t G856 of IUi'35 Brio 82-.3 !Cop 2 )CEANOG RAPHY r S Towed Thermistor Chain Observations Across the Gulf Stream by R. J. Baumann, L. M. deWitt, M. D. Levine, C. A. Paulson and J. D. Wagner Office of Naval Research N00014-79-C-0004 NR 083-102 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Reference 82-3 April 1982 Reproduction In whole or in part Is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When De: Entered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 82-3 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 5. TYPE OF REPORT 6 PERIOD COVERED Technical TOWED THERMISTOR CHAIN OBSERVATIONS ACROSS THE GULF STREAM 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHOR(.) 5. CONTRACTOR GRANT NUMBER(.) R. J. Baumann, L. M. deWitt, M. D. Levine, C. A. Paulson and J. D. Wagner N00014-79-C-0004 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA 6 WORK UNIT NUMBERS School of Oceanography it. Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 NR 083-102 CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND %DDRESS 12. REPORT DATE Office of Naval Research February 1982 Ocean Science & Technology Division Arlington, Virginia 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 22217 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME 6 ADDRESS(if different from Controlling Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of this report) Unclassified IS.. DECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, It different from Report) I6. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on revere, side It necessary and identity by block number) Towed Thermistor Chain Gulf Stream Warm Core Ring Fronts 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse eld. It neuuary and identify by bloek numbsQ Vertical cross-sections of temperature in the Sargasso Sea and across the Gulf Stream and a warm core ring were obtained with a towed thermistor chain in September 1981. The thermistors were distributed in the upper 70 to 120 m during three runs. Salinity was also measured at two locations on the towed chain and in the ship's lab. A temperature inversion of about 4°C was found near the edge of the warm core ring. FORM DD I J AN 73 1473 EDITION OF 1 NOV 65 IS OBSOLETE SIN 0102-014-6601. Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE ("on Does .rO4) Unclassified -'_ i 4ITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data F_itered) Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF TMIS PAGE($71.n Data Ent.,.d) TOWED THERMISTOR CHAIN OBSERVATIONS ACROSS THE GULF STREAM by R. J. Baumann, L. M. deWitt, M. D. Levine, C. A. Paulson and J. D. Wagner School of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 TECHNICAL REPORT Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-79-C-0004 Project NR 083-102 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Technical Report Reference 82-3 April 1982 G. Ross Heath Dean ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The design and construction of the thermistor chain were carried out by the Technical Planning and Development Group at Oregon State University under the direction of Rod Mesecar. We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of the captain, crew and scientists aboard the R/V OCEANUS, M. Palmieri, commanding. and Robert Weller, chief scientist. Our participation on the cruise was made possible through the cooperation of Mel Briscoe. This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research through contract N00014-79-C-0004 under project NR 083-102. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS--------------------------------------------i INTRODUCTION -----------------------------------------------i INSTRUMENTATION--------------------------------------------2 OBSERVATIONS-----------------------------------------------4 REFERENCES------------------------------------------------15 APPENDICES A. Temperature Cross-Sections-------=---------------16 B. Isotherm Cross-Sections--------------------------47 C. Surface Salinity, Temperature and Density--------79 D. Salinity and Density From the Towed Chain-------- 88 INTRODUCTION This report presents observations of temperature in the upper ocean obtained by use of a