Updated: 18/05/2016 FUNIVERSITY OF MALTA FACULTY OF LAWS RESEARCH PROJECT (2015/2016) Name & Surname Research Project Title 1. Abela Albertine The Legal Framework of the Pyrotechnic Sector in Malta. 2. Abela Christopher 3. Abela Glenn 4. Abela Myriah 5. Abela Nathon 6. Agius Demi 7. Agius Johann 8. Anastasi Francesca 9. Andrukovics Andrejs 10. Aquilina Caffari Roberta 11. Aquilina Ilaria 12. Attard Baldacchino Russell Public Commercial European MCT Criminal Criminal MCT Criminal Public Civil Civil Public 13. Attard Maria 14. Attard Rebekah 15. Axiak Paula 16. Azzopardi Alamango Civil Civil Civil How Do Investors Benefit from Securitisation Legislation? The Production and Placing of Milk on the Market in Malta - A Legal Perspective and Assessment. Journalism Regulation in a Changing Media Landscape. An Analysis of the Powers of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit and the Attorney General Following the Various Amendments to Cap. 373 - The Prevention of Money Laundering Act. The Transparency of Beneficial Ownership under the Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive: What is the Outcome? Balancing Journalistic Freedoms with the Right to Privacy. The Repression of Terrorism under Maltese Law. A Re-Examination of Articles 5 & 6 of the ECHR within the Maltese Context. Should the Maltese Courts apply the Doctrine of Non-Cumul to Doctor-Patient Relationships? The Protection of Gender Identity in Malta: A Critical and Comparative approach with reference to the Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act Citizenship by Investment Programmes in Europe and their Appeal to High Net worth Individuals in Pursuit of Mobility, Tax Planning and other Benefits Jurisprudential Developments relating to the Nature and Standard of Medical Liability 2000-2016 Compensating 'Lucrum Cessans' to Pensioners: A Review of Local Jurisprudence. Criminal Sanctions in Child Access Cases: Do They Promote the Best Interests of the Child? The "Right to Die": A European Perspective in the Context of Human Rights. Updated: 18/05/2016 Cinzia MCT 17. Azzopardi Deborah 18. Azzopardi Jake International 19. Azzopardi Robert 20. Bajada Julian 21. Baldacchino James 22. Barbaro Sant Federico 23. Bezzina Gatt Sirole 24. Bonello Emerson 25. Bonett Kaylie 26. Bonnici Alexia 27. Borg Alejandro 28. Borg Roxanne 29. Borg Steve 30. Bradshaw Nicholas 31. Briffa Sean 32. Brincat Rebecca 33. Bugeja Kylie 34. Buttigieg Rhys Lee 35. Cachia Marija Commercial European Commercial Civil Commericial Civil Public Criminal Public Commercial MCT Civil Commercial Commercial European Civil European Civil Pre-Contractual Obligations of the Insured in the Context of an Insurance Contract. Preventing State Failure: A Legal Examination of Methods used by States to Prevent Regional Partners from Default. Factors influencing the rate of preliminary references to the court of Justice of the EU – The Maltese Context Pulling in the Crowd: Establishing a Regulatory Framework for Equity Crowdfudning. The Bonus ‘Paterfamilias’ and the ‘Reasonable Person’ in Maltese Legislation and Jurisprudence EU Proposal on the Protection of Trade Secrets: A Step Forward for Innovation? Judicial Interpretations of the Thirty Year Prescription Rule in relation to Contracts of Acquisition Rationale Behind Different Age Requirements to Enter Casinos in Malta and their Compatibility with Article 45 of the Maltese Constitution. An Analysis of Article 3(3) (b) of Directive 2013/48/EU and its Impact on Maltese Criminal Law of Procedure. A comparative legal study between assisted suicide and self determination An Analysis into the Definition of a Group of Companies under Maltese Law. The Right to be Forgotten. Distinguishing 'Lucrum Cessans' from 'Damnum Emergeni' in Maltese Tort Law. Ship Agents and Their Personal Liability Under Maltese Law. Insurance Claims and the Insurance Regulator. Hate Speech in Cyberspace. The Legal Empowerment of Women in Relation to Maintenance in Marital Breakdown and its Ramifications in the Law. Who is Safeguarding International Anti-Trust Policy? Limitation Clauses Reducing or Excluding Liability. Updated: 18/05/2016 36. Cachia Naomi 37. Calleja Calvin 38. Camilleri Darren 39. Cannataci Sarah 40. Cardinali Michele 41. Caruana Turner Paul 42. Cassar