Bulletin of Plankton Society of Japan Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 147-158, 1983 Grazing of Various Developmental Stages of Pseudodiaptomus marinus (Copepoda : Calanoida) on Naturally Occurring Particlesl'' Shin-ich工Uye3) and Shogoro Kasahara3) Faculty of AJ押Iied Biological Science, Hiroshima University, Fukuyama, Hiroshima, 720 Abstract Comparative grazing experiments of various developmental stages and sexes of the inshore marine copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus on naturally occurring particles were carried out. The feeding behavior was similar between both sexes of the adult, but digerent between developmental stages. The adult females were capable of consuming almost all particles from 2.8 to 63.3 /*m diameter, showing selectivity for larger particles (ca. 50pm) where the peak of particle concentration occurred. The nauplii consumed mainly smaller particles (<30/im). The consumption by copepodites was intermediate between that of the nauplii and adult females, since they fed upon both smaller and larger particles. Such intraspeci丘c di庁erences of grazing behavior may lead to the effective utilization of heterogeneous natural food resources. The ingestion rates of the adult females increased linearly with the increase of particle concentrations, without indications of the threshold nor saturation response. The amount of ingested carbon rarely met the requirement for potential egg production which was observed for the wild population. Thus, it was surmised that the adult females could ingest su缶cient food deposited on the sea-bottom during a daytime epibenthic phase to attain predicted egg production. Since the copepods are the major constituents of the herbivorous zooplankton, their feeding behavior has been studied by numerous workers (MARSHALL 1973, CONOVER 1978a, for review). Despite this, many questions still remain unanswered. One of the questions which has not been fully answered is how feeding behavior differs between developmental stages and sexes. Most studies have been conducted with adults, usually adult females. However, younger stages are usually much more abundant than older stages in natural copepod populations. Therefore, to estimate their grazing impact, it is necessary to know how grazing behavior changes through development. The grazing of various developmental stages has been compared for laboratory-reared copepods (MULLIN & BROOKS 1967, 1970, HARRIS & PAFFENhofer 1976, Paffenhofer 1971, Paffenhofer & Harris 1976) fed with cultured phytoplankton. However, no work, to our knowledge, has been performed on the grazing of immature stages of copepods on naturally occurring particles, except for works by ALLAN et al. (1977) and POULET (1977). The second question is how the feeding rate of copepods is affected by the change in concentration of available food. Saturation-type feeding (i.e. ingestion rate is proportional to concentration of food up to a certain level, above which it becomes 3 Accepted 24 September 1983 at the authors'own charge for publication. 3 pseudodiaptomus marinus (橿脚亜綱:カラヌス目)の各発育段階での天然懸濁粒子の摂食 3)上 真-・笠原正五郎,広島大学生物生産学部 148 0#7°y constant 1972, or "saturated") has been FROST 1972). on natural and posed a linear natural Saturation phytoplankton (1978b) VV h y¥å £&>%30%%2% frequently observed of ingestion assemblages rate model to describe the in laboratory has also (PARSONS MAYZAUD & POULET (1978) (1983) been et al. have 1967). criticized relationship the between studies (CORNER observed for copepods On contrary, the saturation-type feeding rate et al. feeding CONOVER model, and food and pro- supply under conditions. The tions present investigation by examining the naturally occurring has grazing been of conducted the inshore marine Since our preliminary (UYE et al. sites data 1982, ranged to answer copepod above-mentioned Pseudodiaptomus ques- marinus on particles. Materials from the fall primarily 1983), showed the population peak from 16.8 that present and P. marinus feeding is most experiments of 1978-1982, to 22.3°C. Methods abundant when the surface The water in early were carried samples summer and fall out by using water temperature were taken specimens at the sampling at Tomo, Fukuyama, with a 6-1 Van Dorn water bottle at a depth of ca. 5m. Zooplankton were collected by vertical or oblique tows with a 0.45m net (330fim mesh opening) either at Tomo or Fukuyama Harbor, the nocturnal night distance migrators, (VALBONESI of this species. in the were then Adult dites the eggs culture, cod-end the top of P. marinus immediately in these samples hundred GF/C) Pavlova They were in (NV and VI) were their positive phototaxis, lutheri, grazing that they After after 7-9 (CIII-V) days seawater, The ca. 30min. nauplii a stock beakers Thalassiosira containing to hatch filtered sp. added as food. cycle). by taking were individually from containing light of culture To begin dishes were permitted 12L-12D samples and copepo- culture. 2-1 glass 1-1 glass and surface mixed zooplankton into nauplii catch Zooplankton screw-capped. However, room (20-22°C, beakers and copepodites required from to tertiolecta temperature from the the transferred time. containing which are column at a sufficient local being were sorted P. marinus water yielded from the were obtained of in the before experiments. females Dunaliella a constant sorted laboratory, were sorted for were bottles seawater seawater. they adults collections 2-1 plastic to the gravid filtered 2 days, nighttime additional and males Since homogeneously made from 19 to 22hrs into with transported of kept only was usually the ca. 10km. rather were then (Whatman with being were diluted to several for a period seawater sampling and used were so rare glass fiber distributed filled females pipettes stock sites are & HARADA 1980), water and animals with these they Hence, concentrated which between i.e. pipetted Nauplii advantage after 14-17 of days of culture. First, we examined and sexes each nauplii glass of P. marinus grazing experiment, were picked bottle containing out, differences in in response 20 adult rinsed natural with the to the feeding behavior same size females and filtered seawater seawater filtered of various composition males, of the 40 copepodites developmental food and and each group was placed through a 102j«m sieve to stages particles. For several hundred into a 500ml remove larger UYE & KASAHARA: Grazing particles. Each rotating bottle was wrapped at 1-2rpm. room (20-22°C). experiments the end At of with analysis of developmental of the seawater before Counter (Model B or ZB) before and after size the the seawater. of several these small aggregate the lumps of the formation by bottles copepod after with concentration indicated in grazing for survival with formalin The particle size with a Coulter quantity of particles particle concentration degree concentrations glass fiber oxygen-saturated data on egg production rather formation filter seawater which (Whatman 40-45 (UYE using seawater, individuals for 18-20h et al. that The to 26.0% decrease female, of particle concen- to measure. particulate (Yanagimoto through organic Co., Model a 102/nm sieve, rate of adult BOD bottles growth bottles % of the initial respiration dark The due to 18.9 was impossible adult a CHN analyzer at 20°C. caused in grazing the ll bottles several from agitation (i.e. in the GF/C). Since formation with concentrations from 3.10 to formation was more pronounced had been prefiltered into formation concentration ranged bottles in grazing the chambers. lump of particle arbitrarily energy grazing the of more water in control of ingested natural by incubating with because were measured the a precombusted lump allocation decrease no animals) for the seawater the aggregate that was one half of the of the net, of P. marinus concentration of observed in the mesh The We assumed bottles with adult females rate and particle we occasionally a 102p.m bottles, activity. filtering was measured with rate. the (POC) The of the wheel controlled were checked diameter. of 2-3mm diameter by sieving (containing tration), MT-3), a temperature were preserved the difference experiment, bottles in grazing carbon of this ingestion feeding discussion 149 to a grazing measurement. was determined of grazing experiments between their ingestion copepod than since in animals 140ptva from attached copepods The of in control concentration For and 15-24h the net. orifice of aggregates (mean: 22.0%) of the initial 4.47ppm. Visual observations in control mesh an course were removed overestimation bag particles grazing. During lumps experiments, was calculated Second, we conducted a series in order to observe the relationship the vinyl stages and body length and after the experiment using group a dark marinus on natural were run for a 102[im for later distribution consumed for each with The and removed by sieving of Pseudodiaptomus rate (ca. females 100ml) filled was estimated from 1982). Results Six Grazing of Various Developmental experiments were carried out to examine grazing tween nauplii, females (Figs. (Experiments 1 and periment, periments. bimodal the copepodites larger 2). but III The larger The distribution. particles and adult & IV) and particle particles smaller females size (ca. particles Microscopic and unidentified between (Experiments adult distribution 50[im (ca. of I & II), females the diameter) 5/um) Stages and Sexes differences in the grazing and natural were revealed flagellates were most that the males nauplii differed abundant in in Experiments Ditylum major brightwellii constituents be- and adult (Experiments seawater were also abundant observation between behavior V & VI) in each ex- most of the ex- II-IV, showing constituted of the smaller B&7°7 y? h y^^#^30#^2^ 150 (1983) 0.4 o^/- 10 ?0" 50 "100 Particle Fig. Diameter (-xi m) 1. Comparative feeding between nauplii, copepodites and adult females of Pseudodiaptomus marinus on natural particles. Particle size-biomass distribution before and after the grazing is expressed as filled and open circles, respectively. Hatched area denotes consumption by grazing. UYE & KASAHARA: Grazing of Pseudodiaptomus marinus on natural 151 particles 0.3 E D ~° 0.2 CL .^o O^h fd ~0.4| c Eu 0.3] o Si 0.2 o * 0.1 OHh 5 10 20 "50" Particle Fig. particles. The 2. total diameter. The adult indicating and intermediate peaks, with higher particles the particles. however, ca. 50^m exception On the other differed of Experiment hand, greatly the in Experiment II, particles larger particles. higher where they consumed by adult in Experiment females did were abundantly the feeding slight grazed of adult was observed this the peak was especially males in the consumption the The than peaks of smaller particles between few on the peak of small were predominantly those was not consumed, excepting in particles, as were adult females. particles as did the particles in Experiment with with II. same as that of particles by the grazed that apparent was essentially size and concen- most abundantly rates of smaller It was also observed in Fig. of adult 12 and nauplii, while biomass peaks 2 shows that females, 50p.m while diameter a in VI. We calculated category they it well. consumed; behavior difference Experiment II, not graze V to 3.297ppm nauplii smaller than ca. 30p.va diameter, the peak of larger particles Experiment IV. Copepodites were able to consume larger However, experiments. from 2.8 to 63.3pm on particle grazed slightly the all particles always for at 100 throughout depending were grazed 50 females and males of PseudoSymbols as in Fig. 1. 2.263ppm selectivity also 20 to consume almost diameter feeding were 10 was abundant from were able consumption, of matter varied females particles females, particulate concentration Adult Their tration. organic particle VI. -5 Urn) Comparative feeding between adult diaptomus marinus on natural particles. Nonliving Experiment "100" Diameter in terms the feeding of percentage efficiency, of the i.e. initial the particle rate of consumption concentration (Fig. of each 3). particle In this case, size the R^L-fy Vt Y y^^m.^^%^2^ 152 feeding efficiency stages, the certain size categories. copepodites, higher of the negative efficiency but The rate on smaller efficiencies consumption was not homogenous often was assumed spectra, indicating higher on larger particles was always with particles the to be zero. over the and intermediate coincided (1983) biomass for nauplii. peaks, but [Adult For all developmental selective for adult Fig. this feeding females 3 also indicates was not evident 20 50 100 Particle Fig. Diameter females 10 (jum) 20 50 100 3. Comparison of the feeding efficiency of nauplii, copepodites adult females of Pseudodiaptomus marinus. Triangles denote position of peaks of particle concentration. and the 6Or / = 6 . 2 6 + 7 . 