Mind Association Wide Computationalism Author(s): Robert A. Wilson Source: Mind, New Series, Vol. 103, No. 411 (Jul., 1994), pp. 351-372 Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of the Mind Association Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2253744 . Accessed: 28/03/2011 09:01 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at . http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=oup. . 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Introduction It has often been thoughtthatindividualismin psychology, the view thatpsychological states must be taxonomized so as to superveneon the intrinsic,physical propertiesof individuals,l receives supportsfrom the computationaltheory of mind, a view taken by many philosophersand cognitive scientists to be a foundationalassumptionof contemporaryresearchin cognitive science.2The computationaltheoryof mind,or computationalism,can be summarizedas the view that psychological processesandmentalstatesareessentially computational.It makes an empiricalclaim aboutthe natureof cognitive processingand suggests to many a methodological claim about how cognitive psychology, or cognitive science more generally,ought to proceed. This paperoffers a challenge to those who have either arguedfrom computationalism to individualismor thoughtsuch an inference plausible by identifying a possibility that has either been overlooked or not treatedseriously by proponents of this family of arguments.The possibility is that of wide computationalism, and I shall defend both the possibility and the plausibility of wide computationalismin partsof cognitive psychology. To get a clearer fix both on the type of argumentfor individualismI have in mind and the natureof the objection I shall pose to it, consider the following explicit argument,which I shall referto as the computationalargumentfor individualism: I Following Stich (1983), I employ a supervenienceformulationof individuals,rather than Fodor's (1981) "methodologicalsolipsism" formulation,which says that the taxonomy of an individual'spsychological states should not presupposeany essential reference to that individual's environment.I am not concerned here with differences between the two formulationsand shall use both in my discussion. Individualismcharacterizedin either way is not a view specifically or only about mentalrepresentationor mentalcontent. (Hence thereareindividualists,such as Stich (1983, Ch. 8), who are sceptical aboutmental representation.) 2 Those who have seen computationalismas offering supportfor forms of individualism in psychology include Devitt (1990, 1991), Egan (1992), Fodor (1981, 1987), and Segal ( 1989, 1991). The papersby Egan and Segal offer the most explicit argumentsfrom computationalismto some form of individualism. Mind, Vol. 103 . 411 . July 1994 ?) Oxford University Press 1994 352 RobertA. Wilson (1) Cognitive psychology taxonomically individuates mental states and processes only qua computationalstates and processes. (2) The computationalstates and processes that an individual instantiates superveneon the intrinsic,physical states of that individual. Therefore, (3) Cognitive psychology individuatesonly states and processes that supervene on the intrinsic,physical states of the individual who instantiates those states and processes. While the "only"in (1) gives this argumentthe necessarystrengthfor its conclusion, this will make (1) seem implausiblystrongto many who adopta more pluralistic view of psychological taxonomy.Although I think that individualismin psychology as it has been articulatedand defendedby some of its leading proponents is adequatelyexpressedby (3) above, and so any argumentfrom computationalism to individualismso conceived requiresa strong, exclusionarypremise such as (1), I do not wish to defend this claim here. In fact, make (1) (and so (3)) as weak or as qualifiedas you like. Still, the computationalargumentfor individualism should be rejectedbecause its perhapsinnocent-soundingsecond premise is false, and it is false because of the possibility of wide computationalismin psychology. 2. Thepossibility of wide computationalism Suppose that cognitive processing is computational,at least from the point of view of those seeking systematic, scientific, psychological explanations. The states (and the processes which are the transitions between such states) over which a computationalpsychology quantifiesneed not be individualisticbecause the cognitive system to which they belong could be partof a wide computational system. That is, the correspondingcomputational system could transcendthe boundaryof the individualand include partsof that individual'senvironment.If this were so, then the computationalstates of such a cognitive system would not superveneon the intrinsic,physical states of the individual;likewise, the resulting computationalpsychology would involve essential referenceto the environment beyond the individual.The states and processes of a wide computational system are not taxonomizedindividualistically. In this section I will concentrateon explaining the coherence of the idea of wide computationalism,i.e., with defendingthe possibility of wide computationalism. I consolidatethis defence by consideringtwo objectionsto wide computationalism in ?4, going on in ?5 to identify examples of existing research in computational psychology that can be plausibly understood in terms of wide computationalism. Wide computational systems are computational systems that are not fully instantiatedin any individual.Since they literallyextend beyond the boundaryof the individual,not all of the states they containcan be taxonomizedindividualis- WideComputationalism 353 tically. Within a wide computationalsystem much of the processing that takes place may well be instantiatedfully within the boundaryof the individual, but what makes it a wide system is that not all of the computationalprocesses that make up the system are so instantiated. If there are computational (formal) descriptionsof both an organism'senvironmentand its mental states, and causal transitionsfrom the formerto the latterthat can be thoughtof as computations, thereis a processbeginningin the environmentandending in the organismwhich can be viewed as a computation,a wide computation. To some, the coherence of wide computationalism,its mere possibility, will seem unproblematic.For example, in responding to MartinDavies' claim that "cognitive psychology treats information processing systems (modules) and whole creaturesqua embeddedin particularlargersystems and ultimatelyparticularenvironments"(Davies 1991, p. 482) GabrielSegal says the superveniencebase of a representation'scontent is some largersystem in which the representationis embedded.This could be: the whole creatureplus its environment,the whole creature,the largestmodule in which the representationoccurs, a sub-processorof that module, a subsub-processorof thatmodule, a sub-sub-sub.... Individualismis the thesis thatthe representationalstates of a system are determinedby intrinsic properties of that system. It seems likely that whole subjects (or whole brains)make up large, integrated,computationalsystems. Whole subjectsplus embeddingenvironmentsdo not make up integrated,computationalsystems. That is one reason why individualistsdraw the line where they do: the whole subjectis the largestacceptablecandidatefor the superveniencebase because it is the largestintegratedsystem available. (1991, p. 492 ellipsis in original)3 Here Segal seems to be conceding the coherence of wide computationalism, claiming that,as a matterof fact, we don't find computational,cognitive systems