CRES: 2004-003 COVARIANCE, COSKEWNESS AND COKURTOSIS IN GLOBAL REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Kim Hiang LIOW and Lanz C.W.J. CHAN, Department of Real Estate, National University of Singapore Contact Author Dr Kim Hiang LIOW Associate Professor and Deputy Head (Academic) Department of Real Estate School of Design and Environment National University of Singapore 4 Architecture Drive Singapore 117566 Tel: (65)68743420 Fax: (65)67748684 E-mail: 28 February 2004 COVARIANCE, COSKEWNESS AND COKURTOSIS IN GLOBAL REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Abstract This research explores whether there is a significant relationship between expected return, covariance, co-skewness and co-kurtosis of global real estate securities and the resulting impact on risk premia estimation. Using a monthly dataset comprising 19 international real estate securities from January 1994 to January 2004 and 4 real estate funds of various periods from Datastream, we develop higher-moment Capital Asset Pricing Models (CAPMs) and test them using Hansen’s (1982) Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). We employ data generating processes (DGPs) that mimics the Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Market Models. Our results reveal that expected return and covariance, co-skewness and co-kurtosis are significantly related and the number of significant higher-order systematic risks supports the modeling of higher moments and risk premia estimation in global real estate securities. However, the choice of an appropriate market portfolio is important in estimating an appropriate higher-moment CAPM and the resulting risk premium. Our results also reveal that co-kurtosis has more explanatory power than co-skewness in pricing global real estate securities. The findings of this paper are expected to provide alternative risk-return perspectives regarding the pricing of international real estate securities and portfolio design. Keywords: CAPM, higher moments, co-skewness, co-kurtosis, real estate securities, risk premia 1. INTRODUCTION The returns from any asset are usually described in terms of four moments. These are the mean (M1), variance (M2), skewness (M3) and Kurtosis (M4). For example, if two assets have the same expected return and variance, investors would view these as equivalent unless they have some knowledge about the skewness and / or kurtosis of returns. With this additional information, investors would prefer the asset (say) with the greatest positive skewness. The logic behind this is that investors are much happier with above-target returns but less happy with below-target returns. Nevertheless, the majority of prior finance and real estate studies employ only M1 and M2 to characterize stock and real estate returns. Additionally, a common assumption underlying these studies is that returns are normally distributed. While this assumption is often made for convenience in theoretical models, it might be acceptable for returns over medium to long horizons, such as quarterly or annual returns. However, it is less appropriate for more frequently observed data (daily, weekly or monthly). Many studies of equity performance have found that a normal distribution does not adequately describe individual stock returns. Instead the distribution of returns often have “fat tails” and more peaked than would be expected with a normal distribution (Brown and Matysiak, 2000). For example, Simkowitz and Beedles (1980), Singleton and Wingender (1986) and Badrinath and Chatterjee (1988) find evidence of skewness in individual stock returns as well as market indices in US stock markets. In real estate markets, as in other financial markets, some evidence in favour of skewness has been presented. For example, Young and Graff (1995) investigate the return distribution of individual properties in the Russell-NCREIF database. They find evidence of time-varying heteroscedasticity and skewness over the period of the study. In particular, for most years in the sample period (1980-1992), the returns on individual properties are negatively skewed. Bond and Patel (2003) find that a large portion of property company returns in the UK does exhibit skewness in the conditional return distribution. With increase allocation of US pension funds to global investments and an expansion in global market capitalization represented by Asian markets as well as the rise of China as a new economic giant, considerable attention has been given to various aspects of property company performance in Asia and internationally. As property company returns are likely to have different risk-return profiles from the underlying stock and property markets, it is important to assess the fuller investment characteristics of property stocks with respect to their risk measures and expected return 2 determination. An example in point is that since property stock return volatility (measured by M2) is generally higher than the market, could additional risk factors such as higher-moment skewness and kurtosis better explain the distribution of property stock returns? Additionally, Liow and Sim (2004) find that the majority of Asian property stock index returns are not normally distributed and that the main source of non-normality is kurtosis rather than skewness. The presence of skewness and kurtosis in property stock return distribution is reasonably documented. However, little is known about the presence of co-skewness and co-kurtosis and, if any, their relevance in modeling asset pricing. The main objective of this research is thus to investigate whether expected returns of global real estate securities and their covariance, co-skewness and co-kurtonis are significantly related and the resulting impact on risk premia estimation. Using monthly return data of 23 global real estate securitiesand real estate funds, our study reveals that there is a statistically significant relationship between expected return and covariance, co-skewness and co-kurtosis and the number of significant higher-order systematic risks supports the modeling of higher moments and risk premia estimation in global real estate security markets. However, the choice of an appropriate market portfolio is important in estimating an appropriate highermoment CAPM and the resulting risk premium. Our results also reveal that co-kurtosis has more explanatory power than coskewness in the pricing global real estate securities. In all, the findings of this paper provide alternative risk-return perspectives regarding the pricing of international real estate securities and portfolio design The remainder of this paper is organized as follow. Section 2 provides a brief review of relevant finance and real estate literature. In section 3, the theoretical framework of higher order CAPM is discussed. This is followed by an explanation of three empirical CAPM models (linear, quadratic and cubic market models) to mimic the data generating process in Section 4. The three models are estimated and results are reported and compared in Section 5. Section 6 continues with the risk premia estimation and discussion. The final section concludes the study. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW A large body of finance literature has documented that stock returns are affected by skewness and/ or kurtosis. Skewness characterizes the degree of asymmetry of a distribution around its mean. Positive (negative) skewness indicates a distribution with an asymmetric tail extending toward more positive (negative) values. Kurtosis characterizes the relative peakness or flatness of a distribution compared with the normal distribution. Kurtosis higher (lower) than 3 indicates a distribution more peaked (flatter) than a normal distribution. For example, Simkowitz and Beedles (1980), Singleton and Wingender (1986) and Badrinath and Chatterjee (1988) find evidence of skewness in individual stock returns as well as market indices in US stock markets. Bekaert et al. (2001) find that the majority of emerging country stock returns are not normally distributed. The combination of skewness and kurtosis will contribute to different volatilities for different classes of investment (Brown and Matysiak, 2000). Similarly, prior real estate research has shown that the returns on individual properties and listed property securities are skewed. For example, Young and Graff (1995) investigate the return distribution of individual properties in the Russell-NCREIF database. They find evidence of time-varying heteroscedasticity and skewness over the period of the study. Lizieri and Ward (2001) also strongly reject the assumption of normality for IPD commercial property returns in the UK. Bond and Patel (2003) find that a large portion of property company returns in the UK does exhibit skewness in the conditional return distribution. From an asset pricing perspective, skewness and kurtosis of a given asset are also jointly analyzed with the skewness and kurtosis of the reference market. Similar to the so-called systematic risk or beta, some authors examine if there exists a systematic skewness and systematic kurtosis and, if any, whether they are priced in asset prices. Systematic 3 skewness and kurtosis are also called co-skewness and co-kurtosis (Christie-David and Chaudry, 2001). Provided that the market has a positive skewness of returns, investors will prefer an asset with positive co-skewness. Co-kurtosis measures the likelihood that extreme returns will jointly occur in a given asset and in the market. One common characteristic of the models accounting for co-skewness and co-kurtosis is to incorporate higher moments into the classical two-moment CAPM model. In the literature, two main approaches have been investigated, namely the three-moment and four-moment CAPMs. Kraus and Litzenberger (1976) and Sears and Wei (1985) extend the classical CAPM to incorporate the effect of skewness on portfolio evaluation and provide mixed results. Barone-Adesi (1985) proposes a Quadratic Model to test a three-moment CAPM. Homaifar and Graddy (1988) derive a higher moment CAPM and test it using principal component analysis, latent root regression and OLS. Fang and Lai (1997), on the other hand, examine the effect of co-kurtosis on asset prices using a four-moment CAPM. Their results show that expected excess rate of return is related to systematic variance, systematic skewness and systematic kurtosis. Investors are generally compensated for taking high risk as measured by high systematic variance and systematic kurtosis. Investors also forgo the expected returns for taking the benefit of increasing the skewness. Additionally skewness and kurtosis cannot be diversified away by increasing the size of portfolios. Thus nondiversified skewness and kurtosis play an important role in determining security valuations. Harvey and Siddique (2000) examine an extended CAPM that includes systematic skewness (co-skewness). They find that the higher moment is priced and suggest a model incorporating skewness helps explain the cross-sectional variations of stock returns. Other finance researchers like Hwang and Satchell (1999), Christie-David and Chaudry (2001), Berenyi (2002), Jurczenko and Maillet (2002), and Galagedera, Henry and Silvapulle (2002) propose the use of the Cubic Model as a test for coskewness and cokurtosis. Berenyi (2002) applies the four-moment CAPM to mutual fund and hedge fund data. He shows that volatility is an insufficient measure for the risk of hedge funds and for medium risk adverse agents. Christie-David and Chaudry (2001) employ the four-moment CAPM on the future markets. They show that systematic skewness and systematic kurtosis increase the explanatory power of the return generating process of future markets. Hwang and Satchell (1999) investigate co-skewness and co-kurtosis in emerging markets. Using a GMM approach, they show that systematic kurtosis explains the emerging market returns better than systematic skewness. Finally, Dittmar (2002) analyzes skewness and kurtosis across industry indices. In real estate literature, Liu, Hartzell and Grissom (1992) consider the presence of skewness (relative to other assets) and any pricing implications for real estate assets. Using the three-moment model of Kraus and Litzenberger (K-L) (1976), they suggest that investors are willing to accept a lower expected return on real estate assets (relative to other risky assets) because of the lower negative co-skewness. Using K-:L model, Vines, Hsieh and Hatem (1994) examine the role of systematic covariance and co-skewness in the pricing of equity real estate investment trusts. Their findings are that systemic risk impacts return as predicted. However, they find no evidence that co-skewness is a determinant of EREIT return. So far, no real estate research has explored the joint pricing implications of covariance, co-skewness and cokurtosis in global real estate securities. Following broadly from Hwang and Satchell (1999), we extend the traditional twomoment CAPM to the three-moment and four-moment CAPM i.e. less restrictive forms of the traditional CAPM that accommodate systematic volatility (i.e. beta or covariance), systematic skewness and systematic kurtosis. We further employ higher moment data generating processes (DGPs) to test whether coskewness and cokurtosis are priced in real estate securities. Finally, we estimate preference risk premia values for the 23 real estate securities analyzed and present the simulated forecast risk premia estimates. Such analyzes (not found in Hwang and Satchell, 1999) will allow us make some interesting observations and infer the general applicability of higher-moment models in asset pricing and portfolio design of global real estate securities. 4 3. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The theoretical derpinning this research is the four-moment CAPM. It considers a pricing model for the covariance, coskewness, and cokurtosis of the real estate securities. Let i denote a generic asset and m the reference market and ri and rm denote their respective returns. The investment problem for an investor is to maximize the expected utility at the end of the period. The investor’s expected utility can be represented as a Taylor expansion of order n: E[U (ri ,t )] = U [ E (ri ,t )] + 1 '' 1 U [ E (ri ,t )]E[ri ,t − E (ri ,t )]2 + U ''' [ E (ri ,t )]E[ri ,t − E (ri ,t )]3 2! 3! ∞ 1 + ∑ U n [ E (ri ,t )]E[ri ,t − E (ri ,t )]n n =5 n! (1) OR E[U (ri ,t )] = U [ E (ri ,t )] + 1 '' 1 1 U [ E (ri ,t )]σ 2 (ri ,t ) + U ''' [ E (ri ,t )]S 3 + U '''' [ E (ri ,t )]K 4 + ε i ,t 2! 3! 4! (2) with σ = [ E (ri ,t − r i ,t ) 2 ]1 / 2 S = [ E (ri ,t − r i ,t ) 3 ]1 / 3 K = [ E (ri ,t − r i ,t ) 4 ]1 / 4 (3) where ri,t is the return of the asset i at time t, r i ,t is the expected return of the asset i at time t, σ is the volatility, S is the Un is the nth derivative of the utility function U. In this paper the terms S and K third moment, K is the fourth moment and stand for third and fourth moments respectively and not for skewness and kurtosis. In statistics, skewness and kurtosis are the third and fourth moments standardized respectively by the cube of volatility and volatility to the power of four. The four-moment CAPM, which is the solution of the maximization of equation (1), is given by E (ri ,t ) − r f ,t = α 1 β i ,m + α 2 S i ,m + α 3 K i ,m (4) with systematic beta: β i ,m = E[(ri ,t − r i ,t )(rm ,t − r m,t )] E[(rm,t − r m,t ) 2 ] systematic skewness: S i ,m = systematic kurtosis: K i ,m = E[(ri ,t − r i ,t )(rm ,t − r m ,t ) 2 ] E[(rm ,t − r m ,t ) 3 ] E[(ri ,t − r i ,t )(rm,t − r m ,t ) 3 ] E[(rm,t − r m ,t ) 4 ] (5) where rf,t is the return of the risk-free asset at time t. The three terms above in equations (5) are respectively the standard beta from the standard CAPM model, the coskewness divided by the skewness (or third moment) and the cokurtosis divided by the kurtosis (or fourth moment). Like in the two-moment CAPM where systematic risk is priced, the assumption in this four-moment CAPM is that the systematic skewness and systematic kurtosis are also priced. We expect a positive risk premium for positive beta since investors require higher return for a higher beta. We expect a negative risk premium for positive systematic skewness since, in equilibrium, investors require a lower return for less downside risk. We expect a positive risk premium for positive systematic kurtosis since investors require a higher return for assets with higher probability of extreme price variations. 5 In equation (4), the three alphas are respectively the market price, or risk premium, for an increase in beta, a decrease in systematic skewness, and an increase in systematic kurtosis. These three alphas are given by α1 = dE (ri ,t ) dσ (ri ,t ) 2 σ 2 (rm ,t ) α2 = dE (ri ,t ) 3 dS (ri ,t ) α3 = S 3 (rm ,t ) dE (ri ,t ) dK 3 (ri ,t ) K 4 (rm ,t ) (6) The four-moment CAPM in equation (4) is the combination of the systematic beta, systematic skewness, and systematic kurtosis with the respective market price alphas. If the investor prices the co-moments β i ,m , S i ,m and K i ,m , α1 ,α 2 and α 3 should be significantly different from zero. Thus α1 ,α 2 and α 3 are the risk premia to bear respectively positive beta β i,m , negative systematic skewness S i ,m , and positive systematic kurtosis K i ,m . α 1 can the alpha values be seen as the marginal investor risk aversion to variance multiplied with the portfolio variance; preference for skewness multiplied with the portfolio skewness; and α3 α2 is the investor marginal is the investor aversion for kurtosis multiplied with the portfolio kurtosis. 4. EMPIRICAL MODELS Based on the general four-moment CAPM discussed above, as in Huang and Satchell ((1999), we then specify three DGPs (proxy for empirical models) to test the role of co-skewness and co-kurtosis in asset pricing. The three DGPs mimic the linear market model, the quadratic market model and the cubic market model respectively. They are briefly described below. The Linear Market Model The market model (7) is an empirical version of the classical CAPM model. In addition, it is used as the benchmark model to compare with the quadratic and cubic models. The classical market model is a linear equation that relates the equilibrium expected return on each asset to a single identifiable risk measure. That is, the asset return is linked to the market risk premium with its beta. We appeal to Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to estimate the regression. ri ,t − r f ,t = α 0,t + α 1,t (rm ,t − r f ,t ) + ε i ,t ………………………………………………………………..(7) The Quadratic Market Model The Quadratic Model (8) extends the pricing relation to the third moment. This approach assumes that investors take into consideration the skewness of return distributions. The Quadratic Model states that the relation between an asset and the market portfolio is quadratic. ri ,t − r f ,t = α 0,t + α 1,t ( rm ,t − r f ,t ) + α 2,t [rm ,t − E ( rm ,t )]2 + ε i ,t ………………………(8) The Cubic Market Model The Cubic Model (9) is the four-moment specification of the CAPM model. It extends the Market Model by including squared and cubic unexpected market returns as additional factors. This extension allows us to test the role of coskewness and co-kurtosis in asset pricing. ri ,t − r f ,t = α 0,t + α 1,t ( rm ,t − r f ,t ) + α 2,t [rm ,t − E ( rm ,t )]2 + α 3,t [ rm ,t − E (rm ,t )]3 + ε i ,t (9) Here, we assume that the asset returns are a function of a polynomial expansion of the market return. In this Cubic Model, the aim is to test whether the alphas are significantly different from zero. ri,t is the security return at time t, α0 6 is the asset intercept, α1 , α 2 and α 3 are respectively the sensitivity of asset i to excess returns of the market portfolio (proxy for beta), to the market portfolio’s unexpected returns squared (proxy for co-skewness), and to the market portfolio’s unexpected returns cubed (proxy for co-kurtosis). We test equation (9) in an unconditional framework. Additionally, the systematic risks of the four-moment CAPM (4) can be expressed as: systematic beta: β i , m = α 2 ,i + α 3,i S m3 + α 4,i K m4 σ m2 α 3,i ( K m4 − σ m4 ) + α 4,i (θ m5 − S m3 σ m2 ) systematic skewness: S i ,m = α 2 ,i + systematic kurtosis: K i ,m = α 2,i + (10) (11) S m3 α 3,i (θ m5 − σ m2 S m3 ) + α 4,i (δ m6 − S m6 ) (12) K m4 with fifth moment: θ i ,m = E[(rm − r m ) ] 5 1/ 5 sixth moment: (13) δ i ,m = E[(rm − r m ) 6 ]1 / 6 The expressions (10), (11) and (12) show how the systematic risks (i.e. (14) β i ,m , S i ,m andK i ,m ) are related to the alphas of equation (9). If the asset return distribution can be adequately described by a quadratic model (i.e. α 3,t [rm ,t − E (rm ,t )]3 = 0 This is because in equation (9)], then a four-moment CAPM (i.e. cubic model) specification is meaningless. α 3,t would have no additional explanatory value. Thus, a four-moment CAPM could only be employed if the data generating process [i.e. equation (6)] is at least cubic. If not, there will be collinearity in the systematic risk of the fourmoment CAPM [i.e. collinearities between equation (10), (11) and (12)] (Hwang and Satchell, 1999). 