Publications 2012 Faculty Name Achter, Jeff Cavalieri, Renzo Cheney, Margaret Dangelmayr, Gerhard Duflot, Jeanne Emanouilov, Oleg Bibliographical Details Explicit bounds for split reductions of simple abelian varieties. Open Gromov-Witten Theory and the Crepant Resolution Conjecture. Polynomial families of tautological classes on M{g,n}^{rt}. none Dusty Ross Steffen Marcus Jonathan Wise Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138 (669), 2009-2018, 2012. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 5483–5507, 2012, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Volume 42, Number 5, 2012. A time-dependent Lagrangian eyewall. B. Rutherford M. Kirby B. Rutherford, M. Montgomery Pam Peters The Archive for History of Exact Sciences, Springer Verlag (2012) SIAM J. Math. Anal., 44 (2012), 1333-1339 Translation of a paper in mathematics by Emma Sallent Del Colombo and Ciro Ciliberto from Italian to English for publication. Inverse boundary value problem for Schrödering equation in two dimensions. Inverse problem by Cauchy data on arbitrary subboundary for systems of elliptic equations. Unique determination of potentials and semilinear terms of semilinear elliptic equations from Partial Cauchy data. Partial Cauchy data for general second order elliptic operators in two dimensions. On uniqueness of Lamé coefficients from partial Cauchy J. Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 21 (2012), 85-108. Publ. Research Institute Math. Sci., 48 (2012), 971-1055 Inverse Problems, 28 (2012), 125002 Hulpke, Alexander Kennedy, Paul Co-Author(s) Journal de Theorie de Nombres de Bordeaux, 24(1) 2012, 41-55. Unknown J. Pure Appl. Algebra 216 no. 4, (2012) 950–981 Inverse Problems, 28 (2012), 095015 Ingram, Patrick Title of Publication Lagrangian coherent structures in tropical cyclone intensification. Gaussian maps for Double Covers of Toric Surfaces Applicable and analysis, 91 (2012), 1-17 Inverse source problem for linearized Navier-Stokes equations with data in arbitrary subdomain. Journal of the Australian Math. Soc., 92 Issue 01(2012), 99-126 Algebraic divisibility sequences over function fields. Int’l Mathematics Research Notices, Issue 3 (2012), 524-543. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 64 no. 2 (2012), 318-345. A finiteness result for post-critically finite Polynomials Cubic polynomials with periodic cycles of a specified multiplier Middle school textbook: Orlando: HOLT-McDougal (2010, 2012) Middle school textbook: Orlando: HOLT-McDougal (2012) Middle school textbook: Orlando: HOLT-McDougal (2012) Middle school textbook: Orlando: HOLT-McDougal (2012) Middle school textbook: Orlando: HOLT-McDougal (2012) Middle school textbook: Orlando: HOLT-McDougal (2012) HOLT Mathematics, Courses 1, 2, and 3 HOLT-McDougal Mathematics, Courses 1, 2, and 3 HOLT-McDougal Mathematics, 6th 7th and 8th Georgia Editions HOLT Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II. Georgia Editions HOLT-McDougal Mathematics, 6th 7th and 8th Common Core Editions HOLT Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II. Common Core Editions E. S. Del Colombo C. Ciliberto M. Yamamoto M. Yamamoto M. Yamamoto G. Uhlmann M. Yamamoto G. Uhlmann M. Yamamoto M. Chouily J.P. Puel M. Yamamoto V. Mahé J.H. Silverman K.E. Strange M. Streng J. Bennett, et al. J. Bennett, et al. J. Bennett, et al. Burger, et al. J. Bennett, et al. Burger, et al. Kirby, Michael Liu, James Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorolgical Society, Vol. 138, No. 669 (2012), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2009-2018. Advances in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 2, No. 4 (2012), 226-242. Procedia Computer Science, 9(2012), pp.679--688. J. Comput. Phys., 231 (2012), pp.223--242. Appl. Math. Lett., 25(2012),pp.1614--1618. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 236(2012), pp.4537--4546. Mueller, Jennifer Penttila, Tim Peterson, Chris A time-dependent Lagrangian eyewall Feature Patch Illustration Spaces and Karcher Compression for Face Recognition via Grassmannians. A mathematical model for intracellular HIV-1 gag protein transport and its parallel numerical simulations A matched interface and boundary method for solving multi-flow Navier–Stokes equations with applications to geodynamics L2 Error estimation for DGFEM for elliptic problems with low regularity. Convergence analysis of the discontinuous finite volume element method for elliptic problems with minimal regularity Inverse Problems, Vol. 28, 095005 (2012) A direct D-bar reconstruction algorithm for recovering a complex conductivity in 2-D. Phsica D, Vol. 241, pp. 1322--1335 The Novikov-Veselov Equation and the Inverse Scattering Method, Part I: Analysis Nonlinearity, Vol. 25, pp. 1799--1818 The Novikov-Veselov Equation and the Inverse Scattering Method, Part II: Computation SIAM, 2012 (Book) Designs, Codes and Cryptography 65 (2012), 157-161 Advances in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 2, No. 4 (2012), 226-242. Linear and Nonlinear Inverse Problems with Practical Applications Planes in which every quadrangle lies on a unique Baer subplane. Feature Patch Illustration Spaces and Karcher Compression for Face Recognition via Grassmannians. On the Strengthening of Topological Signals in Persistent Homology through Vector Bundle Based Maps Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (2012), pp. 303--308 Pilgrim, Mary Taylor & Francis (2010) Pries, Rachel Journal of Algebra, 361, 92-106 Instructors Manual for - SPSS for Introductory Statistics: Use and Interpretation (Fourth Edition) The automorphism groups of a family of maximal curves Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 61, 2:707-726 Israel Journal of Mathematics, 187, 117-139 Desert Plants Journal, 2012. Fast-Track Communication in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2012. PRIMUS, 2012. The p-rank stratification of Artin-Schreier curves Alternating group covers of the affine line Patterns on Desert Plants Highly ordered nanoscale ripples produced by ion bombardment of binary compounds. Simple yet hidden counter examples in undergraduate real analysis. Shipman, Patrick B. Rutherford G. Dangelmayr J. Chang C. Peterson R. Munoz-Alicea T. Huang S. Tavener C. Chen Yongcheng Zhou Dennis Harry Lin Mu Xiu Ye Lin Mu Xiu Ye Rabeea Jari S.J. Hamilton C.N.L. Herrera A. Von Herrmann M. Lassas S. Siltanen A. Stahel M. Lassas S. Siltanen A. Stahel S. Siltanen J. Chang M. Kirby E. Hanson F. Motto L. Ziegelmeier Gene Gloeckner R. Guralnick B. Malmskog H. J. Zhu J. Muskat T. J. Cooke F. C. Motta R. M. Bradley B. A. Shipman Tavener, Simon Wilson, James Zhou, Yongcheng Procedia Computer Science, 9(2012), pp.679--688. A mathematical model for intracellular HIV-1 gag protein transport and its parallel numerical simulations SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 34 (2012), A2394-A2419. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 223 (2012), pp 10--27. Theoretical Ecology, 5 (2012), pp 73--82. (First published online as DOI10.1007/s12080-010-0097-6.) Ecological Applications, 22 (2012), 166--183.(First published online as DOI:10.1890/11-0470.1.) Adjoint-based a posteriori error estimation for coupled time-dependent systems. (2012) A posteriori analysis of a multirate numerical method for ordinary differential equations. The distinct effects of habitat fragmentation on population size. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364 (2012) pp. 1975-1996. J. Algebra 353 (2012) pp. 286--297 Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 205103, 2012. Journal of Computational Physics, 31, 223-242, 2012. Computing isometry groups of Hermitian maps Intersecting two classical groups Electrodiffusion of lipids on membrane surfaces Matched Interface and Boundary (MIB) Method for Solving Multi-flow Navier-Stokes Equations with Applications to Geodynamics Recent progress in numerical methods for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation in biophysical applications Communications in Computational Physics, 3, 973-1009 (20120 Sensitivity analysis of a nonlinear disease model: high-elevation white pines and white pine blister rust. J. Liu R. Munoz-Alicea T. Huang C. Chen L. Asner D. Kay D. Estep V. Ginting K. Herbener N.T. Hobbs S. G. Field A.W. Schoettle