Sri Lanka Consulting Course Overview

Sri Lanka Consulting Course Overview
The University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business Center for International
Business Education and Research (CIBER), in collaboration with the International Executive
Service Corps (IESC)’s USAID funded Facilitating Economic Growth in Sri Lanka is pleased
to offer a student-led consulting initiative with small enterprises in post-conflict regions in Sri
Lanka. The initiative will provide MBA candidates with the opportunity to travel to Sri Lanka
for three weeks to provide technical assistance to Sri Lankan social enterprises developing
their business plans and market strategies. To accommodate the varied mission of each
enterprise, students will be matched based on their field of interest and local needs.
Students will work individually or as pairs with their assigned small enterprise and will begin
background research work prior to departing, in November and December 2013. Students will
then depart for Sri Lanka and work from approximately December 28, 2013-January 18,
2014. Students will finalize their internship by writing a final report and self-evaluation, to be
presented approximately two weeks after they return, during the week of January 27, 2013.
The student’s success in the internship will be determined by the final report and presentation,
self-evaluation, and an additional client evaluation.
In addition to the required travel dates and final presentation date, students must be available
to commit to the following program related activities:
 Selection Interview: October 1st-3rd
 Program Orientation: Week of October 28th
 Send-Off Event at Sri Lankan Embassy: TBD, November
 McKinsey Consulting Workshop: TBD November
 Pre-Departure Smith School Travel Briefing
Students will be eligible to receive a scholarship of $1000 to offset airfare and in-country
expenses upon return from travel and after completion and acceptance of a supplemental
scholarship application and deliverables.
The purpose of this internship is to support students’ exposure to the international
development arena, enhance their educational experience at the University of Maryland, and
to provide technical assistance to Sri Lankan businesses. Students must apply to be considered
for this program (it is not open enrollment on Testudo). Applications will only be accepted if
all the required documents are submitted via email by 9:00 a.m. (U.S. EST) on Monday,
September 30, 2013 to:
Complete applications consist of the following:
1. Personal Information Form
2. Responses to Short-Answer Questions
3. Candidate Résumé (maximum 2 pages)
4. Copy of Passport face page
5. Agreement of Terms & Conditions
Once all applications have been received, they will be reviewed by the University of
Maryland. Candidates selected for interviews will be contacted by Tuesday October 1st.
Interviews will be conducted by a panel of representatives from IESC and UMD on October
1st-3rd. Students will be notified of final decisions no later than October 4th.
Complete name as it appears in passport: Click here to enter text.
University ID #: Click here to enter text.
Preferred e-mail: Click here to enter text.
Preferred phone number: Click here to enter text.
Nationality: Click here to enter text.
Emergency information:
Contact Name - Click here to enter text.
Contact Phone - Click here to enter text.
Contact Address - Click here to enter text.
Relationship to Emergency Contact - Click here to enter text.
Please type your answers (in 300 words or fewer) below the stated questions.
1. Please describe how your professional and academic experience qualifies your
participation in this program.
Click here to enter text.
2. Please discuss your interest in this program and in international development. How
does this program fit into your long-term goals?
Click here to enter text.
3. Besides international work experience to add to your resume, what are you hoping to
get out of this experience?
Click here to enter text.
Availability for an interview (roughly 30 minutes) on April 18 or 19, indicate dates and
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
3. Terms & Conditions
If accepted to take part in this student-led consulting initiative with small social enterprises in
Sri Lanka, sponsored by The University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business
Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), in collaboration with the
International Executive Service Corps (IESC)’s USAID funded Facilitating Economic
Growth, the student agrees to:
1. Enroll in the CIBER BUSI758-O course and pay 3-credit tuition here at the Smith School
of Business at the University of Maryland.
2. Participate in the Program Orientation during the week of October 28th.
3. Participate in the pre-departure send-off event at the Sri Lankan Embassy (date TBD).
4. Participate in the McKinsey Consulting workshop (date TBD).
5. Purchase round-trip airline tickets to travel to your project country arriving December 28
2013 and departing January 18, 2014.
6. Cover your living expenses while you are in the host country (lodging and some meals
and events covered by IESC. $1000 scholarship available to offset expenses for those
who qualify and apply.)
7. Produce a final report and presentation, as well as a self-evaluation, as the final
deliverables for this program, according to the details outlined in the course syllabus.
8. Participate fully and to the best of your abilities by adhering to the terms outlined in the
course syllabus.
By signing this document I hereby agree to the Terms & Conditions listed above.
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