UC Davis School of Medicine 2015-2016 ESTIMATED STUDENT EXPENSE BUDGETS M.D. DEGREE PROGRAM (Changes in Higher Education Amendments of 1986 allow both single and married students the same budget. If income and benefits are not adequate to support dependents, the student should speak with the financial aid director.) Tuition & fees* Books/supplies Housing Food Personal Transportation Health insurance** TOTAL MS1 (10 months) $38,012 $ 1,780 $ 9,085 $ 4,063 $ 2,589 $ 2,680 $ 3,210 $61,419 MS2 (12 months) $38,012 $ 393 $10,903 $ 4,875 $ 3,107 $ 3,216 $ 3,210 $63,716 MS3 (12 months) $38,012 $ 135 $10,903 $ 4,875 $ 3,107 $ 3,216 $ 3,210 $63,458 MS4 (11 months) $38,012 $ 135 $ 9,994 $ 4,469 $ 2,847 $ 3,228 $ 3,210 $61,895 TOTAL $152,048 $ 2,443 $ 40,885 $ 18,282 $ 11,650 $ 12,340 $ 12,840 $250,488 In addition to the above tuition and fees, out-of-state students pay Nonresident Supplemental Tuition of $12,245 per academic year. *Complete itemized breakdown available at UC Davis Budget & Institutional Analysis (budget.ucdavis.edu). **UC Regents mandate that all students have health insurance. This is a non-academic condition of admission to the School of Medicine M.D. program. The School of Medicine offers Western Health Advantage insurance to meet this requirement. If you have comparable insurance, you may waive out of the Western Health Advantage plan. Insurance plans and rates are subject to change. NOTES: As a result of gubernatorial, legislative, Regental, and/or campus action, these amounts may change without notice. Budgets are adjusted on an annual basis. Budget components are adjusted according to increases in the consumer price index (CPI) and/or student surveys. USMLE exam fees for Step 1 ($590), Step 2 CK ($590), and Step 2 CS ($1,250) will be funded upon documentation of payment; $280 is included in the MS4 Transportation allowance for airfare to the Los Angeles test site. The summer distribution of aid for MS1s includes a higher allowance for books due to the need to purchase most books and supplies early in the academic year. Personal category*** Medical/dental/optical Clothing/toiletries Recreation/incidentals TOTAL MS1 (10 months) $ 498 $1,213 $ 878 $2,589 MS 2/3 (12 months) $ 596 $1,458 $1,053 $3,107 MS4 (11 months) $ 548 $1,333 $ 967 $2,848 ***Does not allow for appliance, television or furniture purchases; moving expenses; home improvement or repairs; or contributions to charities or other organizations. Health System Financial Aid Office 08/07/2015