Glaciers and Glacier Change in the Sierra Nevada, California HASSAN J. BASAGIC; ANDREW G. FOUNTAIN Department of Geography, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, 97207 Model results The Sierra Nevada extends over 640 km in eastern California and provides a vital source of California’s water supply from alpine snow. The range also contains numerous small high-elevation (~3500 m) alpine glaciers, which act to delay spring runoff and are sensitive indicators of climate change. While knowledge of glacier shrinkage is common from repeat photography, there is little quantitative information on the subject. We present results here addressing three important questions: 1) How many glaciers exist in the Sierra Nevada and where do glaciers occur; 2) How have they changed over the past 100 years; and 3) Why have these glaciers changed? Lyell Glacier Seven glaciers were selected to quantify the change in glacier extent. Selection of glaciers was based on the availability of past data and location. These glaciers include Conness, East Lyell, West Lyell, Darwin, Goddard, Lilliput, and Picket glaciers (lower left map). We reconstructed the glacier extents based on historic ground-based and aerial photographs and field measurements. Aerial photographs were scanned and imported into a GIS. Only late summer photographs, largely snow free, were used in interpretation of the ice boundary. Aerial photographs were georeferenced to USGS 1944 aerial photograph orthorectified imagery. The historic glacier extents were interpreted from aerial photographs by tracing the ice boundary. Early 1900 extents are based on ground-based images and evidence from moraines. To obtain recent glacier areas, the extent of each glacier was recorded using GPS in 2004. The GPS data was post processed (23m accuracy), and imported into the GIS database. Glacier area were calculated with in the GIS database. To account for different glacier geometries, the net balance of each lobe (below left) was multiplied by the glacier area altitude distribution (below right) to provide a mass balance of -0.51 for the west lobe and -0.60 for the east lobe, indicating that both glaciers are out of balance. The glaciers would continue shrinking under current climate conditions. 3900 3900 3800 3800 Elevation (m) Glacier Change Elevation (m) Introduction 3700 West Lobe East Lobe 3600 3700 West lobe 3600 East Lobe 3500 3500 Magnitude and Rate of change G.K. Gilbert 50% Conness Lyell West East Lyell Darwin 25% Goddard Picket H. Basagic Lilliput 0% 1900 Repeat Photography We gathered historical photos from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Science Photographic Archive ( and re-photographed the scenes in the field from the same vantage point (Harrison 1960, Klett et al 1984). During the summers of 2003 and 2004, over 50 repeat images were collected from ten glaciers located throughout the Sierra Nevada. The data serve as a visual comparison of change through time. A loss in both glacier area and volume can be observed in the results from Lyell Glacier, Yosemite National Park shown above. 1920 1940 1960 1980 Surface energy balance model To better understand the role of local topographic controls on these glaciers, we apply a simple surface energy balance model to the East and West Lobes of Lyell Glacier. The spreadsheet model solves for melt on a monthly basis at seven individual locations (lower left) along the glacier’s surface based on PRISM climate data (lower right) and Paterson’s (1994) surface energy balance equation: Sierra Nevada Glacier Inventory 250 16 Lyell Glacier 3512m elevation The equation is made up of radiation and turbulent fluxes terms. Precipitation (mm) 10 α = albedo values for fresh snow 0.84, Melting snow 0.74, ice 0.40 5 ! ( LW ↓↑ = Longwave = εaσTa4 - εsσTs4 where εa and εs are emissivity of the air, and the surface respectively. εa accounts both cloudy and clear sky conditions. σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and Ta and Ts are air and surface temperatures. Conness 68 ! ( ! ( 7 East and West Lyell 4 ! ( Darwin 3 ! ( West Lobe 4 2 100 0 East Lobe Lilliput Glacier 15 30 2 1 ! (! ( Picket J F M A M J J A S O N For more info on the glacier inventory visit: Local redistribution of snow by avalanching doubles precipitation in avalanche runout areas for points 1,4, and 7. 3600 Climate norm scenario 1 scenario 2 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 1 0 -170% -1 -183% -196% -202% Scenario 1 T = + 1.5 °C P = + 21% (Leung et al., 2004) (50 yr trend April 1st SWE at Tioga Pass) Scenario 2 T = + 1.5 °C (Leung et al., 2004) P = no change -2 West Lobe East Lobe The results suggest that the East Lobe is more sensitive to temperature changes as compared to the west lobe, likely because of differences in elevation (above). Glacier area altitude distributions reconstructed for 2050 using scenario 1 (right). The East Lobe has practically disappeared, while only the upper region of the West Lobe remains. 