Jimmy Reid: Seventy-Five Years Please return this key to the dispenser for other people to use The people and objects in the painting 1 Jimmy Reid, 2007. 2 Jimmy Reid, 1971, a leader of and a spokesman for the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders’ Work-In. 3 Jimmy Airlie (1936–97), a leader of the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders’ Work-In and Convenor of Shop Stewards for the UCS. 4 Tony Benn (Labour MP 1950–2001), minister in the Wilson and Callaghan governments of 1974–6 and 1976–9. 5 Hugh Scanlon (1913–2003), President of the Amalgamated Engineering Union, 1968–78. 6 Bobby Dickie, 1971, Convenor, Clydebank Division, UCS. 7 William ‘Bugsy’ McInness, 1971, Convenor, Linthouse Division, UCS. 8 Sammy Barr, 1971, Convenor, Scotstoun Division, UCS. 9 Roddy McKenzie, 1971, Shop Steward/Treasurer, Clydebank Division, UCS. 10 Gerry Ross, 1971, Shop Steward, Clydebank Division, UCS. 11 Jimmy Cloughley, 1971, Shop Steward, Govan Division, UCS. 12 Alex Murray, 1971, Scottish Executive, Communist Party. 13 David Cooper, 1971, Shop Steward, Govan Division, UCS. 14 George Kerr, 1971, Shop Steward, Yarrows. 15 Sammy Gilmore, 1971, Shop Steward, Govan Division, UCS. 16 Pat Cassidy, Rosemary Swords, Govan Workspace Ltd. 17 Joe Black, 1971, Chairman, Clyde Confederation of Shipbuilders. 18 RC Smith, 1971, Liquidator, UCS. 19 Ramsay MacDonald (1866–1937), Britain’s first Labour Prime Minister, 1924 and 1929–35. 20 James Keir Hardie (1856–1915), founder of the Labour Party. 21 Karl Marx (1818–83), revolutionary thinker and philosopher. 22 Joseph Stalin (1879–1953), dictator of the Soviet Union, 1920s–1953. 23 David Hume (1711–76), Scottish Enlightenment philosopher. 24 Adam Smith (1723–90), economist and moral philosopher. 25 Robert Burns (1759–1796), Scottish poet. 26 Tony Blair, British Prime Minister, 1997–2007. 27 Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister, 1979–90. 28 Book: The Picture Life of Edward Heath by Iain Sproat MP, about Edward Heath (1916–2005), British Prime Minister 1970–74. 29 Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1985–95. 30 Aneurin Bevan (1897–1960), Minister of Health in the Attlee government of 1945–51, established the National Health Service in 1948. 31 George Bush, President of the United States in 2000 and re-elected in 2004. 32 Helen Crawfurd (1877–1954), political activist, suffragette and communist. 33 Mary Barbour (1875–1958), political activist, campaigned for the Rent Restriction Act of 1915. 34 William Gallacher (1881–1965), trade unionist, political activist and communist; elected Communist Party of Great Britain MP for West Fife in 1935; Communist Party President 1956–63. UCS stands for the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders, a consortium of five Clyde shipyards that went into receivership in 1971 after the Conservative government refused to grant a loan of £6 million. In response the unions organized a ‘work-in’ to make a case for the viability of the yards. The protest ended 16 months later when the government agreed a £35 million investment programme. 35 James Maxton (1885–1946) socialist politician and leader of the Independent Labour Party; elected ILP MP for Bridgeton, Glasgow, 1922. 36 John Maclean (1879–1923), left-wing political activist, pioneer of workers’ education and anti-war campaigner; joined the British Socialist Party in 1911. 37 Book: Power Without Principles by Jimmy Reid, a critique of New Labour published in 1999. 38 A copy of The New York Times from May 1972, in which Jimmy Reid’s address to Glasgow University on the theme ‘Alienation’ was printed in full. 39 Jimmy and his wife Joan. 40 John McFarlane (1912–2006), friend of Jimmy Reid, lifelong socialist and Scottish nationalist, ILP member and conscientious objector. 41 Bess – Jimmy’s dog. 42 Harry Pollitt (1890–1960), General Secretary of the Communist Party of Great Britain, 1929–56. 43 Book: The Rights of Man by Thomas Paine. 44 Book: Ships for a Nation by Ian Johnston. 45 Book: Rattling the Cage by Bobby Starrett, cartoonist, UCS. 46 Book: Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman. 47 Book: The Peasants’ Revolt: England’s Failed Revolution of 1381 by Alastair Dunn. 48 Poster: Cunard – Boston to Europe. 49 Poster: Solidarnosc (Solidarity), independent self-governing trade union (Poland). 50 Poster: The Thatcher Revolution. 51 A copy of The Glasgow Herald – Jimmy was a regular columnist. 52 Jimmy’s daughters: Eileen, Shona and Julie. 53 Record: Jazz Greats – a symbol of Jimmy’s love of jazz. 54 Miners’ lamps presented to Jimmy Reid by Durham Miners’ Association, 1979, and South Wales Miners, 1973 and ’74. 55 Cricket bat to represent Jimmy’s love of sport. 56 Academic robes for the Rector of the University of Glasgow. 57 Model of the Scottish Parliament. 58 Poster: Clyde Regeneration. 59 Statue of an ancient Greek philosopher to represent the history of ideas. 60 Poster: The QE2 under construction. 61 Poster: Liberty Leading the People by Eugene Delacroix. 62 Postcard: Seventy-Five Years, Labour Party anniversary. 63 Placard: Save UCS. 64 Placard: Unity Creates Strength. 65 BAFTA statuettes – Jimmy’s television programmes won three awards. To find out more about the development of this portrait, have a look at the DVD playing in the centre of the room.