5. EMPIRICAL RESULTS Descriptive Statistics of Monthly returns The data used are monthly returns of 19 international securities from Datastream (DS) from January 1994 to January 2004. They cover G7 countries, namely US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Italy and Japan and also securitized real estate markets in Hongkong, Singapore, and Asia-Pacific countries. Additionally, four international real estate funds are included (Alpha International Real Estate Equity Fund, Alpha US Real Estate Equity Fund, Goldman Sachs International Real Estate Securities Fund and Henderson Horizon Pan European Property Equities Fund). As a proxy of the market portfolio, Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) world total returns (to represent the world equity market) and the DS world real estate returns (to represent the world real estate securities market) are used. All empirical tests are presented from an American investor’s point of view. Returns of all the indices are represented in US dollars. The risk-free rate chosen is the US 1-month Certificate of Deposit (CD) (the shortest U.S. savings rate available). Table 1 provides the usual descriptive statistics of monthly returns. Over the full period, the best performing region is Germany with an annualized return of 23.66%, outperforming other broader market portfolio as represeted by DS world real estate, MSCI world real estate, DS world market and MSCI world returns; while returns in the South East Asian (SEA) region posted negative returns. The wide range of the standard deviation (S.D.) measures denotes a great difference among the various regional real estate return performance. In particular, the standard deviation of China is the highest (14.09%) and Europe-ex UK is the lowest (3.62%). Skewness in the return distribution is negative for 4 out of the 19 assets, while both Alpine funds also display negative skewness over the period analyzed. This suggests that extreme positive price increases 7 are more likely than extreme price decreases for most of the assets analyzed. We also observe a high probability of extreme price variations in Asia, Asia-ex Jap, SEA and Singapore where the kurtosis is high (13 of 19 regional assets and 3 of 4 funds display excess kurtosis of above 3). Hence, as in Liow and Sim (2004), the main source of non-stationarity in global real estate securities might be kurtosis rather than skewness. (Table 1 here) The Market Model Table 2a displays the regression results of the Linear Market Model using MSCI world as the market portfolio. First, all the regression intercepts are statistically insignificant. Hence the hypothesis that the intercepts are significantly different from zero is rejected. Second, the values of the regression slopes are very diverse across the sample. Specifically the respective beta coefficients show that the covariances of the return with the market portfolio of the 19 assets are extremely different. In particular, all except the Goldman Sachs fund have significant positive betas, while both the China securitized real estate and the Henderson property fund have insignificant negative betas. Third, the German real estate security returns have a relatively low beta (0.8703) but the highest performance (23.66% on an annualized basis), while the Singapore returns have the highest beta (1.7428) and only an annualized return of 3.22%. Hence the standard two-moment CAPM might not adequately price risk-return tradeoff of these securities. Finally, the linear market model results of Table 2b using DS world real estate as the market portfolio are qualitatively similar (Tables 2a and 2b here) The Quadratic Model Table 3a contains the results. It further compares the adjusted R2 values from the Linear Market Model (from Table 2a) and the Quadratic Market Model (both with MSCI world as the market portfolio). We observe that using the Quadratic Model the adjusted R2 increases for 16 of the 23 real estate assets. Nevertheless, the beta estimates are statistically significant for all except China, Goldman Sachs and Henderson funds. Only 5 quadratic results (Japan, European Union (EU), Europe, North America and US) show that co-skewness (represented by Alpha2) is significant. This means that the excess returns of Japan, EU, Europe, North America and US have a non-linear relationship with the market portfolio, which implies that these assets will significantly increase or decrease market skewness if added to the market portfolio. Indeed, 14 of the 23 assets derive negative co-skewness (Alpha2), which have concave payoffs with respect to their market portfolio. On the contrary, assets with positive co-skewness coefficients have convex payoffs. (Table 3a here) Using DS world real estate as the market portfolio, Table 3b shows the the adjusted R2 values for the Quadratic Market Model increases for 14 of 23 real estate assets. In addition, only 4 significant quadratic results (Asia-ex Japan, Australia, Hong Kong and Italy) show that co-skewness (represented by Alpha2) is priced. On the other hand, the market betas for all assets except the Henderson fund are statistically significant. (Table 3b here) In all, our results here suggest that the addition of co-skewness as a risk measure increases explanatory power of the three-moment CAPM (i.e. quadratic market model) for some real estate security markets. In particular, our results broadly suggest that Asian-Pacific countries can be better explained with co-skewness when the DS world real estate is considered as the market portfolio. The Cubic Market Model Table 4a reports the regression results of the Cubic Market Model. A general observation is that co-kurtosis (represented by the coefficient Alpha3) appears to be an appropriate risk measure in explaining global real estate security 8 returns. Specifically, the co-kurtosis coefficient is significant for 8 securities, namely China, SEA, Singapore, EU, Europe, Germany UK and the Alpine international fund. A positive co-kurtosis coefficient means that the asset is adding kurtosis to the market portfolio. China, EU, Europe and UK real estate markets possess negative co-kurtosis, while Germany, SEA, Singapore and Alpine fund possess positive co-kurtosis. Adding these positive kurtotic assets into the market portfolio will increase the market’s kurtosis. In contrast, an asset with a negative cokurtosis coefficient asset will decrease the market portfolio’s kurtosis. We further compare the adjusted R2 values from the three DGPs (i.e. linear, quadratic and cubic). We note that the Cubic Model provides better explanatory power for 14 of the 23 investments analyzed. On the other hand, the corresponding numbers are 4 and 5 respectively for the quadratic model and linear model respectively. (Table 4a here) Table 4b reports the regression results of the Cubic Model with the DS world real estate as the market portfolio. Notably, the co-kurtosis coefficient is statistically significant for 10 of the 23 assets, namely: Asia, Asia-ex Jap, Australia, EU, Europe, Hong Kong, UK, Alpine US fund, Goldman Sachs (GS) fund and the Henderson fund. Based on the comparative adjusted R2 values of the three models, again the Cubic Model provides slightly better explanatory power for 17 of the 23 real estate securities analyzed (Table 4b here) In all, our results suggest the addition of co-kurtosis as a risk measure increases explanatory power of the Cubic Market Model for over 50% of the international real estate security markets and provides support for the modeling of higher moments for securitized real estate markets. It further appears that co-kurtosis rather than co-skewness might be a more appropriate additional risk measure for global real estate securities. Additional comments When the Cubic Model (with DS world real estate market portfolio) is tested, all the 3 co-moments (covariance, coskewness and co-kurtosis) are statistically significant for the Hong Kong and Asia-ex Japan markets. We propose a new terminology and say that these assets exhibit a ‘tri-moments’ condition (or state) for a particular period of time, where all the 3 co-moments are priced or concomitant in the Cubic Model. Another situation happens when say, for Henderson fund (with DS world real estate market portfolio), both the co-skewness and co-kurtosis coefficients are statistically significant in the Cubic Model. Additionally, another common and interesting observation of the results is when co-kurtosis is statistically significant, the co-skewness estimate is not significant (7 of the 23 assets display significant co-kurtosis and none display significant co-skewness with the DS world real estate market portfolio), except for the abovementioned 2 “tri-moments” securities which is more of a rarity or phenomenon than a common outcome. Hence there might be a tendency for coskewness and co-kurtosis not to co-exist (or they ‘counter-exist’) for a given period of time (see for example Asia, EU and UK in Table 4b). We label this condition the ‘anti-moment’ state of the Cubic Model - where either co-skewness or cokurtosis is priced, but not both. Similar “anti-moment” observations can be made when the MSCI world index is used to represent the market (Table 4a), 12 of the 23 assets display the tendency for either co-skewness or co-kurtosis to be priced (8 with significant co-kurtosis). However, none of the 23 assets display the “tri-moments” condition. 6. ESTIMATION OF RISK PREMIA 9 One of the key concerns of institutional investors is risk premium estimation (and hence required rate of return) that should ideally commensurate with the expected returns for more accurate return forecasts. The required rate of return is defined as the investor’s compensation for bearing the risk associated with the investment. The extent of risk remuneration depends on the relationship between the equilibrium expected return on each real estate security and the identifiable risk measures. We will therefore expect that the required rates of return for the real estate securities deriving from the linear, quadratic and cubic models to be different. In particular, our expectation can be described as follow. A rational investor dislikes (prefers) negative (positive) co-skewness. Thus, by comparing the linear and quadratic models, we will expect that the required of return increases (decreases) for those real estate securities with significantly negative (positive) significant co-skewness coefficients. In addition, a rational investor dislikes (prefers) positive (negative) co-kurtosis. Thus, by comparing the linear and cubic model, we will expect that the required rate of return increases (decreases) for those real estate securities with positive (negative) co-kurtosis coefficients. To calculate the required rate of return, we use the estimated coefficients from Tables 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a and 4b. The expected market and risk-free returns are represented by the historical mean returns from Table I, namely 6.76% (MSCI world), 3.26% (DS world real estate) and 4.14% (US 1-month CD) per annum. The appropriate pricing model that is chosen to compute the required rate of return are selected based on the significance tests of the coefficients of covariance, co-skewness and co-kurtosis, together with the improvement in the adjusted R2 statistics. For example, we will choose the Cubic Model as the most appropriate asset pricing model only when the GMM estimates produce a significant coefficient for co- kurtosis and an increase in the adjusted R2 statistic. Conversely, we