towed thermistor chain. The observations were taken aboard the R/V OCEANUS on a cruise out of Woods Hole, Massachusetts in The primary purpose of the cruise was to recover and deploy September 1981. moorings at 34°N, 70°W as a part of Mel Briscoe's Long-Term Upper Ocean Study (LOTUS). The objectives of our participation were: To investigate the structure across the Gulf Stream and warm core rings. To investigate the spatial structure of the upper ocean in the vicinity of Mel Briscoe's LOTUS mooring. To test the towed chain after it was refurbished and lengthened to 165 m. To test improved versions of conductivity sensors installed on the towed chain. 2 INSTRUMENTATION The towed chain system and its use in other experiments have been previously described by Spoering (1979), Baumann et al. (1980) and Paulson et al. (1980). The chain was refurbished and lengthened to 165 m in the months preceeding its use on the LOTUS cruise. The refurbishment included the replacement of electrical conductors, strain member and damaged fairing. In addition to thermistors and pressure sensors, improved conductivity sensors were installed at two locations on the chain. The locations of the sensors relative to the depressor and the mean depths of operating sensors for each run are given in Table 1. In addition to the measurements made on the towed chain, surface salinity was measured throughout the cruise by use of a flow-through system in the ship's lab. This system is described by Baumann (1981). Sea water from the ship's sea water system was circulated through the salinometer. values of temperature and conductivity were recorded once per minute. Digital 3 Table 1. Channel No. Location and mean depth of sensors on the towed chain. The stations have either a temperature, conductivity or pressure sensor installed, denoted by T, C or P. The distance along the chain from the depressor to the sensors is denoted by S which has units of "chain-meters". One chain-meter equals 40 in. or 1.016 m. Station S (Chain-meters) 0 TO 8 1 PO 10 2 Ti 3 12 16 9 10 T2 CO T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 11 T8 12 T9 T10 4 5 7 8 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 16.5 17 20 24 28 32 36 40 Depth of Run 1 Operating Sensors (m) Run 2 Run 3 68.4 66.3 116.7 114.7 107.2 105.2 62.3 61.8 110.6 101.1 100.6 61.3 58.3 109.6 50.3 .98.5 46.3 42.3 38.4 94.5 89.2 85.2 34.5 90.5 86.5 82.5 81.3 77.5 73.6 22.9 70.7 62.3 19.1 66.8 58.6 15.3 62.8 55.0 7.9 55.1 47.8 110.1 106.6 100.1 97.1 Til 44 48 T12 T13 52 56 P1 58' T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 60 64 80 84 47.4 40.7 43.6 37.3 T21 T22 T23 T24 T25 P2 T26 T27 88 39.8 33.8 27.1 106 32.2 28.5 24.8 22.9 108 112 21.1 17.4 18.9 .17.3 14.1 13.3 12.8 10.6 10.2 10.1 7.8 68 72 76 92 96 100 104 T28 116 Cl 116.5 117 120 T29 T30 23.8 20.5 4 OBSERVATIONS The thermistor chain was towed on three occasions during the cruise. The tow tracks and the ship's track during the entire cruise are shown in The tow tracks are shown in more detail in Figure 2 and bihourly Figure 1. positions are tabulated in Table 2. As the result of a malfunction, there was no data recorded between 0830 and 0852 on 12 September during Run 1. Data from the period 0715 to 0830 was not processed because of the previously noted malfunction. The towed chain tended to kite, i.e., tow off to the side during the cruise. This had not occurred on previous cruises and is believed to have been caused by excessive friction between the strain member and fairing. The excessive friction originated from a splice in the strain member and the use of a larger diameter strain member than before. The depths of the sensors (see Table 2) were estimated by fitting a model of the chain shape (Baumann et al., 1979; Paulson et al., 1980) to mean observations of depth at 10.2 and 107.7 m above the depressor. An artificially large drag coefficient was required for the fit because of the kiting. Values of C A p were 4.0, 4.5 and 5.0 for Runs 1, 2 and 3 respectively where C is the drag coefficient, A is the cross-sectional area of the chain per unit length and p is the density of water. These values may be compared to C A p = 1.7 used in the FRONTS experiment where the chain did not kite. The temperature conductivity and pressure observations were low-pass filtered by computing sequential 30-s averages. Filtering removes fluctua- tions caused by variations in sensor depths associated with surface gravity waves and the pitch, roll and heave of the ship. However there still 5 1-I 42°N 18 WARM CORE RING 40°N 17 38°N F i GULF M STREAM 36°N 55 1. 