2 0 ( r = P 0 .7 2 2 ) A0|- I o 201・ ・ I ・ 2 Particle Fig. 4. Ingestion rates of an adult at various particle concentrations Ingestion A total of 38 ranging from where the total Rates grazing 0.66 of Adult experiments to 5.02 ppm. particle concentrations Females were The 3 A Concentration aggregated by volume) female of Pseudodiaptomus marinus expressed as volume. (See text) at Various performed were higher (P:ppm Particle in seawater lump formation than 2.38 ppm. Concentrations with particle was observed In these concentrations on 15 occasions, cases, and that for nauplii. La* 10 on the ingestion UYE & KASAHARA: rates were expressed in controlls, the it is close d"1) become upper of Pseudodiaptomus bars the (Fig. lower concentration variance was used was a linear of the variance 4). results within the in ppm) as the Ingestion The neither of particle relationship carbon that Rates between concentration for this from the particle be expressed 1.07 present in Relation volume in /ugC •EI"1) from of the d"1. growth regression models. (/, in 106/<m3« Minimization of the The best fit to basis the to carbon took concentration giving place for P. marinus (P, and Growth in ppm) and particulate for 34 seawater the following Rates samples equation (Fig. organic with volume 5): (r=0.923). data basis from the grazing (Fig. 6). The experiments ingestion were converted rate (Ic, in figC) can as: Assuming in mature of the as is few, study. was determined to 7.70 ppm, equation, volume respiration rate rate 4. to Respiration Ic= -0.12+0.0072 The formation ingestion nor cessation POC=101.8+97.8P By using is as abundant in Fig. fitness saturation Females particle (POC, ranging between 153 (r=0.722). feeding concentration of Adult concentration formation when aggregate is shown criterion particles model rather than a rectilinear or curvilinear model, although the was minor between these models, given by the following equation: indicated range but The relationship (P, on natural aggregate bar, 7=6.26+7.20P These marinus When end of the end of the bar. and particle sum of square the data difference as vertical rate to the animal"1 Grazing rate the respiration was estimated females. of an adult The female quotient from specific the daily of P. marinus (RQ) egg POC. is 0.8, an animal production egg was calculated since production as 2.83 /ilO2«animal"1 respired somatic 1.21,«gC growth rate at 20°C 6 (P:ppm by would was 0.183 1 000r POC=101.8*97.8P (r= 0.923) j800| ^ 600h J <J> o EP 400 <-> 200 0' Fig. 5. Relationship particle volume 2 Particle 4 Concentration between particulate concentration. organic carbon 8 volume) concentration and •Ed"1. The be negligible (UyE et al. 0#7°7>? 154 h >^£»30#|jl2^- (1983) 6r Ic E 5h = - 0 .1 2 ( r = + 0 .0 0 7 2 P O C 0 .7 2 2 ) ? Af- ・ (2 ) ・・ ° ・ - ** ・ ・ 2h ・ (1 ) ・ ・ ・ ・ c * ・ ^^ Fig. 1982), which, B^ ^ " "^ ^ " !^ 30 0 P O C Concentration 200 4 i^ 00 500 (POCrju.gr1) 600 6. Ingestion rates of a n adult female of P s e u d o d i a p t o m u s m a r i n u s a t various particle concentrations expressed as c a r b o n . Lines denote the estimated food r e q u i r e m e n t s for metabolism (1), and for metabolism plus predicted egg production (2). multiplied by the average body carbon weight of an animal (4.89j«gC), gives the daily egg production rate: 0.89/*gC •Eanimal""1 d"1. The ingestion rates which would be needed for metabolism, and metabolism plus predicted egg production w e r e calculated using an assimilation efficiency of 0.7 as 1.73 and 3.00//gC •Eanimal"1, respectively. These t o w v a l u e s are indicated by horizontal lines in Fig. 6. The ingestion rates w e r e usually higher than the requirement did for metabolism, not meet that egg production animal ingested but in 9 experiments requirement. The ingestion w e r e observed in ll experiments m o r e than for metabolism, at lower concentrations, rates the ingestion m o r e than estimated at higher but less than concentrations. for potential rates to be necessary for In most cases, the egg production. Discussion Grazing of Various Developmental Stages a n d S e x e s There w a s n o discernible difference P . m a r i n u s , while the difference In studies females using laboratory of copepods Richman & Rogers attributed to a better filter 1969, in cultures larger behavior at higher Paffenhofer efficiency 1971, for between adult between developmental of algae, cells retention N l V A L 1976, FROST 1977). (POULET 1973, 1974), adult grazing w a s apparent m a n y investigators Frost 1972, particles 1977). and males of (Figs. have reported rates than the smaller larger females stages cells This by filtering 1 & 2). that adult (MULLIN 1963, fact is commonly setae (NlVAL & However, in studies using natural particle assemblages of seawater females of