BioPolis - Inventory and analysis of national public policies that stimulate research in biotechnology, its exploitation and commercialisation by industry in Europe in the period 2002–2005 National Report of Iceland BioPolis has been funded under FP6, Priority 5: Food Quality and Safety Contract No. 514174 Gigi Manicad Christien Enzing Innovation Policy Group TNO Quality of Life The Netherlands March 2007 Table of contents Summary............................................................................................................................ 3 1. Introduction and background.................................................................................. 5 1.1 General introduction ........................................................................................... 5 1.2 Characteristics of the national S&T and innovation system.............................. 6 1.3 National support and framework conditions for biotechnology ........................ 8 1.4 The main biotech policy and research actors .................................................... 11 2. Funding of biotechnology R&D, transfer and commercialisation ..................... 15 2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 15 2.2 Non-policy-directed funding of biotechnology research .................................. 16 2.3 Policy-directed instruments .............................................................................. 16 2.3.1 Instrument of the Icelandic government, provided through RANNÍS...... 17 2.3.2 Instrument of the Icelandic government through Ice Tec ......................... 18 2.3.3 Instrument of the Icelandic government through the Ministry of Fisheries 18 2.4. Charities ............................................................................................................ 19 2.5 Participation in 6th Framework Programme...................................................... 19 3. Performance of the national biotechnology innovation system .......................... 20 3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 20 3.2 Performance in creating a knowledge base and supporting the availability of human resources............................................................................................................ 20 3.3 Performance in knowledge transmission and application................................. 23 3.4 Industrial development...................................................................................... 24 3.5 Market conditions ............................................................................................. 24 4. Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 25 4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................... 25 4.7 Dynamics: comparison with 1994-1998 ........................................................... 29 5. Future developments ............................................................................................. 31 Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Annex 6 List of tables................................................................................................. 32 List of figures and charts............................................................................ 33 List of contact persons ................................................................................ 34 References .................................................................................................... 35 Performance ................................................................................................ 38 Abbreviations .............................................................................................. 49 2 Summary Iceland has a small and open economy and an extensive welfare system. It is one of the countries with the highest standard of living. Iceland is not a member of the EU but is a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA). Today the six fastest-growing industries in Iceland are information and communication technologies (ICTs), health technologies (including pharmaceuticals), biotechnologies, genetics, biomedical engineering and IT-based equipment production for food processing. Iceland’s GDP (2001 data) is 8 472M EUR. In 2001, Iceland’s Gross Domestic Expenditures on Research and Development (GERD) was 260 635M EUR or 3.06% of its GDP. The government’s share was 34%, while industry’s share was 46.16% (Eurostat, 2005); the rest came from abroad. During the period 1999-2001, the GERD had increased by 40%. The private sector contribution was still below the EU average of 55% (mainly coming from one company, DeCode Genetics), while public funding was the highest within the OECD. For the last 20 years, Iceland has consistently attributed high importance to biotechnology R&D. Since the mid-1980s, Iceland has invested in biotechnology, particularly in the area of human genomics. Despite the lack of a specific biotechnological R&D programme, the country has made a deliberate policy choice to support biotechnology. Aside from the private sector, biotechnology research is also conducted by the public sector: universities and public research institutes. In addition, a couple of private, nonprofit research organisations funded through charities also conduct biotechnology research. In the past decades, the share of research and development conducted by national research institutes has fallen from around 70% to 20%, but the research efforts of universities have been increasing substantially. It should be noted that the public sector contribution to biotechnology research in Iceland is only about 7%, while 1% comes from charities. The private sector accounts for 92% of total funding for biotechnology in the country. In terms of performance in creating a knowledge base and supporting the availability of human resources, in the period 1994-2004, Iceland first significantly increased and then afterwards decreased its output of biotechnology publications per million capita. Iceland has consistently produced a significantly higher average of biotechnology publications than the EU25. Iceland has also overtaken the output level of the USA in the last years of this period. With regard to biotech publications per biotechnology public R&D expenditure, for the period of 2002-2004, Iceland has the impressive record of 474, and performs much higher than the EU25 average. When considering the number of citations per biotechnology publication, Iceland also shows a much higher performance than both the USA and the EU25. Icelandic biotechnology publications can especially be found in the field of human health, followed well behind by generic biotechnology. The biggest growth rate is in animal biotechnology. With regard to graduates in life sciences, the number of graduates significantly declined between the 1998-2000 and 2002-2004 periods. Nevertheless, Iceland’s performance has been significantly ahead of the EU25 average, and for the period 2002- 2004, Iceland overtook the USA. 3 With regard to performance in knowledge transmission and application, considered over a 10-year period, Iceland’s output of biotech patent applications per biotech publications has risen considerably. After the first period of 1994-1996, Iceland had significantly overtaken the output averages of both the EU25 and USA. With regard to biotech patent applications per million capita, Iceland’s output has experienced an even more dramatic increase in the last 10 years. Iceland’s performance is significantly ahead of the EU25 and the US averages. No data is available relating to biotechnology start-ups. Concerning public funding for biotechnology during the period 2002-2005, the available data shows a sharp increase in 2003 followed by a sharp decrease in 2004. This coincided with the implementation of new laws and corresponding reorganisation. The funding for biotechnology significantly increased in 2005 but did not reach the 2003 level. The sharp devaluation of the Icelandic krono in 2005 had a bearing on the budget. In terms of policy goals, the adoption of biotechnology for industrial applications received the lion’s share of budgetary allocations. As for application areas, health biotechnology received the largest budget allocation, comprising approximately 37% of the funds. For the biotech activities covered, research networks predominated with the largest budget allocation of about 43% of the funds. This was consistent with Iceland’s emphasis on research collaboration between the public and private sector. Despite the drop in public research funding in 2004, the period 2002-2005 still showed an increase in funding as compared with 1994-1996. Comparing both periods, the average total funding increased from 0.67M ECU to 3.66M EUR. Basically, the policy areas remained the same for both periods with the notable exception of the promotion of highlevel biotechnology research during the first period. This goal was no longer covered in the second period. Alliances and cooperation received much policy attention for both periods. The government continued to support biotechnology by encouraging linkages and cooperation between the public and private sectors. Regarding future developments, the newly established programme on Postgenomic Biomedicine Nanoscience and Nanotechnology will run until 2009 with a total budget of about 3M EUR. The Technology Development Fund will also continue. Aside from these funding instruments, there are, as yet, no other indications that new policy-directed instruments for biotechnology will be created in the near future. 