The "Teflon basin" myth: A surface water hydrologist's perspective on the groundwater system of mountain catchments in the western US Mark Williams, CU-Boulder Mike Wireman, EPA Fengjing Liu, UC Merced MOUNTAIN SNOW MELT SUPPLIES ARID WEST WITH ABOUT 80% OF ITS WATER • Colorado example MOUNTAIN PLUMBING CHALLENGE • High alpine catchments in heterogenous fractured rock present a great challenge when assessing surface/groundwater interactions • We know little about source waters, flowpaths, residence times, circulation depths, reservoir sizes • Precipitation as snow adds additional complexity What do we know about high-elevation snow melt? Snow melt flows directly to streams REASONS • Soils limited in extent and poorly developed when present • Bedrock often exposed, crystalline • Little vegetation • Fast hydrologic flushing rates • Hence little groundwater storage TEFLON BASIN MYTH •Snow melt has little contact with ground •Melt water moves directly into streams and rivers; spring runoff is “new” water •Role of groundwater is not important Shallow system Boulder Creek Colorado Front Range Deep groundwater Leadville, CO NWT LTER SITE Sample Collection Green Lake 4 • Stream water - weekly grab samples • Snowmelt - snow lysimeter • Soil water - zero tension lysimeter • Talus water – biweekly to monthly Sample Analysis • Delta 18O and major solutes -1 Solutes ( eq L ) 120 90 60 30 0 -1 Solutes ( eq L ) 30 Chloride Magnesium Sodium Potassium 20 10 0 -1 20 3 30 3 Q (10 m day ) 40 Solutes vary by 2-3x Discharge varies by 10x 10 0 130 190 250 Calendar Day (1996) 310 370 STREAM CHEMISTRY AND DISCHARGE ANC Calcium Nitrate Sulphate MIXING MODEL: 2 COMPONENTS • One Conservative Tracer • Mass Balance Equations for Water and Tracer δ18O tracer NEW WATER AND OLD WATER Old Water = 64% New Water Old Water 30 3 3 -1 Q (10 m day ) 40 Not Teflon basins! 20 10 0 135 165 195 225 255 Calendar Day (1996) 285 MIXING MODEL: 3 COMPONENTS (Using Specific Discharge) • Two Conservative Tracers • Mass Balance Equations for Water and Tracers Simultaneous Equations Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = Qt C11Q1 + C21Q2 + C31Q3 = Ct1Qt C12Q1 + C22Q2 + C32Q3 = Ct2Qt Solutions (Ct1 − C31 )(C22 − C32 ) − (C21 − C31 )(Ct2 − C32 ) Q1 = 1 Qt (C1 − C31 )(C22 − C32 ) − (C21 − C31 )(C12 − C32 ) Ct1 − C31 C11 − C31 Q2 = 1 Qt − 1 Q1 C2 − C31 C2 − C31 Q3 = Qt − Q1 − Q2 Q - Discharge C - Tracer Concentration Subscripts - # Components Superscripts - # Tracers END-MEMBER MIXING ANALYSIS • EMMA used for null hypothesis test to reject end-members that are not significantly contributing to the targeted stream in terms of water quantity; • Uses more tracers than components; • Decides number of end-members; • Quantitatively select end-members; • Quantitatively evaluate results of EMMA. BIVARIATE PLOT 60 Stream Flow Index Snowpit Snowmelt Talus EN1-L Talus EN1-M Talus EN1-U Talus EN2-L Talus EN2-U Talus EN4-V Talus EN4-L Talus EN4-U Soil Water Base Flow -1 Si (µmol L ) 50 40 30 20 10 0 -24 -20 -16 18 δ O(‰) -12 -8 7 tracers PCA PROJECTIONS Stream Flow Snowpit Snowmelt Talus EN1-L Talus EN1-M Talus EN1-U Talus EN2-L Talus EN2-U 5 U2 3 1 Talus EN4-V Talus EN4-L Talus EN4-U Base Flow Soil Water -1 -3 -8 -3 2 7 12 U1 First 2 eigenvalues are 92% and so 3 end-members