ITU-BDT Regional Seminar on Fixed Mobile Convergence and new network architectures for the Arab Region Tunis, Tunisia, 21-24 November 2005 1.3.12/Part 1: Signalling Protocols and Evolving Architectures for NGN Riccardo Passerini, ITUITU-BDT ! " # $%$&' $(() * Evolution of PSTN/ISDN to NGN NGN (Next Generation Network) is believed to provide new opportunities for and capabilities to the network and service providers. Considering that existing networks have different life span and vast amount of capital has been spent on them, complete replacement of their components is not considered to be either advisable or possible. So, a phased approach should be considered for evolution of existing networks to NGN. PSTN/ISDN ( Public Switched Telephone Network/Integrated Services Digital Network) being one of the first networks, is considered to be prime candidate for evolution. For PSTN/ISDN evolution to NGN a phased approach is considered Different evolutionary Scenarios with PSTN/ISDN emulation (adaptation to IP infrastructure) and with PSDN/ISDN simulation (session control over IP interfaces and infrastructure) are presently under consideration in ITU in order to providereference for the evolution to NGN ! " # $%$&' $(() * 1 Evolution Architecture PSTN IP GW LEX IP IP can be considered as a “ Data NGN ” ! " # $%$&' $(() * Signalling Requirements to Support "IP telephony" PSTN STP Transit Exchange PSTN CA MGC MG MGC IP Network STP Transit Exchange MG Local Exchange Local Exchange Phone (E.164) Phone (E.164) Network configuration A (phone to phone communication) ! " # $%$&' $(() * 2 Configuration A: Phone to Phone Communication (with IP Transit Network) ! "#!$% %&' ''' ( ) *%+% ) & , ,-) *.0/21* "% 3 )4) * 5#4*)67 8 , ) * +9!6: In the IWF (such as MG, MGC, SG function) between the PSTN and IP network at the originating and terminating sides, control signalling (ISUP - H.323 / SIP conversion) and information signalling (64-kbps bearer - IP packet conversion) are converted. In the IP network, a call is controlled by the H.323 / SIP protocol. A user dials a phone number to identify the terminating phone terminal and also, in some cases, additional information (e.g. through the use of prefix dialling) to select an IP transit network. ! PSTN STP Transit Exchange " # $%$&' $(() * CA MGC MG IP Network Local Exchange IP Phone Phone (E.164) Network configuration B1 (IP phone to phone communication) ! " # $%$&' $(() * 3 Configuration B-1: IP Phone to Phone communication 5# , * 1*! * * #+.!6 5#; +9!6 "* !$ +.!6 ..: In the IWF (such as MGC, MG, SG functions) between a PSTN and an IP network at the terminating side, the signalling protocol (ISUP - H.323 / SIP conversion) and the user information (64-kbps bearer - IP packet conversion) are converted. In the IP network, a call is controlled by the H.323 / SIP protocol. The originating IP phone user dials a phone number to identify the terminating phone terminal. ! PSTN # $%$&' $(() * CA STP Transit Exchange " MGC MG IP Network Local Exchange IP Phone Phone (E.164) Network configuration B2 (phone to IP phone communication) ! " # $%$&' $(() * 4 Configuration B-2: Phone to IP Phone communication 5# , * 1*! * * #+.!6 *" !$ * *< *#+.!6 5#; +.!6: 5# ,5 =?> ( )),A@%BC.1@%B1*DBE /F*#+. , "5#; +.!6GH ) "1**IJ *' ' 4 ' ( 5 LK.AM9N9: OPOQD5 I 3 ) /0 " !$, ( RS M6F48F TM,5#4*)67 3 ) /J % 3 ":5 5#; #+.!61*%' ' ' ' "<FU*N.: OPOQD5# 4 ' : *%H 4 &" ' <4 * $F # " U !$ 5 V4 !$ *' : ! " # $%$&' $(() * CA IP P h on e (ID ) IP P h on e (ID ) Configuration C: IP Phone to IP Phone communication ! " # $%$&' $(() * 5 Configuration C: IP Phone to IP Phone communication 5# , * 1*' ' +9!67 <5#: CW' ' % ' ' "FUAN9: OPOQ#D5#XJ ' ' V ,5# *#+.!6:* !$ 5#;4* 0 8 " "FU 5#Y ( : :*Z* [D' 4 $,! )* /2: *#+.!6G4* \) 5#Y )&*U # ":5# 9"" , 5 Y0)1**5 ;4* * ,' <3 4 * $F +] ), %F*" " ' ( ,%' ' * '' 3'5 Y0 <"/2: ! " # $%$&' $(() * Network capabilities to support “IP telephony” interworking between the PSTN and the IP network Carrier A Carrier B PSTN STP Transit Exchange MGC MG CA H323,SIP,etc IP Network CA IP Network RTP Local Exchange Phone (E.164) IP Phone Network configuration connecting carriers (NNI between IP-IP network ! " # $%$&' $(() * 6 Carrier A PSTN Carrier B ISUP(SS7) STP Transit Exchange SDH CA MGC IP Network MG Local Exchange IP Phone Phone (E.164) Network configuration connecting carriers (NNI between PSTN-IP network ! " # $%$&' $(() * Control Protocols for support of “IP telephony” PSTN STP MGC SG Transit Exchange MG H.323/SIP H.248/ MEGACO CA IP Network H.323/SIP RTP/RTCP Local Exchange Phone (E.164) IP Phone ! " # $%$&' $(() * 7 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Media Gateway (MG): A media gateway converts the media provided by one type of network to the format required by another type of network. Terminates voice calls on inter-switch trunks from the PSTN, compresses and packetizes the voice data, and delivers compressed voice packets to the IP network. For voice calls originating in an IP network, the media gateway performs these functions in reverse order. Media Gateway Controller (MGC): Controller that controls the parts of the call state that pertain to connection control for the media channels within a media gateway. A media gateway controller handles the registration and management of resources at the media gateway(s). A media gateway controller exchanges ISUP messages with central-office switches via a signaling gateway (described below). Because vendors of media gateway controllers often use off-the-shelf computer platforms, a media gateway controller is sometimes called a softswitch. Signalling Gateway (SG): A signalling gateway provides transparent interworking of signalling between switched-circuit and IP networks. The signalling gateway may terminate PSTN/SS7 signalling or relay messages over an IP network to a media gateway controller or another signalling gateway. Because of its critical role in integrated voice networks, signalling gateways are often deployed in groups of two or more to ensure high availability Call Agent (CA): Function that controls the provision of services to users. ! 1 " # $%$&' $(() * TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Telephone Number Mapping (ENUM): Protocols for mapping telephone numbers to IP phone identifiers (i.e. E.164 numbers to URIs). IP Network:An IP network is a network that uses IP technologies to transport information. It may be a Private IP network, or a Carrier’s network. Phone: Phone refers to a PSTN terminal. IP Phone: IP phone refers to a terminal (e.g. dedicated voice terminal or multipurpose personal computer) that is connected directly (e.g. Through an Ethernet interface or an xDSL line) to an IP network. IP telephony:“IP telephony” is a service that enables the exchange of voice information, primarily in the form of packets, using IP protocols. Internet Telephony: The combination of the term ‘Internet’ with the term ‘telephony’ is regarded as a specific use of the Internet, rather than a service. The Internet offers many capabilities to users, including the ability to carry bi-directional speech in real time or