4 1. Introduction and background 1.1 General introduction The Republic of Iceland is an island in the northern Atlantic Ocean between Greenland, Norway, Ireland, Scotland and the Faroe Islands. The island is, geologically, extremely active, having many volcanoes and geysers. Hence, there is widespread availability of geothermal power. Additionally, the numerous rivers and waterfalls are harnessed for hydroelectric power. This power plays an important role in the country’s manufacturing sector. As for the country’s other major geographic features, approximately 10 per cent of the island is covered in ice. Many fjords are located along its 4 970 km-long coastline, where most towns are located. The island's interior, the highlands of Iceland, is an uninhabitable arctic desert. Iceland has a land area of 103 000 km² (Wikipedia, 2006) but is sparsely populated, with about 290 600 inhabitants (Eurostat, 2005). Iceland has a small open economy and an extensive welfare system. It is one of the countries with the highest standards of living. Iceland is not a member of the EU but is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA). Iceland has a similar legislative framework for business and industries to those prevailing in the EU (WTO, 2000). Its Gross Value Added (GVA) (2001 data) is approximately 6 426M EUR. About three quarters of Iceland’s merchandise exports are fish and fish products. This marine sector accounts for 55% of its foreign currency earnings (Iceland Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2006). Foreign currency earnings are very important since the country has always been heavily dependent on exports for most of its necessities (WTO, 2000). Although the marine sector is the most important single economic activity, the significance of this sector has been steadily decreasing over the years due to a combination of declining fish stocks and significant growth in the service sector (WTO, 2000). Taking advantage of Iceland's low energy costs, power-intensive industries like aluminium and ferrosilicon production account for Iceland’s second-largest export sector (22% of total merchandise exports). Tourism and financial services are also growing sectors (EU, 2005). Recent technological developments and corresponding government policy have resulted in a continuous growth of knowledge-based industries and services. Today the six fastestgrowing industries in Iceland are: information and communication technologies (ICT), health technologies (including pharmaceuticals), biotechnologies, genetics, biomedical engineering, and IT-based equipment production for food processing. (Finnbjörnsson, 2003). Between 1999 and 2001, Iceland’s Gross Domestic Expenditures on Research and Development (GERD) increased by 40% (RANNÍS, 2005). Its 2001 the GERD was 260 635M EUR or 3.06% of GDP. It’s GDP (2001 data) was 8 472M EUR. The government’s share of the GERD was 34%, while private industry’s share was 46.16% (Eurostat, 2005); the rest came from abroad (RANNÍS 2005). The private sector contribution was still below the EU average of 55% (mainly coming from one company: DeCode Genetics); while public funding was the highest within the OECD (EU 5 TrendChart, 2005). About 93% of private sector research expenditure was directed towards biotechnology (OECD, 2004). The development of the biotechnology sector in Iceland has been stimulated by both policy and biological factors. Decades ago, Iceland made an explicit policy choice to become a strong nation in biotechnology-related research. Today, high activity in the area of genomics and pharmacy medical start-ups in Iceland is due to these significant governmental decisions of 20 years ago (EU TrendChart, 2005). In terms of biological factors, Iceland’s geological composition provides the country with unique geothermal biodiversity, which includes thermophilic organisms (such as bacteria and viruses), which are of scientific and commercial interest for industry and medicine. Iceland also has extremely rich fishing grounds, providing unique marine biodiversity. Another biological factor is Iceland’s population-based genetics. Iceland’s population is relatively homogenous, as it has remained in relative genetic isolation since the Norwegian and Celtic ancestors settled the country in the 9th and 10th centuries. The bulk of the presentday population is recorded in a database that extends as far back as the settlement of the country more that 1 100 years ago, and it includes genetic, medical and genealogical data for approximately 80% of the population. Moreover, the combination of extensive genealogical records, biobanks (tissue, DNA, plasma, cells and blood) and data registries make Iceland an ideal place to conduct genome and population-wide linkage scans for diseased-linked genes. The first biotechnology firm was established in 1938. Lysi Ltd. uses marine lipids for the production of vitamins A and D. The most important biotechnology firm in Iceland is DeCode Genetics, which was founded in 1996. Also important is the Iceland Genomics Corporation (UVS), which was established in 1998. Today there are many biotechnology firms in Iceland. Many of them are small and engaged in research in the fields of: human health (diagnostics, therapeutics, genomics and molecular modelling, biopharmaceuticals, stem cell research); agriculture (plants, animals, biofertilisers, fish health and marine derived products, molecular pharming in plants); and industry (bioprocessing, functional foods, chemicals and cosmetics) (Iceland BIO, 2005 and Finnbjörnsson, in print). 1.2 Characteristics of the national S&T and innovation system Government-funded research in support of economic development started in 1937 with the establishment of the University Laboratories. In 1940, the National Research Council (NRC) was established by the government as a policy body for research. NRC focused on the study and exploitation of natural resources on land and in the and sea (Finnbjörnsson, 2003). In 1981, there was a major shift in research focus from natural resources towards health and biotechnology (OECD, 2004). The role of business enterprise involvement in R&D was also recognised. This was a key policy element also in the 1990s and continued in the 2000s. The emphasis given to business sector involvement resulted in the rapid growth of private sector involvement in R&D (EU TrendChart, 2000). In 1985, the Technology Fund was established for applied research and technological development. 6 The NRC used the Technology Fund to establish technological priorities and applications in specific fields, especially biotechnology (Finnbjörnsson, 2003). It was only in 1999 that the Icelandic government actually directly initiated programmes in research and development. The two programmes were concerned with information technology and the environment. These programmes ended in 2004. Prior to this period, research funding was allocated to institutions and through open response mode for selected priority areas. In January 2003, new legislation on the organisation of science and technology policy and the funding of research and technological development in Iceland was enacted. This new law saw the previous Icelandic Research Council replaced by other offices, including a new Science and Technology Policy Council (STPC). STPC is headed by the Prime Minister of Iceland. Its mission is to strengthen scientific research, scientific training and technology development in support of Icelandic cultural development and increased economic competitiveness. The Law on Public Support to Scientific Research established the Research Fund through the fusion of the previous Science Fund and the Technology Fund of the Icelandic Research Council. Finally, the Law on Public Support to Technology Development and Innovation in the Economy established a new Technology Development Fund. This law also provides for the establishment of an innovation centre, which is to be linked to IceTec. In 2004, the Prime Minister’s Office published the strategy paper ‘Science and Technology Policy of Iceland’. The long-term goal is ‘to enhance the cultural and economic strength of Iceland in a competitive international environment, to ensure that Iceland’s economy and quality of life rank at the forefront of nations’ (STPC, 2004). The political responsibility for the stimulation of innovation rests with the STPC. It develops Iceland’s long-term innovation policy. This is expressed through the formulation of the country’s science and technology policy documents. Under the STPC, policy declarations are prepared by the Science Board and the Technology Board. These boards are subcommittees within the STPC. With the introduction of STPC, innovation policy has become an inter-ministerial issue since the chief responsibility for assisting the STPC in preparing policy-oriented papers lies with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, respectively. Overall coordination is provided by a secretariat to the STPC, which is lodged within the Ministry of Education and Science (STPC, 2004). Figure 1.1 provides an overview of the main policy actors in Iceland. 7 Figure 1.1 Structure for STI policy in Iceland Source: RANNÍS, 2006 At the operational level, the Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNÍS) is the main actor. It functions as STPC’s operational arm. RANNÍS’s mission is to give administrative and operational support to the boards and funding bodies, to manage international cooperation, to monitor the effects and impacts of policies, and to provide informed advice to the STPC and its boards and subcommittees. 1.3 National support and framework conditions for biotechnology Some 20 years ago, Iceland made a deliberate policy choice to support biotechnology. Since the mid-1980s, Iceland has invested in biotechnology, particularly in the area of human genomics. At the time of the NRC, about a third of the Technology Fund was reserved for biotechnology. This was also linked to the Science Fund, which supported related biomedical and clinical research. Another fund, the Building and Equipment Fund, was used to build up facilities in biotechnology (Finnbjörnsson, 2003). Hence, in total about 40%-50% of the national research fund was allocated for biotechnology research. 8 During the period 1990-2001, Iceland went through a period of economic stagnation. This was reflected in a decrease in national funding for biotechnology. The Technology Fund contribution went down as far as 5%-10% (OECD, 2004). During this period, the emphasis on biotechnology research was maintained through substantial funding from the Nordic Fund for Innovation, now called the Nordic Innovation Centre. Hence, the importance of biotechnology research has been accorded not through specific programmes but through funding allocations from national funds (Finnbjörnsson pers com, 2006). The history of public sector biotechnology policy cannot be divorced from private sector influence. A major breakthrough came from the private sector with the establishment of the two genome companies, DeCode Genetics (Íslensk erfðagreining in Icelandic) in 1996, and the Iceland Genomics Corporation (IGC or Urður, Verðandi, Skuld in Icelandic) in 1998. Both firms based their business ideas on the genealogical transparency of the Icelandic society. The establishment of these companies created a need in Iceland for well-educated staff in the field of biotechnology. The government encouraged and provided incentives for Icelanders working abroad to return to and work in Iceland. It is only very recently that Iceland started to have a specific programme instrument for biotechnology. In fact, it is also only very recently that Iceland started to work on an R&D programme in general. Regulation With regard to biotechnology framework conditions, given the extensive population databases and biobanks, a number of framework conditions regarding privacy and ethical use are in place in Iceland (Iceland BIO, 2005): - The Data Protection and Privacy Act (DPPA), no. 77/2000, aims to provide protection of personal information in accordance with basic principles and rules of personal privacy, guaranteeing the reliability and quality of such information, and its free passage in the inner market of the EEA. - The current Act on Patient’s Rights, no. 74/1997, established the jurisdiction of the National Bioethics Committee. - Regulation no. 284/1986 on Pharmacological Clinical Trials is concerned with the rights of participants in such trials under correct experimental design. - Act no. 110/2000 on