Funding Bulletin Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities Fellowships and International Programs October 22, 2010 Program Information To receive program information, please contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail: NOTICE - The Funding Bulletin is available via email. To be added to the electronic mailing list, send an email message to: Leave the subject line blank. In the message area, type: sub fundingbulletin. Limited Submissions Limited submission programs have sponsor restrictions on the number of proposals that may be submitted by a single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research, is the internal coordinator for limited submission programs. Please notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due date listed in the Funding Bulletin (401) or by at least two months prior to the sponsor deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program. Currently posted Internal Deadlines: http:// GENERAL 40-1 NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards (DP5) (NIH) This FOA issued by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) solicits applications for the NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards (DP5) from institutions/organizations that propose to appoint and support exceptional, early career scientists directly following the completion of their Ph.D. (or equivalent) or M.D. (or equivalent) training into an independent academic research position, thereby omitting the traditional postdoctoral training period from their career path. Applicant organizations may submit up to two applications in response to this FOA. RFA-RM-10-019 (NIHG 10/ 8/10) URL: rfa-files/RFA-RM-10-019.html Deadline: Internal 11/21/2010; Letters of Intent 12/21/2010; Applications 1/21/ 2011 40-2 Virtual Organizations as Sociotechnical Systems (VOSS) (NSF) The Virtual Organizations as Sociotechnical Systems (VOSS) program supports fundamental scientific research, particularly advances in social, organizational and Vol. 19, No. 40 design science understanding, directed at advancing the understanding of how to develop virtual organizations and under what conditions virtual organizations can enable and enhance scientific, engineering, and education production and innovation. Levels of analysis may include (but are not limited to) individuals, groups, organizations, and institutional arrangement. Disciplinary perspectives may include (but are not limited to) anthropology, complexity sciences, computer and information sciences, decision and management sciences, economics, engineering, organization theory, organization behavior, social and industrial psychology, public administration, political science and sociology. Research methods may span a broad variety of qualitative and quantitative methods, including (but not limited to): ethnographies, surveys, simulation studies, experiments, comparative case studies, and network analyses. NSF 11-501 URL: nsf11501/nsf11501.htm Deadline: 1/13/2011 40-3 RAPID Proposals for Analysis of Climate Model Simulations for the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (NSF) The Climate and Large-scale Dynamics (CLD) program is accepting proposals for one-year projects to analyze climate model simulations of present-day climate prepared in anticipation of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5). The objective is to increase community-wide diagnostic research into the behavior of the current generation of coupled climate and earth system models used for future climate simulations and initialized climate predictions. Research projects will be funded through the NSF Rapid Response Research (RAPID) award mechanism, which enables funding for fast-response research. NSF 11006 URL: nsf11006/nsf11006.jsp Deadline: 11/12/2010 40-4 Berlin Program For Advanced German and European Studies (FUBerlin) The Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies promotes a new generation of young North American scholars with specialized knowledge of modern and contemporary Germany and Europe. The Program supports scholars in all social sciences and humanities disciplines, including historians working on modern and contemporary German and European history. Fellowships are awarded for doctoral dissertation research as well as postdoc- toral research which leads to completion of a monograph. Following a model usually reserved for senior researchers at institutes of advanced study, the Berlin Program is a residential program which offers a stimulating academic environment that combines research opportunities with intellectual and cultural interactions. An integral part of the program is a biweekly interdisciplinary colloquium where fellows present their work. URL: bprogram/ Deadline: 12/1/2010 40-5 Social-Computational Systems (SoCS) (NSF) The Social-Computational Systems (SoCS) program seeks to reveal new understanding about the properties that systems of people and computers together possess, and to develop theoretical and practical understandings of the purposeful design of systems to facilitate socially intelligent computing. By better characterizing, understanding, and eventually designing for desired behaviors arising from computationally mediated groups of people at all scales, new forms of knowledge creation, new models of computation, new forms of culture, and new types of interaction will result. Further, the investigation of such systems and their emergent behaviors and desired properties will inform the design of future systems. The SoCS program will support research in socially intelligent computing arising from human-computer partnerships that range in scale from a single person and computer to an Internet-scale array of machines and people. NSF 10600 URL: nsf10600/nsf10600.htm Deadline: 11/23/2010 40-6 Effects of the Social Environment on Health: Measurement, Methods and Mechanisms (R01) (NIH) (HHS) This FOA, issued as part of the NIH Basic Behavioral and Social Science Opportunity Network (OppNet), solicits Research Project Grant (R01) applications from institutions/organizations that propose to investigate structural, behavioral, sociocultural, environmental, cognitive, emotional, and/or biological mechanisms through which the social environment affects health outcomes. To address this objective, applicants should propose research studies that will: 1) deepen our understanding of which aspects of social environments affect health outcomes for women and men at different stages of the lifecourse and in different social, economic, geographic, racial and ethnic subpopulations; 2) lead to a clearer under- A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY standing of mechanisms through which social environments have such effects; or 3) improve measurement methods