largerthanthe individual.This passage identifiesprecisely where a proponentof wide computationalismdisagrees with the propQnentof the computationalargument:she rejectsthe claim thatthe "whole subject",the individual,is, as a matter of fact, "thelargestintegratedphysical system available"for computational,psychological explanation. Given the coherence of wide computationalismimplicit in this passage, it is not surprisingthat in Segal's surroundingdiscussion he notes that the disagreement here is properlyresolved by an examinationof empiricalresearchin computationalpsychology. Segal himself thinks that the crucial claim that "whole subjectsplus embeddingenvironmentsdo not make up integrated,computational systems, can be defended on a posteriorigrounds. One would expect, then, an individualistof Segal's persuasionalso to consider(2) in the computationalargument to have an a posteriorijustification,one which while allowing for the mere 3 Segal characterizesindividualismhere as a thesis about mental representation,although individualistshave typically defendeda view aboutpsychological states in general (see footnote 1). Individualistsalso adopta more specific view of the natureof the subvenient base than Segal suggests: it is constitutedby the intrinsic,physical propertiesof the individual.As we will see, one cannotsimply equateindividualandcomputationalsystem, or assume thatthe latterwill be partof the former. 354 RobertA. Wilson possibility of wide computationalsystems shows why our computational,cognitive systems are individualistic. Not all individualistsadoptthis view of (2). For example,FrancesEgan (1992) has argued that computational taxonomies are individualistic of their nature: thereis somethinggeneralabouttaxonomyin computationalpsychology, or perhaps about computationaltheory more generally still, which entails that cognitive, computationalstates and processes are individualistic.If Egan is right,then wide computationalismis inconsistent with some more general featureof computationalpsychology or computationaltheory,and (2) is not something which simply happens to be true of the computational systems that we instantiate; rather,it says something true about computationalsystems per se, and can be defended on a priorigrounds.4 To bringout the contrastbetween these two types of defence of (2), and to see why the more a prioridefence is problematicin this context, consider the details of Egan's argument.It begins with the claim thatthe goal of computationaltheories of cognition is "to characterizethe mechanismsunderlyingour variouscognitive capacities" (pp. 444-445).5 And such theories "construe cognitive processes as formal operationsdefinedover symbol structures"(p. 446). Now, Symbols arejust functionallycharacterizedobjects whose individuation conditionsare specified by a realizationfunction fR which maps equivalence classes of physical features of a system to what we might call "symbolic"features. Formal operations are just those physical operations that are differentiallysensitive to the aspects of symbolic expressions that under the realization function fR are specified as symbolic features. The mapping fR allows a causal sequence of physical state transitionsto be interpretedas a computation. Given this method of individuatingcomputationalstates, two systems performing the same operations over the same symbol structuresare computationallyindistinguishable.(p. 446). From this, claims Egan, it follows that "if two systems are molecularduplicates then they are computationalduplicates.Computationaldescriptionsare individualistic: they type-individuatestates without referenceto the subject's environment or social context"(p. 446). Egan's final conclusion here does not follow, unless one equates computational systems with subjects, i.e., with individuals.Yet doing so would beg the 4 Two points aboutcalling this position Egan's:(a) as we will see, there are strandsto Egan's discussion which suggest that she accepts a view of the relationshipbetween computationalismand individualismcloser to Segal's; (b) the position is one which I think many individualistfind appealing.My concern here is to identify an individualisticposition alternativeto Segal's; I returnto discuss Segal's view in ?5 below. 5 Egan continues:"this goal is best served by theories which taxonomize states individualistically"(p. 445). This may suggest that she sees computationalpsychology as individualistic for instrumentalor pragmaticreasons ratherthan because of the natureof computationalindividuation.But, as I hope will be clear from what follows, her actualargument does not appeal at all to whetherindividualisticor wide taxonomies "best serve" the goal she has identified;rather,it claims that individualismis strictly implied by the methodby which computationalstates are individuated, WideComputationalism 355 question against the wide computationalist, for the wide computationalist endorses precisely the claim that there can be computational systems which extend beyond the boundaryof the individual.There is nothing in the method of computationalindividuationitself to which Egan points which implies that the class of physical featuresmappedby a realizationfunction cannot include members that are partof the environmentof the individual.This being so, Egan has not provideda sound argumentfor why individualism(aboutcomputationalpsychology) follows from the very natureof computationalpsychology, and so her view does not point to some internalincoherence in the idea of wide computationalism. Wide computationalismis analogousto wide functionalism, the view that the conceptual role defining mental states extends into the world (Harman 1987, 1988; Kitcher 1991). Yet wide computationalismis both more modest and more radicalthanwide functionalism,and providesthe basis for a strongercase against individualism.It is more modest in that it concedes that individualismis true of at least some mental processes and rejectsonly its all-encompassingnature;it is more radicalbecause it denies somethingaboutthe notion of a formal or computationalsystem-that it be instantiatedin an individual-which is almost without exception taken for grantedby individualists,and so underminesthe computational argumentfor individualismin a fundamentalway.And it is a more decisive objection to individualism, supposing the "radical"claim to be established, because it not only removes computationalismas one of the major supportsof individualismwithoutrejectingcomputationalismbut also providesthe basis for arguingfrom computationalismto a distinctly non-individualisticview of computationalpsychology itself. The challenge to the computationalargumentis not posed by directlydefending the claim that psychological states requirea broad construalbut, rather,by arguing that the formal or computational systems in which they are instantiated or of which they are a partextend beyond the individual.The distinctionbetween an individualand a cognitive, computationalsystem is centralto an understanding of wide computationalism.Even if one thinksthat many computational,cognitive systems are fully instantiatedin the individual,wide computationalismis a possibility because the boundariesof the individualand those of the computational, cognitive system need not be identical. An example of a possible wide computationalprocess is the familiarprocess of multiplication.6 Typically, apart from multiplication problems that are included in one's "times table",one multiplies numbersby storing intermediate solutions in some writtenform, usually on paper,and then solving the next componentof the problem,storingthe resulton paper,and so on. The actual process thatone goes throughin multiplyingnumberstogethertypically involves the storage of symbols on paper. The problemsolving activity itself need not and does not take place solely in one's head; it involves, rather,the use of symbols (and conventions) which are not stored exclusively in the head. A descriptionof the 6 Thanksto Sydney Shoemakerhere;see also Clark(1989, Chs. 4, 7, and 1993, Ch. 6). 356 RobertA. Wilson process of multiplicationmust include a descriptionof mathematicalsymbols, and for most humanbeings such a descriptionpresupposesa referenceto something externalto the individualorganism.A crucial partof the process of multiplication, namely, the storage of mathematical symbols, extends beyond the boundaryof the individual.Consideredas multipliers,we are partof wide computationalsystems. To show the coherence of wide computationalism,this need only be taken as an account of a possible computational,cognitive process, perhapsnot one that we instantiate. Yet I have described the example in terms of our cognitive processingbecause I thinkthathumanmathematicalproblemsolving, as well as much problem solving more generally, involves (indeed, essentially involves) the exploitationof representationsin one's environment.The more complex the computational process we engage in-for example, non-trivial mathematical proofs-the more plausiblethis strongerclaim is. Proofs of complex theoremsin quantificationallogic are rarelycarriedout entirely in one's head: at least some of the symbols are storedexternally.What are storedarepointers to the symbols thatone uses, and while such pointersmay be storedinside the head, the symbols to which they point are not storedinternallyat all: thatis why one needs a blackboard,pen and paper,or even a calculator. Not only can a case be made for conceiving of mathematicaland logical processes as wide computationalprocesses:the same is trueof perceptualand behavioural processes. Wide computationalismis appropriatein cases in which the interactionbetween an individualand something externalto that individualis a crucialpartof the computationalprocess being describedas an explanansin psychology. In the case of perception,it is an intrinsicpartof that process that the system accept input from the environmentand process it so that furthermental processing can proceed.The perceptualprocess involves an interactionbetween an individualandher environment.This is in no way incompatiblewith providing a computationalaccountof perception(see ?5 below). Since perceptionis a process which begins with environmentalinputs, inputs which themselves may have a formal descriptionand so be accessible to a computational,cognitive system, all components of the perceptualprocess can be described as part of a wide computationalsystem. An individualistmay object that this characterizationof the process of perceptionsimply begs the question. The relevantobjects of perceptionare not externalbut internalto an individual; for example they are 2-D retinal images, not some type of environmentalinput. A wide computationalaccount of perceptionpresupposesa view of perception which an individualistshould reject. This objection in effect concedes a weak or negative point I want to make in this section, namely,thatthe formalor computationalnatureof mentalprocessing itself doesn't entail individualism:one also needs to make a substantialclaim about, for example, the objects of perception in order to derive individualism from computationalism. The same is true for any area of cognition which is Wide Computationalism 357 claimed to be computational.The formality of cognition itself does not entail individualism. Insofaras this points to a gap between computationalismand individualismin psychology, it allows for thepossibility of wide computationalism.But a stronger claim about wide computationalismcan be formulatedand, I think, ultimately defended.Psychological states are computationalonly insofaras they are partof an implementedformal system. (For those who find this controversial, see my discussion in the next section.) But the formal systems of which at least some psychological states are a partare not fully instantiatedin any naturalindividual, i.e., in an organism.So, qua computationalstates, such psychological states are not instantiatedin any individual.Statedin this way, the argumentallows one to draw not only the conclusion that a wide computationalpsychology is possible, but, assumingthe truthof computationalism,the conclusionthat,for at least some psychological states, such a psychology is necessary. Thus far I have said little about the central notion of formality; to further demystify wide computationalismI turnto discuss this notion more explicitly. 3. The notion offormality Computationalismis sometimes expressed as the view that, since cognition is formal, cognitive psychology should be restrictedto positing and quantifying over the formalpropertiesof mentalstates.This expressionof computationalism, whatFodor(1981, pp. 226-228) has called theformalitycondition,may make the argumentfrom computationalismto individualismin psychology appearcompelling, for the formal propertiesthat mental states have are often thought of as intrinsic propertiesof mental symbols, such as their shape and size.7 This conception of computationalismallows one to thinkof formalpropertiesas a particularspecies of mentalcausal powers, propertieswhich superveneon the intrinsic, physical propertiesof the individual,andmakes it temptingto view computationalism as providing a general theoretical framework for further specifying the natureof such powers. The task of a cognitive psychology which presupposes computationalism,on this conception of formality, is to discover the intrinsic propertiesof tokens in the language of thought. In senses that I shall explain below, such propertiesare both non-semanticand non-physical.8 It shouldbe emphasizedfirst,however,thatthe formalityconditionis an interpretation of computationalism,or a claim about what the acceptanceof compuI As Fodor says, "formaloperationsapply in terms of the, as it were, shapes of the objects in their domains"(1981, p. 227, footnote omitted). It is unclearhow literally Fodor intendsthis suggestion,thoughhe relies on it in many places, includingmorerecentwork; for example, see his 1987, p. 18. 8 I thankRobertStalnakerfor emphasizingthis point in discussion.The formalityconditionfocuses on only the firstof these contrasts,the contrastbetween formaland semantic properties. 