Biobanks sets the framework for the operation of biobanks with regard to both research and clinical samples. - The objective of Act no. 139/1998 on a Health Sector Database is to authorise the creation and operation of a centralised database of non-personally identifiable health data, with the aim of increasing knowledge to improve health and health services. Regarding framework conditions on biotechnology and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), comprehensive legislation on the biotechnology industry has not yet been passed. However there are a number of related, relevant legislations: 9 - A general Act on the Utilisation of Terrestrial Resources was passed in 1998 (57/1998) but does not address the question of biotechnological utilisation specifically. Article 34 of the act incorporates the utilisation of thermophile micro-organisms into this legislation. - Animal rights in research are protected by Regulation no. 279/2002 on Animal Experiments, which conforms to the EU regulatory framework. - Act no. 18/1996 on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) deals with the protection of Iceland’s nature, ecosystem, plants and the health of humans and animals from harmful and undesirable effects of GMOs. With regard to framework conditions involving stem cells, it should be noted that embryonic stem cell research is allowed in Iceland, but therapeutic and reproductive cloning are prohibited. The provisions relevant for embryonic stem cells research are: - Act on Artificial Fertilisation, no. 55/1996, which addresses research on embryos. - In Regulation no. 568/1997 on Artificial Fertilisation, it is further stipulated in Article 22 that it is prohibited to carry out research on embryos based on Act no. 55/1996, Article 11, unless the research fulfils the criteria of a scientific study. Public acceptance With regard to public acceptance, the Eurobarometer survey showed that 86% of Icelandic respondents believe that biotechnology and genetic engineering will have a positive effect on their way of life over the next 20 years. Icelanders’ optimism stood out among European countries. Icelandic respondents were even more positive (95%) about medicines and new medical technologies. With regard to high-tech agriculture, 72% were positive. Iceland again stood out for its very strong opposition to human cloning enabling couples to have a baby in spite of a genetic disorder. However, with regard to cloning human stem cells from embryos for organ transplant, the majority of Icelandic respondents approved, but only if it is highly regulated and controlled. This could be attributed to another part of the survey, in which 64% of the Icelandic respondents said that science and technology decisions should be guided by ethics and morals (Eurobarometer, 2005). Table 1.1 Response expressed in percentages outlining the extent of Icelandic approval on the application of new technologies Topics for consideration Never 27 Only in exceptional circumstances 27 Only if highly regulated and controlled 37 Animal cloning for research in human diseases Human cloning so couples can have a baby despite genetic disorder Cloning human stem cells from embryos for organ transplant Growing meat from cell cultures to avoid slaughter of animals Developing GM crops to increase variety of regionally 81 8 7 16 22 52 7 71 8 8 4 9 19 19 37 19 6 10 In all circumstances Dnk* 5 4 Topics for consideration grown food Developing GM bacteria for cleaning up environmental catastrophes Never Only in exceptional circumstances Only if highly regulated and controlled In all circumstances Dnk* 25 14 36 18 7 * DNK: do not know Source: Eurobarometer, 2005. Because comprehensive, population-wide data on genetic, medical and genealogical information combined with genealogical records and biobanks already exist, it is not surprising that only 8% of the population said that they will never approve the storage of genetic data covering the whole population to study the genetic base of diseases. However, Icelandic respondents had more reservations on using genetic data to catch criminals, 43% indicating that they would never approve. This indicates that while 70%90% of the Icelandic population volunteered to give samples for gene research (Iceland BIO, 2005), they have very strong reservations about how genetic data actually should be used. 1.4 The main biotech policy and research actors The policy actors described in Section 1.2 also deal with biotechnology. With regard to biotechnology research, aside from the private sector, biotechnology research is also conducted by the public sector: in three universities and in six public research institutes. In addition, two private, non-profit research organisations funded through charities, which also receive government donations, also conduct biotechnology research. In past decades, the share of research and development conducted by public research institutes had fallen from around 70% to 20%, but the research efforts of universities have been increasing substantially (Iceland, BIO 2005). Universities The University of Iceland is by far the largest teaching and research institution in Iceland. It hosts 40 research institutes and a number of academic departments. The University of Iceland is active in research and cooperates with both public and private sectors. The institutes and departments engaged in biotechnology research include the following (University of Iceland, 2006): - The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Faculty of Medicine) is mostly focused on molecular genetics and nutritional biochemistry. Research topics include: genetics of specific diseases, method development, gene therapy, developmental biology and experimental and human nutrition. - The Department of Biochemistry of the Science Institute (Faculty of Science) covers: the purification, properties and applications of proteins, and enzymes in particular; the molecular basis of cold adaptation in proteins; gene technology and its application in industry; metabolic studies in connection with heart disease; and studies on pharmacologically-active substances from Icelandic plants. 11 - The Institute of Biology (Faculty of Science) conducts research on the innate immunity of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal peptides for pharmaceutical uses. - The Department of Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Laboratory (Faculty of Medicine) has research interests in drug delivery, natural product chemistry and medicinal chemistry. The main research areas have been micro-encapsulation of drug products, peptide delivery, topical delivery of ophthalmic drugs, pharmaceutical application of cyclodextrins, isolation of biologically active compounds from Icelandic plants and marine products, synthesis of pharmacologically active 1,3,4-oxadiazole compounds, and solubility and stabilisation of drugs in aqueous solutions. - The Department of Microbiology (Faculty of Medicine) is a research, service and teaching institution operating under the direction of the National Hospital. The department conducts scientific research in clinical bacteriology, parasitology and mycology. Since 1986, a research laboratory for molecular genetics has been operating within the National Blood Bank that carries out various kinds of research on genetic codes and genetic diseases. A new field is transplantation research, mainly within the field of stem cell transplantation. It has been conducting research on human umbilical cord blood stem cells and bone marrow. In cooperation with the University Hospital’s Faculty of Haematology, stem cells have been used clinically to treat malignant haematological disorders. The Faculty of Natural Resource Sciences of the University of Akureyri conducts research in the fields of aquaculture, biotechnology, fisheries science and environmental studies for the purpose of disseminating new and practical knowledge in the community. The faculty places special emphasis on cooperation with related enterprises and research institutes (University of Akureyri, 2006). The Hólar Agricultural College conducts research on the development of sustainable aquaculture of Arctic charr. This research includes: the development of micro-satellite probes as tools to combat the pressing problem of genetic mixing of cultured and wild stocks; finding molecular markers for economically important traits to improve the efficiency of breeding programmes for this species; and identifying and quantifying biological variability in economically important traits and their genetic and environmental origins (Hólar Agricultural College, 2006) Research institutes IceTec, the Technological Institute of Iceland, is a research and technological institution. Its primary function is to transfer technology and expertise to business and industry, and to assist companies in innovation, productivity and research and development. IceTec is an independent institute, operating under the Ministry of Industry. In recent years, IceTec’s non-grant income has increased considerably. Today 75% of overall revenues are privately derived. IceTec conducts applied research in biotechnology, materials and production technology, food technology and environmental issues (IceTec, 2006). 12 The Marine Research Institute (MRI) is a governmental institute responsible to the Ministry of Fisheries and is financed through the national budget. The goal of MRI is to conduct research on the marine environment and its living resources around Iceland. This includes fish genetics (MRI, 2006). The Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories (IFL) is an independent research institute under the Ministry of Fisheries. The mission of the institute is to increase the value, quality and safety of marine catches through research, development, dissemination of knowledge and advice. IFL’s research emphasis is on biotechnology, new processing technology, aquaculture, the processing and improved quality of chilled seafood products and the safety and wholeness of marine seafood (IFL, 2003). The Institute of Freshwater Fisheries Research (IFF) conducts research on rivers and lakes and their biota. There are also research activities in the field of aquaculture and salmon ranching (IFF, 2006). The Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) is an independent institution that is responsible to the Ministry of Agriculture. It conducts biotechnology research related to plant pathology and breeding (grasses, potatoes, birch trees) (ARI, 2006). ARI has now been transformed into the Agricultural University of Iceland. The Icelandic Forest Research Station is the research branch of the Iceland Forest Service operating under regulations set by the Ministry of Agriculture. Its main research fields are in silviculture, land reclamation, forest genetics (including genecology and tree breeding), ecological genetics, forest site research, forest ecology, carbon sequestration and entomology (Icelandic Forest Research Station, 2006). Private-non profit organisations The Molecular and Cell Biology Research Laboratory of the Icelandic Cancer Society keeps a bank of biological specimens and conducts basic cancer research. The main emphasis is on breast cancer, including studies on alterations in oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, particularly p53. Genetic studies conducted on families with a high incidence of breast cancer contributed to the identification of the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2. Smaller research projects deal with haematological malignancies, stomach cancer and prostate cancer. The laboratory is also engaged in stem cell research using three-dimensional cell culture assay, the aim being to identify the cellular and molecular pathways that can modulate breast morphogenesis (Icelandic Cancer Society, 2006). The Heart Preventive Clinic and Research Institute of the Icelandic Heart Association (IHA) is an independent institution operated by the IHA. The institute’s activities are supported financially by contributions from the national treasury. The institute conducts research on cardiovascular genetics, for example (IHA, 2006). 