3900 3800 3700 West lobe East Lobe 3600 3500 0 0.05 0.1 2 Area (km ) Conclusion -8 All seven glaciers study glaciers decreased in area over the past century ranging between 31% and 78%, an average of 51%. This range is assumed to be similar for the glacier population as a whole. Our simplified point energy balance model supports this idea. The modeled net balance for both lobes of Lyell Glacier are negative for the 1971-2000 climatic norm period, suggesting the glaciers are out of balance with the current climate. Future climate scenarios suggest the Lyell East Lobe glacier will practically disappear by 2050, while the Lyell West Lobe will continue to retreat. Encouraged by model results, we plan to apply our energy balance model to a spatial model to more accurately model topographic effects in other locations. Difficulties in local precipitation distribution need to be resolved. The 1971-2000 climate norm modeled PRISM data was used as climate input for the model. A moist adiabatic lapse rate was applied to each sample points (0.0065 °C m-1). Melt estimates from the energy balance model were compared to the 1967 summer balance data from nearby Maclure Glacier. After winter snow accumulation was adjusted to measured data calculated summer melt matched measured. data model 2 1 0 -1 Glacier regions of the Western US Climate norm Scenario 1 Scenario 2 3700 -6 D 60 Kilometers West Lobe 3800 -4 3 Study Site 3900 -2 balance (m WEQ) ! ( 6 0 $ 0 8 150 50 QH = sensible heat = ρcpAu(Ta - Ti) QL = latent heat = 0.622 Au(ea- ei)ρ0 /P0 where ρ is air density, cp is the specific heat capacity of air, A is a bulk transfer coefficient (0.0015), and u is wind speed taken from nearby Tioga Pass weather station. (Ta-Ti) and (ea- ei) is difference between air and surface temperatures and water vapor pressure respectively (vapor pressure values from Marks et al, 1992). ρ0/P0 is the atmospheric density at standard pressure. Goddard 12 200 SW = shortwave (global) calculated using Solar Analyst (Fu and Rich, 1999) We performed an inventory of all Sierra Nevada glaciers, perennial ice, and snowfields to understand the distribution and quantity of these features. The GIS database is based on USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle maps (1:24,000 scale). The USGS created these topographic maps from aerial photos taken between 1975 and 1984. Our inventory of glaciers and perennial ice features throughout the range yields over 800 features with an area greater than 0.01 km2, yielding a total area of 34.8 km2. Additionally, we identified over 800 ice features with areas smaller than 0.01 km2. 14 0.1 2 Net balance (WEQ m) 2 Qm = SW ↓ (1 − α ) + LW ↓ − LW ↑ + QH + QL 0.05 Area (km ) We ran scenarios for possible climate conditions in 2050: one with increased temperature (T) and precipitation (P), and another with only increased T. The net balance results on both lobes reveal a large increase of melt (>100%) at lower elevations only slight increase (+ 5%) in the accumulation area of scenario 1 (upper right). 2000 Temperature (C) September 5, 2004 0 2.0 Future scenarios Balance (m W EQ) Change in area 75% 1.0 Elevation (m) August 7, 1903 0.0 Net balance (WEQ m) Fractional area change (left) is plotted based on each glacier’s 1900 area. The results indicate a large variation in overall magnitude of change. The greatest loss in area occurred on the East Lobe of Lyell Glacier with a loss of 0.17 km2 (-78%). The least change occurred in Lilliput Glacier with a loss of 0.02 (-30%). Conness, Darwin, Goddard, and Picket glaciers all lost approximately half of their surface area. Local variation in change is most evident between the East and West Lobes of Lyell which have lost 78% and 39% respectively. These results suggest that local topography strongly effects glacier response to changing climate conditions. Steep headwall cliffs may enhance winter accumulation through avalanching and reduce summer ablation by shading solar radiation. 100% -1.0 Elevation (m) Fractional Area Change -2.0 3 4 5 6 7 month 8 9 10 References Fu, P., and P.M. Rich, 1999. Design and implementation of the Solar Analyst: an ArcView extension for modeling solar radiation at Landscape Scales. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual ESRI User Conference, San Diego Harrison, A.E., 1960. Exploring Glaciers- with a Camera. 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Snow cover energy balance, Water Resources Research, vol. 28, num. 11, 3043-3054. Paterson, W. S. B., 1994. Physics of Glaciers, 3rd ed., Elsevier Science, Tarrytown, New York, 480 p. PRISM Group, Oregon State University,, created 4 Feb 2004 U.S. Geological Survey, Earth Science Photographic Archive.Online at