Medical Education:

Alison Marie Semrad DO, FACP, ECNU
4150 V Street Suite G0400
Sacramento, CA 95817-1460
Medical Education:
Thyroid Fellowship: University of California, Davis Medical Center (UCDMC); Sacramento, CA
7/2009 – 6/2010
Endocrinology Fellowship: University of California, Davis Medical Center; Sacramento, CA
7/2007 – 6/2009
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Residency: University of California, Davis Medical Center; Sacramento, CA
6/2004 – 6/2007
Internal Medicine
Medical School: Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, (ne: University of Health Sciences
College of Osteopathic Medicine), Kansas City, Missouri
08/2000 - 05/2004
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), 05/2004
Undergraduate Education:
University of California, Davis; Davis, California
Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior
09/1994 - 06/1999
Bachelor of Science, 06/1999
University of California, Davis; Davis, California
09/1994 - 06/1999
Bachelor of Arts, 06/1999
Professional Memberships:
AACE: American Academy of Clinical Endocrinology, since 2008
ACP: American College of Physicians; 11/2012 received FACP
ATA: American Thyroid Association, since 2008
AOA: American Osteopathic Association, since 2013
TES: The Endocrine Society, since 2008
Alison M. Semrad
State License:
Osteopathic Medical Board of California
Internal Medicine: 8/2007
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: 11/2009
Endocrine Certification in Neck Ultrasound (ECNU): 6/2009
Academic Teaching Experience:
3/2015 to 6/2015: Instructor Record Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing PA/FNP Program course NRS
2/2015 to 4/2015: Instructor Record Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing PA/FNP Program course NRS
1/2014 to 3/2014: Faculty Mentor for Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing Second year PA/FNP
students NRS 242B Implementation Science for Clinicians small group project
9/2013 to present: Instructor of Record Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing PA/FNP Program course
NRS 251A Endocrine content
12/2013 to present: Clinic Preceptor for Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing PA/FNP students
Endocrine Clinic rotations
6/2013: Transition to 3rd year Clerkships H&P presentation practice facilitator for 3rd year medical
3/19/2013 to 4/30/2013: 7-week Standford Clinical Educator Course.
2012 to present: Endocrine Clinic Preceptor for Pharmacy Students at County of Sacramento DHHS
Primary Care Clinic Endocrine Clinic rotations
2011 to present: Clinic Preceptor for M3 TEACH-MS UCMDC Medical Students at County of Sacramento
DHHS Primary Care Clinic for the Student Diabetes/Endocrine Clinic rotation; 2 half days per month;
2011 to 2012: Endocrine content lecturer for Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing PA/FNP program
2011 to present: Lecturer for annual UCDMC Endocrine symposium CME; Thyroid lectures
2010 to present: Endocrine Fellowship UCDMC Endocrine Clinic rotation preceptor, lecturer and Thyroid
Ultrasound and US Guided FNA instructor
2010 to present: Endocrine Fellow & Internal Medicine Resident Endocrine Clinic rotation Preceptor
County of Sacramento DHHS Primary Care Clinic
2010 to present: Internal Medicine resident lectures & Preceptor for Endocrine Clinic rotation, UCDMC
2010 to present: Family practice resident Preceptor for Women’s health Clinic rotation, UCDMC
2010 to present: Clinical inpatient education on Endocrine Consult service; 8 weeks per year
2010 to present: Clinical outpatient education: Endocrine clinic (at ACC/Ellison); M3 students on Primary
care rotations (intermittently), M4 students from UCD and outside medical schools rotating on the
inpatient consult service.
Alison M. Semrad
2010 to present: Hematology/Oncology fellow lectures
2007 to present: ENRG (ne: MERN) Team based learning thyroid session leader, thyroid lecturer and
Endocrine small group learning session leader (1st year Medical student curriculum) at UCD School of
2006-2008: Mentor for second year medical students teaching history and physical exam skills, UCD
School of Medicine
Research Experience:
12/2007 – 6/30/09
University of California, Davis Medical Center
Research Coordinator at CCRC
Mentor: Lars Berglund MD
Effects of Mixed Exercise Regime and L-Carnitine Supplementation on Kinetics of Triglyceride-Rich
Lipoproteins in HIV Patients on HAART
12/2005 – 6/30/09
University of California, Davis Medical Center
Research Coordinator at CCRC
Mentor: Lars Berglund MD
Effect of L-Carnitine supplement in postprandial hypertriglyceridemia response in HIV positive patients
Publications: Book Chapters
Book Chapter: Primary Care Psychiatry
Thyroid Disease Chapter Author and mentorship role for resident Co-author
Under editorial review
Publications: Journal Articles
Initial Treatment Patterns in Younger Adult Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer in California.