13 Another biotechnology actor is the Biotechnology Fund, an investment company (venture capital/private equity) that primarily supplies seed money and early-stage investment within the fields of biotechnology, medicine and pharmaceutics (EU TrendChart, 2005). 14 2. Funding of biotechnology R&D, transfer and commercialisation 2.1 Introduction This chapter reviews the funding of biotechnology research and commercialisation. In the report, we make a distinction between policy-directed funding and non-policy-directed funding of biotechnology. Policy-directed funding includes funding directed by explicit policy decisions about specific instruments, such as R&D programmes encouraging collaboration, industrial research grants, support for centres of excellence, support for commercialisation of research, support for start-ups, programmes encouraging mobility of researchers, programmes with open calls, etc. This policy-directed funding can include biotechnology-specific policy instruments and generic policy instruments. Biotechnology-specific policy instruments are instruments that have been specifically set up to stimulate biotechnology. Generic policy instruments are instruments that are not dedicated to a specific technology, but which in principle stimulate all technologies, including biotechnology. The BioPolis project only considers those generic instruments that make a reference to (the stimulation of) biotechnology activities in the policy of the funding organisation running the programme or that of the ministry/government department itself. Non-policy-directed funding of research is linked to structural government support for scientific education, research and research infrastructure. This type of funding is mainly given through block grants to universities and (government) research institutes and the open-call system of research councils. Research councils, research institutes and government research institutes develop their own programmes through which biotechnology may be supported. The BioPolis project only considers funds given through block grants to (government) research institutes and the open-call system of research councils. In this chapter, funding of biotechnology research through policy- and non-policydirected instruments, and of biotechnology commercialisation through policy-directed instruments, are presented. Data were collected through desk research (publications, documents, websites of national and regional public funding organisations and/or governmental departments), a survey conducted by representatives of funding organisations that manage the generic and biotech-specific programmes, and interviews with representatives of organisations that are involved in non-policy-directed and policydirected funding. Websites of the funding organisations and their programmes and the names of contact persons that participated in the survey and/or who were interviewed can be found in Annex 3 (List of contact persons) and Annex 4 (References). Section 2.2 presents the non-policy-directed funding and Section 2.3 the policy-directed funding. Charities also play an important role in the funding of biotechnology research in some countries; they are addressed in section 2.4. The final section provides a short overview of European funding of biotechnology research in Iceland through the 6th Framework Programme. 15 2.2 Non-policy-directed funding of biotechnology research In addition to policy-directed instruments, biotechnology research is also funded through direct budget allocations to universities and research institutes, and increasingly through open grant competitions. However, according to a representative from RANNÍS, there is no data available on the budget for non-policy-directed funding for biotechnology. The current accounting systems of the research institutes in Iceland do not differentiate funds according to specific research fields such as biotechnology. 2.3 Policy-directed instruments This section provides an overview of available national policy-directed instruments supporting biotechnology research, transfer and commercialisation. Table 2.1 provides an overview of the generic and biotech-specific instruments in Iceland that provided funding for biotechnology research in the period 2002-2005. The figures are presented in more detail in the rest of this section. Table 2.1 National public policy-directed biotechnology-stimulating instruments in the period 2002-2005 (M EUR) Instrument Generic (Defunct) Science Fund and Technical Fund Research Fund Technology Development Fund AVS Plan Biotech-specific Postgenomic Biomedicine Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Programme Biotechnology House TOTAL Source: BioPolis Research Funding organisation Budget % of total Use of DF/SF RANNÍS 9.3 63.4 None RANNÍS 1.1 7.5 None RANNÍS 1.22 8.3 None Ministry for Fisheries 0.56 3.8 None RANNÍS 1.28 8.7 None IceTec 1.2 14.66 8.2 100% None 16 2.3.1 Instrument of the Icelandic government, provided through RANNÍS The Postgenomic Biomedicine Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Programme The programme is based on assessments provided by STPC’s working committees regarding proposals from the scientific and business communities. The new programme was prepared jointly by the council’s Science Committee and Technology Committee. It is implemented as a single research programme and is active in two categories: genomics and nanotechnology. The focus of the first category is on postgenomic biomedicine, a field in which Iceland assessed itself to have proportionately substantial knowledge, thereby making it possible to achieve significant success through a concerted effort of the public and private sectors. The purpose of the research programme is to promote interdisciplinary collaboration in Iceland, as well as increase the country’s strength in biology and medicine on an international level. An effort will be made to maximise the utilisation of existing technologies and equipment. It is also intended to strengthen research and research teams in the main areas of molecular and cell biology, which have already achieved international recognition. Emphasis will be placed on basic research and applied research, and on close collaboration between businesses, research institutes and universities for the development of the Icelandic economy. At the end of the research programme, the strength of the Icelandic scientific and technological community in biosciences is expected to be recognised as being at the forefront worldwide and to have established leadership in niche areas. The areas of research are (STPC 2005): - Stem cells and developmental biology; - Immune responses, immune regulation, inflammation; - Cancer and regulation of cell growth; - Vascular biology in health and diseases; - Neurobiology, degenerative diseases and ageing. The total budget of the Postgenomic Biomedicine Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Programme till 2009 is about 3 M EUR. The Technology Development Fund The Technology Development Fund was created in 2003 through legislation on the organisation of science and technology policy and the funding of research and technological development in Iceland. The fund reflects part of STPC’s objective to increase available funds for competitive grants. The fund operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and is administered by RANNÍS. The fund’s objective is to strengthen research and development in the field of technological development aimed at innovation in the Icelandic economy. It gives support to spin-off ventures and innovative firms to secure economic benefits for the nation and to improve its competitive capacities (RANNÍS, 2006). The fund has a rather unique character: it can take initiatives to establish programmes and specific actions in consultation with the business community, research institutes and universities in areas likely to have economic returns and a decisive impact on economic sector development or on groups of companies. Moreover, the fund is also permitted to enter into partnerships with venture capital investors for seed and early risk 17 financing towards the establishment of firms, which base their operations on technological R&D and involve novelty in the economy. By 2005, 10.7% had been allocated by the fund for biotechnology research. The Research Fund The Research Fund is the most important public sector tool for reinforcing the research community infrastructure through project grants based on applications from business and public institutions. This fund replaces the previous Science and Technical Funds, thereby ending the previous demarcation in funding criteria between basic and applied research. STPC gives increasing priority to larger projects and encourages the formation of knowledge clusters and larger research teams. The 2005 annual budget of the Research Fund amounted to 5.91M EUR (RANNÍS, 2005). 2.3.2 Instrument of the Icelandic government through Ice Tec The Biotechnology House was built by research institutes and the University of Iceland to foster applied R&D in biotechnology. The Biotechnology House is a publicly-funded science park that works towards high-level industry-oriented research; the transmission of knowledge from academia to industry and its application for industrial resources; and the adoption of biotechnology for new industrial applications. It is focused on plants, the environment and industrial biotechnology research. It has resulted in the creation of several well-known biotechnology firms in Iceland. The Biotechnology House is hosted by the IceTec’s biotechnology department. IceTec’s goal is to strengthen the Icelandic economy through R&D, counselling, entrepreneurship, etc. 2.3.3 Instrument of the Icelandic government through the Ministry of Fisheries The Added Value of Seafood (AVS) Plan is a new research fund that was created under STPC’s 2004 resolution. The AVS Plan was established by the Icelandic Ministry of Fisheries. As fishery and fish processing have traditionally been a strong economic sector in Iceland, the AVS Plan intends to respond to worldwide competitiveness by strengthening research and product development to support an increase in the value of Icelandic marine products. The fund supports innovative projects in the fields of new technology, development of new products, improved quality, food safety, increased productivity and environmental friendliness, and self-sustaining production. The AVS Plan has a subdivision on biotechnology. The Plan was prepared in consultation with experts from fisheries and fish processing industries. In addition, the fund is intended to provide an appropriate infrastructure for new technology-based firms to facilitate their survival and growth; upgrade innovation-related skills and diffuse new technologies in enterprises; and increase the rate of commercialisation/marketing of the results of innovation activity in enterprises. 