Section Five INDEX OFFENSE ANALYSIS ! Population Groups ! Urban-Suburban-Rural Municipalities ! Colleges and Universities — Index Offense Analysis — 95 CRIME INDEX FOR POPULATION GROUPS - 2012 The presentation of crime statistics by population groups was made for the purpose of projecting, for consideration, the relative crime experience of communities of varying populations. Although the individual municipalities within the various groups may be geographically separated, their inclusion into a specific group was predicated by the similarity in population with the other municipalities within the group. Municipalities within the same group may differ widely when all factors are considered, but they do share the common bond of population size. The grouping of communities in this manner allows recognition of variances in the crime volumes, rates and clearances between the established groups. '%(#! %& '$$' ## $# ##%& '&( (&'( ))($ $) + '$) #) '' (& )) $ * ,-. '!) *&(# ') )##) # '# '#% ##(# '() %(( #)) + ($ % ' )% #( * ,-. ('!)) *%'& #%&) #' )' %(' ##& &)$ ''## #)( + # / & ## #% * ,-. ' ($!)) *''$ % '((# % & (&' ( #%') )%(# & + $& / ) % '$ % * ,-. ' !)) *&%&% $ '#)' ) '# $% '% $&' '# '() + $% / # $ '$ $ * ,-. ' &!) *'%'' ' $&% ( '# ' ' &( )(& (& + % / ' % ) '$ $ * ,-. ' %!0 *&&#' ## #$$ & $% )%$ $ % + ($ / % (' %' & * ,-. (% (! *#&)& /1 96 #$ "! %& ! — Index Offense Analysis — COMPARATIVE CRIME RATES FOR POPULATION GROUPS 2012 ! " #!$%&"'()&&$"'* + ) ,!$%&"'()&&$"'-(++ #,) !$%&"'()&&$"'-(++ #,'*!$%&"'()&&$"'-(++ ()$. .*!$%&"'()&&$"'-(++ )$. .!$%&"'()&&$"'-(++ /),!$%&"'()&&$"'$. + %.' -$!","...$ $./ — Index Offense Analysis — 97 URBAN - SUBURBAN - RURAL CRIME 5 YEAR COMPARISON 2008/2012 Summary Analysis URBAN OFFENSES 2008 2012 SUBURBAN Percent Change 2008 2012 RURAL Percent Change 2008 2012 Percent Change Murder 314 331 5 43 44 2 19 12 -37 Rape 618 620 0 361 340 -6 111 78 -30 Robbery 10,404 9,574 -8 1,955 1,552 -21 335 258 -23 Aggravated Assault 9,712 9,523 -2 3,339 2,606 -22 1,070 804 -25 Burglary 22,647 23,657 4 13,533 14,325 6 3,952 4,402 11 Larceny-Theft 68,395 60,074 -12 56,933 50,673 * 13,316 12,023 -10 Motor Vehicle Theft 15,554 13,188 -15 3,752 2,708 -28 814 575 -29 Total Crime Index 127,644 116,967 -8 79,916 72,248 -10 19,617 18,152 -7 Violent Crime 21,048 20,048 -5 5,698 4,542 -20 1,535 1,152 -25 Nonviolent Crime 106,596 96,919 -9 74,218 67,706 -9 18,082 17,000 -6 *Less than one-half of one percent. The character of some municipalities has changed due to the updating of Urban, Suburban and Rural classifications. •• Comparing 2012 to 2008, Suburban communities experienced the largest percentage change in Index offenses, a decrease of 10 percent. •• •• Index crimes in Urban communities decreased 8 percent, while Rural communities decreased 7 percent. •• Suburban communities experienced a 20 percent decrease in violent crimes, and Urban communities experienced a 5 percent decrease. •• Comparing 2012 to 2008, Urban and Suburban communities experienced a 9 percent decrease in nonviolent crimes. 