Project Summary Form Id Number 2006-133

Project Summary Form
Id Number 2006-133
Application for Fuels Treatment Projects
Lake Chelan Reclamation District
Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
Type of Applicant: (enter appropriate letter in box)
FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
A. State
B. County
C. Municipal
D. Township
E. Interstate
Please Call Ahead For FAX
H. Independent School District
I. State-Controlled Institution of Higher Learning
J. Private University
K. Indian Tribe
L. Nonprofit Organization
Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip):
PO Box J Manson, WA 98831
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator (Name and Title):
Mr. Arnold Baker Fire Chief
Chelan County Fire District 5
Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
Call Ahead For FAX
Project Information
Project Title:
Antilon Lake Restoration Project
Proposed Project Start Date:
Federal Funding Request:
$ 145,625
Proposed Project End Date:
Total Project Funding:
Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please explain and prioritize:
The Antilon Restoration Project is a stand alone project over a 4 year period. Project initiated in the fall of 2004 with a thinning project to
save a live stand of mixed pine and fir around campsite areas. Next phases are dependent on this grant to deal with the greater fire threat to
the WUI.
Brief Project Summary: Who, What, Where, Desired Outcomes in relation to NFP Goals and Community Risk Assessment and
Mitigation Plans (This should summarize page 2).
The Lake Chelan Reclamation District proposes fuel reduction projects in the Antilon Lake Area to meet objectives of the National Fire Plan. As the
result of the Deer Point Fire in 2002, accumulations of dead and down logs heighten potentially severe fire effects to the WUI, wildlife and a
recovering forest. Funding this NFP grant proposal will restore fuel conditions to historical levels and help protect the WUI around the community of
Manson. This project will mitigate safety hazards and conform to the Forest Practices Act. Fish and Wildlife biologists will monitor treatments so
habitats can be enhanced. Local, State and Federal agencies are equally interested and have collaborated together on this project to rehabilitate
the Antilon Lake area. Fire Regime 1, 2
Project Location:
Latitude: 47.958
Longitude: 120.15
Name of Federal, State or Tribal contact with whom you coordinated this proposal:
Federal Congressional District:
Telephone number of Contact:
Robert Sheehan, USFS Chelan Ranger District
509-682-2576 Ext.
Len Riggin, Washington Dept of Natural Resources
509-925-0969 Ext.
Project Narrative Description
Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses
longer than one page, single space, 12-pitch font.
Describe project including, but not limited to:
x project relationship to the community risk assessment and
x project location (e.g., Watershed,
mitigation plan
neighboring community)
these items
as applicable: x anticipated outcomes
x amount or extent of actions (acres, number of homes, etc.)
x project timeline and matching or contributed funds
x community partners and their
x proponent’s ability to complete project
For this project, explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning, through a “Local Coordination
Group.” If you have not worked with a local coordination group, why not?
Is this project adjacent to a current prescribed burn project on federal lands or to one that is planned within the next
three years? (Yes/No) No
Please indicate planned treatments and associated acres:
* Treatment Thinning
Acres 60
Treatment Lop and Scatter
Acres 60
Treatment Mastication/Mowing
Acres 20
Acres 0
If you have a treatment type other than standard types above:
Tree Planting
Other 1 Road Enhancement
Acres 2
Other 2
Acres 80
As a result of the Deer Point Fire in 2002, Antilon Lake area received heavy damage. The Deer Point Fire was a direct threat to 60 homes in Chelan
County Fire District 5's response area. Should one more wind event have pushed the fire, another 240 homes would have been threatened in Fire
Dist 7. Antilon provides recreation for fisherman and campers alike. The primary landowner around the lake is the Lake Chelan Reclamation District
[533 acres]. 36 campsites exist between the LCRD [26] and USFS [10] property on the north and east shores of the lake. The area is maintained by
a management agreement between the US Forest Service [USFS], Washington State Department of Natural Resources [WADNR], Chelan County
Sheriff�¢??s Office [CCSO] and Lake Chelan Reclamation District [LCRD]. Antilon Lake is about a half mile from WUI protected by Fire District 5
and northwest of the community of Manson. The treatment area extends to border Fire Dist 5.
The Okanogan - Wenatchee National Forest has completed an extensive Environmental Assessment [Antilon to Alta Ecosystem Restoration] or [A
to A]. The purpose of the A to A Project is to maintain and restore the natural fire regime in key locations throughout the project area in an effort to
reduce severity and intensity of wildland fires. The A to A Project is proposed to respond to the goals and objectives of the National Fire Plan, the
Northwest Forest Plan and Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest Plan. The USFS and BLM properties surrounding this Antilon Restoration Project
are designated as a Prescribed Underburn Units in the A to A Plan.