18 2.4. Charities As mentioned in section 1.4, charities are also actively engaged in the funding of biotechnology research in Iceland. In particular, the Icelandic Cancer Society funds research in the Molecular and Cell Biology Research Laboratory. In addition, the Icelandic Cancer Society also provides small research grants for which other research organisations in Iceland may also apply. Table 2.2 Overview of biotechnology-stimulating instruments used by charities in 2002-2005 (in M EUR) Instrument Funding for Molecular and Cell Biology Research Laboratory Small research funds n.a.: data not available Source: BioPolis Research 2.5 Charity Duration Budget Icelandic Cancer Society Starting date n.a. n.a. 1.79 Icelandic Cancer Society n.a. n.a. 0.05 Participation in 6th Framework Programme Table 2.4 shows Iceland’s involvement in the Sixth Framework Programme, which addresses biotechnology/life sciences research. Iceland has been particularly active in life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health. It coordinates six programmes. Iceland has also participated in food quality and safety activities. However, there has so far been no participation in the bio-nanotechnology area. Table 2.3 Involvement of Iceland in biotechnology/life sciences programmes of the 6th Framework Programme Sixth Framework Programme1 Participations as coordinator Participations as member of the project 2 team 13 (0.15%%) Thematic priority 1. Life sciences, genomics and 6 (0.79%) biotechnology for health 2. Nanotechnologies, section bio0 0 nanotechnology 5. Food quality and safety 0 6 (0.38%) 1 First and second call, all types of projects. 2 Persons/groups can participate in more than one project, which has resulted in greater participation. Source: BioPolis Research 19 3. Performance of the national biotechnology innovation system 3.1 Introduction This chapter analyses the performance of Iceland’s biotechnology innovation system for two or three time periods (depending on data availability), as shown by a range of indicators for scientific and commercialisation performance. Each time period includes several years, to avoid capturing erratic trends. National trends are benchmarked against the performance of the EU25 member states and the USA. For each policy area, a comparison is made between Iceland’s performance and that of the EU25 and USA. For each area, data of a number of different indicators for Iceland, USA and EU25 are also shown. The values of EU25 have been chosen as a reference in each indicator. The absolute figures used to calculate the values for the indicators presented and the sources for the data can be found in Annex 5. In principle, for each indicator, data are presented for three periods. The periods chosen can vary considerably between the indicators; Table A.5.1 presents for each indicator the specific years for each period. 3.2 Performance in creating a knowledge base and supporting the availability of human resources Over a ten-year period, Iceland first significantly increased and then decreased its output of biotechnology publications per million capita (from index 199 in 1994-1996 to index 263 in 1998-2000 to index 214 in 2002-2004 – see Chart 3.1). In the same time frame, the number of USA publications dropped from index 208 in 1994-1996 to index 166 in 20022004. Consequently, Iceland overtook the output level of the USA in periods 2 and 3. Iceland has consistently maintained a considerably higher output of biotechnology publications than the EU25, by at least 100%. Although the number of biotechnology publications actually increased, its share in relation to the total number of publications diminished from index 138 in 1994-1996 to index 110 in 2002-2004. It was still higher than the EU25 average, though not as high as USA figures. With regard to biotech publications per biotechnology public R&D expenditure, for the period 2002-2004, Iceland had an impressive record of 474, and performed much higher than the EU25. When considering the number of citations per biotechnology publication, Iceland also showed a much higher performance than both the USA and EU251. On the other hand, the citation output slightly decreased over the tenyear period. 1 Small countries show a relatively large citation rate. A possible explanation might be that, in terms of number of publications, usually large countries have a larger "middle quality" share of research results (in terms of impacts), leading to a "dilution" of papers with outstanding impact from these countries in a large number of medium-impact publications, while smaller countries have usually "low in the number, but good in quality" publications. This could be explained by a certain concentration of resources in small countries towards selected research groups. In other words, small countries may concentrate their resources in outstanding research units, which would lead to the effect that a lower number of publications may have greater impact. It should be noted, that we did not explore this "small-country" bias in detail during the BioPolis project. Additional research would be required to confirm this explanation. 20 In terms of graduates in life sciences, the number significantly declined from index 281 in 1998-2000 to index 139 in 2002-2004. Nevertheless, Iceland’s performance exceeded that of the EU25, and in the period 2002-2004, it surpassed the USA. This was due to a decline in the number of US PhD graduates from index 321 in 1998-2000 to index 131 in 2002-2004. Chart 3.1 Iceland biotechnology knowledge base indicators: comparison with EU25 and USA figures in three periods (index values) 100 = EU25 0 100 200 300 400 500 Period 3 Period 2 Period 1 Biotech Publ pMC USA BT Publ / MEcu pub. BT R&D BT Publ/ Total Publ Citation per BT Publ Graduates in Life Sciences pMC Source: BioPolis Research Data: Science Citation Index Icelandic biotechnology publications are mainly concentrated in the field of human health followed, far behind, by generic biotechnology. A comparison of the figures for 19941996 and 2002-2004 shows that this picture has not really changed. When both periods are compared, the share of human health biotechnology has slightly decreased from 60% to 57%, although for the same period the index figures increased from 70 to 112. The share of generic biotechnology decreased from 29% to 20%, although the index figures showed a slight increase during the same period. With regard to the division of biotechnology publications over various research fields, Charts 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 show the various shares for Iceland, the USA and EU25 in the periods 1994-1996 and 2002-2004. 21 Chart 3.2.1 Share of subfields, as a percentage of total biotechnology publications, for Iceland: comparison with EU25 and USA figures (1994-1996) 70% Iceland EU25 USA 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Plant BT Health BT Animal BT Food BT Industrial BT Environmental BT Generic BT Source: BioPolis Research Data: Science Citation Index Chart 3.2.2 Share of subfields, as a percentage of total biotechnology publications, for Iceland: comparison with EU25 figures (2002-2004) 70% Iceland EU25 USA 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Plant BT Health BT Animal BT Food BT Source: BioPolis Research Data: Science Citation Index 22 Industrial BT Environmental BT Generic BT With regard to the number of biotechnology publications in various biotechnology subfields, publications in animal biotechnology have grown substantially, far more than in the USA and EU25 (Graph 3.3). The number of animal biotechnology publications increased by 241% between 1994-1996 and 2002-2004. Food biotechnology (+133%) and industrial biotechnology (+100%) also show an increase, while plant biotechnology (75%) and health biotechnology (60%) grew considerably. Icelandic growth in these subfields was higher than EU25 and USA growth figures – none more so than in the field of animal biotechnology. However, there was only a 15% increase for Iceland’s generic biotechnology and zero growth in environmental biotechnology. In the latter, the USA and EU25 are both significantly ahead of Iceland. Chart 3.3 Growth rates of biotechnology subfield publications in Iceland: comparison with EU25 and USA figures (1994-1996 and 2002-2004) 300% Iceland EU25 USA 250% 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% Plant BT Health BT Animal BT Food BT Industrial BT Environmental BT Generic BT Source: BioPolis Research Data: Science Citation Index 3.3 Performance in knowledge transmission and application Over the ten-year period covered, Iceland’s output of biotech patent applications per biotech publications rose dramatically (from index 34 in 1994-1996 to index 297 in 20022004). Chart 3.4 also shows that after the first period (1994-1996), Iceland had significantly overtaken the outputs of both the EU and USA. With regard to biotech patent applications per million capita, Iceland’s output had an even more dramatic increase (from index 68 in 1994-1996 to index 701 in 2002-2004). Iceland’s performance was substantially ahead of that of the EU and USA (Index 295 and Index 190 for the 23 corresponding periods). In terms of biotechnology start-ups, there was no available data for Iceland. Chart 3.4 Performance indicators for Iceland’s biotechnology knowledge transmission and applications (1994-1996, 1998-2000 and 2002-2004) 100 = EU25 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Period 3 Period 2 Period 1 BT Patent/BT Publ USA BT Patents pMC BT Start-ups pMC Source: BioPolis Research Data: Science Citation Index 3.4 Industrial development In the BioPolis project, the indicators used for performance in industrial development are: Number of biotechnology companies pMC; Number of Biotech IPOs pMC; and Venture Capital in EUR pC. Iceland has no biotechnology IPOs pMC, and there are no data available on the number of biotechnology companies pMC and Venture Capital in EUR pC in Iceland. 