Document 13182862

Mission Statement
The mission of the CEDD is to collaborate with people
with disabilities, their families, professionals, and others
to improve quality of life and community inclusion.
The CEDD accomplishes this mission through advocacy,
community partnerships, interdisciplinary training, and
the translation of research into practical applications.
California Statistics for People
with Developmental Disabilities
 275K people served by DDS
 50%+ are under 18 [40K are 14 - 21 yrs]
 686K+ Special Education Students [CDE]
 18.4% SE Student drop outs in 2010-2011
 Less than 2% of Californians with
Developmental Disabilities have gainful,
sustainable employment [DOL]
Sacramento Stats for Students
with Autism Spectrum Disorders
 2001 - Fewer than 500 students with autism reported in Sac Schools.
 2011 - 2,275 students with autism in Sac Schools - one per 105 pupils.
 2011 rate of kids with autism in Elk Grove Unified -- one per 85 students.
 And, in Folsom-Cordova Unified -- one per 74 students.
Sept 2011 local.html
Alameda Stats for Students
with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Special Education Students
Students with Learning Disabilities
Students with Speech/Language Needs
Students with Autism
Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Success Defined 2012
Tools for Creating a
Vision of Inclusion
A Student-Centered
Transition Planning Project
Goals and dreams
Purposef ul and inspiring
Student dev eloped
Inclusiv e community liv ing
Def ined supports and serv ices
Planned action and steps
Success Defined 2012 is an innovative project
designed to develop skills and strategies
for transition-age youth, families, and teachers.
Committed teams work in partnership with the
Future driv en planning
Family directed
Respectf ul
Def ined natural supports
Community lif e explored
Family guided serv ices
student to define their unique vision of a
meaningful life and develop the action steps
needed to achieve success.
Community Inclusion
Inclusion Is Not A Program,
It Is The Way We Live
 Student Driven Mission Statement
 Family Defined Vision Statement
 Flexible Design for Learning Abilities & Styles
 Informed Decision-Making Strategies & Outcomes
Natural Supports
 Leadership and Advocacy Skills Development
 Project Facilitators are Transition Professionals
Sharon Galloway, Project Coordinator
Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
 Relationships Developed with Community Mentors
UC Davis MIND Institute
2825 50th Street • Sacramento, CA 95817
 Family Empowerment Project, Building Capacity
916•703•0227 office 916-703-0243 fax
 Use of No Tech, Low Tech, High Tech Formats
 Resource Development & Natural Supports
“Wellness is a multidimensional state of being describing the
existence of positive health in an individual as exemplified
by quality of life and a sense of well-being.”
Charles B. Corbin, PhD. of Arizona State University
Release: #10-49
May 11, 2010
State Schools Chief Jack O'Connell Honors School Nurses;
Notes Budget Crisis Impact on Nurses in California Schools
"Can you imagine one adult taking care of 2,155 children? That's what we ask of
our 2,901 school nurses in California who serve the state's 6.3 million students.”
- Jack O’Connell
 School Nurses are often students' first line of defense against illness.
 There are 2,901 nurses working in the state's 10,223 schools (2008-09 stats).
 Nurses are responsible for the health, development, and disease control of students.
 Nurses are often the only source of health care for disadvantaged children.
 Nurses meet needs of 678,105 kids with multiple/severe disabilities in public school.
Building an Inclusive Life
What is important to your student & family
Use person-centered planning to discover a plan
Inspires commitment - Student-led IEP process
Increased community participation
Increased collaboration with school & agencies
Drives supports and community service
Tools for Creating a Vision of Inclusion
Future driven
Family directed plan
Natural supports
Inclusive Community Life
Family guided services
Student Focused
Goals & Dreams
Purposeful & Inspiring
School, Work, Living
Supports & Services Defined
Action Steps and Planning
Think • Plan • Do
Build Capacity During High School
- Work, School, and Family •
Facilitate and encourage Student-led Education Plans
Develop a Transition Team and Participate. Include Mentors!
De-mystify Assistive Technology - Request Student Assessment
Learn Your Resources & Advocate for What You Need:
– Volunteer, Internships, and Work Experience while in High School
– Interview Supported Employment, One-Stop Centers, DOR, EDD
– Visit College Campuses, Plan for Pell Grants/BOGG Waivers, funding
– Explore Community Living and Housing Plan Options
Best Practices Example of a
Student-Centered Planning Meeting
Student might be unaware of
purpose for meeting, the IEP
and its contents, or his/her
exceptionality category
Student is aware of purpose for IEP
meeting, contributes to the content of
the IEP document, and understands
his/her exceptionality
Adult team members generally
determine content of IEP
Student helps determine content of
IEP, and how it will be discussed at
the meeting
Student might not participate in
discussion or decision-making
Student is often the discussion leader
and presents information in a variety
of ways
Meeting might be negative emphasis
on student deficits or “can’t dos”
Meeting emphasizes capabilities,
student interests and plans for the
future – it’s FUN!
IEP contains jargon & “legalese”- not understood by student
or parent
Wording of IEP document is userfriendly for all participants
Meetings might not be well
attended by students, general
education teachers, parents
Meetings have improved attendance
as teachers and parents respond to
invitations from student
General education teachers
might not
Educators more likely to
accommodate students in the
classroom, including learning styles
IEP might not reflect the
student’s interests or concerns,
rather the adults’
Meeting often has “us” against
“them” feeling
IEP reflects intent to increase student
voice in educational decisions,
producing a dynamic document
reflective of student’s personality
Meeting becomes a cooperative
experience of working together to 8
assist the student
THINK College - Education and Opportunity
 College helps all people
 People who go to college more often go to work
 People who attend college make more money
 College is a Rewarding Experience!
