CHEMISTRY, ENERGY and SUSTAINABILITY Chemical industry today Energy and feedstock realities in a changing world Issues with alternative / sustainable feedstocks Issues with biomass Solar energy opportunities Where Stuff Comes From Now and in the Future Issues in Feedstocks and Energy for the Chemical Industry Jim Stevens Corporate Fellow Global Research & Development The Dow Chemical Company September 19, 2011 Slide 2 William Henry Perkin Where Do Chemicals & Plastics Come From? Studied college chemistry at 15. Discovered a way to turn a by-product of coal gas (coal tar) into synthetic analine dyes at age 18 in his home laboratory. Founded the first science-based industry. Retired rich at 36. Oil? Slide 3 Natural gas? Slide 4 Where Do Chemicals & Plastics Come From? Our Industry By-products of the energy business are the major chemical feedstocks Global Chemical Industry NaCl + 190 Bn lbs e- >95% of the world’s goods use chemistry as a building block 1.1 kWh per lb Cl2 C2 219 Bn lbs C3 138 Bn lbs Naptha Ethane <6 C atoms: poor choice for gasoline C2H6: 1-6% of natural gas C4 20 Bn lbs C6 77 Bn lbs [Global Oil Consumption ~ 9200 Bn lbs] Slide 5 Energy: The Need is Real The World Needs Energy - 2010 Electricity Losses 154 EJ Petroleum 180 EJ Residential 56 EJ Coal 148 EJ Commercial & Industrial 225 EJ Natural Gas 125 EJ Nuclear 31 EJ Renewables 52 EJ “It’s a perfect storm headed our way -- a steady rise in global demand for oil crashing up against an increasingly limited supply of economically recoverable oil." William Chameides,Ph.D., Prof of Environmental Science Duke University US Oil Consumption Projected Consumption US Oil Production Transportation 101 EJ chemical industryuses uses4038 EJ (8% TheThe chemical industry Quads (8% of ofworld worldconsumption) consumption) Adapted from EIA Energy Outlook May 2009, and IEA: Chemical & Petrochemical Sector 2009 Slide 6 DOE 2011 Outlook. Note: projected consumption for liquid fuels. Feedstocks and Energy Issues Impact of Energy on the Chemical Industry Energy Energy Cost Ethane Naphtha Revenue Higher Energy Content Propane Energy content of feedstocks Prime olefins, etc. Chemical Action Benzene Products PP HDPE LDPE Pricing time scale: Seconds (NYMEX) Pricing time scale: Contractual Capital investment time scale: Years Propylene Dow’s Top 15 Products (by mass) LLDPE Ethylene Energy & energy volatility is a key issue for the chemical industry Slide 11 -4 -3 -2 Styrene PS EG EO PO VCM Biomass CO2 Ethyl Benzene EDC Acrylic Acid -1 0 1 Average Carbon Oxidation State 2 3 4 Energy & Feedstocks for Chemical Industry Original Ethylene Synthesis Ethylene Preparation c.1795 Carbon Stewardship Chemical Industry* Production of ethylene was accomplished by the reaction of “one part of alcohol with six or seven parts, by weight, of oil of vitriol.” Ethane to Polyethylene** Ethane Nat. Gas, Naphtha, Fuel Oil, Coal, & Biomass 10560 TWh Fuel Uses = 49% Energy to produce ethylene = 26% Contained in Products = 51% ® Parnell ; "Applied Chemistry", 1844. Energy to produce polyethylene = 4% Source of term olefin Energy conserved in polyethylene = 70% Figure from Bloxam, "Chemistry Inorganic and Organic", 1872. *EIA 2004 Refining Data and IEA Energy Technology Transitions for Industry 2009, **Energy and Environmental Profile of the U.S. Chemical Industry, May 2000, Energetics Inc. Page 14 Energy Volatility – It’s Been a Rough Decade Current Olefins Technology LHC-8 Freeport, TX 14 Dow crackers worldwide Plant asset base is worth over $15 billion Dow crackers convert over 5 million pounds of feedstock every hour! R&D supports all cracker technology including reactors, furnaces, separations, process chemistry, and catalysis. Key products include ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene, toluene Slide 15 Slide 16 Improving Dow’s Energy Intensity Regional Price Differentials: Natural Gas 110 100 Canada $6.10 90 UK Germany Ukraine $9.20 $2.80 $7.85 USA $7.10 80 70 Trinidad $1.65 >$100 Billion Extra Cost 60 Russia $1.45 Japan China $8.10 $5.75 Saudi Arabia $0.75 South Korea India $8.20 $3.40 Brazil $3.60 50 40 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Jan01 Indexed Intensity 1990=100% Dow Global Energy Consumption American Chemical Industry Energy Consumption USA Total Energy Consumption Dow uses about 1 Million barrels of oil equivalent per day (feedstock + energy) Dow electricity generation & utilization equivalent to Australia Jan03 Jan05 Jan07 $1 increase = $3.7 Billion Annual Incremental Cost to the U.S. Chemical Industry $US Per Million BTUs Source: EIA – 1H06 Avg. Slide 17 Slide 18 Industry Reaction Untapped Reserves ANWAR 34 TCF Most untapped reserves are: Legally off limits OR... De facto off limits OR... Federal lease regulations bring cost and timing issues Source: PFC Energy (consultant) Annual: U.S. Consumption = 22 TCF U.S. Chemical Consumption = 2.5 TCF Pacific Coast 19 TCF Rockies 143 TCF Eastern Gulf of Mexico 11 TCF Atlantic Coast 28 TCF Currently there are plans to build more than 80 large-scale chemical plants across the globe in the coming decade ... One is planned for the U.S. U.S. industry is at a competitive disadvantage Slide 19 Slide 20 Total Production cost (2008 $/bbl) Oil Prices are Rising…. Biomass as a Potential Feedstock 180 Predicted demand till 2015 130 110 Cellulosic Ethanol* Recent (18 mo) Oil Price range 90 Venezuelan Heavy Oil 70 50 30 OPEC Middle East 10 0 20 Other OPEC Other Conventional Oil FSU Deep Water 60 40 A R C T EOR I C 80 Biofuels (Corn Based) CTL GTL Oil Shale Oil Sands (in situ) Oil Sands (Mining) Biofuels (Sugar Cane Based) 120 100 Million Barrels of Oil Equivalent per Day Conventional Oil Source: IEA, EIA, Booz Allen Hamilton, DOE Biomass Multiyear Program Plan April 2011, Dow Analysis Non Conventional liquid sources Passes a dramatic increase in renewable fuels mandate December 2007 *Based on DOE volume projections for US in 2022. DOE price target is ~$113/bbl Ethanol – Not a Bad Idea…. Page 22 Fads…. CORN ETHANOL Lincoln NE 1933 McGregor, IA 1979 "Does the average citizen understand what this means? In from 10 to 20 years this country will be dependent entirely upon outside sources for a supply of liquid fuels … paying out vast sums yearly in order to obtain supplies of crude oil from Mexico, Russia, and Persia.“ Yale Professor Harold Hibbert - Ethanol promoter, 1925 Ford Model T 1908 Calls for a five year moratorium on the use of food as a fuel source Fall 2007 "Ethanol is good for our rural communities. It's good economic development for rural America. When the family farmer's doing well, it's good for the local merchants. Ethanol is good for the environment. ...Ethanol's good for the whole country.“ President George W. Bush Corn Ethanol = Serious Consequences ….and Reality ® CORN ETHANOL "This is not just hype -- it's dangerous, delusional bullshit. Our current ethanol production represents only 3.5 percent of our gasoline consumption -- yet it consumes twenty percent of the entire U.S. corn crop, causing the price of corn to double in the last two years." -Jeff Goodell, Rolling Stone Magazine Eutrophication Soil Erosion Aquifer Depletion Some Places Biomass Makes Sense as Feedstock ® Benchmarking Land Use Dow Brazil Plant Dow LLDPE Capacity San Mateo Monterey & Santa Clara Global LLDPE Capacity CO2 San Bernardino & Los Angeles Assumes Brazil Cane Yields 700 Million lbs / yr ethylene and derivatives Recyclable polyethylene plastic (CO2 fixation) Existing logistics for ethanol in Brazil High polyethylene price in Brazil. High hydrocarbons cost in Brazil. 450 square miles of cane! Global Polyethylene Global Ethylene Page 28 3 Trillion Miles - Options Vehicle Miles Traveled (U.S. Residential) 3 Trillion Miles – Soy Biodiesel 3 Trillion Miles Solar/Electric 3 Trillion Miles! 3 Trillion Miles – Corn Ethanol Aggressively Assumes: 500 gallons per acre 20 miles per gallon Riverside County Aggressively Assumes: 100 gallons per acre 40 miles per gallon Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics Conservatively Assumes: Assume 40 kWh/m2year (Typical German Production) 1 kWh yields 4 miles Page 29 Cost and Time to Implement ® 9% of US Liquid Fuel Consumption in 2020 1 New Plant every 8 days !$200B in capital 3% of US total Energy Consumption in 2020 National Academy of Sciences Projected Biomass (550MM ton) with Thermochemical Process Page 30 Cellulosic Ethanol: Promise versus the Reality PROMISE Switchgrass today = 4.6 ton/acre Miscanthus – trials only REALITY Cumulative Total R&D Investment Dow Agrosciences Syngenta Monsanto DuPont Actual Growth from Corn Ethanol Data shown in 2020 includes only the energy generated by the 550 MM ton of biomass (Nat. Academy of Sciences) with performance of 2012 DOE target ® “Promised” to 10-15 ton/acre in a decade and 15-20 ton/acre over following few decades Area Productivity Corn 50 years to 3x yield Soybean 50 years to 2x yield Source: Bloomberg for 2007 to 2009 and Annual financial reports from 2010 Source: USDA – – reports: AFBDFE1E-1AFC-35DE-8A93-7FB72F0DA089, 0DB967AF-4F8E-32ED-9D5D-D150ADE7D838 Cellulosic Ethanol: Promise versus the Reality PROMISE Switchgrass today = 4.6 ton/acre Miscanthus – trials only The Scale Challenge ® “Promised” to 10-15 ton/acre in a decade and 15-20 ton/acre over following few decades REALITY ® 12 Refineries = 796 Cellulosic Ethanol Plants (100million gal/year each) $83.2 $344 billion Modest NPP Growth over 17 years Cumulative Total R&D Investment Dow Agrosciences Syngenta Monsanto DuPont Source: Bloomberg for 2007 to 2009 and Annual financial reports from 2010 Trends in North American net primary produc;vity derived from satellite observa;ons, 1982– 1998, GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, VOL. 16, NO. 2, 10.1029/2001GB001550, 2002 Refineries capacities and cost from World Wide Construction update report, O&G Journal, Dec. 6 2010 Distribution in US for cellulosic Ethanol Plants is illustrative and does not represent real locations Replacing Global Ethylene ® The Scale of Industry Cellulosic Ethanol Largest Social Community on Internet Original Investment Nat Gas (F&C) 0.05% of Global Electricity Generation Naptha Revenue $1051MM/y 0.02% of Global Electricity Generation Revenue $441MM/y 2% of Global MEG Consumption Coal Sugarcane (Integr.) Corn Ethanol (Integr.) Ethane (Middle East) Capital for Single Plant Sugarcane Ethanol (Purch.) Corn Ethanol (Purch.) Top 50 CapEx 0 0.3% of Global Ethylene Consumption Sources: facebook original investment showing combined amounts from Peter Thiel (PayPal cofounder), Accel Partners and Greylock Partners as described in the History of facebook on wikipedia; Power Plants: RL34746 report - Stan Kaplan - Congressional Research Service; MTO: PEP Report 261 – SRI and EG: PEP Repor 2I – SRI; Revenues for Power Plants calculated using 2010 electricity average retail prices (all sectors) 9.88 cents/kWh (data from DOE) Top 50 Capital Expenditure from C&E News 100 200 300 400 Capital Expenditure ($ Billion) 500 Slide 36 Issues With ANY Solar Process Limits to Photosynthesis ® 5% Especially bio-based processes ® Area Required to Provide 10KW per US Citizen Assumes 4.8 KWHr m-2 d-1 average solar insolation and no losses in distribution 7,000,000 5% ~2/3 Spectral Irradiance (W/m2/nm) Relative Efficiency in Photosynthesis Efficiency (Ideal conditions) Cane: ~ 0.9 % Corn: < 0.3% Microalgae: ~2-4% (potential) ~0.6% (current) Square Miles of Solar Collector Energy Crops 17 MJ/kg 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 Tropical Sugarcane Microalgae Low efficiency processes can potentially be used as feedstocks, but not feedstocks + energy 1,000,000 0 0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% Efficiency of Solar Conversion Process Page 37 ® Algae-based CO2 to Ethanol to Ethylene to Polyethylene for Carbon Capture and Sequestration Carbon Capture and Sequestration – 2 Scenarios ® • Dow is working with Algenol Biofuels and other contributors, to build and operate a pilot-scale algae-based integrated biorefinery that will convert CO2 into ethanol. Sustainability Profile! Sugar Cane • Tropics • Large fresh water input • Prime arable land • Potential loss of forest land Algae • Near ocean and power plant (CO2 source) • Salt water • Desert / waste land • Potential high cost of bioreactors Page 39 • High pressure underground CO2 storage • Must not leak - << 1% / yr • Energy required for gas separation and compression • Limited number of “safe” underground reservoirs • Bioconversion of CO2 to ethanol, ethylene, polyolefins • Recyclable polymer, stable for centuries • Sequester CO2 as “useful stuff” • By product O2 can be recycled to power plant Page 40 Carbon Capture Schemes from Electrical Power Plants ® • Potentially a huge business because of the scale ® Technology Evaluation • 50,000 power plants globally • 10 billion tons yr-1 CO2 emissions out of ~25 billion tons yr-1 total anthropogenic emissions Founded in 2005. Raised $4.5MM from 15 investors including TXU Corp (NYSE: TXU). NaOH Caustic • Currently a reversible acid-base reaction using amines, monoethanol amine, etc. is available and in demonstration facilities + CO2 Carbon Dioxide NaHCO3 Baking Soda This technology appears to be a natural fit for Dow, the world’s leading manufacturer of caustic soda. • Scheme that probably will not make a significant impact (from an industrial perspective): Slide 42 Page 41 Technology Evaluation Potential for Solar Energy ® How is caustic made? NaCl Salt + H 2O Water NaOH ½ Cl2 ½ H2 + + Caustic Chlorine Hydrogen How much NaOH is needed to capture the CO2 from one 600 MW power plant? 7 billion lb/yr - 5% of the world market. – There are 50,000 coal plants globally Capital required to build this NaOH capacity? $4 billion - 4 times the capital required to build the power plant. How much electricity is required to make this NaOH? 1000 MW plant - 400 MW more than our plant will produce. How much chlorine byproduct is made? 7 billion lb/yr - 50% of Dow’s annual production. How many cookies could you make from the product bicarbonate? >800 trillion yr-1 - >300 cookies per human on the planet per power plant per day. EtOH- Sugar Cane 0.8 0.3% EtOH - US Corn 0.195 0.10% EtOH - Algae 3.75 2.5% Wind Farm 4 2% Concentrated Solar 3.2 1.6% PV cell (20%) 40 20% Adapted from Mines ParisTech / Armines ©2006 Total solar energy on land = 697,000 EJ/year 1300 x world needs! Average Solar Radiation 1990-2004 Slide 44 PV Production & Price Issues with Incumbent Technology Installed cost per watt 7 GWp New US PV Was Ordered in the Last 2 Months Total 2010 Global Energy Consumption Rate = 15 TW (10,000 home in California) Expensive Difficult to install & replace Poor aesthetics Slide 45 Slide 46 PowerHouse* Photovoltaic Shingles Installed Solar Cost Analysis $ per watt Core R&D/Energy Dow Plastics /Specialty Films Dow Building Solutions Thin film processing PV packaging BIPV commercial roofing Mfg. process optimization Back sheet, low-cost injection molding BIPV residential roofing Top layer Encapsulant Back sheet Rooftop Area from Navigant Consulting Slide 47 Today, as in the past, the key building blocks for stuff comes from by-products of energy production. Chemical production requires a large input of energy. Energy production is changing as global fossil fuel resources are depleted / greenhouse gas issues. Efficiency of solar energy conversion (biomass, PV, photo water-splitting, etc.) directly affects land requirements and commercial viability. Currently, renewable resources based on biomass are too inefficient to provide global energy/feedstock needs. Solar energy / photovoltaics have promising efficiency but produce electricity – not feedstocks for chemistry. Slide 49