3.5 Market conditions In the BioPolis project, two indicators are used for performance in market conditions: Approved Biomedicines (1995-2002) and Field Trials (1996-2002). For the period covered, there are no approved biomedicines in Iceland. Similarly, field trials are absent in the country. 24 4. Conclusions 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, conclusions are drawn about the availability and characteristics of the generic and biotechnology-specific instruments through which the Icelandic government has funded biotechnology research, technology transfer and commercialisation. A comparison will also be made with the period 1994-1998. 4.2 Public funding of biotechnology through policy instruments Table 4.1 presents the generic and biotechnology-specific policy-directed instruments for Iceland. Based on available data, public funding for biotechnology research shows a sharp increase in 2003 followed by a sharp decrease in 2004. This coincided with the implementation of the new laws and corresponding reorganisation described in section 1.2. Funding for biotechnology significantly increased in 2005 but did not reach the 2003 level. The sharp devaluation of the Icelandic krono in 2005 had a significant bearing on the budget. With regard to commercialisation activities, there is no data available for the Biotechnology House. It should be noted that the public sector’s contribution to biotechnology research in Iceland is only about 7%, while 1% comes from charities. According to Finnbjörnsson, the private sector accounts for 92% of total funding for biotechnology in the country (Finnbjörnsson, in print). Table 4.1 Public funding of biotechnology, by non-directed, specific instruments, in the period 2002-2005 (in M EUR) RESEARCH 1. Non-policy-directed 2a. Policy-directed, Generic 2 (Defunct) Science Fund and Technical Fund Research Fund Technology Development Fund AVS Plan Total 2b. Policy-directed, Biotech-specific Postgenomic Biomedicine Nanoscience and Nanotechnology programme Biotechnology House Total COMMERCIALISATION 2 generic and 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 3.5 n.a. n.a. n.a. 3.5 5.8 n.a. n.a. 0.09 5.89 n.a. 0.4 0.48 0.20 1.08 n.a. 0.7 0.74 0.27 1.71 9.3 1.1 1.22 0.56 12.18 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.28 1.28 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.58 1.2 2.48 The Science Fund and Technical Fund were abolished in 2004. Budget expenditures for biotechnology in 2002 and 2003 were based on a survey conducted by RANNIS (Finnbjörnsson in print). 25 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total n.a. 3.8 n.a. 6.19 n.a. 1.38 n.a. 3.29 n.a. 14.66 1a. Policy-directed, Generic Biotechnology House GRAND TOTALS n.a.: not available Source: BioPolis Research 4.3 Specific features of the instruments3 Table 4.2 provides information about the recipients of grants, and the proportion of grants provided by public authorities. The recipients of the grants are public research organisations (PROs), small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large firms (LF) – except for the Biotechnology House, which does not cover LFs. Table 4.2 Instrument features Instrument Generic Technology Development Fund AVS Plan Biotech-specific Postgenomic Biomedicine Nanoscience and Nanotechnology programme Biotechnology House Source: BioPolis Research 4.4 Funding agency Participants/Recipients Financial contribution required (%) ReciPublic pients authorities PROs SMEs LFs RANNÍS √ √ √ √ Ministry for Fisheries √ √ √ √ RANNÍS √ √ √ √ IceTec √ √ √ Policy goals4 The policy goals covered by the four instruments are presented in Table 4.3. Available data shows that the adoption of biotechnology for industrial applications received the largest budget allocations. High level industry-oriented (and applied) research received 3 This section does not include the Research Fund and former Science Fund and Technology Fund. This section does not include the budgets of the Research Fund and former Science Fund and Technology Fund. 4 26 the second largest budget allocation. Both of these goals are highly consistent with the national goals, as described in Chapter 1. Table 4.3 Coverage of policy goals and funding, by national policy-directed instruments, in the period 2002-2005 (M EUR) 1 Generic Technology Development Fund AVS Plan Total Biotech-specific Postgenomic Biomedicine Nanoscience and Nanotechnology programme Biotechnology House Total Grand Total % of Grand Total n.a.: not available 2 3 Policy goals 5 0.51 n.a. n.a. 0.51 0.26 0.26 0.26 6.91 0.51 0.30 0.30 0.81 21.54 0.26 6 9 0.38 n.a. 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.26 0.30 0.60 0.51 0.56 0.60 0.26 0.51 0.56 0.98 0.64 13.56 14.89 26.06 17.02 5 = Transmission of knowledge from academia to industry and its application to industrial resources 6 = Adoption of biotechnology for new industrial applications 7 = Firm creation 8 = Social acceptance of biotechnology 9 = Business investment in R&D 10= Bio-safety, risk assessment 1 = High level of biotechnology research 2 = High level of industry-oriented (and applied) research 3 = Knowledge flow and collaboration among scientific disciplines 4 = Availability of human resources Source: BioPolis Research 4.5 Biotech research application areas5 The application areas that are covered by the four instruments are presented in Table 4.4. Available data shows that health biotechnology stands out, with the biggest allocation of funds (about 37%). This is highly consistent with Iceland’s performance, as described in Chapter 3. 5 Ibid. 27 Table 4.4 Coverage of biotech research application areas and funding, by policydirected instruments, in the period 2002-2005 (M EUR) Biotech application areas 1 Generic Technology 0.13 Development Fund AVS Plan n.a. Total 0.13 Biotech-specific Postgenomic Biomedicine Nanoscience and Nanotechnology programme Biotechnology House 0.18 Total 0.18 Grand Total 0.31 % of Grand Total 9.45 n.a.: not available 1 = Plant biotechnology 2 = Animal biotechnology 3 = Environmental biotechnology 4 = Health biotechnology 2 3 4 5 6 9 0.06 0.13 0.19 0.06 0.32 0.38 n.a. 0.06 n.a. 0.13 n.a. 0.19 n.a. 0.06 n.a. 0.32 0.38 1.02 0 0.06 1.83 0.3 0.3 0.16 4.88 1.02 1.21 36.89 0.26 0 0.06 1.83 0.52 0.52 0.84 25.61 0.26 0.64 19.51 5 = Food biotechnology 6 = Industrial biotechnology 7 = Basic biotechnology 8 = Ethical, legal, social aspects of biotechnology 9 = General (including capacity building, support for patenting, etc.) Source: BioPolis Research 4.6 Stimulation of biotech activities through the instruments Biotech activities covered by the four instruments are presented in Table 4.5. Available data shows that research networks stand out, with the largest allocation of funds (about 43%). This is highly consistent with Iceland’s emphasis on research collaboration between the public and private sectors. Table 4.5 Coverage and funding of biotech activities, by policy-directed instruments, in the period 2002-2005 (M EUR) 1 Biotech activities 8 12 2 4 0.26 0.41 0 n.a. 0.26 0.41 n.a. 0 0.26 0.26 0.51 0.26 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 16 17 Generic Technology Development Fund AVS Plan Total Biotech-specific Postgenomic Biomedicine Nanoscience and Nanotechnology programme Biotechnology House 28 0.10 0.10 0.10 n.a. 0 n.a. 0.10 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 0.26 0.26 12.04 Biotech activities 4 8 12 0.51 0.26 0 0.92 0.26 0.10 42.59 12.04 4.63 16 17 Total 0 0 Grand Total 0 0.10 % of Grand Total 0 4.63 n.a.: not available 1 Basic research 11 Science and technology park 2 Applied research 12 Protection of IPR in public research organisations 3 Centres of excellence 13 Financial support for start-ups 4 Research networks 14 Non-financial support for start-ups 5 Mobility of researchers among disciplines 15 Creation of incubators 6 Biotechnology training 16 Awareness of biotech by companies not yet active the field 7 Mobility of researchers between academia and industry 17 Grants for industrial research 8 Collaborative research between industry 18 Other incentives for business investment and public research organisations 19. Support for public discourse activities 9 Establishment of research institute/centre of industrial interest 10 Technology transfer office Source: BioPolis Research 4.7 2 0.26 0.52 24.07 Dynamics: comparison with 1994-1998 This section compares the current period of study (2002-2005) with the Inventory Study of Iceland,6 which covered the period 1994-1998. The basis of comparison is the average total funding per annum (Table 4.6) and presence of policy instruments for specific policy goals (Table 4.7). Table 4.6 shows a dramatic increase in the average total funding per annum from 0.67M ECU (Engelen-Smeets and Enzing, 1999) to 3.66 M EUR over the two periods. Table 4.6 Biotechnology research funding through non-policy-directed and policydirected instruments, in 1994-1998 and 2002-2005 Funding Average total funding per annum for biotechnology research in 1994-1998 (M ECU) National 0.67 ECU Regional None Total 0.67 ECU Source: BioPolis Research Average total funding per annum for biotechnology research in 20022005 (M EUR) 3.66 None 3.66 Table 4.7 compares the policy areas covered by the instruments during the two periods. Basically, the policy areas remained the same for both periods with the notable exception of the promotion of high-level biotechnology research during the first period. This goal 6 Engelen-Smeets, E.R. and C.M. Enzing, ‘National Report of Iceland’ (1999), in European Commission, Inventory of Public Biotechnology R&D programmes in Europe: National Reports Volume 2 (AustriaIreland), Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 2000. 29 was no longer covered in the second period. Alliances and cooperation received considerable policy attention during both periods. The government continued to support biotechnology by encouraging linkages and cooperation between the public and private sectors. Table 4.7 Presence of policy-directed instruments for specific policy goals in the periods 1994-1998 and 2002-2005 Presence of instruments Policy areas Policy goals 1. To promote a high level of biotechnology basic research 2. To promote a high level of industryoriented (and applied) research 3. To support knowledge flow and collaboration among scientific disciplines 4. To assure availability of human resources 2. Knowledge 5. To facilitate transmission of knowledge transmission and from academia to industry and its application application for industrial purposes 6. To stimulate the adoption of biotechnology for new industrial applications 7. To assist firm creation 3. Market 8. To monitor and improve social acceptance of biotechnology 4. Industrial 9. To encourage business investment in development R&D * G = Generic instruments; ** S= Biotechnology-specific instruments Source: BioPolis Research 1. Creation of knowledge base and human resources 30 1994-1998 G* S** √ 2002-2005 G S √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 5. Future developments The newly-established programme on Postgenomic Biomedicine Nanoscience and Nanotechnology will run until 2009, with a total budget of about 3M EUR. The Technology Development Fund and the Research Fund will also continue. According to a representative from RANNÍS, aside from these three funding instruments, there are as yet no other indications that new policy-directed instruments for biotechnology will be created in the near future. 