appear to be correct! FLOWPATHS: EMMA 30 Surface Flow Talus Flow Baseflow 3 3 -1 Q (10 m day ) 40 20 10 0 135 165 195 225 255 Calendar Day (1996) 285 Liu et al, 04, WRR EMMA VALIDATION: TRACER PREDICTION 100 120 80 100 ANC -1 R = 0.97 60 2 40 -1 2+ 2 80 60 Prediction ( mol L for Si and eq L for others) Ca R = 0.64 40 20 20 20 40 60 80 100 20 30 90 25 70 40 SO4 60 80 100 120 2- 2 20 R = 0.88 Na 15 + 50 2 R = 0.88 10 30 5 10 5 10 15 20 25 10 30 50 30 50 70 90 -14 40 Si -15 δ O 30 R = 0.85 -16 R = 0.81 18 2 20 -17 10 -18 0 -19 0 10 20 30 40 50 2 -19 -18 Observation (units same as in y axis) -17 -16 -15 -14 TEFLON MYTH DEBUNKED Shallow groundwater system • Almost 50% of flow on the rising limb is “old” groundwater: baseflow and talus • Up to 80% of water on the recession limb is groundwater • Most of “new” water from snow melt infiltrates into the subsurface LEADVILLE Sampling sites: water isotopes, solutes, metals Complex Geology METEORIC WATER LINE -110 -115 Marion LMWL 18 δ D = 8.4δ O + 15.8 -120 δ D (% o ) -125 -130 -135 -140 Groundwater Mine Water -145 Spring Water Surface Water LMWL -150 -155 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 18 δ O (% o) -15 -14 -13 -12 δ18O VALUES RAIN SNOW EMET INF-1 BMW3 CT ELKHORN MAB NW5-C NW5-D OG1TMW-1 WCC PZ1 WO3 YT YT-BH CG-03 CG-04 EG-04 MARION PWCW EFS-1 SDDS SDDS-2 SPR-20 SPR-23 SPR-23 (200) -25 Recharge is primarily snowmelt -20 -15 -10 -5 0 TRITIUM VALUES RAIN SNOW EMET INF-1 BMW3 CT ELKHORN MAB NW5-C NW5-D OG1TMW-1 WCCPZ1 WO3 YT YT-BH CG-03 CG-04 EG-04 MARION PWCW EFS-1 SDDS SDDS-2 SPR-20 SPR-23 SPR-23 (200) Recharge age ranges over several decades 0 5 10 15 20 25 PCA Projections 6 INF-1 (9 TRACERS) INF-1 LDT36+77 LDT75+05 LMDT1 BBW5 BMW3 BMW5 NW5C OG1TMW1 WCCPZ1 CT ELKHORN MAB SPR23 EFS1 EGSPRSSW LEGH01 SDDS2 CG03BF EG04 MARION PWINF PWOF SHG07A Alluvial groundwater 4 2 U2 0 Deep Groundwater -2 Tunnel -4 -6 -8 -10 -20 -10 0 U1 10 20 LDT25+15 LDT46+66 LDT96+44 LDTPD BBW10 BMW4 BMW8 NW5D WO3 WMW1 YTBH(PD) EMET SPR20 SPR23(200) EGSPRRES LEG04 SDDS SHGEMSP CG04BF EGBER PWCW PWINFRAW PWRES WRIGHT Groundwater more important than previously thought δ18O IN SNOW AND STREAM FLOW -5 50 -1 Snowmelt Soil Water 30 (b) Martinelli 2 -15 18 O (‰) -10 40 Q (10 m day ) Stream Flow 3 (a) Martinelli 20 10 -20 0 125 -25 100 150 200 250 300 155 185 215 Calendar Day (1996) 245 275 Fractionation in Percolating Meltwater Snow surface δ18Ο = −20‰ Ground δ18Ο = −22‰ Difference between maximum 18O values and Minimum 18O values about 4 ‰ VARIATION OF δ18O IN SNOWMELT -16 -18 18 δ O (‰) Original Date-Stretched by Monte Carlo -20 -22 Snowmelt (mm) 150 100 • δ18O gets enriched by 4%o in snowmelt from beginning to the end of snowmelt at a lysimeter; • Snowmelt regime controls temporal variation of δ18O in snowmelt due to isotopic fractionation b/w snow and ice; • Given f is total fraction of snow that have melted in a snowpack, δ18O values are highly correlated with f (R2 = 0.9, n = 15, p < 0.001); • Snowmelt regime is different at a point from a real catchment; • So, we developed a Monte Carlo procedure to stretch the dates of δ18O in snowmelt 0 measured at a point to a 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 catchment scale using the streamflow δ18O values. Calendar Day (1996) 50