Document 13209602

At the monument marking the arrival of Vasco de Gama near Calicut
Encounters exhibition: entrance showing screen depicting the arrival of a Portuguese ship, Japan, early 17th century
(Private Collection)
Casket, India (Gujurat), early 16th century, mounted in France (Paris)
by Pierre Mangot, 1532-3 (Louvre)
Seat of elephant bones, Austria (Vienna), 1554 (Kresmünster Abbey)
Europeans bring gifts to Shah Jahan, from the Padshahnama,
Mughal court, about 1650 (Royal Collection)
Encounters exhibition: Religious Encounters section
Lacquer portable altar with painting in oil of the Virgin and Child, Japan,
late 16th-early 17th century (Peabody Essex Museum)
East Indian Company official, probably William Fullerton, by Dip Chand,
India (Murshidabad), 1760-3 (Victoria and Albert Museum)
Indian Woman, India (Murshidabad), 1760-3 (Victoria and Albert Museum)
Illustrated Tributaries of the Qing Empire, by Ding Guanpeng and others,
China (Qing court), 1751-5 (Palace Museum)
In the Forbidden City
Encounters exhibition: Exchanges section
Ivory inlaid cabinet, Western India, mid-late 17th century, stand made in
England, mid 18th century (Victoria and Albert Museum, Poteliakhoff loan)
Wallpaper panels depicting the Canton waterfront, China (Guangzhou) about 1780 (Martyn Gregory Gallery, London,
now in Peabody Essex Museum)
Left: rock crystal bowl and cover, Mughal court, about 1700, mounts made in Germany, 1715-20
(Metropolitan Museum)
Right: Silver tea canister, China, 1680, mounts made in England, about 1750
(Victoria and Albert Museum)
Encounters exhibition: Man’s robe, cotton made in India (Coromandel Coast), 1750-1775, garment made in England, 17501800 (Victoria and Albert Museum)
Sack-back gown and petticoat, painted silk made in China, about 1760,
garment made in England, 1760-70 (Victoria and Albert Museum)
Kimono, silk made in France (Lyon), about 1760, garment made in Japan (Kyoto), late 18th century
(Private Collection)
Screen depicting a map of the world, Japan, early 17th century
(Imperial Household Collections)
Brighton Pavilion, by John Nash, England, 1823 (Brighton Museum)
The Calm Sea Palace, China (Qing court), about 1786
(Victoria and Albert Museum)
The Yongzheng Emperor in European dress,
China (Qing court), 1724-35 (Palace Museum)
At the ruins of the Summer Palace
Encounters exhibition: Tippoo’s Tiger, India (Mysore), about 1795 (Victoria and Albert