31 Annex 1 List of tables No. Title Page Table 1.1 Response expressed in percentages outlining the extent of Icelandic approval on the application of new technologies 10 Table 2.1 National public policy-directed biotechnology-stimulating instruments in the period 2002-2005 (M EUR) 16 Table 2.2 Overview of biotechnology-stimulating instruments used by charities in 2002-2005 (in M EUR) 19 Table 2.3 Involvement of Iceland in biotechnology/life Sciences programmes of the 6th Framework Programme 19 Table 4.1 Public funding of biotechnology, by non-directed, Generic and specific instruments, in the period 2002-2005 (in M EUR) 25 Table 4.2 Features of instruments 26 Table 4.3 Coverage of policy goals and funding, by national policy-directed instruments, in the period 2002-2005 (M EUR) 27 Table 4.4 Coverage of biotech research application areas and funding, 28 by policy-directed instruments, in the period 2002-2005 (M EUR) Table 4.5 Coverage and funding of biotech activities, by policy-directed instruments, in the period 2002-2005 (M EUR) 28 Table 4.6 Biotechnology research funding through non-policy-directed and policy-directed instruments, in 1994-1998 and 2002-2005 29 Table 4.7 Presence of policy-directed instruments for specific policy goals 30 in the periods 1994-1998 and 2002-2005 32 Annex 2 List of figures and charts No. Title Page Figure 1.1. Structure for STI policy in Iceland 8 Chart 3.1. Iceland biotechnology knowledge base indicators: comparison with EU25 and USA figures in three periods (index values) 21 Chart 3.2.1. Share of subfields, as a percentage of total biotechnology publications, for Iceland: comparison with EU25 and USA figures (1994-1996) 22 Chart 3.2.2. Share of subfields, as a percentage of total biotechnology publications, for Iceland: comparison with EU25 figures (2002-2004) 22 Chart 3.3. Growth rates of biotechnology subfield publications in Iceland: comparison with EU25 and USA figures (1994-1996 and 2002-2004) 23 Chart 3.4. Performance indicators for Iceland’s biotechnology knowledge transmission and applications (1994-1996, 1998-2000 and 2002-2004) 24 33 Annex 3 List of contact persons Thorvald Finnbjörnsson, RANNÍS Hallgrímur Jónasson, IceTec Arndís Ármann Steinþórsdóttir, Ministry of Fisheries Gudrun Agnarsdottir, Icelandic Cancer Society 34 Annex 4 References ARI, 2006. (accessed 05/01/06) Decode Genetics, Annual Report, 2003. Engelen-Smeets, E.R.W and C.M. Enzing, ‘National Report of Iceland’, Inventory of public biotechnology R&D programmes in Europe:- National Reports Volume 2 (AustriaIreland), Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1999. EU, ‘The EU's relations with Iceland’, 2005. (accessed 05/01/06) Eurobarometer, ‘Social values, Science and Technology’, 2005. archives/ebs/ebs_225_report_en.pdf European TrendChart on Innovation, Annual Innovation Policy Report for Iceland, 20032004. /reports/documents/CR_Iceland_September2004.PDF European TrendChart on Innovation, Annual Innovation Policy Trends and Appraisal Reports, Iceland, 2004-2005. European TrendChart on Innovation, Country Report: Iceland, 1999-2000. Finnbjörnsson, T., ‘Iceland (Historical Review)’, Good Practices in Nordic Innovation Policies. Part 2: Innovation Policy Trends and Rationalities, Oslo, STEP Centre for Innovation Research, 2003. http://www// Finnbjörnsson, T., ‘Analysis of R&D in biotechnology in Iceland 2001 to 2003’, in print. Hólar Agricultural College, 2006. http// (accessed 05/01/06) IceTec, 2006. (accessed 05/01/06) Iceland BIO, Life Sciences in Iceland, 2005. (accessed 05/01/06) 35 Icelandic Cancer Society, 2006. (accessed 05/01/06) Icelandic Fisheries Laboratory, Annual Report 2003, 2003. (accessed 05/01/06) Icelandic Forest Research Station, 2006. (accessed 05/01/06) IFF, 2006. (accessed 05/01/06) IHA, 2006. (accessed 05/01/06) Lúðvíksson, V., ‘A short note on The New Law on the Organisation of Science and Technology Policy in Iceland’, 2003. Ministry for Foreign Affairs (accessed 05/01/06) MRI, 2006. (accessed 05/01/06) OECD, ‘R&D in the Field of Biotechnology in Iceland’, DSTI/EAS/STP/NESTI(2001)5, OECD, Paris, 2001. OECD, ‘OECD Science, Technology and Industrial Outlook 2004’. Country Response to Policy Questionnaire, 2004.,2340,en_33873108_33873476_33995839_1_1_1_1, 00.html Prokaria. (accessed 05/01/06) RANNÍS, 2005. (accessed 08/11/05) 36 RANNÍS, R&D Statistics 2003, 2005. (accessed 08/11/05) STPC, ‘Science and Technology Policy Iceland’, 2004. (accessed 08/11/05) STPC, Postgenomic Biomedicine Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2005. University of Akureyri, 2006. (accessed 05/01/06) WTO, Trade Policy Reviews: Iceland January 2000, 2000. 37 Annex 5 Performance Introduction This Annex includes the data that was used to develop the indicators discussed in Chapter 3. Chapter 3 describes four sets of indicators used to measure the performance of the national biotechnology system of innovation, in terms of: 1. Creating a knowledge base and supporting the availability of human resources: Charts 3.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.3 2. Knowledge transmission and application: Chart 3.4 3. Industrial development: Chart 3.5 4. Market conditions: Chart 3.6 The indicators aim to capture trends in performance and compare the national situation with that of a reference region. To present trends in performance, most indicators are provided for three or two different time periods, depending on data availability. To avoid capturing erratic trends, each time period includes several years, again depending on data availability. Information on which years have been captured for each period and comments concerning the index used can be found in the last two columns of Table A5.1. Table A5.1. Performance indicators, charts, comments and time periods Indicator Chart Comments Time periods Ind. 1 Biotech publications per million capita (pMC) 3.1 Index: Reference Region EU25 =100 and US data for comparison (1) 1994-1996, (2) 1998-2000, (3) 2002-2004 Ind. 2 Biotech publications per BT public R&D expenditure 3.1 Only for those countries included in the inventory Index: Reference Region EU25 =100 BT Pub. 2002-2004 / Total Pub. Expenditure 1994-1998 M Ecu Ind. 3 BT patents / BT publications 3.4 Index: Reference Region EU25 =100 and US data for comparison (1) 1994-1996 (2) 1998-2000 (3) 2001-2003 Ind. 4 BT publications / Total pub. 3.1 (1) 1994-1996 (2) 1998-2000 (3) 2002-2004 Ind. 5 Citations to BT publications 3.1 Index: Reference Region EU25 =100 and US data for comparison Index: Reference Region EU25 =100 and US data for comparison Small country effect 38 (1) 1994-1998 (3) 2000-2004 Indicator Chart Comments Time periods (2) 1998 (3) 2002 Ind. 6 Graduates in life sciences pMC 3.1 Index: Reference Region EU17 =100 and US data for comparison Ind. 7 BT publications in subfields, as % of total BT publications 3.2.1 Data in % EU25 and US data for comparison 3.2.2 1994-1996 2002-2004 Growth rate between 1994-96 (period 1) and 2002-04 (period 3) Ind. 8 Growth rate of BT publications in subfields 3.3 EU25 and US data for comparison Small field effect Ind. 9 Biotech patent applications pMC 3.4 EU25 and US data for comparison (1) 1994-1996 (2) 1998-2000 (3) 2001-2003 Ind. 10 Number of biotechnology companies pMC Number of biotech start-ups pMC 3.5 European (data available) and US data for comparison European (data available) and US data for comparison (2) 2001 (3) 2004 Ind. 11 Ind. 12 (3) 2001-2003 (only one period) Number of biotech IPOs pMC Venture capital in € pC 3.5 Ind. 14 BT acceptance index No Chart Discussed in text of chapter 3 Source: BT Policy Benchmarking 2005. The biotechnology acceptance index is a composite index and draws on questions Q.12, Q.13.1 and Q14.01 and Q14.09 of the Eurobarometer 58.0 2002 Ind. 15 Eurobarometer 225 No Chart discussed in text of chapter 3 See section 3.3 and sections 3.4.1, 3.4.2, and 3.4.3 of the Special Eurobarometer 2257 2005 Ind. 16 Biomedicines 3.6 Source: BT Policy Benchmarking 2005 Index: Reference Region EU15 =100 US data for 1995-2002 Ind. 13 7 3.4 3.5 European (data available) and US data for comparison European (data available) and US data for comparison 39 (3) 2002-2005 (2) 2002 (3) 2004 Indicator Chart Comments 3.6 Source: Biotechnology Innovation Scoreboard 2002 Index: Reference Region EU15 =100 US data for comparison Time periods comparison Ind. 17 Field trials 1996-2001 The following methodological issues are related to some of the indicators: • • • • • Indicator 3 (Patent BT / Publications BT) replaces the indicator BT publications basic research/ BT publications applied research. Results of the EPOHITE project have shown that the original indicator does not differ significantly in the case of old EU member states. This might be the result of methodological problems associated with the indicator, since the definition of basic and applied research is based on a journal classification made by SCI. The explanatory power of this indicator is therefore questionable. To calculate the citation rate first the publications for the period 1994-1996 (set 1) were searched and all the publications in 1994-1998 that cited any publications in set 1 (set 2). Citation rate has been calculated by (number of publications in set 2) / (number of publications in set 1). However, many of the articles in set 2 cited not only one article in set 1 and these duplicated citations are not taken into account in our calculation. For example, if there are 2 articles in set 1 and they each has one citation but cited by the same article, there is only 1 article in set 2. The citation rate for the 2 articles in set 1 is 0.5 instead of 1. This depreciation is more obvious in countries with more publications such as USA and EU25 since the possibility to cite multiple articles in set 1 is large. Accordingly the citation rates of USA and EU25 are a bit underestimated. The indicator ‘Citations to BT publications’ seems to have a ‘small country effect’ bias. Small countries show a relatively large citation rate. A possible explanation might be that, as far as number of publications is concerned, larger countries usually have a larger ‘middle quality’ share of research results (in terms of impact) while smaller countries usually have a ‘low in number but good in quality’ publications impact. This can be explained by the concentration of resources allocated to selected research groups in small countries. Small countries may concentrate resources in outstanding research units. Accordingly, fewer publications may have greater impact. The EU25=100 index is applicable in the indicator ‘Graduates in life sciences pMC’ since data was only available for 17 member states. For those countries starting from zero in period 1 (1994/1996), the growth rate of BT publications in