Jean Paul 43. Cassar Jeanelle 44. Cassar Liza-Marie 45. Cassar Pullicino Luisa 46. Cassar Rebecca 47. Cassar Susan 48. Cauchi Paula 49. Chetcuti Janice 50. Chircop Charlene 51. Chircop Joshua 52. Chircop Julianne 53. Chircop Kendrick 54. Ciantar Joseph 55. Cini Godwin European Public Civil MCT Civil Public Civil Civil European International International Public MCT Public Commercial Civil Commercial Criminal Public The Prohibition of Discrimination of Third-Country Nationals Within Maltese and European Employment Legislation. The Definition and Identification of National Security Under Maltese Law. The Role of the Settlor in a Trust- Specifically in terms of Maltese Law. Search Engines and Erosion of Privacy: Developing Legal Issues Surrounding the Role of Search Engines and Data Protection. Warrant in Factum: An Assessment. Reinstatement and Reengagement as remedies for Unfair Dismissal The Current Law of Letting and Hiring of Dwelling Houses: Does it strike a ‘fair balance’ between the rights of the lessor and lessee? The Law on the Party Wall is it up for Amendment? Blocking and Filtering: Controlling Terrorist and Pornographic On-line Content or Censoring the Internet? Sovereign Immunity: Foreign States in Civil Proceedings Are there exceptions to the principle of non-refoulment?. The Composition of the Maltese Constitutional Court. Legal Protection of Journalists When Acting as Watchdogs of Society. Is the Current Regime of Legal Aid Enough to Ensure the Protection of the Fundamental Human Rights of the Individual? The Notion of Margin Squeeze in Competition Law in relation to Telecom sector. The Effectiveness of the Warrant of Prohibitory Injunction in Causes against the Government. Where do the Maltese ADR Institutions fit into the New EU Directive on Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes? Trafficking in Human beings and corruption – A cross examination of the two offences. Review of the Working Time Directive – 2003/88/EC. The Legal Position of a Minor in the Sector of Trade - a Comparative Study. Updated: 18/05/2016 Commercial 56. Cordina Adrian 57. Cricchiola Graziella 58. Cuschieri Luana 59. Cutajar Stefan 60. Dalli Celine 61. Dalli Rose 62. Darmanin Rene` 63. De Gabriele Stefania 64. Debattista Brandon 65. Debattista Kyle 66. Debattista Leanne 67. Degaetano Maria 68. Degiorgio Elaine 69. Dekna Asma 70. Deschrijver Richard 71. Drago Rachel 72. 73. European Civil Civil LHM Commercial European Criminal Commercial Criminal Commercial Public European Criminal Criminal Public European Ellul Krista Civil Ellul Norbert MCT 74. Ertugrul Sehrazat 75. Farrugia Aindrea Civil The effects of the European Union’s Accession to the ECHR on the protection of Human rights. The granting of Rights and Responsibilities to Grandparents over their Grandchildren: An Analysis of the current Legal position in Malta. The Liability of the Auditor in Tort Following 'Valle del Miele Ltd. vs. Raphael Aloisio et.' Anglo-Maltese Law: An experiment in Colonial Legal Hybridity (1800-1839) A Comparative Analysis of Rebate Schemes under EU Competition Law and US Antitrust Law. The Shengen Agreement and Counter-Terrorism Measures in the Schengen Area. Abuse on the Elderly in Malta - does Act XXXI of 2014 offer adequate protection? Regulating Capital Markets - Striking the Balance. Distinguishing between the cultivation of Cannabis for Trafficking purposes and personal use CRDIV - A post-financial crisis reaction to banking regulation. Does more regulation make banks safer? Player Protection Mechanisms in Maltese Legislation: Special References to Slot Games The Notion of Appreciability on Competition - an Analysis of the 2014 De Minimis Notice under EU Competition Law. Criminalising Revenge Porn Criminal Justice in Libya: The Case for Hybrid Courts. Making a case for setting up an administrative court in Malta Selective Distribution Agreement Under Article 101 TFEU and Article 5 of the Malta Competition Act: Are They a Threat to Competition? Should Moral Damages Extend Beyond Constitutional Cases? The Regulation of Medical Devices in the European Union and Malta: A Legal Analysis. “Islamic Marriages” in Malta: Exploring their Characteristics in the Light of Maltese Legal Culture. The Anti-Trust Approach to Liner Shipping under EU Law Following the Repeal of Regulation Updated: 18/05/2016 Commercial 76. Farrugia Alexia 77. Farrugia Joanne 78. Farrugia Rebecca 79. Farrugia Rossana 80. Farrugia Tiffany 81. Filletti Martina 82. 