Roadmaps for Planning Digital The provided roadmaps match short-term and long-term goals and help Regulators and Operators to plan their DTTB and MTV introductions. INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION It will help Regulators and Operators to: Reach consensus about the requirements and solutions Provide a mechanism to help forecast the key milestones An example roadmap for Operators is provided in the figure below. Provide a framework to help planning and coordinating the required steps Figure 2: Example Roadmap for Operators 4.6. Network Interfacing Service proposition & initial network plan Network principles Review service proposition 3.3, 3.4. 4.1. Technology Standards DTTB service planning 4.2, 4.7 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 License 4.8 Equipment Availability 4.9 Network Rollout Planning DTTB network implementation plan Commercial provisions Service provision Content ing providers contracts GUIDELINES FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF DIGITAL TERRESTRIAL TELEVISION AND MOBILE TELEVISION BROADCASTING Date of issue of licence Further Information ITU Project Manager Gue-Jo Jo Tel : +41 22 730 50 66 Mail: Authors Peter Walop Tel : +31 70 707 44 66 Mail: Jan Doeven Tel : +31 79 316 74 00 Mail: Gu-Yeon Hwang Tel : +82 27 813 136 Mail: Page 4 Introduction of Guidelines The guidelines on the introduction of Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) and Mobile Television Broadcasting (MTV) are being developed on the basis of the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-06) instructions and with the support of the ITU and Republic of Korea. The guidelines are designed to provide information and recommendations on policy, regulation, technologies, network planning, customer awareness and business planning for the smooth introduction of DTTB and MTV. Included in the guidelines are: The guidelines are drafted by a group of international experts under the supervision of the ITU: Figure 1: Functional Framework of Guidelines Policy & Regulation Jan Doeven: coordinator and DTTB networks Peter Walop: Policy & Regulation, ASO, Market & Business development 1.1. Technology & Standards Regulation 1.2. Licensing Framework 1.3. ITU-R Regulations 1.4. National Spectrum Plan 1.5. Assignment Procedures 1.6. License Terms & Conditions 1.9. Business Models & Public Financing 1.10. Digital Dividend 2.11. Transition Models 2.12. Organization al Structure & Entities 3.1. Customer Insight & Research 3.2. Receiver Availability Consideratio ns 4.1. Technology & Standards Application 4.2. Design Principles & Network Architecture 4.4. System Parameters 4.6. Network Interfacing 4.3/5.3. Network Planning 4.5/5.5. Radiation Characteristics 4.7/5.7. Shared Design Principles 4.8/5.8 Transmitting equipment Availability 5.1. Technology & Standards Application 5.2. Design Principles & Network Architecture 5.4. System Parameters 5.6. Network Interfacing & studio facilities 1.7. Local Permits (building & planning) 1.8. Media Permits & Authorizatio ns 2.13. ASO Planning & Milestones 2.14. Infra & Spectrum Compatibility 2.15. ASO Communicati on Plan 3.3. Customer Proposition 3.4. Business Planning 3.5. End Consumer Support Gu-Yeon Hwang: MTV networks The guidelines will be finalized by the end of 2009 and freely available at the ITU’s website. Africa will be one of the first regions to benefit from the customization of the guidelines. ASO Cost/benefit analysis Market & Best practice guidance Business Development Key activities and generic roadmaps Networks Documentation references DTTB Framework of Guidelines The guidelines follow a comprehensive functional framework indicating the decisions to be considered for the introduction of DTTB and MTV. It consists of five functional layers: In each layer a number of functional building blocks have been identified (see figure 1). For each of the functional building blocks guidelines on key topics and choices are provided. Policy and Regulation The yellow and blue functional blocks are respectively for the Regulator and Operator to be addressed. In some countries different roles and tasks can be assumed by the different actors. Analogue Switch-Over (ASO) Market and Business development Networks (DTTB & MTV) MTV Policy Implementation 6.1. Policy documents & objectives 6.2. National Telecom, Broadcast & Media Acts 6.3. Law enforcement & execution 6.6. DTTB/MTV Roadmap Regulator 6.4. DTTB Roadmap for Operator 6.5. MTV Roadmap for Operator Policy Implementation page 2 page 3 6.4. Communication to end consumers 4.9/5.9 Network Rollout Planning 6.5. Communication to Industry