will not select the Cubic Model as the most appropriate model when the GMM estimates failed to produce a significant coefficient for cokurtosis even if the adjusted R2 increases, since most of the R2 values only improve marginally with the cubic model estimation. Table 5 produces the empirical estimation of the required rate of return for both proxies of market portfolio (MSCI world and DS world real estate) for the 23 real estate securities. The results presented are highly interesting. First, the market model is the most appropriate asset-pricing model for 12 of the 23 real estate securities when the MSCI world is used as the market portfolio (8 assets use cubic model while 3 use quadratic model). On the contrary, when the DS world real estate is taken as the market portfolio, the number of assets based on the linear model, quadratic model and cubic model estimations are 12, 1 and 10 respectively. Second, 5 of the 23 markets (Canada, Europe, Europe-ex UK, France and UK) use the same model for risk premia estimation regardless of which proxy is used to represent the market portfolio. (Table 5 here) Appendix 2 provides simulated forecast comparisons for all the securities. Together with the Theil inequality coefficients, we find that the best forecast of risk premia for the 23 securities are: cubic model (market portfolio: DS world real estate): 10; linear model (market portfolio: DS world real estate): 9; linear model (market portfolio: MSCI world): 2; cubic model (market portfolio: MSCI world): 1 and quadratic model (market portfolio: MSCI world): 1. Our results thus imply that the choice of a higher-moment model together with an appropriate market portfolio can influence the forecasting of risk premia. The hypothesis that rational investors dislike negative co-skewness and prefer positive co-skewness is further supported. In Table 5 we observe a higher required rate of return each for those assets with negative co-skewness in the EU, Europe, North America and US markets. These real estate securities display negative co-skewness and hence require a positive risk premium each (with MSCI world as the market portfolio). The respective positive risk premia are EU(2.74%), 10 Europe (2.87%), North America (5.25%) and US (5.37%). With the DS world real estate market portfolio, the positive risk premia are for Australia (2.99%), Europe (0.87%), UK (1.67%), Alpine US fund (0.16%) and the GS fund (4.62%) respectively. On the co-kurtosis dimension, Table 5 reveals that with the MSCI world market portfolio, the risk premium estimation for Germany (7.13%) and Alpine international fund (2.08%) again provides support to the hypothesis that rational investors dislike positive co-kurtosis. Another interesting observation is that UK securitized real estate (2.20%) displays a negative co-skewness and co-kurtosis coefficients each. While negative co-skewness increases the risk premium, negative co-kurtosis decreases the required risk premium. Hence the estimated risk premium of 2.20% for the UK market would seem to account for the excess negative co-skewness although the cubic model does not reveal a significant co-skewness coefficient. With the DS world market portfolio, the risk premium estimation for GS RealEstate Fund again supports the hypothesis that rational investors dislike positive co-kurtosis, while the risk premia results for Australia, Europe, UK and Alpine US fund (with both negative co-skewness and co-kurtosis) appear to reflect the excess negative co-skewness albeit all the 4 securities do not have significant co-kewness coefficients from the Cubic Model regressions, while all except Australia have insignificant co-skewness coefficients from the Quadratic Model. Finally, when the MSCI world is used as the market portfolio, the risk premia results for China, Japan, SEA and Singapore are negative. These results imply the required rate of return is smaller than what the linear market model would estimate. As an illustration, the cubic model (MSCI world market portfolio) for the China market is selected and estimates an annual required return of 5.45% and a risk premium of –7.56% or a “risk discount” of 7.56%. This means that by using the cubic model to price the China securities, the risk level is reduced compared to what the market model estimates and hence the required rate of return is less than that of the market model’s expected return (5.45% vs 13.01%). One possible explanation is that the cubic model has taken into account either the positive co-skewness or negative co-kurtosis (or both) in security pricing and hence the overall effect is to reduce the systematic risk of the asset. From Table 4a, we further note that for China, it is the significant and high negative co-kurtosis coefficient that contributed to the overall risk reduction and hence displays a “risk discount”. Similarly, when the DS world real estate represents the market, securitized real estate markets in Asia, Asia-ex Japan, Europe-ex EU, Hong Kong, Italy and the Henderson fund display a “risk discount” each, i.e. the standard two-moment CAPM has overestimated the overall risk level and the use of higher-moment CAPMs helps ascertain the appropriate and lower risk level. 7. CONCLUSION In this paper, we explore the question of whether global real estate securities could be better explained with additional systematic risks such as co-skewness and co-kurtosis and the resulting impact on risk premium estimation. Based on a generalized four-moment CAPM, we examine three candidate DGPs; these are the linear, quadratic and cubic models; and test them using generalized method of moment (GMM). Overall, our comparative analysis of the linear (i.e. two-moment CAPM) and quadratic and cubic models (i.e. higher-moment CAPMs) suggests that beta is a significant measure of risk for most of the real estate securities analyzed. However some securities display significant co-skewness and/or co-kurtosis. The lack of consideration of higher moments in pricing securitized real estate in such cases can lead to an inadequate estimation and compensation for the additional risk involved. This is because investing in these assets requires a higher risk premium each for bearing negative co-skewness or positive co-kurtosis. On the other hand, the standard two-moment CAPM could overestimate the market risk level for some 11 of the securities in the form of a ‘risk discount”. Additionally, we have also observed other interesting conditions displayed for some of the securities analyzed; these are the “tri-moments”, “bi-moments” and “anti-moment” effects. The different responses from the three pricing models have wide implications for risk premia modeling and returns forecasting especially in asset management applications; for example, a natural corollary is that institutional investors or fund managers would like to know whether the combination of assets display the conditions of “tri-moments” or “antimoment”; i.e. “anti-moment” imply either co-skewness or co-kurtosis is priced in the asset and would entail an increase or decrease in the estimated risk premium, but since both are not statistically significant at the same time, it would not serve as counteractive to each other. On the other hand, under tri-moments” situation, all the 3 co-moments are statistically significant at the same time. Investor would then have to assess the combined moment effect on the resulting risk premium. Finally It should be noted that these higher-moment models and conditions are applicable to assets for a particular time frame under study and does not take into account time-varying parameters for higher moments. In conclusion, our study reveals that there is a significant relationship between expected return and covariance, co-skewness and co-kurtosis and the number of significant higher-order systematic risks supports the modeling of higher moments and risk premia estimation in global real estate security market. However, the choice of an appropriate market portfolio is important in estimating an appropriate higher-moment CAPM and the resulting risk premia. Our results also reveal that co-kurtosis has more explanatory power than co-skewness in pricing global real estate securities. 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(1995), Real Estate is not Normal: A Fresh Look at Real Estate Return Distributions, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 10(3): 225-259. 14 Table 1 Descriptive Statistics of Monthly Returns This table shows the descriptive statistics of monthly returns for all 19 real estate assets. The sample period is from Jan-94 to Jan-04. In addition we present 2 Alpine funds (both international and US real estate equity funds), the Goldman Sachs international real estate securities fund, the Henderson property fund, 2 proxies to the world real estate securities market portfolio (MSCI world real estate and DS world real estate), 2 proxies to the world equity market (MSCI world and DS world market) and finally, the risk-free rate (US 1-month CD). The normality test is based on the Jarque-Bera (JB) statistic at 95% confidence level. 13 of 19 securitized real estate returns and the Alpine international real estate equity fund returns display non-normality. This is in line with both MSCI world real estate and DS world real estate returns. It should be noted that the sample periods of the funds presented are limited to the availability of data since 3 of the funds began post Jan-94, while MSCI world real estate index only started in Jan-95. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Region / Asset Asia Asia ex-Jap Australia Canada China EU Europe Europe ex-EU Europe ex-UK France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan North America SEA Singapore UK US Alpine Intl RE EQ Fund Alpine US RE EQ Fund GS RE Sec Fund Class A Henderson Prop Fund DS World RE MSCI World RE DS World Market MSCI World US CD 1 month Asset Code REAS REAJ REAU RECN RECH REEU REER RENE REEX REFR REGE REHK REIT REJP RENA RESE RESG REUK REUS ALILREFD ALUSREFD GSRESFDA HEPYFD REWD MSWDRE MKWD MSWD USCD1M Period Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 – Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Mar-95 – Jan-04 Feb-99 - Jan-04 Sep-97 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-95 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Jan-94 - Jan-04 Mean 0.325% 0.347% 0.718% 0.891% 1.429% 0.478% 0.521% 1.639% 0.520% 0.435% 1.972% 0.573% 0.792% 0.247% 0.672% -0.098% 0.268% 0.541% 0.665% 0.442% 1.298% 0.793% 0.633% 0.272% 0.294% 0.573% 0.563% 0.345% S.D. 9.272% 11.239% 4.592% 5.518% 14.085% 3.644% 3.683% 10.743% 3.624% 4.645% 10.744% 12.012% 8.046% 9.800% 4.331% 11.668% 13.379% 4.987% 4.391% 4.646% 6.475% 4.146% 2.192% 5.050% 5.739% 4.317% 4.250% 0.134% Skewness 2.025 1.602 -0.106 0.336 1.321 -0.031 0.046 0.991 0.072 0.215 1.320 1.241 1.015 1.084 0.005 2.393 2.367 -0.108 -0.034 -0.013 -0.257 0.192 0.376 0.170 0.257 -0.174 -0.123 -0.740 Kurtosis 15.241 10.849 3.046 5.119 5.357 2.900 3.022 5.496 2.933 2.561 6.456 8.010 6.618 6.615 4.732 18.898 18.289 3.208 4.451 4.409 3.651 3.599 2.935 5.129 6.546 3.543 3.386 2.260 JB Prob 0.00% 0.00% 88.81% 0.00% 0.00% 96.58% 97.78% 0.00% 93.84% 38.55% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 79.75% 0.49% 0.67% 21.86% 53.68% 40.63% 0.00% 0.00% 35.02% 58.98% 0.10% Normality No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Note: Values in bold font represent the highest and lowest figures in both the regional and fund samples. See Appendix for details of the funds presented herein. Descriptive statistics for both MSCI world real estate and DS world real estate are similar. These indices are presented here to serve as a check against one another and also for estimating the risk premium for a global securitized real estate asset (proxied by MSCI / DS world real estate) with the total world market portfolio (proxied by MSCI world). 