Funding Bulletin

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
February 15, 2013
Program Information
To receive program information, please
contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail:
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available via email. To be added to the
electronic mailing list, send an email
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Limited Submissions
Limited submission programs have
sponsor restrictions on the number of
proposals that may be submitted by a
single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which
applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim
Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Research, is the internal coordinator for
limited submission programs. Please
notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due
date listed in the Funding Bulletin or by
at least two months prior to the sponsor
deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program. Currently
posted Internal Deadlines:
6-1 NASA EPSCoR Program
Announcement (NASA/KS)
The NASA EPSCoR Program [DC Headquarters] has just announced a new round
of proposal requests for the Cooperative
Agreement Notice [CAN] funding stream.
This is a limited submission program—the
state is limited in what we can submit, and
all projects will be vetted by Scott Miller,
the Kansas NASA EPSCoR Director, at
Wichita State University. It is likely that
only one proposal will be forwarded to
Washington. The Office of Research and
Sponsored Programs will help in arranging
mandatory cost share requirements.
Deadline: 3/11/2013
6-2 Prevention and Health Promotion
Interventions to Prevent Alcohol and
Other Drug Abuse and Associated
Physical and Psychological Health
Problems in U.S. Military Personnel,
Veterans and their Families (R01) (NIH)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement
(FOA) is issued by NIDA, the Department
of Defense (DoD), Office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs
(OASD/HA), and NIAAA. The purpose is
Vol. 22, No. 6
to accelerate research on health promotion and prevention interventions with
foci on reducing the onset and progression of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug
use and abuse (including illicit and prescription drugs) and associated mental
and physical health problems and on the
promotion of health-enhancing behaviors
among active-duty or recently separated
(e.g., Iraq and Afghanistan) military
troops, Veterans, and their families. A
companion funding opportunity is RFADA-13-013, R34 Pilot and Feasibility
Studies. RFA-DA-13-012 (NIHG 2/1/13)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 4/1/2013;
Applications 5/1/2013
6-3 Organic Transitions Program
The overall goal of the Organic Transitions Program (ORG) is to support the
development and implementation of
research, extension and higher education
programs to improve the competitiveness
of organic livestock and crop producers,
as well as those who are adopting organic
practices. In FY 2012, ORG will focus
on environmental services provided by
organic farming systems that support soil
conservation and contribute to climate
change mitigation. Practices and systems
to be addressed include those associated
with organic crops, organic animal production (including dairy), and organic
systems integrating plant and animal production. USDA-NIFA-ICGP-004168
(GG 2/8/13)
Deadline: 4/5/2013
tistate) education and training programs.
Grants aim to help the staff of cultural
institutions, large and small, obtain the
knowledge and skills needed to serve as
effective stewards of humanities collections. Grants also support educational
programs that prepare the next generation
of conservators and preservation professionals, as well as projects that introduce
the staff of cultural institutions to new
information and advances in preservation
and access practices. 20130501-PE
Deadline: 5/1/2013
6-5 Future Internet Architectures—
Next Phase (FIA-NP) (NSF)
Continuing its long-standing commitment
of supporting groundbreaking research in
large-scale networking systems, the
Directorate for Computer and Information
Science and Engineering (CISE) invites
research teams to submit innovative and
creative proposals that leverage and
enhance existing Future Internet Architecture (FIA) designs and seek to create
and demonstrate prototype systems that
will be tested and evaluated in one or
more relevant environments. Proposing
teams should include individuals with
expertise in a range of relevant disciplines
and/or research areas, from the theoretical
to experimental to those working in application domains, in order to address the
requirements of a FIA and successfully
satisfy the goals of a functioning prototype FIA. NSF 13-538
Deadline: 6/7/2013
6-4 Preservation and Access
Education and Training Grants (NEH)
The Preservation and Access Education
and Training program is central to NEH’s
efforts to preserve and establish access to
cultural heritage collections. Thousands
of libraries, archives, museums, and historical organizations across the country
maintain important collections of books
and manuscripts, photographs, sound
recordings and moving images, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, art and
material culture collections, electronic
records, and digital objects. The challenge of preserving and making accessible such large and diverse holdings is
enormous, and the need for knowledgeable staff is significant and ongoing.
Preservation and Access Education and
Training grants are awarded to organizations that offer national or regional (mul-
6-6 Measurement Science and
Engineering (MSE) Research Grant
Programs (NIST)
NIST is soliciting proposals for financial
assistance for Fiscal Year 2013 under the
following programs: 1) the Material Measurement Laboratory (MML); 2) the
Physical Measurement Laboratory
(PML); 3) the Engineering Laboratory
(EL); 4) the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL); 5) the NIST Center for
Neutron Research (NCNR); 6) the Center
for Nanoscale Science and Technology
(CNST); 7) the Office of Special Programs (OSP), and 8) the Associate Director for Laboratory Programs (ADLP).