near real time. This is considered to be an Intrinsic capability of the Internet and not a telecommunications service. (Note) Internet telephony is a particular application of the Internet and therefore falls outside of the scope of this document. ! " # $%$&' $(() * 8 CONTROL PROTOCOLS FOR SUPPORT OF “IP TELEPHONY” This section describes the protocol stacks used for the call control and media transport in “IP telephony”. ^ CW' 'C0 '4 #' )_`D5# ( 5#a>&/21N.: OPO ( 5 KMbJ/21c5#C.C ( 5 KMbJ/ ^ @," VBG#+9UdC0 '\ ' 0_eN.: P S f( 5 .KMbJ/JQg@, ( 5#a>T/ ^ L *' ' *I )4 4 #' J_K.Y9 ( 5#a>&/21.C. ( 5#a>&/J " LC0 ( 5#a>&/. J' " *%)4J "%"4 ' U ): ^ @," )4 ' )_h0.QhWC9 ( 5 a.>&/J3JK9Y. ( 5#a>&/ ! " # $%$&' $(() * Protocol Stacks (1) IP phone /MGC 1) CA 2) MGC H.323/SIP H.248/MEGACO/ SCTP/TCP/UDP TCP/UDP IP IP Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 1 Layer 1 MG Protocol stack (example for configurations B-1 and B-2) ! " # $%$&' $(() * 9 Protocol Stacks (2) MG 3) IP phone 4) SG MGC SS7 Upper Layer RTP/RTCP SCTP UDP Adaptation Layer IP IP Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 1 Layer 1 Protocol stack (example for configurations B-1 and B-2) ! " # $%$&' $(() * General Framework for migrating Telephony networks towards Next Generation Networks (NGN) ! " # $%$&' $(() * 10 General Framework for migration to NGN (The Essential Report on IP telephony – ITU-D >&& %)J$9 U)4* A' 67< * +.!6G ' " 1*-)4 J 9 " $% % "% F% 67 9+.U )4) &) 4 !:NW+.3& % ,"3) %*% ' ' +% *% ! 4M!+] 44 ):*D)9 4 % ! 8 9*% %*U < $9 " U &)9)4) 4 &: ' ' 1U# J FU ' $9i &3' * U 4 +.!67$% )J 9* ' ' +] %U ): Step 1: use of today’s TDM based network for voice telephony and Internet access Step 2: consolidation of switching and access equipment; Step 3: introduction of Voice-over-Packet technology for trunking; Step 4: introduction of Voice-over-Packet technology in access and CPE Step 5: multimedia services and new applications; Step 6: end-of-life replacement of legacy infrastructure and migration to all-IP signalling. ! B " # SCP INAP $%$&' $(() * $(() * WWW ISUP STP SS7 TEX TEX TDM A IP, ATM NAS LEX Voice LEX BAS Conc. DSLAM Dial-up NT C POTS, ISDN Voice ADSL Data Signalling Step 1: PSTN for Voice and Internet ! " # $%$&' 11 AS H G P a rla y , J A IN , S IP ‘P IN T ’, ‘S P IR IT S ’ A pG W SCP WWW IN A P STP SS7 D TEX L E X /T E X TDM SDH LEX C on c. E C on c. IP , A T M NAS V oD SL BAS F AN D SLA M NT P O T S , IS D N , A T M , IP , ... V o ic e D a ta S ig n a llin g Step 2 : PSTN Consolidation ! K INAP AS ApGW SCP SS7 LEX/TEX TDM Conc. Conc. I TGW $%$&' $(() * $(() * WWW J BICC IP, ATM TGW LEX # ISUP, BICC, SIP-T Class 4 Softswitch H.248 STP " V oD SL AN DSLAM NT Voice Data VoP Signalling Step 3: Voice over Packet for Trunking ! " # $%$&' 12 L IN AP AS ISU P, BIC C, SIP-T C lass 4 ApGW Class 5 Softswitch SCP WWW STP SS7 LEX/TEX TGW H .248 H.248 TDM H .248 IP, ATM TGW H.248 LEX C onc. N A GW C onc. AN P M O A GW DSLAM RGW A GW H .323 SIP NT IP Voice D ata VoP Q IP Signalling Step 4: Voice over Packets in access and CPE ! U ApGW AS S IP , P a rla y , J A IN S # $%$&' $(() * $(() * S IP C la s s 5 T SCP C la s s 4 " MM S o fts w itc h P o rta l WWW STP SS7 L E X /T E X TDM C onc. TG W S IP , H .3 2 3 IP , A T M TG W LEX AGW Conc. AN DSLA M NT AGW R IP V o ic e D a ta IP VoP S ig n a llin g Step 5 : Multimedia ! " # $%$&' 13 ApGW Class 4 AS SCP Class 5 SS7/IP (SIGTRAN) MM PortalSoftswitch W WWW STP SS7 TGW LEX/TEX TDM AGW LEX IP, ATM V AGW Conc. AGW AN DSLAM RGW AGW NT IP IP Voice Data IP VoP Signalling Step 6 : The full NGN ! " # $%$&' $(() * Protocols: Status of studies being undertaken by international standards organizations Call control Protocol Media control H.323 ITU-T SG16 H.323 SIP IETF SIP-WG RFC3261 H.248/MEGACO RTP/RTCP IETF MEGACO-WG RFC3015 ITU-T SG16 H.248 IETF MMUSIC-WG RFC1889 RFC3398 Note : For the latest draft document, see URL of SIPPING-WG IETF SIPPING-WG Interwork SIP-ISUP inter-working ITU SG11 TRQ.2815 supplement 45 ITU SG11 Q.1912.5 Note: ! " # $%$&' $(() * 14 ª7«!