METEORIC WATER SOURCES OF SURFACE WATER AND GROUNDWATER AND IMPLICATIONS FOR CLIMATE WARMING EFFECTS IN THE SOUTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAINS Fengjing Liu1, Roger Bales1, Mark Williams2, and Martha Conklin1 1 University of California, Merced, California; 2 University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Groundwater (n = 61) Winter (Oct-Jun) Summer (Jul-Sep) -200 Surface Water n = 42) Groundwater LMWL Method 2 (a) Monthly Arithmetic Mean Isotope in Precipitation -25 Method 3 LDV Winter (n = 17) -50 LMWL δD = 8.3δ18O + 15.8 R2 = 1.0 -100 LDV Groundwater (n = 111) -150 Winter (Oct-Jun) -200 Summer (Jul-Sep) -250 Surface Water Groundwater LMWL Method 1 1971-2004 120 Summer (n = 60) 2000-2004 LDV Method 2 100 80 Method 3 60 Method 1 40 20 Surface Water (n = 38) δ18O in winter and summer precipitation was distinct but varied significantly (Figure 3). δ18O in surface water and groundwater was less variable than in precipitation and confined by δ18O values in winter and summer precipitation. δ18O was about -20‰ from November to March at both GLV and LDV and became gradually enriched toward August at about -7‰ (Figure 4a). δ18O in precipitation at VC was much more enriched than that at GLV and LDV during winter, but very close during summer. (b) GLV 140 Precipitation (mm) 0 Precipitation was dominated by winter snow at GLV, with 85% of annual precipitation occurring from October to May (Figure 4b). Precipitation patterns were significantly different at LDV and VC (Figures 4c and 4d). Precipitation from summer monsoon contributed 35% at LDV (July-September) and 63% at VC (July-November). Method 2 0 Method 3 60 (c) LDV 50 Winter (n = 44) -100 VC Summer (n = 48) LMWL δD = 7.6δ18O + 7.0 R2 = 0.93 -50 Groundwater (n = 11) VC -250 -25 -20 -15 -10 Method 2 Method 3 140 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 120 δ18O (‰) -5 0 18 δ O (‰) Figure 2 Local Meteoric Water Line (LMWL) determined by winter and summer precipitation samples; also showing surface water and groundwater samples. VC Method 3 20 0 -300 -30 Method 2 30 Surface Water (n = 24) LMWL -35 2001-2003 Method 1 Figure 3 Boxplots showing median, 25% and 75% quartiles (boxes), and 5% and 95% quartiles (whiskers) of δ18O values in winter and summer precipitation, surface water and groundwater. Methods Samples were collected from snow, rainwater, streamflow, groundwater, and springs from 2000 to 2005 (years vary at each site; see Figure 4a for details). Geothermal groundwater collected in 1980s at VC from Vuataz and Goff et al. [1986] was also included in this study. Contribution of winter and summer precipitation to surface water and groundwater was quantified using a two-component mixing model that was usually used for new and old waters following equation 1, where f is fraction and C is isotopic compostion in the components indicated by subscripts. C − Cstream fwinter = 1 − fsummer= summer Csummer − Cwinter (1) Precipitation (mm) -200 40 10 -150 Winter (Dec-May) Summer (Jun-Nov) Surface Water Groundwater Method 1 1949-2005 Precipitation (mm) -300 δ D (‰) Method 1 VC (1990-1993) 160 0 Research sites were Green Lakes Valley (GLV) in Colorado Front Range, Leadville (LDV) in southern Colorado and Valles Caldera (VC) in northern New Mexico (Figure 1). Elevation ranges from 3,250 to 4,000 m in GLV, 2,960 to 3,800 m in LDV and from 2,300 to 3,430 m in VC. GLV is a typical alpine drainage, while LDV is alpine-subalpine in nature with many abandoned mines, shafts, and bedrock wells that allow for bedrock groundwater sampling. The lower part of LDV is forested, while the VC drainage is entirely covered by vegetation with ponderosa pine and meadows at lower elevations and mixed conifer at higher elevations. GLV (2000-2004) LDV (2001-2003) -300 Research Site Method 3 -15 -20 Surface Water -250 Method 2 -10 18 GLV -150 GLV (d) VC 40 1931-2005 100 1990-1993 50 60 70 80 90 100 Composition of Winter Precipitation (%) To parameterize winter and summer precipitation for δ18O, three methods were used: arithmetic monthly mean (Method 1) from available samples, precipitation-weighted mean by event-based precipitation (Methode 2) and by long-term monthly mean precipitation (Method 3). The δ18O values in winter and summer precipitation from these methods are listed in Table 1. 