Employment and Careers
 Real jobs for real people
 Leadership development
 Inclusive volunteer experience
 Community mentors & partners
Achieving Lives of Quality and Purpose
 Self-determination, advocacy, decision-making
 Community living, participation, membership
 Natural support system: family, friends, others
Competitive Integrated Employment
 Most People have the ability & desire to engage in
meaningful work. And yet. . .
 Majority are unemployed or underemployed.
 Lack informed choices about work and careers.
 Lack resources to seek, find, be successful at work.
 Segregated legacy options remain.
 Few have opportunity to earn money, acquire
benefits, advance careers, or plan retirement.
Supports and Services for Transition-Age
Youth (16 – 22 Years)
Available Pathways with a
High School Diploma
Pathways with
Certificate of
Measurable Postsecondary Goals
• Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals
– Appropriate is based on the child’s chronological age
rather than developmental age
• Refers to goals a child hopes to achieve after
leaving secondary school
• Postsecondary goal is not the process of moving
toward a desired outcome.
• Post secondary goal is related to training,
education, employment, independent living skills
IDEiA 2004: Part B: Section 614 (d)(1)(A)(aa)
Example of Measurable Postsecondary Goal
“Upon completion of high school, Jodi will
enroll in courses at Skyline Community
– Participation in postsecondary education is the
focus of goal
– Enrollment at a community college can be
– Expectation of behavior is explicit (enrollment or
not in a community college)
– It occurs after graduation
Summary of Major Provisions
course of study
Begins no
later than
Age of Majority
Age 17
Summary of
Public Law 108-446: Sections 602 & 614
Ntl Secondary Transition Tech Assist Center (NSTTAC) us/about_us.aspx
Student-Focused Planning - Includes IEP development,
student planning participation, planning strategies.
Student Development - Includes life skills instruction,
career and vocational curricula, structured work
experience, assessment, and support services.
Family Involvement - Includes family training, family
involvement, and family empowerment.
Program Structure - Includes program philosophy,
policy and evaluation, strategic planning, resource
allocation, and human resource development.
Models of Disability
Medical Model
Traditional way of looking at disability
Disability is a problem of the individual
The only way to fix disability is a cure
Professionals are the expert
Models of Disability
Social Model
 New way of looking at disability
 Disability is an inaccessible society
 Change in society can lessen problems
from disability
 Individuals are the expert
What do you think of when you hear the
word Disability?
disability [dis-uh-bil-i-tee] noun,plural-ties
lack of adequate power, strength, or physical or mental
ability; incapacity.
a physical or mental handicap, esp. one that prevents a
person from living a full, normal life or from holding a
gainful job.
anything that disables or puts one at a disadvantage.
What Does Leadership Mean?
Students Defined Leadership As . . .
Role Model
Risk Taker
Listens to
One’s Self
Fair & Equal
Can Handle
Do You Recognize These People?
Do You Recognize This Leader?
Ed Roberts
Ed Roberts (1939-1995) was an international leader and educator in the independent
living and disability rights movements. He fought throughout his life to enable all
persons with disabilities to fully participate in society. Ed was a true pioneer: he was
the first student with significant disabilities to attend UC Berkeley. He was a founder of
UC's Physically Disabled Students Program, which became the model for Berkeley's
Center for Independent Living (CIL) and over 400 independent living centers across
the country. He was one of the early directors of CIL. He was the first California State
Director of Rehabilitation with a disability; he was awarded a MacArthur fellowship; and
he was co-founder and President of the World Institute on Disability.
Some More People with Disabilities
Woodrow Wilson
Gen. Westmoreland
Alexander GrahamBell
Tom Cruise
Wright Brothers
Magic Johnson
Charles Schwab
Leonardo da Vinci
Henry Winkler
George C. Scott
Walt Disney
Harry Belafonte
Winston Churchill
George Bernard Shaw
Danny Glover
Werner von Braun
Robert Kennedy
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Carl Lewis
George Patton
Walt Disney
John F. Kennedy
Suzanne Somers
John Lennon
Robin Williams
Whoopi Goldberg
Dwight Eisenhower
Agatha Christie
Bruce Jenner
Sylvester Stallone
Auguste Rodin
Steve McQueen
Henry Ford
Napoleon Bonaparte
Greg Louganis
Thomas Edison
Jules Verne
Louis Pasteur
Tom Smothers
Albert Einstein
Winston Churchill
Nelson Rockefeller
Jackie Stewart
Vincent Van Gogh
CEDD Uses CHIIP Sponsored Resources
California Youth Leadership Forum
Person-Centered Planning Tools
for Individuals & Families
California Department of Developmental Services
Advocacy, Leadership & Employment
Healthcare Advocacy
End of Life Planning
Mark Starford, Director
Board Resource Center, Inc.
Post Office Box 6014477
Sacramento, CA 95860
916-574-1023 • Office/Fax
Featuring world-renowned leaders in a variety of scientific and health fields discussing the
latest groundbreaking research and developments in the study of Autism, Fragile X
Syndrome, ADHD, Tourette Syndrome and other disorders, the MIND Institute boasts one of
the most impressive collections of neurodevelopmental disorder educational videos on the
Internet. Currently, the MIND Institute has available on line nearly 200 archived lectures
from the past five years from its monthly Distinguished Lecturer Series, annual Summer
Institute on Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Minds Behind the MIND lecture series, as well
as numerous other special conferences and guest lecturers. The MIND Institute has also
started to produce original educational video content (in partnership with CEDD) - in both
English and Spanish - based on research conducted here.
Check us out at:
Organize - We Need Each Other