Planning learning and teaching in the context of a significant figure from Scotland’s past – Jimmy Reid. Discussion sheet. Key concepts and core knowledge: Context for learning: Learning through social studies extends children and young people’s horizons and knowledge of time and place, and challenges them to look at the world in new ways. Children should be able to understand more about their sense of identity. In learning about their community and country’s past and present they can develop an understanding of the political and social changes which have shaped Scotland. They should be supported By looking at the life, activities and achievements of a significant individual ( Jimmy Reid ) from the past or present, children from the ages of 3-15 will have an opportunity to broaden their understanding of the world and to develop an understanding of how the values and attitudes of one person can greatly influence and impact on the lives of others. Children will have time to reflect on their own values and attitudes, enabling them to become more responsible citizens. Opportunities will also exist for children to develop an d di f h i i l f d d i i hi Prior learning/ suggested but not essential SOC 3-01a • Ability to evaluate, analyse and synthesise sources knowledge of Scotland’s economic climate during the 1970’s awareness of the decline in shipbuilding since WW2 representation and • • • Experiences and Outcomes Suggested skills development (from Social Studies Principles & Practice) • discussion and informed debate • comparing and contrasting to draw valid conclusions • developing the capacity for critical thinking through accessing, analysing and using information from a wide variety of sources • presentation skills – oral, written, multimedia. • exploring and evaluating different types of sources and evidence I can use my knowledge of a historical period to interpret the evidence and present an informed view. I can make links between my current and previous studies, and show my understanding of how people and events have contributed to the development of the Scottish nation. SOC 3-02a I can describe the factors contributing to a major social, political or economic change in the past and can assess the impact on people’s lives. SOC 3-05a Suggested activities (the links are suggestions only and practitioners should also explore other areas for resources) • • • • Pupils should be given an opportunity to develop their historical skills of enquiry, analysis and synthesis. This can be achieved through looking at a variety of primary and secondary sources. Possible active learning strategies could include pupils participating in a debate between shipyard workers and the government on the validity of keeping the shipyards open. (access via Glow) Pupils could research Jimmy Reid’s life and achievements and illustrate their knowledge by completing a piece of extended writing. This could take the form of an introduction to a biography. Pupils could evaluate Jimmy Reid’s effectiveness as a trade union leader during the UCS work-in. Present findings to class through a chosen medium.