Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues Albert J. Menkveld (VU University Amsterdam) Bart Zhou Yueshen (INSEAD) Haoxiang Zhu (MIT Sloan) May 2015 Second SEC Annual Conference on the Regulation of Financial Markets Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 1 Motivation Dark (off-exchange) venues account for a large fraction of volume. European Indices 60 30 55 Dark (off−book) market share (%) Dark market share (%) U.S. (Dow 30) 35 25 20 15 10 5 0 2006 FTSE100 stocks CAC40 stocks DAX30 stocks 50 45 40 35 30 25 2008 Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu 2010 2012 2014 20 2008 2009 2010 Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 2011 2012 2013 2014 2 Dark fragmentation U.S. has 18 stock exchanges, ∼50 dark pools, >200 broker-dealers Theory: “liquidity begets liquidity” versus “investor self-selection” “Fragmentation can inhibit the interaction of investor orders and thereby impair certain efficiencies and the best execution of investors orders. . . .On the other hand, mandating the consolidation of order flow in a single venue would create a monopoly and thereby lose the important benefits of competition among markets. The benefits of such competition include incentives for trading centers to create new products, provide high quality trading services that meet the needs of investors, and keep trading fees low.” —SEC (2010) We analyze the dynamic fragmentation of U.S. equity markets Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 3 How do we think about fragmentation Dark Venue Fragmentation Do venues behave differently? NO Consolidation is better NO Back to drawing board YES Can we explain this difference? YES Rationale for fragmentation Additional implications Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 4 What we find Unique data: disaggregated U.S. dark volume Dark Venue Fragmentation Volume share under urgency shocks (VIX and earnings) Do venues behave differently? NO Consolidation is better NO Back to drawing board YES Can we explain this difference? YES A “pecking order” of trading venues Rationale for fragmentation Dark venues help reduce investor costs (with calibration) Additional implications Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 5 Literature on dark venues Empirical studies Aggregate dark O’Hara-Ye (2011) Hatheway-Kwan-Zheng (2014) Degryse-de Jong-van Kervel (2014) Selected dark venues Hendershott-Jones (2005) Ready (2014) Buti-Rindi-Werner (2011) Boni-Brown-Leach (2012) Nimalendran-Ray (2014) Foley-Malinova-Park (2013) Dark heterogeneity Comerton-Forde-Putnins (2015) Foley-Putnins (2014) Kwan-Masulis-McInish (2014) Tuttle (2014) Degryse-Tombeur-Wuyts (2015) Country Dark data source U.S. U.S. Netherlands All TRF All TRF All off-exchange U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Canada Island ECN Liquidnet, POSIT 11 anonymous dark pool Liquidnet One anonymous dark pool Dark order on TSX Australia Canada U.S. U.S. Netherlands “block” and “non-block dark” on ASX “dark midpoint” and “dark limit orders” 5 categories that differ from ours ATS and non-ATS “hidden order” and “dark venues” Theory: Hendershott-Mendelson (2000); Degryse-Van Achter-Wuyts (2009); Ye (2011); Boulatov-George (2013); Buti-Rindi-Werner (2014); Zhu (2014) Experimental: Bloomfield-O’Hara-Saar (2013) Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 6 1 Pecking Order Hypothesis 2 Data and Econometric Model 3 Venue Pecking Order in the Data 4 A Suggestive Model and Welfare Implications Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 7 Pecking order hypothesis: generic form We conjecture that investors “sort” venues by cost and immediacy, along a “pecking order” Trading activity moves down if demand for immediacy goes up Low Cost Low Immediacy Venue Type 1 Investor Order Flow Venue Type 2 Venue Type n High Cost High Immediacy Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 8 Pecking order