Known Aviation Hazards Columbia Cascade Comm Center 123°0'0"W 122°30'0"W 122°0'0"W Revised: 4/27/2015 [ Map Scale: 1:235,000 0 2.5 5 Miles 121°30'0"W 121°0'0"W C E 46°30'0"N F F1 46°30'0"N G Q L 46°0'0"N K B 46°0'0"N Q1 H I J 45°30'0"N 45°30'0"N Q J I 45°0'0"N 45°0'0"N H _ " æå # ( Lookout Tower 618 (Elevation Base of Tower) Mountain Pass 11823 (Elevation of Pass) ñ ñ Class E Airspace with floor 700 ft. above surface Class E Airspace with floor 1200 ft. or greater above surface that abuts Class G Airspace ADIZ - Air Defense Identification Zone MODE C (See FAR 92.215/AIM.) Total mileage between NAVAIDs on direct Airways National Security Area Class E Airspace low altitude RNAV Routes are indicated by center line. IR211 Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA) MTR - Military Training Route 2049 (1149) UC Elevation of the top above mean sea level Height above ground Under construction or reported: position and elevation unverified NOTICE: Guy wires may extend outward from structures. Glider Operations Hang Glider Activity Unmanned Aircraft Activity Parachute Jumping Area (See Airport/Facility Directory.) ! VPXYZ S [ [ b Marine Light NAME (VPXYZ) VFR Waypoints (See Airport/Facility Directory for latitude/longitude.) Falcon Avoidance Area (1000 ft Vertical separation) %! Z £ 8 Lookout Repeater Overhead Cables EG Retardant Jettison Areas Hang Glider Sites k Rocket Launch Sites Blasting Area Bridges Military Training Routes Visual Route Leg Identifier Visual Route Outer Boundary Main Power Lines Instrument Route Leg Identifier Aerial Recreation Areas Slow Route Leg Identifier Wire Hazards å å å Glider Operation Area Ballooning/Paraglider Sites Instrument Route Outer Boundary Slow Route Outer Boundary Slow Route Line Met Towers > 200 ft AGL Windmills of Unknown Height Ì Ì Ì 3 3 Ultralight Activity E^ ) # E^E^ R " ) EH Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Windmills < 200 ft AGL Windmills > 200 ft AGL Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Wind Farm < 200ft AGL Ý Ý Wind Farm > 200ft AGL Ý Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Class E (sfc) Airspace Special Airport Traffic Area (See FAR 93 for details.) l All recognizable hard-surfaced runways, including those closed, are Services - fuel available and field tended during normal working shown for visual identification. Airports may be public or private. hours depicted by use of ticks around basic airport symbol. (Normal working hours are Mon thru Frid 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. local time.) TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Consult A/FD for service availability at airports with hard-surfaced runways greater than 8069 ft. Power Transmission Line Rotating airport beacon in operation Sunset to Sunrise " Aerial Cable Alert Area and MOA Military Operations Area % # or or Group Obstruction Obstruction with high-intensity lights; may operate part-time. ^ ^ Tower Met Towers < 200 ft AGL å» å» Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì ! E ! !: E ! ! À E 40 z Class E Airspace exists at 1200' AGL unless otherwise designated as shown above. Class E Airspace low altitude Federal Airways are indicated by center line. Intersection - Arrows are directed towards facilities which establish intersection. # Isogonic Line (2010 VALUE) NATIONAL WIND FACILITY HAZARDS (FAA) Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Heliport Unverified Abandoned - paved Ultralight Selected having landmark value, Flight Park 3000 ft. or greater Selected Class D Airspace Ceiling of Class D Airspace in hundreds of feet (A minus ceiling value indicates surface up to but not including that value). % é 1ºE 121°0'0"W The USDA Forest Service makes no warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of these data for individual or aggregate use with other data. Original data were compiled from various sources. This information may not meet National Map Accuracy Standards. This product was developed through digital means and may be updated without notification. Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì U ! L Prohibited, Restricted, and Warning Areas; Canadian Advisory, Danger, and Restricted Areas # ! L X Differentiates floors of Class E Airspace greater than 700 ft. above surface. Below E^ 1000 ft. AGL (Towers, lookouts and repeaters of unknown height shown in Black. Towers, lookouts and repeaters < 200ft AGL shown in gray. All others shown in Red) ) U ! L : Open dot within hard-surfaced runway configuration indicates approximate VOR, VOR-DME, or VORTAC location. H ! L Class B Airspace Class C Airspace (Mode C see FAR 91.215/AIM.) l Hard-surfaced runways 1500 ft. to 8069 ft. in length Ò Ò 1000 ft. and higher AGL LOCALLY IDENTIFIED VERTICAL OBSTRUCTIONS ¢ Hard-surfaced runways 1500 ft. to 8069 ft. in length Only the controlled and reserved airspace effective below 18,000 ft. MSL are shown on this chart. All times are local. MISCELLANEOUS OBSTRUCTIONS # # : \ \ – @– \ \@ – – Seaplane Base ! È AIRPORT TRAFFIC SERVICE AND AIRSPACE INFORMATION # # ! È! È !: !: Other than hard-surfaced runways Private "(Pvt)" - Non-public use having emergency or R landmark value Military - Other than hard-surfaced; all military airports L L are identified by abbreviations AFB, NAS, AAF, etc. DoD users, for complete airport information consult DoD FLIP. 121°30'0"W 6 (Airports having Control Towers are shown in Blue, all others Magenta) ADDITIONAL AIRPORT INFORMATION 122°0'0"W # AIRPORTS 122°30'0"W # 123°0'0"W ADMINISTRATIVE FEATURES 6 ! Guard Stations Dispatch Areas Aerial Refuel Routes AR305AV, AR305BV Note: Not all legend items may appear in the map extent. Document Path: \\\Efs\FS\NFS\R06\Program\ResourceInfoMgmt\GIS\Regional\Aviation_Hazards\R6_Aviation_Hazards_ANSI_E_DataDrivenPages.mxd