34°N 76°W Figure 1. 74°W 72°W 70°W 68°W Map showing the ship's cruise track and approximate locations of the Gulf Stream and a warm core ring. The dates in September are plotted at the noon position on the cruise track. The three heavy segments of the cruise track correspond to tows of the thermistor chain. The circle at 34N, 70W encloses unplotted track associated with mooring work. 6 I w 0 41 37 W 36 39 35 38 34 37 33 36 32 I- rr 2 I 72 71 70 70.5 a 69.5 LONGITUDE Figure 2. Track of the towed thermistor chain during Runs 1, 2 and 3. Symbols are plotted at the beginning and end of each Run and at two-hour intervals from the beginning with the exception of Run 1 where there is a break near the end. 7 Table 2. Run No. 1 Two-hourly LORAN-C positions during the tows. Distance traveled, direction and speed are computed for the interval subsequent to the given time and position. Date (Sep Time GMT) (GMT) (min) (deg) (min) Dir. Speed (km) (deg) (m/s) 2230 39 55.80 70 44.38 20.11 184.6 2.79 11 0030 39 39 44.97 70 45.51 70 70 45.93 46.62 181.6 182.8 3.01 33.27 22.20 21.66 20.51 19.76 191.8 2.74 11.75 70 49.43 19.37 193.6 2.69 0630 70 52'.60 19.47 190.5 2.70 51.22 38 41.11 70 70 55.05 56.68 18.85 19.26 187.2 187.6 2.62 2.67 1430 38 30.79 70 58.44 20.04 188.3 2.78 1630 38 38 20.07 71 0.42 21.74 169.1 3.02 37 37 8.53 56.75 45.43 70 70 70 57.60 54.35 51.45 22.31 21.36 21.11 167.7 168.5 169.2 3.10 2.97 2.93 0030 37 34.22 70 48.77 21.85 165.9 3.04 0230 37 22.76 70 45.16 19.71 173.1 2.74 0430 0630 37 37 12.18 1.12 70 70 43.55 41.99 20.58 173.6 172.4 2.86 2.96 0830 36 49.70 70 40.10 - - 0852 1052 36 36 47.59 36.50 70 70 39.61 20.88 169.1 36.94 16.61 166.4 1228 36 27.77 70 34.33 - - 0130 33 45.85 69 59.81 13.64 000.3 1.90 0330 0530 0730 33 34 34 53.23 0.36 69 13.23 14.35 14.81 354.8 357.0 8.11 70 70 59.76 0.54 1.03 001.1 1.84 1.99 2.06 0930 34 16.12 70 0.85 14.26 000.6 1.98 1130 1225 34 70 70 0.76 0.95 5.71 357.1 1.73 34 23.84 26.92 38 38 40.52 49.81 71 39 0.11 71 18.39 20.37 20.14 20.8 20.7 22.8 10.14 19.39 71 17.97 17.9 0315 39 39 71 29.62 25.12 20.15 14.74 10.90 4.77 16.8 0350 39 21.85 71 9.94 1830 2030 2230 14 17 18 2.85 1.57 1030 1230 12 39 39 39 38 0830 3 (deg) Dist. 10 0230 0430 2 W. Long. N. Lat. 1915 2115 2315 0115 71 21.31 - - - - - 2.90 2.88 - - 2.55 2.83 2.80 2.50 2.27 - 8 remain fluctuations associated with kiting of the chain. The filtered observations are shown in Appendices A and B. Filtered observations of depth measured by one of the pressure sensors are shown in Appendix B together with the depths of isotherms. There were errors in the pressure measurements caused by a ground loop to sea water. These errors appear as long term drifts and sudden changes in measured depth as occurred for example at 2340 on 10 September (Appendix B). Observations of surface salinity throughout the cruise and surface temperature and density during the tows of the chain are shown in Figures The fluctuations of surface variables show the location 3, 4 and 5. and characteristics of shelf, slope and Sargasso water, a warm core ring, the Gulf Stream and various: fronts. The northern edge of the Gulf Stream was crossed at about on 12 September (Figure 3). 0100 GMT The edge was characterized by a narrow band of low-salinity water, sudden increase in temperature and a sudden decrease in The band of low-salinity water has been often observed density. (see Stommel, 1966). Salinity and temperature fluctuations within the Stream were generally in phase and associated density fluctuations were therefore small. The southern edge of the Gulf Stream was crossed at about 0530 GMT on 12 September. The southern edge exhibited a sudden decrease in temperature and a corresponding increase in density. There was also a temperature and density anomaly that occurred between 0530 and 1030 on 12 September. uncertain. The relationship of this anomaly to the Gulf Stream is The chain was not being towed when the ship crossed the Gulf Stream while heading north on 17 September. However, the salinity record is qualitatively similar to the record from the crossing on 12 September. 