83. Criminal Criminal International Criminal MCT Public Galea Mandy Commercial Gatesy Lewis Alexander Public 84. Gatt Dionne 85. Gatt Jonathan 86. Gauci Charlene 87. Gauci Charlotte 88. Giordmaina Clare 89. Grech Clara 90. Grech Luke 91. Grech Tyrone European Civil European Commercial Criminal Civil MCT European 4056/86. A Proposal for the Introduction of a Specialised Domestic Violence Court in Malta. Criminal Liability in Road Traffic Accidents. Rape before the International Criminal Court What Legal reform and other measures, would decrease HIV Incidence among Sex Workers? Technologically neutral regulations of slot machines in land-based gaming. How Do Regulations Need to Adapt? An Assessment of the Application of the Right to Liberty and Security of the Person in Malta ‘The Effect of the EC Insolvency Regulation on Maritime Claims’ The Foundation of Industrial Relations in Trade Union Recognition. Multilateral Interchange Fees under Competition Law and the recent Payments Legislative Package The Applicability and Relevance of Judicial Rhetoric. An Analysis of the Antitrust Damages Actions Directive and its Transposition into Maltese Law. Examining the Notion of Relevant Market under EU Competition Law: The Luxury Fashion Industry. Dealing with minors as suspected criminals: An analysis of the current situation and proposals for improvement Differences in Compensating Damages in Contract and in Tort. Should they be eliminated? A Comparative Study on Abortion Legislation in selected European Countries Leniency as a Tool for Cartel Detection - The Position in the EU and Malta. 92. Grima Corinne Commercial Money Laundering and tax evasion: is there a link that connects the two? 93. Grima Natalia The Evolution of "Translation" as Established by European Union Directives and its Effects on the Rights and Obligations of European Citizens and Institutions. 94. Grima Nicholas 95. Griscti Yara European Commercial The Benefits or Otherwise of the Nairobi Convention on Wreck Removal. The Development of the English Infanticide Act 1938 and the Resulting Effect in Article 245 of the Updated: 18/05/2016 Criminal 96. 97. Hili Luke Civil La Rosa Carla Civil 98. Massa Andrew 99. Massa Patrick 100. Meli Edward 101. Meli Ivan 102. Mercieca Charles 103. Mercieca Thomas 104. Mifsud Michela 105. Mifsud Sarah 106. Mintoff Jonathan 107. Mizzi Daniel 108. Mizzi Daniella 109. Mizzi Kelton 110. Mizzi Nicholas 111. Mula Mariah 112. Muscat Abigail 113. Navarro John 114. Pisani Maria 115. Pisani Yanika MCT Criminal Commercial Public Criminal Commercial Commercial MCT Commercial Public Public European Commercial Criminal MCT Commercial Civil Maltese Criminal Code. The Quota Litis Prohibition and its Implications for the Role of the Maltese Advocate. The Civil Law Notary as a Value Added Contributor to Property Conveyancing. The Relevance of Maltese Remote Gaming Regulatory Regime in the Light of the Widespread Adoption of National Authorisation Regimes Across Europe. Compensation for Victims in Criminal Proceedings. An Analytical Overview of the Application of Rome II Regulation Within A Maritime context. A Study in favour of the arbitration of Sport Disputes in Malta. Inferences in Malta: A Case for More Inferences. The revision of board practices and the exercise of shareholder rights in companies In Light of the Crisis on Corporate Governance The EU Directive on the Protection of Trade Secrets - A Critical Appraisal A Critical Review of the Opting-In, Opting-Out Systems in Organ Donation being Reviewed in Malta. The Regulation of Estate Agents: a proposal The Legal Principles Arising from the European Court of Human Rights on Assisted Suicide. A Critical Review: The Composition and Functioning of the PCRB. European State Aid control on state Monopolies: Its legal Political and Social implications Pre-Packaged Reorganisation: Introducing an Alternative Debt Restructuring mechanism within Maltese Insolvency Law and Practice The Fourth EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive. Should Maltese Law recognise the Right to Die? A Comparative Study of