19 Enclosure 3B - Project Summary Form

Enclosure 3B - Project Summary Form
Application for Community Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning
Glenwood Volunteer Fire Department – Klickitat Co. Fire Protection District #8
Type of Applicant: (enter appropriate letter in box)
509 364 3320
A. State
B. County
C. Municipal
D. Township
E. Interstate
F. Intermunicipal
G. Special District
H. Independent School District
I. State-Controlled Institution of Higher Learning
J. Private University
K. Indian Tribe
L. Nonprofit Organization
M. Other (Specify) _______________________
Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip):
P. O. Box 22 Glenwood, WA 98619
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator (Name and Title):
Gary Anderson, Deputy Chief
Glenwood Volunteer Fire Department – Klickitat Co. Fire Protection District #8
509 364 3327(O)/3320(H) 509 364 3540
Project Information
Project Title:
Glenwood Area Risk Assessment & Mitigation Plan Development
Proposed Project Start Date:
January 2005
Proposed Project End Date:
December 2005
Federal Funding Request:
Total Project Cost:
Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please prioritize, and explain if the projects are stand alone, sequential, or other:
Brief Project Summary: Who, What, Where, Desired Outcomes in relation to NFP Goals and Community Risk Assessment and
Mitigation Plans (This should summarize page 2).
The purpose of this project is to conduct a survey of the Glenwood Community & the Surrounding area to perform a risk
assessment and from that develop a mitigation plan. The goal is to gather GIS NFPA 299 data on structures within the
District. If time & money allows we will also gather data on key areas surrounding the District. The mitigation plan will
identify: fuel problems that can be treated; hazards that can be avoided; risks that can be mitigated. The Fire District
will also be able to use the information to develop strategic pre-attack plans that address access, water sources,
priorities & plan of attack. These plans should help us reduce risk and fire damage in a safer way.
Project Location:
Glenwood Washington
Federal Congressional District:
Name of Federal, tribal, and/or State Official with whom you coordinated this
Telephone number of Contact:
Ole Helgerson, WSU Extension / Phil Rigdon, Yakama Nation Fuels Mgmt
Len Riggin, DNR / Harold Cole, Conboy Lake Nat. Wildlife Refuge
Ole, 509 427 9427 / Phil 509 865 2255
Len 509925 0969 / Harold 509 364 3489
Enclosure 3B (Page 1 of 3) - Project Narrative Description
Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses longer than
one page, single space, 12-pitch font.
Describe project including, but not limited to:
 change fire behavior
 WHO are your collaborators - are they current or potential collaborators?
Address these
through fuels reduction
 Describe the relationship of this plan’s desired outcome to NFP Goals
items as
 increase community
and to any existing community fire protection plan.
education and awareness
 Project time frames and matching or contributed funds
 enhance fire protection
 Tools and/or skills needed to complete project
 Specific project location, geographic extent, and fire risk assessment
 desired outcome
For this project, explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning, through a “Local Coordination
Group.” If you haven’t worked with a local coordination group, why not?
We presented this proposal to the Columbia Gorge Wildfire Steering Committee. The Steering Committee
critiqued the plan and offered some recommendations.
The Yakama Nation, Washington State DNR and Conboy National Wildlife Refuge all have land holdings
within the District and in the surrounding area. We do have Cooperative fire protection agreements with the
BIA Yakima Agency, the DNR and other Klickitat Fire Protection Districts, which demonstrates, our desire
to work together. We have been in contact with DNR & WSU Extension and may begin surveying in the
Summer of 2004 using their crews.
The project will require the purchase of a Trimble Geo Explorer, a laptop computer to download the GPS data
to, some GIS Database software for compiling/mapping the information and finally a digital camera to
document the conditions being surveyed. We will survey an estimated 250 residences, businesses and other
structures performing a risk assessment for each using NFPA 299. The survey will gather the following
information around the structures and throughout the District:
Identify Hazards & Access problems
Fuel loads around all structures & recommended treatments to reduce risk
Available water sources & potential fuel break areas, etc.
During the survey we will be able to educate residents about the hazards we are finding and about what they
can do to reduce the risk to their property. We can also find out about the residents desire to participate in
future fuel reduction, access enhancement or water site improvement projects that will be identified in the
mitigation plan.
Once we have gathered the data we will be able to compile it and develop a mitigation plan that will address
what actions can be taken to reduce the risk of loss do to fires. We will also be able to develop strategic pre
attack plans that will allow the Glenwood Fire Department to be better prepared to take action to protect the
Enclosure 3B (Page 2 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria
Applications for funding, must include narrative responses that address the following four criteria. Be sure you address every one
briefly, yet thoroughly. Limit your responses to the area provided.
1. Planning for Action (40 points)
A. Describe your desired plan outcome and how the outcome will be measured.
B. How will the plan address :
 Fire behavior changes through fuels reduction
 Community education and awareness
 Enhanced suppression capability
C. How will the completed plan be implemented, and by whom? OR How does this plan enhance or complete
previous fire planning by the community?
