Project Summary Form Id Number 2006-140

Project Summary Form
Id Number 2006-140
Application for Prevention & Education Projects
Deschutes County
Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
Type of Applicant: (enter appropriate letter in box)
FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
A. State
B. County
C. Municipal
D. Township
E. Interstate
Please Call Ahead For FAX
H. Independent School District
I. State-Controlled Institution of Higher Learning
J. Private University
K. Indian Tribe
L. Nonprofit Organization
Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip):
1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 200 Bend, OR 97701
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator (Name and Title):
Mr. Joe Stutler Forestry Specialist
Deschutes County
Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
Call Ahead For FAX
Project Information
Project Title:
Vacant Lot/Defensible Space Education Campaign
Proposed Project Start Date:
Federal Funding Request:
Proposed Project End Date:
Total Project Funding:
Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please explain and prioritize:
Deschutes County is submitting five stand alone applications to the Community Assistance Grant Program, one under the Education and
Prevention category, one under the Community Planning category, and three under the Fuels Treatment category. This project is the third
priority among all five of the applications and the only priority among the Education and Prevention projects.
Brief Project Summary: Who, What, Where, Desired Outcomes in relation to NFP Goals and Community Risk Assessment and
Mitigation Plans (This should summarize page 2).
Through the Vacant Lot/Defensible Space Education Campaign, Deschutes County seeks to inform the public about the potential
hazards and liabilities inherent in owning property that is littered with excessive timber, vegetation, and debris within the County's
Wildland Urban Interface [WUI] and to instruct landowners in methods of safely and effectively removing wildland fire fuels.
The project will develop educational materials focused specifically toward privately-owned vacant lots located within the WUI and
will use a variety of media, including electronic, print, and broadcast, as well as public forums and personal appearances to
disseminate the information. The primary goals of this initiative are to gain private landowners' cooperation in safely eliminating
excessive fuels on vacant lots and providing defensible space, thereby decreasing the risk of wildland fire in the WUI, protecting
public safety, improving forest health, and reducing structural loss.
Project Location:
Latitude: 44.09278
Longitude: 121.293
Deschutes County
Name of Federal, State or Tribal contact with whom you coordinated this proposal:
Lisa Clarke
Federal Congressional District:
Telephone number of Contact:
Describe project, including, but not limited to:
x type of project to be delivered
x project location
x method of delivery
x project relationship to community or natural
landscape fire plans
x target audience
x timeliness
x tools and/or skills needed to complete project
x projected timelines and cost estimation
x monitoring and evaluation procedures
For this project, explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning, through a “Local Coordination
Group.” If you haven’t worked with a local coordination group, why not?
The primary goals of the Vacant Lot/Defensible Space Education Campaign are to gain private landowners' cooperation in safely eliminating excessive fuels on
vacant lots and providing defensible space around structures, thereby decreasing the risk of fire in the Wildland Urban Interface [WUI], protecting human health
and safety, improving forest health, and reducing structural loss. This goal is consistent with objectives of both the Healthy Forests Restoration Act and with
local Community Wildfire Protection Plans [CWPP] and a preliminary county-wide CWPP. The project will achieve its goal by informing the public about the
potential hazards and liabilities inherent in owning property that is littered with excessive timber, vegetation, and debris within Deschutes County's WUI and
instructing landowners in methods of safely and effectively removing wildland fire fuels.
The Campaign will be implemented in Deschutes County, a 3,055 square mile region of Central Oregon notable for its arid high desert climate, abundant
sunshine, strong winds, dry stands of timber and other vegetation, and frequent summer lightening strikes that often result in large, fast-moving, and
devastating wildfires. Within Deschutes County, there are approximately 145,000 acres of unprotected lands without either wildland or structural fire response
capability. Compounding these problems, Deschutes County's population is growing at a much faster pace than elsewhere in the state and in most of the
nation. Currently estimated at 130,500, the population has grown by 13% since 2000, a rate nearly 4 times Oregon's average of 3.5%. Many of these new
residents moved to the region specifically to experience the blend of city and country life that can be found in the marginal forest and farmland of the WUI.