Semrad TJ, Semrad AM, Farwell DG, Chen Y, Cress R.
Thyroid. 2015 Mar 23.
Parathyroid carcinoma survival: improvements in the era of intact parathyroid hormone monitoring?
Allen ME, Semrad A, Yang AD, Martinez SR.
Rare Tumors. 2013 May 2; 5(1):e12. doi: 10.4081/rt.2013.e12. Print 2013 Feb 11.
A Case of Reoperative Parathyroidectomy in Tandem with Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery.
Yeran Bao, MD, James Wall, MD, Alison Semrad, DO, Wen T. Shen, MD, Stephen S. Lippman, MD, PhD,
Arthur L. M. Swislocki, MD, Dolores M. Shoback, MD, Quan-Yang Duh, MD
World Journal of Endocrine Surgery. January-April 2011 3(1): 47-51 (epub)
Alison M. Semrad
Human immunodeficiency virus and highly active antiretroviral therapy-associated metabolic disorders
and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Anuurad E, Semrad A, Berglund L.
Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2009 Oct; 7(5):401-10. doi: 10.1089/met.2008.0096.
Publications: Abstracts & Posters
Mifepristone for Refractory Cushing's Syndrome in a Patient with CKD Hyperkalemia Undergoing Surgical
Exodontia and Weight Loss: Recommendations for Clinical/Biochemical Monitoring and Perioperative
Lisa Arzamendi, MD and Alison M. Semrad DO
Mentorship role for fellows’ abstract at Endocrine Society annual meeting 6/2014
Combined Chemotherapy and Radiation for Treatment of Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer: A Case Report
Chrystal Wa, MD, Thomas Semrad, MD, and Alison Semrad, DO
Mentorship role for fellows’ poster presentation & abstract at Endocrine Society annual meeting 6/2014
Persistent Hypercalcemia- Case of Paget’s Disease of Bone and concurrent Hyperparathyroid adenoma
Samineh Madani, MD and Alison Semrad, DO
Mentorship role for fellows’ poster presentation & abstract at AACE annual meeting 5/2014
A Novel Mutation Associated with MEN-1 Syndrome Twenty Years After Zollinger Ellison Syndrome (ZES)
Diagnosis: A Case Report
Chrystal Wa, Thomas Semrad, Alison Semrad
Mentorship role for fellows’ poster presentation & abstract at AACE annual meeting 5/2014
(Abstract accepted for Guided Poster Tour [Friday, May 16, 2014])
Eucalcemic PTH elevation after parathyroidectomy for Primary Hyperparathyroidism (PHPT)
Lisa Arzamendi, MD, Miya Allen, MD and Alison M. Semrad DO
Mentorship role for fellows’ poster presentation & abstract at Endocrine Society annual meeting 6/2013
(Abstract won a travel grant)
The Low iodine Diet and Radioactive iodine ablation
Samineh Madani, MD and Alison M. Semrad DO
Mentorship role for resident’s poster presentation at UCDMC Resident research Forum, 5/2013
Got Phosphorus? Case of Tumor-induced Osteomalcia
Samineh Madani, MD and Alison M. Semrad DO
Mentorship role for resident’s poster presentation at AACE annual meeting 5/2012 with abstract
Semrad, A.M., Devaraj, S., Semrad, T.J., Anuurad, E., Asmuth, D.M., Berglund, L. Effect of L-Carnitine (LC)
on Postprandial Lipid and Insulin Levels in HIV-Positive Patients on Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy
(HAART). Endocrine Reviews, Supplement 1, June 2010, 31[3]: S588
Alison M. Semrad
Myalgia and Fever in the Setting of Diabetes
Alison M. Semrad DO and Garth Davis MD
Poster presentation at ACP annual meeting 2004 with abstract and an oral presentation.