hypothesis: specific form Given the recent advance in theories of dark pools, we conjecture the specific sorting: Low Cost Low Immediacy DarkMid Investor Order Flow DarkNMid Lit High Cost High Immediacy Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 9 1 Pecking Order Hypothesis 2 Data and Econometric Model 3 Venue Pecking Order in the Data 4 A Suggestive Model and Welfare Implications Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 10 Data 21 trading days in October 2010 A stratified sample of 117 stocks (the same stocks as the 120 stocks in the “Nasdaq HFT data”) Five types of dark venues, disaggregated from Nasdaq TRF I I Nasdaq TRF has about 92% of all TRF volume for our sample FINRA recently starts to publish weekly ATS volumes by venue with a delay; our data are trade by trade Limit order book and HFT activity on Nasdaq Intraday VIX 67 earnings announcements −→ Stock-day-minute panel (117 × 21 × 390) Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 11 Dark volume shares DarkMid (2.1%): dark pools focusing on trading at midpoint DarkNMid (7.7%): dark pools with flexible prices DarkRetail (10.8%): retail internalization DarkPrintB (0.9%): average-price trade DarkOther (5.8%): remainder DarkNMid (7.7%) DarkMid (2.1%) DarkRetail (10.8%) DarkPrintB (0.9%) DarkOther (5.8%) Lit (72.8%) Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 12 Dark data snippet Alcoa on Oct 1, 2010 date time symbol type contra buysell price shares cond1 cond2 cond3 cond4 1-Oct-10 1-Oct-10 1-Oct-10 1-Oct-10 1-Oct-10 1-Oct-10 1-Oct-10 1-Oct-10 1-Oct-10 1-Oct-10 1-Oct-10 1-Oct-10 ... 1-Oct-10 9301833 9301834 9301941 9301989 9302005 9302148 9302204 9302224 9302249 9302343 9302540 9302546 ... 10100150 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA ... AA DP DP OT DP MP RT RT RT DP DP DP RT ... PB BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD ... B B S B X S B B B B B S ... S 12.2875 12.2875 12.28 12.285 12.285 12.29 12.2701 12.27 12.28 12.28 12.2805 12.29 ... 12.285 100 100 100 200 100 9000 300 100 100 100 100 160 ... 179379 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ... @ ... 4 ... ... B Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 13 Table 1: Variable descriptions. This table lists and describes all variables used in this study. All variables are generated for one-minute intervals. Variables that enter the econometric model (Section 4) are underscored. The subscript j indexes stocks; t indexes minutes. Type “Y” and “Z” are described in the panel VARX model. VARX model Endogenous variables Y : Type Variable Name Description Panel A: Dark venue trading volumes Y VDarkMidjt VDarkNMidjt VDarkRetailjt VDarkPrintBjt VDarkOtherjt Volume of midpoint-cross dark pools Volume of non-midpoint dark pools Volume of retail flow internalization Volume of average-price trades (“print back”) Volume of other dark venues VLitjt Total volume minus all dark volume Panel B: NASDAQ lit market characterization BASpreadjt TopDepthjt HFTinTopDepthjt HFTinVolumejt NASDAQ lit market bid-ask spread divided by the NBBO midpoint Sum of NASDAQ visible best bid depth and best ask depth Depthjt based on only HFT limit orders divided by Depthjt NASDAQ lit volume in which HFT participates divided by total NASDAQ lit volume Panel C: Overall market conditions TAQVolumejt RealVarjt VarRat10Sjt Z VIXt EpsSurprisejt Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu TAQ volume Realized variance, i.e., sum of one-second squared NBBO midquote returns Variance ratio, i.e., ratio of realized variance based on ten-second returns relative to realized variance based on one-second returns (defined to be one for a minute with only one-second returns that equal zero) One-month volatility of S&P500 index (in annualized percentage points) Surprises in announced EPS, calculated as the absolute difference in anShades ofEPS Darkness: A Pecking Trading nounced and the forecast Order EPS, ofscaled in