Pseudocalanus minutus w e r e able to c o n s u m e p a r t i c l e s between 4 and 100//m diameter, eaten than the larger particles. but on the average intermediate particles were more readily They opportunistically shifted their grazing pressure from o n e size range to another depending on where the particle peak occurred. R l C H M A Net al. Uye & KASAHARA: Grazing of Pseudodiaptomus {1977) also investigated A. clausi the on natural capabilities for as well as biomass suggested that grazing grazing of over a broad peaks. the The copepods always The the particle showed higher shift of grazing Since copepodites that for them than as those Acartia strated for of of copepodites smaller copepodites than adult copepodites minutus diameter). species with they feeding et al. observed in the MULLIN & BROOKS (1967) Calanus adults. experiments natural particles, change marinus of feeding for nauplii i.e. of different (1977), but appeared range to the grazed most by them. pacificus, The at to handle Selective using its nauplii not feeding cultured adults (Fig. mainly of suggested on particles 3) is also on larger for smaller common for could not categories the Eurytemora any grazing by the consume larger diatoms the was also reported plastic nauplii on certain peaks nauplii size on to was rejected rates by of P. categories were not always by FERNANDEZ (1979b) pollen spp. capability since biomass beads, fed nauplius in comparative in their investigation higher However, from affinis and Acartia difference by copepod present (Figs. same difference On the contrary, of phytoplankton, the most striking size observed observe selective 3). consisting occur by metamorphosis disproportionately (Fig. the as demonthe grazing was also of P. marinus, is convincing. was supported consume capable and adults copepodites sizes. this particles, study adults as POULET 1977). changes did the more appendages examined particles than present of grazing behavior and of fine than is were feeding (1977) FERNANDEZ (1979a) morphological ALLAN et al. (1977) within of Calanus and they behavior particles the mesh size occurring was incapability pacificus, As great consume particles ALLAN et al. nauplii 1977, to since grazing intermediate more food of copepodites switched peak also occurred. their POULET in the feeding 1 & 3). laboratory-reared obtained (ALLAN the particles, smaller importance observed successively of P. marinus may possess on naturally The particles distributions ones was not obvious. and but of other feeding smaller have and similar on larger where the biomass Copepodites they selection on multiple-peak females to smaller adults, since adult consume larger However, tonsa demonstrated and then particles, particles by NlVAL & NlVAL (1976). species the for clausi selective to copepodite, particles 155 affinis, Acartia species with particles phenomenon can not be explained solely by of the feeding appendages. In the present of the The upon by the size, adults. difference of larger This sieve could three experiment for the of this In comparison particle for large-sized females. (<22/zm 10p-xa. on from larger of Pseudocalanus particles fed of P. marinus important of of the grazing categories. by a fixed selectivity of Eurytemora These was most important pressure more like functional range first size females particles. results biomass peaks of smaller size the simple mechanical filtering experiment, of adult distributions marinus on natural grains for nauplii and detritus as food. In natural tration change biomass the conditions the particle distribution is change in space and time. In such a dynamic of particle distribution. Obviously, the selective peaks dominance may convey advantage of certain size categories in maximizing (POULET heterogeneous, energy 1973, i.e. system, copepods grazing on larger 1974). intake Since the size and lead the and concen- may adapt to the particles as well as copepod to minimizing community 156 0#7°y consists of various competition species for the of five copepod Acartia clausi species reported the that Calanus and the data nauplii, copepodites size competition revealed that feeding the natural In the Ingestion Rates of Adult Females experiment, the seawater for taken at Tomo. dictory from the same ingestion rates indication when fed with inconsistency linear particle location. data that P. marinus Thalassiosira to the However, digestive system from