Enclosure 3C - Project Summary Form 43 NATIONAL FIRE PLAN COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AND WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE PROJECTS Application for Prevention & Education Projects Applicant Applicant/Organization: San Juan County Fire Marshal’s Office Phone: Type of Applicant: (enter appropriate letter in box) B (360) 378-2116 FAX: (360) 378-3922 Email: fmannex@rockisland.com A. State B. County C. Municipal D. Township E. Interstate F. Intermunicipal G. Special District H. Independent School District I. State-Controlled Institution of Higher Learning J. Private University K. Indian Tribe L. Nonprofit Organization M. Other (Specify) _______________________ Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip): PO Box 947, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 Project Coordinator Project Coordinator (Name and Title): Rick Galer, San Juan County Fire Marshal Organization/Jurisdiction: San Juan County Phone: FAX: Email: (360) 378-2116 (360) 378-3922 fmannex@rockisland.com Project Information Project Title: San Juan County Firewise Outreach Program – We’ll Show You How! Motto: Defensible Space is A Homeowner Responsibility. Proposed Project Start Date: February 1, 2005 Proposed Project End Date: November 30, 2005 Federal Funding Request: $70,440 Total Project Cost: $96,300 Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please prioritize, and explain if the projects are stand alone, sequential, or other: No Brief Project Summary: Who, What, Where, Desired Outcomes in relation to NFP Goals and Community Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plans (This should summarize page 2). San Juan County has been identified as high to extreme risk. There is a National Park on San Juan Island and a USFWS Maritime Complex in close proximity. RAMS data identifies this whole County as a high-hazard area. After significant time spent talking with homeowners about the fire potential, we now find ourselves overwhelmed with requests for workshops. Through support of the Local Coordination Group, the plan is for a Fire Prevention Educator to take the lead and hire and train a Fire Cadet to help with the many workshops overall. The goal of this project is to have the requesting residents so knowledgeable in being Firewise and pumped for action that through word-of-mouth, seeing the actual results, and promotion of Washington’s Wildfire Awareness Week the remaining residents will be excited to come on board this process. Project Location (latitude/longitude of project): County: Congressional District: San Juan Islands LAT: 48 Long: 122 San Juan 2nd Name of Federal, State or Tribal contact with whom you coordinated this proposal: Telephone number of Contact: Rico George, USFWS Marc Titus (503) 231-6771 (360) 856-3500 Enclosure 3C (Page 1 of 3) - Project Narrative Description Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses longer than one page, single space, and 12-pitch font. Describe project, including, but not limited to: type of project to be delivered project location method of delivery project relationship to community or natural landscape fire plans target audience timeliness tools and/or skills needed to complete project projected timelines and cost estimation monitoring and evaluation procedures For this project, explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning, through a “Local Coordination Group.” If you haven’t worked with a local coordination group, why not? Unanimous support from multi-agency LCG. Few outsiders realize these islands have Eastern Washington conditions: Avg. Rainfall – 16” or less; strong winds (Nor’easter winds in winter cause fires); steep topography; Douglas Fir, Lodgepole pine, lots of Madrone, heavy grass/brush; the dense dog hair thickets place this County in a Condition Class 2 – bordering 3. Within San Juan County the Orcas Island Fire Department and the San Juan County Fire Marshal’s Office has received requests from homeowners associations and organizations on the 8 different islands: (Orcas Island; Obstruction Island; Center Island; Waldron Island; Shaw Island; Lopez Island, Decatur Island, and Crane Island and the town of Friday Harbor) for Firewise Workshop type information. While we are pleased with the up-front work spent to get to this point, our budget and limited staff are not able to meet the current demands. This proposal covers everything from the speaker answering questions, passing out educational materials such as Living with Fire, etc. but also taking our anxious residents to the next step – outside the classroom. We have found being able to do live demonstration projects encourages the most skeptical customer to see the work often requires little more than homeowner motivation and some Ben Gay Heating Rub (of course the Heating Rub is not covered by the grant). Our residents are very much concerned about “Defensible Space” looking like a clear cut and removing all the natural beauty. We will be able to show them they do not have to give up aesthetics in protecting their home. To