15 Table 2a Model: GMM estimates for the Two-Moment CAPM Market Model (MSCI world as market portfolio) ri ,t − r f ,t = α 0,t + α1,t (rm ,t − r f ,t ) + ε i ,t This table shows the regression coefficients from the Market Model presented for the 19 securitized real estate assets, 4 real estate funds and also for the 2 world real estate indices. The t-stat shows the significance of the coefficients (t-stats above 1.96 indicate 5% significance level). The risk-free rate used is the US 1month CD and the proxy to market portfolio is the MSCI world returns. Region / Asset Alpha0 T-stat Alpha1 T-stat Adj R2 Mkt Asia -0.0029 -0.362 1.2423 0.318 4.539** Asia ex-Jap -0.0030 -0.310 1.3996 0.274 5.185** Australia 0.0024 0.826 0.6259 6.362** 0.328 Canada 0.0044 0.723 0.5033 0.143 4.357** -0.484 China 0.0111 0.761 -0.1191 -0.007 EU 0.0005 0.139 0.4027 0.212 4.934** 0.215 Europe 0.0009 0.254 0.4101 5.061** 0.059 Europe ex-EU 0.0115 1.013 0.6546 2.940** 0.268 Europe ex-UK 0.0008 0.226 0.4500 7.977** 0.078 France 0.0002 0.043 0.3220 3.375** 1.501 0.8703 0.111 Germany 0.0144 4.976** 0.236 Hong Kong -0.0007 -0.073 1.3909 5.678** 0.095 Italy 0.0032 0.496 0.6056 3.735** 0.125 Japan -0.0028 -0.398 0.8387 2.639** 0.145 North America 0.0024 0.591 0.3976 3.733** -0.741 1.5305 0.305 SEA -0.0078 3.837** 0.301 Singapore -0.0046 -0.400 1.7428 3.957** 0.089 UK 0.0012 0.251 0.3644 2.534* 0.135 US 0.0023 0.592 0.3897 3.601** Alpine Intl RE EQ Fund -0.0006 -0.127 0.7099 7.771** 0.414 Alpine US RE EQ Fund 0.0077 1.136 0.266 0.7692 7.184** GS RE Sec Fund Class A 0.0059 1.179 0.2170 1.879 0.045 -0.789 Henderson Prop Fund 0.0031 1.180 -0.0473 -0.003 DS World RE -0.0024 -0.551 0.7558 0.398 7.987** MSCI World RE -0.0024 -0.485 0.8015 0.366 6.550** * Denotes significance at 5% level. ** Denotes significance at 1% level. Values in bold font indicate highest and lowest values for each column and significant t-stat values. Table 2b GMM estimates for the Two-Moment CAPM Market Model (DS world real estate as market portfolio) Model: ri ,t − r f ,t = α 0,t + α1,t (rm ,t − r f ,t ) + ε i ,t Region / Asset Asia Asia ex-Jap Australia Canada China EU Europe Europe ex-EU Europe ex-UK France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan North America SEA Singapore UK US Alpine Intl RE EQ Fund Alpine US RE EQ Fund GS RE Sec Fund Class A Henderson Prop Fund Alpha0 0.0010 0.0015 0.0041 0.0059 0.0114 0.0016 0.0020 0.0134 0.0020 0.0011 0.0166 0.0038 0.0047 -0.0004 0.0036 -0.0031 0.0007 0.0023 0.0036 0.0015 0.0097 0.0039 0.0030 T-stat 0.248 0.282 1.546 1.141 0.845 0.560 0.679 1.166 0.613 0.252 1.517 0.699 0.661 -0.063 1.041 -0.409 0.077 0.557 1.033 0.406 1.711 1.031 1.153 Alpha1 1.6542 1.9884 0.5392 0.6075 0.7562 0.4053 0.4110 0.5924 0.3536 0.2845 0.4006 2.0782 0.3228 0.7967 0.5227 1.7673 1.9771 0.4691 0.5132 0.6871 0.7932 0.6316 -0.0293 T-stat 10.107** 12.316** 7.442** 7.517** 2.696** 5.318** 5.325** 3.469** 6.132** 3.510** 2.001* 15.668** 2.221* 3.373** 7.013** 5.374** 5.026** 3.422** 6.717** 8.398** 7.604** 6.942** -0.472 Adj R2 Mkt 0.814 0.801 0.346 0.305 0.066 0.308 0.310 0.070 0.234 0.088 0.028 0.766 0.033 0.162 0.368 0.584 0.556 0.220 0.345 0.553 0.340 0.364 -0.009 * Denotes significance at 5% level. ** Denotes significance at 1% level. Values in bold font indicate highest and lowest values for each column and significant t-stat values. 16 Table 3a GMM estimates for the Three-Moment CAPM Quadratic Model (MSCI world as market portfolio) Model: ri ,t − r f ,t = α 0,t + α 1,t (rm ,t − r f ,t ) + α 2,t [ rm ,t − E ( rm ,t )]2 + ε i ,t Region / Asset Asia Asia ex-Jap Australia Canada China EU Europe Europe ex-EU Europe ex-UK France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan North America SEA Singapore UK US Alpine Intl RE EQ Fund Alpine US RE EQ Fund GS RE Sec Fund Class A Henderson Prop Fund DS World RE MSCI World RE Alpha0 -0.0187 -0.0176 0.0040 0.0082 0.0089 0.0040 0.0045 0.0202 0.0033 0.0026 0.0167 -0.0143 0.0024 -0.0229 0.0068 -0.0245 -0.0245 0.0060 0.0068 -0.0006 0.0127 0.0124 0.0041 -0.0038 -0.0079 T-stat -1.543 -1.291 1.079 1.199 0.633 1.039 1.130 1.849 0.800 0.483 1.409 -1.011 0.344 -2.214* 1.642 -1.716 -1.671 1.089 1.700 -0.117 1.874 2.179* 1.286 -0.703 -1.183 Alpha1 1.2878 1.4414 0.6211 0.4922 -0.1128 0.3926 0.3997 0.6296 0.4427 0.3150 0.8635 1.4301 0.6077 0.8967 0.3850 1.5788 1.8002 0.3506 0.3768 0.7100 0.7551 0.1607 -0.0502 0.7598 0.8176 T-stat 5.442** 5.972** 6.281** 4.059** -0.462 5.144** 5.286** 2.833** 7.321** 3.287** 4.714** 6.404** 3.721** 3.480** 3.515** 4.387** 4.596** 2.621** 3.400** 7.717** 7.260** 1.532 -0.879 8.061** 7.212** Alpha2 8.7528 8.0593 -0.9265 -2.1211 1.1975 -1.9403 -2.0047 -4.8112 -1.4132 -1.3346 -1.3026 7.5463 0.4064 11.1733 -2.4290 9.3126 11.0498 -2.6556 -2.4868 0.0245 -2.5405 -3.0467 -0.4097 0.7773 2.9064 T-stat 1.630 1.278 -0.927 -1.559 0.214 -2.655** -2.675** -1.378 -1.715 -1.309 -0.346 1.202 0.280 3.661** -2.384* 1.260 1.355 -1.746 -2.445* 0.022 -1.660 -1.728 -0.564 0.529 1.279 Adj R2 Mkt 0.318 0.274 0.328 0.143 -0.007 0.212 0.215 0.059 0.268 0.078 0.111 0.236 0.095 0.125 0.145 0.305 0.301 0.089 0.135 0.414 0.266 0.045 -0.003 0.398 0.366 Adj R2 Quad 0.382 0.308 0.325 0.147 -0.015 0.227 0.231 0.067 0.274 0.077 0.105 0.260 0.087 0.219 0.162 0.348 0.348 0.103 0.153 0.409 0.272 0.063 -0.013 0.394 0.382 * Denotes significance at 5% level. ** Denotes significance at 1% level. Values in bold font indicate highest and lowest values for each column, significant t-stat values and the larger of the two adjusted R2 values (i.e. from market model or quadratic model) Table 3b GMM estimates for the Three-Moment CAPM Quadratic Model (DS world real estate as market portfolio) Model: ri ,t − r f ,t = α 0,t + α 1,t (rm ,t − r f ,t ) + α 2,t [ rm ,t − E ( rm ,t )]2 + ε i ,t Adj R2 Quad Region / Asset Alpha0 T-stat Alpha1 T-stat Alpha2 T-stat Adj R2 Mkt Asia -0.0073 -1.638 1.6268 3.2786 1.609 0.814 14.050** 0.846 Asia ex-Jap -0.0089 -1.927 1.9542 4.0748 0.801 20.489** 2.720** 0.834 Australia 0.0079 0.5515 -1.4759 0.346 2.326* 9.962** -2.934** 0.368 Canada 0.0085 1.594 0.6162 -1.0437 -1.064 0.305 7.517** 0.308 China 0.0129 0.898 0.7611 -0.5865 -0.151 0.059 2.985** 0.066 -1.0769 -1.245 0.308 EU 0.0044 1.512 0.4143 5.864** 0.325 Europe 0.0048 1.603 0.4202 -1.1006 -1.231 0.310 5.863** 0.328 Europe ex-EU 0.0153 1.336 0.5989 -0.7787 -0.282 0.064 3.487** 0.070 Europe ex-UK 0.0026 0.735 0.3556 -0.2326 -0.634 0.229 5.936** 0.234 France 0.0018 0.360 0.2867 -0.2646 -0.476 0.081 3.403** 0.088 1.340 0.3971 0.4191 0.193 0.020 Germany 0.0155 2.049* 0.028 3.8681 0.766 Hong Kong -0.0060 -1.181 2.0458 27.373** 3.165** 0.792 Italy -0.0009 -0.121 0.3043 2.2061 0.033 2.375* 3.750** 0.045 Japan -0.0065 -0.680 0.7765 2.4065 0.745 0.162 3.854** 0.171 North America 0.0075 0.5355 -1.5303 -1.806 0.368 2.144* 7.558** 0.396 SEA 1.7266 4.8580 1.568 0.584 -0.0155 -2.039* 6.822** 0.627 Singapore -0.0129 -1.610 1.9324 1.436 0.556 6.237** 5.3444 0.595 UK 0.0075 1.873 0.4862 -1.332 0.220 4.142** -2.0400 0.258 US 0.0076 0.5265 -1.5835 -1.862 0.345 2.175* 7.280** 0.374 Alpine Intl RE EQ Fund 0.0004 0.119 0.6837 0.4110 0.539 0.551 8.479** 0.553 Alpine US RE EQ Fund 0.0120 0.7935 -0.9791 -0.574 0.339 2.188* 7.855** 0.340 GS RE Sec Fund Class A 0.0052 0.933 0.6326 -0.8467 -0.334 0.355 6.982** 0.364 Henderson Prop Fund 0.0022 0.726 -0.470 0.3070 0.465 -0.017 -0.0300 -0.009 * Denotes significance at 5% level. ** Denotes significance at 1% level. Values in bold font signify highest and lowest values for each column, significant t-stat values and the larger of the two adjusted R2 values (i.e. from market model or quadratic model) 17 Table 4a GMM estimates for the Four-Moment CAPM Cubic Model (MSCI world as market portfolio) Model: ri ,t − r f ,t = α 0,t + α 1,t ( rm ,t − r f ,t ) + α 2,t [rm ,t − E ( rm ,t )]2 + α 3,t [ rm ,t − E (rm ,t )]3 + ε i ,t Region / Asset Asia Asia ex-Jap Australia Canada China EU Europe Europe ex-EU Europe ex-UK France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan North America SEA Singapore UK US Alpine Intl RE EQ Fund Alpine US RE EQ Fund GS RE Sec Fund Class A Henderson Prop Fund DS World RE MSCI World RE Alpha0 -0.0134 -0.0120 0.0037 0.0098 0.0037 0.0025 0.0030 0.0194 0.0038 0.0032 0.0213 -0.0101 0.0053 -0.0195 0.0082 -0.0134 -0.0109 0.0023 0.0082 0.0016 0.0136 0.0131 0.0029 -0.0032 -0.0067 T-stat -1.357 -1.053 0.946 1.438 0.262 0.598 0.697 1.792 0.901 0.580 1.961* -0.811 0.749 -2.123* 2.030* -1.196 -0.965 0.391 2.098* 0.305 2.001* 2.212* 0.911 -0.610 -1.049 Alpha1 0.7878 0.9171 0.6526 0.3384 0.3860 0.5339 0.5450 0.7017 0.3934 0.2587 0.4319 1.0266 0.3358 0.5726 0.2515 0.5173 0.5117 0.7015 0.2446 0.4965 0.6725 0.0226 0.0403 0.7021 0.7029 T-stat 2.965** 2.850** 4.093** 2.115* 1.172 4.013** 4.095** 1.925 3.548** 1.385 1.617 3.055** 1.073 1.806 1.589 1.430 1.111 3.597** 1.493 4.583** 3.968** 0.112 0.488 4.722** 3.953** Alpha2 6.8446 6.0582 -0.8061 -2.7084 3.1015 -1.4010 -1.4504 -4.5359 -1.6014 -1.5496 -2.9501 6.0066 -0.6312 9.9365 -2.9385 5.2610 6.1320 -1.3163 -2.9915 -0.7905 -2.8554 -2.9228 -0.0312 0.5571 2.4726 T-stat 2.097* 1.523 -0.779 -1.688 0.591 -1.688 -1.782 -1.177 -1.884 -1.373 -1.065 1.367 -0.422 4.621** -2.630** 1.386 1.429 -1.075 -2.726** -0.782 -1.623 -1.869 -0.036 0.545 1.479 Alpha3 81.0540 84.9975 -5.1143 24.9461 -80.8724 -22.9084 -23.5434 -11.6943 7.9912 9.1302 69.9801 65.4013 44.0759 52.5345 21.6431 172.0977 208.8905 -56.8876 21.4395 34.6163 12.8199 26.7361 -12.9069 9.3507 17.8403 T-stat 1.863 1.549 -0.327 1.161 -2.125* -1.966* -2.022** -0.324 0.754 0.545 2.490* 1.214 1.549 1.355 1.169 2.638** 2.737** -3.036** 1.153 2.633** 0.829 1.086 -1.265 0.441 0.766 Adj R2 Mkt 0.318 0.274 0.328 0.143 -0.007 0.212 0.215 0.059 0.268 0.078 0.111 0.236 0.095 0.125 0.145 0.305 0.301 0.089 0.135 0.414 0.266 0.045 -0.003 0.398 0.366 Adj R2 Quad 0.382 0.308 0.325 0.147 -0.015 0.227 0.231 0.067 0.274 0.077 0.105 0.260 0.087 0.219 0.162 0.348 0.348 0.103 0.153 0.409 0.272 0.063 -0.013 0.394 0.382 Adj R2 Cubic 0.411 0.328 0.320 0.149 -0.009 0.238 0.243 0.060 0.270 0.071 0.117 0.267 0.093 0.225 0.166 0.441 0.453 0.154 0.156 0.429 0.267 0.057 -0.006 0.391 0.380 * Denotes significance at 5% level. ** Denotes significance at 1% level. Values in bold font signify highest and lowest values for each column, significant t-stat values and the largest of the three adjusted R2 values (i.e. from market model, quadratic model or cubic model) Table 4b GMM estimates for the Four-Moment CAPM Cubic Model (DS world real estate as market portfolio) Model: ri ,t − r f ,t = α 0,t + α 1,t ( rm ,t − r f ,t ) + α 2,t [rm ,t − E ( rm ,t )]2 + α 3,t [ rm ,t − E (rm ,t )]3 + ε i ,t Region / Asset Asia Asia ex-Jap Australia Canada China EU Europe Europe ex-EU Europe ex-UK France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan North America SEA Singapore UK US Alpine Intl RE EQ Fund Alpine US RE EQ Fund GS RE Sec Fund Class A Henderson Prop Fund Alpha0 -0.0050 -0.0063 0.0067 0.0074 0.0125 0.0025 0.0029 0.0123 0.0021 0.0011 0.0167 -0.0041 0.0004 -0.0052 0.0068 -0.0114 -0.0086 0.0040 0.0069 -0.0006 0.0100 0.0075 0.0013 T-stat -1.374 -1.507 1.893 1.466 0.899 0.938 1.069 1.087 0.612 0.221 1.458 -0.836 0.060 -0.659 1.978* -1.530 -1.168 1.229 2.006* -0.177 1.959 1.542 0.498 Alpha1 1.3534 1.6604 0.6874 0.7451 0.8016 0.6341 0.6456 0.9571 0.4093 0.3692 0.2541 1.8191 0.1495 0.6293 0.6211 1.2556 1.4317 0.8868 0.6093 0.8044 1.0272 0.2873 0.1454 T-stat 13.681** 15.719** 8.967** 5.309** 2.331* 6.667** 6.657** 3.821** 3.943** 2.601* 0.832 14.534** 0.675 2.650** 7.099** 5.975** 5.889** 7.167** 7.046** 8.739** 8.166** 2.143* 1.792 Alpha2 2.0835 2.7903 -0.8818 -0.4802 -0.4094 -0.1158 -0.1150 0.7874 0.0024 0.0960 -0.2060 2.8769 1.5290 1.7630 -1.1564 2.7987 3.1554 -0.2886 -1.2214 0.9388 -0.0931 -2.1028 0.9140 T-stat 1.870 3.964** -1.508 -0.461 -0.146 -0.226 -0.217 0.348 0.006 0.153 -0.132 3.812** 1.654 0.821 -1.345 1.253 1.236 -0.398 -1.427 1.576 -0.097 -1.6008 4.2800** Alpha3 21.9413 23.5835 -10.9073 -10.3456 -3.2508 -17.6448 -18.0950 -28.7548 -4.3149 -6.6204 11.4765 18.1977 12.4318 11.8142 -6.8656 37.8081 40.1893 -32.1542 -6.6493 -9.6905 -19.4285 71.0498 -12.8542 T-stat 2.182* 3.652** -3.120** -1.160 -0.117 -3.628** -3.608** -1.734 -1.007 -1.142 0.710 2.802** 1.257 0.554 -1.121 1.810 1.741 -4.690** -1.108 -1.724 -3.095** 3.7094** -4.2583** Adj R2 Mkt 0.814 0.801 0.346 0.305 0.066 0.308 0.310 0.070 0.234 0.088 0.028 0.766 0.033 0.162 0.368 0.584 0.556 0.220 0.345 0.553 0.340 0.364 -0.009 Adj R2 Quad 0.846 0.834 0.368 0.308 0.059 0.325 0.328 0.064 0.229 0.081 0.020 0.792 0.045 0.171 0.396 0.627 0.595 0.258 0.374 0.551 0.339 0.355 -0.017 Adj R2 Cubic 0.861 0.846 0.379 0.313 0.051 0.389 0.393 0.077 0.226 0.079 0.015 0.797 0.044 0.169 0.398 0.655 0.619 0.375 0.376 0.560 0.360 0.433 0.099 * Denotes significance at 5% level. ** Denotes significance at 1% level. Values in bold font signify highest and lowest values for each column, significant t-stat values, and the largest of the three R2 values (i.e. from market model, quadratic model or cubic model) 18 Table 5 Required Rates of Return for International Securitized Real Estate Assets Premium1 is the difference between the pricing model stated in the third column and the Market Model (with MSCI world as market portfolio), while Premium2 is the difference between the pricing model stated in the sixth column and the Market Model (with DS world real estate as market portfolio). A positive premium is the additional return the investor should require in order taking on significant negative coskewness and/or significant positive excess kurtosis. RRR1 are the required rates of return of the assets with a market historical annual return of 6.76% (MSCI world) and a risk free rate of 4.14% (US 1-month CD annualized). RRR2 are the required rates of return of the assets with a market historical annual return of 3.26% (DS world real estate) and a risk free rate of 4.14%. Region / Asset Asia Asia ex-Jap Australia Canada China EU Europe Europe ex-EU Europe ex-UK France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan North America SEA Singapore UK US Alpine Intl RE EQ Fund Alpine US RE EQ Fund GS RE Sec Fund Class A Henderson Prop Fund Normality No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Model (MSCI world) Market Market Market Market Cubic Cubic Cubic Market Market Market Cubic Market Market Quadratic Quadratic Cubic Cubic Cubic Quadratic Cubic Market Market Market RRR1 Premium1 -0.23% 0.06% 4.52% 6.60% 5.45% 4.40% 5.03% 15.51% 2.14% 1.08% 26.69% 2.80% 5.42% -25.13% 9.17% -14.73% -11.74% 4.60% 9.15% 3.22% 11.25% 7.65% 3.60% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -7.56% 2.74% 2.87% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 7.13% 0.00% 0.00% -23.97% 5.25% -9.37% -10.78% 2.20% 5.37% 2.08% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Model (DS world RE) Cubic Cubic Cubic Market Market Market Cubic Cubic Market Market Market Cubic Quadratic Market Market Market Market Cubic Market Market Cubic Cubic Cubic RRR2 Premium2 -7.19% -9.01% 7.44% 6.55% 13.02% 1.56% 2.91% 13.92% 2.09% 1.07% 19.57% -6.51% -1.35% -1.18% 3.86% -5.27% -0.89% 4.02% 3.87% 1.20% 11.10% 8.75% 1.43% -6.94% -9.07% 2.99% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.87% -1.64% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -9.25% -6.70% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.67% 0.00% 0.00% 0.16% 4.62% -2.19% Note: Values in bold font signify highest and lowest values in both the region and fund samples, and also to highlight the similarity in pricing models for some of the assets. The assets in bold font show that although normality exists (does not exist), the selected model based on the GMM estimates may not be the market model (quadratic or cubic models), which occurs in 3 cases: Canada (not normal but market models are chosen), Europe and UK (in both assets normality exists but cubic models are chosen). 19 Appendix 1 Description of Funds Alpine International Real Estate Equity Fund: The Fund seeks long-term capital growth with a secondary emphasis on income. Holdings include owners, operators and developers as well as other companies, which derive a majority of their income or value from real estate. Alpine U.S. Real Estate Equity Fund: The Fund seeks long-term capital growth with a secondary emphasis on income. The Fund’s objective is to provide diversified exposure to the U.S. Real Estate securities market, including REITs, operating companies, homebuilders and other companies, which derive a majority of their income or value from real estate. Goldman Sachs International Real Estate Securities Fund: The total return is comprised of long-term growth of capital and dividend income, which offers portfolio diversification from participation in the real estate market, which tends to move independently of the stock bond market. Henderson Horizon Pan European Property Equities Fund or known as the Henderson Property Fund: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term capital growth, by investing in the quoted equity securities of companies involved in the ownership, management and/or development of real estate in Europe. The investment approach is a combination of top down analysis with bottom up stock selection. Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) The GMM estimator belongs to a class of estimators known as M-estimators that are defined by minimizing some criterion function. GMM is a robust estimator in that it does not require information of the exact distribution of the disturbances. GSS estimation is based upon the assumption that the disturbances in the equations are uncorrelated with a set of instrumental variables. The GMM estimator selects parameter estimates so that the correlations between the instruments and disturbances are as close to zero as possible, as defined by a criterion function. By choosing the weighting matrix in the criterion function appropriately, GMM can be made robust to heteroskedasticity and/or autocorrelation of unknown form. All the procedures are standardized to the conditions where it is set that each of the right-hand side variables is uncorrelated with the residual i.e. the residuals are uncorrelated with the regression intercept, the excess market returns or market risk premia, the squared as well as the cube of this excess market returns. Hence the estimates are chosen to minimize the weighted distance between the theoretical and actual values. GMM is a robust estimator in that, unlike maximum likelihood estimation, it does not require information of the exact distribution of the disturbances. The theoretical relation that the parameters should satisfy is usually orthogonality conditions between some (possibly nonlinear) function of the parameters and a set of instrumental variables. The GMM estimator selects parameter estimates so that the sample correlations between the instruments and the function are as close to zero as possible, as defined by the criterion function. The heteroskedasticity-autocorrelation consistent (HAC) or robust weighting matrix is used which results in GMM estimates that are robust to heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation of unknown form. The kernel option used is the Bartlett functional form to weight the autocovariances in computing the weighting matrix, while the Newey and West's fixed bandwidth selection criterion is used, which determines how the weights given by the kernel change with the lags of the autocovariances in the computation of the weighting matrix. Prewhitening is performed which runs a preliminary VAR(1) prior to estimation to "soak up" the correlation in the moment conditions. 