10/2004 American College of Physicians Annual meeting
Preliminary Development of a Behavioral Pain Assessment Scale for Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain
Injury Patients: A Pilot Study. Alison M. MacDonald, Christina Richardson M.D., Roberto Senno M.D.,
Norman Harden M.D. Summer Thesis project
Publications: Invited editorial commentary
From the Pedersen Hypothesis to HAPO, Normoglycemia Is Still the Objective for Diabetes in Pregnancy.
CADRE 2009 Spring publication. Alison Semrad, DO, and Lois Jovanovič, MD
Invited Lectures:
3/25/2014: Grand rounds presentation at UC Davis for ENT: Pediatric Thyroid cancer
3/1/2014: Annual UCDMC Division of Endocrinology’s Endocrine Symposium CME lecturer: Update on
Thyroid Nodules: Diagnosis, Management & When to worry
3/9/2013: Annual UCDMC Division of Endocrinology’s Endocrine Symposium CME lecturer: Thyroid
Disease in Pregnancy
1/8/2013: Grand rounds presentation at UC Davis for ENT: Lateral Neck Lymph Nodes in the patient with
differentiated thyroid cancer
11/18/2012: CME lecture for Northern California Chapter of American College of Physicians (ACP)
meeting: Hyperthyroidism Update
5/15/2012: Grand rounds presentation at UC Davis for ENT: Presurgical Evaluation of the Thyroidectomy
patient & Use of Molecular Markers Tests for Indeterminate Thyroid FNA Results
3/22/2012: Clinical Grand rounds presentation at UC Davis for Internal Medicine: Quelling the Storm
(resident mentorship and presenter)
3/17/2012: Annual UCDMC Division of Endocrinology’s Endocrine Symposium CME
lecturer: Hyperthyroidism Update
11/2011: Grand rounds presentation at UC Davis for Anesthesia: Perioperative Management of Hyperand Hypothyroidism prior to thyroid surgery…
4/2011: Grand rounds presentation at UC Davis for Family Practice: Evaluation of thyroid nodules
4/5/2011: Annual UCDMC Division of Endocrinology’s Endocrine Symposium CME lecturer: Update on
Thyroid Nodules: Diagnosis, Management & When to worry
2010-2011: CCHP Grant lectures: Thyroid nodule management, Hypercalcemia evaluation, and Vitamin
D deficiency (each are 30 min recorded presentations for webcast)
8/2010: Grand rounds presentation at UC Davis for Internal Medicine: The Year in Thyroid Disease
9/2009 to 2012: Telemedicine Education Course speaker/panelist
Alison M. Semrad
1/2014 to present: Song Brown Grant: Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing for development of
Integrative Case Based Learning curricular development.
8/2011 to 6/2015: TEACH-MS; Diabetes Clinic preceptor for medical student clinic at County of
Sacramento DHHS Primary Care Clinic
2/2010 to 2/2012: Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP) Telemedicine Grant
Service to the University:
12/2013 to present: Medical Director for the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing Physician Assistant
12/2013 to present: Application reviewer for Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing Physician Assistant
9/2013 to present: Co-Fellowship director for the UCDMC Endocrine Fellowship program
2011 to present: Selection committee member for UCD School of Medicine admissions
2011 to present: Personalized revisit program host for UCD School of Medicine admissions for ½ day
clinical rotations on the revisit day
7/2010 to present: Faculty Advisor for the UC Davis School of Medicine Medical Students
2010 to present: Member, Department of Otolaryngology Thyroid Cancer Tumor Board, UCDMC
2010 to present: Interviewer, UCDMC Endocrinology Fellowship Program
2010 to 7/2014: Interviewer, UCD School of Medicine Medical Student Admission in the Multiple Mini
Interview (MMI) format
2010 to 7/2014: Oral exam evaluator for Internal medicine clerkship twice yearly
7/2009 to 5/2014: Endocrinology Division UCDMC CQI committee representative
Academic Experience:
ad hoc Reviewer: Clinical Lung Cancer Review
ad hoc Reviewer: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
ad hoc Reviewer: Thyroid
Service to the Community:
11/2010 to 12/2012: Faculty Sponsor for the Sacramento Chapter of ThyCa
Language Fluency (Other than English):
Media Releases:
Alison M. Semrad
Alison M. Semrad