2004-2005 80 Figure 5 Percent of winter and summer Surprisingly, the results indicated that groundwater was composed of precipitation composition in surface water and 80-90% of winter precipitation at all three sites despite the different groundwater; median with 25% and 75% quartiles precipitation patterns (Figure 5). Surface water consisted of slightly (boxes), and 5% and 95% quartiles (whiskers). 60 40 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 4 Arithmetic monthly mean δ18O in precipitation (a), long-term monthly mean precipitation, monthly mean precipitation during sampling period at GLV (b), LDV (b) and VC (c). Isotopic data in precipitation at VC was from Adams et al. [1995]. Table 1 Arithmetic and precipitation-weighted mean δ18O in winter and summer precipitation calculated from Figure 4 more summer precipitation than groundwater at all sites except at VC. Winter precipitation contributed more than 70% to surface water at LDV and VC. Though summer precipitation was significant at LDV and dominated at VC, plant use of soil water during growing seasons may significantly reduce groundwater recharge during summer and thus groundwater was primarily from winter precipitation. Groundwater in forested, seasonally snow-covered catchments is much more vulnerable than that in alpine catchments where ET is very low. Conclusions Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Arithmetic Event PPT-Weighted Long-Term Monthly PPT-Weighted Annual Winter Summer Annual Winter Summer Annual Winter Summer GLV -15.58 -17.81 -8.49 -18.51 -19.51 -8.87 -17.06 -18.71 -8.62 LDV -11.60 -20.20 -9.20 -19.44 -19.96 -9.41 -15.22 -18.66 -8.60 VC -11.24 -13.70 -8.83 -11.23 -13.48 -8.95 -10.32 -13.50 -8.44 References Figure 1 Research sites in southern Rocky Mountains Results and Discussions The Local Meteoric Water line (LMWL) indicates that surface water and groundwater did not experience significant evaporation (Figure 2). Stable isotopic composition in surface water and groundwater is a result of mixing of winter and summer precipitation. Groundwater Summer (n = 112) δ O (‰) -100 Method 1 -5 Surface Water Winter (n = 121) LMWL δD = 7.9δ18O + 9.4 R2 = 0.99 -50 Partitioning of Water Sources 0 GLV GLV 0 δ D (‰) A first step in estimating the potential effects of climate change on groundwater is to understand how seasonal precipitation patterns contribute to groundwater recharge. The shift to earlier runoff due to less winter precipitation falling as snow and the melting of winter snow earlier in spring [e.g., Mote et al., 2005; Dettinger and Cayan, 1995; Cayan et al., 2001] is of particular concern. At 3 sites in the southern Rocky Mountains, surface water and groundwater were separated into winter and summer precipitation sources using stable isotopes (δ18O and δD). Variability of Precipitation and δ18O Local Meteoric Water Line δ D (‰) Introduction Adams, A. I., F. Goff, and D. Counce (1995), Chemical and isotopic variations of precipitation in the Los Alamos region, New Mexico, Los Alamos National Laboratory Report, LA-12895-MS. Cayan, D. R., S. A., Kammerdiener, M. D. Dettinger, J. M. Caprio, and D. H. Peterson, Changes in the onset of spring in the western United States, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 82, 399-415, 2001. Dettinger, M. D. and D. R. Cayan, Large-scale atmospheric forcing of recent trends toward early snowmelt runoff in California, Journal of Climate, 8, 606-623, 1995. Mote, P. W., A. F. Hamlet, M. P. Clark, and D. P. Lettenmaier, Declining mountain snowpack in western north America, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 86, 39-49, 2005. Vuataz, F. D. and F. Goff (1986), Isotope geochemistry of thermal and nonthermal waters in the Valles Caldera, New Mexico, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(B2), 1835-1853. A decrease in winter precipitation is much more important than a decrease in summer precipitation. That is, in terms of groundwater recharge, a decrease in winter precipitation could not be offset by an increase in summer precipitation. The effect of a change in winter precipitation on groundwater will depend on the response of ecosystems, e.g., plant water use. This would be reflected in a change in the relative isotopic composition of groundwater. Acknowledgements Funding was provided by NSF through LTER and SAHRA and by EPA through CHIMP project.