Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
November 9, 2009
Program Information
To receive program information, please
contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail:
NOTICE - The Funding Bulletin is
available via email. To be added to the
electronic mailing list, send an email
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Limited Submissions
Limited submission programs have
sponsor restrictions on the number of
proposals that may be submitted by a
single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which
applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim
Guikema, Associate Vice Provost for
Research, is the internal coordinator for
limited submission programs. Please
notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due
date listed in the Funding Bulletin or by
at least two months prior to the sponsor
deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program. Currently
posted Internal Deadlines:
40-1 The Health Impact Project
The Health Impact Project, a collaboration
of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
and The Pew Charitable Trusts, is now
accepting proposals for health impact
assessment demonstration projects. Health
impact assessments (HIAs) are a valuable
decision-making tool for policymakers.
HIAs take a flexible, data-driven approach
toward identifying the health consequences of new policies, and help develop
practical strategies to enhance their health
benefits and minimize adverse effects.
HIAs are an effective way to incorporate
health into the decisions made by sectors
that do not traditionally focus on these outcomes, such as transportation, planning,
education or housing. This strategy helps
communities create safer environments
and facilitate healthy living. For example,
an HIA for a new road could raise questions about air quality, childhood asthma,
and injury rates, then address them early in
the planning process.
Deadline: OPEN
Vol. 18, No. 40
40-2 The Prof. Rahamimoff Travel
Grants Program (BSF)
The US-Israel Binational Science Foundation is announcing the availability of
funds for short scientific trips by young
American or Israeli scientists to the other
Deadline: 12/17/2009
40-3 Environmental Education
Grants (EPA)
The Grants Program sponsored by EPA’s
Environmental Education Division
(EED), Office of Children’s Health Protection and Environmental Education,
supports environmental education
projects that enhance the public’s awareness, knowledge, and skills to help people make informed decisions that affect
environmental quality. EPA-EE-10-02
(GG 10/29/09)
Deadline: 12/15/2009
40-4 Organization of Projects on
Environmental Research in the Arctic
This solicitation seeks proposals for
activities to foster and sustain collaborations among projects funded by NSF that
contribute to the US arctic environmental
change research effort. Many of these
projects began during the International
Polar Year (IPY) and are currently affiliated with the US Study of Environmental
Arctic Change (SEARCH) and the Arctic
Observation Network. Others are supported outside of the auspices of
SEARCH and IPY. The project or
projects supported through this solicitation will provide resources to the scientific leadership that are needed to
implement SEARCH’s broad science
agenda. The scope covers SEARCH generally and its component parts, observing, understanding and responding. One
key additional effort, which has gained
prominence during the IPY, is needed to
tie all these together: a robust and modern approach to managing and enabling
discovery of Arctic scientific data. NSF
Deadline: 12/11/2009
40-5 Regional Integrated Pest
Management (RIPM)- North Central
Region (USDA)
The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) requests applications for
the Regional Integrated Pest Management Competitive Grant Program North
Central Region (NC-RIPM) for fiscal
year (FY) 2010 to help achieve National
IPM goals by increasing the supply and
dissemination of IPM knowledge and by
enhancing collaboration among stakeholders. Projects may span the spectrum
from development to implementation of
new IPM tactics and systems to: 1)
Improve cost benefit analyses when
adopting IPM practices; 2) Reduce potential human health risks from pests and
related management strategies; and 3)
Minimize adverse environmental effects
from pests and related management strategies. USDA-NIFA-RIPM-002665 (GG
Deadline: 12/17/2009
40-6 National Integrated Food Safety
Initiative (USDA)
The purpose of the National Integrated
Food Safety Initiative is to support food
safety projects that demonstrate an integrated approach to solving problems in
applied food safety research, education,
or extension. Various models for integration of applied research, education, and
extension will be considered for funding.
Applications describing multi-state,
multi-institutional, multidisciplinary, and
multifunctional activities (and combinations thereof) are encouraged. Applicants
are strongly encouraged to address at least
two of the three functional areas of
research, education, and extension (i.e.,
research and extension, research and education, or extension and education).
USDA-NIFA-ICGP-002670 (GG 11/2/
Deadline: 1/19/2010
40-7 State and Regional AgrAbility
Program (USDA)
AgrAbility increases the likelihood that
individuals with disabilities and their
families engaged in production agriculture (AgrAbility customers) become more
successful. The primary outcome is
enhanced quality of life for people with
disabilities in agriculture. The program
supports cooperative projects in which
State Cooperative Extension Services
(CES) based at either 1862 or 1890 LandGrant Universities subcontract to private,
non-profit disability organizations. Measures of success may include improvements in customer’s financial stability or
access to life activities and the capacity of
states and regions to deliver services this
population requires in a timely and satisfying manner. To address the specialized
needs of AgrAbility’s customers, the program builds service capacity on national,
regional, state, and local levels through
education and networking. In the absence
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
of capacity, projects provide assistance to
customers. Projects use marketing to
direct the public in initiatives in education, networking, and assistance. USDANIFA-SLBCD-002651 (GG 10/23/09)
Deadline: 12/18/2009
40-11 Enabling Technologies in DNA
Repair Research (R21) (NIH)
This program supports projects to develop
the faculty and library leaders, to recruit
and educate the next generation of librarians, to conduct research on the library
profession, and to support early career
research on any area of library and information science by tenure-track, untenured
faculty in graduate school of library and
information science. It also supports
projects to attract high school and college
students to consider careers in libraries, to
build institutional capacity in graduate
schools of library and information science, and to assist in the professional
development of librarians and library
staff. L21-FY10 (GG 9/23/09)
Deadline: 12/15/2009
This funding opportunity Announcement
(FOA) is designed to support multidisciplinary teams to develop enabling technologies that will facilitate and stimulate
translation of basic research in DNA damage and repair to human populations or
clinical studies. These projects will
develop new tools to measure global
DNA repair capacity in individuals or
responses in individual DNA repair pathways activated in response to DNA damaging agents. The assays are expected to
enable the study of DNA damage
response in exposed individuals in clinical and epidemiological studies. Thus, a
key goal is the identification and verification of reproducible biomarkers that indicate the levels of specific repair activity
or mutagenic outcomes and would provide the basis for assay development.