D. How will the plan address landowner responsibility for implementation of this plan?
E. Describe your ability to complete project in one year of receipt of funds
This project will Identify fuels that can be modified or removed to reduce the intensity or block the spread of
fire in and around structures throughout the District. It will additionally gather information about hazards that
threaten the fire fighter who has to respond to a fire at a residence. By making contact with the residents
during the survey, the surveying personnel will be able to increase the landowner’s awareness of the hazards
and risks associated with their property. Once Identified, the resident, cooperating agency personnel or
contractors, depending upon the landowner’s responsibilities, the availability of future funds and the
complexity of the project, can undertake fuel reduction projects.
We plan to utilize Glenwood Volunteer Firefighters in a paid status to perform some of the survey as well as
in some of the mitigation planning. This will strengthen their knowledge of the district and increase their
awareness of the hazards that they will face. By utilizing paid volunteers we will also be providing some
economic stimulus to the community. The fire department will be gathering information that will allow them
to make better plans to attack fires in a more efficient and safer manner.
We may also contract with our collaborators for services where necessary and reimburse them from the
project funds. This should help to keep us on schedule.
Enhancing Community Collaboration and Local Capacity. (30 points )
A. Describe your strategy for collaboration to develop this plan across multiple ownerships.
B. Identify the interested partners and members of the community who are involved in this project, and the level of
their involvement.
C. How will this project enhance local community collaboration and local capacity for cooperative action?
D. Describe skills or experience the community will gain through development of this plan.
Private landholders vary from single residents in town to large ranches and farms that have associated
woodlots to several private timber companies. Washington State DNR, the Yakama Nation & the Conboy
Wildlife Refuge all have property in and around the District.
We will contact landowners and have community meetings about the purpose of the survey before we begin.
Understanding the hazards and risks that the survey is trying to identify should bring all community members
together to protect themselves from the common threat of fire.
After we have conducted the risk assessment we should be able to develop cooperative treatments strategies
to deal with fuel problems across multiple ownerships. Such fuel reduction projects across boundaries will
require all parties to consent and cooperate. Successfully completed test projects will stimulate trust and
encourage additional cooperation.
Members of the Glenwood Volunteer Fire Department will be involved in the gathering of the data and the
development of the mitigation plans. Using local people in some instances should ease the data gathering,
because it is their Glenwood Fire Department that is in charge of the project.
Enclosure 3B (Page 3 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria
Expanding Community Participation. (30 Points)
Explain the level of cooperation, coordination and/or involvement of the Local Coordination Group. List the
cooperators/members (in a broad way) of the local area coordination group.
Describe your strategy for leveraging funding. Who are the partners and what is their commitment to the
plan’s completion, including any existing or proposed cost-share agreements and their status.
Describe the extent of local support or opposition for the project.
Describe your strategy for post-plan marketing and collaboration for the successful implementation of the
next steps described in the plan.
To what extent will this project be offered to serve as a model for other communities in your sub-geographic
area, state-wide area?
We have been in contact with the WSU Extension Office, Washington State DNR, Yakama Nation Fuels
Management & Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge & all have expressed their support for a risk
assessment survey. The WSU Extension Office, Washington State DNR & Yakama Nation Fuels all said that
they might be able to help with the risk survey depending upon other commitments and financial restraints.
As for the local support, we feel that a majority of the Glenwood Fire District residents will favor the efforts
to turn our town into a ‘Fire Wise Community’ once they have been informed about our intent.
After we have completed the mitigation plan we will apply for funds for fuel reduction projects. Most likely
we will offer incentives or some form of cost sharing program to encourage residents to get involved and stay
committed to the program. We will also try to collaborate with the other agencies/landowners on their fuel
reduction projects. We should be able to involve our firefighters and equipment in joint burn projects.
The mitigation plan should also point out the need for additional education to help raise the level of
awareness regarding fire risks in the community.
If the inventory & mitigation plan identify commercial or potentially commercial material to be removed, we
will explore ways of marketing that material as a way of offsetting the program costs.
I’m sure that if we succeed we will love to share our success & brag about it.
Enclosure 3C - Project Work Form
Time Frame
Responsible Party
Perform inventory/ survey of the Glenwood
Fire District
Summer 2004
Spring – Summer 2005
DNR Fire Crews
Glenwood Fire District
Map GPS Data & Build the GIS Data Base
Spring – Fall 2005
Glenwood Fire District with Help
from ? - Klickitat Co./ FWS / WSU
Extension / Yakama Nation / DNR
Develop Mitigation Plan to reduce fuels and
deal with risk
Summer – Winter 2005
Glenwood Fire District with Help
from ? - Klickitat Co./ FWS / WSU
Extension / Yakama Nation / DNR
Prepare a Accomplishment Report
Winter 2005
Glenwood Fire District
Enclosure 3D Project Budget
Cost Category
Glenwood Fire
Partner 1
Partner 2
Trimble GeoExplorer
Digital Camera
Laptop Computer
Plan Development &
Attend Meetings
Fringe Benefits
GIS Software
GIS Support
Total Costs
Project (Program) Income1
(using deductive alternative)
Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of
the grant. Program income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental
fees earned from renting out real property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale
of commodities or items developed under the grant or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the
project period may require prior approval by the granting agency.