a Creative and Cultural industries Symposium

Broward Cultural Division PRESENTS
A Creative and
Cultural Industries
The Future of the Latin American,
Caribbean and South Florida Economies
The Orange Economy: An Infinite Opportunity
Friday, May 20, 2016 9AM - 5PM
3501 Davie Road, Davie, FL 33314
A Creative and Cultural
Industries Symposium
The Future of the Latin American, Caribbean
and South Florida Economies
Latin America and the Caribbean are now in the midst of an
impressive phase of influence and cultural innovation.
The Symposium is a collaboration
with the Inter-American
Development Bank’s (IDB)
Cultural, Solidarity and Creativity
Affairs Division and the Center
for Latin American and Latino
Studies at American University,
surrounding the IDB report: ‘The
Orange Economy.’
This unique convening of cultural
economists from the hemisphere,
academics, and global experts
in the creative economy and
creative cities, will examine the
contribution of creativity as a key
element of economic and social
development in Latin America and
the Caribbean, and the impact to
the arts economy of South Florida.
The Symposium will be
presented in conjunction
with Broward College and
the University of Florida
during the Brazilian Music
Institute (May 16-20, 2016)
at Broward College’s Central
Supported in part by: John S. and
James L. Knight Foundation
Friday, May 20, 2016
9AM - 5PM
Fine Arts Theatre Bldg. 6
Broward College
A. Hugh Adams Central Campus
3501 Davie Road,
Davie, FL 33314
Please RSVP online broward.org/arts/events
Cover photo of Selaron Stairway, Rio de Janeiro
An equal opportunity employer and provider of services. 2,500 copies of this
public document were promulgated at a gross cost of $295.00 and $000.118
per copy to promote this public event. Funded in part by the Florida
Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs,the
Florida Arts Council and the National Endowment for
the Arts.
visit broward.org/arts