Field or pilot testing of tools or assays is
encouraged. PAR-10-016 (NIHG 10/30/
Deadline: Letters of Intent 12/10/2009;
Applications 1/10/2010
40-9 Poetry Grants (Bynner)
40-12 Aging Research Grants (AFAR)
Through a bequest from Witter Bynner in
1972, The Witter Bynner Foundation for
Poetry perpetuates the art of poetry. The
foundation promotes poetry in American
culture and encourages grant proposals
that expand awareness of the positive
effects of poetry on society. (TGA 9/09)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 12/31/2009
The American Federation for Aging
Research provides annual research grants
to assist in the professional development
of junior investigators committed to pursing careers in the field of aging
research.The awards support research
projects concerned with understanding
the basic mechanisms of aging. Projects
investigating age-related diseases are also
supported, especially if approached from
the point of view of how basic aging processes may lead to these outcomes.
Projects concerning mechanisms underlying common functional disorders are also
encouraged, as long as these include connections to fundamental problems in the
biology of aging. Projects that deal
strictly with clinical problems such as the
diagnosis and treatment of disease, health
outcomes, or the social context of aging
are not eligible. The applicant must be an
independent investigator with assigned
independent space and must be within the
first four years of a junior faculty appointment (instructor, assistant professor, or
equivalent) by July 1, 2010.
Deadline: 12/15/2009
40-8 Laura Bush 21st Century
Librarian Program (IMLS)
40-10 CHE-DMR-DMS Solar Energy
Initiative (NSF)
The purpose of the CHE-DMR-DMS
Solar Energy Initiative is to support interdisciplinary efforts by groups of researchers to address the scientific challenges of
highly efficient harvesting, conversion,
and storage of solar energy. Groups must
include three or more co-Principal Investigators of whom one must be a researcher
in chemistry, a second in materials, and a
third in mathematical sciences in areas
supported by the Divisions of Chemistry,
Materials Research, and Mathematical
Sciences, respectively. The intent is to
encourage new collaborations in which
the mathematical sciences are linked in a
synergistic way with the chemical and
materials sciences to develop novel,
potentially transformative approaches in
an area of much activity but largely incremental advances. NSF 09-604
Deadline: Preproposals 12/8/2009; Proposals 3/10/2010
Deadline: Letters of Intent 12/15/2009;
Applications 1/15/2010
40-14 The Biology of Estrogen
Receptor-Negative Breast Cancer in
Various Racial and Ethnic Groups
(U01) (NIH)
The purpose of this funding opportunity
announcement (FOA) is to promote the
systematic study of the biology of estrogen receptor (ER)-negative human breast
cancers, the characterization of their
molecular features, the signaling pathways and networks that support their
growth, as well as to identify differences
in the biology of ER-negative breast
tumors among racial and ethnic groups.
The information will be crucial in developing early detection and intervention
strategies. This initiative will support
studies on: the basic biology of ER-negative breast cancers and delineation of differences that exist between ER-positive
and ER-negative breast cancers; the identification of the subtypes or heterogeneity
that exist within ER-negative breast cancers; and the determination of whether the
biology of ER-negative breast tumors differs across racial and ethnic groups. In
order to address these goals, the National
Cancer Institute (NCI) solicits applications from collaborative teams of interdisciplinary investigators focused on
characterizing the biologic drivers,
including genetic, epigenetic, molecular,
and cellular factors, of ER-negative
human breast cancer development and
progression. RFA-CA-09-026 (NIHG 8/
Deadline: Letters of Intent 12/5/2009;
Applications 1/5/2010
R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia,
Danielle Brunner, Rex Goff, Adassa Roe,
Sharon Zoeller
40-13 Dynamics of Host-Associated
Microbial Communities (R01) (NIH)
Funding Information Specialist & Editor
This Funding Opportunity Announcement
(FOA) issued by the National Institute of
General Medical Sciences (NIGMS),
National Institutes of Health (NIH), solicits applications that propose genetic,
physiological, and ecological studies
designed to reveal the basic principles and
mechanisms that govern the symbiotic
systems dynamics of microbial communities. RFA-GM-11-001 (NIHG 8/21/09)
Development Director
Beverly Page
Mary Lou Marino
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President,
Research Compliance
Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor
Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045