2013-NIST-MSE-01 (GG 1/29/13)
Deadline: 6/3/2013
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
Hydrologic Sciences (NSF)
The Hydrologic Sciences Program
focuses on the fluxes of water in the environment that constitute the water cycle as
well as the mass and energy transport
function of the water cycle in the environment. The Program supports studying
processes from rainfall to runoff to infiltration and streamflow; evaporation and
transpiration; as well as the flow of water
in soils and aquifers and the transport of
suspended, dissolved and colloidal components. Water is seen as the mode of
coupling among various components of
the environment and emphasis is placed
on how the coupling is enabled by the
water cycle and how it functions as a process. The Hydrologic Sciences Program
retains a strong focus on linking the
fluxes of water and the components carried by water across the boundaries
between various interacting components
of the terrestrial system and the mechanisms by which these fluxes co-organize
over a variety of timescales and/or alter
the fundamentals of the interacting components. The Program is also interested in
how water interacts with the solid phase,
the landscape and the ecosystem as well
as how such interactions and couplings
are altered by land use and climate
change. NSF 13-531
Deadline: 6/3/2013, 12/5/2013
6-8 Agriculture and Food Research
Initiative—Childhood Obesity
Prevention (USDA)
This Challenge Area Focuses on the societal challenge to end obesity among children, the number one nutrition-related
problem in the US. Food is an integral
part of the process that leads to obesity
and USDA has a unique responsibility for
the food system in the United States. This
program is designed to achieve the longterm outcome of reducing the prevalence
of overweight and obesity among children
and adolescents 2-19 years. The Childhood Obesity Program supports Multifunction Integrated Research, Education,
and/or Extension Projects and Food and
Agricultural Science Enhancement
(FASE) Grants. USDA-NIFA-AFRI004156 (GG 2/8/13)
Deadline: 4/11/2013
6-9 Genomic Centers for Infectious
Diseases (U19) (NIH)
The purpose of this initiative is to establish 2-3 Genomic Centers for Infectious
Diseases as a collaborative program that
will utilize a combination of next generation sequencing and related genomic technologies, bioinformatics capabilities and
computational analyses to understand
infectious diseases, with a focus on the
pathogen and its interaction with the host.
The knowledge generated, including
research data, analytical software tools,
computational models, experimental protocols, and reagents, is expected to be
widely disseminated to the scientific community through publicly accessible databases and reagent repositories. RFA-AI13-009 (NIHG 2/8/13)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 5/24/2013;
Applications 6/24/2013
6-10 Small Grants for New
Investigators to Promote Diversity in
Health-Related Research (RO3) (NIH)
The purpose of this funding opportunity
announcement (FOA) is to provide support for New Investigators from backgrounds nationally underrepresented in
biomedical research to conduct small
research projects in the scientific mission
areas of the National Institute of Diabetes
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
(NIDDK), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the Office of
Dietary Supplements (ODS). The R03
grant mechanism supports different types
of projects including pilot and feasibility
studies; secondary analysis of existing
data; small, self-contained research
projects; development of research methodology; and development of new
research technology. The R03 is intended
to support small research projects that can
be carried out in a short period of time
with limited resources with the ultimate
goal of providing the preliminary data for
a R01-equivalent application. PAR-13074 (NIHG 1/11/13)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 5/16/2013,
5/11/2014; Applications 6/16/2013, 6/16/
6-11 NIDCD Small Grant Program
(R03) (NIH)
The NIDCD Small Grant Program (R03)
is intended to support basic and clinical
research of scientists who are beginning
to establish an independent research
career. It cannot be used for thesis or dissertation research. The research must be
focused on one or more of the areas
within the biomedical and behavioral scientific mission of the NIDCD: hearing,
balance, smell, taste, voice, speech, or
language. The NIDCD R03 grant mechanism supports different types of projects
including secondary analysis of existing
data; small, self-contained research
projects; development of research methodology; translational research; outcomes research; and development of new
research technology. PAR-13-057 (NIHG
Deadline: 6/26/2013, 10/18/2013, 2/26/
6-12 Technology Development for
High-Throughput Structural Biology
Research (R01) (NIH)
This FOA issued by the National Institute
of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS),
National Institutes of Health, encourages
grant applications from institutions/organizations that propose to develop novel
technologies and methodologies underpinning high-throughput structural biology. Applications for new ideas and
approaches for protein production and
structure determination for classes of
challenging proteins are appropriate.
Projects related to high-throughput structure determination by X-ray crystallography and NMR, as well as projects
addressing other constituent tasks of
structural biology, including structural
genomics, are relevant to this FOA.
Applications should focus on methods
development to solve challenging proteins that are not currently amenable to
high-throughput structural biology. These
challenging proteins include, but are not
limited to, membrane proteins, small protein complexes, and proteins from human
and other higher eukaryotes. PAR-13-032
(NIHG 11/30/12)
Deadline: 6/5/2013, 10/5/2013, 2/5/2014
6-13 NIJ FY 13 Research on Firearms
and Violence (DOJ)
This solicitation from the National Institute of Justice seeks applications for
research on firearms and violence such as,
but not limited to, the effects of criminal
justice interventions on reducing gun violence, improving data systems for studying gun violence, illicit gun markets, and
the effects of firearm policies and legislation on public safety. NIJ-2013-3455 (GG
Deadline: 5/2/2013
R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia,
Adassa Roe, Diana McElwain, Katie Small,
Rex Goff, Namrita Berry, Cecilia Scaler,
Sharon Zoeller
Funding Information Specialist & Editor
Beverly Page
Development Director
Mary Lou Marino
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President,
Research Compliance
Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor
Petra Jardine, Administrative Specialist
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045