Document 13184779

Jana R. Fallin
April C. Mason
Abigail Wilson introducing Ashley Rhodes
It’s the Tesla of Teaching
Barrett Scroggs introducing Sally Bailey
The Embodied Student
Derek Lawson introducing Sonya Britt
and Kristy Pederson-Archuleta
Financial Therapy
Tony Silvernagel introducing
Roger McHaney
A Creative Life
Justin Frazier introducing Naiqian Zhang
Awaken Joy in Creativity
Paige Heinze introducing
Amit Chakrabarti and Laura Donnelly
Dare to Teach Outside the Lines!
Jonathan Knight introducing
Katie Kingery-Page
Why We Need the Landscape
Idea in Public Schoolyards
Michael Wesch introducing
Jordan Thomas and Kenzie Wade
To Live in this World
Michael Wesch
Ashley Rhodes
Sally Bailey
Sonya Britt
Kristy Pederson-Archuleta
Roger McHaney
Naiqian Zhang
Amit Chakrabarti
Laura Donnelly
Katie Kingery-Page
Please join us after the presentations for a reception in the Student Union courtyard. You will receive a
complimentary book, thoughtfully chosen by the SPOTLIGHT committee.
Ashley Rhodes, instructor of biology
“To know means to
know how to make.”
(Giambattista Vico, 1710).
Sally Bailey, professor of theatre
“Teaching needs to be
embodied to make the most
sense to the most students.
We don’t just bring our minds
into the classroom, but also our
physical selves and emotions.
We process information
through all of these.”
Sonya Britt, associate professor of family studies
and human services
“Every student needs to understand
money management, and I love
teaching such a practical skill.”
Kristy Pederson-Archuleta, associate professor
of family studies and human services
“Financial therapy is the result of
unconventional ideas that broke
barriers between two seemingly
unrelated fields. I ask students to
think outside of the box so they can
recognize how financial well-being
promotes quality of life.”
Roger McHaney, professor of management
”Teaching is the process of
removing the stress that
accompanies ‘not understanding’
or ‘not believing.’ You can do
something amazing.”
Naiqian Zhang, professor of biological
and agricultural engineering
“We probably cannot
teach creativity, but we
can ‘awaken joy in creative
expression and knowledge.’”
(Albert Einstein)
Amit Chakrabarti, professor of physics
“I focus not on teaching, but on
helping students learn. From this
perspective, it is immediately clear that
one teaching method does not work
for each student’s unique learning
style. I can make students motivated to
learn if I am able to convey my passion
for the subject to them.”
Laura Donnelly, assistant professor of dance
“Teaching and learning are two parts of
an interactive relationship. Where they
meet is a place of discovery for both
students and teachers. True learning is
a journey into the unknown.”
Katie Kingery-Page, associate professor of
landscape architecture and regional & community planning
I cultivate passionate, creative, skillful
and scholarly student designers by
encouraging them to synthesize
knowledge from other disciplines. I
expect excellent craft in researched
design solutions, demand that
students consider the effect of his/her
work upon different audiences, and
seek to make the most appropriate,
lasting and inspiring contribution.
Blake Belanger
Fred Burrack
Laurie Curtis
Steve Dandaneau
Gayle Doll
Steve Dyer
Greg Eiselein
Mike Finnegan
James Geary
Huston Gibson
Adriana Gonzalez
Keith Hohn
Chad Jackson
David Lehman
Emily Lehning
Don Saucier
Chris Sorensen
Ben Ward
Kelly Welch
Mike Wesch
Kim Williams
A gracious thank you to all of the
speakers for sharing their teaching
insights with us, and an enormous
thank you to President Kirk Schulz
for supporting excellence in
education and SPOTLIGHT K-State.
March 24, 2015