and/or contribute to advances in analytic methods used in the study of social environments and health. RFA-DA-11-003 (NIHG 8/6/10) URL: rfa-files/RFA-DA-11-003.html Deadline: Letters of Intent 12/6/2010; Applications 1/6/2011 AGRICULTURE proposals to overcome traditional performance limitations—including bandwidth, sensitivity, power, and speed—by exploiting the dynamics of mesoscale systems. The objective is to deliver devices and architectures that will ultimately provide the Department of Defense with unrivaled communication, sensing, and computation, while simultaneously establishing well-defined problems to accelerate the transition to quantum engineering. DARPA-BAA-11-07 (GG 10/8/10) URL: Deadline: Abstracts 11/10/2010; Proposals 12/15/2010 40-7 Bioenergy, Environment (CPBR) The Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research, Inc. (CPBR), is issuing the Request for Preproposals for its 2012 competitions. Preproposals are invited for research that 1) is related to plant biotechnology and 2) addresses industrial problems and opportunities related to bioenergy and/or the environment. Funding for CPBR research for 2010 may come from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and/or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The following research needs and issues have been identified by CPBR member companies and sponsoring agency representatives: Agrochemicals, Biomass Conversion, Energy Crop Production, Enabling Biotechnologies, Environmental Issues, Forest Products, and Seeds. Email: Deadline: Notice of Intent 11/5/2010; Preproposals 12/1/2010; Proposals 6/ 18/2011 ARTS & HUMANITIES 40-8 Scholars-In-Residence Program (NYPL) The Schomburg Center residency program assists scholars and professionals whose research on the black experience can benefit from extended access to the Center’s resources. Fellowships funded by the Center will allow recipients to spend six months or a year in residence with access to resources at the Schomburg Center and other research units of The New York Public Library. The ScholarsIn-Residence Program is designed to 1) encourage research and writing on the history, literature, and cultures of the peoples of Africa and the African diaspora, 2) to promote and facilitate interaction among the participants including fellows funded by other sources, and 3) facilitate the dissemination of the researchers’ findings through lectures, publications, and the ongoing Schomburg Center Colloquium and Seminar Series. URL: 64/node/131 Deadline: 12/1/2010 ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS & PHYSICAL SCIENCES 40-9 MesoDynamic Architectures (Meso) (DARPA) 40-10 The Nuclear Science and Security Consortium (NNSA) The intent of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to award a five year cooperative agreement to a consortium of accredited U.S. Colleges and Universities to allow them to receive and administer faculty and student research fellowship and scholarship funding awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Office of Nonproliferation and Verification Research and Development (NA-22). The envisioned cooperative agreement will be awarded to a consortium made up of Universities which will include the participation of the National Laboratories as either a team/consortium member or as a subcontractor. The consortium includes student and early career research fellowships and has a long-term vision to build expertise in nonproliferation and nuclear security. DE-FOA-0000365 (GG 9/23/10) URL: Deadline: 11/29/2010 40-11 Accelerating Innovation Research (AIR) (NSF) To accelerate the process of innovation, NSF is undertaking two related, new activities. The first will encourage the translation of the numerous, technologically-promising, fundamental discoveries made by NSF researchers, while drawing upon and building the entrepreneurial spirit of the researchers and students. The second activity will foster connections between an existing NSF innovation research alliance (including consortia such as Engineering Research Centers (ERC), Industry University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC), Partnerships for Innovation (PFI), Science and Technology Centers (STC), Nanoscale Science and Engineering Centers (NSEC), Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) grantees) and other institutions, whose complementary focus will spur the development of discoveries into innovative technologies through collaboration. Both of these activities are designed to strengthen the U.S. innovation ecosystem. NSF 10-608 URL: nsf10608/nsf10608.htm Deadline: Letters of Intent 12/1/2010; Proposals 2/1/2011 40-12 BSF Travel Grants Program and Workshop Program (BSF) The U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation is announcing the availability of funds for two of our grant programs: 1) travel grants program for young scientists (The Prof. R. Rahamimoff Program) offers funds for short scientific trips by young American or Israeli scientists to the other country. 2) The BSF Workshop Program offers funds for joint applications from U.S. and Israeli co-PIs to organize and conduct a workshop that is focused on bringing together Israeli, American and Palestinian scientists for the purpose of facilitating the development of partnership research programs URL: ElectronicSubmission/ GatewayFormsAndGuidelines.aspx Deadline: 12/1/2010 HEALTH & LIFE SCIENCES 40-13 Basic Research on SelfRegulation (R21) (NIH) This FOA issued by the NIH Basic Behavioral and Social Sciences Opportunity Network (OppNet) solicits exploratory/developmental (R21) research applications examining basic mechanisms of self-regulation. The intent of this FOA is to advance research on basic processes and mechanisms of self-regulation, capitalizing on recent advances in methods and theory from the psychological (social, personality, developmental), economic, neuroscience, sociocultural, and other behavioral and social science literatures. RFA-AG-11-010 (NIHG 8/13/10) URL: rfa-files/RFA-AG-11-010.html Deadline: Letters of Intent 12/6/2010; Applications 1/6/2011 R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist Preaward Section Paul Lowe, Director Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia, Adassa Roe, Katie Small, Rex Goff, Susan Klein, Sharon Zoeller Funding Information Specialist & Editor Beverly Page Development Director Mary Lou Marino Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use, and Biosafety Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President, Research Compliance Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist Congressional Relations Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn DARPA is soliciting innovative research A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY