Dr. Samuel Handlin Social Protection and the Politicization of Class

Dr. Samuel Handlin
Social Protection and the Politicization of Class
Cleavages During Latin America's Left Turn
University of Notre Dame
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Time: 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Location: SIS 300
Dr. Samuel Handlin is a Visiting Fellow at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at the
University of Notre Dame. He holds degrees in political science from Swarthmore College
(B.A.) and the University of California, Berkeley (M.A., Ph.D.). His research explores political
economy in developing countries, with a regional emphasis on Latin America and a substantive
focus on inequality, market reforms, social policy, and political representation. He is the coeditor and co-author of Reorganizing Popular Politics: Participation and the New Interest
Regime in Latin America (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2009) and has research
forthcoming in Comparative Political Studies.
For more information contact Irina Douda, CRS Program Associate at crs@american.edu or