20 Appendix 2 Simulated Risk Premia Forecast Charts of Securitized Real Estate Assets [The blue middle line in each chart depicts the simulated risk premium forecast (additional required rate of return above the risk-free rate: USCD1M), while the red lines above and below the middle line represent the 95% forecast confidence interval. If the Theil inequality coefficient is close to 0, covariance proportion is close to one and bias proportion is very small, it means that there is a “perfect fit” between actual and simulated data i.e. the forecasting performance of the model is relatively good.] Asia (MSCI world) Market Model Asia (DS world real estate) Cubic Model (Note: REASF is the simulated Asian real estate risk premium forecast) .4 .8 Forecast: REASF Actual: REAS-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .3 .2 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 -.2 -.3 0.075993 0.054218 244.5257 0.523871 0.000000 0.274443 0.725557 -.4 Forecast: REASF Actual: REAS-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .6 .4 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .2 .0 -.2 0.033995 0.022388 130.4730 0.190565 0.000000 0.036315 0.963685 -.4 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 REASF 99 00 01 02 03 REASF The model for Asia (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.19) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.96). We conclude that the Cubic Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Asian asset. Asia-ex Jap (MSCI world) Market Model Asia (DS world real estate) Cubic Model (Note: REAJF is the simulated Asian-ex Japan real estate risk premium forecast) .5 .8 Forecast: REAJF Actual: REAJ-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .4 .3 .2 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 -.2 -.3 -.4 0.095025 0.069383 164.6081 0.554771 0.000000 0.307771 0.692229 Forecast: REAJF Actual: REAJ-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .6 .4 .2 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.2 -.4 0.043378 0.034039 113.3730 0.201511 0.000000 0.040607 0.959393 -.6 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 REAJF 98 99 00 01 02 03 REAJF The model for Asia-ex Japan (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.20) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.96). We conclude that the Cubic Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Asian-ex Japan asset. Australia (MSCI world) Market Model Australia (DS world real estate) Cubic Model (Note: REAUF is the simulated Australian real estate risk premium forecast) 21 .20 .15 Forecast: REAUF Actual: REAU-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .15 .10 .05 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.05 -.10 0.037492 0.030209 215.7775 0.514709 0.000000 0.267950 0.732050 -.15 Forecast: REAUF Actual: REAU-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .10 .05 .00 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion -.05 -.10 -.15 0.035732 0.027563 274.2192 0.475477 0.000000 0.228452 0.771548 -.20 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 REAUF 99 00 01 02 03 REAUF The model for Australia (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.48) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.77). We conclude that the Cubic Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Australian asset. Canada (MSCI world) Market Model Canada (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: RECNF is the simulated Canadian real estate risk premium forecast) .20 .3 Forecast: RECNF Actual: RECN-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .16 .12 .08 Forecast: RECNF Actual: RECN-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .2 .1 .04 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.04 -.08 -.12 0.050732 0.038293 173.9334 0.656278 0.000000 0.441557 0.558443 -.16 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 0.045700 0.034029 147.1950 0.528737 0.000000 0.284485 0.715515 -.2 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 RECNF 99 00 01 02 03 RECNF The model for Canada (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.53) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.72). We conclude that the Market Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Canadian asset. China (MSCI world) Cubic Model China (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: RECHF is the simulated Chinese real estate risk premium forecast) .6 .3 Forecast: RECHF Actual: RECH-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .4 .2 Forecast: RECNF Actual: RECN-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .2 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.2 -.4 -.6 0.139036 0.101410 118.1432 0.860265 0.000000 0.772473 0.227527 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 0.045700 0.034029 147.1950 0.528737 0.000000 0.284485 0.715515 -.2 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 RECHF 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 RECNF The model for China (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.53) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.72). We conclude that the Market Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Chinese asset. EU (MSCI world) Cubic Model EU (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: REEUF is the simulated EU real estate risk premium forecast) 22 .12 .15 Forecast: REEUF Actual: REEU-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .08 .04 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.04 -.08 0.031462 0.025223 365.4457 0.571117 0.000000 0.327027 0.672973 -.12 Forecast: REEUF Actual: REEU-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .10 .05 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.05 -.10 0.030237 0.023357 280.1387 0.530280 0.000000 0.281862 0.718138 -.15 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 REEUF 99 00 01 02 03 REEUF The model for European Union (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.53) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.72). We conclude that the Market Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the EU asset. Europe (MSCI world) Cubic Model Europe (DS world real estate) Cubic Model (Note: REERF is the simulated European real estate risk premium forecast) .12 .12 Forecast: REERF Actual: REER-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .08 .04 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.04 -.08 0.031709 0.025183 356.3099 0.567047 0.000000 0.322965 0.677035 -.12 Forecast: REERF Actual: REER-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .08 .04 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.04 -.08 0.028384 0.022148 298.5213 0.468340 0.000000 0.220120 0.779880 -.12 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 REERF 99 00 01 02 03 REERF The model for Europe (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.47) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.78). We conclude that the Cubic Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the European asset. Europe-ex EU (MSCI world) Market Model Europe-ex EU (DS world real estate) Cubic Model (Note: RENEF is the simulated European-ex EU real estate risk premium forecast) .4 .4 Forecast: RENEF Actual: RENE-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .3 .2 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 -.2 -.3 0.103275 0.072586 140.7257 0.746700 0.000000 0.588194 0.411806 Forecast: RENEF Actual: RENE-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .3 .2 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 -.2 0.101419 0.072762 162.6043 0.704355 0.000000 0.518668 0.481332 -.3 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 RENEF 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 RENEF The model for Europe-ex EU (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.70) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.48). We conclude that the Cubic Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast (although not a very good model) and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Europe-ex EU asset. Europe-ex UK (MSCI world) Market Model Europe-ex UK (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: REEXF is the simulated European-ex UK real estate risk premium forecast) 23 .15 .15 Forecast: REEXF Actual: REEX-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .10 .05 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.05 -.10 0.031002 0.025405 445.9026 0.557809 0.000000 0.312528 0.687472 -.15 Forecast: REEXF Actual: REEX-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .10 .05 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.05 -.10 0.031720 0.025728 546.0946 0.583460 0.000000 0.342035 0.657965 -.15 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 REEXF 99 00 01 02 03 REEXF The model for Europe-ex UK (MSCI world) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.56) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.69). We conclude that the Market Model utilizing MSCI world as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the European-ex UK asset. France (MSCI world) Market Model France (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: REFRF is the simulated French real estate risk premium forecast) .15 .16 Forecast: REFRF Actual: REFR-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .10 .05 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.05 -.10 0.044456 0.036637 148.0461 0.738752 0.000000 0.546444 0.453556 -.15 Forecast: REFRF Actual: REFR-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .12 .08 .04 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.04 -.08 -.12 0.044229 0.035856 128.2337 0.726324 0.000000 0.528180 0.471820 -.16 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 REFRF 99 00 01 02 03 REFRF The model for France (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.73) that is just marginally lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a slightly larger covariance proportion value (0.47). We conclude that the Market Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast (although not a good model) and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the French asset. Germany (MSCI world) Cubic Model Germany (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: REGEF is the simulated German real estate risk premium forecast) .5 .4 Forecast: REGEF Actual: REGE-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .4 .3 .2 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 -.2 -.3 -.4 0.099227 0.070238 187.4783 0.656312 0.000000 0.457096 0.542904 Forecast: REGEF Actual: REGE-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .3 .2 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 -.2 0.104998 0.074113 158.9505 0.782975 0.000000 0.682023 0.317977 -.3 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 REGEF 99 00 01 02 03 REGEF The model for Germany (MSCI world) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.66) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.54). We conclude that the Cubic Model utilizing MSCI world as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the German asset. Hong Kong (MSCI world) Market Model Hong Kong (DS world real estate) Cubic Model (Note: REHKF is the simulated Hong Kong real estate risk premium forecast) 24 .5 .8 Forecast: REHKF Actual: REHK-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .4 .3 .2 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 -.2 -.3 0.104166 0.077710 202.4011 0.583057 0.000000 0.340206 0.659794 -.4 Forecast: REHKF Actual: REHK-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .6 .4 .2 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.2 -.4 0.053261 0.042447 143.4496 0.234746 0.000000 0.055128 0.944872 -.6 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 REHKF 99 00 01 02 03 REHKF The model for HK (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.23) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.94). We conclude that the Cubic Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a much better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the French asset. Italy (MSCI world) Market Model Italy (DS world real estate) Quadratic