minutus study and (Figs. are separated 1-3) between can be utilized change effectively showed of five natural of time for food 4). copepod without was contra- saturation-type species They Harbor environment This antiqua. were functional The reason for this They found and naturally criticized the a occurring saturation-type an artifact resulting from too sudden exposure source. The planktonic copepods were capable food (18-20h) (MAYZAUD & POULET 1978). by REEVE & WALTER (1977) Fukuyama concentration (Fig. a typical investigations. of heterogeneous period particle response grazers and MAYZAUD& POULET (1978). rate a year-course a short from of natural sp. and Chattonella suggesting that it was perhaps the amount of a single food adapting change on the nor saturation ingestion from activity. present niches P. marinus to the dependent threshold cultured between concentration of feeding, increasing in the food resources However, was given by CONOVER (1978b) relationship partitioning, Pseudocalanus at Various Particle Concentrations food suspension and experimental from Tomo and were totally of the to our unpublished response pressure HARRIS (1982) competition. to P. marinus Its any apparent grazing in resource evidence Therefore, their was important behavior the herdmani, similarly competition. grazing provide females reacted by shifting The adult copepods interspecific of small-sized and adults. similarly spectrum and interspecific Eurytemora these behavior intraspecific behaved All grazing pacificus. intraco-existing Temora longicornis, severe by reducing not always consider compared of the of POULET (1977) present we should particles. indicating interspecific examination minutus, of particle another, (1983) POULET (1978) on natural change to the comparative large-sized similis) to the stages, resources. {Pseudocalanus and Oithona from one size range also and developmental same food and simultaneously yV \ y^^MM>30#02^ Acartia by regulating was their not enough Similarly, digestive for nonsaturated enzyme acclimation feeding tonsa and by HUNTLEY (1981) for to of of the was reported three species of the genus Calanus on natural particles covering the whole range of the annual fluctuation. The particle concentration used in the present study did not cover the whole range encountered in nature occurs by P. marinus. in nature. meaningless at ppm (=166 The rarely the exceeded ingested suggest least that our previous the within and 593//gC present We therefore However, the was not growth findings conclude that a critical of the demonstrated the requirement the range not of the concentration particle saturated feeding may be concentration between 0.66 never ecologically and 5.02 •EI"1). experiment carbon can concept rate did not that for predicted enough even the egg for amount production metabolic of P. marinus is dependent support We found this. of carbon (Fig. 6). requirement on food supply that in situ egg ingested by P. marinus On several (Fig. 6). in nature. production occasions, These data However, rates were UYE & KASAHARA: Grazing of Pseudodiaptomus temperature-dependent field populations (UYE et al. equal bably, rather than 1982). numbers phase We gratefully thanks There is pellets the since populations no diel both can ingest to attain fed feeding in plentiful food potential the with periodicity daytime for deposited assistance 57108017. We would like to dedicate were on always higher phytoplankton P. marinus, the 157 for ad libitum since they egested (darkened). sea-bottom during Proa daytime egg production. in the of Education, this particles and nighttime critical are also due to Dr. T. ONBE for comments during from the Ministry rates cultured (illuminated) Acknowledgements Dr. M. HUNTLEY for acknowledge to Mr. T. KURIHARA for by grants food-dependent, for laboratory of fecal P. marinus epibenthic than marinus on natural feeding Science paper reading of the preparation experiments. and Culture, manuscript. of the This Project Our manuscript and work was supported No. 511917, to Dr. R. MARUMOin celebration 56115019, of his sixtieth birthday. Literature Cited ALLAN, J.D., S. RlCHMAN, D.R. HEINLE & R. HUFF, 1977. some estuarine calanoid copepods. Mar. Biol., 43: 317-331. BOYD, C.M., 1976. Selection of particle sizes by filter-feeding Grazing copepods: in juvenile a plea stages for of reason. Limnol. 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