Intelligent Water Drops with Perturbation Operators for Atomic Cluster Optimization R.M. Gamot, P.M. Rodger Centre for Scientific Computing, University of Warwick, B i c) j i j d) j i j 2 1 3 k l l k 4 B A A path measures quality of connectivity between particles. (a) An IWD gathers soil (brown ellipse) as it flows from particle i to particle j while path(i,j) loses an amount of soil; (b) Soil gathered increases with IWD velocity; (c) An IWD travelling on a path with lesser soil, path(m,n), will gather more soil and higher velocity. (d) The algorithm progressively builds the cluster by choosing the connectivity with desirable measures. Figure 1: Energy -165 1010 GM configurations from MIWD+GrowEtch for selected Morse Clusters. Figure 6: -170 10 8 10 6 0.0 0 100.5 101.0 101.5 102.0 102.5 103.0 103.5 104.0 -175 0 Iteration Number 5 10 Cluster Number 15 20 Left : Five independent LJ98 test runs (color lines) (10,000 iterations/run) showing decline in cluster energy. Right : Cubic Bounding volume and Grow Etch perturbation operator combination shows energy decline as tested on LJ38 . Runs of MIWD alone show improvement as iterations progress. Energies of the final runs for MIWD+GrowEtch, utilizing spherical bounding volume for scattering of initial sites, agree exactly with CCD (Cambridge Cluster Database) results up to N = 104 atoms. Compactness measures (Fig. 3) of this study versus CCD results show high-accuracy. Rotation and translation reveal that chiral clusters were generated. MIWD+GrowEtch achieved relatively high-success rates for difficult clusters compared to Basin-Hopping (BH), Basin-Hopping with Occasional Jumping (BHOJ) and Parallel Fast Annealing Evoluationary Algorithm (PFAEA) (Table 1). Cluster MIWD+ BH BHOJ PFAEA Size PerOp 38 100% 87% 96% 39% 50% 1% 5% 1% 75 76 20% 5% 10% 4% 77 10% 6% 5% 2% 98 75% 10% 10% 4% 102 5% 3% 16% 9% 103 40% 3% 13% 10% 104 15% 3% 12% 7% Table 1: Good success rates with all "difficult" LJ clusters. Figure 2: FlowChart of MIWD End Initialize static parameters and dynamic parameter . Output best IWDs Maximum perturbations achieved? No Probabilistically select next particle, j, from recently selected particle, i, of current IWD. Subject the IWDs to L-BFGS. Yes Update velocity of current IWD. No Calculate amount of soil removed from the path atom i to atom j Maximum runs achieved? Maximum iterations achieved? Update Total Best and Worst IWDs for this run. Update soil content of paths belonging to best and worst IWDs. No Identify Best and Worst IWDs for this iteration. Yes No Yes Modifications to IWD 1. The probability of choosing a path depends on amount of soil and the potential energy. f (soil(i,j))η(i,j) IW D P pi,j = f (soil(i,j))η(i,j) 1 2+Vtype (ri,j ) a(1−ri,j ) a(1−ri,j ) e σi,j ri,j −2 12 − σi,j ri,j VJ (ri,j ) = VLJ (ri,j )f (Ω i ) f (Ωj ) f (Ωi ) = −exp 2σ 2 0 0.2 0 -1 150 100 0 0 -0.2 -0.5 -0.4 -1 0 -0.5 -0.6 50 0 θ 1j,i 0 50 100 150 100 50 0.5 0.5 -0.5 150 0 50 100 150 θ 1j,i θ 1i,j 1 θ 1i,j 1 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 Attractive 0.2 0 Weak Attraction 0 -0.2 Repulsive -0.5 0 0.5 Attractive Weak Attraction 0 -0.5 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 Repulsive -1 -1 0 θ 1i,j 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 θ 1j,i 150 100 50 0 θ 1i,j 150 100 50 0 θ 1j,i Orientation interaction, M Vang , for pairs of ◦ ◦ angles between 0 to 180 . M Vang for σ = 90 (Column 1) and σ = 30 (Column 2). Figure 7: 0 0 -100 -10 -200 -20 -300 -30 LJ MIWD+GrowEtchOr 10 20 30 40 50 MIWD+GrowEtchOr MIWD+OrDis MIWD+NeighDis MIWD+OrGrowEtch MIWD+GrowEtchNeigh MIWD+NeighGrowEtch 10 20 30 40 50 Left : Lowest Cluster Energies generated by MIWd+CombiOp for Janus clusters sizes N = 3 − 50. Right : Observed basic structures in Janus Clusters. 0.8 8 7 0.7 6 0.6 0.5 0.4 + exp 6 (θi,j −180) 2σ 2 2 2. An appropriate heuristic undesirability factor, HUD, is chosen to fit atomic cluster optimization. 