Draft Tactics and Task Force Members

Draft Tactics and Task Force Members
Tactic: Action to to achieve Strategic Objective(s)
Task Force
Responsible Individual
Draft Tactics
Quality of Life
Urs Gauchat
Landscape Master Plan
Interior of buildings
Joe Tartaglia
Urs Gauchat
Pres Student Senate
Pres GSA
4 Faculty Council Nominees
Joe Thompson
Cindy Wos
Leroy Thomas
Donna Minnich
Prioritize LMP projects with $200 to $500K budget
Prioritize interior projects with $0.5 to $1M budget
Review projects annually
Quality of Life
Nick Tworischuk
Nick Tworischuk
Jim Robertson
Review current processes in coordination with Banner implementation
Prioritize process changes and enhancements to Banner
Bill Garcia
Ed Bishof
Pres Student Senate
Review computer-based systems and prioritize improvements needed
Review student feedback from multiple sources
Conduct brainstorming sessions on process improvement
Work with Student Senate/GSARHA to prioritize process
Reengineer administrative
Pres GSA
Donna Minnich
4 Faculty Council Nominees
Bob Sabattis
Quality of Life
Norber Elliot
Outcomes assessment
Norbert Elliot
John Cays
Fadi Deek
Bob English
Urs Gauchat
Narain Gehani
Shanthi Gopalakrishnan
Blake Haggerty
Kamal Joshi
Carol Johnson
James Lipuma
Jim McHugh
Leean Orama
Davida Scharf
Kaskirat Sodhi
Articulate demands of accreditation agencies regarding assessment of
educational outcomes.
Determine what benchamrks schools are doing in outcomes
Model NJIT outcomes assessment programs.
Technologies needed to use electronic portfolios.
Identify core competencies to unify outcomes assessment.
Identify what departmental, college, and university outcomes
assessment should look like.
Sep 11, 2009
Draft Tactics and Task Force Members
Sunil Saigal
Reg Tomkins
Dave Ullman
Steve Tricamo
Perry Deess
Quality of Life
Jack Gentul
Performing Arts
Jack Gentul
Develop program in coordination with the Theatre Program
Quality of Life
Joel Bloom
Greek Village
Joel Bloom
Jack Gentul
Henry Mauermeyer
Complete and disseminate Greek Task Force Report
Community Forums on proposed Greek Village
Identify developer for the Greek Village
Develop a critical mass of Greek organizations to participate in the
Assist Greek organizations draft building/development plans for the
Greek Village
Complete phasing plan for Gateway Project
Joe Trataglia
Holly Stern
Darius Sollohub
Tony Schuman
faculty member from SOM
Nick Tworischuk
Quality of Life
Henry Mauermeyer
Gateway Plan
Private Support
Bob Boynton
Alumni Association Strategic
Henry Mauermeyer
Chuck Dees
Jacquie Rhodes
Bob Boynton
Ed Bishof
Use consultant (and report) to facilitate development of plan
Career Development Services
Private Support
Jacquie Rhodes
Annual Fund participation
Unrestricted annual gift
Chuck Dees
Reactivate "Do Not Call" constituents
Jacquie Rhodes
Bob Boynton
Ed Bishof
Strategically time alumni appeals and phonathons
Young Alumni Gift Club
Solicit current students
Increase electronic initiatives
Career Development Services
Sep 11, 2009
Draft Tactics and Task Force Members
Private Support
Chuck Dees
Comprehensive Campaign
Chuck Dees
Jacquie Rhodes
Bob Boynton
Ed Bishof
Complete Campaign Leadership recruitment by Jan 2009
Confirm Nation Chair of Comprehensive Campaign
Complete/launch case for support
Career Development Services
Integrated Research
and Learning
Integrated Research
and Learning
Don Sebastian
Sunil Saigal
Sponsored research funding
Patent disclosures
Student credit hours
Quentin Jones
Cristian Borcea
Grace Wang
Reza Curtmola
Nirwan Ansari
Oswaldo Simeone
Durga Misra
Bryan Pfister
Establish allocation of grant matching funds
Establish allocation of University supported travel
Admin support of event planning and execution
Establish allocation of patent prosecution funds
Research seminars with outside speakers
Seminars held by grant-successful faculty
Mentoring of junior faculty
Treena Arinzeh
Laurent Simon
X. Wang
Kam Sirkar
Chao Zhu
Lisa Axe
Fadi Kaara
Basil Baltzis
Sponsor faculty members to join professional societies in core areas
Seek input from Faculty Council and Research Committee
Seek input from Faculty Council and Research Committee
Increase industry partnerships
Design contests for high school students
Quentin Jones
Cristian Borcea
Grace Wang
Reza Curtmola
Nirwan Ansari
Oswaldo Simeone
Durga Misra
Bryan Pfister
Treena Arinzeh
Laurent Simon
X. Wang
Kam Sirkar
Chao Zhu
Establish allocation of teaching assignment procedures
Establish allocation of University supported graduate students
Establish MS programs for engineers in industry
Sep 11, 2009
Draft Tactics and Task Force Members
Lisa Axe
Fadi Kaara
Basil Baltzis
Master Teachers
Student and Faculty
Kathy Kelly
Overall enrollment
Enrollment mix
Honors and EOP
50th percentile SAT
Max Roman
Ron Rockland
Ed Hou
Eliza Michalopoulo
Dale Gary
Retention and graduation rate Nancy Coppola
Marguerite Schneider
Bob English
Darius Sollohub
Gabrielle Esperdy
Michael Bieber
George Widmeyer
Student and Faculty
Steve Tricamo
Faculty recruiting
Jim McHugh
Denise Coleman
Janice Daniel
Ed Bishof
Alex Rudniy
Perry Deess
Marketplace driven adaptation of degree programs and/or new
Articulation agreements
Market student outcomes
Develop targeted recruiting strategies/tactics
On-line programs
Company-based programs
Analyze NJIT and benchmark data to improve admissions processes
and setting of recruitment goals
Analyze NJIT and benchmark data to adjust merit-based scholarship
Implement student retention tactics recommended by EMC
Assess initiatives since last effort to increase number of URM faculty
List NJIT faculty openings on websites serving URM faculty
Solicit universities with greatest number of URM PhD graduates
Sep 11, 2009