Venues share price: |announced EPS − 14 Exogenous variables VIX shocks are innovations from an AR(1) model of ∆ ln(VIXt ) at minute frequency: ∆ ln(VIXt ) = α + β∆ ln(VIXt−1 ) + Innovt . (In the current paper we use VIX level, and results are very similar.) EPS surprise is calculated as |Announced EPS − Forecast EPS| . Closing price on the day before Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 15 VARX model: dark volumes, market conditions (spread, depth, volatility, HFT,...) yj,t = αj + + }| { z Φ1 yj,t−1 + · · · + Φp yj,t−p Ψ1 zj,t−1 + · · · + Ψr zj,t−r {z } | +εjt . urgency: VIX shocks and EPS surprise Optimal lags p = 2 and r = 1 chosen according to BIC The estimation gives the dynamic interrelation between dark volumes and market conditions. We focus on the implications on dark venue market shares. Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 16 1 Pecking Order Hypothesis 2 Data and Econometric Model 3 Venue Pecking Order in the Data 4 A Suggestive Model and Welfare Implications Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 17 Volume share response to VIX shocks Impulse-response of volume shares to +1% shock to ∆ ln(VIX ) Pecking order predicts: SDarkMid ↓↓, SDarkNMid ↓, SLit ↑ Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 18 Volume share response to VIX shocks Impulse-response of volume shares to +1% shock to ∆ ln(VIX ) Pecking order predicts: SDarkMid ↓↓, SDarkNMid ↓, SLit ↑ SDarkMid SDarkNMid 2.5 SLit 8 100 1.5 1 0.5 Market share, percent 2 Market share, percent Market share, percent 7 6 5 4 3 2 80 60 40 20 1 0 1 2 Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu 3 Minutes 4 5 0 1 2 3 Minutes 4 5 0 Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 1 2 3 Minutes 4 5 18 Volume share response to VIX shocks Impulse-response of volume shares to +1% shock to ∆ ln(VIX ) Pecking order predicts: SDarkMid ↓↓, SDarkNMid ↓, SLit ↑ SDarkMid SDarkNMid 2.5 SLit 8 100 1.5 1 0.5 Market share, percent 2 Market share, percent Market share, percent 7 6 5 4 3 2 80 60 40 20 1 0 1 2 3 Minutes 4 5 0 1 2 3 Minutes 4 5 0 1 2 3 Minutes 4 5 Pecking order hypothesis is confirmed: ∆SDarkMid ∆SDarkNMid = SDarkMid SDarkNMid ∆SDarkNMid ∆SLit Reject null: = . SDarkNMid SLit Reject null: Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 18 Other dark venues’ response to VIX shocks Impulse-response of volume shares to +1% shock to ∆ ln(VIX ) SDarkRetail SDarkPrintB 10 0.5 8 0.4 SDarkOther 3.5 6 4 2 Market share, percent Market share, percent Market share, percent 3 0.3 0.2 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.1 0.5 0 1 2 3 Minutes Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu 4 5 0 1 2 3 Minutes 4 5 0 Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 1 2 3 Minutes 4 5 19 Volume share response to earnings surprises Consider a 1% shock to earnings surprises Pecking order predicts: SDarkMid ↓↓, SDarkNMid ↓, SLit ↑ SDarkNMid shares 2.27% 100 90 80 70 60 1% EpsSurprise Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu No shock 110 6.3% SLit shares 7.06% 100 90 80 70 60 1% EpsSurprise No shock Volume share relative to stead state 1.82% Volume share relative to stead state Volume share relative to stead state SDarkMid shares 110 110 80.04% 77.52% 1% EpsSurprise No shock 100 90 80 70 60 Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 20 Volume share response to earnings surprises Consider a 1% shock to earnings surprises Pecking order predicts: SDarkMid ↓↓, SDarkNMid ↓, SLit ↑ 100 90 80 70 60 1% EpsSurprise 110 90 80 70 8.83% 100 90 80 70 60 1% EpsSurprise Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu 1% EpsSurprise 110 No shock 110 0.33% 90 80 70 1% EpsSurprise 1% EpsSurprise No shock 80 70 SDarkOther shares 0.41% 100 60 77.52% 90 60 No shock 80.04% 100 SDarkPrintB shares 9.53% Volume share relative to stead state Volume share relative to stead state SDarkRetail shares 110 SLit shares 7.06% 100 60 No shock 