J.G. Klutsch M. F. Antolin P.A. Brooksbank P.A. Brooksbank Jiangguo Liu Dennis Harry M. Holst J.A. McCammon Z. Yu, Y. Zhu Invited and presented talks for 2012 Faculty Name Achter, Jeff Bates, Dan Betten, Anton Conference/Location PIMS Young Researchers’ Conference Calgary, AB Canadian Number Theory Association, Lethbridge, AB Hawaii Conference in Algebraic Number Theory, Arithmetic, Geometry, and Modular Forms, Uni of Hawaii University of Hawaii, Honolulu AMS session on Arithmetic Geometry, Honolulu, HI JMM session on Arithmetic Geometry, Boston, MA DARPA Mathematical Summit, Lake Tahoe, NV Eric Hanson: SIAM AN12, Minneapolis, MN Steve Ihde: IAM AN12, Minneapolis, MN SIAM AN12 Texas A&M Algebraic Geometry Seminar Kuwait University, Kuwait. Rocky Mnt Discrete Mathematics Days, CSU MIGHTY LIII Conference on graph theory, Ames, Iowa Date Attended 6/2012 6/2012 3/2012 Topic/Title of Talk unknown unknown unknown Invited Talk/ Presented Talk Plenary lecture Presented talk Presented talk 3/2012 3/2012 1/2012 2/2012 7/2012 7/2012 7/2012 3/ 2012 3/2012 5/2012 9/2012 Geometry and Modular Forms unknown Unknown Numerical algebraic geometry Searching for Exceptional Mechanisms with Fiber Products Preconditioning with H-Bases computed using Dual Space Operations Finding exceptional mechanisms via fiber products Rainbow Cliques and BLT-Sets Line Spreads in PG(3,q) Containing a Regulus Rainbow Cliques and BLT-Sets Presented talk Presented talk Presented talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Presenter Invited talk Cavalieri, Renzo Margaret Cheney Dangelmayr, Gerhard Ingram, Patrick Rocky Mnt Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar, CSU Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University, Beijing Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose’, Costa Rica University of Milan, Algebraic Geometry Seminar Imperial College, London, MAGIC seminar Hanover University, Geometry and Physics Colloquium Louisiana State University; topology seminar Louisiana State University; graduate talk Louisiana State University; undergraduate talk University of California at Davis Boston University; Geometry Seminar SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego Dept of Applied Mathematics, CU Boulder; Dynamical Systems Seminar Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematical Biology, Columbus, Ohio. Dynamics Days 2012; Baltimore, MA 11/2012 2012 Y. Zou lecture at 2012 Joint AMS-MAA meeting Canadian Number Theory Association XII, Lethbridge CMS Summer Meeting, Regina Hawaii Conference in Algebraic Number Theory, Honolulu AMS Special Session on Arithmetic Geometry, Honolulu 01/12 2012 2012 2012 Hulpke, Alexander 2012 Fall 2012 Fall 2012 Fall 2012 Fall 2012 Fall 2012 Fall 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2012 7/2013 10/2012 8/2012 1/2012 2012 11/6/2012 10/27/2012 Kirby, Michael AMS Special Session on Representations of Groups and Algebras, Tucson, AZ New York Group Theory Seminar Discrete math Day, Colorado State University Speaker in Rocky Mountain Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar NCTM Annual Conference, Philadephia, PA ICONIP 2012, Texas A&M University Yale University 7/2012 Liu, James Duke Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy, Duke University 2012-2013 Foothills Infectious Diseases Seminar Series, Colorado State University Pacific NW National Lab; a series of five lectures A joint seminar by College of Math & Statistics and 5/16/2012 Kennedy, Paul 10/19/2012 2012 2012 2012 11/14/2012 2/2012 11/2012 7/18-8/17 From Translation Planes to Dual Hyperovals Mini course: Hurwitz Theory and Orbifold Gromov-Witten Theory Mini-course: (with Dusty Ross) Hurwitz Theory The Open CRC in the toric setting The Open CRC in the toric setting Polynomiality in Hurwitz Theory A geometric view of Hurwitz Wall Crossings Polynomiality Phenomena in Hurwitz Theory Counting Covers Using Graphs Polynomiality Phenomena in Hurwitz Theory Rational Double Hurwitz Cycles Radar Imaging Near Onset Electroconvective Wave Patterns in Nematic Liquid Crystals C. Zhang, Learning cyclic patterns in continuous Hopfield networks (poster) C. Zhang, Simple cycles in continuous Hopfield networks: Admissability and bifurcations Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Invited talk Invited talk Unknown Approximation in finite groups Algorithms for representation theoretic calculations in finite matrix groups Matrix Group algorithms using composition Trees Unknown Unknown Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Transformations in Geometry. Viral Assembly: Dynamical Systems and Group Theory From Surveillance to Sepsis: New Challenges in Applied Mathematics Analytical Results on influenza Gene Expression Datasets Invited talk Algorithms Applied to Large Data Sets for Predictive Outcomes Weak Galerkin Finite Element Methods: Concepts, Implementation, and Applications to Darcy flow. Mathematical Modeling for HIV-1 Gag Intracellular Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Kovalevky Lecture Poster Poster Presented talk Presented talk Presented talk Invited talk Invited talk Presented talk Presented talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk College of Life Sciences; Wuhan University, China Applied Math Colloquium, Dept of Applied Math, Illinois Institute of Technology. Pacific Northwest National Lab Mueller, Jennifer Oprea, Juliana Pattison, Anita Penttila, Tim Peterson, Chris 1/10/2012 1/5/2012 ICCS 2012, Omaha, NE 6/5/2012 ICONIP 2012, Texas A&M University Qatar Campus Conference in honor of Gunther Uhlmann’s Birthday, Irvine, CA SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Philadelphia, PA 11/14/2012 6/2013 Physics at CSU: Neutrinos to Nano Science; Hilton Hotel, Fort Collins, CO Applied Math Seminar, CU Boulder 3/2012 COSI Seminar, CU Boulder AGS2012 Annual Meeting, San Francisco SISOM 2012 International Conference on Bifurcations in Fluid Dynamics; Barcelona, Spain Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematical Biology, Columbus, Ohio. Dynamics Days 2012; Baltimore, MA 4/2/2012 12/2012 7/2012 CSU Research Colloquium 3/2012 CSU Research Colloquium- Physics at CSU: Neutrinos to Nanoscience AMS Joint Meeting, Boston, MA Colorado State University 2012 Colorado State University 2012 Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar, CSU Rocky Mountain Discrete Mathematics Days Conference on finite geometries in honour of Frank De Clerck, Ferrara, Italy Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar, CSU CMS special session in Regina, Canada Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose’, Costa Rica SIAM special session in Minneapolis, MN Immerse Summer Program, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Fifteen Years of Pragmatic Conference in Catania, Italy 5/2012 9/21/2012 Transport and Assembly. Stochastic Transport and Assembly of Intracellular HIV-1 Gag Proteins: Modeling and Numerical Simulation Characteristic Finite Element Methods for a Variety of Transport Problems A Mathematical Model for HIV-1 Gag Protein Trafficking and its Parallel Numerical Simulations Viral Assembly: Dynamical Systems and Group Theory A Direct D-bar Reconstruction Algorithm for Recovering a Complex Conductivity in 2-D Regularization of a D-bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography Electrical Impedance Tomography Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Presented talk Direct Electrical Impedance Imaging Using Complex Geometrical Optics and the D-bar Method Electrical Impedance Tomography Unknown Unknown Invited talk C. Zhang, Learning cyclic patterns in continuous Hopfield networks (poster) C. Zhang, Simple cycles in continuous Hopfield networks: Admissability and bifurcations C. Zhang, G. Dangelmayr, I. Oprea: Learning cycle in Hopfield-type networks Y. Zou and J. Maple submitted individual posters Poster presentation Presenation talk Invited talk 2/3/2012 5/18/2012 9/18/2012 Y. Zou presented talk Presentation on the PACe Center and Math Placement for CASA advisers. Next Step presentation for Adult Learners and Veteran students regarding math placement process, 60-credit math requirement and the entry level math course Completing pseudo-arcs to pseudo-ovals Partial Geometries A New construction of partial geometries 