2 HU Di,j = η(i, j)−1 + µri,j + β(max(0, ri,j − D2 ))2 3. Worst iteration agent, TIW, affects the soil content as well. IW D soil soil(i, j) = (1 + ρ)soili,j + ρ N −1 4. L-BFGS was used as a relaxation algorithm for IWDs. Row 1 : Overlayed clusters showing unmatched positions. Row 2 : Rotated and translated clusters showing matching configurations. Figure 4: MIWD+GrowEtchOr LJ 5 4 3 2 0.3 1 0.2 10 20 30 40 0 50 10 20 Cluster Size 30 40 50 Cluster Size Left : Average orientation measure of each Janus particle with its neighbourhing particles. Right : Compactness of Janus clusters compared to global optima LJ clusters. Figure 9: On Binary LJ and Morse BINARY LJ : Tested for up to 50 atoms on 6 instances of σBB = 1.05 − 1.30. MIWD+Knead rediscovered the global minima (GM) for most of the clusters except for N = 41, 43, 45-49 for σBB = 1.05 and N = 46,47 for σBB = 1.10. MIWD+CutSpliceVar rediscovered most of the GM except for N = 35-36, 39-50 for σBB = 1.05, N = 46-47, 49-50 for σBB = 1.10, N = 35 for σBB = 1.15, and N = 30-32 for σBB = 1.30. Combination of perturbation operators (CombiOp) in Phase 2 (CutSplice+Knead, CutSplice+H1L2, CutSplice+H2L1, Knead+H1L2 and Knead+H2L1) were further done. Combinations were able to arrive at the GM except for N = 41,43,45,46,48,49 for σBB = 1.05 and N = 46 for σBB = 1.10. MORSE : Tested for up to 60 atoms on 2 values of interparticle force range (a = 6, 14). MIWD+GrowEtch located the GM for most of the clusters except for N = 47, 55, 57, 58, 60 for a = 14. Snapshots from iterations of MIWD+CombiOp for J100 . Geometries in a and b are from Phase 1 while structures obtained from d to m are Phase 2 results. Geometry in c is the relaxed configuration resulting from Phase 1. Figure 10: ×1012 3.5 9 8 3 0 2.5 Energy Phase 1 Update soil content from path atom i to atom j and IWD. 2 θi,j 0.4 Yes No Completed all IWDs? Compactness of clusters MIWD+GrowEtch versus CCD. Figure 3: Phase 2 Apply perturbation operators to relaxed clusters and replace current if new is better. Assign unique initial particle site to each IWD. VLJ (ri,j ) = 4εi,j 0.5 Figure 8: Initialize dynamic parameters and Cluster atoms reached N? 1 0.6 Cluster Size Randomly scatter initial sites on a sphere. VM = e 1 -50 Yes η(i, j) = MIWD+CombiOP was applied on Janus clusters using the LJ potential as the patchy particles model but where anisotropic attraction and repulsion is modulated by an orientational dependent term M Vang (Fig. 7). Configurations were predicted for cluster sizes N = 3 − 50 and N = 100. MIWD with GrowEtch and Patch Orientation Mutation produced the configurations with the lowest energies. -40 Start kεVaIW D On Janus Clusters MVang 1012 Compactness i 1014 2 1.5 Compactness A 1016 MVang j Iter80 Iter100 Energy j i Iter40 Iter60 Average Cluster Orientation Measure i Iter1 Iter20 MVang b) LJ38 GO Phase 1 MVang a) -160 1018 Energies Basic Properties of IWD On LJ Clusters Energy Overview The Intelligent Water Drops algorithm was modified (MIWD) and adapted to allow it to determine the most stable configurations, for the first time, of Lennard-Jones (LJ), Binary LJ (BinLJ), Morse and Janus Clusters. The algorithm, referred as MIWD+PerturbOp, is an unbiased type of algorithm where no a priori cluster geometry information and construction were used during initialization. Cluster perturbation operators were applied to clusters generated by MIWD to further generate lower energies. A limited-memory quasiNewton algorithm, called L-BFGS, was utilized to further relax clusters to its nearby local minimum. -50 -100 1 cd e f g h i j k l m Snapshot 7 6 5 0.5 4 0 -0.5 a b c d e f g h Snapshot GM configurations generated from MIWD+CombiOp for selected Binary LJ Clusters. Figure 5: i j k l m 3 a b c d e f g h i j k l m Snapshot Left : Energies of Janus configurations in snapshots a to m. Right : Compactness of configurations in snapshots a to m. Figure 11: Acknowledgements Study is funded by Warwick Chancellor’s Scholarship (formerly WPRS) and Centre for Scientific Computing. Computing facilities are provided by the Centre for Scientific Computing of the University of Warwick with support from the Science Research Investment Fund. RMT Gamot is also supported by the University of the Philippines (UP) System under the UP Doctoral Studies Fund.