preserve the professionalism of the presentations and demonstrations we may need to call upon professionals in some communities to provide accurate information on things like, how to properly prune the trees in your yard; or identifying and selecting the best plants and planting techniques and tips for a fire resistant landscape. To carry this out we will need to pay for any lost wage time (regular rate) of a fire prevention educator who is able to train and pay for some Fire Cadet type helpers to learn and take on the more timeconsuming and rigorous aspects of home-survey appointments, demonstration projects and some monitoring. Members of the Local Coordinating Group would also assist in the training of how to do a Community Risk Assessments and Community Fire Protection plans and work with them to make it a reality through homeowners establishing an action plan with timelines, goals and objectives. Follow-up and evaluation will be handled throughout the life of the grant with a heavy focus during the 2005 Wildfire Awareness Week. Wildfire Awareness Week typically occurs sometime in May. We envision being able to take advantage of this week and further promote and advertise the current work being done throughout San Juan County opening the doors for homeowners to explore whether or not they are interested in becoming recognized as a Firewise USA Community. Community Partners: County: Dept. of Emergency Mgmt; Sheriff’s Dept; Fire Marshal’s Office; Prosecutors Office; SJC Auditors: Orcas: Fire/EMS; Orcas Island Volunteer Firefighter/EMS Assoc; Kiwanis Club; Lions Club; Eagle Lake Homeowner’s Assoc.; Victorian Valley Homeowner’s Assoc.; Spring Point Homeowner’s Assoc.; Deer Harbor Community Club; Buck Mt. Homeowner’s Assoc.; Moran State Park; Doe Bay Community Club; Lopez: Fire/EMS; Lions Club; Chamber of Commerce; Davis Head Homeowner’s Assoc; Upright Head Homeowner’s Assoc.; Salmon Pt. Homeowner’s Assoc.; Shaw: Fire/EMS; Shaw School Dist; Shaw Library Dist.; Waldron: Community Organization School; Friday Harbor: (Town of) Fire Dept; Chamber of Commerce; Obstruction Island: Homeowner’s Assoc.: Center Island: Homeowner’s Assoc; Fire Brigade; Crane Island: Homeowner’s Assoc.; Fire Brigade. Response: San Juan County conditions: Enclosure 3C (Page 2 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria 1. Prevention of Wildland Urban Interface Fire (40 points) Describe how the proposal will lead to: A. Reduction of wildland urban interface fire B. Reduction of structural losses C. Homeowner action and personal responsibility to reduce fire loss of private land. This project was specifically designed to be open and hands-on while encouraging all sectors of the community to become involved This project goes beyond the usual talks and is approached in a service oriented fashion. We not only provide the talk and tips, but some hands on-demonstration to make this process as user friendly as possible. This project invites all sectors of the community by encouraging business to participate by offering their expertise and the opportunity to become knowledgeable in another realm they can market themselves in their day to day business activities. For example, the nursery would learn about the fire resistant plant materials, tips and tricks for low maintenance landscaping and use that to market to current and future residents. Response: The fact that we currently have so many requests for information from 7 different islands within our County tells us residents are interested in taking the next step to action. We have been very fortunate in keeping fires at bay by encouraging homeowners to burn. However, this is not enough. RAMS data supports the need for residents to take the next step to reduce the potential fire danger. A wildfire on any of the islands would be not only catastrophic but extremely costly just due to getting transportation for suppression personnel and tools. In San Juan County there are approximately 10,000 homes at risk. This project helps homeowners move from the text to the on-the-ground application. Demonstration projects help show the final outcome, while laborious, is not that difficult to organize, achieve and maintain. Additionally, by using professionals in the Urban Forestry and Landscape business as part of the training, we can further promote the right tools, techniques and pruning and fire-resistant landscaping and have a greater chance at homeowners willing to maintain their property. We have found the heavy-handed enforcement approach is not as effective. This project was specifically designed to be open and hands-on while encouraging all sectors of the community to become involved. Also taking advantage of the timely 2005 Wildfire Awareness Week (usually in May) we will be able to further gain interest and compliance in not only making individuals’ homes safer from fire danger but entire communities. We want this week to become an annual reminder to residents to look out and make sure they have taken care of the maintenance. Potential ways we would achieve this would be asking various