6.3% Volume share relative to stead state SDarkNMid shares 2.27% No shock Volume share relative to stead state 1.82% Volume share relative to stead state Volume share relative to stead state SDarkMid shares 110 110 2.64% 3.17% 1% EpsSurprise No shock 100 90 80 70 60 Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 20 1 Pecking Order Hypothesis 2 Data and Econometric Model 3 Venue Pecking Order in the Data 4 A Suggestive Model and Welfare Implications Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 21 Model setup One traded asset with normalized value E (v ) = 0 Two representative investors: a buyer and a seller Three venues: Lit, DarkNMid, DarkMid Timing I I I I Buyer and seller observe private trading needs Z + and Z − . Size of each is either Q > 0, with probability φ, or 0, with probability 1 − φ. They simultaneously choose trading venues, possibly splitting orders Trade happens in three venues Unexecuted orders incur inventory cost of γ × Inventory2 , 2 where γ > 0 is a proxy for urgency. Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 22 Venues Lit: Buyer pays the ask β > 0; seller gets the bid −β; infinite depth DarkNMid is run by a competitive liquidity provider with inventory cost: (η/2) · Inventory2 . Restrict to linear prices: Buyer’s price is p + = δxN+ Seller’s price is p − = −δxN− DarkMid crosses orders at midpoint price 0. Volume is + − vM = min(xM , xM ). Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 23 Buyer’s problem is to maximize price to pay in DarkNMid price to pay in DarkMid z }| { price to pay in Lit z }| { z }| { δ π + (z) = −E 0 · VM+ (z) − xN+ (z)2 −β · xL+ (z) 2 2 γ +E 0 · z − VM+ (z) − xN+ (z) − xL+ (z) − E z − VM+ (z) − xN+ (z) − xL+ (z) . {z }| 2 | {z } liquidation value of remaining position quadratic cost for failing to trade Similar for the seller. Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 24 Equilibrium Proposition. If Q≤∆≡β 1 1 + (1 − φ)γ (1 − φ)η , then there exists an equilibrium with the following strategies: xM (0) = 0; xN (0) = 0; xL (0) = 0; δ Q, δ + (1 − φ)γ (1 − φ)γ xN (Q) = Q, δ + (1 − φ)γ xM (Q) = xL (Q) = 0. If Q > ∆, then there exists an equilibrium with the following strategies: xM (0) = 0; xN (0) = 0; xL (0) = 0; β , (1 − φ)γ β xN (Q) = , δ xL (Q) = Q − ∆. xM (Q) = In both cases, the DarkNMid liquidity provider sets the slope of price schedules δ = (1 − φ)η. Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 25 Venue pecking order as an equilibrium implication Proposition. As investor urgency γ increases, lit volume share increases and dark volume share decreases. Furthermore, DarkMid is more sensitive to urgency than DarkNMid: ∂sN /sN ∂sL /sL ∂sM /sM < <0< . ∂γ/γ ∂γ/γ ∂γ/γ Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 26 Venue pecking order as an equilibrium implication Proposition. As investor urgency γ increases, lit volume share increases and dark volume share decreases. Furthermore, DarkMid is more sensitive to urgency than DarkNMid: ∂sN /sN ∂sL /sL ∂sM /sM < <0< . ∂γ/γ ∂γ/γ ∂γ/γ Recall the empirical test: ∆SDarkMid ∆SDarkNMid ∆SLit < <0< , SDarkMid SDarkNMid SLit after VIX shock or earnings surprises. Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 26 Welfare cost of shutting down dark venues Two sources of investors’ cost CMNL : spread paid to liquidity providers and inventory cost Shut down DarkMid and DarkNMid, recalculate the equilibrium and the associated CL β (VolumeM + VolumeN ) 2 ≈ $1.43 billion/year | {z } CL − CMNL = Calibrated result Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 27 Conclusion We characterize dynamic fragmentation of U.S. equity markets A unique dataset on disaggregated U.S. dark trading A pecking order of trading venues, characterized by heterogeneous responses to urgency shocks Evidence supports investor self-selection Suggestive model with welfare implications Menkveld-Yueshen-Zhu Shades of Darkness: A Pecking Order of Trading Venues 28