11/30/2012 6/2012 2012 7/2012 7/2-12 The Moorhouse two graphs Unknown Presented minicourse on Persistent Homology Unknown Gave two talks Presented talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk 9/2012 Unknown Invited talk 8/2012 1/2012 2012 2012 Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Poster Poster Posters Invited talk Presented talk Presented talk Invited talk Pinaud, Olivier Pries, Rachel Shipman, Patrick Wilson, James WAGS (Western Algebraic Geometry Seminar) Salt Lake City, UT Conference: Berlin, Germany Inverse Problem Seminar, Colorado State University Applied Math Seminar, Los Angeles SAMSI Workshop on Uncertainty Quantifications, Raleigh Virginia Tech Colloquium, Blacksburg 10/2012 Unknown Invited talk 9/2012 9/2012 5/2012 4/2012 Mathematics for Semiconductor Heterostructures Unknown Unknown Unknown Invited talk Presentation talk Invited talk Invited talk 2/2012 Unknown Invited talk Colorado State University: Summer research workshop in arithmetic geometry Canadian Number Theory Association XII Meeting, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Pacific Northeast Number Theory Conference, Moscow, Idaho Galois theory seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Arithmetic Geometry, AMS sectional meeting, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI Arithmetic Geometry, AMS joint meeting, Boston Mathematics Colloquim, Southern Methodist University 2012 unknown Presented talk 6/2012 Unknown Invited talk 2012 Unknown Invited talk 2012 Unknown Invited talk 3/2012 Unknown Invited talk 2012 3/2012 Unknown Unknown Invited talk Invited talk Workshop on Non-linear Waves, Asymptotic Methods, and Applied Mathematics; Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City Mathematics/Biology Colloquium, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs 2012 Summer Conference on Learning, Teaching and Critical Thinking TILT, Colorado State Universtiy 4/2012 Unknown Invited talk 4/2012 Unknown Invited talk 2012 Invited talk International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Basque Center for Climate Change, Summer school 2012: Some Dimensions of Climate Change Donostia, (San Sebastian) Spain Seminar: Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Bilbao, Spain AMS Southwestern Sectional Meeting 2012 Session on Developing Critical Thinking Activities and Assignments that Rely on Integrated Learning. Workshop: Understanding Common Aspects of Extreme Events in Fluid. Unknown 7/2012 Unknown Invited talk 7/2012 Unknown Invited talk 10/2012 Invited talk AMS Southwestern Sectional Meeting AMS Special Session: Groups, Algorithms, Complexity, and Theory of Security Joint Mathematics Meeting, Boston, MA AMS Sectional Meeting in Tucson, AZ 10/2012 2012 Minisymposium: Geometric Methods in Mechanical and Dynamical Systems A Measure of Ergodicity F. Motta, B. Springer and P. Shipman: Automorphisms and isomorphism of finite p-groups Unknown AMS Special Session on Representations of Groups and Algebras: Centralizers and NP-completeness. 2012 2012 10.2012 Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Zhou, Yongcheng AMS Sectional Meeting in Akron, OH 10/2012 Invited talk 11/16/2012 AMS Special Session on Representations of Groups and Algebras: New characteristic subgroups. Centralizers, Semifields, and NP-completeness. Direct products make easy AMS Special Session: Groups, Algorithms, Complexity, and Theory of Security: Automorphisms and isomorphism of finite p-groups Unknown The Ohio State University Colloquium: University of Wyoming, Laramie Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA 10/2012 4/2012 2012 Applied Mathematics Seminar, University of Wisconsin, Madison Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting , Knoxville, TN Mathematics Colloquium, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Frontiers in Mathematical Biology: Young Investigators Conference, University of Maryland, College Park Keystone Workshop: Membrane in Motion, Tahoe City, CA 2012 Unknown Invited talk 4/19/2013 Unknown Invited talk 2/29/2013 Unknown Invited talk 1/22/2012 Unknown Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk