MAY/JUNE EXAMINATION SESSION - DANCE STUDIES School of Performing Arts UNIVERSITY OF MALTA Academic Year 2015-2016 - DANCE STUDIES Semester 2 Assessment Time Table FINAL AS ON 02.05.2016 STUDY UNIT CODE STUDY UNIT TITLE DCS3021 Introduction to Dance Analysis Analysis Task/Assignment/ Analysis Task 5 DCS5009 Independent Dance Praxis 30% Oral Examination, 70% Presentation DCS1008 Performance Collaboration DCS3022 Credit Dept. Value Day Date Time (from) Time (to) STD NO. Dance Studies Friday 1st April 00.01AM 00.00PM 4 VLE 15 Dance Studies Sunday to Friday 3rd to 15th April 00.01AM 00.00PM 5 VLE Logbook 5 Dance Studies Monday 4th April 9.00AM 12.00PM 15 Portocabin Car Park 3 No 15 20th Century Dance History Essay 5 Dance Studies Friday 29th April 00.01AM 00.00PM 4 VLE DCS3004 Final Choreography Portfolio 10 Dance Studies Saturday 21st May 9.00AM 5.00PM 4 Junior College Theatre Date oustide examination timetable necessary for logistical reasons DCS3004 Final Choreography Portfolio Part 2 10 Dance Studies Wednesday 25th May 9.00AM 12.00PM 4 Portocabin Car Park 3 No 15 Date oustide examination timetable necessary for logistical reasons DCS3023 Creative Processes for Dance Portofolio 5 Dance Studies Friday 27th May 00.01AM 00.00PM 4 VLE DCS1013 The Healthier Performer Portofolio 5 Dance Studies Tuesday 31st May 2.00PM 5.00PM 15 Dance Studio DCS1002 Dance Techniques Lab 2 Logbook 5 Dance Studies Thursday 2nd June 9.00AM 12.30PM 15 Dance Studio DCS2002 Dance Techniques Lab 4 Logbook 5 Dance Studies Thursday 2nd June 9.00AM 12.30PM 11 Dance Studio DCS2010 Dance in the Community Seminar Paper 5 Dance Studies Friday 3rd June 9.00AM 12.00PM 11 Portocabin Car Park 3 No 15 DCS3007 Dissertation Dissertation 15 Dance Studies Friday 3rd June 9.00AM 12.00PM 4 Portocabin Car Park 3 No 15 DCS2010 Dance in the Community Seminars 5 Dance Studies Monday 6th June 11.30AM 1.30PM 11 Portocabin Car Park 3 Boardroom Seminars will be delivered in two groups of six students DCS2010 Dance in the Community Seminars 5 Dance Studies Monday 6th June 2.30PM 4.30PM 11 Portocabin Car Park 3 Boardroom Seminars will be delivered in two groups of six students DCS1010 Dance and the Camera 2 Logbook 5 Dance Studies Thursday 9th June 9.00AM 12.00PM 15 Portocabin Car Park 3 No 15 DCS1004 Foundations of Choreography 2 Logbook 5 Dance Studies Monday 13th June 2.00PM 5.00PM DCS1006 Dance in History and Society 2 Essay 5 Dance Studies Wednesday 15th June 9.00AM 12.00PM 15 Portocabin Car Park 3 No 15 DCS2006 Dance and Performance Theory 2 Oral and Written Exercises 5 Dance Studies Wednesday 15th June 9.00AM 12.00PM 11 Portocabin Car Park 3 No 15 DCS2004 Choreography: Modernism and Modernism Dance Studio Post 15 VENUE Dance Studios Logbook 5 Dance Studies Friday 17th June 2.00PM 5.00PM 11 5 Dance Studies Wednesday 8th June 9.00AM 12.00PM 11 Portocabin Car Park 3 No 15 and VLE DCS2012 Dance Criticism Oral and Written Exercises DCS3024 Interpreting Dance Written Tasks 5 Dance Studies Friday 24th June 00.01AM 00.00PM 4 VLE DCS3025 Contemporary Dance Contexts Assignment 10 Dance Studies Monday 25th July 00.01AM 00.00PM 4 VLE Please refer any clashes immediately to Mr Stefan Sacco (Porta Cabin No. 13 in Car Park 3, School of Performing Arts) NOTES / EQUIPMENT This assessment takes place outside normal examination timetable-- this is due to the placement of the SPA Conference and planning to coincide the performance dates with this. Students to hand in 2 hard copies and 1soft copy