358 RobertA. Wilson tationalismentails or involves, not simply a statementof computationalismitself. While the notionof formalityis often used in computationaltheory,talkof formal propertiesas intrinsicproperties of the individualcomponentsof computational systems is, in certainrespects, misleading. The conception of formalityused in logic, mathematicsand computerscience, the disciplines which provide the ultimate foundationsfor computationalismin psychology, is quite distinct from that expressedby the formalitycondition.In these disciplines the focus is on the properties and behaviourof formal systems. A formal system consists of primitives, formation rules, formulae, axioms, and rules of inference. The foundations of logic is concerned,in part,with the relationshipbetween the notions of a formal system, an effective procedure,an algorithm,a computation,and the set of recursive functions.On this conceptionof formality,whatI shall call the systemicconception offormality, a given formal system could be expressed in alternative notationsand, in principle,could be realizedby a nationof people relatedto each other as the rules of the system specify (cf. Block 1990, Searle 1981). In this sense, the intrinsic,physical propertiesof symbols in a formal system are arbitrary.9 On the systemic conceptionof formality,thereis little talk of the formalproperties thatparticular symbols have. The sorts of "formalproperties"which are primarilydiscussed, propertiessuch as being closed undermodus ponens, being transitive,being compact,andbeing soundandcomplete,arepropertiesof formal systems or, derivatively, propertiesof symbols as elements of formal systems. Computationalprocesses, operationsand instructionsare often thoughtof as formal, but this is to say only that they can be adequatelydescribedas the result of the applicationof rules or algorithmswhich constitutethe system to which they belong. Insofaras particularsymbols in a formal system have formal properties, it is not clear whethersuch propertiesare intrinsicor extrinsic propertiesof the symbols themselves. For example, an instanceof the symbol "A" will lead to an instanceof the symbol "B" and do so in virtue of its "shape"in a formal system containingonly the rule "A = B". But since this formalproperty,having thatparticularshape, has thateffect only in a formal system with a rule of thattype, one shouldbe wary of identifyingsuch formalpropertieswith intrinsiccausal powers that symbols possess. In any case, what is clear is that such propertieshave the causal significance that they do only insofar as the symbols to which they are attributedare partof a formal system. The systemic conception of formality,which I shall rely on in the remainder of the paper,makes it naturalto express computationalismas the view that cognitive psychology ought to be pitched at a computationallevel of description.I said above thatthe formalpropertiesof mentalstatesare supposedto be bothnonsemanticand non-physical,and I want to explain what these two contrastsimply 9 Interestingly,Rollins (1989) and Devitt (1990, 1991) both draw something like the distinction I am drawing here between the formalitycondition and the systemic conception of formality,althoughneitherseems to thinkthe formalityconditionmisleadingin the way in which I am claiming it is. WideComputationalism 359 about the (narrow)computationalist'sconception of cognition by looking at the two differentconditionsthat a computationallevel of descriptionof psychological states and processes must satisfy. In contrastto the physical level of description,the computationallevel is distinct from and irreducible to the levels of description which characterize the physical realizationsof a particularformal system. The same computationalprogram, the same formal system, can be instantiatedin many physically distinct ways. Given computationalism,this is the sense in which psychology is autonomous of the physical sciences. It is this autonomy,and so the contrastbetween the formaland the physical, which, I think,underliesthe firstpremiseof the computationalargument. In contrastto the semanticor representationallevel of description,the computationallevel specifies the propertiesof mentalsymbols andthe rules constituting the formal system of which those mental tokens are a part without referenceto what, if anything,those symbols represent.The proponentof the computational argumentfor individualism claims that, perhaps unlike the semantic level of description,the computationallevel specifies propertieswhich aredeterminedby 10 This the intrinsic,physical statesof the organismin which they are instantiated. featureof the propertiesspecifiedat the formallevel of descriptionmakesthe second premiseof the computationalargumentintuitivelyplausible. 4. Twoobjections to wide computationalism One primafacie strengthof wide computationalismis that it is fairly non-committal regardingthe precise computationalcharacterof cognition. For example, it would seem to be compatiblewith both "classical"and connectionistconceptions of computationalismin psychology.Yetthis potentialstrengthof wide computationalismmay be seen as its Achilles' heel by someone pressingthe issue of the degree to which wide computationalismis a realist view of computational psychology: to what extent does the plausibilityor even the possibility of wide computationalismturnon a view of computationalismthat is committedto little more than the utility of the computationalmetaphor in psychology? To put it slightly differently:does wide computationalismpresupposethat computational explanationsin psychology only model the phenomenathey purportto explain, in the same way that there are computationalmodels of other phenomena,such as the motions of planetarysystems? If so, then wide computationalismwill be a view of little significancefor computationalpsychology. Centralto the computa'0 This contrastbetween computationaland intentionaltaxonomies is clear in Egan (1992), where a defence of individualismabout computationalpsychology is combined with a defence of wide intentionalcontent. One could, I suppose, hold just the reverse of this: thatcomputationaltaxonomiesmay be wide but intentionaltaxonomies must be narrow. Exploringthis option should be of interestto those who accept wide computationalism but wish to defend an individualisticview of intentionality. 360 RobertA. Wilson tional paradigmin psychology is the idea that an individual'smind is not simply describedor modelled by a computerprogram;cognition is rule-guided,not simply regular (Bennett 1989). Wide computationalismis possible only if one relies on a weak readingof the computationalmetaphor,a reading which does not do justice to computationalistcommitmentsin contemporarycognitive psychology. To understandhow a wide computationalsystem could producerule-guided behaviour, consider how a narrow computational system could do so. Since standardpersonal computersare paradigmcases of narrowcomputationalsystems, we can make our discussion more concrete by asking how they produce behaviourby actuallyfollowing rules. Computersfollow rules by instantiatingor implementingprogramsconstitutedby such rules. So what is it to implementa program?For a physical device to be capable of implementinga given program is for it to have its physical states configured in such a way that transitions betweenthose statesare isomorphicto transitionsbetween statesthatthe program specifies, i.e., there is a mappingfrom equivalence classes of physical states to the symbolic states thatconstitutethe program.Since implementationalpower is characterizedin termsof the mathematicalnotionof isomorphism,thereis a large numberof actual programsand an infinite numberof possible programswhich any given physical device can implement.One closes the gap between the power to implement and actual implementationby identifying the appropriatecausal interaction between the physical storehouse for the program (e.g., a physical disk) and the computeritself. So, in responseto the grandepistemological, scepticism-mongeringquestion,"Of the infinitenumberof programsthat a computer could be implementing,how do you know thatit is implementingthis program?", we say: "It implementsthis one because it is this one that is encoded on the disk we inserted."