26.0 37 32.5 36 30.0 25.5 25.0 35 24.5 24.0 CD 34 25.0 33 22.5 32 20.0 U, 23.5 23.0 22.5 10 12 11 13 10,13-SEP-81 Figure 3. Surface salinity (light line), temperature (medium line) and density (heavy line) from 10 to 13 September. 0 I I I 26.0 37 32.5 36 30.0 25.5 25.0 --i Cn 35 24.5 z `-- -i m 3 27.5 D x C M 24.0 34 m m v 25.0 m C, r) 23.5 33 22.5 32 20.0 23.0 22.5 I 13 15 14 16 13.16-SEP-81 Figure 4. Surface salinity (light line), temperature (medium line) and density (heavy line) from 13 to 16 September. 26.0 37 32.5 36 30.0 25.5 25.0 35 v CC 24.0 U' 34 25.0 33 22.5 32 20.0 U, 23.5 23.0 22.5 16 18 17 19 16,19-SEP-81 Figure 5. Surface salinity (light line), temperature (medium line) and density (heavy line) from 16 to 19 September. 0 12 In particular, there is a band of low-salinity water at the northern edge of the Stream shown in Figure 5 at about 1000 on 17 September. A front was observed in the Sargasso Sea during a tow of the chain on 14 September (Figure marked by changes in 4). The surface expression of the front was salinity, temperature and density of 0.1°/°°, 0.7°C and 0.4 kg m-3 respectively. The last tow, on 18 and 19 September, began in the interior of a warm core ring (Figure 1) and proceeded across the edge at about 0315 on 18 September. The surface properties of the ring are shown in Figure 5. The surface is warmer and more saline than the surrounding water. of the ring was characterized by a change in salinity of The edge 0.5°/°°, a change in temperature of 0.9°C and negligible change in density. There was a band of low-salinity water on the south side of the ring more than 1°/°° less saline than surface water inside the ring. Subsurface temperature structure associated with the northern edge of the ring is shown in Figures 6 and 7. There is a temperature inversion between 48 and 105 m depth which exceeds 3°C. The maximum value of the inversion irrespective of depth is about 4°C (Figure 7). 0 i II 10 I 0057 Figure 6. 15 I1 0157 1 -1 r L I 0127 25 (KM) 20 0227 0257 0327 (GMT) Temperature structure between the depths of 8 and 105 m observed on a tow of a thermistor chain from the inside to the outside of.a warm core ring. Temperatures from depths of 8, 48 and 105 m are heavy lines 18-SEP-81 02:57:15 TO 03:16:4.5 30 SEC MEAN OFFSET=0.25 DEG C 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 1301111 10 1 1 111 I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I I I I I I 1 I 1 TEMPERATURE (DEG C) Figure 7. Sequential 30-s averaged temperature profiles at the edge of a warm core ring. 15 REFERENCES Continuous shipboard measurements of surface salinity. Baumann, R. J., 1981: Exposure, 9 (5), 5-8, School of Oceanography, Corvallis, OR Baumann, R. J., C. A. Paulson and J. Wagner, 1980: in JASIN. OR Towed chain observations Report, Reference 80-14, School of Oceanography, Corvallis, 97331, 202 pp. Paulson, C. A., 1980: R. J. Baumann, L. M. deWitt, T. J. Spoering Spoering, T. J., 1979: ocean. and J. D. Wagner, Towed thermistor chain observations in'FRONTS-80. Reference 80-18, School of Oceanography, Corvallis, OR OR 97331.. Report, 97331, 183 pp. Towed observations of internal waves in the upper Report, Reference 79-10, School of Oceanography, Corvallis, 97331, 121 pp. Stommel, H., 1966: The Gulf Stream. Press, London, 248 pp. Second edition, Cambridge University 16 APPENDIX A Temperature Cross-Sections On the following pages there are from plots, one for each two-hour period the beginning of each run, of temperature measurements as a function of time and distance along the tow. The their mean depths are given in Table 1. operating temperature The latitude sensors and and longitude at the beginning of each two-hour period is given in Table 2 together with distance travelled and the direction and speed of the tow. The temperature measure- ments were low-pass filtered by averaging over sequential 30-s intervals. Because of kiting of the towed chain, some of the fluctuations in temperature are caused by fluctuations of the depth of the thermistors. 