Although information provided by the Campaign will be available to these and all other residents of Deschutes County, the project is targeted primarily toward
those who own vacant lots within the high-risk WUI and those living in unprotected areas of the County. Under the direction of the Deschutes County Forestry
Program, the Campaign will take place in three separate phases during a one-year period. Specific project activities and timelines are outlined below:
Phase 1, Months 1-5, Preparation: Identify applicable vacant lots, legal descriptions, property owners, and mailing addresses. Design demonstration project.
Create and print brochures, handbooks, and direct mail materials. Produce scripts and visual aids for presentations, seminars, and workshops. Schedule
seminars, workshops, and speaking engagements at community and neighborhood meetings. Produce scripts and images for radio and television public
service announcements. Purchase and schedule broadcast air time.
Phase 2, Months 6-10, Implementation: Establish demonstration project. Mail brochures and information to property owners. Place printed materials in public
places related to land/property ownership such as real estate offices, lenders, and tax assessors' offices. Speak at community and neighborhood meetings.
Hold seminars and workshops. Air public service announcements.
Phase 3, Months 11-12, Follow-up: Measure effectiveness of campaign through follow-up inspections and communications with landowners. Report project
results to community, funders, and other interested stakeholders. Adjust project plan, if necessary, to achieve goals. Make program available for replication to
other jurisdictions through site visits, speaking engagements, and published reports.
Following the initial one-year period, the Deschutes County Forestry Program will continue the project on an ongoing basis by monitoring compliance with
vacant lot standards and defensible space criteria; reprinting, stocking, and delivering printed materials; periodically broadcasting public service
announcements; and communicating with other interested agencies and organizations.
The project requests $50,000 from the Community Assistance Grant Program. These funds will be used for creating and delivering educational materials,
purchasing broadcast time, and establishing the demonstration project. This work will be performed primarily through personal service agreements and
contractual arrangements with the Deschutes County Forestry Program. The project will also be supported with $30,031 of in-kind contributions from
Deschutes County and its partners for staff time, facilities, travel, and operational supplies necessary to plan, coordinate, manage, monitor, and evaluate the
Whenever possible, the educational materials used for the Vacant Lot/Defensible Space Education Campaign will be adapted from programs already proven
effective, including Firewise, Living with Fire, Project Learning Tree, and others. However, the project will also create new opportunities for duplication
throughout Oregon and the U.S. that are facing similar challenges. The Oregon Department of Forestry has identified Deschutes County as one of two pilot
counties for implementation of the Oregon Forestland-Urban Interface Fire Protection Act of 1997 ensuring that replicability to other wildland-urban interface
areas as defined by statute will be built into the Campaign.
1. Prevention of Wildland Urban Interface Fire (40 points)
Describe how the proposal will lead to:
A. Reduction of wildland urban interface fire
B. Reduction of structural losses
C. Homeowner action and personal responsibility to reduce fire loss of private land.
Upon success, the Vacant Lot/Defensible Space Campaign will help to reduce wildland fire by eliminating excessive timber,
vegetation, and debris from properties located within the wildland urban interface areas throughout Deschutes County. If left
untreated, these fuel sources could easily ignite during a wildfire event and/or act as a conveyance to spread sparks and flames to
neighboring lands. In contrast, effective fuels reduction will limit opportunities for fires to start and make it easier to contain them
before they cause extensive damage.
Although the project is focused on removing hazardous fuels and providing defensible space on vacant lots and undeveloped land,
such properties are often adjacent to or interspersed with residential communities, commercial establishments, and industrial
facilities. Reducing fuels on these undeveloped lands will therefore help contain fires before they spread to and consume nearby
structures, ultimately decreasing the risk of greater loss.
The Campaign will encourage landowners to proactively remove potential fuel sources and will give them the knowledge and skills
to do so safely and effectively. This strategy is specifically designed not only to help property owners take responsibility for reducing
fire loss on their own land, but also to raise awareness about the importance and value of taking personal action to protect the larger
Community Participation (30 points)
Detail the community participation and collaboration for this project. Define clearly why you believe your group
will be successful in delivering the proposal to the target audience. How will the project be sustained or carried
forward beyond project timelines? How will the project be monitored and evaluated?
The Vacant Lot/Defensible Space Campaign concept was developed with input from the partners outlined in the following section.
Most notably, the Project Wildfire Committee, an inter-disciplinary group of regional government agencies, fire and safety
professionals, private citizens,businesses, and community organizations provided knowledge and experience in public relations,
education, and community outreach efforts that contributed to the project design. Additionally, Deschutes County public information
and forestry staff have collaborated to develop the most effective media and marketing resources to reach the target audience.
The Campaign will be completed within the one-year grant period. However, some ongoing effort will be required to ensure that
vacant lots continue to be maintained to minimize the risk of wildland fire. At the conclusion of the grant period, Deschutes County
will assume responsibility for monitoring compliance and continuing the communication and education process for new landowners
and neighborhoods using existing resources and future budget appropriations.
Throughout the grant period, Deschutes County will monitor and evaluate effectiveness of the project by tracking the number of
landowners contacted and acres treated through its existing Geographic Information System [GIS]. At the conclusion of the project,
staff will document methodologies and results for dissemination to others for assessment and replication.
Partnerships (30 points)
Detail the level of involvement of any local multi-agency, emergency services, non-profit coordination group, and
provide a list of partners for this project with their current and expected level of involvement, including any kind of
contributions or matching funds. What is the project relationship to a community risk assessment or mitigation
plan? Include the name of the plan, date it was prepared, and local contact to get a copy of the plan if requested.
Central Oregonians place a high value on collaboration and interagency involvement and the region is strengthened by many
successful partnerships between its public safety, fire suppression, fire prevention, forestry, and other government and community
agencies. Many of these groups will directly participate in the Vacant Lot/Defensible Space Campaign project as outlined below. All
partners will contribute their time and effort as an in-kind match to the project as detailed in the budget section.
Oregon Department of Forestry [ODF]: Enforce Oregon Forestland-Urban Interface Fire Protection Act [SB 360] in Deschutes
United States Forest Service [USFS] and Bureau of Land Management [BLM]: Provide information, expertise, and technical
Central Oregon Fire Chief's Association, Central Oregon Fire Prevention Cooperative [COFPC], and Project Wildfire Committee:
Provide advice and assistance with planning, communication, coordination, and implementation.
The Campaign will be implemented alongside development of a County-wide Community Wildfire Protection Plan [CWPP]. The
CWPP will be prepared pursuant to Public Law 108-148, the Healthy Forest Restoration Act and consistent with Deschutes County
Resolution 2004-093 which establishes minimum standards for CWPPs as modeled in "A Handbook for Wildland-Urban Interface
Communities". The document will address all communities, neighborhoods, and unincorporated areas within Deschutes County, and
will be coordinated with Crook, Jefferson, and Klamath Counties due to overlap in several WUI areas. Concurrent to this Countywide effort, one neighborhood [Upper Deschutes Coalition] has completed a CWPP, and three other localities have initiated CWPP
Project Work Form
Preparation: Identify properties, design
demonstration project. Create and produce
education materials. Schedule meetings and
broadcast time.
Implementation: Establish demonstration project.
Disseminate information in print, broadcast, and
lecture form.
Time Frame
Responsible Party
Deschutes County Forestry Program and
Project Partners
Months 1-5
Deschutes County Forestry Program
Months 6-10
Follow-up: Evaluate project. Report results.
Document program for replicability.
Deschutes County Forestry Program
Months 11-12
Deschutes County Forestry Program
Maintenance: Monitor compliance. Continue
education and communication efforts.
Project Budget
Cost Category
Partner 1
Partner 2
Partner 3
Forestry Specialist
GIS Analyst
Fringe Benefits
Forestry Specialist
GIS Analyst
Auto Use and Mileage
Map Printing/Paper
Educational Materials
Demonstration Project
Partner Participation
Total Costs
Project (Program)
Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the grant. Program
income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees earned from renting out real
property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of commodities or items developed under the grant
or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project period may require prior approval by the granting agency.