subfields was set to 100% if the number of publications in period 3 (2002-2004) was larger than zero. On the other hand, if the country reduced the number of publications to zero in the period 2002-2004, the growth rate was -100%.Given that a relative growth rate was used, small fields tended to 40 • have relatively larger growth rates. To benchmark each country we chose EU25 (or EU15 if data was not fully available) as the reference region. In those cases where data for EU25 or EU15 were not available, the reference corresponds to the sum of national data available. Moreover, to ease the presentation of indicators with different scales in a given chart, an index value was used. Raw data for Charts in chapter 3 Raw data for Chart 3.1. BT publications per million capita (pMC): absolute and indexed values BT publications EU25 Iceland USA Population (million) 94-96 98-00 02-04 1996 2000 2004 97521 116 119802 128716 209 135508 145646 198 154402 447 0 264 451 0 276 457 0 292 BT Publications/pMC 94-96 98-00 EU25 218 285 Iceland 433 749 USA 454 492 Source: BioPolis Research Publications: SCI Population: EUROSTAT and OECD Index EU25=100 02-04 94-96 98-00 02-04 319 681 529 100 199 208 100 263 172 100 214 166 Raw data for Chart 3.1. BT publications per BT public R&D expenditure BT publications Nonpolicydirected funding Policy-directed funding Biotec specific Total public spending on BT (Mecu) BT publications/ Mecu BT public expenditure Index Generic 20021994199419941994-1998 2002-2004/ 2004 1998 1998 1998 1994-1998 EU25 145646 n.a. Iceland 198 2.6 0 0 3 76 USA 154402 n.a. Source: BioPolis Research Publications: SCI BT public expenditures in research: Inventory Project, Table 3.4 Executive Summary 41 474 n.a. Raw data for Chart 3.1. BT publications, as share of total publications: absolute and indexed values BT publications EU25 Iceland USA Total publications 94-96 98-00 02-04 94-96 98-00 02-04 97521 128716 145646 860652 1024327 1117392 116 209 198 740 1051 1386 119802 135508 154402 889506 941191 1045894 Share of BT publication Index EU25=100 94-96 98-00 02-04 94-96 98-00 02-04 EU25 11% 13% 13% 100 100 100 Iceland 16% 20% 14% 138 158 110 USA 13% Source: BioPolis Research Publications: SCI 14% 15% 119 115 113 Raw data for Chart 3.1. Citations to BT publications: absolute and indexed values Citations to BT publications EU25 Iceland USA Source: BioPolis Research Data Citation: SCI Index EU25=100 94-98 00-04 94-98 00-04 4.06 12.70 3.89 3.95 11.84 4.14 100 207 104 100 163 117 Raw data for Chart 3.1. Graduates in life sciences pMC: absolute and indexed values Graduates in Life Sciences EU17 Iceland USA Population (million) 1998 / 1999 2002 1998 / 1999 2002 46859** 65* 75253* 81316 75 70950 552** 0* 276* 431 0 288 Graduates pMC 1998 / 1999 Index EU17=100 2002 1998 / 1999 2002 EU17 85** 189 100 Iceland 239* 262 281 USA 273* 246 321 Index EU17=100 for 1998 is EU-16, because for Portugal no data availiable * data for 1998; ** data for 1999 Source: BioPolis Research Population source for US OECD OECD Education Database 100 139 131 42 Raw data for Chart 3.2.1. BT publications in subfields, as share of total BT publications, for the period 1994-1996 1994-1996 Total Plant Health Animal Food Industrial Environmental Generic EU25 100% 8% 53% 5% 3% 1% 1% 30% Iceland 100% 3% 60% 4% 3% 0% 1% 29% 6% 56% 5% 2% 0% 0% 30% USA 100% Source: BioPolis Research Publications: SCI Raw data for Chart 3.2.2. BT publications in subfields, as share of BT publicationsa, for the period 2002-2004 2002-2004 Total Plant Health Animal Food Industrial Environmental Generic EU25 100% 7% 58% 5% 4% 1% 1% 25% Iceland 100% 4% 61% 9% 4% 0% 1% 21% 6% 59% 5% 3% 0% 1% 26% USA 100% Source: BioPolis Research Publications: SCI Raw data for Chart 3.2.1 BT publications in subfields for the period 1994-1996 1994-1996 EU25 Iceland Total Plant Health Animal Food Industrial Environmental Generic 97217 7629 51944 4375 2434 624 576 29635 117 4 70 5 3 0 1 34 7118 62274 5580 2230 296 459 33729 USA 111686 Source: BioPolis Research Publications: SCI Raw data for Chart 3.2.2 BT publications in subfields for the period 2002-2004 2002-2004 EU25 Iceland Total Plant Health Animal Food Industrial Environmental Generic 140984 10494 81220 6821 5017 1162 1126 35144 183 7 112 17 7 0 1 39 7910 84234 6872 4070 436 724 37434 USA 141680 Source: BioPolis Research Publications: SCI 43 Raw data for Chart 3.3. Growth rate of BT publications in subfields between 1994-96 and 2002-04 1994-1996/2002-2004 Plant Health Animal Food Industrial Environmental Generic EU25 38% 56% 56% 106% 86% 95% 19% Iceland 75% 60% 240% 133% 0% 0% 15% USA 11% 35% Source: BioPolis Research Publications: SCI 23% 83% 47% 58% 11% Raw data for Chart 3.4. BT patents pMC: absolute and indexed values BT patents EU25 Iceland USA Population (million) 94-96 98-00 01-03 1996 2000 2003 4924 2 8590 8921 23 14396 10119 45 12348 447 0 264 451 0 276 455 0 292* 98-00 01-03 94-96 98-00 01-03 20 82 52 22 156 42 100 68 295 100 417 264 100 701 190 BT patents/pMC 94-96 EU25 11 Iceland 7 USA 33 Source: BioPolis Research Publications: SCI Patents: Questel Orbit Index Raw data for Chart 3.4. BT patents per BT publications: absolute and indexed values BT patents EU25 Iceland USA BT publications 94-96 98-00 01-03 94-96 98-00 01-03 4924 2 8590 8921 23 14396 10119 45 12348 97521 116 119802 128716 209 135508 140219 210 148853 BT patents/ BT publications Index EU25=100 94-96 98-00 01-03 94-96 98-00 01-03 EU25 0.05 Iceland 0.02 USA 0.07 Source: BioPolis Research Publications: SCI Patents: Questel Orbit 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.21 0.08 100 34 142 100 159 153 100 297 115 44 Raw data for Chart 3.5. Number of BT companies pMC for the period 2001-2004: absolute and indexed values BT companies Europe EU Available Iceland USA Population in T 2001 2002 2003 2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 1879 1643 n.a. 1457 1878 1650 n.a. 1472 1861 1782 n.a. 1473 1815 1605 n.a. 1444 452016 319337 452641 319484 454580 408602 456863 322210 285102 287941 290789 291685 BT companies pMC 2001 2002 2003 Index 2004 2001 2002 Europe EU Available 5 5 4 5 100 100 Iceland n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. USA 5.11 5.11 5.07 4.95 99 99 Note: EU Available is the result of the sum of available EU member states Source: BioPolis Research Biotech companies: E&Y Beyond Borders 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, EuropaBio 2003 2004 100 n.a. 116 100 n.a. 99 Raw data for Chart 3.5. BT start-ups pMC for period 2001-2003 and year 2003: absolute and indexed values BT start-ups Europe (EU 15 - Cyprus Greece + Norway + Switzerland) Iceland USA Europe (EU 15 - Cyprus Greece + Norway + Switzerland) Iceland USA Source: BioPolis Research Start-ups: EuropaBio Population in T 2001-2003 2003 2003 523 n.a. 355 Biotech startup/pMC 132 n.a. 83 367051 Index Biotech startup/pMC Index 2001-2003 2001-2003 2003 2003 1.4 n.a. 100 n.a. 0.36 n.a. 100 n.a. 1.2 86 0.29 79 45 290789 Raw data for Chart 3.5. Number of BT IPO’s pMC: absolute and indexed values EU Available Iceland USA BT IPO 20022005 Population T 2002 2003 2004 2005 29 0 52 452927 287 287941 454869 289 290789 457154 291 291685 461593 294 IPO /pMC Index 2002-2005 2002-2005 20022005 456636 290 290138 EU Available 0.00 100 Iceland 0.00 0 USA 0.00 282 Note: EU Available is the result of the sum of available EU member states IPO data: E&Y 2002-2005, London Stock Exchange, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Euronext, Nasdaq, Burril & Company Source: BioPolis Research Raw data for Chart 3.5. Venture capital pC: absolute and indexed values Venture capital in biotechnology companies M€ 2002 2002 2002 Europe EU Availiable Iceland USA 2002 Population in T 2003 2004 1100 920 2800 890 n.a. 883 n.a. 1111 n.a. 315584 n.a. 319663 n.a. 325131 n.a. 2288 2498 2855 287941 290789 291685 2002 Index 2003 2004 100 n.a. 100 n.a. 100 n.a. 282 311 286 Venture capital in €/pC 2002 2003 2004 Europe EU Availiable 2.8 2.8 3.4 n.a. n.a. n.a. Iceland USA 8 9 10 Source: BioPolis Research VC data : E&Y Beyond Borders 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 46 Raw data for Chart 3.6. Number of Biomedicines pMC Biomedicines Biomedicines / pMC 1995-2002 Population (Million) 2002 39 378 0,10 100 Iceland n.a. n.a. n.a. USA 115 289 0.40 Note: EU 15 is the result of the sum of the 15 old EU member states Source: BioPolis Research Number of medicines: Benchmarking of public biotechnology policy 2005 n.a 387 EU15 Index 1995-2002 Raw data for Chart 3.6. Number of field trails pMC Field trials EU15 Population in M Field trials pMC Index 1996-2001 2001 1996-2001 1996-2001 1334 379 4 100 n.a. 24 n.a. 688 Iceland n.a. n.a. USA 6745 278 Note: EU 15 is the result of the sum of the 15 old EU member states Source: BioPolis Research Field trials: Biotechnology Innovation Scoreboard 2002 Raw data for biotechnology acceptance. Data are mentioned in the text of Chapter 3. BT Acceptance Index 2002 Index Average N (sample size) EU - 15* 100.29 16828 Iceland n.a. n.a. *Weighted Average according to the weight "W13" of the Eurobarometer 58.2, which considers population differences among countries and corrects for inconsistencies in the national samples Source: BioPolis Research BT acceptance index: Benchmarking of public biotechnology policy 2005 47 References: Biotechnology Innovation Scoreboard 2002, European Commission, Enterprise and Industry DG, Brussels, 2002., accessed 1/6/2005. Enzing, C.M. et al., Inventory of Public Biotechnology R&D Programmes in Europe, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1999. Ernst & Young. Beyond Borders: The Global Biotechnology Report, Ernst & Young Global Health Sciences, Cambridge, 2002, 2003, 2004. Reiss, T. et al., Benchmarking of public biotechnology policy 2005, European Commission Enterprise and Industry DG, Brussels, 2005., accessed 1/6/2005. Websites: London Stock Exchange: Frankfurt Stock Exchange: Euronext: Nasdaq: Burril & Company: EuropaBio: EUROSTAT: OECD Education Database: OECD Statistics: STN International: Questel Orbit: 48 Annex 6 Abbreviations AVS DPPA EEA ICETEC IFF IFL IHA MRI RANNÍS STPC UVS Added Value of Seafood Data Protection and Privacy Act European Economic Area The Technological Institute of Iceland Institute of Freshwater Fisheries Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories Icelandic Heart Association The Marine Research Institute Icelandic Centre for Research Science and Technology Policy Council Iceland Genomics Corporation 49 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or published by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without the previous written consent of TNO, Fraunhofer and SPRU. In case this report was drafted on instructions, the rights and obligations of contracting parties are subject to either the Standard Conditions for Research Instructions given to TNO, Fraunhofer and SPRU or the relevant agreement concluded between the contracting parties. Submitting the report for inspection to parties who have a direct interest is permitted. © 2007 TNO (NL) - Fraunhofer (DE) – SPRU (UK)