0 10 (KM) 15 v 9 2230 2250 2310 2330 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 2350 0010 10,11-SEP-81 (GMT) 20 (KM) 15 10 0 T T I I I 1 0030 I 0050 01/00/30 l I TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE i 0150 11-SEP-81 I 0210 (GMT) 0 5 1 1 0230 10 (KM) 15 1 I I I i i 0250 0310 0330 0350 TEMP_.EPO TURF VS TIME/DISTANCE I 11-SEP-81 i 0-10 1 (GMT) T (KM) 15 10 5 0 I 11-1 U CD W O 1-11 W F- Q a W 2 W F- I 0430 0450 0510 0530 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 0550 11-SEP-81 0610 (GMT) 0 5 10 (KM) 15 1 26 I25 23 w 15 0630 0650 0710 0730 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 0750 11-SEP-81 0810 (GMT) 0830 0850 0910 0930 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE (KM) 15 10 0 0950 11-SEP-81 1010 (GMT) 5 0 1030 1050 10 11/01/30 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 15 1150 11-SEP-81 1210 (KM) (GMT) 0 1230 10 1250 1310 1330 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE (KM) 15 1350 11-SEP-81 14-10 (GMT) 0 5 i 10 I I I (KM) 15 I 1 1 26 25 24- 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 I 14-30 14.50 I I I 1510 1530 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 1550 11-SEP-81 1610 (GMT) 0 1630 1650 1710 20 15 10 5 1730 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 1750 11-SEP-81 1810 (KM) (GMT) 10 1830 1850 1910 20 15 1930 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 1950 11-SEP-81 2010 (KM) (GMT) 10 5 0 i5 I CD w 0 1-11 w CY I-CE: w 0 5- w 2030 2050 21/02/30 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 2150 11-SEP-81 2210 0 2230 5 2250 10 2310 2330 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE (KM) 15 2350 0010 11,12-SEP-81 (GMT) 5 0 15 10 I , I I 1 20 -r T (KM) 29 28 27 26 U co w 0 25 24- 23 w 22 F-- a w 0 57w FCE: 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 I I 0030 0050 f 01/00/30 1 I 1 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE I 1 0150 12-SEP-81 0210 (GMT) 0 5 I 1 1 (KM) 15 10 I 1 I T------l 1 22 21 19 1 0230 I 0250 1 I 0310 1 I 1 0330 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE I I 0350 010 12-SEP-81 1 I (GMT) 5 0 030 050 0510 0530 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE (KM) 15 10 0550 12-SEP-81 0610 (GMT) 0 0630 10 0650 0710 0730 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE (KM) 15 0750 1,2-SEP-81 0810 (GMT) 10 0 0852 0912 0932 0952 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE (KM) 15 1012 12-SEP-81 1032 (GMT) 0 10 I I (KM) 15 T T 1 1 29 28 27 26 ., 25 2 0 23 ry 22 21 CE w 20 w 19 18 17 16 15 14 1 1052 11/21/32 I 1 I 1 I I 1152 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE I 1 1212 12-SEP-81 I 1232 1 (GMT) (KM) 10 5 0 28 27 26 U CD w 0 ., 25 24 21 20 19 0130 0150 0210 0230 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 0250 11-SEP-81 0310 (GMT) 28 V I r (KM) 10 S 0 I T I 27 I26 25E- 23- 20F- 0350 0418 0430 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 0450 14-SEP-81 0510 (GMT) (KM) 10 5 0 T 2827[-- 26 CD 25 21I20 - 19 1 0530 0550 11 0610 I 1 0630 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE I 1 0650 1L-SEP-81 11 0710 I (GMT) 5 0 (KM) 10 I I 28 127 1- CD 25 21 - i 0750 0810 0830 TEMPERATURE VS TIMEIDISTANCE 0850 1-SEP-81 0910 (GMT) (KM) 10 5 28 27 26 U (/ w 0 25 w w F- 22 21 20 19 0930 0950 1010 1030 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 1050 11-SEP-81 1110 (GMT) 0 (KM) 10 S 28 27 26 U CD w 0 w ry cl: ry w 0 w F-- 21 20 19 1130 1150 1210 1230 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 1250 1L-SEP-81 1310 (GMT) 5 0 (KM) 15 10 25{21 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 13 12 10 1915 1935 1955 I I I 2015 2035 2055 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 17-SEP-81 (GMT) 5 0 I I I I 10 15 I I (KM) 25 2 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 it 10 2315 2325 2335 23'-5 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 2355 0005 17,18-SEP-81 (GMT) 0 I I (KM) 15 10 I T I 25 0115 I I I I I 0135 0155 0215 0235 0255 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 18-SEP-81 I I (GMT) ss 15 10 5 0 I I 1 (KM) U LJ W 0 ti D