«!¬ ­!®¯ °!± ¯ ²!³!´ jjkbkblno mo jbjbpp q#q#rr ss tt uu v2v2kHk!v#t w w z sv#qx v#ogy s~ t q#p#z{ lnz q { s t z~#| yv}mH~ p vog~ p { z q s t ~#y H7 !v sv#y v#x q s t ~#y2!v s ~#x jjbk!b jbjb| v}| 7|gv s x q t }s v kHt q # t s q#z H{ | x t v#xn t y v }gn l!j # 77!v rr s v#v#xygq~#!s x t ~#v#ynx u q#v#t z x }v jbt y r q v# s y tv ~#p#| y t s| { x v jjl! jbjr r v z t | q|7s !t ~#~ y2p lnv x ~ #x q }}t y 2 y s v#x w q v gl#jH# 7lnx r t u v#q ygs vnj | { s sv#~ 7q y s st 7v#x n x~#q#y y y v } s t ~# y q#y v jH#jbHo jbn|x ~ q y p# q#x ~#y y p~#jb{ |b !v x | q#|y !| w v#v#x xu ogv#x ~ p v lnlnmmo llnv#{ xz | | v2~#y mHq#~ z p mHv2~#og}~ r p#{ s{ v#z q x s t ~#y mn!j mbl!m mHvq#q#r xt s v#q#xz y p rv#v#r yv#p#y tp s { v#x y v smHq#z mH~#y s x ~#z l!l!k¤!j llnv#{ x | z t~#}y ¤q#vz }kHt #y tw s x q#q z | jbs x | { | t s| { s q#x v y s mml!o} mbmb{t x | s{ ~#t sn7o7v#{xz lns t rx v#z t } q t |s t v~#|7y2##{ { t t r r 77v#v#y y s s llnHn lnz q#t y77z pgnv#z v#r ~#y g!v#x u t v kbkbln!m o kHk!~#t w w 7v#xq#v#t y2y s !t q#q#z 7l{ v}z | nv2 |mHs ~v#p v2og~ p#{ z q s t ~#y ¥gH~ ¥7ln!{v { |q#zt zpt tgs v#7ny ~ sw#t q#t!s z v# x vqu pgst v vnv#q z v#r ~#y v!v s ~#x k!k!bb jo kHt #t s q#z H{ | x t v#xn t y v HHn!mmbmml ll HH!ttv # #q#yy z q#q#¦ s zz t tt 7yy 2 2v7mHmH!~#~#x q#yy ysy x | v~#} z s lt t| ~#~#| y}t t y~#mHs y7~#mHy s~#x y~#s z x ~#lzq#lnx s x ~ s ~ ~#z kb Hl #H!nkHkHt wt t z #v7v#t sx !q#v#xzy q#Hs yt q{ | s wv v#| p7x x!lnt v#x ~v#x us xn~ t vt ~#y | zvjb v | |o7{ z s t r z v v#x HHmm!H l nHt #ty s q# z t vy p2 2mbmHt~#x y {y tv s |7 s !t ~#v ys !~#x q#x y | w v#xlnx ~ s ~ ~#z n !H l n y s v#r xv#y x#v nsv n y s #!t y x q#v yv#| x tw y v# gxlnnxq ~ | s g~ #~#~#z x v b H j § njnHl !n y y s s v v# #z xt q v#s v y p7sn!!vv#s x u t ~# xv H| jr r z t q s t ~#y}lq#x s bb l j !!Hvv#t #|x yu | q#t t ~#z vty}y 7 yv !tu s tv#x q q#z s y jbt ~#| #y}w v#x vlnx v#x¢~ 7s ~#~ v#x y ~#s t yz }gx ~#{ r}¡ !#£ llH yl2s v#nx v#y z vv#s r ~#~#x y }t y ! 2v lns x ~ ~#s ~x ~#z b!H ¨ !Hv#t #x yu q#t z vt y } v nu v#| z s Hv#r v H t w© t¨ q s t ~#y bblbl by s kbv#xy v !s#| !v#v#xx lu tq# x v2s lnx ~ u t p v#x HnHl !!Hxxt #q#q#yyy q#|| zqt st y 7s t ~#! y}x q#mHq#y yq#| r w v#v q#xn lt z t ~#s t vt y |s jr r z t q s t ~#y}lq#x s njH l y q s u v#qgx y jv sl!n wv#~#z v#xr y s ~#v y #gx q !s v v#p2x u !t v v2s ln~#x ~ x u | t p v#x !!mnmjl l !!xt 7q#y v| kH}t ut | t || tt ~#~#y}y2mHo7~#{ y z s s t xr ~#z vz lnt xy ~ s ~ ~#z j ~~ q#q#zz jx v q2 q !y v s v~#x H!bkbo !!xx q#{ yy | t}y }t | |t ~#q y2s v v q u v#z !v { x t s o}o}nk!H jmH og ~ v p#q#t q2z o7{ q z ss tv r ~#qt y 7smHkH~#t | y s xs tx ~#{ z s ¡ t ~##ygHn7 ¢| s v#~#x #x ~#{ r £ Hb kb l !H|y v#t u xnv#k!x | q q#s qz ! #xv q#| ~#{ lnx x ~ v2s ~ p v#~#y z s t w t q s t ~#y o7ogggml ogogvv p#q#tygq27r q t sy v t ~#y7q 7!mH~#~#x yv s x ~#z lnx ~ s ~ ~#z b~bk! b H H o}jbl! og!v ~ s s t ~#~#y2x blnjbt s { x v v2| | !r v#v#x xu sv#gx x ~#{ r H~l! l Hb~#~#t x stt { v}v}q#z ~~ lnuu xv#v#t u xxq kH ls vt #t!s q#v z s H{~#x | x t v#xn t y v jH !v s ~#x bjbp p#x v | |!x q#y | z q s t ~#y *j t p vgjx v q2!v s ~#x ANNEX: ! " # $%$&' $(() * 15