The objective in the Antilon Restoration Project is to move the area towards its historic fire regime, thereby returning it to a healthy forest. The
primary benefit of the fuel reductions in this project will reduce the risk of wildfire escape to the WUI protected by Fire District's 5 & 7.
If left untreated, the dense pockets of fire-killed trees that exist will result in an increased risk of another catastrophic fire in the coming years. The
fire danger to the WUI will be higher due to the high dead fuel loadings and down lake winds common in the Lake Chelan valley.
Priorities of Antilon Restoration Project: 1.] Eliminate immediate hazard of falling snags. 2.] Remove fire and bug killed trees to lower fire hazard
[chipping, wood cutting and burning]. 3.] Broadcast chips to add biomass to designated areas. 4.] Prune ladder fuels on remaining live trees to
protect from prescribed burns and future wildfires. 5.] Rehabilitate campsite roads for better access of fire apparatus and law enforcement vehicles.
6.] Establish prescribed burn plan in conjunction with A to A Project.
Management Plan: The project will carry out treatments in two phases to approximately 141 acres. LCRD has hired a Forester consultant. The
Forester has worked through the SEPA and Forest Practices permits. This Phase of the project was completed in November 2004.
•The next phase with National Fire Plan Grant funds available in 2006, hazard reduction will continue. Chips dead trees for use as biomass.
Provide log piles for woodcutters. Pile and burn excess trees. Roads to campgrounds have degraded to impassable for 2-wd law enforcement
vehicles. Blade and gravel roads to improve access. Barricade critical areas to restrict 4-wd vehicle damage to habitats. Prune ladder fuels to
reduce singletree flare ups in prescribed burning operations. Use prunings for fist habitat. Broadcast chips to rehab any areas damaged from
thinning operation. Broadcast chips to areas needing biomass by recommendations of Wildlife and Habitat Biologists.
The Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies [RAMS] and National Fire Plan Assessment [NFPA-299 or 1144] are being used for risk
assessment and to identify required mitigation measures needed to lower potential for catastrophic wildfire. RAMS will be used to do analysis of fire
starts, causes, and cost to determine the success of the program and the benefits to the communities. RAMS will be used as the tracking tool for all
fuels manipulation projects. The NFPA-1144 will be used in the analysis of landowners property and structures. NFPA-1144 will also identify the
needs of the landowners for protection of their properties. A prescription can be written at the request of the landowner. The landowners in the WUI
have the most to loose if this project is not completed. With the landowners support and hands on participation to treat fuels adjacent to and in the
WUI, wildfire impact will be minimized.
Project Evaluation Criteria
Applications for funding must include narrative responses that address the following three criteria. Be sure you address every one
briefly, yet thoroughly. Limit your responses to the area provided.
1. Reducing Hazardous Fuels (50 points)
A. Describe the community infrastructure that will be protected.
B. Explain how the proposal reduces fire behavior in high hazard areas by describing the fuels to be disposed or
removed, and the techniques and timing of the treatments.
C. How will the proposed treatments be maintained in future years?
D. How will you use multi-party monitoring to improve this and future projects?
A.] Linking the fire area and WUI protection area is a narrow canyon with one egress road. On the north shore of Lake Chelan,
300 homes [by the 2002 count] are behind the protection of irrigated lands that act as a barrier from wildfire. Treatment to the
Antilon area reduces the risk of human caused fires to escape to the WUI. In the A to A Assessment, Fire Start Density for human
and lightning fires totaled 8.9 to 11 starts per square mile [1970 to present] in the immediate Antilon area. Historically three Type 1
fires have burned around Antilon since 1968. Treatment is needed to reduce the intensity of the next large fire.
B.] Nearly 86 Thousand Board Feet was salvaged and thinned on 60 acres in November 2004. In January 2006 treatment will
begin on 81 acres of non-salvageable trees. Of the dead trees to be fallen, emphasis will be placed on chipping for biomass. The
remainder will be used by woodcutters or piled and burned. Bug infestations are causing stands to fall earlier than expected. As
trees continue to fall and if left untreated, fire intensities could be anticipated at fuel models 11 or 13. Removal of dead trees will
proceed as funding permits. Immediately after pruning, Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife biologists will use limbs
from the slash for fish habitat. In spring or fall 2006, finish the remainder of treatment and rehab.
C.] The project area will continue to be maintained by Management Agreement. The agreement will be amended to include
prescribed burning to be done in conjunction with A to A Project prescribed underburns, meeting objectives of the National Fire
D.] LCRD hired a Forester consultant with extensive experience. The consultant selected trees to be removed within Forest
Practices objectives. Fish, Wildlife and Habitat Biologists will be on location to recommend areas requiring biomass and limb
placement in the lake for fish habitat. WADNR Coordinator, USFS Fire Managers and Fire District 5 will monitor the Grant and
National Fire Plan objectives.
Project Evaluation Criteria
Increasing Local Capacity (25 points)
A. How would the proposal improve or lead to the improvement of the local economy in terms of jobs and
sustainable economic activity?
B. How many jobs are expected to be created or retained and for how long? (Please distinguish between
essentially year-round and seasonal jobs).
C. What tools and skills will be gained or utilized as a result of this project?
D. Will biomass be utilized; if so, in what manner and how much?
A.] The local economy is strongly supported by tourism. Fishing and camping is a segment of tourism industry. Antilon Lake had
developed strong fishing interest before the Deer Point Fire in 2002. Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife maintains
German Brown Trout and Crappie as the primary fish in the lake. Restoration of an appealing and healthy forest is important to
attract campers and fishermen to this area. The local business community benefits from all that seek this outdoor experience.
B.] The jobs created in the restoration process will be seasonal. Specialized equipment operators will do much of the work. Laborers
will be needed to place thinning slash in the lake for fish habitat, operate the chipper, broadcast chips and pruning.
C.] Cooperative management. Construction of fire resistant stands. Broadcasting biomass to areas of benefit to the soils.
Construction of fish habitat. Prescribed underburn operations for local firefighters.
D.] US Forest Service has offered the use of their chipper. As many dead trees that can be utilized will be chipped and broadcast to
the skid trails after the thinning process. After considering the interests of Fish, Wildlife, Habitat Biologists and Fire Management,
objectives will be created for biomass distribution areas and volume for each area.
Demonstrating Community and Intergovernmental Collaboration (25 Points)
A. How will this project implement a community risk assessment and mitigation plan? Include name of plan, date
it was prepared, and local contact to get a copy of the plan if requested.
B. How has this treatment been coordinated with adjacent landowners and local/State/Tribal/Federal agencies?
C. Identify the cooperators/partners involved in implementation of this project.
D. Describe the extent of current local support for the project, including any cost-sharing agreements.
A.] Prior to the Deer Point Fire, Chelan County Fire Dist 5 created a Structure Protection Assessment of the WUI zone surrounding
the Fire District. All homes in the WUI that would be impacted by wildfire were assessed for firefighter safety. The assessment also
included water sources, gates, verified drivable roads and other relevant information. All homes in the WUI were mailed brochures
of Fire Free Program. The Antilon Restoration Project immediately borders the WUI zone by what is commonly upwind. The Grade
Creek Road [FS Rd 8200] is within the project area and the only practical egress from wildland areas [i.e. Antilon Lake] on the north
shore of Lake Chelan.
B.] As previously mentioned the Environmental Assessment of A to A immediately borders the property to be treated on three sides.
The prescribed burns on LCRD property will be done through the management agreement in conjunction with prescribed
underburns in the A to A Project.
C.] The partners of the Antilon Lake Management Agreement with LCRD are USFS, WADNR and CCSO. Also contributing is
Chelan County Fire District 5 and WA St Dept of Fish & Wildlife.
D.] All agencies listed in [C.] strongly support the plan of action and will contribute time as an in-kind contribution. LCRD has hired
a Forester consultant to manage objectives, Forest Practices Application, SEPA and oversee contractors on location. LCRD will
contribute managing the grant and 100% of the Stumpage. Chelan Co Fire Dist 5 will contribute research, grant writing and
supervision. All other agencies will contribute consulting, monitoring and supervision of the treatments.
E.] A Community Wildfire Protection Plan has been initiated to bring the homeowners together with protection agencies to address
fire potential from Antilon.
Project Work Form
Time Frame
Thin live stand of pine and fir mix.
November 2004
Fall fire kill trees for woodcutters.
October 2005
Fall remainder of dead trees.
January 2006
Chip dead trees to meet required biomass
volume as set by Fire Managers and
Biologists. Pile remainder of trees to be
burned on site.
Broadcast chips to rehab areas of disturbance
in thinning operations and areas in need of
biomass enhancement.
March - June 2006
April - June 2006
Prune lower limbs in thinning area. Build fish
habitat with pruned limbs.
May 2006
Plant Ponderoas Seedlings
March 2007
Prescribed Underburn
Responsible Party
John Malone
LCRD Forester
John Malone
LCRD Forester
John Malone
LCRD Forester
John Malone
LCRD Forester
John Malone
LCRD Forester
John Malone
LCRD Forester
John Malone
LCRD Forester
US Forest Service in conjunction with
A to A Project underburn and within
the terms of Antilon Management
Project Budget
WA DNR - Fish &
Cost Category
Partner 1
Chelan Co Agencies
Partner 2
Partner 3
Consulting & Managemen
Fringe Benefits
Falling & Thinning
Chipping, Burning, Road
Road Repair
Gravel & Rock
Trees & Seed
Total Costs
Project (Program)
Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the grant. Program
income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees earned from renting out real
property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of commodities or items developed under the grant
or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project period may require prior approval by the granting agency.