(And since a physical disk is simply one type of storehousefor a program,we could replace referenceto a physical disk here by referenceto anything else a programis storedon.) This view of implementationmay make it sound as thoughthe programis epiphenomenalto the physical operationof the computer,raisingdoubts about it as an accountof rule-guidedbehaviour:in what sense is the behaviourthatthe computergeneratesanythingmore than regular behaviour,behaviourthat appearsto be rule-governedbut, in fact, is not? I should make it clear that I think that the programdoes play a causal role in the behaviourof the physical device, and that the behaviourit producesis thus rule-governedand not merely regular.But while we may wish to say that the machinebehaves in the way it does because of how it was programmed(i.e., because of the programit instantiates),we should be sure to distinguish this sort of "downward"causation from that which exists between the physical states themselves. Unless there is massive causal pre-emption "fromabove", symbolic states can't be viewed as the direct causal antecedents (the efficient causes) of later physical states. In general, to understandthe causal role that higher-level states play in the productionof behaviour,we need a broaderconception of the notion of a causal role thanis typically assumed(see Wilson 1993, 1994, in press). WideComputationalism 361 Although I have stated this view of how computers produce rule-guided behaviourin termsof familiarnarrowcomputationalsystems, the narrownessof the system plays no significantrole in the view; much the same story can be told of a wide computationalsystem. The accountof implementationalpower is precisely the same: the wide computationalsystem has the power to implementjust those programsfor which thereis an isomorphismbetween the system's physical states andthe symbolic statesthe programspecifies. The accountof actualimplementationis a generalizationof thatin the case of narrowcomputationalsystems: a wide computationalsystem implementsthe "program"physically storedin the environmentwith which it causally interacts.Determiningthe propersymbolic description of aspects of an organism's environment is an a posteriori matter, much as doing so with respectto an organism'sinternal structureis. "Program"occurs in scare-quoteshere because of two importantdifferences between the programsthat run on standardcomputersand those that (narrowor wide) computationalistsclaim runon us: (i) unlike the programsthat we encode on physical disks, precisely what symbolic interpretationscan be given either to aspects of an organism's environmentor to its internal structure(or both) are things that must be discovered; (ii) these interpretationsmay not turn out to be elaborate enough themselves to warrantthe label "program".Significantly, (i) and (ii) distinguishwhat we know (and love?) as actual computersfrom organisms. We simply are not in the appropriateepistemological position to claim eitherthatour brainsor our brainsplus our environmentsinstantiateprogramsin precisely the sense that computersdo. And in light of the similaritiesand differences between us and computersthatemerge from empiricalresearch,we will be able to decide whether"programs"or "internallanguages"are appropriatecategories with which to develop psychological explanations.None of this involves adopting a weak understandingof the computationalmetaphorin psychology, only some epistemic cautionthat should be adoptedwhetherone defends narrow or wide computationalism. The idea that by going wide one gives up on somethingcrucial aboutcomputationalismreflects a deeply Cartesianview of the mind, a vestige of thinkingof the mind and body as distinct substances,which survives within contemporary materialistand naturalisticviews of the mind. This vestige is the idea that there is somethingspecial aboutthe mind, aboutwhat is "in the head",thatjustifies the ascription of computationalstates to it, which is not shared with extra-cranial reality;there is a bifurcationbetween mind and mere matterwhich makes only narrowcomputationalisma serious option within psychology (cf. Segal 1991, p. 492, quoted above). I shall refer to this idea as Cartesiancomputationalismand will say more aboutit in my conclusion. Let me turnto a second objectionto wide computationalism,one which introduces broadly empirical grounds for doubting that we are wide computational systems. As Egan (1992, pp. 446,457) notes, citing examples of researchin early vision and in syntacticand morphologicalanalysis in linguistics, the psychological processes for which thereare the most satisfying computationalaccountsare 362 RobertA. Wilson modular:they are domain-specificand informationallyencapsulated.11That is, we have had our greatest empirical successes in computationalpsychology in explainingthe characterof psychological processes which function with relative independencefrom even much of the internalworkingsof the cognitive system, let alone the external environment of the individual. If empirical success has come within computationalpsychology only or even predominantlywith the correctnessof the presumptionof modularity,then thatshould cast doubton the idea of developing an empiricallyadequatewide computationalpsychology. Fodor (1983) makes this point aboutthe relationshipbetween modularityand computationalpsychology more poignantlyby arguingthat "global systems are per se bad domains for computationalmodels" (p. 128). Specifically, what he calls central processes, such as problemsolving and belief-fixation,are unlikely to have computationalmodels precisely because they are, in his view, non-modular. The non-modularityof central processes gives one reason to be sceptical aboutthe real (versusmere) possibility of an adequatecomputationalpsychology explaining them. And what is true of central processes, processes which have access to a variety of representationalinputs, is also true of wide computational processes, processes which access representationsthatare outside the individual. Suppose we agreethat,by and large,the empiricalsuccesses thatcognitive science has had thus far have involved highly modular systems, such as those employed in visual perception and phoneme recognition. Perhapsthis is for a deep reason, such as its only being highly modularsystems which are computational; alternatively,it could be due to a relatively shallow reason, such as its being only highly modular computationalprocesses that theorists can readily understandas computational.In either case, there is nothinghere that allows for the applicationof a point about central processes to wide computationalprocesses since the latter can also be modular.As I hope the discussion in the next section indicates,contemporaryresearchin cognitive psychology thatis properly consideredas positing wide computationalsystems involves highly modularsystems.12 The implicit premise in the argument from modularity to individualism sketched above- that modular systems are taxonomized individualistically-is false because modularsystems may well encapsulateinformationthat is in the " The notionof modularityat work here is thatarticulatedby Fodor(1983). While Fodor lists other features of modularsystems (e.g., they are fast and mandatory),domainspecificity and informationalencapsulationare the two most central.Although these notions themselves warrantsome conceptualelaboration(see Wilson, in press), let me here simply providean intuitivegloss on each. A domain-specificsystem is one which operates on some particulartype of information(a domain).An informationallyencapsulatedcognitive system acts as an input-outputfunctionon a specifiableand specific set of informational inputs and outputs: it encapsulates some kind or kinds of information, and is insensitive to other information. 