business to include reminders and tips in their advertisements, press releases from the Local Coordination Group, flyers, events which might be offering free home inspections, writing letters of “Thanks” to homeowners who have done their annual maintenance. This tells them we are watching and let’s them know this is another step taken to protecting their home and community. Enclosure 3C (Page 3 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria 2. Community Participation (30 points) Detail the community participation and collaboration for this project. Define clearly why you believe your group will be successful in delivering the proposal to the target audience. How will the project be sustained or carried forward beyond project timelines? How will the project be monitored and evaluated? After working so long and hard trying to get residents to acknowledge the potential fire danger, I now have 8 Islands and right now as many home owners associations asking for Firewise type workshops and information on how to be prepared for a potential wildfire. So, the first major hurdle is overcome. The demonstration process will help to further insure actual implementation. The community business involvement will help homeowners to be successful in defining homeowners’ wants and needs while still coming up with a fire resistant landscape plan. Through Wildfire Awareness Week we will be able to advertise what we are doing and why it is important and have something to entice the remaining residents on board the program. Additionally this is a good opportunity to follow-up on those that have previously adopted and implemented the Firewise strategy. The business community involvement is a key to keeping the fire resistant message in front of homeowners on a more frequent basis with their newly acquired Firewise marketing information. Response: 3. Partnerships (40 points) Detail the level of involvement of any local multi-agency, emergency services, non-profit coordination group, and provide a list of partners for this project with their current and expected level of involvement, including any kind of contributions or matching funds. What is the project relationship to a community risk assessment or mitigation plan? Include the name of the plan, date it was prepared, and local contact to get a copy of the plan if requested. The Local Coordination Group would provide support in terms of lending staff on an as-needed basis, loan needed equipment such as a computer, projector, and VCR. For some locations they may be able to provide the alternative transportation and fuel costs. The Local Coordination Group would also help plan and promote 2005 Wildfire Awareness Week ensuring we provide a consistent and supportive message for this project while encouraging others to get on board with the program. Response: Enclosure 3C - Project Work Form Tasks Time Frame Responsible Party _Locate and train Fire Cadet type individuals _Have a firm commitment on items, staffing available from Local Coordination Group _Line up potential business interested in participating in Workshops, e.g., Urban Foresters, Tree Pruners, Landscape designers -Buy educational literature -Confirm and finalize Homeowner Association meeting dates and locations. -Begin implementation -Work with Local Coordinating Group to discuss the exact Wildfire Awareness Week Marketing Plan and Events January 2005 Fire Prevention Educator with assistance from Fire Cadet and Local Coordinating Group Partners February 2005 Fire Prevention Educator with assistance from Fire Cadet and Local Coordinating Group Partners -Implementation -Work with Local Coordinating Group to finalize Wildfire Awareness Week Plans -Implement Advertisement Campaign to recruit additional interest from homeowners in Firewise/ Begin Evaluating projects March – May, 2005 Fire Prevention Educator with assistance from Fire Cadet and Local Coordinating Group Partners -Contact the newly recruited homeowners to schedule a workshop and begin process all over -Prepare final report June - November , 2005 Fire Prevention Educator with assistance from Fire Cadet and Local Coordinating Group Partners Enclosure 3D Project Budget Cost Category Description Federal Agency Personnel Personnel Applicant Partner 1 Partner 2 San Juan County Fire Prevention Educator Fire Cadet Type Trainee Jr. Fire Taxing Dists ; Fire Marshal’s Office 17600 2,500 Homeowners Assoc’s;1,000 Friday Harbor, & remaining 11,520 listed islands Total WADNR 8,000 29,100 11,520 2240 8 3,688 Subtotal Fringe Benefits Fire Prevention Educator Fire Cadet Type Trainee 5632 3,688 800 320 1,000 2,000 400 1,000 1,000 Subtotal Travel Transportation Mileage reimbursement boat/vehicle 2,400 3,000 Subtotal Equipment Laptop Computer, Projector, VCR 3,000 1,000 4,000 Subtotal Supplies Workshop Supplies 3,000 5,000 2,000 Subtotal Contractual Urban Forester/Landscape Business 6,000 6,000 Subtotal Other Brochures/Ed. Materials/Ads/Site Indirect Maps Subtotal Total Costs 15,000 5,000 600 2,000 17,600 5,000 70,440 4,700 7,920 13,240 96,300 70,440 4,700 7,920 13,240 96,300