Model (Note: REITF is the simulated Italian real estate risk premium forecast) .3 .4 Forecast: REITF Actual: REIT-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .2 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 -.2 0.076074 0.057412 7862.311 0.714668 0.000000 0.515690 0.484310 -.3 Forecast: REITF Actual: REIT-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .3 .2 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .1 .0 -.1 0.077797 0.056688 2900.699 0.772333 0.000000 0.603936 0.396064 -.2 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 REITF 99 00 01 02 03 REITF The model for Italy (MSCI world) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.71) that is lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.48). We conclude that the Market Model utilizing MSCI world as the market portfolio is a better forecast (although not a good model) and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Italian asset. Japan (MSCI world) Quadratic Model Japan (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: REJPF is the simulated Japanese real estate risk premium forecast) .6 .4 Forecast: REJPF Actual: REJP-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .5 .4 .3 .2 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .1 .0 -.1 -.2 -.3 0.085626 0.064232 641.0690 0.591617 0.000000 0.350085 0.649915 Forecast: REJPF Actual: REJP-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .3 .2 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 -.2 -.3 0.089036 0.065888 676.6465 0.645630 0.000000 0.416941 0.583059 -.4 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 REJPF 03 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 REJPF The model for Japan (MSCI world) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.59) that is just marginally lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.65). We conclude that the Quadratic Model utilizing MSCI world as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Japanese asset. North America (MSCI world) Quadratic Model North America (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: RENAF is the simulated North American real estate risk premium forecast) 25 .12 .20 Forecast: RENAF Actual: RENA-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .08 .04 .00 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion -.04 -.08 -.12 0.039186 0.030061 161.2651 0.634929 0.000000 0.408609 0.591391 -.16 Forecast: RENAF Actual: RENA-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .16 .12 .08 .04 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.04 -.08 -.12 0.034183 0.025190 152.1317 0.489203 0.000000 0.241557 0.758443 -.16 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 RENAF 99 00 01 02 03 RENAF The model for North American (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.49) that is lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.76). We conclude that the Market Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the North American asset. SEA (MSCI world) Cubic Model SEA (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: RESEF is the simulated South East Asian real estate risk premium forecast) 1.0 .6 Forecast: RESEF Actual: RESE-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 0.8 0.6 0.4 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 0.085862 0.067001 203.8752 0.440160 0.000000 0.194157 0.805843 -0.6 Forecast: RESEF Actual: RESE-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .4 .2 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.2 -.4 0.074731 0.051778 226.2867 0.363274 0.000000 0.132218 0.867782 -.6 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 RESEF 99 00 01 02 03 RESEF The model for SEA (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.36) that is lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.87). We conclude that the Market Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the SEA asset. Singapore (MSCI world) Cubic Model Singapore (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: RESGF is the simulated Singaporean real estate risk premium forecast) 1.2 .8 Forecast: RESGF Actual: RESG-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 0.8 0.4 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion 0.0 -0.4 -0.8 0.097364 0.075520 209.2357 0.433846 0.000000 0.188231 0.811769 Forecast: RESGF Actual: RESG-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .6 .4 .2 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.2 -.4 0.088452 0.062338 349.3165 0.379462 0.000000 0.143998 0.856002 -.6 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 RESGF 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 RESGF The model for Singapore (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.38) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.85). We conclude that the Market Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Singaporean asset. UK (MSCI world) Cubic Model UK (DS world real estate) Cubic Model (Note: REUKF is the simulated UK real estate risk premium forecast) 26 .15 .15 Forecast: REUKF Actual: REUK-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .10 .05 .00 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion -.05 -.10 -.15 0.045208 0.036589 203.8831 0.639018 0.000000 0.409859 0.590141 -.20 Forecast: REUKF Actual: REUK-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .10 .05 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.05 -.10 0.038848 0.031268 208.6756 0.479588 0.000000 0.230577 0.769423 -.15 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 REUKF 99 00 01 02 03 REUKF The model for UK (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.48) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.77). We conclude that the Cubic Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the UK asset. US (MSCI world) Quadratic Model US (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: REUSF is the simulated US real estate risk premium forecast .12 .20 Forecast: REUSF Actual: REUS-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .08 .04 .00 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion -.04 -.08 -.12 0.039948 0.030659 151.9482 0.643885 0.000000 0.419988 0.580012 -.16 Forecast: REUSF Actual: REUS-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .16 .12 .08 .04 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.04 -.08 -.12 0.035282 0.026081 153.8579 0.504219 0.000000 0.256528 0.743472 -.16 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 REUSF 99 00 01 02 03 REUSF The model for US (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.50) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.74). We conclude that the Market Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the US asset. Alpine Intl (MSCI world) Cubic Model Alpine Intl (DS world real estate) Market Model (Note: ALILREFDF is the simulated Alpine international real estate fund risk premium forecast) .3 .3 Forecast: ALILREFDF Actual: ALILREFD-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .2 .1 Forecast: ALILREFDF Actual: ALILREFD-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 121 .2 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 -.2 0.034697 0.027764 136.1252 0.448032 0.000000 0.200864 0.799136 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 0.030963 0.025079 133.0700 0.381427 0.000000 0.145572 0.854428 -.2 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 ALILREFDF 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 ALILREFDF The model for Alpine international real estate fund (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.38) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.85). We conclude that the Market Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Alpine Intl asset. Alpine US (MSCI world) Market Model Alpine US (DS world real estate) Cubic Model (Note: ALUSREFDF is the simulated Alpine US real estate fund risk premium forecast) 27 .3 .3 Forecast: ALUSREFDF Actual: ALUSREFD-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 106 .2 Forecast: ALUSREFDF Actual: ALUSREFD-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 106 .2 .1 .1 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 0.055099 0.043802 232.2915 0.548822 0.000000 0.313636 0.686364 -.2 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.1 -.2 0.050948 0.041574 243.4967 0.479768 0.000000 0.238264 0.761736 -.3 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 ALUSREFDF 99 00 01 02 03 ALUSREFDF The model for Alpine US real estate fund (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.48) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.76). We conclude that the Cubic Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Alpine US asset. GS RE (MSCI world) Market Model GS RE (DS world real estate) Cubic Model [Note: GSRESFDAF is the simulated Goldman Sachs real estate securities fund (class A) risk premium forecast] .16 .8 Forecast: GSRESFDAF Actual: GSRESFDA-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 59 .12 .08 .04 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.04 -.08 0.039852 0.032139 165.7532 0.754803 0.000000 0.603105 0.396895 -.12 Forecast: GSRESFDAF Actual: GSRESFDA-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 59 .6 .4 .2 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .0 -.2 -.4 0.030154 0.024032 191.3173 0.431629 0.000000 0.190399 0.809601 -.6 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 GSRESFDAF 98 99 00 01 02 03 GSRESFDAF The model for Goldman Sachs real estate securities fund (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.43) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.80). We conclude that the Cubic Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the GS asset. Henderson Pty (MSCI world) Market Model Henderson Pty (DS world real estate) Cubic Model (Note: HEPYFDF is the simulated Henderson property fund risk premium forecast) .06 .12 Forecast: HEPYFDF Actual: HEPYFD-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 76 .04 .02 Forecast: HEPYFDF Actual: HEPYFD-USCD1M Forecast sample: 1993:12 2004:01 Adjusted sample: 1994:01 2004:01 Included observations: 76 .08 .04 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.02 -.04 -.06 0.022031 0.017545 173.2515 0.839057 0.000000 0.811615 0.188385 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion .00 -.04 0.020602 0.016046 300.9433 0.662719 0.000000 0.462736 0.537264 -.08 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 HEPYFDF 01 02 03 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 HEPYFDF The model for Henderson property fund (DS world real estate) has a Theil inequality coefficient (0.66) that is the lower of the 2 models estimated and also with a larger covariance proportion value (0.54). We conclude that the Cubic Model utilizing DS world real estate as the market portfolio is a better forecast and hence a more appropriate model for estimating the risk premia for the Henderson asset. 28 29