98 Comparing 2012 to 2008, Rural communities experienced the largest percentage change in violent crimes, a decrease of 25 percent. — Index Offense Analysis — URBAN NUMBER - RATE - DISTRIBUTION 2011/2012 !"#!$"$ )) % &'( & ) * & " % % &'( &'( %.% !! +, ,+ #/ 0 + / $+ "$ $ +$ , ,!+/ 1 #"# 0 +/ $ /+# %(%3 0"$0 0 $+!# $ /+ *%3 '5 $"0 ! $+0 0,+ %6' '5 !"## !+$ / /#+# 1 22%3 ((%4. &%7.8 6 &%7 4 &%7 1 *' '5 5 %+ '%9%$"#$ 55% %.7 5%2'%%.%( " '%%.% 50% 7%. + )538% 5.8%7 %.%2%+ 6 %7%2 77.%.%. .5 %/,% 5' : 4 %7+ 4 %7%2 77.%.0%. .5 %!% 5' : 4 %7+ '%7%%2 77.%.$% #+/475 %4%3" % + — Index Offense Analysis — 99 SUBURBAN NUMBER - RATE - DISTRIBUTION 2011/2012 !!"#$$#" )) % &'( PERCENT OF STATE TOTAL &) &# % % &'( &'( * $ + , + - / * +* / /+ !11%2 #$* * +" "+* 0 ((%3. #*- $ +* , + %(%2 #"$ "+$/ $ ""+ 4%2 '5 #- - +* + " #/$ - +*$ " $+/ " %.% !!%6''5 !&%7.8 6!&%7 !3!&%7 ,&%7%!%!..!73!7.%!.(+ '%9%*#!55%!%.7!51%1'%%.%( # '%%.%!5$%!7%.!%!.+ '%2 8%!5.8%7!%.1%1%+ 6!%71%1!77.%.%.!.5!%-%!5 ':!3!%7+ !3!%71%1!77.%.$%.!.5!%"*% !5':!3!%7+ '%7%1%1!77.%.%!/+*375!%3%2# %!+ 100 — Index Offense Analysis — RURAL NUMBER - RATE - DISTRIBUTION 2011/2012 !""#$#$%& ++ !' ()* !(+ (# !' !' ()* ()* , - ,$ . & % , % ,% 0 "11'2 & 0 ,& && ,$ **'3/ 0.% ,0$ $ $,$ $ %# %, % ., #. , % . .,% % 0 & ,% &, . '/' '*'2 '2 )4 ""'5))4 "('6/7 5"('6 "3"('6 -('6'"'"//"63"6/'"/*, 8 )" )4"4"', )'9'0#"44'"'/6"4')''/'* # )''/'"4'"6'/", '"4/7'6"'/'', 5"'6'"66/'/&'/"/4"''"4) :"3"'6, "3"'6'"66/'/'/"/4"'.'"4) :""3"'6, )'6''"66/'/0'"%,& 364"'3'2# '", — Index Offense Analysis — 101 UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE OFFENSE DATA - 2012 '( #* '# '( #) '# '( ! "# %'" $%& %& # + - 1- - - - - . /0 - - 5. 6 $ 45 - - 3 / - 45 - 9/5 1 / 9/. - - 9 / 90 - 99/ - 2 31 9 3/ - - - 9 9 3- 9 - : 01&# +!, %01&& 39 - 39 - - - - 6 $ 01 - 9 / # # 02+!, +! 941 / 6 96. - - 9 9 3 3 9.4 /$ 1 / 7 8 : 903 4 916 - - . / . 996 90 - 03 9 00 - - - 9 / 0/ - 9 993 $ 0 - 999 - $ - 9 9 / 93 / 50 / 9-94 $- -$ - / .- / 534 $ / - - / - 6 $ - / 10 / 95 $ / - 914 -$ / - 65/ $ /- - / /4 $ - / 13 9 10 - - 9 - - 11 9 - !, 2 !"# %#!& , 7 8 '()# *+!, .+!, : , 8 7 3)& *+!, +!, #4#4 !&!"#4 '&!"+!, '+!, *15"& !&!"# &!"+!, 5!+!, !"#4 : : 7 8 ; #4#4 !&!"#4 !"#4 5!#4 7 < *& *& %+!, ++0. 67'86+9:#00'3' 1- 69 - 69 - - - - . .3 - - 943 $ $ 94 $ 9.6 $ - - - 6 99 / 939 $ / 90 - 64 / $- 1 / 63 / $ - - - 1 / 9 60 / $ - /=/10 991 /=9/9 - 5 3. 04 /-1 9=430 .0 1 ;)4< , 102 — Index Offense Analysis —