Professional Investor Fund Structures in the Maltese Jurisdiction. The Doctrine of Unjustified Enrichment - A Reappraisal After Act VIII of 2007 in the Light of Recent Jurisprudence. Redefining Rape: in Light of the Istanbul Convention. Updated: 18/05/2016 Criminal 116. Polidano Francesca 117. Sammut Anthony 118. Sammut Christabel 119. Sammut Giulio 120. Sammut Martin 121. Sammut Melanie 122. Sapienza Valentina 123. Sare` Kathleen 124. Schembri Nicolette 125. Sciberras Glorianne 126. Sciberras Ryan 127. Scicluna Roxanna-Marie 128. Scott Amanda 129. Spiteri Donald 130. Spiteri Sarah 131. Sultana Nicole 132. Tonna Alison 133. Tonna Beverly European Commercial Civil European Criminal Criminal International MCT Public Environmental Civil Criminal Criminal Public International Commercial Civil MCT Malta's National Lottery Monopoly - is it Consistent with EU Law and CJEU Case Law? : A Comparative Study. Contracting out of Company Law – The Application of S.140 of the companies act in the quasipartnership: A Maltese Perspective The Evolution of Morality in Contract Law with Particular Reference to Cohabitation. Liberalising the Free Flow of Capital in the European Union; Legal Considerations in Light of the “Green Paper on Building a Capital Markets Union” The Jurisdiction of the Court of Magistrates as a Court of Criminal Judicature. The Power of Strip Search by the Executive Police: A Critical Analysis through Past and Present Case Law. The Case for Military Intervention Against ISIS. The Use of Cryptocurrencies in Gaming: The Legal and Regulatory Considerations. The Birth of the Republic of Malta. Appraisal of the case law of European Court of Justice on Derogations relating to Application of the Birds Directive: ECJ Case Law on the Birds Directive: A critical assessment Judicial Introspection: Examining what the Maltese Court thinks of itself in the light of Ronald Dworkin’s ‘Law as Integrity’ thesis, with particular reference to the court’s Interpretative Role. The Legal Use of Otherwise Illegal Substances Focusing Solely on Medicinal and Medical Cannabis A Case for Diminished Responsibility in Maltese Law. The Reform in Public Procurement Legislation - An Analysis of the New EU Directives. Balancing the interest of the coastal state and laying state: An examination of the right to lay submarine cables and pipelines in the EEZ and the continental shelf under UNCLOS. Utility Models: a Comparative Analysis with a View to Determining the Feasibility of Introducing this Intellectual Property Regime in Malta. Residential Homes for children in the light of the best interest of the child Malta’s current position on online Dispute resolution in light of the gaming industry Updated: 18/05/2016 134. Tortell Elena 135. Tortell Jessica 136. Vassallo Justine 137. Vella William 138. Woods Marco 139. Xerri Vicyana 140. Xuereb Andre' 141. Zahra Luca 142. Zammit Gordon 143. Zammit Maria 144. Zarb Rebecca 145. Zerafa Brendan Public Commercial Civil Environmental Commercial Public MCT Commercial Criminal Environmental Civil Public Has the Maltese limited liability partnership status provided an effective alternative to the personal risks associated with partnership law? The Changing Landscape for Insurance Intermediaries – The Insurance Distribution Directive Is It Possible to Compensate for 'Moral Damage' Without Awarding 'Moral Damages' following 'Brincat vs Malta'? A Regional Treaty to Implement the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development. A Comparative and Maltese Law View on Real Estate Agents. The Right to Fair Trial in the Constitution of Malta and European Convention of Human Rights - A Comparative analysis of wording and interpretation. An Analysis into the Collective Sale of Football Television Rights under Competition Law. A Critical Analysis of the Treatment of De Facto Exclusivity under EU and Maltese Competition Law. The notion of Ne Bis in idem in the context of the statute of the International Criminal Court Exploiting EEZ Rights: Examining the Value Added of Establishing an exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) for Malta Harmonizing Guardianship with Interdiction and Incapacitation. State Action Against Terrorism in Relation to the Neutrality Clause found in the Constitution of Malta.