring up to code [ ADA] for use as a emergency evacuation site for the communities of Northern Klamath County. Amount Funded By: 3 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Center for International Trade in Forest Products/University of Washington FWS: $0 Washington BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 3/12/2002 206 543 1918 Economic and Market Assessment of Small-Diameter Timber for Suburban Fencing, Phase II Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $85,354 $131,076 FS Dr. Ivan Eastin, Associate Director and Professor Link Proj with Local Utilization Efforts. Description: Design and manufacturing cost data collected in Phase I of this project suggest that small diameter timber can be used as a raw material for fencing products. However, the results of the first phase clearly indicate that more quamtitative marketing and economic information is required to identify and evaluate specific market opportunities. A market assessment, in conjunction with an economic analysis of harvesting and fence manufacturing costs, will provide the basis to effectively assess the opportunity for successfully utilizing small diameter thinnings to manufacture fencing products. In addition, we will conduct a log furniture design contest similar to the ongoing fence design contest. The results of the log furniture design contest with be integrated with the fence designs to provide entrepreneurs with a broad range of innovative fencing and log furniture design ideas that demonstrate the economic feasibility of utilizing small diameter timber in value-added products and stimulate these entrepreneurs to identify new innovative uses for small diameter thinnings. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 1 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Utilization 3 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID OR & WA, emphasis on E. 541 346 0676 University of Oregon Building community and interagency capacity for employment results monitoring of the NFP Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $70,000 $87,768 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O4 Charles Spencer, Program Director Comments: Description: With this proposal, we are requesting a third year of funding to increase community and agency capacity to create quality jobs by provide community-based and regional monitoring tools and information. Monitoring is the way that we can learn from experiments and make mid-course corrections. To assist at the community level, we will disseminate our employment results monitoring guide and expand our technical assistance from three to four communities. At the regional level, we will build on our current regional economic monitoring of the NFP by: (1) working with the federal and state agencies to incorporate lessons from EWP and agency monitoring into future planning, (2) identifying monitoring gaps and strategies to fill those gaps, and (3) expanding EWP monitoring to include qualitative data (esp. interviews) that can help explain patterns found during years 1 and 2. The project will help communities and agencies to: (1) understand progress towards quality jobs in ecosystem management; (2) focus contractor and worker assistance to meet real needs; (3) focus procurement innovation and granting to provide quality jobs for rural communities and forest workers. Amount Funded By: 4 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 RIVER MEADOWS HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION FWS: $0 T20S-R10E, W.M. BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 541 593 3534 ladder fuel reduction Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $20,000 0 $20,000 BILL HAYES, PROPERTY MANAGER No Congressional district listed Description: Perform ladder fuel reduction and thinning of trees in subdivision to reduce fire danger and promote healthy tree growth. River Meadows is a 238 lot planned unit residential subdivision contained in approximately 160 acres. In addition to the privately owned lots, there are also common areas within the subdivision. Most of the lots and common areas within the subdivision have too many trees for healthy tree growth and fire safety. The parcels of property adjacent to the subdivision land are generally heavily treed and some of the adjoining properties are privately owned and some are Deschutes National Forest property. Amount Funded By: 5 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Spokane County Fire District 10 FWS: $0 Spokane Washington BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 509 244 2425 Public Safety Guide Total Funded: $0 3/6/2002 Proj Coord Name: $28,461 $31,624 PWT FWS 0 W5 Rod Heimbigner, Deputy Chief PWT Will evaluate project Description: Public Safety Guide Fire District 10 has created a small public safety guide on fire prevention, brush setbacks or defensible space and other safety items for homeowners. The guide will be soft cover and spiral bound measuring about 5.5" by 8". We currently have most of the guide written about 55 pages, however we need funding to edit and print the book. The safety guide or book will be handed out by Spokane County Fire District 10 (SCFD10) / BLM interagency engine during the summer months to home and property owners. We want the guide to be available to any fire agency, so the safety guide could be edited and tailored to phone numbers or contacts in their own jurisdiction. Amount Funded By: 5 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 City of Grants Pass City of Grants Pass BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 471 6438 South Slope Fuel Reduction Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $24,000 $27,600 0 Tal Blankenship Park Supervisor Congressial District 49 ???? Description: Financial assistance will aid in our fuel reduction project and provide survivable space for homes that are located in the Wildland Urban Interface areas. The highest priority is to reduce the fuel load at the base of these two properties (see attached maps) and to show that the FireWise program can work, without clear cutting all the trees and or removing all the habitat needed of wildlife.The material removed will be put through a chipping process. The biomass will be used for wildlife habitat, soil erosion, path for hiking trails and watershed efforts.This project will also help to reduce two of the City's most feared areas where a Urban Wildland Fire may occur. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 2 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Project Location Keno Rural Fire Protection District Keno Utilization 6 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 541 883 3062 Multi-agency Fire Service Training and Community Fire Education Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 3/10/2002 $180,000 $334,300 FS ODF 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Chief John Ketchum Comments: Description: This project request was orginated by the Klamath County Fire Defense Board, a consortium of fire departments and fire protection agencies throughout Klamath County, Oregon. The board has membership representing Federal, State, County, Municipal and Rural agencies/departments. This request will facilitate the improvement of multi-agency fire training and community fire education.The first priority is the procurement of a Fire Simulation Prop. This is a commercially available training prop resembling a structure typical of the wildland urban interface. This prop will enable state-of-the-art training in dealing with firefighting and safety procedures encountered by both wildland and structural firefighters: structures, vehicles, flammable materials. The second priority will be the acquisition of training equipment and materials to support multi-agency fire training and community fire education programs. This would include audio-visual, computer, software, projection, and training course material needs. Amount Funded By: 6 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Pend Oreille County, Washi 509 447 2401 Pend Oreille County (WSU/Pend Oreille County Cooperative Extension) WSU/Pend Oreille Master Gardener Forestry Educators Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $27,769 $46,651 0 W5 Carol Mack, Agriculture Program Coordinator I entered the costs based on cost sheet. Ken Snell Description: The Master Gardener volunteer program is an established and effective community outreach program coordinated at the county level. WSU/Pend Oreille County Cooperative Extension currently has 21 active Master Gardener volunteers, and anticipates training an additional 25-30 this fall during a 40-hour basic training. This project will train this volunteer force to become firewise landscape educators. It will integrate an understanding of the role of wildfire in forested regions into Master Gardener curriculum, publications, programs and and pactices. It will expand the current Master Gardener program to create a core, grassroots force of active community members who will spread the word about the urgency of creating defensible spaces around rural homes. It will insure coordination with other agencies and with state Master Gardener program to avoid duplication of efforts. It will produce an effective program that is adapted to the specific needs of Pend Oreille County residents, and yet can serve as a model to other forested communities. Amount Funded By: 7 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Klickitat County Klickitat County BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 509 773 4295 Brush and Tree Limb Recycling Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $75,375 $96,626 0 W 3,4 Tim Hopkinson Comments: Description: This project establishes a year round, convenient alternative to the common practice of open burning brush and tree limbs. This project contributes to the goal of providing this alternative for about 80% of the population of Klickitat County. The project involves the establishment of community drop off sites for brush and tree limbs from home owner land clearing activities. The unmanned, no fee, sites will be open 365-24-7 to maximize convenience for the public. NFP funds would be used to hire a brush chipping contractor and to pay for bagging wood chips. Once bagged, the chips are easily transported from the chipping sites by the public for use in home composting/mulching. Bagging of wood chips may be performed by a jail inmate community service work crew, requiring a paid qualified supervisor, or by a private contractor. Excess wood chips will be used in a local steam electric generator facility. The chipping program will be promoted in tandem with promotion of the DNR FireWise education program. The area served includes or is adjacent to Yakima Indian Nation timber, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area and watersheds critical to salmon/steelhead habitat and three fish hatcheries. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 3 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Ponderosa Community Club, Inc Project Location Leavenworth, WA 509 763 0232 Hazard Assessment, “Firewise” Workshop, Develop Defensible Spaces & Treat Fuels Utilization 8 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $583,200 $1,156,000 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist W4 Robert C. Zink, Project Manager Comments: Description: This project is to conduct a hazard assessment and “Firewise” Workshop and follow up with development of defensible spaces and fuels treatments for 500 lot subdivision. Tasks by priority are: Grant Request Project Total 1. Conduct Hazard Assessments (500 Lots) $ 32,000 $ 40,000 2. Conduct Localized “Firewise” Workshop $ 4,000 $ 5,000 3. Fire Protection Plan $ 15,200 $ 19,000 4. Treat Demo. Lots & North End (70 Ac.) $ 89,600 $ 187,600 5. Defensible Space & Treat Dev. Lots (300) $276,000 $ 556,000 6. Treat Fuels – Undev. Lots (200) $166,400 $348,400 $583,200 $1,156,000 Amount Funded By: 9 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Parks & Recreation Department (OPRD) FWS: $0 Cabbage Hill to Meacham BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 3/8/2002 503 378 4168 Blue Mountain – Interstate 84 Fuels Reduction Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $90,000 $105,000 FS BIA 0 O2 Amy Gillette, Forestry Manager The project should be coordinated with Project 75 Description: Vegetation management of approximately 100 acres of OPRD forest land to reduce fuels, create fuelbreaks along the Interstate 84 and Highway 30 road corridors, minimize the risk of damaging wildfire, and improve forest health. Activities to include pre-commercial thinning and removal of ladder fuels. Amount Funded By: 9 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Seventh Street Complex FWS: $0 Grant County BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 575 0110 Staging Area Enlargement Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $135,600 $174,750 0 O2 Bill Thomas - Park & Rec. Manager Comments: Description: The park & recreation district is requesting funding to build one additional restroom facilities to increase the capabilities of staging individuals brougt into our area for the sole purpose of fire fighting and/or IA support activities. This facility at present can handle approximately 150 individuals and the additional restroom facilities would double that number. This facility has historically been utilzed for stagging by both the Oregon Dept. of Forestry and Malheur National Forest.This project will will not only increase our communities ability to respond quickly and effectively to existinf fire situations, but have the ability to stage for IA support during critically high fire activity periods. Amount Funded By: 10 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Robert W. Gear/Benton County Fire District #1 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Benton County, Washington 509 734 9100 Fuel Modification Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $375,000 $403,500 0 W4 Robert W. Gear, Fire Chief I entered the costs from the budget sheet at the end. Ken Snell Description: This project is the second phase of our 2002 grant. The 2002 grant provided fuels mapping and risk analysis. With this grant we will begin the process of fuels modification in the high risk areas. This modification will include best practice ranging from landscape modification, fuels reduction and long term fuels modification. Environmental assessments, including public participation, will be conducted for the chosen practice. Upon successful completion of the envirnomental assessment contracts will be prepared and let to complete the work. The actual fuels modification work will be targeted to treat at least 500 acres minimum. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 4 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Bend Metro Park and Recreation District T. 17 S., R 11 E., W.M. Utilization 11 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 541 388 5435 Shevlin Park Fire Fuel Mitigation Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $32,600 $42,680 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Paul Stell, Administrative Manager Park Services and Development Comments: Description: This is a fire fuel reduction project identified in the Shevlin Park Coordinated Resource Management Plan. Shevlin Park is a 700 acre Nature Park on the West side of Bend. It is heavily timbered with considrable fuel build up under old growth and second growth ponderosa pine. Plans for fuel reduction include using county inmate work crews to thin brush, juniper and younger ponderosa pine. Funds being requested are to cover the cost of the inmate crew to cut, pile and burn the smaller fuels. The requested funds would also cover the cost of hiring a contractor to remove marketable material to be sold as well as an environmental assessment. Amount Funded By: 12 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Grant County Private Woodlands Association FWS: $0 Grant County Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 421 3400 FUELWISE Fire Reduction in the Urban Wildlands Interface Program Total Funded: $0 3/13/2002 Proj Coord Name: $24,306 $40,506 BLM FS 0 O2 Allen Meyer, Board of Directors Coordinate Review with 12,16, 19, & 56 applications Description: The FUELWISE Fire Reduction in the Urban Wildlands Interface Project will provide a safe, cost effective and environmentally positive means of treating slash and other woody debris generated in the implementation of the “FIREWISE” fuels reduction program, thereby minimizing insect and disease infestation while reducing fire risk in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) on small, non-industrial forestland properties in Grant County Oregon Amount Funded By: 12 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Lake County Resources Initiative FWS: $0 Lake County Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 947 5461 Building Capacity and Market Infrastructure for Community Participation in the National Fire Plan Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $50,000 $62,500 0 O2 James Walls Executive Director Comments: Description: This project is a community-based comprehensive strategy for National Fire Plan implementation from the watershed to the woodshop. This includes the following five tasks: 1) creating and capturing fuels reduction contract opportunities; 2) develop a revolving loan pool for local contractor bonding 3) providing training to local contractors and workers to enable them to do this work. Amount Funded By: 13 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 La Pine, OR unincorporated 541 385 1708 Deschutes County La Pine New Neighborhood Survivable Space Treatment Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $109,835 $109,835 0 O2 Catherine Morrow, Principal Planner Comments: Description: Implementation of a model "Defensible Space Management Plan" now in development will treat 540 acres of county-owned property in southern Deschutes County in the urban/forest interface on the outskirts of the rural community of La Pine. Outcomes will include fire-defensible areas for medium/high density residential for 1,800 homes, as well as commercial and natural open-space areas; ongoing vegetation management; shaded fuel breaks; job skill-development for at-risk youth; community-service opportunities for incarcerated youth; seasonal employment; and fuels utilization. Documentation of the model fire-defensible landscape will aim to make this project replicable throughout the county and the Western U.S. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 5 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Utilization 14 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID T39S R2W Sec 4,5 Sterlin 541 899 8987 REACH, Inc Gilson Gulch Fuels Reduction Strategy & Treatments Proposal 2003 Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $42,989 $42,989 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Bjorn Everson Director of Workforce Training, Ecosystem Workforce Training Project Comments: Description: REACH EWT will assist the residents of Gilson Gulch to strategize a comprehensive fuels reduction plan for local landowners in the Fall of 2002. Treatments will be performed by a combination of the REACH West crew and local contractor trainees, together with members of the Gilson Gulch Group. Results will include: 1) a comprehensive neighborhood plan meeting Applegate Fire Plan requirements communication, fuels reduction, and restoration; 2) individual treatment plans for each resident, including mapping, GPS, and flagging boundaries and treatment areas; and, 3) treatments in the Winter 2002 through Spring 2003 performed by the REACH West Ecosystem Workforce Training crew with assistance of local participating training contractors. Restoration across boundaries public, industrial, and private will occur in Spring 2003 emphasizing reforestation and slope stabilization. The Gilson Gulch Group is willing that this project be available as a demonstration site for other fuels reduction efforts Amount Funded By: 15 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Bly, Oregon REACH, Inc BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 353 2759 Bly Neighbors Community Fire Planning & Fuel Hazard Reduction Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $199,592 0 $199,592 O2 Bjorn Everson, Director of Workforce Training, Ecosystem Workforce Training Project Comments: Description: Four sub-divisions in Bly, Oregon have extensive interface with US Forest Service lands, are identified Communities at Risk, and yet have no cohesive treatment plan for fuels reduction. The Oregon Department of Forestry Fuel Hazard Inventory protocol will be used to assess fuels hazards and treatment needs in these sub-divisions and the ‘Greater Bly Area’. An ODF/EWT team will perform assessment and initial outreach. REACH, ODF, and the Bly RD will work with about 94 landowners in the Pinecrest, Shady Rest, Fishhole, and Bley Was sub-divisions from November, 2002 through March, 2003 to encourage landowner participation and develop individual and community fuels reduction prescriptions. “Spark plug” residents will be identified who will host community meetings. Full mapping of sites compatible with ODF & USFS needs will be done. Trees and brush to be removed will be flagged for each participating landowner. All treatments will be performed by the REACH EWT crew aided by two professional tree removal experts as instructors on-site. Residual limbs and brush will be chipped, or retained as firewood. Amount Funded By: 16 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Grant Soil & Water Conservation FWS: $0 Grant County, Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 575 0135 Grant County, Oregon, Wildland Urban Interface Prevention and Education Project Total Funded: $0 3/13/2002 Proj Coord Name: $138,700 $138,700 BLM FS 0 O2 Jennifer Holm, Wildland Urban Interface Coordinator Comments: Description: This project is a continuation of the Wildfire Risk Reduction Project that the Grant Soil and Water Conservation District (GSWCD) initiated in January 2002. Upon meeting with several cooperators it was recognized that there is a need for assistance and coordination in fire prevention, education and planning in Grant County. This grant has three parts. The first being the development of a Community Wildland Urban Interface Plan to educate residents and community leaders of fire risk and hazards in the interface and promote FIREWISE actions. Secondly this project will develop or implement new fire prevention and education programs previously not available in Grant County which will include a county prevention website, “FireWorks Curriculum”, new property owner packet, prevention and education materials supply. GSWCD will also assist in the planning and implementation of “FIREWISE Communities Workshops”. In the third part of this grant, GSWCD would continue assisting in current fire prevention, education and planning projects with different partners. The goal of the project, which is partially funded by this grant, is to prevent unwanted wildfires that might have resulted in damage to local watersheds, fish/wildlife habitats and negative impacts on the local economy. Amount Funded By: 16 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Sunriver Owners Association, a 501C(4) Non-Profit organization FWS: $0 Sunriver, Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 541 593 1522 Sunriver Ladder Fuels Reduction Project for Urban Interface Fire Protection Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $80,000 $259,159 0 O2 Kelly Walker, M.S. Environmental Manager Comments: Description: Mechanical ladder fuels treatment (brush and small diameter tree removal) on approximately 1/3 of common grounds in the urban interface community of Sunriver, Oregon, to buffer over 4000 urban interface properties from the risk of wildfire spreading from adjacent fuel choked federal lands and to restore fire adapted ponderosa pine ecosystem. Approximately 210 acres will be treated. Education and coordination of information to landowners and surrounding communities. Sunriver’s total property value was recently estimated at about $1 Billion dollars. Sunriver Owners Association will match $80,000 in grant funds 100% and will also pay for staffing, supplies and other expenses (estimated at an additional $. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 6 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Comments: Project Location Salem Keep Oregon Green Utilization 17 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 503 945 7499 Interpretive improvements and maintenance to USFS building at state fairgrounds Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 3/13/2002 $20,000 $25,000 PWT FS 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O5 DC Haas, President, Keep Oregon Green $25,000 plus other ‘in kind’ services Description: The USDA Forest Service currently owns a building at the state fairgrounds in Salem. There is a Memo of Understanding (MOU) between the Forest Service and Keep Oregon Green (KOG) for overall use of this building. Presently the building needs repairs and an update to the interpretive content of the building. The building is used to convey an urban interface / fire prevention message at the fair. The cedar shake roof is a poor example of interface prevention measures and needs replaced (it leaks). The exterior is a poor example of Firewise landscaping and conflicts with the message visitors receive inside. The interpretive display is outdated and needs replaced. No information is available stating the cooperative efforts of the Forest Service, or KOG, or Firewise programs Amount Funded By: 17 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Trout Creek Conservation A 541 617 6040 Heart of Oregon Corps Trout Creek Conservation and Fuels Reduction Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $73,550 $180,870 0 O2 0 W2 Janice Jaworski, Chairperson Heart of Oregon Corps Comments: Description: The Trout Creek Conservation and Fuels Reduction project is a multi-agency and multi-jurisdictional partnership that aims to: (1) Reduce hazardous forest fuel in the wildland urban interface surrounding the community of Sisters, Oregon; (2) Preserve and enhance the viability of rare plant species such as the Peck's penstemon both on and off federal lands; (3 Increase public awareness of the importance of defensible space for wildland urban interface residential communities throughout the Sisters School district; and (4) Provide paid skill building and employment opportunities for local low-income and/or at-risk youth. Amount Funded By: 18 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Island and Skagit Counties FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Island and Skagit Counties 360 679 7378 Education and Communication of Fire Supression and Prevention Program Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $0 $25,000 Fred Wefer - Fire Warden Did not enter requested funds Description: 1) Fire Prevention: The Fire Warden's truck will be outfitted with a compressed air foam system to facilitate containment and early protection. 2) Public Education: “Island and Skagit Counties Community Awareness Brochure on Open Burning”. A revised version of the brochure will be produced in 2003, and will be presented at Community Awareness meetings for urban interface fire danger in both Island and Skagit Counties. Amount Funded By: 19 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Bob Parker, OSU Extension Baker, Malheur, Grant and Harney Counties FWS: $0 Numerous BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 523 6418 FireWise Communities Education for Baker and Grant Counties Total Funded: $0 3/13/2002 Proj Coord Name: $115,000 $115,000 PWT BLM, FS 0 O2 Bob Parker, OSU Extension Forester Baker and Grant Counties Comments: Description: This project will facilitate the continuation of the collaborative effort history of the Baker and Malheur county multi-agency fire prevention cooperatives. The new Inter-agency Fire Prevention Coordinator position will work to coordinate the cooperative members to create multi-agency fuel management strategies for the counties, as well as to develop and implement an intensive, 3-year education program for WUI landowners. This education program will utilize the rural fire chiefs and FIREWISE trained landowners to carry FIREWISE programs to all the residents of the communities which they represent. This goal of this education effort is to create a 'grass-roots' level of acceptance and support of FIREWISE concepts and result in extensive landowner/agency cooperation to reduce fuel loadings and enhance infrastructure, planning and communication. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 7 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Asst. Chief Allen Knobbs Utilization 19 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Within District 3 boundaries 360 683 4242 Firewise Education Program by Clallam County Fire District 3 Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $23,665 $23,665 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score Cmt To Fund Cong Dist 0 W6 0 O2 Steve Chinn Public Education Officer Comments: Description: The public education program proposed by Clallam County Fire District 3 will meet these six objectives: 1. Raise the awareness of and educate a minimum of 5,000 people in the North Olympic Peninsula through mailers, newspaper articles, radio and TV informational programming. 2. Conduct 120 individual wildfire risk assessments within the designated grant area through classroom presentations. 3. Conduct a minimum of 30 urban interface inspections for property owners within our boundaries. 4. Provide vegetation clearance/clean-up for elderly and non-ambulatory citizens in the target area. 5. Develop a unified program that can be used by the Department of Natural Resources and FEMA in areas outside of District 3 boundaries 6. Coordinate programs with adjoining fire districts (JeffCo 5 and CCFD 2) Amount Funded By: 20 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 La Pine Rural Fire Protection District FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 La Pine Fire District - Oreg 541 536 2935 La Pine RFPD Wildland Urban Interface Awareness, Education & Fuels Disposal Alternative Total Funded: $0 3/13/2002 Proj Coord Name: $23,600 $48,100 BLM FS Jim Gustafson, Fire Marshal Comments: Description: This project is a Wildland Urban Interface Fire prevention awareness, education, and alternative disposal of reduced fuels assistance Program. The Fire District believes that this program will enhance and advance previous joint programs that have been conducted by the Fire District in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Forestry, Walker Range Patrol Association and the Deschutes National Forest. The project includes the purchase of manufactured “Wildfire Danger Signs” that will keep residents and visitors aware of the fire danger. The purchase of approximately 9,000 copies of “Living with Fire” A Guide for the Homeowner and for the bulk mailing of them to every mailing address in the Fire District and our neighboring community of Sunriver. The final element of the project is to fund the purchase of a chipper capable of handling up to a 5” capacity. This will be utilized to help residents get rid of the fuels they have reduced, without burning, and allow the property owner to use the chipped product as ground cover or mulch. Amount Funded By: 20 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Deschutes County Property Management Division FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 Unincorporated area Sunriv 541 385 1414 South County Survivable Space Management Project Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $115,317 $190,317 0 O2 Tamara Credicott, Property Management Comments: Description: Deschutes County lacks the staff to coordinate, and the resources to accomplish, fuels treatment on 507 acres of county-owned property in the southern portion of the county, much of it adjacent to or in close proximity to federally-managed lands. Many of these properties have fallen to the county due to foreclosures. The most cost-effective solution to reducing fire danger on these properties is a combination of labor using county-adjudicated youth, a contractor using more skilled youth crews, and professionals for specific tasks. The coordination of these work resources would be achieved by (a) developing a clear set of standards for fuels-treatment and (b) temporarily employing 3 persons to serve as "field coordinators." Coordinator duties would include: (1) Cutting/pruning trees; (2) training youth crew leaders/members to county fire-survivable standards prior to each crew's assignment, (3) monitoring quality of work of all crews engaged in this project, (4) working closely with propertyowner associations having properties adjacent to subject county lands in order to ensure that their concerns are addressed and to provide guidance in improving their fire-survivability, and (5) completing a checklist of criteria as each county plot's fire-survivability is completed. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 8 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Liberty Area Kittitas Firewise Utilization 21 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 509 962 7000 Kittitas County Firewise 2002-2 Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $56,250 $68,074 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score Cmt To Fund Cong Dist 0 W4 Derald Gaidos, Fire Marshal Comments: Description: Kittitas/Yakima Counties Firewise has been previously awarded funding for a coordinator position to assess the wildfire dangers of approx. 2700 at risk homes, priortize these homes, secure funding and oversee the contractural implmentation of fuels reduction. Within Kittitas sites have been selected as priority high risk, The Liberty Fuel Reduction project is in high danger and in high fire activity areas. (1)These areas are able to be protected as a group with shaded fuel breaks and providing defensable spaces and breaks in the fuel continuity. (2)The reduction of fuels in the "privately owned areas" of the project will allow these areas to be demonstration sites for the community to use as an educational site. (3)Individual home site prescriptions will be available from trained staff with work being done by contactors with chippers that will be available for the fuels be able to change the biomass to chips rather that attempting to burn the altered fuels. This plan will allow the best in protection from wildfire for these properties. Amount Funded By: 22 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Walker Range Fire Patrol Association FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Walker Range FPA District 541 433 2451 Hazard Fuel Reduction Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $110,640 0 $139,900 O2 Echo Murray, Project Coordinator Comments: Description: Implement two phases of hazardous fuel reduction on property identified through community fire plans developed in 2001. Phase I would involve fuel treatment in Tall Pines and Cascade Estates Subdivisions involving approximately 60 acres. This project is in conjunction with and adjacent to the US Forest Service 5825 corridor fuel treatment project scheduled for 2002. Phase II, scheduled for 2003, involves 13 subdivisions and over 300 acres and 750+ homes. Adjacent to the Long Prairie fuel treatment on BLM & USFS lands. Part of this Phase would involve implementing evacuation routes. Amount Funded By: 23 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Clark County Fire District 3 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 T3 & 4N, R3E, WM (20 sq 360 892 2331 Wildfire Risk Surveys in the Interface Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: 0 $9,000 $7,000 W3 Ray Steiger, Public Information Officer Comments: Description: Conduct Wildland Fire Surveys in the wildland/urban interface of Eastern Clark County Washington. This will be a continuation of a program started in 1991. Our 2002 program was partially funded by a Forest Service Grant. The area is one of twelve areas in the state at high risk of a major wildland fire with potential for major property loss. Amount Funded By: 24 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 State-wide Keep Oregon Green BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 503 945 7499 Oregon Council Against Arson campaign Total Funded: $0 3/13/2002 Proj Coord Name: $10,000 $20,000 PWT 0 OR All DC Haas, President, Keep Oregon Green $20,000 plus other ‘in kind’ services Description: Keep Oregon Green (KOG) is planning an aggressive arson awareness campaign to address arson concerns in Oregon. The cost of arson fires (as well as suspicious/undetermined causes) is considerable in Oregon. Many campaigns have addressed the human caused component, yet little has been done to address costly arson issues. KOG will work in cooperation with the Oregon Council Against Arson (OCAA) and its membership to develop a campaign that promotes an establish tip line and reward system. KOG is in need of assistance to develop printed material including: brochures, signs, and displays. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 9 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Southwest Oregon Resource Conservation & Development Council Evasn Creek Watershed Utilization 24 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 541 830 3781 Seven Basins Neighborhood Fire Planning and Education Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $7,685 $16,545 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Gail Perrotti, Chair Comments: Description: The Evans Creek watershed is among the most fire prone areas in Southern Oregon. This project will engage & empower rural residents to become more aware and active in wildfire prevention & response. It will begin with a one-day workshop to develop the capacity of the Watershed Council members to conduct outreach, provide public education. Working with agencies the Council will conduct 3 local workshops to increase awareness and promote utilization of existing programs and resources. The Council will coordinate with agencies to facilitate the development of two neighborhood fire strategies complementing fire planning activities occurring on Federal lands and in ODF priority areas. These will include risk assessment and planning. This project will pave the way for the Watershed Council to continue to provide education and facilitation of neighborhood fire plans throughout the fire-prone watershed and to develop a role of liaison between the agencies and the dispersed rural residents. Amount Funded By: 25 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Statewide Keep Oregon Green BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 503 945 7499 Oregon Junior Forest Ranger Program (JFRP) Total Funded: $0 3/13/2002 Proj Coord Name: $30,000 $51,800 PWT 0 OR All DC Haas, President, Keep Oregon Green $51,800 plus other ‘in kind’ services Description: This program would be modeled after similar programs (North Carolina, Alberta, CFFP, etc.) with a target audience of school aged children. The program combines fire prevention and forest ecology. Participants are required to complete several tasks in a workbook (plant a tree, help put out a campfire) and rewards children with a Junior Forest Ranger badge/certificate. The program will help take the place of the old Smokey Bear Junior Forest Ranger program with an emphasis on Oregon ecosystems and human caused fire issues. Thinning, prescribed fire, forest health and prevention issues will all be address in this program. A statewide marketing campaign will be produced referring participants to a web site to register. Postcards will be dispersed as another means of registering. The program does not need to be reinvented, only adapted from existing JFR programs Amount Funded By: 25 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Estacada Rural Fire District/ Mt Hood Clackamas County Fire Prevention Assoc./ Clackamas County Fire Prevention Coop BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 503 630 7712 Landscaping for a Fire Safe Home Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $58,000 $85,915 0 Alan L. Hull, Captain Comments: Description: Comprehensive program to educate land owners about fire safe landscaping. We intend to do this by printing a full color 12 page informational brochure called "Living with Fire", produced by the PNWCG, then distributed through local newspapers, and a door to door campaign in the most crucial areas as determined by the local fire protection agency. Community Emergency Response Teams as well as local Fire District, ODF, and USFS personnel have all committed manhours to promote this door to door endevor. Amount Funded By: 26 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Sun Mountain Ranch Club & Membership Assoc., Inc. FWS: $0 Winthrop, WA BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 509 996 3820 Complete Defensible Spaces & Fuel Treatments Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $526,000 $606,000 0 W5 Fred Edelman, President Comments: Description: This project is implement and complete treatments identified in the 2002 Fire Plan Grant. Hazard assessments, “Firewise” workshop and fire protection plan will have been done and the developed sites fuels treatments will have begun. The work that will remain includes: Grant Request Project Total 1. Complete Def. Spaces & Treat (50 Ac.) $ 50,000 $ 55,000 2. Treat Undev. Tbr. Lots (150 Ac.) $309,000 $348,000 3. Treat Rem. Undev. Lots (350 Ac.) $167,000 $203,000 TOTAL $526,000 $606,000 Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 10 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Liberty Woodlands Homeowners Assoc. Winthrop, WA Utilization 27 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 360 424 6245 Develop Defensible Spaces & Treat Fuels Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $79,750 $172,250 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score Cmt To Fund Cong Dist 0 W5 0 O1 Brian A. Simmons, Secretary Comments: Description: This project is to treat the fuels on the 60 lot, 50 acre subdivision to provide defensible spaces and protect the forested setting. Tasks are: Requested Project Funds Total___ 1. Hazard Assessments (50 Lots) & Support $ 17,250 $ 17,250 2. Dev. Defensible Spaces – Treat Fuels $ 62,500 $155,000 $ 79,750 $ 172,250 Amount Funded By: 28 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Applicant/Organization: Luke Balcombe / World Forestry Center FWS: $0 Portland, Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 503 488 2147 Forest Fuels and Health Education and Awareness Program (FFAHEAP) Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $219,900 $261,500 Luke Balcombe / Information Specialist Comments: Description: Design and implement the Forest Fuels and Health Education and Awareness Program in accordance with Pacific Northwest Coordinating Group Prevention Team Task Order 9909-13:“Develop … and increase public awareness regarding the benefits of fuels management”. The public message will focus on Fuels Hazard Build-up, Forest Health Issues and the full range of management strategies that must be implemented in federal, state and private forest-lands and communities to reduce devastation by Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fires. General outcomes for the project: Develop a program compatible with existing efforts of Forest Fuels and Health Education and Awareness Program for urban, suburban and rural grade 6-12 students. Utilize a mobile display, demonstration events and support workshops. Expand WUI fire knowledge and awareness with partnerships for pro-active management to create more links in the online and landline web; Envelop a user-friendly media mix in a teacher’s kit for distribution. Amount Funded By: 29 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Crooked River Ranch Rural Fire Protection District FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 Crooked River Ranch RFP 541 923 6776 Community-wide Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Reduction and/or Modification Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $124,300 0 $233,200 O2 Patrick Reitz, Chief Comments: Description: To continue work on the project previously awarded grant monies through the National Fire Plan. To reduce and/or modify the fuels available within the wildland urban interface and to reduce the perceived need for outdoor burning of waste to reduce the likelihood of a catastrophic wildland fire. This would be accomplished through fuels treatment and community education; with community and local business participation and cooperation; and interagency participation and cooperation. To continue & expand Wildland Urban Interface community education and outreach programs to better address prevention and preparation issues.To assist the community in addressing the requirements of Oregon SB 360, the Oregon Forestland-Urban Interface Fire Protection Act of 1997. Amount Funded By: 30 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Clackamas County, Oregon FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Precise location undetermin 503 353 4328 Biomass Power Plant Total Funded: $0 3/14/2002 Proj Coord Name: $40,000 $50,000 FS 0 OR 1,3,5 Gregory Jenks, Business & Economic Development Director Comments: Description: The removal of tons of forest fuels under the National Fire Plan raises two issues – whether the material can be disposed of in an environmentally manner, and whether the material can be utilized for an economic benefit. This proposal provides a viable solution for both of those issues, as well as providing quality jobs and tax revenues for Clackamas County, Oregon. Logistically, Clackamas County is a suitable location for a biomass power plant, including the availability of forest debris for use as a fuel source. However, the county faces a significant hurdle before the project can get under way. A feasibility study must be conducted to determine the size and location of the plant as well as identify other necessary fuels and users of the steam and/or power that will be generated by the facility. The Fuels Utilization and Marketing Projects grant will fund the feasibility study, which will be completed within six months. If feasible, construction can then begin on the project, which will create a profitable use for the forest fuels while providing a non-polluting method of their disposal. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 11 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Utilization 30 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Unincorporated Yakima Co 509 574 2378 Yakima County Wildfire Watch Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $52,000 $70,900 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist W4 Jakki MacLean, Fire Marshal Comments: Description: With the cooperation of local building and fire service professionals, USFS, DNR, Dept. of Defense, and the Yakama Indian Nation, Yakima County adopted and continues to enforce the Urban Wildland Interface Code. Our "Wildfire Watch" project will continue to help reduce fire risk in the interface areas through application of the requirements of the UWIC. In addition to these requirements for new construction, we intend to deliver and expand a number of community education programs to promote our voluntary efforts toward wildfire mitigation. Through the application of Firewise and FireFree programs, we also intend to promote interagency strategic fire plans. Amount Funded By: 31 0 Project Title: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 $0 0 $100,000 0 $0 2003 Duplicate of #9 Proj Coord Name: Comments: Description: Amount Funded By: 32 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Spokane Tribe of Indians FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Spokane Indian Reservation 509 258 4581 Spokane Tribe of Indians: Wood Products Division Project Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $80,000 W5 David Ernst, Planning Director Comments: Description: The Spokane Tribe seeks to purchase an incisor for its Wood Products Division. The equipment will allow it to use small diameter timbers to make guard rails that meet Federal, Washington State and Federal Department of Transportation specifications. Their current equipment only allows them to make guard rails for Idaho, which has different standards. This project will therefore allow the tribe to use its own resources to make the rails and at the same time reduce the volume of small diameter combustible materials. The new market will increase the number of jobs on the reservation, which is a five star EZ Empowerment Community. Amount Funded By: 33 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 HOOD RIVER COUNTY FWS: $0 T2N R9E WM BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 387 6888 HOOD RIVER COUNTY FOREST RESTORATION PROJECT Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $95,000 $119,000 0 O2 Ken Galloway, Jr. Forest Manager Comments: Description: Approximately 50 acres of Hood River County forest lands will be surveyed for stand density, species characteristics and restoration planning. Based on these findings a contract for mechanical thinning will commence to restore natural structures and composition that support natural fire regimes. Additional contract work and collaboration with regional foresters from private, State and Federal agencies will result in the development of restorations goals that also support economic ones. Surplus biomass/thinned product will be assessed based on species and characteristics of volume/tonnage, estimated moisture content and viability for various value added markets. Such as: pellet plants, co-gen facilities, domestic stud mills, dimension mills, veneer mills, pole and piling companies and chip and pulp wood purchasers. This demonstration project will use local labor when applicable, integrate with existing fire prevention programs, develop a region specific cost benefit analysis and offer a viable exhibit of WUI planning. The resulting data will provide a model for successive planned projects in Skamania and Klickitat Counties who have commited funding and technical support. This demonstration project and collected data will be presented to District Congressional leaders Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 12 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location North Central Washington Resource Conservation & Development (NCWRC&D)ncwrcd@televar.co Okanogan Utilization 34 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 509 997 2245 Roundwood Product Deveopment. & Market Testing Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $60,000 $75,000 Mike Ferris Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist W4 Executive Director Comments: Description: This project builds upon Feasibility/Business Planning Study (funded under NFP 01) recommendations to further test produce and market test various products utilizing existing producers and infrastructure. This proposal focuses upon roundwood and will test the ability of existing producers in the Twisp area to profitably produce new product designs into high quality, market acceptable roundwood products (structural components, trusses, furniture, fencing, etc.) utilizing existing equipment and facilities. The resulting products will be used as test marketing samples. ( A similar scope pilot project to produce and test market flooring and panelling products is planned for the Tonasket area with NFP 02 funds.) The project will engage existing local producers to: 1.Test the quantitative and qualitative aspects of selected stands of local small diameter suppressed douglas fir and ponderosa pine; 2. Determine potential recovery rates and costs for peeling and milling small logs into various products; and 3. Test market those samples to determine potential pricing and market acceptance. Anticipated benefits of this pilot project include:1.To determine the suitabilities of existing infrastructure to produce desired results; 2. To test cooperative arrangements between local producers; 3. To refine Business Plan assumptions with actual results. Amount Funded By: 35 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Pacific County Fire District No. 1 FWS: $0 Long Beach Peninsula BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 360 665 4451 PCFD 1 Community Action Plan for Urban Interface Fire Education and Planning Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: 0 $14,703 $10,796 W3 David Allsup, Firefighter/Paramedic Comments: Description: This is an application for phase one, of two, to implement a local wildland fire / urban interface education, and prevention program. Phase one, will consist primarily of an initial education and awareness program. Our goal is to dispense educational materials to no less than 2,500 community members, through door-to-door contact with citizens in the high risk areas of Pacific County Fire District No. 1. Phase two of this project will be the actual implementaion of a detailed Community Action Plan, and education / awareness program, for community members that reside in high risk areas of Pacific County Fire District No. 1. Amount Funded By: 36 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Snohomish County, Washington (Jeff Kelley-Clarke FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Precise location undetermin 425 743 4567 Biomass Power Plant Total Funded: $0 3/14/2002 Proj Coord Name: $50,000 $40,000 FS 0 WA 1,2 Michael Cade, Vice President Comments: Description: The removal of tons of forest fuels under the National Fire Plan raises two issues – whether the material can be disposed of in an environmentally manner, and whether the material can be utilized for an economic benefit. This proposal provides a viable solution for both of those issues, as well as providing quality jobs and tax revenues for Snohomish County, Washington. Logistically, Snohomish County is a suitable location for a biomass power plant, including the availability of forest debris for use as a fuel source. However, the county faces a significant hurdle before the project can get under way. A feasibility study must be conducted to determine the size and location of the plant as well as identify other necessary fuels and users of the steam and/or power that will be generated by the facility. The Fuels Utilization and Marketing Projects grant will fund the feasibility study, which will be completed within six months. If feasible, construction can begin on the project that will create a profitable use for the forest fuels while providing a non-polluting method of their disposal. Amount Funded By: 36 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Riverside, Fields Spring, & 509 665 3329 Washington State Parks Wildland Urban Interface Fuel Reduction and Education Project Proj Coord Name: $251,260 $321,810 0 W 4,5 Tom Ernsberger, Assistant Region Manager, Resource Stewardship Location: Riverside, Fields Spring, & Lk Wen State Parks Description: Asses fuel loads and develop landscape based fuel reduction plans for three forested parks in eastern Washington. All project locations are described as high hazard communities by the U. S. Forest Service, and each project has been formulated with public involvement and cooperation with other governmental agencies. Following the development of the fuel reduction plans, implementation of pilot projects (phase 1) will occur in at least two of the three parks, and an interpretive program will be developed describing the projects and the need for such projects. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 13 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Utilization 37 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation Township 11s;Range 5w;Se 541 766 6918 Department Bald Hill Restoration Project Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $19,300 $28,924 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score Cmt To Fund 0 Cong Dist O5 Steve DeGhetto; Parks Operations Specialist Comments: Description: The objective is to remove invasive non native and native vegetation from oak savanna /oak woodlands on 25 acres at Bald Hill Park. The goal is to restore the oak habitat and to reduce the potential for wildland fires within the urban growth boundary of the City of Corvallis. The project incorporates multiple agencies and non profit organizations. Amount Funded By: 38 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Applegate Valley Rural Fire District #9 Applegate River Watershed 541 899 1050 Applegate Hazardous Roads Fuel Reduction Project (AHRFRP) Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $291,500 $375,300 0 O 2,4 Brett Fillis, Fire Chief Comments: Description: The Applegate Hazardous Roads project is a direct result of the Applegate Fire Plan, aka the Applegate Communities Collaborative Fire Protection Strategy or AFP (NFP, 2001). The AFP identified 65 priority projects, with the #1 priority to reduce fuels around homes and roads in the wildland urban interface. The Applegate's three rural fire district chiefs met and identified 33 roads or private driveways in the watershed that they consider very hazardous due to high traffic use, as well as for travel during a wildfire. This Hazardous Roads proposal is to thin fuels back at least 30 ft. along both sides of the 37.25 miles of roads identified, for a total area of 271 acres. An extensive public relations movement would be coordinated with the Applegate Fire Plan to inform and work with private landowners to plan the work to be completed. Landowners would be reimbursed for the work done on an increasing incentive program: contiguous neighbors accomplishing the work would receive higher reimbursement rates. We see this as a pilot project in the watershed to continue the educational work of the Applegate Fire Plan, and to begin to reduce our risk of fire in the WUI. Amount Funded By: 39 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 500,000 acre Applegate Wa 541 846 6917 Applegate Partnership Applegate Fire Plan Continuing Outreach and Education Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $48,600 $54,400 0 O 2,4 Jack Shipley, Board member and co-coordinator for the Applegate Fire Plan Comments: Description: This project is a continuation of the public outreach portion of the nearly completed Applegate Fire Plan (AFP), funded by NFP in 2001. In conjunction with our 25 partners, we will encourage Applegate valley landowners to implement AFP fuel reduction strategies, by assisting owners in working with both their private and public land neighbor’s in a complementary way to increase effective watershed wide fire hazard reduction. Outreach will be accomplished by: 1) On-going neighborhood and community educational meetings across the watershed (over 40 last year); 2) Twice a year publication and distribution of fire-specific Applegator issues to all 12,000 Applegate residents (3 last year); 3) Develop 4 field workshops that give land owners hands-on implementation skills, tools and fuels reduction strategies for their properties (2 completed last spring); 4) “Lessons Learned” sharing with communities, agencies and organizations outside the Applegate (3 trips this year). 5) Continue to develop the valley wide emergency communication strategies and expand the neighborhood phone tree network (over 30 to date). Our Applegate Fire Plan is a long-term 25-50 year commitment, and community outreach is an essential factor to its success. Amount Funded By: 40 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 500,000 acre Applegate Wa 541 899 1749 Applegate Partnership Applegate Fire Plan Monitoring Project Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $73,100 $82,700 0 O 2,4 Mike Mathews, Applegate River Watershed Council Monitoring Coordinator Comments: Description: This project is a continuation of the soon to be completed “Applegate Communities Collaborative Fire Protection Strategy,” aka the “Applegate Fire Plan” (AFP), funded by NFP in 2001. In conjunction with our 25 partners, we have developed a watershed wide Fire and Fuels reduction strategy that will encourage Applegate valley landowners to implement fuel reduction strategies on their lands. We are assisting these landowners in working with both their private and public land neighbors in a complementary way to increase the effectiveness of this watershed wide fire hazard reduction program. Our monitoring project will establish a four-part system that will track: 1) community & agency attitudes and responses to the Applegate Fire Plan (social component); 2) effectiveness monitoring of specific treatments by photo points & transects in different vegetation classes across the watershed; 3) type of management activity and acres treated by all our partners, and 4) development of the Farsite Fire Modeling program at the 6th Field watershed to demonstrate for communities predicted fire behavior and effects of fuels reduction. Our monitoring program is intended to help us to be adaptive by providing feedback on both our successes and failures and adjusting accordingly. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 14 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Washington Department of Natural Resources statewide Utilization 41 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 360 902 1300 Jr. Firewise Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $7,000 $9,500 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist WA All Sandy Williams, Prevention Education Manager Comments: Description: This proposal will refine and package a program developed by the Kittitas County FireWise Co-op and Fire Dept.and DNR staff entitled: Jr. Firewise. Jr. Firewise is a hands-on program targeting Junior and High School students. The course objectives are: 1) identify and discuss the three sides of a fire triangle; 2) identify the environmental factors of wildland fire behavior that affect the start and spread of wildfire; 3) recognize situations which indicate problems or extreme wildland fire behavior; 4) perform a risk assessment of their home and surrounding community identifyig some risk mitigation work that might be done in the form of fuel reduction; and 5) discuss the economic impacts of fire for the community as well as the personal liability to person(s) who are negligent with fire. To date, this course has been very popular with faculty and students alike. Unfortunately, neither agency has sufficient staff to respond to the demand. Grant funding would enable DNR to refine the program; train the teachers; and produce 300 CD's. Amount Funded By: 42 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Pacific Northwest Coordinating Council FWS: $0 Oregon/Washington State BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 360 902 1300 PNWCG Fire Prevention Week Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $25,000 $25,000 0 All Sandy Williams, Prevention Education Manager Comments: Description: This proposal is to enable the Fire Prevention Week (FPW) Committee to seek out and secure individuals who are eminently qualiified in their field of expertise to put on training for the annual Fire Prevention Conference. This approach aligns with National Fire Plan goals for Fire Prevention in that it encourages fire prevention education be based on the best science, including social science. The number of conference attendees has grown to nearly 300 with a wide mix between structural and wildland firefighters. The FPW Committee continues to strive for quality training sessions that meet or exceed the expectation and need of the attendees. Amount Funded By: 43 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Washington Department of Natural Resources FWS: $0 NW Washington State BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 360 854 2858 WUI Fuels Reduction Cooperative Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $200,000 $250,000 0 W 1,2,8 Marc Titus, Fire Prevention Coordinator Comments: Description: This project will use the talent of Local Coordinating Groups that are forming in Northwest Washington to accomplish hazardous fuel reduction in high hazard areas adjacent to NPS and USFS lands based on community fire prevention and mitigation plans. Past wildland fires in the high hazard areas of Marblemount, Darrington, Demming, and San Juan Island have threatened homes in the urban interface. Fires that could start on urban interface lands surrounding USFS and NPS lands have the potential to affect these federal lands. Firewise Washington will also be used as an education tool throughout the life cycle of the project to encourage homeowners to create defensible space. Local resources will be used to accomplish the work. Amount Funded By: 44 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Rural Information Technology Center NE Washington BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 509 684 2588 NE Washington Community Wildland/Urban Interface Mapping Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $170,000 $170,000 0 W7 Al Kowitz, President Comments: Description: We propose combining GIS (Geographical Information Systems) fuel/fire layers for NE Washington and making them accessible to the community. Edge mapping between jurisdictions is a weak link when it comes to pre-attack planning in Wildland/Urban zones. By combining layers from participating agencies they will be able to identify high risk areas of mutual concern and plan joint projects. This data will be available to all agencies, including fire districts, 911, counties, cities, and individual community members. Agencies can receive the data in two formats. One is by CD rom, the other by visiting the community web site. The data will be available on the web site by an interactive mapping program called ArcIMS viewable with a web browser. With the CD rom files organizations will be able to utilize the information using the free version of ArcExp. Initially the three counties of Ferry, Stevens, and Pend Oreille will be targeted. Future expansion would include Spokane, Lincoln, and Okanogan counties and eventually the entire state. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 15 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Project Location Rural Technology Initiative (RTI)/University of Washington Washington Utilization 45 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 206 616 3218 Case Studies of Small Diameter Processing Equipment for Different Levels of Investment Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency 3/15/2002 $99,753 $124,922 FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist W4 Bruce Lippke, RTI Director and CFR Faculty Comments: Description: In cooperation with local economic developers, equipment consultants and utilities this project will investigate the feasibility of three small business manufacturing alternatives to utilize small diameter logs, with each requiring different levels of investment. A low cost, $100,000, portable saw mill has been designed locally to manufacture lumber in the woods from small diameter logs. A trailer mounted veneer lathe specially designed to utilize small diameter logs at the harvest location could be purchased with necessary support equipment for under $1,000,000. Small co-generation facilities to produce steam and electricity may cost less than $5,000,000 and could utilize forest biomass baled or chipped in the woods to augment log and industrial residual fuel supplies. This project will investigate the fixed and variable costs, raw material needs, employment opportunities, tax contributions, product potentials, and other opportunities associated with operation of one or more of these facilities and resulting contribution to fuel risk reduction and rural economic vitality. Amount Funded By: 45 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Deschutes Soil and Water Conservation District FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 Deschutes County, Oregon 541 923 2204 Deschutes Integrated Community Fire Protection Coordination Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $35,000 0 $58,000 O2 Jeff Rola Comments: Description: To provide coordination and access for rural residents in the wildland urban interface to existing programs and cooperative strategies that reduce the threat of wildland fire damage and loss to homeowners in Deschutes County. More than a hundred neighborhoods in Deschutes County remain under threat of wildland fire. The Deschutes Soil and Water Conservation District has been contacted by many of these threatened homeowners through contacts with the Deschutes National Forest, rural fire protection districts, ODF, and through our implementation of FY 2002 National Fire Plan Grants. Though many assistance programs exist, many neighborhoods (often the most threatened) lack the resources and capacity to participate in NFP and other programs. The Deschutes SWCD would provide assistance to these neighborhoods under threat to become more efficient in the utilization of resources to reduce wildland fire threats AND increase participation in both landowner incentive programs and market-based solutions from local NFP Economic Action Programs. Amount Funded By: 46 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Dr. Bruce Shindler and Eric Toman FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 To Be Determined-locations 541 737 3299 An Evaluation of Communication Strategies for Fuel Management: Reducing Fire Risk through Outreach Partnerships Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $64,806 $85,882 PWT FS 0 Dr. Bruce Shindler, Associate Professor No Congressional District Listed. Ken Snell Description: This project proposal builds on fuel reduction and forest restoration research currently underway on public lands throughout the U.S. Citizen knowledge and understanding of the rationale behind management practices are central to public acceptance of agency programs. Thus, many natural resource agencies have begun to look for more effective formats for communicating with their publics. Recently, a number of innovative fuel reduction and outreach programs, including partnerships between state and federal agencies, educational institutions, and citizen groups, have been initiated throughout the Pacific Northwest. Given the limited resources available for outreach activities it is important to identify the techniques and attributes of successful programs that meet management objectives. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of agency public communication strategies and outreach activities designed to influence perceptions of wildland fire management. This project will link with a series of similar assessments currently being conducted (or planned for 2002-3) by the research team in other forest regions to provide a more in-depth understanding of the role of information programs and the usefulness of different communication techniques. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 16 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location United Community Partners, Inc. Pine and Eagle valleys Utilization 46 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 541 742 6241 Pine and Eagle Valleys Interface Education, Fuels Assessment and Treatment Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $68,000 $79,000 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Mike Higgins, Program Manager Comments: Description: UCP requested grant monies in FY 2002 and received partial funding of that request. This application is for the unfunded portion of that request and for the 10% administrative charge to Oregon Department of Forestry, of which we were unaware at the original request. This project will treat fuels on private lands in Pine and Eagle Valleys which intersperse with federally-managed lands, and provide landowners education through a series of workshops and meetings discussing fire danger and fire wise practices. The assessment done under the FY 2002 grant will be used to identify and implement treatment opportunities on a cost-share basis to help fireproof residences and acreages within the interface area. The educational workshops will be put on by United Community Partners in cooperation with various partners. Fuels treatment will be done in 2003 and 2004, and 2005. 500 acres may be treated. This project will coordinate and enhance the Fuels Treatment 2002. Amount Funded By: 47 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Chicamun Springs Ranch FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Chicamun Canyon-near Car 509 997 0326 Gravity Flow Fire Suppression Reservoir (Helicopter dip,draft location) Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $95,000 0 $110,000 Craig Larson Comments: Description: We will utilize water rights from Chicamun Creek to flow downhill through a 10" pipeline to be buried, and then into a dug reservoir of < 2 acres in an open field. and backfilled with small rock. Water can be provided through Certificate #81, 1918 adjudication of 1.82cfs. Amount Funded By: 48 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Forest Grove District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 503 359 7449 Smokey bear costume Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: The reservoir will be membrane lined $2,800 $2,800 PWT 0 OR All Dave Johnson, District Forester Comments: Description: This grant will allow the Forest Grove District (Columbia Unit office) to purchase one Smokey bear costume to be used in fire prevention education sessions in schools and local events. Currently there is a limited supply of bear costumes available and opportunities to provide sessions have been declined due to scheduling conflicts for use of a costume. Amount Funded By: 48 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Northeast Washington State 509 838 4912 The Lands Council Rural community wildfire protection & education program Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $20,000 0 $24,000 W5 Mike Petersen, Executive Director Comments: Description: Our project will continue and expand our ongoing Wildfire Education Program that was developed through a grant awarded in 2001, and partially funded again in 2002. The program involves hosting free defensible space workshops, providing free defensible space planning for rural homeowners, providing free educational material on defensible space, fire-resistive building materials and landscaping, and collaborating with other agencies (federal, state and county) and organizations to promote rural community wildfire protection in northeast Washington. In addition, we plan to continue to collaborate in an effort to collect high-quality information through fire planning useful to fire protection efforts and future GIS mapping as well as expand our outreach program to schools, realtors and community organizations and an additional county (Ferry). Amount Funded By: 49 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Coos Forest Protective Assn 541 267 3161 Fuel Hazard Analysis/Community Planning Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $15,500 $18,500 BLM FS, BIA 0 O4 Mike Robison, Staff Forester Comments: Description: The intent of the project is to develop a fuels management plan in our district. A fuels assessment of hazardous fuels in the wildland urban interface would be completed by using 2002 color air photos made available by the local BLM agency. These photos would allow us to prioritize areas to target for fuels reduction. CFPA would support this project with manpower and other needs to complete this fuels analysis. With a completed fuels management plan our agency in conjuction with the USFS, BLM and local Rural Fire Departments could assist communities with identified fuel hazard areas in reducing these hazards. This would be accomplished through clearing and chipping fuel hazards around homes. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 17 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location 7th Step Foundation of Oregon Utilization 49 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Portland Metropolitian Area 503 891 5578 Wild Land Urban InterfaceTreatment Project Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $1,250,000 $1,250,000 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score Cmt To Fund Cong Dist 0 Curtis Bald Eagle Wildland Urban Interface Treatment Coordinator Comments: Description: The goal of this Seventh Step Wildland Urban InterfaceTreatment grant is to utilize ex-offenders to treat hazardous fuels on public lands in the Portland/ Vancouver Metro Area, while encouraging private landowners to utilize local contract, ardorists and tree service personnel to treat private lands at high risk of fire in the urban interface. Ex-offenders recruited for this program will continue making progress being intergrated back into the local workforce. This program will build upon an initiative started in 1988 as a training agreement between the Oregon State Department of Corrections and USDA Forest Service. Under this agreement, inmates, in their last three years of incarceration are provided up to 10 weeks of fuel treatment and saw training at the Deschutes Conservation Camp with the ultimate goal of finding employment with urban tree service contractors or contract summer fire crews upon their release. Amount Funded By: 50 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Rural Technology Initiative (RTI)/University of Washington FWS: $0 Ahtanum Watershed BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 206 616 3218 Demonstration of Alternative Strategies to Reduce Insect and Fire Risk Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $302,627 0 $378,397 W4 Bruce Lippke, RTI Director and CFR Faculty Comments: Description: A set of 9 treatment variations for fuel reduction, slash disposal, and controlled burning with a 10th no treatment control area will be created on the Ahtanum watershed in order to assess 5 response variables: insects, fire risk, disease, harvest economics, and local employment. The goal is to have 3 10-acre replications for each treatment type to comprise 30 treatment sites (randomized grid design) on 300 acres. If costs become prohibitive, treatment substitution will be allowed pending review by the Board of Natural Resources. Treatments include: 1)thin-from-below removing all stems < 9", 2)50% BA removal from below leaving the largest trees, and 3)leave 40-50 BA/acre in the largest trees favoring ponderosa pine. Each harvest prescription has 3 slash alternatives: 1)slash left within harvest areas, 2)slash chipped and hauled, or 3)slash underburned after harvest. Assessments will be made based upon collected field data and modeled predictions. An interpretive area and portable display will be created for educational demonstrations. Response findings will augment existing DNR market research in development of a Glenwood/Ahtanum Forest Plan. Amount Funded By: 51 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Coos Forest Protective Assn 541 267 3161 Community Education and Training Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $9,000 $11,160 FS 0 O4 Mike Robison, Staff Forester Ollie will Follow-up to look for other sources. Description: The intent of the project is to obtain training aids, (projectors, laptops and digital cameras) for use in communities throughout our district to educate public groups in the wildland urban interface. These aids would also be used for interagency training with other agencies for safer and more efficient fire operations in the wildland urban interface. Amount Funded By: 51 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Northeast Oregon USDA Forest Service, Umatilla National Forest, North Fork John Day Ranger District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 541 427 5332 Owens Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $252,800 $311,300 0 O2 Randy P Fitzgerald, Assistant Fire Management Officer Fuels Comments: Description: This project will reduce the risk of wildfire to the upper Owens Creek area on Forest Service and adjacent private lands within Umatilla County, by reducing fuel loading. Fuel reduction will be accomplished by both hand and mechanical methods to remove, pile, and burn fuels in amounts necessary to reduce the risk of wildfire starts and fire spread to acceptable levels. The project area is approximately 4000 acres in size. Additionally, a reduction of hazardous fuels will occur on adjacent private lands, which encompasses approximately 2560 acres. The nearby city of Ukiah and community of Lehman Hot Springs, officially listed as “At Risk to Fire” would also be less at risk following project completion. This project will build upon fuels mitigation projects in place and planned in Umatilla County. Project coordination is occurring with the Northeast Oregon District of the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF). Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 18 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Comments: Project Location Oregon Department of Forestry Central Oregon District Utilization 52 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 541 447 5658 COD Vegetation / Fuels Mapping Project Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency 3/15/2002 $310,175 $588,175 FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Stuart Otto, Service Forester Check in with Fuels working team. Description: This project will create a digital vegetation / fuels map using satelllite imagery for the Central Oregon Fire Protection District. Currently, we have no district wide vegetation / fuels map in a digital format. This map will aid the district in strategic long range planning, determining high fuel hazard areas, initial attack analysis and many other planning functions. This map will be useful in coordinating National Fire Plan Fuels reduction projects with US Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management and other cooperators. The current plan is to create this map at two levels of resolution. The first is to map the wildland fuels at a 30 meter resolution. The second level is to map the urban interface areas at 4 meter resolution. This would should give us the detail to acomplish Wildland Urban Interface fuels reduction mapping and aid the currently ongoing NFP fuel reduction projects and assist in planning and lay out of future projects. Amount Funded By: 52 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Clark County Fire Protection District No. 2 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 T5N, R1E, multiple sections 360 225 7076 WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE AREA RISK REDUCTION Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $38,540 $17,000 0 W18 Chief Rob Dahl Comments: Description: Develop a Community Action plan for wildland fire risk reduction, including the continued delivery of residential fire risk surveys, prescriptions and assistance for fuels reduction, education of residents and the community on hazards of wildland fires in the urban interface areas and methods for reducing the risk, assisting property owners with achieving desired fuels reduction and creating defensible space, while also identifying high risk areas within the fire district and improving our ability to locate and access those areas in the time of an emergency. Amount Funded By: 53 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Pend Oreille Conservation District FWS: $0 Pend Oreille County BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 509 447 4217 Southern Pend Oreille Valley Fuels Reduction Plan Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $71,631 $57,305 0 W5 Charlotte Yergens Comments: Description: Develop economic opportunities with local community partnerships focusing on reducing hazardous fuels and defensible space in the wildland/urban interface of southern Pend Oreille County. Proposal is directed towards utilizing small diameter wood, fire ecology, test sites and fuels reduction techniques using best available science. The data and strategies will be locally based and available on the Pend Oreille Conservation District Web Site. The intent is to provide direction for forest managers and landowners and communicate to the community the importance of incorporating and implementing a defensible space fire plan in the high risk areas surrounding the City of Newport. Amount Funded By: 54 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Central Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 447 5658 2003 Expanded WUI Fuel Treatments Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $257,500 $514,999 0 O2 Stuart Otto, Service Forester Comments: Description: This grant is to fund fuels treatment in the wildland urban interface in Central Oregon. This grant will continue the fuels treatment program begun under a Community Assistance grant received in 2001. The 2001 grant targeted the reduction of fuels 100 feet around structures and along driveways. This program was a 50% cost share to help defray the cost of fuels treatment . For 2003 we hope to expand treatment to larger lots and acreages to give us a continueous fuel break to protect subdivisions and communities. This program would be simular to the Hazard Mitigation Title IV grant recieved from Cooperative Forestry , US Forest Service and would use the same standards. This grant will aid us in treating parcels primarily Northwest and South of Bend,in the La Pine basin and in other locations around Central Oregon. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 19 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Oregon Department of Forestry Utilization 55 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Rowena Drainage, Seven M 541 296 4626 Rowena Drainage, Seven Mile Hill Defensable Space and Fuels Reduction Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $221,866 $262,566 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 David J. Jacobs, Assistant Unit Forester Comments: Description: Provide financial assistance and incentives to non-industrial landowners in the Rowena Drainage of the Seven Mile Hill area, just outside of The Dalles, for vegetation management to create defensible space, to reduce fire hazard, and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health. This area is at extreme risk from wildfire due to the increase in rural interface residences, and the signifant role that the Columbia Gorge winds play in creating extreme fire behavior and potentially disasterous wildfires.This is a continuation and expansion of an existing project funded imediately adjacent and would coincide with this already funded area to provide fuels treatment across the entire area at risk rather than just a portion. This project will provide continuous funding for all lands at risk in the Seven Mile Hill area, and is one of two that are being submitted for the 2003 grant cycle. Amount Funded By: 56 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Douglas District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 672 6507 Hazardous Fuels Reduction in Southern Douglas County Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $244,073 $289,564 0 O4 Dennis Sifford, Staff Forester This application replaces FY-02 Multi-Agency NFP Grant Application #61 Description: To continue the Fuels Reduction work started under the 2001 Wildland Urban Interface Grant Program.. Douglas Forest Protective Association (DFPA) will continue to develop defensible space by reducing hazardous vegetation around structures and communities in high risk areas in southern Douglas County with the cooperation and coordination of local fire departments, Douglas County Government, Bureau of Land Management, and the United States Forest Service. The majority of the structures and areas to be treated are within or adjacent to volunteer rural fire districts.A listing of 22 landowners requesting fuel reduction projects is being compiled and continues to grow. Amount Funded By: 57 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Douglas District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 672 6507 Hazardous Fuels Reduction for the City of Sutherlin. Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $257,186 $359,596 0 O4 Dennis Sifford, Staff Forester Comments: Description: To continue the Fuels Reduction work started under the 2001 Wildland Urban Interface Grant Program. With this grant, Douglas Forest Protective Association (DFPA) will continue reducing hazardous vegetation around structures and the community of Sutherlin in Central Douglas County with the cooperation and coordination of local fire departments, Douglas County Government, and Bureau of Land Management. The areas to be treated have become overgrown with noxious weeds, brush, and trees. The overload of available fuels for wildfires has created a potential for catastrophic fires that could threaten the second largest populated community within Douglas County. The areas to be treated for this community are within one municipal and one rural fire district. The city is bordered by BLM, private, and industrial forest lands. Amount Funded By: 58 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Northeast Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 963 3168 Umatilla County Defensible Space (resubmit of 2002 - application #75) Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $257,250 $321,900 0 O2 Paul Joseph, Staff Forester This application replaces FY-02 Multi-Agency NFP Grant Application # 75 Description: This project will create defensible space around homesites within the rural interface areas in Umatilla County. Funds obtained from this grant will be used as a cost share incentive for private landowners within the project area. It will build upon fuel mitigation projects in place, in progress, and/or planned by the Oregon Department of Forestry, the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation, the USFS, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Project coordination between these agencies and the ural fire departments continue to address the large fire-prone interface areas such as Proverty Flats, Meacham, Tollgate and Weston Mountain, Oregon. We have found, with existing NFP projects, that the demand for assistance far exceeds funding available. Wood fibers and local work forces will be utilized whenever possible to support a very depressed rural economy within the county. Financial stability, from cost share funds, will benefit both the environment and the local communities. Educational material (existing) will be utilized and promoted. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 20 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Project Location Prairie City area 541 575 1139 Prairie City Defensible Space & Hazard Fuel Reduction Utilization 59 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 3/15/2002 $101,700 $121,700 FS BLM 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Comments: Description: Provide assistance to non-industrial landowners in the Prairie City area for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health Amount Funded By: 59 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Northeast Oregon District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 963 3168 NEO District Youth Crew Defensible Space Fuel Treatment Pilot Project Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $147,695 0 $212,068 O2 Paul Joseph, Staff Forester This application replaces FY-02 Multi-Agency NFP Grant Application # 72 Description: Use a youth labor crew (at-risk and other youth) to create defensible space around homes in priority wildland urban interface areas in Northeast Oregon. This 8 person crew will be provided through Traning and Employment Consortium, a private nonprofit partner. The youth will receive life skills classes and academic enrichment from Training and Employment Consortium. The crew will be supervised and mentored by ODF Forest Officers. A crew leader and Forest Officer will operate power driven equipment along with the crew work. The Forest Officers will also initiate one-on-one contacts with rural residents in NEO. Partnerships will be developed with rural residents to provide education and motivation to create and maintain a fire safe environment with defensible space. This project will build upon current NFP funded projects in NEO. Amount Funded By: 60 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Douglas Forest Protective Association FWS: $0 Douglas District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 672 6507 Hazardous Fuels Reduction for the Cities of Roseburg and Sutherlin in Douglas County Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 $1,396,000 Proj Coord Name: $1,605,315 BLM FS 0 O4 Dennis Sifford, Staff Forester Comments: Description: To continue the Fuels Reduction work started under the 2001 Wildland Urban Interface Grant Program. With this grant Douglas Forest Protective Association (DFPA) will continue reducing hazardous vegetation around structures and communities of Roseburg and Sutherlin in Central Douglas County with the cooperation and coordination of local fire departments, Douglas County Government, and Bureau of Land Management. The areas to be treated have become overgrown with brush and trees. The overload of available fuels for wildfires has created a potential for catastrophic fires to threaten these two most populated communities within Douglas County. These communities are within two municipal and two rural fire districts Amount Funded By: 60 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Northeast Oregon District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 963 3168 NE Oregon Fuels Inventory and Interagency Coord/Accomplishment Tracking Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $124,340 $174,990 0 O2 Paul Joseph, Staff Forester This application replaces FY-02 Multi-Agency NFP Grant Application # 70. Description: This project will support strategic community fire planning & accomplishment tracking in the high-risk areas of Northeast Oregon (Wallowa, Baker, Union, and Umatilla Counties) by providing coordination between Federal, State, County, and private landowners. Fuel reduction projects are being accomplished on private lands in Northeast Oregon with funds from multiple sources. These include : National Fire Plan dollars, Blue Mt. Demonstration dollars, Stewardship Incentive Program dollars, Federal Incentive Program dollars, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Program dollars and Private Landowner dollars. In addition, similar projects are being accomplished on adjacent Federal lands. This project would coordinate, support, and enhance these activities across the landscape. Note: This request was partially funded in the last request. This is a resubmission of the original minus what was funded. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 21 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Douglas Forest Protective Association Project Location Douglas District 541 672 6507 Hazardous Fuels Reduction in High Risk Areas of Douglas County Utilization 61 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 3/15/2002 $509,946 $621,057 BLM FS 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O4 Dennis Sifford, Staff Forester Comments: Description: To continue the Fuels Reduction work started under the 2001 Wildland Urban Interface Grant Program. With this grant Douglas Forest Protective Association (DFPA) will continue reducing hazardous vegetation around structures and communities in high risk areas throughout Douglas County with the cooperation and coordination of local fire departments, Douglas County Government, Bureau of Land Management, and the United States Forest Service. The majority of the areas to be treated are within or adjacent to volunteer rural fire districts Amount Funded By: 61 0 Project Title: Comments: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Philomath, Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 929 3266 Benton County Prescribed Fire and Fuels Reduction Project Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $358,050 0 $398,050 O 4,5 Steven L. Elefant Protection Supervisor This application replaces FY-02 Multi-Agency NFP Grant Application #57 Description: The Benton County Prescribed Fire and Fuels Reduction Project (BCPF&FRP) plans to provide community education on the use of prescribed fire, training to local land managers on how to use and apply fire prescriptions, treat oak/savannah meadows on a variety of public and private ownerships, modify and reduce fuel loading throughout the project area, and establish a cache of PPE and equipment to meet the project's mission. Currently public open space set asides have increased significantly in the project area with no coordinated fuels management effort. As a result increased risk of unplanned fire ignitions exist. This project will work to overcome these risks. Amount Funded By: 62 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Douglas District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 672 6507 Hazardous Fuel Reduction for the Community of Dry Creek. Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $241,741 0 $276,514 O4 Douglas Forest Protective Association Comments: Description: This project is to create defensible space by reducing the hazardous fuels on the private lands in the Dry Creek area. These lands are completely surrounded by the Umpqua National Forest. This project proposal is in conjunction with the North Umpqua Ranger District’s Title 2 project proposal that will reduce fuels on USFS lands to provide a firebreak around the community.During the past 6 years, the community of Dry Creek has been threatened by two major fires; once in 1996 by the Spring Fire, and again in 2001 by the Calf Fire. Amount Funded By: 63 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 State of Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Forest Grove District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 3/15/2002 503 359 7449 Infrared cameras Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $31,759 $27,514 BLM 0 OR Mult Dave Johnson, District Forester Comments: Description: This grant will allow the Forest Grove District (two unit offices, Columbia City and Forest Grove) to purchase two infrared imaging cameras (one per unit) to be used to insure that escaped debris burns, slash fires or other fires are completely extinguished so they do not rekindle in to a wildfire. These cameras will also enable units to monitor and assess whether or not debris piles or slash piles are completely extinguished, thus preventing wildfires in the interface. Amount Funded By: 63 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Douglas District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 672 6507 Hazardous Fuels Reduction in Northern Douglas County Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $219,318 $264,101 0 O4 Dennis Sifford, Staff Forester Comments: Description: To continue the Fuels Reduction work started under the 2001 Wildland Urban Interface Grant Program. Douglas Forest Protective Association (DFPA) will continue to develop defensible space by reducing hazardous vegetation around structures and communities in high risk areas in northern Douglas County with the cooperation and coordination of local fire departments, Douglas County Government, Bureau of Land Management, and the United States Forest Service. The majority of the structures and areas to be treated are within or adjacent to volunteer rural fire districts.A listing of 22 landowners requesting fuel reduction projects is being compiled and continues to grow. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 22 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Project Location Douglas District 541 672 6507 Hazardous Fuels Reduction for the City of Roseburg. Utilization 64 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $256,583 $343,824 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O4 Dennis Sifford, Staff Forester Comments: Description: To continue the Fuels Reduction work started under the 2001 Wildland Urban Interface Grant Program. With this grant, Douglas Forest Protective Association (DFPA) will continue reducing hazardous vegetation around structures and the community of Roseburg in Central Douglas County with the cooperation and coordination of local fire departments, Douglas County Government, and Bureau of Land Management. The areas to be treated have become overgrown with brush and trees. The overload of available fuels for wildfires has created a potential for catastrophic fires that could threaten the most populated community within Douglas County. The areas to be treated for this community are within one municipal and one rural fire district. Amount Funded By: 65 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Lakeview BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 947 3311 Lake County Ownerships, Geo-reference Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $76,388 0 $81,388 O2 Don Smith, Unit Forester Comments: Description: Create a seamless GIS layer for use by all government entities that require information needed to identify landowner information relative to wildland fire planning, prevention, fuels treatment, presuppression and suppression. The project plays a critical role in WUI planning, along with prioritization and dispatching of resources. The project would capitalize on work started by county assessors in pulling ownership information into useable formats with GIS, and would allow for the combination of various GIS projects from the different fire protection agencies. Data needs exist which are interactive with county assessors, other agencies with whom ODF works closely within the interagency fire management community. These include GIS information, ownership information, as well as fuels, topography, and transportation systems. Amount Funded By: 66 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Klamath-Lake District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 883 5681 Interface Fire Planning & Education Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $122,300 $122,300 FS All Feds 0 O2 Danny Benson, Unit Forester Comments: Description: This project would inventory the wildland urban interface and make group contacts with the rural residents within the Klamath-Lake District. This area covers 1.3 million acres of private lands intermingled with approximately 10 million acres of federal lands. The demographics have changed in the area from scattered ranches and timberland to a more rural residential with concentrations of homes built in the forest. Contacts would be made with the rural residents and provide technical assistance in creating a fire safe environment, defensible space, technical understanding of fire danger and community fire planning. At the same time an inventory would be done on each improvement or group of improvements that would include access, water availability, bridges, defensible space issues, and specialized equipment needs. This will provide additional information in the Risk and Hazard analysis process. This has been completed on three areas in the Klamath-Lake District and has proved invaluable in assessing fire protections needs during large fire situations. The areas completed represent less than 2% of the total area Amount Funded By: 66 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Sand Creek BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 883 5681 Sand Creek Fuel Reduction Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $66,202 $66,202 0 O2 Danny Benson, Unit Forester Comments: Description: Provide assistance to non-industrial landowners in and around the community of Sand Creek (Approximately 4 miles west of Upper Klamath Forest National Wildlife Refuge), Oregon for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard. The funds will be used to coordinate and assist with fuel reduction, door to door contacts, fire prevention awareness sessions and provide technical evaluation for interested participating properties. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 23 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Project Location Oregon Department of Forestry Klamath-Lake District Utilization 67 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 541 883 5681 KL Interface Fire Prevention & Education Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 3/15/2002 $55,000 $55,000 FS All Feds 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Danny Benson, Unit Forester Comments: Description: This project would provide one on one contacts with the rural residents within the Klamath-Lake District, Oregon Department of Forestry. This area covers 1.3 million acres of private lands intermingled with approximately 10 million acres of federal lands. The demographics have changed in the area from scattered ranches and timberland to a more rural residential with concentrations of homes built in the forest. Contacts would be made with the rural residents and provide them with numerous fire prevention messages that would cover, fire safe environment and defensible space. This will provide additional educational and prevention messages over what is currently being accomplished Amount Funded By: 67 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Ashland upslope to USFS BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 664 3328 Ashland Wildfire Fuels Mitigation Project Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $262,500 0 $368,333 O2 Jim Wolf, Fire Prevention Planner Comments: Description: Provide additional funding for implementation of the Ashland Wildfire Fuels Mitigation Project, which addresses an area at considerable risk of destruction from, and contribution to, large scale, high severity, catastrophic wildfire. This is a continuation and expansion of an existing successful landowner cost-share incentive program funded by the Western State Governors and an earlier NFP Community Assistance Grant. It target lands identified in the City of Ashland's recently completed "Wildfire Management Inventory, Analysis, and Opportunities" (www.ashland.or.us). This plan, funded by the city, addresses wildfire threat to approximately 4000 Ashland housesholds in an "Oakland Hills" setting, as well as the impacts on the adjacent Ashland Creek watershed with its key ecosystem values, including late successional/old growth forests of regional and national importance; critical habitats for sensitive, threatened, and/or endangered species; critical area for wildlife habitat connectivity and transfer of genetic resources between the Cascade and Siskiyou Mountains; and key watershed values associated with a municipal water supply. Amount Funded By: 68 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Klamath-Lake District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 883 5681 KL Interface Hazard Inventory & Education Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $115,000 $115,000 FS All Feds 0 O2 Danny Benson, Unit Forester Comments: Description: This project would inventory the wildland urban interface and make one on one contact with the rural residents within the Klamath-Lake District. This area covers 1.3 million acres of private lands intermingled with approximately 10 million acres of federal lands. The demographics have changed in the area from scattered ranches and timberland to a more rural residential with concentrations of homes built in the forest. Contacts would be made with the rural residents and provide technical assistance in creating a fire safe environment, defensible space. At the same time an inventory would be done on each improvement or group of improvements that would include access, water availability, bridges, defensible space issues, and specialized equipment needs. This will provide additional information in the Risk and Hazard analysis process. This has been completed on three areas in the Klamath-Lake District and has proved invaluable in assessing fire protections needs during large fire situations. The areas completed represent less than 2% of the total area Amount Funded By: 68 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Sisters, OR BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 447 5658 Service and Supply for Sisters Hazardous Fuels Reduction Cooperative Project Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $87,150 $195,650 0 O2 Lena Tucker, Assistant to the Eastern Oregon Area Director Area Director Comments: Description: This grant is designed to provide needed service and supply support, including personal protective equipment, tools, vehicle and office support for a cooperative thinning project between: U.S. Forest Service and Oregon Dept. of Forestry. This project was created to reduce hazardous fuels along the Highway 20 corridor near Sisters, Oregon. Fuel treatments and demonstrations are conducted on U.S. Forest Service land directly adjacent to private homes. This project involves a number of agencies including: Oregon Dept. of Forestry, U.S.Forest Service, Deschutes County Corrections, and Oregon State Dept.of Corrections. The fuels are treated in a number of ways including: thinning, prescribed burning (under burns, pile burning), and mowing of units. This cooperative fuels reduction project has been proven successful over the past four years. This project has received national attention and awards. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 24 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Project Location Oregon Department of Forestry State of Oregon Utilization 69 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 503 945 7440 Identify And Map High Fire Risk and Wildland-Urban Interface Areas of Oregon Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency 3/15/2002 $250,000 $260,000 FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist OR All Richard Gibson, Fire Policy and Prevention Manager Comments: Description: Using current GIS technology, identify and map high fire risk areas and the wildland-urban interface in Oregon. Oregon has never accurately identified nor mapped the wildland-urban interface. Such a mapping is urgently needed in order to set priorities, make sound prevention decisions, and to plan future interface mititation projects. Previous mapping efforts in the state are five to fifteen years old, were quickly conducted, lacked well defined standards, were completed without the benefit of GIS technology, and were performed with input only from a very limited number of partners and cooperators. Previous mapping of Oregon's high fire risk areas is now twelve years old and badly out of date. Additionally, the mapping was limited to selected regions of the state and is now of marginal value in helping to solve today's complex mix of problems. Amount Funded By: 69 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Chenowith Creek, Browns 541 296 4626 Chenowith & Browns Creek Defensable Space and Fuels Reduction Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $196,665 $232,365 0 O2 David J. Jacobs, Assistant Unit Forester Comments: Description: Provide financial assistance and incentives to non-industrial landowners in the Chenowith Creek and the Browns Creek areas, just outside of The Dalles, for vegetation management to create defensible space, to reduce fire hazard, and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health. This area is at extreme risk from wildfire due to an increase in rural Interface residences, and the signifant role that the Columbia River Gorge winds play in creating extreme fire behavior and potentially disasterous wildfires.This is a continuation and expansion of an existing project funded imediately adjacent and would coincide with this already funded area to provide fuels treatment across the entire area at risk rather than just a portion. This project will provide continuous funding for all lands at risk in the Seven Mile Hill area, and is one of two that are being submitted for the 2003 grant cycle. Amount Funded By: 70 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 John Day Unit BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 575 1139 Granite, Middle Fork Community Vegetation Management Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $101,850 $123,150 0 O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Comments: Description: Provide assistance to non-industrial landowners in the Middle Fork of the John Day, Bates, Austin, Galena, Susanville, Greenhorn and Granite areas for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health. Amount Funded By: 71 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 John Day Unit BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 575 1139 Mitchell Strip Community Vegetation Management Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $102,850 $123,650 0 O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Comments: Description: Provide assistance to non-industrial landowners in the Mitchell area for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 25 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Project Location Northeast Oregon 541 963 3168 Baker County Defensible Space Extension Utilization 72 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $252,000 $316,650 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Paul Joseph, Staff Forester Comments: Description: This project will create defensible space around homesites within the urban interface areas in Baker County. Funds obtained from this grant will be used as a cost share incentive for private forest landowners within the urban interface areas of Baker County. It will build upon fuels mitigation projects in place and planned in Baker County by the BLM, USFS, ODF, and others. We have found, with existing projects, that demand for assistance far exceeds funding. Wood fibers and local work force will be utilized whenever feasible to support a local depressed economy. Financial stability from cost share funds will benefit both the environment and local citizens. Educational material (existing) will be utilized and promoted. Amount Funded By: 73 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Northeast Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 963 3168 Wallowa County Defensible Space Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $252,000 $316,650 0 O2 Paul Joseph, Staff Forester Comments: Description: This project will create defensible space around homesites within the urban interface areas in Wallowa County. Funds obtained from this grant will be used as a cost share incentive for private forest landowners within the same urban interface areas. It will build upon fuels mitigation projects in planned and in place . We have found, with existing projects, that demand for assistance far exceeds funding. Wood fibers and local work force will be utilized whenever feasible to support a local depressed economy. Financial stability from cost share funds will benefit both the environment and local citizens. Educational material (existing and proposed) will be utilized and promoted. Amount Funded By: 74 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Northeast Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 963 3168 Union County Defensible Space extension (partially funded in 2002) Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $252,000 $316,650 0 O2 Paul Joseph, Staff Forester Comments: Description: This project will create defensible space around homesites within the urban interface areas in Union County. Funds obtained from this grant will be used as a cost share incentive for private forest landowners within these same urban interface areas. It will build upon fuels mitigation projects in place and planned. We have found, with existing projects, that demand for assistance far exceeds funding. Wood fibers and local work force, hopefully including the NEO District youth crew (pilot) will be utilized whenever feasible to support a local depressed economy. Financial stability from cost share funds will benefit both the environment and local citizens. Educational material (existing) will be utilized and promoted. Amount Funded By: 75 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Northeast Oregon District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 886 2881 Northeast Oregon Wildland-Urban Interface Education Program Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $47,000 $62,000 0 O2 Matt Howard, Assistant Unit Forester Comments: Description: Obtain materials and equipment needed to develop and deliver coordinated, multifaceted awareness and education programs to landowners and neighborhood associations within the urban interface of Northeast Oregon District. Programs targeted to use are "FireFree", "Living with Fire", the "I'm Concerned" campaign and examples of current and past success stories from local WUI fuel reduction treatments. These programs will inform target audiences about the wildland-urban interface problems within Union, Wallowa, Baker, and Umatilla counties and how to mitigate the risk of fire by increasing fire awareness, and reducing human-caused fire starts. Note: This request was partially funded from the 2002 grant period ($53,000 funded out of $100,000. requested). This request would fully fund this project with in-kind services. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 26 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Central Oregon Partnership Prineville Community Action Team (CAT) Utilization 76 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Dry Creek Watershed, Ocho 541 416 9288 Dry Stewardship Area Collaboration Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $62,400 $84,300 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Mike Templeton, Community Advocate Comments: Description: The DSA Collaborative is complementary to a fuel treatment project planned for the Dry Creek Timber Sale, Ochoco National Forest. The purpose is to use a collaborative process to select and monitor implementation methods for fuel treatments within a wildland-urban interface (WUI) area. Precise locations have yet to be determined, but the estimate is for approximately 100 acres of fuel treatments using a variety of techniques. The goals are to: 1) develop a collaborative approach to forest restoration efforts in the Ochoco National Forest; 2) demonstrate and collect data on varying techniques to implement fuel treatments; 3) reduce hazardous fuels and produce materials which may be utilized in the local economy; 4) promote mutual learning about stakeholder interests and concerns; 5) weed out incorrect assumptions and elevate good science; and 6) promote the benefits of cooperative versus confrontational approaches to forest management. Long-term goals are to increase forest health, support sustainable utilization of natural resources, and develop a system of involving stakeholders and partners at the planning stage. This project is loosely based upon the Heritage Demonstration project in the Metolius Basin and will benefit from input by Heritage Demo partners. Amount Funded By: 77 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Skamania County Fire District Three FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Skamania Co. Fire District 509 493 1710 Fuel Reduction/Emergency Vehicle Access Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $60,000 0 $75,000 W3 Eric Ziegler Skamania County District Three Fire Chief Comments: Description: Provide funds to contract a truck-mounted trimmer/mulcher for the clearing and onsite mulching of private roadways and defendable space perimeters in the Fire District.Priority for this work would go to areas that do not have clearance for fire truck access or adequate turn around areas. Second priority would go to defendable space for homes near the bluff as identified.This project is a follow-up of a 2002 Grant for identifying high fire risk areas. Amount Funded By: 78 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 John Day, Mt Vernon area 541 575 1139 West Bench Defensible Space & Hazard Fuel Reduction Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $101,700 $121,700 BLM FS 0 O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Comments: Description: Provide assistance to non-industrial landowners in the West Bench area for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health. West Bench is located between the communities of John Day & Mt Vernon Amount Funded By: 78 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 Washington State University - Office of E Washington, N. Idaho, E 509 335 1906 Grant and Research Development Community Values for Alternative Forest Wild Fire Risk Reduction Treatments Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $99,702 $99,702 0 WA Mult Philip R. Wandschneider, Associate Professor Comments: Description: The project will develop a survey instrument to examine the choices that different stakeholder groups make among alternative fire risk reduction plans and their consequences. The survey will estimate the value of fuel removal treatments including reduced fire risk, improved air quality, reduced risk of loss of firefighter lives and property losses, job losses and enhanced habitat. An experimental choice analysis will be conducted to reveal the willingness to pay the rural and urban public places on these values. A stratified sample of urban and rural populations will be included in the survey sample. The project will develop these values for the inland west region providing motivation and methods to include the cost of fuel buildup and show the benefits of fuel and fire risk reduction activities. These values will then be evaluted under several treatment plans including several mechanical fuel removal strategies, controlled burning and treatments modified to enhance habitat. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 27 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Project Location Oregon Department of Forestry Western Lane Distict Utilization 79 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 541 935 2283 Reducing the risk of fire in the WUI within the Western Lane District Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 3/15/2002 $282,508 $307,415 BLM FS 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O4 Craig Mackey, Forest Unit Supervisor Comments: Description: Implement a program which will reduce the risk of fire affecting 10 high risk area communities within the district. To accomplish this the initial process would involve educating the public and communities to raise awareness in reducing /mitigating the risk of fire. An intense information campaign will be used to initiate this process utilizing a variety of media, the FIREWISE program and requiring the cooperation of various local fire departments, the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service. The results of this campaign will generate a labor intensive response to provide technical assistance, educational programs and fuels treatment projects. The net result will be an increased awareness of the impact of fire in the WUI, behavorial changes to reduce the cause(s) of fire and reducing/eliminating hazardous fuels surrounding homeowners' properties. Amount Funded By: 79 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council FWS: $0 Central Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 548 9540 COPWRR Phase III Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $108,700 0 $138,800 O2 Ric Ingham, Community and Economic Development Manager Comments: Description: The overarching purpose of COPWRR Phase III is to take the processes and analyses completed in Phases I and II and direct them towards small diameter biomass utilization projects. The primary outcome of Phase III will be to engage in product(s) development and market research leading to the initiation or expansion of small diameter biomass utilization in Central Oregon. The ability to achieve this goal depends upon the ongoing coordination and collaboration already exhibited in COPWRR Phase I. To this end, the Project Coordinator will continue to maintain and foster the work of the multi-stakeholder COPWRR Advisory Council, the Steering Committee(s), and other local and regional partners. Public outreach and education efforts will also continue. Project staff and external partners will identify needs and work to capture private foundation dollars to help fund product development and biomass supply stabilization efforts.Project staff and collaborators will also develop a framework for implementing multiparty monitoring of COPWRR and other selected Central Oregon National Fire Plan projects. Amount Funded By: 80 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Canyon Cr, Strawberry, Mo 541 575 1139 Monument, Canyon Cr, Strawberry Follow Up Defensible Space & Hazard Fuel Reduction Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $101,700 $121,700 FWS FS, BLM 0 O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Comments: Description: This grant is designed to provide a follow-up to three grants that were funded in 2001. In the original three grants an estimate was made on the amount of work that the landowners would sign up to do. There is still work that needs done and this grant will cover that work. The original grants provided assistance to non-industrial landowners in the Canyon Creek, Strawberry Front, and Monument areas for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The same is true with this grant proposal. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health. Amount Funded By: 80 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Tri-County Fire Association, Public Education Division FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Pasco, Kennewick, Richlan 509 547 9306 Tri-County Urban Interface/Wildland Fire Safety & Mitigation Education Project Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $13,000 $15,000 0 W 4,5 Shannon Coppock - Treasurer- Tri-County Fire Association, Public Education Division Comments: Description: 1. The education of residents in urban interface zones to create a safe area around their homes consisting of : A) green areas- watered. landscaped lawns B) clearing of combustibles from around the homes C) safe building practices - shingle vs. shake roof etc. 2. Educating residents about the prevention of wildland fires by suggesting alternatives such as: A) Using existing refuse services instead of burning refuse B) Using chippers to make mulch to compost vs. burning Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 28 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Oregon Department of Forestry Central Oregon Utilization 81 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 541 447 5658 Wildland Urban Interface Fire Prevention Community Education Programs for Central Oregon Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $26,326 $67,164 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Christy Donham, Fire Prevention Tech/Public Information Officer Comments: Description: Deschutes county has been zoned a wildfire hazard zone/extreme fire risk under SB360. We will distribute the existing Living With Fire pamphlet as an insert in The Bend Bulletin. The Central OR Fire Prev Coop (COFPC) will be responsible for obtaining the pamphlet from WDNR and providing it to the Bulletin where it will reach 30,000 Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) residents.We will recruit nationally known Central OR residents (ie: sports figures), and working with the Sisters High School, create 30 second video spots about WUI issues. Topics will include defensible space and safe debris burning - Central Oregon's #1 human caused fire problem. Spots will be aired on the local TV station (Z21) during daily newscasts. Z21 will match all spots and air them as Public Service Announcements during available time slots.Over 20,000 children live in the WUI of the tri-county area. We would create brochures for first grade teachers and principals of Central OR schools and parents of first graders promoting wildland fire prevention (WFP). This would support the already well established "Team Teaching." We would create posters to leave with each class when done teaching the children about WFP. All materials distributed through COFPC. Amount Funded By: 82 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Central Oregon District BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 575 1139 GIS Land Classification Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $121,300 $121,300 FS 0 O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Comments: Description: Land Classification under ORS 526 is an integral part of the department’s Protection Program. This project would involve transferring the current land classification maps to a GIS layer. At this time there is only one copy of these land classification maps in existence. A loss of these maps would require rebuilding them at an estimate cost of $750,000. The area involved is approximately 400 townships. All the maps are hand drawn from information developed by the County Land Classification Committees. The maps are updated by hand with each land exchange and classification change. This information in a GIS layer would facilitate the process for making changes. This information is key in identifying project areas to be treated under the WUI Fuel Treatment grants. When this information is tied with the county tax lot improvement information a determination can be made on the density and value of improvements at risk from wildland fire Amount Funded By: 82 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 Lane County BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 726 3588 East Lane County Education and Fuels Reduction Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $250,000 $294,000 0 O4 John Barnes, Assistant District Forester, Eastern Lane District Comments: Description: Provide education, financial assistance and incentives to landowners to complete and maintain survivable space around homes and improve forest health in the Coburg Hills, Mohawk Valley and McKenzie Valley in east Lane County. This area has been identified as one of the highest fire hazard areas in southern Willamette Valley. The project builds on a successful pilot fuels reduction project initiated in the Coburg Hills on an earlier date. Amount Funded By: 83 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Ferry Conservation District FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Ferry County and N. Centra 509 775 3473 Extract And Sort Yarding (E.A.S.Y.) Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $13,200 $205,380 0 W5 Lyle Gardinier, Ferry Conservation District Manager Comments: Description: This project will demonstrate to the public of the critical nature of problems associated with fuel loads from years of fire suppression, a major decline in logging and increased insect and disease problems that have dramatically decreased much of our forests overall health. We will provide planning and technical assistance, demonstrate extraction methods, and procedures of removing biomass materials through the different techniques. The project will also implement fuel reduction adjacent to recreation areas, power lines, main roads, and project participants properties. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 29 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Global Action Plan, Inc. Project Location Deschutes County 541 330 2646 Neighborhood Wildfire Safety Program Utilization 84 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 3/15/2002 $150,000 $150,000 BLM FS 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist Elaine Sigvaldsen, Campaign Manager Comments: Description: During the project period, July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 with requested funding of $150,000, GAP will design and implement a wildfire safety and prevention outreach effort and deliver it through our already existing platform – the Livable Neighborhood Program (LNP). This outreach effort will take place within high hazard communities in Deschutes County, OR and focus on mitigating fire risk in the wildland urban interface (WUI). All fuels treatments will meet Oregon Senate Bill 360 guidelines. As a result of this outreach, 35 neighborhood groups will be formed protecting a minimum of 300 households representing over 100 acres of direct treatment on high value suburban property from forest fires. These groups will be located strategically along the urban interface to maximize the overall protection to the community resulting in actual protection to at least three times as many homes. Homes to be targeted will be identified by the local fire departments working in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), the US Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM). This pilot project will be designed to be rapidly taken to scale in future years. Amount Funded By: 84 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 University of Oregon, Office of Research Services FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 Buford Park (Mt. Pisgah), O 541 346 3688 Buford savanna Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $38,137 0 $54,578 O4 Dr. Bart Johnson & Dr. Barbara ("Bitty") Roy Comments: Description: The foundation of this project is to examine the utility of fire as a means to reduce hazardous fuel loads and to restore valuable native ecosystems. There is great concern within the Eugene-Springfield metro area about high fuels loading in successional oak woodlands, such as much of Buford Park where this project will be located. Many local agencies are struggling to determine appropriate strategies for fuel management. Moreover, the city and county are requiring more and more natural areas as parks. These parks often have high fuels loading. In addition, invasive species are rampant and fire has been raised as a potential tool for increasing the frequency of native plant species. In this proposal we request funds for a scientific study of the effects of burning in an upland prairie/oak savanna that is part of a County Park (Buford), which is near the city of Eugene. The data collected will inform fire planning efforts throughout the Willamette Valley and Puget Trough. Amount Funded By: 85 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Alliance Of Forest Workers And Harvesters FWS: $0 Southern Oregon BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 3/15/2002 541 342 6146 Monitoring the NFP & Ecosystems Workers in Jackson and Josephine Counties, OR. Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $37,200 $44,700 FS 0 O2 Bradley Porterfield, Coordinating Director Comments: Description: The ALLIANCE, in collaboration with partnering agencies and organizations, proposes to conduct an economic and workforce monitoring project of the NFP funds allocated for contracted projects in Jackson and Josephine Counties. The program will monitor contracting specifications & award information, job creation/retention, and job quality measures. Amount Funded By: 85 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Oregon Department of Forestry FWS: $0 John Day Unit BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 575 1139 Community Vegetation Management Follow-up, John Day Unit Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $254,625 $315,745 0 O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Comments: Description: This grant is designed to provide a follow-up to four grants that were funded in 2002. In the original four grants an estimate was made on the amount of work that the landowners would sign up to do. There is still work that needs done and this grant will cover that work. The original grants provided assistance to non-industrial landowners in the Beach Creek, Fox Valley, Long Creek, Ritter, Hamilton, Winlock, and Cottonwood Creek areas for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The same is true with this grant proposal. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health. This project has been extremely successful in both landowner participation and on the ground results. Currently funded projects have been completed quickly, and have fully met the expectations for defensible space, fuel hazard reduction, and forest health. There are currently more landowners that want to participate than there are funds. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 30 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Duplicate of #47 Utilization 86 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost $0 $0 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score Cmt To Fund Cong Dist 0 Proj Coord Name: Comments: Description: Amount Funded By: 87 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Washington State Department of Natural Resources FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Thurston, Lewis, Grays Har 360 740 6800 Targeting communities for fuels reduction and hazard mitigation Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $76,000 $108,000 FS 0 W 3,9 Jeannie Abbott Comments: Description: This project has 4 phases. The first phase consists of updating the Wildland Fire hazard assessments within the Washington State Department of Natural Resources Central Region. The second phase develops community awareness and participation through the use of the FireWise program. The third phase will consist of writing a community protection plan as well as individual mitigation plans. The fourth phase will implement the plans written in phase 3 through fuels reduction/mitigation work by local contractors, landowners, homeowners, and community groups. Amount Funded By: 87 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 The Watershed Research and Training Ashland-Medford-Soda Mo 541 482 4421 Center Small Diameter Utilization and Marketing - Southern Oregon Cost Share Trials Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $50,000 0 $80,500 O4 Cate Hartzell, project co-ordinator Comments: Description: This project will make available on a cost share basis (80-20), the use of small scale/small diameter processessing equipment for trials on public, municipal, and private land in southern Oregon. Currently, several treatement projects are planned for the Applegate area, the Ashland Watershed, and the Green Springs area. The Watershed Center has been asked to set up their small log sort yard, small log mechanized sorter, post and pole peeler, and economizer (a portable small log chipper canter) in each area proximate to the treatment area. These utilization and marketing trials lasting at least two weeks, and hopefully up to 2 months in total, will move small diameter utilization out of the demo- stage and into the program stage. The Watershed Center and local partners will work with a local steering committee, implement a public outreach and communication plan, and co-ordinate with those developing product from fuels treatment on municipal, state, federal, and private land. The intent is to prove product value and begin to pay part of the treatment costs through utilization. Deliverables will include a business plan, processing costs summaries, production costs, markets, and market prices. Amount Funded By: 88 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 NWPA Northwest Wood Products Association FWS: $0 Bend OR & Fossil OR BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 3/15/2002 541 388 8421 Instillation of Dry Kilns Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $99,090 $198,180 FS 0 Dennis G. Brock, Executive Director No Congressional District or Project Type given. KS Description: Brief Project Description: A Dry-Kiln instillation project is being submitted to the National Fire Plan to stimulate on-site utilization, research and cost-effective methods to process Non-Traditional wood fiber such as Juniper, LLP, White Fir and small diameter Ponderosa Pine currently being removed from National Forest lands. In Central Oregon the large dryers located in Prineville and John Day used to process traditional large volumes of 180,000 bf set empty. Large capacity dryers are not currently suited for small diameter wood or the currently underutilized wood species that are targeted to be removed. Small capacity drying systems are totally non-existent in the multi-fiber production infrastructure. This proposal addresses the challenges created by the absence of local small volume drying capacities by dramatically reducing added processing costs, reducing added drying costs and reducing added transportation costs to dryers located in the Willamette Valley. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 31 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Utilization 88 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID The Watershed Research and Training Ashland, OR & Wallowa-W 530 628 4206 Center Dry Forest Mechanized Fuels Treatment Trials - Ashland Watershed/Blue Mountains Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $13,600 $178,500 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O 2,4 Roger Jaegel, R&D Director Comments: Description: The Dry Forest Mechanized Fuels Treatment Trials (DFMT), funded by the NFP, recently finished its fourth set of field trials. The trials attracted hundreds of participants and the model created proved highly successful in encouraging dialogue about fuels treatment objectives and methods between local contractors, government agency personnel, community representatives, and media. The model was also successful in fulfilling its goals of introducing various mechanized fuels manipulation options in realistic situations, providing data to assess analysis of economics and environmental impacts, and utilizing biomass where appropriate. Hayfork Watershed Research & Trng. Cntr., through its new satellite office in Ashland, proposes to use the model created by the DFMT project to implement trials in the Ashland Watershed and the Blue Mtns., Wallowa-Whitman NF. The focus will be on steep ground and riparian areas in the wildland-urban interface (WUI), situations that were not addressed by the DFMT project. Trials will be accessible to the public, and results will be synthesized and disseminated to community representatives, government agency personnel, potential contractors, and other interested groups. A public/private Steering Committee will guide the project. Amount Funded By: 89 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Josephine Soil and Water Conservation District FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 3/15/2002 Northern & Eastern Josephi 541 474 6799 Fire and Fuel Reduction Initiative in the Wildland Urban Interface Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $127,780 $171,080 BLM FS 0 O 2,4 Suzy Liebenberg, Watershed Technical Specialist Linked to app 65. Description: This project would provide cost-share funding and technical assistance to woodlot owners to reduce fuel loading by pre-commercial thinning, pruning (the ladder fuels), removal of undesireable vegetation and slash disposal (including handpiling, chipping, and underburning). It would focus on land holdings between 1-20 acres in the urban wildland interface where considerable urban development has taken place and where fuel loading has increased due to aggressive fire supression and lack of forest management. The project would provide opportunities for landowner education and awareness related to fuel reduction strategies and resource stewardship. Key landowners would be targeted to foster and promote sustainable resource management concepts as mini-demonstartion projects in various neighborhoods. More than 50% of potential landowners and properties are already identified. The project would be patterned after the on-going OWEB Middle Rogue Forest Health Initiative Project. Project Amount Funded By: 89 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Five-County area of Southw 541 774 6007 Jackson County Community Fire Protection Plan Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $42,025 $160,778 0 Lin Bernhardt Comments: Description: This project will develop a community fire protection plan that will serve as a comprehensive interagency and multi-jurisdictional fire protection strategy. It will include federal, state, and local fire protection agencies in a five-county area of Southwest Oregon, including Jackson, Josephine, Coos, Curry, and Douglas counties. The plan will be completed in two phases. The purpose of the plan is to 1) improve coordination and communication amongst the cooperators, 2) to better understand and define roles and responsibilities, 3) identify resources, opportunities for job creation, and other benefits, and 4) develop a framework for identifying and prioritizing priority areas for fuel reduction. The plan will ultimately maximize fire protection capabilities within the fiscal constraints of the fire fighting organizations in SW Oregon. Amount Funded By: 90 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Chelan County Public Works FWS: $0 Chelan County BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 509 667 6415 Leavenworth Brush and Tree Chipping Project Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $16,115 $16,115 0 W4 Brenda Harn/ Solid Waste Coordinator Comments: Description: Brush, trees and other woody debris will be removed and then brought by homeowners to a centralized chipping site near Leavenworth, Washington to increase fire portection around homes.This grant will especially encourage homeowners in the urban/forested interface to remove nearby brush and trees that are a fire hazard to their personal property and then bring those woody materials at no cost to a chipping site. An additional advantage to this project will be that fuels will be totally removed from private property, not piled and stockpiled on site, thus burned or not burned at a later date. A large horizontal grinder (co-owned by Chelan County and the local Public Utility District) will be used to chip up the woody material collected from brush and trees (trees and limbs can be up to 8" in diameter). The chipped material will be utilized in the County's compost operation. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 32 of 39 0 2003 Project Title: Project Location Chelan County Public Works Chelan County Utilization 91 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 509 667 6415 Lake Chelan Brush and Tree Chipping Project Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost 6/15/2002 $17,915 $17,915 Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist W4 Brenda Harn/ Solid Waste Coordinator Comments: Description: Brush, trees and other woody debris will be removed and then brought by homeowners to a centralized chipping site near Chelan and Manson, Washington to increase fire portection around homes.This grant will especially encourage homeowners in the urban/forested interface to remove nearby brush and trees that are a fire hazard to their personal property and then bring those woody materials at no cost to a chipping site. An additional advantage to this project will be that fuels will be totally removed from private property, not piled and stockpiled on site, thus burned or not burned at a later date. A large horizontal grinder (co-owned by Chelan County and the local Public Utility District) will be used to chip up the woody material collected from brush and trees (trees and limbs can be up to 8" in diameter). The chipped material will be utilized in the County's compost operation. Amount Funded By: 92 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Wallowa Valley/Imnaha Ca(541) 426-8053 Wallowa Resources Native Seed Source for Restoration in Northeast Oregon Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $40,525 0 $66,300 O2 Mark Porter Comments: Description: With its partners, Wallowa Resources' proposes to establish a local, native seed source for restoration activities, particularly on lands disturbed by fire. This project will complete the initial stages of program development.To ensure success, it is prudent to perform market research and to develop a business plan. Through the life of this project, native seed will be collected, growers will be identified in two significant ecological areas in the region (Imnaha and Wallowa Valley) and native plant propogation will begin.Multiple partners will coordinate this program through Wallowa Resources. Partners include the United States Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the Wallowa County Commission (through their Weed Control officer), The Nature Conservancy, the Nez Perce Tribe, the Tri-County Weed Management Area, and local landowners and contractors. Amount Funded By: 93 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 La Pine Community Action Team FWS: $0 La Pine Basin BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 536 3972 La Pine Community Ladder Fuel Reduction Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $195,000 $210,960 BLM 0 O2 Kristi Rye Otteni, La Pine Community Advocate Comments: Description: The scope of this project is to reduce the risk of wild fires in the La Pine Wildlands Urban Interface and build community capacity through direct job creation. The area in southern Deschutes County is heavily timbered with second and third growth lodgepole pine trees and has a high unemployment rate. The focus of phase one of the La Pine Community Ladder Fuel Reduction Project will be to target lands that are adjacent to federal lands and are identified by the La Pine Fire Department and ODF as high risk to catastrophic wild fires. All work will be contacted out to local companies who will supply all equipment and employ a local workforce to complete the project. Amount Funded By: 93 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Dale Swedberg, Sinlahekin Wildlife Area, Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife FWS: $0 Okanogan County BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 6/15/2002 509.223.3358 Sinlahekin Fuels Management and Treatment Planning with Public Participation, Education and Prevention Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $36,731 $57,731 0 W4 Dale Swedberg, Wildlife Area manager Comments: Description: Project Goal: This proposal covers phase 2 of a 3 phase plan. This phase tiers to is the tiers to Phase 1 Assessment and Analysis for which funding has been granted.This phase involves planning, Public involvement, education, demonstration, and coordination activities that will prepare the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area (SWA) and the public for FUTURE fuels treatments and impacts of treatments. These future fuels treatments will set the stage for reintroducing and maintaining fire in the fire-adapted ecosystem to reduce catastrophic impacts of potential wildfires, benefit wildlife and vegetation dependent on a frequent low-intensity fire regime and reduce the potential of catastrophic wildfire occuring on and spreading from the SWA to adjacent private lands and structures. Further it will serve as a demonstration project to the numerous visitors to the SWA that fuels treatments and prescribed fire can reduce damages of catastrophic wildfires and enhance habitat for wildlife.Process: Develop a model Adaptive Fuels Treatment Plan that, when implemented, will provide prescriptions and strategies for fuels treatments integrated with prescribed burning that will result in reduced potential of damaging wildfires and improved wildlife habitat in the fire adapted ecosystem of the SWA. Development of an adaptive management plan, by necessity requires pretreatment assessment (which has been funded) as well as commited and regular monitoring to determine cause and effect relationships in order to make adaptive changes needed to effect desired outcomes. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 33 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Project Location La Pine Community Action Team Rosland Park, La Pine Utilization 94 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 541 536 3972 La Pine Youth and Parks Ladder Reduction Project Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency 3/15/2002 $21,626 $42,876 BLM Coop Agency Eval Score Cmt To Fund Cong Dist 0 O2 Kristi Rye Otteni, La Pine Community Advocate Comments: Description: This project combines Wildlands Urban Interface fuel reduction with expanded educational opportunities for La Pine High School Forestry Class students. Ladder fuel reduction will be provided at Rosland Park in La Pine, Oregon by the students. Rosland Park is one of four parks owned and operated by La Pine Park and Recreation District (LPRD) without the benefit of a tax base. This grant will purchase new equipment and a used van for the high school forestry class to complete ladder fuel projects in the park and community. LPRD provides the laboratory for the high school students to gain marketable job skills, explore future Natural Resource career pathways, learn concepts of land stewardship and civic responsibility. In return, the park’s land is treated to create a beautiful, fire safe environment for park patrons. Amount Funded By: 94 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Black Butte Ranch Association FWS: $0 TS 145, Rg 9 E BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 595 2568 BBR Common Areas Hazard Fuels Mitigation Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $28,500 0 $37,700 O2 Bill Burkhart, Fuels Mitigation Projects Chairman Comments: Description: This project would reduce fuels on the common property areas of Black Butte Ranch (BBR) through tree thinning, ground fuels treatment, and slash disposal. The work would be accomplished through a combination of volunteer effort from residents of the Ranch and contracted work using experienced local contractors. The scope of the project would enable treatment of most remaining common areas on the Ranch that require major fuels mitigtion - approximately 57 acres. Black Butte Ranch is a resort development surrounded by forest areas and is in a ddesignated high risk area. The Ranch consists of approximately 1830 acres, and the market vaalue of properties on the Ranch is over $500,000,000. Besides the high level of risk this area has for catastrophic fire, the level of property damage is potentially extreme. Amount Funded By: 95 0 Project Title: 2003 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Tunk Valley Chapman Trust BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 509 485 2602 Chapman Trust Total Funded: $0 6/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $96,000 0 $180,000 W7 Monte Alexander, Forest Mgter Comments: Description: To establish 330 ft strip of thinned forest around property boundary to protect adjoining property owners large development of 2,600 ac in 20 ac parcels, and adjoining Colville Indian Rservation for miles. Project will remove both infested trees, high risk trees, and thin the stand to reduce hazardous fuel loads and mistletoe-infected trees. Amount Funded By: 98 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Washington Department of Natural Resources FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Wa. High Risk Communitie 360 902 1706 Forest Stewardship Fuel reduction Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $785,000 $1,199,200 FS All feds 0 WA All Steve Gibbs, Forest Stewardship Manager Congressional Districts Listed: 1,2,3,4,5,6 KS Description: Wildfire hazard reduction on non-industrial private forest lands in high risk areas:1) Cost-share program for creating defensible space, establishing shaded fuel breaks, and slash disposal (75 cents of grants buys $1 worth of on-the-ground results).2) Accompying promotional campaign, educational events, and demonstration sites. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 34 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Project Location Skagit County, Washington Utilization 102 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Precise location undetermin 360 336 6114 Biomass Power Plant Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency 3/15/2002 $40,000 $50,000 FS Coop Agency Eval Score Cmt To Fund 0 Cong Dist W2 Don Wick, Executive Director Comments: Description: The removal of tons of forest fuels under the National Fire Plan raises two issues – whether the material can be disposed of in an environmentally manner, and whether the material can be utilized for an economic benefit. This proposal provides a viable solution for both of those issues, as well as providing quality jobs and tax revenues for Skagit County, Washington. Logistically, Skagit County is a suitable location for a biomass power plant, including the availability of forest debris for use as a fuel source. However, the county faces a significant hurdle before the project can get under way. A feasibility study must be conducted to determine the size and location of the plant as well as identify other necessary fuels and users of the steam and/or power that will be generated by the facility. The Fuels Utilization and Marketing Projects grant will fund the feasibility study, which will be completed within six months. If feasible, construction can begin on the project that will create a profitable use for the forest fuels while providing a non-polluting method of their disposal. Amount Funded By: 104 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 City of Jacksonville Fire Department FWS: $0 City of Jacksonville BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 541 899 1231 The Jacksonville Project Phase Two Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $48,000 $52,000 BLM FS 0 O2 Tracy Shaw Fire Chief Comments: Description: We are continuing a project that was funded last year to remove fuels and create defensible space around home in the City of Jacksonville. The homeowner is responsible for 10% of the rated density price of their property. Our bidder last year rates were 575.00 for heavy, 325.00 for medium, and 205.00 for light. The last project treated approximately 84 acres and help 36 high value homes to be protected from wildfire Amount Funded By: 107 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Center for Watershed and Community Oregon and Washington Health, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon. BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 3/15/2002 541 744 7072 Wildfire Policy And Rural Poverty Alleviation: A Project To Develop a Coordinated Plan to Reduce The Risk Of Wildfires On The Rural Poor And Distressed Communities Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $231,188 $365,899 FS 0 Bob Doppelt, Director, PSU Center for Watershed and Community Health We have submitted grant applications to numerous foundations and we are confident that we will raise the $134,711 needed to complete the budget. Congressional Districts: All with high fire risks Description: Despite the best intentions, existing wildfire-related policies and programs find it difficult to help the rural poor within the wildland-urban interface protect themselves from wildfires. Our research suggests that approximately 3–5 million of the 10-15 million residents in the W-UI of the west lack incomes high enough to meet basic economic needs with enough left over to cover the expense of wildfire protection. Wildfires intensify poverty by having a pervasive, disproportionately negative impact on those households and communities lacking adequate resources to reduce the flammability of nearby wildlands, fire-proof homes and other structures, respond quickly when wildfires occur, and recover from economic losses resulting from fires. The impacts also go in the reverse direction, with poverty increasing the incidence of wildfires, raising the costs of fighting fires, and creating additional risks for firefighters. These problems exist, in part, because there is little communication or coordinated planning between agencies working on land management/fire issues and those addressing rural poverty. Local fire districts and other government fire prevention programs also lack the capacity or skills to identify, contact, and provide fire prevention service to the rural poor. To address these concerns, this project will assess the current service delivery system, map high poverty areas at high risk of fire, and then develop a coordinated regional strategy to fill gaps in fire prevention service delivery. The strategy will be aimed at closing service delivery gaps and building local capacity to provide fire prevention services to the rural poor. The strategy will be tested through a series of pilot projects, and after a thorough evaluation, policy recommendation will be made to institute a comprehensive and integrated fire prevention service delivery system for the rural poor throughout Oregon and Washington Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 35 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Project Location Hood River County Public WorksRoger Kauble, Public Works Director Hood River Utilization 110 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID 541 354 1648 Wildland-Urban Interface Community Assessement and Action Program for Hood River Proj Coord Name: County Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency 3/15/2002 $50,350 $106,200 FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Jeff Walker, Hood River County Defense Chief Comments: Description: Hood River County has begun the progress of developing and gathering data to start a GIS program. This grant will allow us to dedicate a GIS technician (RARE Student) to conduct necessary fieldwork and data collections under the direction of the County's GIS Coordinator. In addition grant funds will be used to purchase equipment to develop accurate mapping and to be able to take this mapping to the field electronically. The new GIS will support the development and implementation of Hood River County’s Community Fire Plan. Amount Funded By: 113 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Wasco County Fire Committee FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Portions of Wasco County 541 298 3543 Wildland Urban Interface Community Assessment and Action Program Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $52,500 $68,900 FS 0 O2 Tycho Granville, GIS Coordinator Comments: Description: Develop a coordinated assessment, awareness, and education program to assist wildland fire officials, local and rural fire departments, landowners, local government officials, and others to improve fire protection in wildland urban interfaces and high hazard communities in portions of Wasco County. Comprehensive publications and community meetings will occur and may include a county-wide detailed Fire Atlas for all local fire protection agencies, newspaper inserts, mailings, development of rural community self-protection programs, changes to Wasco County Fire Safety ordinances, and more. Amount Funded By: 115 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Proposed location; Central 541 346 5833 University of Oregon c/o Office of Research Services and Administration Regional Fire Planning Partnership Project Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $249,972 $329,099 FS 0 O2 Andre LeDuc, Program Director Comments: Description: Oregon Natural Hazards Workgroup (ONHW) at the University of Oregon’s Community Service Center is proposing to assist communities in Central Oregon to build capacity and develop wildfire mitigation plans to prepare for and reduce risk from wildland/urban interface fires. This will be accomplished through a coordinated and comprehensive regional planning process that fosters partnership development, cooperation, and resource sharing among federal, state, and local government and community and regional organizations. ONHW uses a collaborative approach to mitigation planning in Oregon that builds local capacity through partnerships, training, and technical assistance and resources. The process focuses on fostering partnerships among agencies and communities to determine community need, identify issues and resources, and develop strategies for risk reduction. Among the project outcomes is a planning model that communities statewide will be able to use in future planning processes. Amount Funded By: 120 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Resource Protection Division, Washington State Dept of Natural Resources FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 3/15/2002 Northwest Washington Stat 360 854 2858 NW Region Cooperative Fire Prevention Project Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $250,000 $300,000 NPS FS 0 W 1,2,8 Marc Titus, Fire Prevention Coordinator WSFM Lummi Grant Description: This project has four phases. The first consists of forming local coordination groups, updating the Wildland Urban Interface(WUI) hazard assessments for the Washington State Department of Natural Resource's Northwest Region and drafting landscape level fire prevention/hazard mitigation plans for high risk areas. The second phase develops community and landowner awareness and participation in their high risk areas through the use of the Firewise Washington program. The third phase will focus on localizing fuel reduction/defensible space plans for homeowners/landowners in the high risk areas. The fourth phase utilizes local contractors and businesses to assist homeowners and landowners in implementing Phase 3 plans. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 36 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Comments: Project Location The Forest Restoration Partnership Utilization 121 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Western Oregon, Washingto 541 338 7888 Oak Woodland Fuels Reduction Demo/Study Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency Coop Agency Eval Score 3/15/2002 $105,600 $136,855 FS BLM, FWS 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist Mult Darin Stringer, Director Coord with 39 Description: The Forest Restoration Partnership (FRP), a non-profit forestry organization based in Philomath, Oregon along with various local and state government agencies and non-profit organizations propose a multisite fuels reduction project in oak woodlands throughout Western Oregon and South Central Washington. The purpose of this demonstration project is as follows: To demonstrate to a broad audience the range of options available to treat oak woodlands within urban-wildland interface zones to achieve both fuels reduction and habitat improvement objectives. To improve our understanding of the costs associated with a variety of treatments and sites through time-motion study of treatments. To decrease fire risk within oak woodland types identified within high risk wildland-urban interface communities. Amount Funded By: 125 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Washington Department of Natural Resources FWS: $0 Washington BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 360 902 1300 Regional Prevention Team Training and Mobilization Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $53,150 $79,650 PWT 0 WA Mult Sandy Williams, Prevention Education Manager Congressional Districts: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9 Description: This proposal is to train and mobilize Washington and Oregon Prevention teams for the 2002 fire season. Prevention teams mobilized during the 2001 fire season proved that human caused fire can be reduced through information and education. Grant funds will pay for travel and lodging for instructors and fire service students from Washington and Oregon to attend a National level Prevention team training in Washington state, in June, 2002. The grant will fund the production of prevention materials and expenses needed to implement a Pacific Northwest interagency prevention campaign during the summerand fall of 2002 Amount Funded By: 128 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Three locations in Region 6 509 838 4912 The Lands Council Rural Wildfire Protection Startup Program Congressional Districts: WA-4 and 5th,OR-2nd 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: Coord Proj 53 from FY 2001 Total Funded: $0 $17,200 $21,500 FS 0 Mult Mike Petersen, Executive Director Linked to 34 Description: The program will develop fire education & defensible space planning assistance programs with existing non-profit organizations in three areas of Region 6. The organizations would start their wildfire programs with grant money & training we provide and write their own grant to support and expand their program in the next grant cycle for the National Fire Plan (August, 2002). These groups would be trained in how to do outreach, identify sites, produce defensible space plans, complete on-site work, monitor progress, track important data and coordinate with relevant agencies and authorities. The groups will be encouraged to hire & train low income community members to do work whenever possible.A training package will be developed for the groups, which includes educational handouts, outreach and planning strategies, recordkeeping methods and grant writing. The Lands Council has information based on their existing program that will be organized into an easy to use package. We will monitor and report on the success of our efforts. Amount Funded By: 131 0 Project Title: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Sunridge Homeowners Association FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 T37S,R1W, 25 ; T37S,R1E, 541 772 6740 Sunridge Homeowners Fuel Reduction Project Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $66,675 $88,900 BLM FS 0 O2 Craig Olson, Chairman of Sunridge Wildfire Risk Assessment Committee (SWRAC) Comments: Description: Sunridge Homeowners Assoc. is a non-profit corporation meeting the IRS 501 (c) 6 classification. Sunridge intends to reduce the potential for catastrophic wildfire by reducing the fuel loading within the boundaries of the project area. There is a total of 193+ acres within the Sunridge Planned Unit Development (PUD). Out of the 193 ac. there is 62 acres of common area and 65 acres of homeowner acreage that will be treated. Fuel reduction will be accomplished by hand and/or machine. In addition we have contacted adjoining landowners to Sunridge in an effort to cooridinate fuel reduction measures on their property to further reduce the spread of wildfire. Several neighbors have expressed great interest and have indicated they will contact the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) for assistance. ODF encouraged us to apply for a direct grant and Fire Marshall John Pierce of Medford Fire Dept. has stated "Any fuel break reduction or the establishment of a defensible space around structures would be welcomed and supported by this department." Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 37 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Comments: Project Location Bellingham Whatcom Economic Development Council Utilization 132 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Precise location undetermin 360 676 4255 Biomass Power Plant Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency 3/15/2002 $40,000 $50,000 FS Coop Agency Eval Score Cmt To Fund Cong Dist 0 Frederick Sexton, President No Congressional District listed. KS Description: The removal of tons of forest fuels under the National Fire Plan raises two issues – whether the material can be disposed of in an environmentally manner, and whether the material can be utilized for an economic benefit. This proposal provides a viable solution for both of those issues, as well as providing quality jobs and tax revenues for Whatcom County, Washington. Logistically, Whatcom County is a suitable location for a biomass power plant, including the availability of forest debris for use as a fuel source. However, the county faces a significant hurdle before the project can get under way. A feasibility study must be conducted to determine the size and location of the plant as well as identify other necessary fuels and users of the steam and/or power that will be generated by the facility. The Fuels Utilization and Marketing Projects grant will fund the feasibility study, which will be completed within six months. If feasible, construction can begin on the project that will create a profitable use for the forest fuels while providing a non-polluting method of their disposal. FS: $0 Amount Funded By: 140 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 BLM: $0 Maryhill Museum Of Art FWS: $0 Washington BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 509 773 3733 Maryhill museum as a prime anchor point for fighting and arresting wildfires* 1) clear hazardous woody fuels. Total Funded: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $122,710 $127,710 FWS 0 W 15 Brian Grant, Grounds Manager and Pat Perry, Operations Manager Link App #95 Description: Specifically: To complete the removal of hazardous woody fuels from Maryhill Museum of Art’s 6000 acre conservatory. Contracting with Columbia Tree Service (the same company that cleared 8 acres with your 2001 award); eight men/ 32 acres/ $3,780 acre.Maryhill Museum of Art, a private not for profit incorporated in the state of Washington, has partnered with county department of emergency management, local ranchers and neighbors to develop a preliminary fire plan for its 6000 acre conservatory. This plan establishes Maryhill Museum as a prime anchor point for fighting and arresting wildfires. Multi-faceted, it includes removal of hazardous woody fuels; improvement of existing fire break and fire access roads; development of water access; creation of green belts and installation of fire prevention education signage. In 2001, you awarded funds to begin implementation of the plan, with a total of 8 acres of woody fuels (at $3,780 an acre) removed from within the 35 acres immediately surrounding the Museum. We ask for your continued support. Photos representing areas to be targeted are attatched. Amount Funded By: 143 0 Project Title: Comments: 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 Douglas Soil and Water Conservation District FWS: $0 Multiple BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 3/15/2002 541 957 5061 Douglas County Wildfire Suppression Water Sources and Habitat Project Total Funded: $0 Proj Coord Name: $143,062 $279,777 FS 0 O4 Walter Gayner, District Manager Project Type not listed. They list congressional District 14 but I believe they mean 4. KS Description: This proposal will provide helicopters, engines, and tenders with water facilities at locations in Douglas County that are currently lacking adequate facilities. Three ponds large enough to accommodate the largest helicopter and bucket will be constructed. 1,000,000 gallons will be available at any time up through the end of the fire season. Ten different springs will be developed and fed into individual 10,000+ gallon tanks. In addition, funding from other sources will be used to make the ponds more environmentally friendly. Shallow water areas will be excavated around the "body" of the pond so wetland habitat is created. Livestock will be excluded from the area by fencing (if they are present). Fencing will be set back away from the possible drag area of the bucket. The pond areas will have deed restrictions prohibiting the landowner from running power lines overhead and requiring the landowner to prevent tall vegetation (trees) from establishing. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Page 38 of 39 0 2002 Project Title: Comments: Project Location Utilization 147 Applicant Name Contact Phone No FPP Year WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Grand Ronde/Sweet Home 541-465-6663 Sweet Home Ranger District, Willamette NF (Mike Rassbach) Traditional Use of Fire and the National Fire Plan Proj Coord Name: Date Received Amt Requested Total Proj Cost Lead Agency 3/15/2002 $25,256 $42,906 FS Coop Agency Eval Score Cmt To Fund 0 Cong Dist O3 Jerry Foster, NEFE Local 457 Vice-President & Contracting Officer WNF I could not tell from the scanned copy what the project type was. KS Description: The Confederated Tribe of the Grand Ronde, Confederated Tribe of Siletz Indians, National Federation of Federal Employees - Local 457, National Network of Forest Practitioners, Eugene BLM District and Willamette National Forest are co-sponsers for a Two day workshop titled: "Traditional Use of Fire and the National Fire Plan". The workshop will provide the fourm to discuss the traditional use of fire by Indian Tribes in the west, important cultural plants that are dependent on fire, how indian communities are linked to the land through the use of these plants, and the opportunities that exist within the National Fire Plan. The first day of the conference is at Grand Ronde, Oregon. The second day will be at the Camas Praire restoration project, Sweet Home Ranger District. This project was funded through National Fire Plan hazardous fuels dollars during fiscal year 2001. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Grand Totals by Agency: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 BLM: $0 FS: $0 FWS: $0 BLM: $0 BIA: $0 FWS: $0 FS WUI: $0 BIA: Total Funded: $0 Grand Total Requested: $19,852,842 $26,515,603 $0 $0 Total Funded: FS WUI: $0 Page 39 of 39