Telecommunications Misconceptions 1. The Regulator’s role is to push for lower prices 2. TLRIC is the solution for all interconnection conflicts 3. Fixed to Mobile calls are more expensive than Mobile to Fixed calls. MEXICO/UIT /LQHV LQ VHUYLFH 20000 Fixed 16000 Mobile 14000 TOTAL 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 0 1982 V H Q L O 18000 \HDU MEXICO/UIT 1 0H[LFDQ'HPRJUDSKLFV Nominal GDP per Capita (1999) = US$ 4,910 Income distribution = Uneven, 1994 Crisis. Urban population 75% Income per urban household is 2.7 higher than rurals Urban Fixed Penetration 34% Rural Fixed Penetration 2% MEXICO/UIT 0DLQGLIIHUHQFHVEHWZHHQFHOOXODUZLUHOHVVDQGZLUHOLQH Cost Pre-paid Post-paid Wireline Fixed wireline cost per line Fixed wireless cost per customer Usage (minutes per month) MEXICO/UIT 2 Misconception 1: The Regulator’s role is to push for lower prices 9LFLRXV&LUFOH &RPSHWLWLRQ'HVWUR\0RGHO 9LUWXRXV&LUFOH 3UR&RPSHWLWLRQ0RGHO Wrong price regulation Market prices Lower ROI Higher ROI Less investments More investments Less competition More competition Over-regulation & subsidies Lower prices MEXICO/UIT Misconception 1: The Regulator’s role is to push for lower prices )DOVH “Price” is a dangerous variable to manipulate. In most cases competition works (excluding some dominant´s services). Regulators can stimulate competition using other methods: Auctioning more frequencies, More Licenses, No Discrimination, Transparency. MEXICO/UIT 3 Misconception 2: TLRIC is the solution for all interconnection conflicts &$3(;YV7UDIILF 4 3.5 3 C A P E X Wireline 2.5 AMPS 2 TDMA3 CDMA 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 Traffic (Erl) 0.11 0.15 0.20 MEXICO/UIT Misconception 2: TLRIC is the solution for all interconnection conflicts &$3(;YV&XVWRPHU¶V'HQVLW\ 6 5 C A P E X Wireline 4 AMPS 3 TDMA3 CDMA 2 1 0 6 10 30 50 70 90 120 160 200 300 Density (Users/Km2 ) MEXICO/UIT 4 Misconception 2: TLRIC is the solution for all interconnection conflicts &$3(;YV$YDLODEOH6SHFWUXP 6 5 C A P E X Wireline 4 AMPS TDMA3 3 CDMA 2 1 0 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Bandwidth (MHz) MEXICO/UIT Misconception 2: TLRIC is the solution for all interconnection conflicts )DOVH TLRIC depends on technology, customer´s density and traffic. One company has something that another company wants. To calculate TLRIC, Regulators need not available information. Only dominant or essential services should be calculated in this way. In most cases competition can better solve the problems using “obligation to sell and no discrimination” criteria. MEXICO/UIT 5 Fixed to Mobile calls are more expensive than Mobile to Fixed calls. Wireline Price VEN Wireline call + Billing & Collection 0LQLPXP Wireline Interconnection + B & C MEX Wireline Sales Margin (Resale) EUR Wireline Sales Margin (Resale) ARG Wireline call + Billing & Collection Wireless Interconnection (LRIC) Wireless Price (Wholesale) Wireless Price (Retail) Wireline Interconnection + B & C MEXICO/UIT 0H[LFDQ3ULFHV Caller’s price Originating Network Destination Network US 28 c US 25 c US 3 c US 38 c US 19 c US 19 c MEXICO/UIT 6 Fixed to Mobile calls are more expensive than Mobile to Fixed calls. There are several reasons that can produce this result. In the Mexican case, billing and collection is a function or service not well defined in the incumbent´s concession, provoking endless conflicts. There are some services that are difficult to offer without billing and collection: Call by call carrier selection, collect calls and Calling Party Pays. MEXICO/UIT )LQDO&RPPHQWV • As a result of competition there is a tendency to deaverage and bundle services in different ways. • It is very important for customers everywhere, but specially in developing countries, to know in advance the price of each call. • This is an important Regulator´s function. MEXICO/UIT 7