F-cE ry w 3w -- I I I 031 5 0335 0355 1 I 1 015 TEMPERATURE VS TIME/DISTANCE 1 1 0135 18-SEP-81 I 0155 1 1 (GMT) 47 APPENDIX B Isotherm Cross-Sections On the following pages there is a table followed by plots of the depths of isotherms at 0.5°C intervals. The depths of isotherms were obtained by linear interpolation between the low-pass filtered temperature observations shown in Appendix A. The values of the highest and lowest isotherms at the beginning of each two-hour plot are given in Table B1. The interpolation proceeded downward from the uppermost temperature measurement. The minimum depths of each isotherm are plotted, thereby avoiding ambiguities caused by temperature inversions. There are errors in isotherm depths associated with kiting of the chain. The depth record from one of the pressure sensors is plotted to show the magnitude of these errors. occasionally malfunctioned. 10 September is erroneous. The pressure sensors For example, the change in depth at 2340 on 48 Table Bl. Value of the highest and lowest isotherm at the beginning of each two-hour plot of isotherm depth. Run Date (Sept) 1 10 11 12 2 3 14 17 18 Isotherm Time Highest Lowest (°C) 2230 0030 0230 0430 0630 20.5 20.5 23.0 23.0 24.0 13.5 13.0 15.0 15.5 18.0 0830 23.0 18.0 1030 1230 1430 1630 1830 2030 2230 0030 0230 0430 0630 0852 1052 22.5 23.0 21.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 26.5 27.5 26.5 27.0 26.0 16.5 16.5 15.0 15.0 15.5 14.5 14.0 15.5 23.0 24.5 26.0 26.5 26.0 0130 0330 0530 0730 0930 1130 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 26.5 26.0 21.0 20.5 21.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 1915 2115 2315 0115 0315 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.0 22.0 15.0 16.0 14.5 13.0 13.0 (GMT) 10 I 11-1 U) (KM) 15 T T 60 cy- m 70 0 80 I 0- I 1 I I I I I I I T I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 10I20 0 w 0 60 I70 80 1. 2230 2250 I I I I 2310 2330 2350 0010 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 10,11-SEP-81 I (GMT) 0 U) 5 20 (KM) 15 10 60 m 0 70 n 80 T I 1 I 0030 0050 I 01/00/30 I I 0150 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 0210 11-SEP-81 (GMT) 0 5 10 (KM) 15 T I 1 I n 60 I I rY CE 70 Cl o_ 80 I I I I l I 0230 0250 0310 0330 0350 04.10 I 0 10 20 30 40 H- 0 L so 60 70 80 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 11-SEP-81 (GMT) 0 10 5 15 (KM) u3 60 ch c r- 0 70 Q 80 0 10 20 30 60 70 80 0430 04.50 0510 0530 0550 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 0610 11-SEP-81 (GMT) 0 5 10 (KM) 15 u, 60 ry m CD 70 a. 80 0 10 20 30 0630 0650 0710 0730 0750 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 0810 11-SEP-81 (GMT) 10 0 U) (KM) 15 60 cy- m 70 0 o 80 0 10 20 30 H- 0 0 50 60 70 80 0830 0850 0910 0930 0950 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 1010 11-SEP-81 (GMT) 10 5 0 I T I 15 I I u, 60 (KM) T I co 70 0 a_ 80 I I 1030 1050 I I I I 1150 1210 I 60 70 80 11/01/30 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 11-SEP-81 (GMT) 0 co 60 a_ 80 (KM) 15 10 5 r m 70 0 0 10 20 60 70 80 1230 1250 1310 1330 1350 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 1410 11-SEP-81 (GMT) U) CD r-- LO m mm mco r co (Sdd90) d I I 1 I 57 mkkMISONUMMIKINIA t t tSCSllISI lilfl (t142ewSlz V,IM iro-ro 1tZZZZu f),11i1v., U 170))7 lllClCCI 1SIIlHJUhK 14 >» »»»>» »> Gsssssl ZW. -J- I co , I mmm m m m m mN. Nm (W) Hld30 I CD CO m U) m Cr) zD C= Lu CY co U) Lit a_ n N U) CD Ln CD co CD l", (S) c (Sdd90) d I ' I T N 58 CYD I u) (W) H1d.d0 I co I ® N I I 00 n CD C9 LI) N N C- n(0 co U) m u) m CS) co m ma 1 (Sdd00) d I I I 1 I I I 59 I CO I I I I U7 I I CO , I r-,--1 I mmm mm N M - n n m.N m (W) HId30 Co m Co G) CCD m CrO 00 CD CE Of w Co co w of m L( ) -- Lf) CS) b ®!ll @co co (Sdd9O) d b bC- N 60 CO --+- Lf) (W) Hld3O co CD b n co F-CD u) N CD N N C9 CD N 0 10 5 (KM) 15 U 60 ry r 70 0 80 c 1-1 0 10 20 r 4.0 50 60 70 80 2230 2250 2310 2330 2350 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 0010 11,12-SEP-81 (GMT) U, 20 15 10 5 0 (KM) 60 cy- m 70 0 cL 80 I I I 0030 1 I 0050 I 01/00/30 I 1 I 1 I 0150 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 1 I 0210 12-SEP-81 1 I (GMT) 0 10 I I CO I (KM) 15 T 1 60 ry m a 70 