12 In fact, I thinkthatthereis no conceptualproblemin even centralprocesses, such as inference, being modular:even they may be domain-specificand informationallyencapsulated.Dan Sperber(1994) has arguedfor this view, and I take the work of Cosmides and Tooby in evolutionarypsychology to provide empirical supportfor it; see, for example, Cosmides (1989) and Cosmides and Tooby (1987). WideComputationalism 363 individual'senvironment,not elsewhere in the individual.Thus, the module may be a partof a computationalsystem all right, but a wide computationalsystem. Neitherof the chief two featuresof modularcognitive systems, theirdomain-specificity and informationalencapsulation, implies that such systems cannot be properlyviewed as partsof wide computationalsystems. Being wide and being modular are compatible propertiesfor a cognitive system to possess-and so modularitydoes not entail individualism-because the location of the information with respect to which that system is encapsulateddoes not affect that system's domain-specificity.The real question to be answered is this: are narrow computationalaccounts of given modularsystems always explanatorilyricher thantheir wide rivals? It is only if the answerto this question is "Yes"that wide computationalismcan be rejectedas less plausible in general than narrowcomputationalism. 5. Widecomputationalismin cognitivepsychology Althoughthe possibility of wide computationalismsuffices to show thatthe second premise of the computationalargumentis false, for those antecedentlydisposed to think that wide computationalismis coherent the real interest in the computationalargumentlies in the claim thatwe are plausiblyseen as wide computational systems. I think that wide computationalism is made plausible by recent computationalresearch in both human and animal cognition. Showing wide computationalismto be not only a coherentbut a plausibleview of our cognitive processing would both consolidate and broadenmy objection to the computational argument. I shall discuss two examples of research in cognitive psychology which show wide computationalismin action.13 Sekulerand Blake (1990) devote a significantsection of their chapteron spatial vision and form perceptionto a discussion of an approachto form perception pioneered in the work of Campbell and Robson (1968), an approachknown as multiplespatial channels theory.The basic idea of the approachis that there are specific stimuli which individual sets of neurons are sensitive to, these stimuli being decomposableinto sinusoidalgratings. These gratingsare relatively simple, havingonly four relevantparameters:spatialfrequency,contrast,orientation, and spatialphase.Any figurecomposed of these gratingsis definableformally in termsof these four parameters.The bold and controversialclaim of this research programis that any naturalscene in an organism'senvironmentcan be decomposed into its gratings,and this fact explains a greatdeal of humanform perception, includingits limitations. On this conception of form perception,partof the task of the perceptualpsychologist is to identifyformalprimitivesthatadequatelydescribethe visual envi13 Thanksto both David Field and FrankKeil for useful discussion of the materialin this section; they should not, however,be saddledwith the conclusions I draw here. 364 RobertA. Wilson ronment,and to specify algorithmswhich apply to these primitivesto determine complete visual scenes. To see what this means, take a case simplerthan human vision, thatof a lens projectingan image of an object onto a piece of white paper. Figure 1 shows the transferfunction for two lenses, which plots how contrastis transferredthroughthe lens from object to image, and is definedover a range of spatial frequencies.As input, it takes contrastin an object, producingas output contrastin the image. We can likewise define a contrast sensitivityfunction for the humanvisual system, which takes the same inputsfrom the world to produce a visual output (see Figure 2). The formal system that perceptualpsychologists working within this paradigm study is not instantiated in any individual: it includes but is not restrictedto the intrinsicpropertiesof an individual.This is reflected in the actual methodology employed by such psychologists, which involves the extensive and complex mathematicalanalysis of naturalscenes into theircomputationalprimitives.Such analysis appearsto be an intrinsicpartof the multiple spatial channels paradigm,not simply something preliminaryto real perceptualpsychology. Image contrast as percentage of targetcontrast Clean \ Buttered\ lens ~~~lens \ \ \ Spatialfrequency(cycles/mm) Figure 1 Two transferfunctionsfor a lens. The curves specify how contrastin the image formed by the lens is relatedto contrastin the object. (Both figuresreproducedfrom Sekuler,R. and Blake, R. 1990: Perception,with permissionof McGrawHill.) WideComputationalism 365 0.1 0.001 Spatialfrequency (cycles/degree) 1 10 II I 100 1,000 I Invisible -100 0.01 Sensitivity (1/thresholdcontrast) Threshold contrast Visible 0.1 1.0 10 1 l 0.1 I1 -I100 ~10~~~~~~~~I Spatialfrequency (cycles/mm on retina) Figure2 A contrastsensitivityfunctionfor an adulthuman.The upperhorizontal axis is scaled in units specifying the numberof parisof light and darkbarsof the gratingfalling within one degree of visual angles on the retina. Gallistel (1989a) reportsresearchon the conceptions of space, time and number that a variety of animals have, including bees, rats, and ants. One of Gallistel's primaryconclusions is that purely sensory-based models of a range of animal behaviour are inadequate.Rather,the evidence overwhelmingly suggests that these animalsconstructquite complex representationsof theirenvironmentsand use these to guide their behaviour.Gallistel arguesthat such representationsare computational,that there is strong evidence that these animals instantiatemodules which are sensitive to the formal (e.g., the geometric)structureof theirenvironments,andthatthis sensitivityis responsiblefor theirnavigationthroughtheir physical environments.For example, in ants and bees the computationalprocess of dead reckoning (which integratesvelocity with respectto time) takes as inputs the animal's solar heading,forwardspeed, and a representationof the solar azi 366 RobertA. Wilson muth, producingas output a representationof the creature'sposition relative to some landmark,such as a nest. The ephemerisfunction, which producesthe third of these inputs,takes as its inputsa sighting of the sun and time on some endogenous clock (see Gallistel 1989b, pp. 70-76). In both of these cases, the computationalprocess extends beyond the boundaryof the individual. Gallistel calls his view a computationalrepresentationalperspective on animal cognition. Of animal navigation,Gallistel says: routine animal movements are governed by a navigational process closely analogousto everydaymarinepractice.This practicerests on an extensive isomorphismbetween the geometry of motion and position and the computationalprocesses that underlienavigation.At the neurophysiological level of analysis, the hypothesis implies that the mathematical description of the processes in the animal brain that function during animal navigationparallelsthe mathematicaldescriptionof the computations a human or computerized navigation system makes. (1989a, pp. 176-177) This quotationsuggests that Gallistel, like those working in the multi-channels paradigmin form perception, does not see anything mysterious in positing an extensive isomorphismbetween the formally describedpropertiesof an environment and those of mentalprocesses.'4 Two centralpostulatesof these otherwisediverse researchprogrammesis that the environmentof the organismhas a certainformal structureto it, and that the organism's sensitivity to this structureexplains core parts of its cognitive performance.Characterizingthe specific natureof the environmentin computational termsappearsto be a centralpartof the implicitconceptionof cognitive psychology in these researchprogrammes.Despite some of Gallistel's own claims about the view he advocates(see below), I see no way in which this is merelyadditional or peripheralto these researchprogrammes,and in the remainderof this section I shall defend the view that both researchprogrammessupportthe view that we and our biological kin are partsof wide computationalsystems. Recall Segal's view of the relationshipbetweencomputationalismand individualism, discussed in ?2: that,as it turnsout, ourcognitive systems are narrow,not wide, computationalsystems. Thus, wide computationalismshould be rejected because although it is a coherent view there is no research which, in Segal's words, treats "whole subjects plus embedding environments" as "integrated, 14 Cf. Gallistel's claim that the isomorphismbetween computationalprocesses instantiated in the head and certain"formalproperties"in the environmentis responsiblefor the successful navigationbehaviourthat many animals exhibit: "thereis a rich formal correspondence between processes and relations in the environment and the operations the brainperforms.Brain processes and relationsrecapitulateworld processes and relations. The recapitulationis not fortuitous.To fit behaviourto the environment,the braincreates models of the behaviour-relevantaspects of the environment.the formal propertiesof the processes that realize these models reflect the formal propertiesof the correspondingexternalrealitybecause these processes have been subjectto evolution by naturalselection. Selection has been based on the fidelityof these processesto the externalreality.Evolution by naturalselection creates rich functioningisomorphismsbetween brain processes and the environment,and learningis to be understoodin termsof these isomorphisms(1989b, p. 27)." WideComputationalism 367 computationalsystems". This is a strong empirical claim, one to which in this section I have providedtwo primafacie counter-examples.The individualistwho wishes to defend Segal's claim needs to explain away the appearances.Once the coherence of wide computationalismis conceded-its mere possibility-there are likely to be many such appearancesto explain away, and so such an individualist faces a primafacie difficulttask. I think that the most promising way to defend the computationalargument from the line of objection I have developed is to concede that even if one can view the individualas embeddedwithin a wide computationalsystem, thereis no explanatorymotivationfor doing so. For we can also view the individualitself (or, more accurately,a part of that individual)as a computationalsystem, a narrow computationalsystem, and doing so is always adequatefor computational, psychological explanation.Considerthe two examples that I have given of purportedlywide computationalresearch.Even if the multi-channelsparadigmdoes seem to posit a formal structureto the environment,it could also be viewed as claiming thatthe retinalimage has such a structure.If this view of the paradigm is correct, then while one could view the paradigm as being computationally wide, thereis no need to adoptthis view of it. Likewise, while the computational representationalview that Gallistel defends might seem to view an individualas part of a wide computationalsystem, a system which includes features of that individual'senvironment,one could also see his view as positing an interesting isomorphismbetween two formal systems, one of which is fully instantiatedin the individual.Crucially,cognitive psychology is the study of this narrowcomputationalsystem. Since the form of this defence of the computationalargument is the same in each of these two cases, I shall develop it andrespondto it by focusing only on Gallistel's view. A generalfeatureof Gallistel's view of animalcognition thatmight be thought difficultto reconcile with my interpretationof it is thatmuch animalbehaviouris governedby internalmaps and mathematicalrepresentationsof the environment ratherthandirect sensory input.This view ascribesto an animala high degree of autonomyfrom its environment,andthis aspectto Gallistel's view at least sounds individualistic:animals navigate,for example, by internalmaps, not by sensory tracing,homing, or otherenvironmentallyinteractivemethods.In characterizing how an animalnavigates,we abstractaway from its actualenvironmentand concentrateon the intrinsicfeaturesof its map or model of that environment. Several of Gallistel's comments about his own project offer supportfor this type of individualisticinterpretation.Gallistel says that his "agendais a reductionist one: to understandlearning as a neuronalphenomenon"(1989b, p. 24), going on to say that studyingthe total [wide] computationalsystem is simply a "necessaryprelude to understandingwhat the system does in terms of what its elements do" (1989b, p. 24). Figuring out the computational structureto an organism's environment,while methodologically necessary, is peripheralto an understandingof the natureof learningitself, and suggests that there is no deep sense in which Gallistel advocates a view of learning as a wide computational 368 RobertA. Wilson process. In addition,in the conclusion to his book Gallistel says that"[t]hestructure of the computationalmechanismsis dictatedby the formal structureof the representationsto be computedandby the sensoryor mnemonicdatafrom which they are computed"(1989b, p. 581), suggesting that he sees the computational system of interestto the psychologist as fully instantiatedin the individualorganism. One response to this interpretationcorrespondsto and reinforcesthe weak or negative claim thatI made in ?2. Even if one can see Gallistel's view as a narrow computationalapproach,the fact that it also can be given a wide computational interpretationshows that computationalismitself does not entail individualism: computationalsystems need not be individualistic. Yet this response does not addressthe issue of which of these interpretationsof Gallistel's view has greater explanatoryadequacy.A second response, correspondingto one of the stronger claims made in ?2-about the plausibilityor even necessity of wide computationalism in psychology-addresses this issue. Thereare two aspects to this second response,one elaboratingon the concepts of explanationand explanatoryadequacy,the otherconcentratingon the application of these concepts so understood to particularexamples within computational, cognitive psychology. Let me say somethingbrief about the first of these aspects. Were the individualistto claim, in effect, that there is no explanatory need to posit wide computationalsystems because wheneverwe can do so we can also identify a corresponding,narrowcomputationalsystem,15she would be presupposing some conception of explanatory adequacy, although one yet to be explicitly articulated.Elsewhere (Wilson 1994) I have developed a concept of explanatory adequacy in terms of the notions of causal depth and theoretical appropriatenessand arguedthat wide psychological explanationsare sometimes causally deeper and more theoreticallyappropriatethan individualisticpsychological explanations.I think that this argumentcan be adaptedto apply specifically to show that wide computational explanations are sometimes more explanatorilyadequatethan narrowcomputationalexplanationsin psychology, thoughI shall not arguethis point here.WhatI wantto do insteadis make several points pertinentto the second aspect of the issue of explanatoryadequacy,points aboutthe researchreportedby Gallistel discussed above. The sortsof behaviourthatGallistel is tryingto explain involve a flow of information from the environmentto the organism.One of Gallistel's main points is that this is not a constant flow of information,as suggested by simple sensory 15 This claim is very similar to one that proponentsof the narrowcontent programin psychology have sometimes made: that whateverexplanatorywork a wide taxonomy of psychological states (e.g., thatof folk psychology) does can also be done by a corresponding narrowtaxonomyof those states.This claim has sometimesbeen expressedas the view that wide taxonomies, insofaras they are explanatory,can be factoredinto narrowtaxonomies, plus some externalremainder,in much the way that the concept of weight can be factoredinto the concept of mass, plus that of gravitationalforce (see Field 1981; Fodor 1987, Ch. 2). I have arguedagainst such views (1992, 1993, in press, forthcoming). WideComputationalism 369 accounts.Yet it would be a mistaketo think of his view as denying that (formal) propertiesof the environmentplay any significantrole in a complete, cognitive explanationof animalnavigation. First, even if an animal's behaviour in navigation is primarilygoverned by internalmaps,these mapsareupdatedby periodicallyacquiredinformationabout the organism'smovementand the relativeposition of objects in the environment. An accountof these updates("fix-taking",in Gallistel's terms)is a necessarypart of a complete psychological explanationof the behaviour.If one takes the computationalrepresentationalview to provide a comprehensive paradigmfor the investigationof animal learning and cognition, then fix-taking must be accommodated within that paradigm.The narrow computationalistview allows that relations between psychological states themselves can be computational.The wide computationalistproposes a naturalextension of this view to allow organism-environmentinteractions,such as fix-taking,to be subject to a (wide) computationalapproach.The individualistmust explain processes such as fix-taking in some otherway, since her claim is thatcomputationalsystems are fully instantiatedin individuals.The wide computationalistis able to offer a view of fix-taking that has greaterexplanatoryunity than that availableto the individualist. Second, as shown by the above examples of environmentalinputs in Gallistel's account, characterizingcognitive, computationalstates as representations sometimes requires non-individualisticdescriptions. If a representationalpsychology may violate individualismin the descriptionsit offers of psychological states, then why must a computationalpsychology be individualistic?This question is not rhetorical,for (i) whetherrepresentationalpsychology violates individualism in particular cases is a substantial question, and (ii) the width of representationalcontent might be thought compatible with the narrowness of computationalpsychology because of the differentfunctionsthat intentionaland computationalascriptionsserve. Egan (1992) has arguedthat the role of semantics in computationalpsychology is to provideexplanatorymodels, models which may be either narrowor wide, for individualisticcomputations.If Egan is right about the differentexplanatoryroles that content and computationalascriptions play, then this provides a principledreasonfor distinguishingbetween computational and representationalaspects to psychology with respect to individualism. To discuss this issue furtherone would need to re-examinethe often-invokedtrichotomy between the physical, the syntactic (formal, computational),and the semantic (representational).My own view is that it is most plausible to see the computationaland representationallevels of descriptionas playing very similar explanatoryroles in psychology. Again, however, the issue here cannotbe suitably resolved without some discussion of the notion of explanatoryadequacyand its applicationto computationalpsychology. 370 RobertA. Wilson 6. Conclusion The computationalargumentfor individualism should be rejected because its second premise,the assumptionthatcomputationalprocesses in generalare individualistic, is false in light of the possibility and plausibilityof wide computationalismin cognitive psychology. Much of my discussion of the second premise of the computationalargumentaims to explain the coherence of wide computationalism,what I have been calling its mere possibility.I think,however,thatthe most interestingissue concerns not the coherenceof wide computationalismbut the extent to which a wide computational research strategy is and could be employed within cognitive psychology. Given that, why have I concentratedon the mere possibility of wide computationalism,ratherthanits plausibilityin cognitive psychology? The centralidea behindwide computationalismis extremelysimple. However, fleshing out the idea and being explicit aboutthe implicationsit has for issues in philosophicalpsychology allow one to see the respects in which it representsa radicaldeparturefrom the conception of the mind underlyingmuch contemporaryresearchin computationalpsychology, what I have called Cartesiancomputationalism. Precisely because Cartesian computationalism is typically unidentifiedand unexamined,even the basic idea behindwide computationalism is likely to produceknee-jerkpuzzlement.It is for this reasonthatI have spent so much time in ??2-4 demystifying wide computationalismby articulatingwhat the mere possibility of wide computationalismamountsto. The more interestingissue of the plausibilityof wide computationalismas a perspectiveon researchin cognitive psychology is one whose resolution,as we have seen, turnspartiallyon furtherdiscussion of generalnotions, such as thatof explanatoryadequacyand causal role, as well as an analysis of notions more specific to computationalpsychology, such as modularityand formality.Of particular importance is furtherdiscussion of the relationship between the notion of formality and representationalism in psychology. Such discussion and analysis ought to shed furtherlight on the purportedexamples of wide computational researchthat I providedin ?5, though I am far from suggestingthat the illumination will be unidirectional.The examinationof actualresearchin computational psychology on which the issue of the plausibility of wide computationalismin psychology turnsshould also facilitatethe more conceptualwork thatremainsto be done. While I think that much contemporaryresearchin computationalpsychology and (especially) artificialintelligence operateswithin a Cartesiancomputational framework, I am not offering an external, a priori critique of such research. Rather,accepting the assumptionthat psychological states are computational,I am questioning anotherassumption-that computational,cognitive systems are always completely instantiatedin individuals-that usually goes along with it. If I am correctin thinkingboth that this assumptionis typically unquestionedand that it is, in some cases, false, then wide computationalpsychology would seem WideComputationalism371 worthfurtherinvestigation.If wide computationalismis not only coherentbut a plausible view of at least some existing researchwithin the computationalparadigm, then the computationalargumentcan be turnedon its head: individualism does not impose a constraint on the individuation of mental states precisely because, in at least some cases, psychological states are considered as (wide) computationalstates for the purposesof psychological explanation.16 ROBERTA. WILSON Departmentof Philosophy Queen's University Kingston Ontario K7L3N6 Canada REFERENCES Bennett,Jonathan1989: Rationality.Indianapolis,Indiana:HackettPublishing. Block, Ned 1990: "Troubleswith Functionalism",excerptedin Lycan 1990, pp. 444-468. 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