80 I I I I I I 0230 0250 0310 0330 0350 04.10 I 0 10 20 30 0 0 50 60 70 80 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTRNCE 12-SEP-81 (GMT) 0 10 5 (KM) 15 ui 60 CE 0 v 70 n 80 0 10 20 0430 0450 0510 0530 0550 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 0610 12-SEP-81 (GMT) 0 T T I 5 10 15 I I I (KM) I Uz 6 0 0 70 0 n 80 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 0 10 20 30 4.0 50 60 70 80 0630 0650 0710 0730 0750 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 0810 12-SEP-81 (GMT) is 10 5 0 (KM) )cr- 60 m 70 0 ieo I I 0852 T I 1 0912 1 I 0932 I 1 I I I 0952 1 I 1012 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE I 1 1032 12-SEP-81 (GMT) 0 5 10 I U) ch (KM) 15 I I I 60 c l-- O 70 n 80 I I I I 1 I I I I 1152 1212 1232 I 0 10 20 0 60 70 80 I 1052 11/21/32 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 12-SEP-81 (GMT) U) ncE m I I 1 20 30 n- I I I I 1 (KM) 10 5 0 I i 1 I II I I I i I I I n w 0 80 90 100 - /-'\ ^I- 110 120 130 1 I 0130 0150 0210 0230 0250 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 0310 11-SEP-81 (GMT) 0 5 10 (KM) U) m 20 30 0330 0350 8410 0130 0150 0510 .PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 1-SEP-81 (GMT) m Cl (KM) 10 5 0 20 30 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 10 - 2 0 - 3 0 - 6 0 - 0 w a 8 0 9 0 100 110 120 130 I 0530 I i I 0550 0610 I 0630 I I 0650 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE I I 0710 14-SEP-81 I i (GMT) 0 U) cr 5 10 (KM) T 1 20 30 I I I 1 I 0 10 20 30 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 0730 0750 0810 0830 0850 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 0910 14-SEP-81 (GMT) 0 cy- m 0 (KM) 10 5 20 30 T I I I I 0 10 20 30 4- 0 50 60 F 0 w 0 70 80 go100- 110 120 130 0930 I I 0950 1010 I 1030 1050 PRESSURE RND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 1110 14-SEP-81 (GMT) 0 U) 5 I 1 Q 20 a 30 0 (KM) 10 r T I I I I I I 1130 1150 1210 1230 1250 1310 I 0 10 20 30 4.0 50 60 0 w a 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VS TIME/DISTANCE 14-SEP-81 (GMT) 11 -N (Sdd9a) d I I 74 u SWINSfid 50'i Ri WAN - U E (W) Hld3O 0 riiiamommaiiiii 0 G;m 0 U) w LIM cl: m Ln CS) U Ln Ln N (SdUBO) d I -1 II II II II I I 75 I I I L II1I1 I1 mmm mm mm 03 CJ) CD co m f\ m Nm O -mLn (W) H1d. O 1 r 1 I I 61 (S 1 F-1---T 1 N (1) Ln Cr) N U) N r-- O z CC CK, 'w 7D co U) w a a U) m u-) U) N (SdU O) d I IMI u - 76 1ZiZacr.Z_ - -A n 111111 ROOM OEM tlCCC<tiLZZ llli[a[(tlLr (W) -I I N Co . II. W Cl D Ln CD U) U) L1) Ln N (Sdd90) d r 711 77 tkkkt!'o kit dY 'III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CS mN®Mm...fm U)m CD ® ofI\ ® `1 m lei m m N a G) M (W) HId.00 U) N U) CY) LO CS) 00 D 2 Q ry w U) CD w 0 0 15 10 5 0 (KM) 25 I I I I 1 I I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 170 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 I I 0315 0335 1 I 0355 1 I 0415 1 I 0435 PRESSURE AND ISOTHERM DEPTH VG TIME/DISTANCE I I 0455 18-SEP-81 I I (GMT) 79 APPENDIX C Surface Salinity, Temperature and Density On the following eight pages are plots of surface salinity, temperature and density observed during Runs 1, 2 and 3. Surface salinity (light line) was measured in the ship's lab by use of a flow-through system (Baumann, 1981). Temperature (medium line) is from an upper thermistor on the chain at mean depths between 7.8 and 10.1 m (see Table 1). Density (heavy line) was computed from seven-minute averages of salinity and temperature with the salinity time series shifted back in time by seven minutes to compensate for the delay associated with circulation through the ship's sea water system. ture. The plot of density is therefore smoother than salinity and temperaFeatures in the salinity measurements are delayed by about seven minutes with respect to the same features in the temperature measurements. 25.5 37 30.0 336 27.5 25.0 1 m 24.5 'U m I- 35 24.0 25.0 m CC 0 P1 CD Cf% G) 23.5 c-; 34 22.5 33 20.0 23.0 22.5 2230 2330 0030 0130 0230 LOTUS SURFACE VALUES 0330 0430 10.11-SEP-81 0530 0630 25.5 37 30.0 36 27.5 35 25.0 25.0 24.5 CD 24.0 cr- ° CD m 23.5 VJ M 34 22.5 33 20.0 23.0 22.5 0630 0730 0830 0930 1030 LOTUS SURFACE VALUES 1130 1230 11-SEP-81 1330 1430 J I I I I I I I 25.5 37 30.0 36 27.5 25.0 M 24.5 I, -3v m :0 35 24.0 -1 25.0 23.5 34 22.5 33 20.0 23.0 22.5 I 14-30 I 1530 I 1630 I 1730 I 1830 LOTUS SURFACE VALUES I 1930 I I I 2030 2130 2230 11-SEP-81 v 25.5 37 30.0 36 27.5 25.0 .. 2'-.5 CD 24.0 35 CD U) 23.5 34- 22.5 33 20.0 23.0 22.5 2230 2330 0030 0130 0230 LOTUS SURFACE VALUES 0330 04-30 11,12-SEP-81 0530 0630 37 30.0 36 27.5 0 m (") 0630 0730 0830 0930 1030 1130 LOTUS SURFACE VALUES 1230 12-SEP-81 1330 1430 34 22.5 33 20.0 T. 25.5 37 30.0 36 27.5 25.0 --I m m D --I 35 24.0 25.0 m 0 m CC (0 G) U) 23.5 34 22.5 33 20.0 23.0 22.5 0130 0230 0330 0430 0530 0630 LOTUS SURFACE VALUES 0730 14--SEP-81 0830 0930 37 30.0 36 27.5 35 t-) 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 LOTUS SURFACE VALUES 1430 1530 14-SEP-81 1630 1730 34 22.5 33 20.0 1915 2015 2115 2215 2315 0015 LOTUS SURFRCE VALUES 0115 0215 17,18-SEP-81 0315 0415 37 30.0 36 27.5 35 25.0 34 22.5 33 20.0 88 APPENDIX D Salinity and Density From the Towed Chain The first three labeled "LOTUS surface salinity", show figures, observations of surface salinity during Runs two and three measured by three independent The circles are the salinity of bottle samples methods. taken in the ship's lab. The lowermost trace is from a flow-through system in the ship's lab containing temperature and conductivity sensors manufactured by Sea-Bird. The calibration of the Sea-Bird conductivity sensor was The systematic difference between the Sea-Bird supplied by the manufacturer. and the bottle salinities is less than 0.01°/00. The uppermost trace is salinity from conductivity and temperature sensors installed on the chain one-half meter apart at a mean depth of about 12 m. fluctuations is similar despite the systematic The magnitude of the difference. The sensors on the chain respond more rapidly to changes in surface properties than the shipboard instruments which are slowed by circulation of sea water through the ship's plumbing. The next three figures, labeled "LOTUS surface values from chain", show salinity (light line), temperature (medium line) and density (heavy line) from conductivity and temperature sensors on the towed chain at a depth of about 12 m (see Table 1). The absolute values of salinity and 89 density are in error because no correction has been made for the systematic error in salinity shown on the previous three pages. The last three figures of this appendix, labeled "LOTUS deep values from chain" show salinity (light line), temperature (medium line) and density (heavy line) from conductivity and temperature sensors at a depth of about -110 and 100 m during Runs two and three respectively. The absolute calibration of the conductivity sensor was significantly in error which caused salinity and density to be unrealistically large. are considered realistic. The fluctuations 37 36 35 34 33 0130 0230 0330 04-30 0530 0630 LOTUS SURFACE SALINITY 0730 14-SEP-81 0830 0930 37 36 >- 35 z J U) 34 33 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1-30 LOTUS SURFACE SALINITY 1530 14-SEP-81 1630 1730 37 36 35 34 33 1915 2015 2115 2215 2315 0015 0115 0215 LOTUS SURFACE SALINITY 17,18-SEP-81 0315 0415 25.5 37 30.0 36 27.5 25.0 24.0 35 Q CD 23.5 c-) 34 22.5 133 20.0 23.0 22.5I 0130 i I 0230 i 1 I 0330 0430 i 0530 I I 0630 0730 LOTUS SURFACE VALUES FROM CHAIN i I 1 0830 0930 14-SEP-81 37 30.0 36 27.5 P1 m 35 25.0 0 m 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 LOTUS SURFACE VALUES FROM 1430 CHAIN 1530 1630 14-SEP-81 1730 34 22.5 33 20.0 I 25.5 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 37, 30:0 36 27.5 35 25.0 25.0 24.5 24.0 U' 23.5 NN. C) m c) rn 34 22.5 33 20.0 23.0 22.5 I I I 1915 2015 2115 J I I 2215 2315 I 0015 I I 0115 0215 t LOTUS SURFACE VALUES FROM CHAIN i I 0315 17,18-SEP-81 i I 0415 38 29.0 37 26.5 36 35 21.5 19.0 0130 0230 0330 04-30 0530 0630 LOTUS DEEP VALUES FROM CHAIN 0730 0830 14-SEP-81 0930 28.0 38 29.0 37 26.5 27.5 27.0 m m OD r 26,5 6 4.0 Cl m c) 26.0 c 5 1.5 34 19.0 25.5 25.0 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 LOTUS DEEP VALUES FROM CHAIN 1530 1630 14-SEP-81 1730 39 22.0 38 19.5 37 1915 2015 2115 2215 2315 0015 LOTUS DEEP VALUES FROM CHAIN 0115 0215 0315 17,18-SEP-81 0615 36 1.5 35 12.0